Urination during sex: causes, ways to solve the problem and prevention

Urinary incontinence in women during sexual intercourse is a fairly rare occurrence. But she should not be ashamed or afraid of her partner’s negative attitude towards this problem. Such an unexpected phenomenon may indicate the development of chronic pathologies.

In most cases, women are diagnosed with diseases of the genitourinary system, which require optimal treatment, as well as an accurate determination of the causes that provoke urinary incontinence during sexual intercourse.

Methodology for the development of pathology

To begin with, it is worth considering the mechanism of formation of the pathological condition. The excretion of urine by the body is a completely natural process that involves the bladder, ureters, and kidneys, where excess metabolic products and fluid accumulate. Urine is discharged through the urinary canal to the outside. According to its anatomy, the bubble has the appearance of a balloon, and the channel is a hollow tube.

The process of urination consists of the following stages:

  • the walls of the bladder begin to contract;
  • As a result, urine is pushed out;
  • urinary fluid will flow into a special channel for urine excretion;
  • the liquid is discharged through the channel.

It is important that the muscles that hold urine relax well. Only this will promote the natural process of urination. But when this pathology is detected, they usually talk about the development of excessive weakness of the muscle system or a sharp contraction of the muscles.

In some situations, the problem may arise due to damage to the intimate muscles, in which even minimal fluid pressure will provoke unplanned urine output. Sometimes it is enough for a woman to suddenly change the position of her body so that the bladder shifts, and the pressure in it changes and trouble occurs.

Another reason that can cause urine leakage during sexual intercourse is the excessive body weight of a woman who has previously suffered from incontinence. This factor will contribute to the further development of the pathological process, which is clearly expressed: the amount of urine increases significantly, and sudden release of urine will be observed more often.

A bit of psychology and physiology2

Interesting studies by sexologists have provided a lot for understanding the nature of this rather unusual phenomenon. For example, experiments have shown that some women, during orgasm, lose control of the muscles that provide tone to the urethra.

During the highest sexual pleasure, the muscles relax uncontrollably, which leads to the appearance of urine. The first such experience in sexual life can lead to serious psychological trauma for such girls, and in the future they may lose the ability to have an orgasm for fear of causing discomfort to their partner.

For most people, the smell of urine is unpleasant and causes a sharp drop in sexual arousal, up to a complete lack of desire to have sex. However, men who have had sexual experience with such women may begin to genuinely enjoy it.

And it’s not necessarily that they like the smell or look of urine, it’s just that urination and the partner’s achievement of orgasm become associatively linked phenomena in their head. The discomfort from the resulting “embarrassment” is offset by the satisfaction that the partner experienced an orgasm, and the man feels satisfied, confident and happy.

Another factor that stimulates sexual desire is shame, which in human society is inextricably linked with both sexual expression and urination. The feeling of shame experienced by a partner while urinating in front of her partner, or even on her partner's body, becomes a desire-exciting trigger for such people.

However, there are also people for whom the smell and sight of urine does not cause any discomfort, but, on the contrary, attracts and excites. Some even find the taste of urine pleasant and consume it internally (Hello, Malysheva!).

But it is worth understanding the difference between urophilia, which is a type of sexual desire, and urine therapy, a form of alternative medicine that involves the use of urine as a medicine. We won’t go into details, but we’ll just say that urine therapy doesn’t work (Hello again, Malysheva!). But here we are finding out what golden shower is.

Is this the norm? According to sexologists, such fetishism can harm a person’s social adaptation, as well as cause him suffering and interfere with the normal course of sexual intercourse, which makes urophilia a sexual deviation. But is it necessary to treat it if you share a passion for golden showers within your couple? We will leave this question open.

Causes of incontinence during sex

There are several reasons that cause urinary incontinence, especially during sexual intercourse:

  • the body produces a large amount of adrenaline during sexual intercourse, thereby activating the functioning of the heart, which pumps blood, as well as the kidneys, which remove fluid from the body more actively;
  • orgasm excessively relaxes the muscles of the pubis and coccyx, which causes involuntary urination, without previous urges;
  • it is possible to identify pathological, chronic cystitis and urethritis;
  • the appearance of urinary incontinence due to overcrowding of the bladder, which arose even before the start of sexual contact;
  • anatomical features of a woman: movements of the penis upon contact can touch the walls of the bladder, provoking the urge to release fluid after the act;
  • stress, uncomfortable positions, as well as physical strain during sex;
  • urinary incontinence due to impaired transmission of nerve impulses by the woman’s body.

There are cases when partners may confuse the involuntary release of urine with the abundant secretion of a special intimate lubricant. But whatever the cause of involuntary urination during sexual relations, this phenomenon has an extremely negative impact on a woman’s life and requires urgent treatment.

Now let’s listen to the practitioners themselves3

Those who practice golden showers in their relationships do not see anything unnatural, unpleasant or repulsive in it. According to “rainwomen” (the self-name of practitioners of golden rain), the smell and color of urine is quite common and natural, and with the help of the right diet and drinks, certain subtle aromas can be achieved.

Many raincoats believe that good sex followed by female orgasm always leads to involuntary urination of the partner, and if your partner has never wet herself during sex, then you have never truly satisfied her. As we wrote above, in the case of individual women this is indeed true, but in most cases sexologists still do not agree with this statement.

Golden shower, according to its supporters, is the path to maximum emancipation and disclosure of partners to each other. “There are no perversions in sex, there are only social stereotypes and artificially imposed frameworks that prevent lovers from truly enjoying each other,” they say.

What can you say to this? First of all, you should ask yourself the question - is it necessary? It is enough to remind yourself of how the Middle Ages periodically knock from under the floor, with its condemnation of any sexual positions other than the only correct missionary. Yes, dear, your favorite blowjob is a dirty perversion for which you will burn in hell, if you didn’t know!

We will remain of the opinion that everything that happens between lovers in the bedroom behind closed doors is their own business. And if they both like such exotic sexual practices as golden showers, it’s not for us to judge them for this. Let everyone enjoy it the way they want.

Diagnosis of urinary incontinence

If urine leakage becomes a constant problem during sexual intercourse, the woman is advised to visit a urologist who can conduct a high-quality diagnosis, as well as select the most optimal and effective treatment regimen.

So, first, the patient is given an ultrasound, the necessary tests are prescribed, and then an individual treatment regimen is determined. When chronic infections in the genitourinary system are detected, women use drug treatment. If the expected result is not achieved, the patient may be prescribed surgery.

What if I want to get pregnant

In this case, some doctors advise not to get up for several minutes after sex. Supposedly this should facilitate the movement of sperm to the uterus. However, there is no scientific evidence for this.

Most sperm are already doing their job, whether you're lying down or not. You won't hurt your chances of getting pregnant by going to the bathroom right away. But if you still want to play it safe, wait about five minutes.

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