Treatment of kidneys with millet for pyelonephritis and cystitis

Treatment of kidney disease is a long process that must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. In addition to medications, you can also use traditional methods if they are time-tested and do not pose a danger to the patient. Among the popular recipes, there are those that use millet to treat the kidneys. Will such therapy be beneficial? What is the best way to prepare this cereal to cure the disease? Is it possible to cleanse the kidneys with this decoction? Let's try to answer these questions.

Millet is the grain from which millet is obtained. Its beneficial properties have been known for a long time. This is a nutritious product with vitamins (group B: B1, B2, B6, B9, PP), it contains a lot of amino acids (histidine, leucine, which our body cannot produce on its own), as well as proteins and fats, microelements (iron, potassium, sodium, manganese, etc.). It contains a lot of phosphorus, so it promotes bone fusion and rapid wound healing. Millet porridge is useful for those who suffer from heart disease, as it contains a lot of potassium. It is necessary to normalize metabolism.

Application of millet

This dietary product is widely used in traditional medicine to improve the condition of atherosclerosis, diabetes, and to strengthen bones. This remedy is useful for kidney diseases; it has diuretic and diaphoretic properties. Kidneys have been treated with millet for over a hundred years. It removes excess liquid from them and cleanses them of salts.

This is a natural remedy that has no side effects. If you compare the cost of cereals and medicines, it becomes clear that buying millet is much more profitable. It is low in calories: 100 g of cereal contains only 348 kcal, but the nutritional value of the porridge is high, since the same 100 g of cereal contains 11.5 g of protein, which is a source of easily digestible amino acids. But remember that if you add butter and sugar when cooking porridge with milk, the calorie content will increase.

It is good for the kidneys because:

  • helps fight inflammatory processes;
  • prevents the occurrence of cancer;
  • cleanses the body;
  • perfectly removes accumulated liquid.


It seems incredible that such a healthy and tasty product has contraindications. But they exist.

  • First of all, this is individual intolerance. Although rare, this does happen.
  • According to some studies, this cereal contains substances that prevent the thyroid gland from absorbing iodine. Therefore, you should not eat only millet porridge.
  • Those who have developed inflammatory processes in the colon should not consume this product a lot.
  • Millet is contraindicated for those with low stomach acidity.
  • It should also not be eaten if you have hypothyroidism.

If you have at least one contraindication, you should not use millet if you have kidney disease.

Composition and beneficial properties

Cereals contain many useful elements, thanks to which the body gains strength to fight diseases. The composition of millet is as follows:

  • starch;
  • protein;
  • amino acids;
  • fat;
  • sugar;
  • vitamin B;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.

Thanks to these elements, consuming millet has a positive effect on the body:

  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • replenishment of vitamin deficiency;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • muscle strengthening;
  • help with constipation;
  • removal of harmful toxins;
  • excellent diuretic;
  • improving kidney function.

However, there is no need to add millet to the diet if there are the following contraindications:

  • intestinal problems;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • low stomach acidity;
  • ulcer;
  • detected thyroid pathology.

Treatment of kidney stones with millet

Approximately 2-3% of the working population is diagnosed with urolithiasis. Most often it affects people aged 20 to 50 years. The patient may not realize for a long time that he has formed kidney stones, because the disease may have no symptoms. But, if a blockage of the ureter occurs, severe pain will appear. This is the so-called renal colic.

How it helps

Does millet help with this disease and how exactly does it help? Doctors say that in order to dissolve urate stone, it is necessary to make acidic urine either alkaline or slightly acidic, i.e. it is important to lower the level of uric acid. For this purpose, special alkaline preparations are prescribed. Even with this treatment, it takes 2 to 6 months to dissolve a small stone.

Many folk remedies are not entirely effective and are harmful. For example, you should not constantly drink sour drinks (lemon, cranberry), because it will not cure urolithiasis, but you can get a stomach ulcer. You should not constantly take diuretic herbs: they can cause the stone to move from its place. But some can help. For example, millet can change the acidity level of urine. It, having a diuretic effect, removes residual salts.

Is this method suitable for everyone?

It is not recommended to carry out treatment, even with traditional methods, before visiting a doctor. The doctor must determine what kind of kidney stones you have; further treatment depends on the kidney stones and their type. A person’s urine can be normal or neutral, that is, when its pH is from 5 to 7, or acidic when it is less than 7, or alkaline if it is greater than 7.

Most stones form in an acidic environment (urates) or neutral acidic (oxalates), but there are also phosphate stones, which require an alkaline environment. Phosphate stones easily disintegrate in an oxidized environment, they are quite soft, but an alkaline environment is favorable for their formation. Of course, the majority of patients (80%) develop urate stones, but until examination you cannot be sure that you have them.

Therefore, treating your neighbor or friend’s kidneys with millet could help, since their pH was acidic, and the grain, which alkalizes the urine, was useful for them. But, if you have phosphate stones, which form in an alkaline environment, taking millet may increase their number.

You can use this folk method only after visiting a doctor. The benefits and harms of this product depend on whether you use it correctly. Even valuable medicine can become poison if you use it incorrectly. You cannot dissolve stones without visiting a doctor.

How to use

There are many recipes that are used when we treat kidneys at home with millet. We will provide you with 5 reliable recipes. Treatment procedures can be carried out right at home.

  • Millet infusion. Take 1 tbsp. this cereal, wash it. Pour it into a 3-liter jar. Pour boiling water over it. Leave to infuse for about 10 hours at room temperature, wrapping the jar in something warm. The next day the water should change color and become slightly white. You can drink the resulting water as often as you can. When the liquid runs out, pour boiling water over the cereal again and leave to steep until the taste of the water changes. Then you need to take a new glass of cereal. Millet infusion for kidney treatment is a safe and effective remedy.
  • A quick remedy from millet. Take 1 tbsp. cereal, wash it and pour 2 tbsp. water. Shake the bowl with cereal and water for at least 3 minutes. You can drink the resulting liquid as much as you want.
  • Infusion with a lot of cereal. Take a jar (3 liters) and fill it halfway with cereal. Fill the rest of the space with boiling water. Mix the entire resulting mass and leave it to infuse (1 day), covering it with something warm. The next day, strain the infusion. How to drink? You need to drink it within a week, as much as you want. There is no need to throw away the cereal; you can cook porridge from it.
  • Decoction. Take 0.5 kg. millet and fill it with 2.5 liters. boiling water Place the broth in a dark place and wait until it cools down. Strain it and drink 250 ml before meals. You can be treated for no more than 30 days.
  • A simple decoction. You will need 0.5 tbsp. millet, which needs to be filled with 1 liter. water and boil for 7 minutes. Leave the broth to infuse. Drink as much as you think is necessary.

You can not only drink infusions and decoctions, but also eat millet porridge or add this grain to soups. Millet dissolves small kidney stones and helps get rid of them.

Treatment of pyelonephritis with millet

Pyelonephritis is commonly called inflammatory kidney disease, which is caused by the spread of pathogenic bacteria. Millet helps to cope with inflammation, so it was used for many diseases: for pyelonephritis, for the treatment of cysts, inflammation of the bladder, etc.

To treat kidneys with millet, you can use an old recipe. The following decoction helps with pyelonephritis. To prepare it you need to take 2 tbsp. l. cereals and pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, keep on low heat until boiling. You need to drink it according to the following scheme:

  • 1 day: one tablespoon every 60 minutes.
  • Day 2: 3 tbsp. l. also every 60 minutes.
  • 3 days and other days: 0.5 tbsp. before eating.

There is another recipe for this disease. Take 250 g of cereal and pour it into a jar. Carefully so that it does not burst, pour boiling water over it, close it, and wrap it in a blanket. Let it stand for a day. Then shake the infusion, strain it, drink 200 ml. You can take the medicine up to 3 times a day, but not longer than a week or 10 days.

You can make a mixture of millet and healthy herbs. To cure kidney disease, you need to prepare 2 tbsp. l. cereals and 1 tbsp. l. corn silks. Place them in one bowl and pour 500 ml. boiling water Boil, cook for 7 minutes. Take 1 tbsp of cooled decoction. l., up to 4 times a day.

Corn silk should not be used during pregnancy, with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and for those patients who have a tendency to increased blood clotting.

Cleanse your kidneys with grains

To avoid having to deal with urolithiasis in the future, it is better to cleanse the kidneys in advance. There are many recipes that not only help cure the disease, but also prevent it, remove sand from the kidneys, and improve their function. But the remedies must be tested and approved by a doctor.

Previously, they used not only decoctions and infusions, but also regularly ate millet porridge, prepared main courses, casseroles, and cooked soup from it. This type of cleaning is the safest. But you can also use proven recipes for cleansing the kidneys with millet.

Take half a glass of millet, rinse it, put it in a pan and pour 1 liter into it. water. To prepare the decoction, boil the millet for 7 minutes over low heat. Wait until it cools down. You can drink 1 glass of decoction in the morning and evening, or during the day. The course should last no longer than a month.

For cleansing, you can also use the recipes given above, which we recommended for cleansing kidney stones.

Millet dessert with cinnamon

The great advantage of millet is its versatility. It's incredibly delicious in both savory and sweet dishes - add whatever you like to it.


  • 1 cup cooked millet
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 tsp molasses or carob
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup cashew nuts


  1. Place the cooked millet in a blender bowl and add almond milk. For sweetness, add molasses, add cashew nuts and mix everything thoroughly until smooth. If the millet porridge is too thick, add a little more milk.
  2. The finished dessert should have the consistency of pudding. Divide dessert among cups and sprinkle with cinnamon. Serve chilled.


Reviews about this method are only positive, and, most importantly, this treatment is safe, so you can be treated without thinking about side effects.

The doctor told me that they found sand in my urine. I don’t like taking pills, so I decided to use the traditional method and treated myself with it. A friend told me that millet can help. I brewed it by filling half a jar with cereal and pouring boiling water over it. After 3 months, tests showed that everything was normal, there was no more sand in the kidneys.

Maria Petrovna, 60 years old

I had pyelonephritis. Of course, I went to the doctor and underwent treatment. Friends advised me to treat myself with millet. I drank the infusion. I soon felt relief, although I don’t know what exactly helped, medication or a folk remedy.

Olga, 26 years old

About 25 years ago I was in the hospital with kidney problems. The attending physician advised me to brew millet in a thermos and drink this decoction. These recommendations helped me. Every year I carry out preventive treatment and have already forgotten what kidney stones or sand are.

Galina, 40 years old
Many traditional medicine recipes are dangerous; if used incorrectly, they can harm the body. But this does not apply to recipes using millet (except for contraindications). This nutritious and healthy cereal is useful for kidney diseases, it will help cope with the problem (relieve inflammation, remove stones and sand), but will not cause harm, like many medications, with many side effects. You shouldn’t give up on them either; in difficult situations, pills are necessary, but for prevention you can use proven folk recipes.

Reader reviews about kidney treatment with millet

Ekaterina , a user of a women's Internet portal, shares her many years of treatment experience: “I have chronic cystitis, and not a single remedy helps me as much as millet. I adopted this recipe many years ago, and so far it has not let me down.

I take half a glass of millet, rinse it well in cold water in a liter jar, then add a glass of plain water there and shake the cereal well, knead it with my hand to get a cloudy white liquid. I drink all the water in a day, and so on for 2 weeks. The pain goes away within 1 day, I immediately give myself medicine as soon as I understand that a relapse is beginning.”

Olga , an active participant in the forum for pregnant women: “During pregnancy, I started having problems with my urinary tract and kidneys. First - cystitis, then inflammation in the kidneys rose, she was in the hospital for treatment. The recipe with millet was given to me by a nurse in pregnancy pathology.

On her advice, she began to eat a large portion of millet porridge every day and drink an infusion of cereals. I did this: I steeped the millet, then poured the water into a separate bowl, and the remaining cereal into the porridge. The pain subsided, the endless “running” to the toilet stopped, and it became easier. So she lived until she gave birth without antibiotics.”

Christina , a user of the “mother’s” forum, commented on the previous review: “I know this recipe, my mother has been treated with millet all her life and advised me when my kidneys hurt. It didn’t do any good for me: it didn’t help my kidneys, and problems started with my gall bladder. The doctor scolded me and said that it is better not to eat millet porridge with high acidity, it is harmful. So be careful with traditional medicine.”

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