How to become more feminine: 23 practical tips and recommendations

Many people have probably thought about how to become more feminine. A girl who looks like a fairy - soft, light, fragile, affectionate, well-groomed, radiant... The portrait of such a woman can be described for a very long time, because the feminine energies developed in her make her a real goddess in the flesh. Of course, everyone has their own ideas about the ideal woman, but, perhaps, femininity is present in each of them. Unfortunately, now many female representatives suffer from the fact that masculine qualities are more developed in them: determination, perseverance, iron grip, authoritarianism, the desire to subjugate, control everyone, etc. So they gradually, without noticing it, lose their feminine nature. This is not their fault, because the modern world dictates its own rules to us: “You need to be successful!”, “You need to earn money!”, “You need to build a career!”. Many women are now developing, fighting for their rights, striving for equality with men. But in the pursuit of all this, their femininity often weakens. Therefore, so that your inner man does not completely absorb you, and also does not make you a “man in a skirt,” you need to nourish your feminine energies. In this article I will tell you in detail what ways you can become more feminine.

Cultivate love within yourself

A woman is energetically strong when love lives in her. I'm not talking about love for a man now. First of all, develop love for yourself and the world around you. Stop criticizing everyone, feeling angry, offended, envying, throw away your grievances. Without an inner feeling of love, you will be empty, and accordingly, you will not be able to give anything to your loved one, family, or children. On the contrary, you will begin to “vampire” their energy through quarrels, scandals, and claims. This will especially affect your man. He may lose financial success or become ill. A woman by nature gives love. This is where her strength lies. Try to start practicing a warm attitude towards everything that surrounds you, and then you will see how you become softer and calmer.

How to learn to be feminine

“I’ll do it myself” is the most terrible word that kills femininity.
Just a few decades ago, a real woman was considered a good housewife, an understanding and wise wife, ready to compromise with her husband; families were stronger thanks to the patience and correct behavior of women. The man was considered the support and head of the family. For any reason, the woman asked him for help. In such situations, men felt indispensable and needed. Now women have deprived them of this, preferring to make do on their own.

How to become more feminine? First of all, you need to get rid of the male habit of looking manly. A good place to start is to change your wardrobe. All trousers and shirts reminiscent of the masculine core should be removed from your wardrobe. They should be replaced by more feminine blouses, elegant skirts, as well as light dresses, typical of real fashionistas. You can remain stylish even in a female role.

If you choose the right tunic or blouse, the trousers will take on a completely different look. The subtle feminine nature should be manifested not only in clothes, but also in character and hairstyle. It's time to change your image. From the image of a bitchy lady, you can turn into a sweet, gentle business woman only thanks to the magical skill of a good hairdresser.

Another important quality that will help develop a woman’s character is tenderness. At all times, men have been captivated by fragile and gentle women who are capable of showing real emotions. A woman who is indifferent to the problems and successes of her chosen one, noticing only her own achievements and pointing out the man’s mistakes, will never occupy an important place in his heart. After all, men cannot stand women who are much more successful than them. Such women are perceived more as rivals or competitors, but nothing more.

How to develop femininity if it is not inherent in nature? Some girls have felt like “tomboys” since childhood. As a rule, they spend more time playing with boys, prefer playing football to dolls, etc. Of course, a lot depends on the parents. Therefore, love for the feminine needs to be instilled in girls from childhood, paying them enough attention and explaining how important the role of a woman is in life. Femininity can be cultivated, like any other quality. It is important to want and strive to bring this to life.

Among other things, you need to remember that femininity lies in behavior. Very often, girls reject a man’s desire to help, regarding such a gesture as a hint of their inadequacy. In fact, the man really wants to help. By accepting help from a man, a woman makes it clear that she trusts him, that he is the main one in their relationship. You can be a thousand times smarter and more successful than your chosen one, but when you are next to him, especially in companies, no one should notice this. Showing tenderness and wisdom, every girl looks feminine, and the man next to her is the result of her efforts. It is important to understand that, being feminine, a woman does not cease to be successful.

Read more: The Ideal Wife

Chat with your friends

It is extremely important to communicate with other girls to reveal your feminine energies. That is why a woman should not be prohibited from communicating with her friends and sisters. You've probably noticed yourself how sometimes we really want female communication, and how good we feel after it? This is because at first we experienced a lack of feminine energy, and then we made up for it.

How to look feminine

As we have already understood, femininity is rather an internal quality. However, the external must correspond to the internal. This is why looking feminine is just as important as feeling like a real woman.

Today the women's site will touch on feminine appearance. Not only clothes, shoes, makeup, hairstyle, but also our manners, gestures, and movements will help us look feminine.

How to look feminine: the most important rule

Femininity is the opposite of masculinity. To look feminine, we just need to emphasize what distinguishes us from men.

  • Men have sharp, chopped gestures - while women have soft, smooth ones.
  • Men have short hair and women have long hair.
  • Men wear trousers and women wear skirts.
  • The men's clothes are formal, while the women's have frills, lace, and decorations.
  • Men don’t use makeup, but women use it to emphasize the best features of their faces: big eyes, inviting lips, a healthy blush.

See - it's simple! You just need to emphasize the difference between yourself and a man . Everything else follows from this rule.

Feminine gestures, behavior, voice

I want to start with behavior and gestures, because without all this, even the most beautiful clothes look comical.

“We met women dressed in the most feminine dresses, but these dresses did not fit them well, and the women themselves looked unnatural in them. They couldn't act in a way that would make the dress fit them. These are professors in chiffon, bears in lace or wooden pillars in muslin dresses.” (H. Adeline. The Charm of Femininity).

Femininity within reveals itself in everything external . These are gestures, movements, gait, speech, manners, and much more. If you have begun to develop femininity in yourself, of course, after some time, without noticing it, you will look more feminine.

Feminine gestures are smooth, soft movements, as opposed to sharp and rough masculine ones. Cat gestures also look very feminine. Cat plastic surgery is generally very attractive to men. They say that after practicing strip dancing, the “inner cat” appears naturally in everyday life, so long live strip dancing

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