Is it possible to have sex with prostatitis?

Having sex is a pleasant way to “massage” the prostate, which can empty the “tubules” and remove some of the “plugs” that create stagnation.

During ejaculation, the prostate gland is freed from inflamed contents. In the same way as swallowing and chewing, the oral cavity is cleaned. But excessive force or frequency of such exposure will only maintain inflammation.

Clinical picture of prostatitis

In acute

Clinical picture of acute prostatitis depending on the type:

  • Follicular - often a development of the catarrhal form, the inflammatory process spreads to limited groups of prostate acini. The pathology is characterized by an acute onset, high fever, chills, pain in the perineum acquires a bursting character, accompanied by irradiation to the head of the penis and anus. There is frequent painful difficulty urinating, the act of defecation is accompanied by painful sensations. Adequate timely therapy ensures improvement within 10–12 days.
  • Parenchymatous - accompanied by the involvement of most prostate acini in the inflammatory process, the process is diffuse, purulent in nature. As a result of the developed edema of the excretory ducts of the prostate gland, an accumulation of purulent mucous secretion is observed in the acini. Inflammatory processes spread to the interstitial tissue, the prostate enlarges, becomes tense, and the process is accompanied by severe pain. The patient's condition worsens, the temperature can reach 40 degrees, the patient experiences chills, thirst, severe malaise, and lack of appetite. Painful sensations become permanent, intensify with defecation and urination, there is a possibility of acute retention of urine, stool and flatulence.
  • Granulomatous prostatitis has a subacute course, the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, the condition is accompanied by a moderate enlargement of the prostate gland, a granular surface is present under the fibrous capsule, and slight pain persists. A blood test shows eosinophilia and slight leukemia; as a result of an immunological examination, disorders of cellular immunity are established.

For chronic

Clinical manifestations of the chronic form are varied; one of the most common symptoms is pain ; pain occurs at rest, during ejaculation and during urination.

Due to the irritating effects of inflammatory products, as well as due to the outflow and retention of secretions in the prostate gland, pain most often develops at rest. There may also be irradiation of pain to the perineum and anus, groin area, and sacral region. The spread of inflammation to the mouth of the ejaculatory ducts and the seminal tubercle leads to painful sensations during ejaculation.

Dysuric manifestations are accompanied by frequent or difficult urination and a weak urine stream. Sometimes premature ejaculation, insufficient or painful erection may occur.

Neurovegetative disorders manifest themselves in the form of short temper, restless night sleep, fatigue, and decreased performance. Most patients experience a weakening of the urine stream, prolongation of the act of urination, and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

It is worth noting that in most cases the disease does not manifest itself in any way, the listed symptoms occur to a lesser extent, and sometimes the disease does not attract attention.

Video: “What is prostatitis?”

There are three phases of activity of chronic prostatitis:

  • remission , no clinical manifestations;
  • latent - symptoms of the disease are revealed as a result of a targeted medical examination, the symptoms of the pathology are variable and mild;
  • active phase - all symptoms characteristic of the disease occur in an acute form.

When examining patients who have suffered from prostatitis for a long time, pale skin and general asthenia are revealed. Sometimes signs of urethritis are detected, in some cases atrophy of the testicular parenchyma is observed as a consequence of orchitis or epididymitis.

The leading diagnostic method is palpation of the prostate through the rectum ; in 75-80% of cases its consistency is doughy-dense. With a long course of the disease, the prostate gland becomes very dense, acquiring an almost cartilaginous consistency, which is a characteristic sign of transformation of the prostate into scarring.

Why is the role of sex so important?

In fact, the main rule of intimate life with chronic prostatitis is only one thing - regular and high-quality sex. The most emotional, which can provide the highest quality ejaculation, bring positive emotions and eliminate stagnation in the pelvis.

Everything else just clarifies individual parameters for frequency and repeatability. It depends on the degree of inflammation, the man’s sexual constitution, lifestyle, and finally, real possibilities - after all, a person cannot always give himself what he needs.

  • Regular sex life is the removal of inflammatory products and pus from the diseased organ, which promotes healing and healing. Just like with a purulent wound, regular dressings are needed.
  • It reduces and stops blood stagnation that occurs during sedentary work and sexual arousal, which sharply increases with inflammation of the prostate.
  • High-quality intimacy affects a man’s emotional uplift during treatment.

It is necessary to reduce the load on the prostate. It is better to consciously limit your intimate life, simply because in practice it can be difficult to refrain from excesses. The number of contacts per week depends on age, sexual constitution and tolerance (“report” on the influence of past sex - analyzed by me and the man himself).

For family people, it is more often recommended to maintain the same, familiar rhythm, and the body insists on providing it with such an opportunity. Singles, on the other hand, focus on quality rather than quantity. This is the main criterion that must be fulfilled.

Interrupted sexual intercourse. You can practice if you want to get an exacerbation with a high probability. At a minimum, there will be an unpleasant feeling of fullness, at a maximum, the affected areas of the prostate will increase in volume by 2-3 times.

Masturbation. Due to the greater possibility of artificially regulating the duration of an act, we introduce an additional requirement: completely eliminate “delays”! Masturbation is used for therapeutic purposes, and for this purpose it is quite short and effective. No long lazy hours in front of the TV or computer.

Abstinence. Prostatitis is unlikely to start even from long-term abstinence. But it’s easy to provoke an exacerbation of what already exists, just against the backdrop of a forced or conscious refusal of sexual activity. The benefit is peace for the inflamed organ. If you don’t pick at the “sore” all the time, it heals much better. The harm is in the stagnation of blood in the pelvis (impairs the nutrition of the prostate gland), in the stagnation of the contents of the prostate, which over time turns into a caustic liquid with clots of pus.

Therefore, we consider a certain golden mean to be optimal. To ensure peace and remove stagnation in time, without waiting for the disease to progress.

Indications and contraindications for prostatitis

Prostatitis is a rather dangerous disease for men; lack of timely treatment can lead to the disease becoming chronic and infertility. As part of the treatment of the disease, traditional methods are used (taking antibiotics, immunotherapy); proper nutrition and an active lifestyle will also help improve the condition.

Authorized Products:

  • lean lamb, pork balyk;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable fats.

When treating prostatitis, you should not only follow the doctor’s recommendations, but also take into account contraindications.

In the acute form, analysis of prostate secretions is prohibited due to severe pain. In this case, all physiotherapeutic methods of treatment (massage, warming, etc.) are also contraindicated; alcoholic beverages and smoking are strictly contraindicated.

In the latter case, venous circulation is disrupted; alcohol has an irritating effect on the prostate. During treatment, you should also avoid visiting baths and saunas, taking additional medications, and dietary supplements.

Prohibited products:

  • fatty meats and fish;
  • smoked meats;
  • energy, carbonated drinks.

One of the effective methods of treatment is mud therapy ; this technique is contraindicated for use simultaneously with water/solar procedures, which can cause overheating/hypothermia of the body.

Contraindications to mud therapy are also severe chronic inflammatory processes, benign/malignant neoplasms, severe forms of atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

Video: “Having sex with prostatitis”

Is it possible to have sex with prostatitis?

With different forms of prostatitis, the regularity of sex should be under control.

In the acute form, the number of contacts should be 1 time per week, this will preserve the physiological functions of the gland and reduce irritation of the prostate.

In the chronic form of the disease , especially during remission, the frequency of sexual intercourse should be 2-3 times a week. This scheme ensures more active use of nutrients, which leads to increased resistance to infections of various etiologies.

During sex, it is recommended to use barrier contraceptives , which will avoid health problems for the woman, especially if the disease is infectious.

In addition to emotional satisfaction, completed sexual intercourse has the following beneficial properties :

  • activation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs;

  • a surge in hormone production during ejaculation;
  • natural prostate massage;
  • activation of the inflow and outflow of lymphatic fluid in the pelvic organs;
  • increased physical activity.

All these points together have a positive effect on the prostate, the immune system is strengthened, the flow of biological fluids into the pelvic organs is increased, and the hormonal balance is leveled. As a result, prostate tissue is restored at the cellular level.

To ensure a positive effect from sex, it is recommended to follow the following rules :

  • regularity - sex should occur at least once a week, masturbation is allowed if necessary;
  • constancy of a partner - psychological and physical comfort is the key to obtaining a full orgasm and ejaculation;
  • naturalness - the use of special means to stimulate an erection and increase the duration of sexual intercourse is contraindicated;
  • compliance with hygiene rules - neglecting them can lead to complications, as a result, inflammation can spread to neighboring organs.

Sex with prostatitis can be harmful if you treat it with increased zeal , that is, have sex several times a day. This practice threatens swelling of the prostate and aggravation of the problem. Interrupted sexual intercourse in the chronic form leads to a complication of the disease in 80% of cases.

This is due to incomplete emptying of the prostate; the synthesized secretion during sexual intercourse serves as a favorable environment for the life of microorganisms. In healthy men, the risk of developing prostate inflammation is 40% higher than in those who prefer regular sexual intercourse.

An even greater danger is posed by sexual intercourse that does not occur ; abstinence leads to stagnation, worsening symptoms and complicating the course of the disease.

Harm from abstaining from sex with prostatitis

From prolonged inactivity, any organ will gradually lose the ability to perform its functions properly. Abstinence from sex with prostatitis will lead to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. The prostate gland suffers the most, in which stagnation can provoke the development of pathogenic flora and the inflammatory process.

If a man does not have sex, doctors recommend resorting to masturbation. The fact is that to maintain the health of the gland and prevent prostatitis, it is not sex itself that is important, but ejaculation, which can be caused independently.

Often men diagnosed with prostatitis forget about masturbation and try to have as many sexual acts as possible, moreover, randomly and with random partners, hoping that this will contribute to their speedy recovery. In fact, sexual relations with different partners can only worsen the situation. Even if a woman is completely healthy, her body has a certain microflora that may be incompatible with the microflora of a man. Incompatibility of microflora leads to irritable reactions that do not threaten healthy men, but in the presence of prostatitis can provoke the occurrence of chronic and other forms of the disease.

It is worth noting that interrupted sexual intercourse does not harm the male body. Only prolonged suppression of ejaculation in an attempt to prolong sexual intercourse can have a detrimental effect on the course of the disease.

For prostatitis, regular ejaculation is recommended no more than twice a week. According to doctors, it is better to limit sexual activity to just one act per week. But in any case, the frequency of sexual relations is selected individually, so you should not limit yourself too much. The main thing you need to remember is that to maintain health you should find a permanent sexual partner, this will protect you from possible negative consequences that arise from casual relationships.

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