How to adequately respond to aggression and insults: 3 effective tips from a psychologist + phrases for all occasions

Let's start with the fact that there are no purely ideal moments in relationships, misunderstandings happen in every family, but the point is in the development and consequences of quarrels. Most often, these are insults. Many people of the fair sex asked themselves the question: why does a man insult and humiliate a woman? Let's figure out why the man insulted and humiliated.

Reasons why men humiliate women:

Subconscious response. For men who insult and humiliate beautiful ladies, a defensive reaction begins in the subconscious when they begin to yell at them and pour out all the negativity; They want to intimidate and be right in everything. He will not deviate from his opinion, so he insults and humiliates the female half in order to prove his position; He has a mistress and does not have the courage to break up with you; An example from childhood. The person who humiliates grew up in such an environment and saw tyrant behavior in his father, grandfather or the person who raised him. It’s even worse if they run around him.

We will step by step delve into the essence of the issue. Why a man humiliates and insults a woman - the psychology is as follows:

A man humiliates, using this as a way of control and power. The goal is to destroy and change the personal opinion of your partner. Having become an authority for her, he believes that he can perfectly control and manipulate her; A man humiliates and insults girls - this is the psychology of a weak, insecure man who wants to raise his self-esteem and show himself; This is convenient for him. The man sees that there is no resistance from the girl, she does not touch him, and continues to offend him with 100% confidence that he is doing everything right, since the lady is silent. They can offend, humiliate and insult any woman anywhere: in transport, on vacation, at work , but why do men like to humiliate their beloved girlfriend or wife at home, let’s try to find the answer. After all, this is very scary, especially since children can see everything!

Why does a man humiliate the woman he loves?

The woman independently chose the role of the victim. Perhaps unconsciously, because I saw such an example of my mother’s behavior. The second option, when a lady is deeply in love with her prince, does not see his shortcomings, and is sure that he is right in such behavior, and she is to blame and provoked him; They are used to living and behaving this way! Both! A woman obeys in everything, cooks, washes, takes care of him, he gets used to it. If the other half missed what he was used to (for example, he did not serve food on time), there will be a quarrel, and the man begins to insult. And the wife silently endures and endures; The male sex wants to prove his status. If this doesn’t work out at work among colleagues, among friends, where does the man humiliate his significant other? At home. Although there, he feels at his best, using this method, maybe he lacks her attention; All the dissatisfaction and negativity that has accumulated throughout the day needs to be thrown out. Why does the male sex like to humiliate their wives, and not those who got them? Because a woman will listen and endure and will not go anywhere (in his opinion), but in a job, for example, they can be fired or demoted. And he is looking for any reason to offend his wife in order to free himself from all the bad results of the day; Competition. The husband sees that his wife is strong in character, achieves more than him, his self-esteem drops, and he begins to humiliate her; Fear that his wife will begin to destroy his personal space (before marriage, he walked with friends, relaxed, did what he loved, but now there are obligations), and he begins to humiliate his beloved half so that his space is not disturbed; Education. Look at your boyfriend's or husband's parents. If his father is a tyrant and loves to constantly humiliate his mother, then the son’s behavior will most likely be similar, since his father raised him this way and set an example; Wife’s behavior. If you constantly nag your spouse, expressing your dissatisfaction with any reason in an angry tone, his patience will also burst, and he will respond in kind.

Why does a man try to humiliate

There are many reasons, but this does not give the right to humiliate and insult. It is always necessary to find a compromise, but the outcome of the event as humiliation and violence is extremely unacceptable. We can sum up why men try to humiliate a woman: this upbringing has been inherited, the weakness of men who want to raise self-esteem, the desire to gain and control the female sex using this method, a response to women’s hysterics and constant dissatisfaction, or the other half makes himself a victim, as well as the desire to show oneself at one's best in front of another person.

Most often, these are aggressors who believe that they are always right. The girl, in order not to become a victim, must fight back. Any conflict situation must be adequate and not go beyond what is permitted, especially to the point of violence. We need to control ourselves, work on the relationship on both sides. And realizing your mistakes is the first stage of mutual understanding.

Women throughout human history have fought for their rights. They were always proving something to someone, asserting themselves, declaring themselves, speaking out about the infringement of their rights. And here we should put an end to it. Wait, why would anyone? They proved this to men - precisely those who infringed on these rights. Yes, time has passed, now men and women are completely equal, the latter are in no way limited in their rights. But still, men often try to offend the weaker sex, touching primarily on gender. “Who should wash the dishes? I? Yes, I’m a man!”, “Take off these sneakers, you’re a woman!” And then there’s this, the worst thing: “Well, you’re a BABA.” What is this? Why do men humiliate women? Let's try to figure it out in this article.


Psychologists say that children always repeat the fate of their parents. And why all? From the point of view of this science, this phenomenon is explained quite simply. The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, said that all problems come from childhood, because the child, being a being who does not know how to separate what is necessary for himself from what is unnecessary, accepts what he sees. Who does he see most often? Of course, parents. Moreover, for the little man, they are the only authority. Therefore, no matter what actions they perform, the child at a subconscious level will consider them the only correct ones, and when a similar situation occurs in adult life, at the level of worldview the person will act in the same way as his parents once did in it. This also applies to family relationships. “Why do men humiliate women?” - many people ask. Perhaps their fathers treated their wives poorly.

Example 1

The boy Petya constantly heard his father insulting his mother when she did something wrong. She didn’t have time to cook borscht before her husband arrived - she’s lazy, she stayed late at work - she’s unfaithful, she bought herself a new dress - she’s selfish, and so on. Peter grew up, got married, got a job where he conducted sociological research. At the last meeting, he was given the task of preparing a study “Why men humiliate women.” He decided to be the first test subject and wrote down on the form: “I think that humiliating a woman is terrible, but if she does stupid things or strange things, I don’t think it’s bad to insult her.” Thus, we can conclude that insults for Peter are a completely normal and natural thing precisely because his entire childhood was built on this. He doesn’t even consider this act humiliating. This is the norm, part of life.

Main reasons for insults

There are many reasons why men insult women in various situations, and each of them requires increased attention and detailed analysis.

READ How to make peace with a girl: advice from psychologists

Show of force

Not being able to be strong and powerful in the eyes of other men, many decide to take it out on a woman. They like to be courageous in comparison, showing power, strength, and leadership.

Men with a positive psychology will never show their strength by insulting, ridiculing, or criticizing. True masculine strength is manifested in opposite qualities and actions.

Lack of attention, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem is what pushes a man to such actions. Many do not even understand that rudeness, humiliation and insult are far from what women are looking for in male behavior, and this does not at all indicate the presence of strength.

Self-assertion at any cost

Self-affirmation for every person is an important point that they pay attention to throughout their lives. Strong, confident men seek this self-affirmation in achieving their goals, creating a strong and faithful family, and material realization. The weak are unable to implement all of the above; they try to assert themselves by humiliating and insulting a loved one; in this case, wives/girlfriends are the object of psychological bullying.

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The struggle for leadership in the family can arise both in the initial stages of a relationship and manifest itself after several years of living together. Here we are clearly talking about a violation of the male psyche and a lack of understanding of what is good and what is bad.

Fear of loss

Fear of losing a loved one is one of the reasons why a man so often humiliates a woman. At first glance, this sounds paradoxical, but if you also understand female psychology, the answer suggests itself.

Withstanding regular insults, psychological violence or humiliation, a woman loses her self-esteem every day. She assumes that such an attitude towards her is the height of desire. A man, with his rude attitude, suppresses everything feminine and bright in her, showing that this is exactly the attitude she deserves.

Being intimidated and humiliated, a woman does not feel confident in herself and her beauty.


Weak men are afraid to see next to them a strong woman who has a better financial situation, a stable job, and the attention of others, including men. For a weak man, such behavior will be incomprehensible and, not being able to change anything in himself, he begins to change his woman through humiliation and lowering self-esteem.

READ How to properly be offended by a man in order to achieve what you want

Display of aggression

Most often, it is aggression that causes the humiliation and insult of women. If a man spends a long time at a difficult and nervous job, a lot of negative energy accumulates in him, which sooner or later spills out. Aggressive people are unable to control their actions and emotions, and cannot always recognize the depth and severity of their behavior.

Gaps in education

Having an unfavorable family example, children from childhood become rude, aggressive, and do not know how to restrain their negative emotions. A boy who saw his father’s insults towards his mother every day develops an “ideal” model of behavior for himself, and does the same with his future wife.

A person’s subconscious develops the habit of tolerating or inflicting humiliation, and this is his comfort zone.

Love and jealousy

Some men, having unhealthy feelings of love and jealousy for a loved one, become rude and cruel, practice humiliation or insults. Psychologists say that love is always accompanied by the fear of losing a loved one. Without controlling their jealousy, men can descend to unfounded accusations, insults against a loved one, and humiliation.

Character and behavior of the wife

Rude male behavior is not always a consequence of his bad manners and psychological trauma. In some families, the causes of quarrels, scandals and humiliation are the incompatible characters of the spouses and the unfavorable behavior of the wife.

If a wife constantly gives rise to endless scandals, quarrels, defends her opinion when it is inappropriate, even the most restrained and polite man can give strength to emotions.

Women with low self-esteem

If a woman does not respect and love herself, she will always meet men who show aggression and disrespect.

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If a partner hears from his companion that she is ugly, overweight, saggy and loose skin, he automatically begins to notice this, and tries to emphasize this in any case. To get rid of an unpleasant male attitude, you must first become confident in yourself and love even your biggest flaws. If this does not work, try to change or eliminate what reduces self-esteem.

Low self-esteem

In order to better understand, it is worth delving into history. Who were the first rulers? Were there women among them? Rurik, Oleg, Igor. Next is Olga. Her reign was completely random, strange, unjustified, with only one goal - retribution. It is worth noting that after Olga, Elena Glinskaya managed to reach state power, but again after 6 centuries and only in the person of the regent under Ivan the Fourth. Then palace coups, again just accidents. The rest of the time, only men ruled the state. What about the veche? Remember, only representatives of the stronger sex could be present there. This natural desire of men to be always ahead, to be in charge is transmitted to them by blood. Therefore, when men realize that they didn’t take something from life, missed something, didn’t achieve something, their self-esteem immediately drops. But you can’t just admit it, you need to try to prove the opposite to the weaker (in this case they are women). And how to do it? Of course, try to show your superiority by humiliating and insulting a woman. After all, not all male representatives know how to feel this line. This criterion should answer the question of why men humiliate women.

How to respond to aggression and insults in specific situations

We need to respond to insults intelligently so that the offender does not want to insult us anymore. Different situations require specific answers. Depending on where we were offended, we may respond differently. For example, insults in the family are perceived more painfully than from a stranger. A loved one knows how to hurt us in a conflict.

At school

Studying at school was always accompanied by name-calling, nicknames, labels and insults. Especially in adolescence, children become callous to the suffering of others (under the influence of bad company), vindictive, and susceptible to insults.

You need to react to insults at school so as not to give yourself a reason to joke about yourself in the future. Your answer should show that you have self-esteem.

For example, they tease you for your protruding ears and call you “big ears.” You can retort: ​​“It’s a pity that yours are so small and you can’t enjoy super hearing,” “How did you manage to keep yours so small?” This is the “phrase return” method, when you return the offender’s phrase regarding himself. You can say it seriously, but you can also say it with irony and sarcasm.

Or classmates say to a child at school the phrase: “Bespectacled!” Parry: “Glasses complement my smart face!”, “Envy silently!”, “Would you like to try on glasses?” After sarcasm, it’s better to leave with the air of a winner while your opponent is shocked by the return of the joke. If you chose a serious tone and used the last phrase, you can philosophize with a confident look.

Confidence and calm will help you not react to negativity and insults; this skill is especially needed by teenagers.

Negativity from husband/man

Often women find themselves the object of ridicule and insults from a psychopathic husband. Although many of them can “go away” and forget about this subject, there are those who are forced to endure. Receiving verbal “slaps” from the man you love is very painful. Firstly, after such words you need to think about whether he is loving? Secondly, you should learn to answer your husband in such a way that this does not happen again.

It is better to nip drunken insults from a man in the bud. There is no need for demagogy here, and the best option is to go to another room, room, carriage, street, etc. Any communication with a person in an inadequate state can lead to problems. I repeat, any! Even if you're just staring.

What to answer if your ex-husband insults and humiliates you? He certainly has his reasons - a happy person does not oppress others. Therefore, respond to an insult sharply and to the point: “You are a spender, how much money can you throw away?” - “Judging by yourself is a thankless task!”, “Cow, look at yourself!” - “I need to match you!”

At work

We may encounter negativity at work. This mainly occurs due to envy or other vices. If you are constantly humiliated, you need to respond to insults gracefully. Here are examples:

  • “From now on, trouble awaits you, I’m not threatening, I know!”
  • “If you have nothing more to say, then you can show your mind limited by insults!”
  • Situation: a work colleague constantly emphasizes the shortcomings of clothing: “Couldn’t you wear anything better? Did you buy it at the Katerina flea market?”, in your phrase, focus on the person’s experiences: “Apparently you know better where I got it, you understand flea markets so well!”
  • Any phrases said with sarcasm for no particular reason can touch on the plane of the relationship: “Wow, apparently I really hurt you somewhere, since you decided to hurt me so much!” And this should be said with sincere surprise and a smile, showing that the goal has not been achieved.

When you are under the threat of humiliation from your boss, there is little pleasant. Dominant people know how to push. In this situation, you can continue to fulfill your duties clearly and try to reach the level of the soul: ask what exactly causes such a reaction in him. Be persistent by continuing to ask about it, regardless of his words.

Negativity from your boss at work

In the Internet

On the World Wide Web in various chats and forums, insults are found quite often. This is due to the relative impunity on the Internet. I myself have encountered situations more than once when in the comments people do not hesitate to show the limitations of their mind. Advice: don’t stoop to their level, why would you later regret what you said or wrote.

Try to appeal to the person’s adequacy, I understand that it can be difficult, but it is possible. There are generally accepted values ​​that this person may still have. For example: “The evil manifested by you will return to you.”

On the Internet, you can use the tactic of returning an insult: “You’re already old!” - “Yes, let’s communicate like father and daughter. It’s cool for a guy to have a big age difference!”

“You... (swear word)!” - “But you’re not like that, are you? Or do you still have doubts?” Swearing does not lead to good, it only gives rise to a new round of aggression; it is not for nothing that in Orthodoxy they are considered a curse.

Negative from a girl/woman

Representatives of the fair sex, if desired, can skillfully touch the heart of the most balanced person. You may receive sharp phrases from your mother, with whom you have a bad relationship, your lover’s wife (well, that’s understandable!), your girlfriend, etc. Often daughters-in-law are “under attack” from their mother-in-law. The correct reaction is what will save your reputation and nerves.

You can emphasize the lost relationship: “It’s a pity, I had a better opinion of you!”, “Oh, I didn’t expect such aggression from you, it doesn’t decorate you at all!”, “I hope tomorrow you will regret what you just said” and others.

For more ideas on how to respond to insults, watch the video.

Example 2

Married couple. The husband always earned more than his wife and provided for the whole family, but suddenly the unexpected happened - he lost his job. The wife was not taken aback, she remembered that she was good at baking cakes, took out a loan and opened her own business. In just six months, her business went uphill, a client base appeared, the loan was repaid, but her husband was dissatisfied. Why? It would seem that you have everything, live and be happy. But no, he writes negative reviews to her website, orders cakes for which he does not pay, scolds her for spending a lot of time at work, not realizing that his wife is the only one who earns money in the family. You can understand a man, he just cannot admit on a psychological level that his wife is ahead of him. But in this case, when it simply could not have happened otherwise, why does the man humiliate the woman? Psychology of consciousness of any person. The answer is simple.


As they say, great love can also give rise to certain troubles. And the Platonic Lady cannot always bring only happiness. But rather, this criterion can be attributed to jealous men. Why does a man humiliate and insult a woman? It is possible that he loves her very much and is afraid of losing her. We all know how sensitive human nature is to the evaluation of other people. Therefore, when a man periodically tells his beloved that she is fat, ugly, worthless, she begins to believe it and consider herself as such, no matter how beautiful she is. And indeed, women whose men humiliated them in this way almost never left them. Therefore, this point of view is completely justified.

How to deal with an aggressive husband: advice from psychologists

First of all, you need to be aware of the following. If a man has shown aggression at least once, it is at least naive to assume that nothing like this will ever happen again. All his apologies and repentances are 99% false, if only because the destructive mechanism has already been launched.

We will leave one percent for those rare cases when a man had the intelligence and character to analyze his own behavior and curb himself on his own, without the intervention of other people and a professional psychologist.

Here are some tips for women, since they are often the victims in such situations:

  • Do not tolerate or hope that sooner or later your spouse will “come to his senses.” Moreover, seeing his impunity, the aggressor spouse will consider his behavior acceptable;
  • think about the children. They shouldn't see anything like this. It is most often useless to explain this to an aggressor husband. In moments of anger, he strives only for self-affirmation and he does not care who is in front of him;
  • if you see that attempts to improve relationships and consultations with a psychologist have not led to a positive result, there is only one way out - divorce. Of course, many women find thousands of reasons why this cannot be done, but they gradually come to the conclusion: it is better to put an end to the constant humiliation and threats.

Example 3

In psychology, this example refers to the Theory of Social Consciousness. American psychologists conducted an interesting experiment, during which every person in the room saw the same monitor screen (there were 50 people). The screen was black. Forty-nine out of fifty people were told that the screen was black, but asked that the audience tell them otherwise. So, when all 49 people said that the screen was white, the last one did not doubt it for a second, although he observed the opposite with his own eyes. This example can be easily transferred to gender psychology and understand why a man humiliates and insults a woman (psychology).

Woman's behavior

Very often, women themselves become the culprits of such behavior among men. After all, both one and other representatives of the sexes can be different. For example, girls may begin to unjustifiably insult their other halves, constantly suspect cheating, checking social networks, asking friends and mutual acquaintances, resorting to harassment. No man would like that. And not only for a man, but for any person. After all, despite the relationship, there should always be some kind of personal space that cannot be violated. It turns out that in this case the ladies themselves run into conflicts and swearing, and then also wonder why men try to humiliate a woman. How can you not respond in kind? After all, in almost all areas there is a golden rule of morality, which states that the attitude towards others should be the same as the desired one towards oneself. And it does not lose its importance when communicating and in relation to your boyfriend.

How to behave if your husband insults you?

There are three ways out of the situation:

  1. Start insulting back. This is a destructive way out of the situation, which will only make it worse. The girl is the personification of everything tender and sweet. It doesn’t suit her to scold and point out her husband’s weak points. It should inspire, not humiliate.
  2. Show indifference. This option is suitable for you if you are a hidden masochist, and bad words even bring you pleasure. In all other cases, silence will equate to accepting this style of communication in your home.
  3. Take action. The most suitable option. Show wisdom and start fighting your husband’s bad habit of offending you.

Try to understand what makes your husband angry and makes him reach into his pocket for obscene words. Try to eliminate the causes of conflicts. Does your husband like a perfectly clean kitchen? Try to wash the dishes before he arrives. If you didn’t have time, gently explain to your loved one that you are very tired, because there were a lot of tasks at work, and the house needed to be vacuumed.

If your spouse still returns to insults, try to gently explain that he offended you. Make him feel guilty. You may cry or walk around sad all day. Tell him that you have a headache and that’s why you won’t be able to cook his favorite borscht.

The last resort is to leave. At the same time, you should not slam the door. Just tell your loved one that you are very tired of his insults, you need time to collect your thoughts. Stay with your mom or girlfriend for a week or two. Many psychologists advise writing to your husband if he has offended you. You should not blame your spouse in your letter. It is worth mentioning his positive qualities, saying that you are very lucky to have him, but, unfortunately, your upbringing does not allow you to be in an atmosphere of constant condemnation and abuse. You would really like your relationship to be the same as on your first dates.

Remember that female wisdom can work miracles and save the most hopeless marriage. And even more so, to cope with her husband’s insults.

Why do men insult women?

The reasons for any actions and deeds are always hidden in the depths of a person’s subconscious, and often he does not realize them until a moment comes that forces him to think about why life is not the way he would like, and people around him react negatively to him. At this moment there is a chance to change for the better. Unfortunately, recognizing the very fact that a person is doing something wrong is a great success. Subconscious processes are well hidden from people, and the eternal rush, which does not allow you to stop for a minute to think whether you are going the right way, generally deprives you of any chance of learning something very important about yourself.

You can understand and realize the hidden motives of behavior and actions with the help of introspection, psychologists or other people who are able to say from the outside in a calm manner that a person is behaving selfishly and causing pain to others. The only problem is that such people, especially males, do not want to hear what they are told, much less go to a psychologist (they are not sick) or engage in self-analysis (waste time on incomprehensible nonsense), they deeply believe that they are doing everything right, and it is those they offend, react incorrectly, or are to blame.

Changing the situation by forcing them to think about their behavior at least for a minute is possible only through peaceful means. In moments of calm, simply voice that you, as his beloved woman, are hurt by his words and actions. It is important to say all this calmly, choosing words that accurately reflect your feelings and hint to him at the possible reason for his behavior, so that he understands what is worth paying attention to in order to make sure that you are right or his own. Here, as they say, whatever happens.

Attempts to convey your disappointment to him with the help of screams, in a state of rage, when you want to tear and throw from resentment and pain, will be in vain. When people are shouted at, justifiably or not, their defense mechanism is activated, or they stop altogether perceiving what is being said to them, since they subconsciously understand that negativity will be poured out on them, which will cause harm, or they will enter into an altercation in order to silence the other person. and intimidate, because they become scared at this moment themselves.

All these processes are subconscious, and therefore are not realized by people, they happen instantly, but knowing about them in advance, there is a chance to avoid new quarrels, because they definitely will not be able to solve the problem. But in order to tell everything in a calm atmosphere, when the right moment comes, hinting at what is happening to the man himself, because it is not easy for him to behave this way, you need to know what reasons most often force men to humiliate women, what provoked them and how you can deal with them cope with.

Psychologists agree that only weak men behave this way, insecure, unloved in childhood, accustomed to a similar model of behavior, this is how their father behaved or the men who replaced him in childhood, if the boy grew up alone. People who love themselves know how to feel the pain of others, even if they are strong men who are accustomed not to express their emotions and pity too often. They have no need to increase their own self-esteem at the expense of others. If suddenly it has decreased a little, but they still have self-love, they will find another way to increase it, without offending anyone, especially women. By insulting and humiliating another person, you, first of all, lower yourself. Decent, self-respecting people will never allow themselves to behave like this.

To offend and humiliate... A similar path to solving internal problems is chosen by weak representatives of the stronger sex, who are even too lazy to think about the problems that await them if they continue to behave like tyrants in the future. For some reason, living in a society where such an attitude towards the obviously weak is not encouraged, but, on the contrary, is condemned, sometimes quietly, but condemnation is always present, such men do not bother to think about why they allow themselves such behavior and really Are they sure that this will continue forever and will not threaten them with anything?

They may believe that they are not doing anything wrong, only because they are afraid to admit that they are still bad people, they are too lazy to take care of themselves, because this is also a kind of recognition of their shortcomings. This behavior is cultivated for a reason; it is based on the fact that women who are humiliated by such men are accustomed to behaving like victims. They do not accept their behavior, so as not to worry about it, and they do not rebuff them, either verbally or forcefully, at least in the form of parting with them and erasing them from their lives.

The reluctance to voice justified complaints and grievances that arose due to his behavior in a calm environment is due to the fact that then he will have to make a decision: to stay and not pay any more attention, since she loves him so much, or to leave. And it’s scary to do this, because the status of a victim gives her a lot of advantages, especially since her mother behaved the same way, and this model of behavior is absolutely familiar. Who wants to admit that she is also to blame for the fact that she is constantly offended, and she continues to endure it, without even trying to think, maybe there is something wrong with her too.

This behavior of women allows men to further humiliate them, as they feel their impunity.

Form of protection

Sometimes a husband attacks his wife with his fists, and she defends herself from him with whatever comes to hand. For example, with the same rolling pin or frying pan. It’s hard to blame her, although it doesn’t look very nice, to put it mildly.

Indeed, in this case, the woman is protecting herself, and, possibly, her own life. As you can see, aggression can manifest itself in different ways and with certain nuances, adjusted for a specific family.

In any case, the aggressor has a number of common features:

  • considers the people around him to be enemies and waits for the moment to attack. In their opinion, the best defense against the enemy is to attack;
  • low self-esteem. The aggressor believes that by humiliating other people, especially loved ones, he asserts himself, increases his own importance and seems stronger to others;
  • tendency to blame others for your failures and troubles. For example, an “armchair genius” believes that if it weren’t for his family, he would have been able to achieve much more in life. This is an elementary attempt to justify one’s own laziness, lack of ability and character. At the same time, he completely refuses to take responsibility for his own actions, and he is not able to calculate their consequences;
  • hot temper, the ability to demonstrate anger and displeasure at the slightest provocation. This is where his extreme self-centeredness manifests itself. A tyrant very rarely agrees to compromise.

Perhaps this suggests that coexistence with such an unpleasant person under one roof is not an easy task. This behavior can destroy any relationship.

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