Harm or benefit: routines, templates, NLP and other techniques in seduction

NLP, templates, hypnosis, dancing with a tambourine, all sorts of pickup techniques, which at first glance may look quite working - they will always jar a person . It all always looks strange.

All these tricks, hypnosis, NLP techniques - all this is the work of our mind, all this must be kept in mind , something to concentrate on. Because of them, as a result, when communicating with a woman, you are in constant tension , which the woman also feels.

Women love to communicate with relaxed, decent guys . Women get energy, good health, emotions and much more from communicating with a natural, sincere guy. Women want to be with such a man. An intense guy who uses pick-up techniques and routines only turns women off.

NLP, hypnosis, techniques, etc. may help you turn a tense girl into a smiling young lady. But is it really that important? If you learn NLP, routines, then with sufficient acting skill some kind of series of emotions in the girl. But all this kills the pleasure of the process; you won’t be able to enjoy communicating with the girl. All routines are created with the goal of getting results, chasing results. These templates are full of nonsense and garbage.

You can use anything. But you have to think: “ Are you doing what you want to do? "Patterns can harm you.

Why Pickup Techniques Don't Work

Templates and stuff are just text on paper or the document you're reading from.

When you use this in communication with a girl, only the end result will matter to you: whether it is reflected on the girl or not.

From here comes a dependence on the result, on the girl’s approval, a projection of the unreal self . That is, the technicians are nothing but unnecessary problems.

By applying patterns, you become a machine , it's like programming yourself. This has negative consequences. Be reasonable.

If it has a bad effect on people and reflects badly on you, then why is it necessary?

I have personally interacted with people who use indirect seduction and routines. All their communication is pressing reaction buttons . They have so integrated into their communication all these tricks such as neg-hits and push-pulls that they use them unconsciously and automatically even where it is not necessary and inappropriate. All this makes me disgusted with man because of his falseness, predictability and unnaturalness.

There are simple, natural ways of communication that will make it much more convenient and comfortable for both you and the girl. We will tell you more about how to better and correctly communicate with a girl in a new article.

Let's say you wanted to use techniques and routines from the Mystery Method. Then you will project an unreal self, you will use insincerity and masks that will hide your real personality.

Obsession, rollbacks and reluctance to do anything due to patterns

Negative consequences of routines and patterns: a person begins to think in certain patterns of behavior. There is no development in the templates. A person simply does not live his life. He only imagines that he is living his life. A certain thought arises in his head that he is now a “seducer.” Now he goes to clubs, goes out on weekdays and tries to pick up girls. And for him this essence begins to live for him . Obsession appears.

The guys with the techniques and routines from the pickup truck have some lifeless eyes. For example, the guys from Mystery. They are so fixated on material things that it is very sad to watch them. Guys with patterns do not live in comfort with themselves . They do not feel so free that they speak in memorized phrases even with men . It is very strange.

occur due to the development of certain identical patterns of behavior . There must be a state behind the templates for anything to work there. But the condition does not come. That is, they do the same thing, but there is no result. Pullbacks appear. Yesterday it worked well, but today it doesn’t work out at all, although the guy is doing the same thing. These guys are unsure of themselves and put on masks.

You don't need any strategies to communicate with a girl.

NLP techniques

Effective NLP techniques in communicating with a man will help you learn to communicate with representatives of the stronger sex, meet your love and build a happy relationship.

This is one of the most popular and easy NLP methods that helps to establish contact and make a first impression. It consists in completely adopting a man’s behavior (gestures, facial expressions, manner of communication, timbre of voice). Your behavior should be as natural as possible.

Use the influence you gain. How your counterpart will behave depends on the tone of communication that you set. Smiling and joking will put him in a positive mood. If you are serious, then he will adhere to this manner of behavior. Try to find out what your subject of dreams is interested in and loves. If you share his interests with him, this will help to generate reciprocal sympathy.

Sometimes this technique is supplemented with positive reinforcement. This is a manipulative method of neurolinguistic programming, which consists in encouraging a certain behavior of a partner. To get the desired reaction from your other half, you can use a smile, praise or approval. Finding himself in a similar situation again, your behavior will help the man understand how to behave.


This NLP technique for happy love is very effective. Its meaning is to hook a partner with the help of happy emotions, experiences and feelings that he once experienced. These can be memories from distant childhood or joyful moments taken from past relationships. By recreating these experiences and making the object of your affection experience pleasant feelings again, you will achieve special intimacy between you.

NLP without complexes invites women to take everything into their own hands and do the anchoring themselves.

  1. Wait until your man is relaxed and ask about the most significant positive events in his past. These can be memories associated with various holidays, childhood experiences, and travel. Clarify how he felt, who was next to him at this happy moment.
  2. Touch your partner gently as the conversation reaches its climax. This action will strengthen and consolidate the positive emotions that he re-experiences thanks to you.
  3. Complete the anchoring process, change the topic of your communication.

It’s easy to check whether the technique works on your partner. Casually repeat the code movement and touch your loved one again. If you did everything without mistakes, then his mood will instantly change in a positive direction, the man will begin to smile and joke.

The art of seduction in NLP is to completely adapt to the behavior of the object of desire. Each person has his own methods of understanding the world around him. Some perceive information through visual images, others through sounds, and there are those who perceive reality through feelings.

Visuals are distinguished by the fact that they prefer to conduct a dialogue, communicating face-to-face with a person. Their catchphrases are: “I see”, “In my opinion”, “Look at the situation.” Auditory learners are very sociable, they love to chat and know how to listen. When retelling any events, they copy the behavior and voice of other people.

To retain attention and seduce, determine what type the object of your desires is, and then begin to use key phrases for him during communication.

The futility of techniques and routines in seduction

It is believed that the awareness of society and individuals is growing every year. People's level of awareness is increasing. It is believed that people become wiser every year. But it’s amazing to watch all this: templates still appear like tulips in a swamp.

The level of awareness is the level of self-knowledge . This is how wise, happy, calm and independent a person is. The higher the level of awareness, the more happy, fulfilled, independent and more inwardly centered one is.

It is very strange that there are still people using the Mystery method, which was invented more than ten years ago .

What kind of people are these who can’t think with their own heads? Time does not stand still.

Disgusting disadvantages of the Mystery method:

  • Don't be yourself.
  • Only those women who are interested in status, money, and appearance are attracted . The whole method teaches exactly this.

A person with a high level of awareness cannot be attracted by appearance or superficial values. We attract a woman by vibrations, sensations that we ourselves experience.

Women are automatically attracted at a resonance level when she sees who you are !

Superficial people are not interested in deep people and deep people are not interested in superficial people!

If you are interesting yourself, you will attract the same women . Self development is the key. Automatically, I attract people with the same level of awareness and perception of the world as I do. And there is no need to strain with them. We are automatically attracted to each other.

No matter what I do, I can't attract a supermodel who values ​​superficial values. Roughly speaking, people are attracted on a personal level. The higher the level of awareness , the brighter you emit this state and vibrations .

Do you want to find interesting and sincere girls? Become the same yourself first! Analyze your experience, give yourself feedback, ask yourself questions, meditate. In our new article you can find out more about how to meditate at home.

Working on your actions and words is not as effective. All you need to work on is the level of awareness - on the source from which states, words and actions flow!

This is the mistake of those who teach you pickup and what you supposedly need to talk about and what to do! They themselves do not know the truth and say that supposedly this will help to be effective!

Any actions and words come from your state . If you feel good, your words and actions are true. The state generates your beliefs and perceptions - what you consider right and wrong. But your beliefs and perceptions are also not important because they are constantly changing and improving. Beliefs and perceptions come from your level of awareness in terms of the absolute.

Level of awareness, self-understanding ⇒ belief and perception ⇒ state ⇒ words and actions

The more and more deeply you increase your level of awareness, the stronger and more attractive you become.

Anyone who uses patterns and routines from a pickup line simply does not develop and regresses . Stay stagnant and not develop if you want to use routines. All these people are dead and inanimate . It's like walking on one leg when you can walk on two! They don't have that living, attractive energy. They contain a lot of lies, deceit, and insincerity. They are nothing to me and I have no respect for them.

A partner for joint approaches to girls: how to properly meet girls together, together with a friend, the main mistakes.

Flirting and charming a girl: top 10 principles on how to flirt with a girl correctly.

How to overcome shyness and become liberated: get rid of shyness forever - all the secrets of psychology.

NLP for women

Familiarity is the key point that determines further communication. When winning a girl, you need to follow the rules of successful dating:

  1. Find the moment. You should not propose an acquaintance to a girl who is late for work, returning from training, or simply looking irritated. In a bad mood, an invasion of personal space will negatively anger you, cause aggression, resentment, and irritation.
  2. Set intentions. Some women are willing to go on a date with a stranger, others need more time. You should immediately make it clear what the guy wants: one meeting, a second date, possible development of the relationship.
  3. Leave the last word to the girl. Women are flattered by the attention of gentlemen; they appreciate the opportunity to independently choose the lucky man whom she will bestow with favor. When meeting a girl, you should invite a girl without intrusiveness, unnecessary pressure, causing bewilderment or a sense of obligation.

It is impossible to learn how to make acquaintances correctly right away. It will take time to determine what tactics will be successful, which will help attract the attention and interest of the girl. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of mistakes - at first they are inevitable. But with practice, you can easily interest any beauty.

Any woman is pleased to hear a compliment addressed to her. It is important to be able to give compliments correctly, avoiding rudeness, vulgarity, and ambiguity. When meeting a girl for the first time, the easiest way is to praise her appearance, because nothing is known about her personality yet. It is acceptable to give compliments about appearance as long as they are polite and unobtrusive.

The problem with praising one's appearance is an unpredictable risk: girls attach great importance to appearance and a man's praise may be inappropriate. For example, a brunette who dreams of blonde curls will probably get angry when someone compliments her natural hair color. A short girl who wants to appear taller will be offended by words that emphasize her diminutiveness.

Giving a compliment to a girl you know is much easier. Knowing about her hobbies, interests, and aspirations, you should build on her achievements: praise specific skills, celebrate successes. One can note taste in literature, cinema, music. Such types of praise simultaneously make it clear that the man is interested in the individual and has similar tastes. But most of all, a woman is attracted by sincerity; when a man is in love, he behaves honestly, openly, and such attention cannot be indifferent.

For girls who want to meet the man of their dreams and build a strong relationship with him, psychologists advise using special NLP methods for a man.

  1. The perfect first date. Meeting a man plays an important role for women of any age. Preparing for a date in advance, the girl is very worried and does not know how to find an approach to the man she is interested in. Due to internal excitement and tension, communication does not always work out the way we would like, and the impression of the meeting deteriorates. This can be avoided using special NLP techniques. Before you go to a meeting, visualize what your ideal date would look like. Imagine down to the smallest detail how the communication goes, not excluding any awkward moments that may arise during the conversation.
  2. Three yeses. This method is used to change the status of a relationship, moving it to a new stage. Psychologists have derived the following pattern: having answered affirmatively three times in a row, a person, by inertia, will answer the same for the fourth time. The main thing is to pronounce the phrase that determines the future relationship affirmatively, in a loud and confident voice.
  3. Disarming. The technique is based on preventing a specific action of the partner. For example, your couple is going through a relationship crisis. Intuition suggests that your loved one has decided to talk and is going to stop communicating. You need to get ahead of him and talk to your loved one first. The appeal to him should contain an admission that your relationship is going through hard times, as well as a phrase that you would like to take another chance and improve the current situation, taking into account your mistakes. You will say what your loved one wanted to say. A man will have no desire and sense to say the same thing, your relationship will get a second chance.
  4. Admitting shortcomings. Admit as often as possible that you are not perfect, focusing on your mistakes. This will force your loved one to disagree and prove that you are the best.

These techniques of neurolinguistic programming, aimed at a man, will help you get to know him and find an approach, strengthening the relationship.

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