How does a kidney cold manifest itself, the main symptoms and effective treatment of cold organs

Causes of organ colds

One of the main reasons for the development of the disease is hypothermia, which weakens the body's defenses. Infectious agents that are already in the kidneys or enter them through the bloodstream begin to actively multiply - the inflammatory process begins. This condition is called nephritis. Depending on the location of the inflammation, the doctor makes one of the diagnoses:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Tubulopathy;
  • Glomerulonephritis and others.

Often, kidney pathologies are a consequence of colds, sore throats, and acute respiratory viral infections, which also occur due to hypothermia. This occurs against the background of a decrease in the body’s overall resistance to infection.

The causes of the inflammatory process can also be viruses that penetrate the blood: staphylococci, Protea, E. coli.

Symptoms of cold kidneys

When a person has a cold in the kidneys, pain, frequent urination, and a pulling sensation in the lower back appear. As a rule, the first signs of the disease appear in the first two days. After a few days, other symptoms appear, namely:

If these signs are detected, you should definitely consult a doctor, otherwise the painful manifestations will only intensify: often the body temperature rises to 38-38.5 ° C, and chills begin.

The inflammation affects one or both kidneys. In acute pyelonephritis, organ tissues are affected. In this case, the temperature rises sharply to 39-40 ° C, and chills, increased sweating, headache, “lumbago” in the back are observed, nausea and vomiting are possible. Acute pyelonephritis often appears as a consequence of purulent processes that occur with tonsillitis, endocarditis or certain gynecological pathologies. In the absence of proper treatment, the disease progresses to the chronic stage.

Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation that affects the vessels of the glomeruli. This disease often occurs as a consequence of scarlet fever, tonsillitis, purulent bronchitis or pneumonia. Hypothermia may also be the reason for this. Symptoms of a kidney cold in this case manifest themselves in the form of chest pain, shortness of breath, the presence of protein in the urine and blood, while the skin becomes pale and blood pressure rises.

Is it possible to get a cold in your kidneys?

“Kidney cold” is an unofficial name for diseases of the excretory organs that arise as a result of infection. Pathogenic microflora causes the development of the inflammatory process.

Colds of the excretory organs may be accompanied by diseases:

  1. Pyelonephritis - occurs when the infection spreads upward from the lower parts of the urinary system. Pathogens: E. Coli, streptococci, staphylococci.
  2. Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the kidney glomeruli, the cause of which is infection, allergic and autoimmune processes. The disease can last for many years, eventually leading to kidney failure. With hypothermia, the symptoms worsen, and the disease makes itself felt.
  3. Tubulointerstitial nephritis is an inflammation of the renal tubules and interstitial tissue. The reason is the use of antibiotics, infectious diseases, damage to the immune system, and heavy metal poisoning. Sometimes the etiology remains unclear.

Cold is a catalyst for the development of inflammation and the detection of chronic diseases.

How to get cold kidneys quickly?

It is not difficult to “earn” jade, and not only in the cold season. The causes of the disease are:

  • hypothermia;
  • the presence of infectious diseases;
  • weakening of the immune system.

Only by understanding how your kidneys can get cold can you avoid this. Contrary to the belief that the peak incidence occurs in autumn and winter, there are reasons for this in the summer. It is enough to go into a cool room with air conditioning after a workout or a long stay outside, create a draft, take long water treatments in the sea or a spring, sit on a cold surface, walk barefoot in bad weather, or get caught in the rain. In such conditions, the risk of catching a cold in the excretory organs is no lower than in winter.

How to recognize the disease?

Symptoms of cold kidneys in adults and children are similar, and the incidence of pathology depends on gender and age. Kidney colds occur more often in women than in men. For example, pyelonephritis in women over the age of 15 is diagnosed 5 times more often than in men.

Therapeutic measures

Depending on the type and stage of the disease, the attending physician will prescribe one or another treatment program, however, in general, a number of general therapeutic procedures can be distinguished. This includes both drug treatment and traditional medicine, along with the use of health baths, which must be done regularly.

Treatment using traditional medicine

To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient. As a rule, he prescribes the following tests and procedures:

  • Urine tests: general, daily, according to Nechiporenko;
  • Ultrasound;
  • CT.

To obtain more detailed information about the patient's condition, cystoscopy is sometimes performed. This method involves examining the condition of the inner surface of the bladder using a special catheter with optics.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor makes a conclusion and decides how to treat the patient. This program includes taking medications (antibiotics) and herbs that have a diuretic effect.

Additionally, medications are prescribed that help strengthen the immune system - various biostimulants, vitamins and dietary supplements. If a patient has a cold in the kidneys and experiences pain when urinating, then antispasmodics are prescribed.

Currently, they prefer to treat kidney colds with herbal preparations. In mild forms of the disease, they are no less effective and efficient than other anti-inflammatory drugs. In contrast, medicines containing herbal components are safer for the human body, which is especially important for children, pregnant women and young mothers. Doctors often prescribe medications such as:

  • "Kidney tea";
  • "Urolesan";
  • "Canephron";
  • "Phytolysin".

The components that make up these medications have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic effects, and also help remove stones and sand.

Wellness treatments at home

Kidney colds, especially those without severe complications, can be treated very effectively at home. In addition to drug treatment, a number of preventive measures can be taken to prevent further development of the inflammatory process. Thus, some experts recommend using thermal methods on diseased kidneys in the absence of high temperature.

Among these are the following procedures:

  1. Taking a warm bath while sitting. It is recommended to add a certain amount of decoction based on sage, chamomile or other medicinal herbs included in the kidney collection to the water.
  2. Warming foot baths. To do this, you can use a regular bowl of hot water and add aromatic oils, bath salts or mustard to it. Steam your feet thoroughly in this mixture, then put on woolen socks.
  3. Using a heating pad. It can be used at night, placed under the lower back. If you are using a rubber heating pad and it will not cause you discomfort during sleep, you can leave it and the water in it will gradually cool down on its own. If you have an electric heating pad, you will need to remove it after about an hour, maximum two. Do not overdo it with the temperature regime. Your task is to obtain the desired therapeutic effect, and not to get burned.

It should be remembered that the time of bath procedures should not exceed 15-20 minutes. This will allow you to warm up the diseased organ and at the same time not get undesirable consequences from overheating. They must be done for at least 2 weeks to restore the body after a kidney cold has occurred.

In addition, you should adhere to the thermal regime for some time, so as not to reduce the effect of the preventive measures taken to “no”. So, you can wrap yourself up well in a warm blanket, and additionally put on pajamas at night. During treatment, it is also strongly recommended to stop going outside, at least for a long period of time. It is also advisable to stay away from drafts and any other possible hypothermia.

Traditional medicine methods if the kidneys are blown

Treatment with folk remedies will not get rid of the disease completely, but these methods can alleviate the patient’s condition if he has a cold in the kidneys. It is better when they are combined with treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Various herbs, leaves and roots are widely used in folk medicine. They are brewed like tea, sometimes mixing different types of plants with each other. The preparations can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared yourself. For kidney inflammation, the following are often used:

  • Bearberry;
  • Bear ears;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Corn silk;
  • Chamomile;
  • Horsetail;
  • Rose hip.

Herbs weaken the process of inflammation and help normalize the functions of the renal system.

Burdock root can be used for treatment. It is dried, ground in a mortar to a powdery state, poured with hot boiled water (0.2 l), left for 12 hours and filtered. The infusion must be drunk in one day, and it is important to follow the water regime established by the doctor to prevent swelling.

If your kidneys are blown, you can drink pomegranate juice. It contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the urinary system. For treatment, you need to drink freshly squeezed juice, drinking 200 ml in the morning and 50 ml in the evening after meals for two months. Juices squeezed from pumpkin, radish, horseradish, asparagus and radishes also have a positive effect.

In addition to drinking infusions of herbs and juices, you can take baths with sage, horsetail, and birch leaves. No less useful are foot baths, into which sea salt or pine twigs, previously steamed in boiling water, are added.

Prevention of colds

To avoid colds in your kidneys, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. Dress for the weather. Hypothermia inevitably leads to weakened immunity and the occurrence of inflammatory processes.
  2. Don't walk for too long in the cold or rain.
  3. Carry out hardening procedures regularly. Proper hardening helps the body begin to react more steadfastly to hypothermia, and a person is less susceptible to colds.
  4. Avoid exposure to drafts;
  5. Do not sit on wet or cold surfaces.
  6. Treat a cold in a timely manner if hypothermia does occur.

Doctors recommend drinking enough liquid, namely pure water or herbal tea. This will maintain the water-salt balance in the body. Regular visits to the doctor for examination of the genitourinary system also helps to identify possible inflammation at an early stage of its appearance.

Kidney colds are a curable disease; it is enough to take appropriate measures in time. If you still have a cold, you shouldn’t delay going to the doctor. A timely diagnosis and prescribed treatment are the key to a quick recovery and absence of complications.

What are “cold kidneys”?

Autumn cooling and the first winter frosts often turn into a real tragedy for fashionistas who are ready to sacrifice health for the sake of beauty. The kidneys really love warmth and react sharply to the slightest hypothermia. It’s enough to sit on a cold bench, get your feet wet, or just freeze - and cystitis is almost guaranteed. True, it is not the cold itself that causes it, but a decrease in immunity, which at some point stops fighting the infection. The result is inflammation of the bladder.

“What do the kidneys have to do with it?!”, attentive readers will exclaim. The fact is that they are connected to the bladder, so complications may arise and pyelonephritis may develop. To prevent a tragedy, at the first symptoms of inflammation you need to make an appointment with a urologist, do an MRI of your kidneys and start treatment.

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