Which is better, Urolesan or Cyston, drug reviews

Updated: 04/23/2021 15:11:06

Expert: Abramova Tsilya

The drugs Cyston and Urolesan are used to remove kidney stones and treat cystitis. Despite similar indications for use, the effects of the drugs are different. Let's look at how they differ, and which remedy can be called the best for urolithiasis.

Advantages Flaws
Contains more active ingredients Poisonous medicinal components in the composition may cause adverse reactions
Relieves pain well There is a risk of allergies
Advantages Flaws
Available in several forms The syrup contains sugar and is therefore contraindicated for diabetes.
A universal drug for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis Not used for stomach ulcers and gastritis
Can be prescribed to pregnant women
Syrup is used for children
Works well against bacterial agents

What is the difference?

Medicines contain herbal substances. Medicines are prescribed to patients with urolithiasis. Medicines also cope well with infectious pathologies in the urinary tract.

  • Country – India. Release form: tablets (pack of 100 pieces).

  • Country Ukraine.

There are several forms of release of urolesan:

  • - pills;
  • – drops;
  • – syrup (“Urolesan-M”).

Urolesan drops have a mint aroma. The syrup is made especially for children and has a pleasant sugar syrup taste.

The drugs also differ in their composition.

Urolesan contains the following herbal components:

  • – peppermint extract;
  • – fir oil;
  • – oregano squeeze;
  • – hop malt;
  • - wild carrot seeds.

The composition of the drug "Cyston" includes the following herbal components:

  • – madder oil;
  • – squeezing double fruit;
  • – reed saxifrage extract;
  • – straw flower seeds;
  • – ash vernonia;
  • - mumiyo.

Urolesan drops additionally contain the following components:

  • – a squeeze of castor bean seeds;
  • – ethanol (60%).

Urolesan capsules also contain additional components:

  • – lactose;
  • - Castor oil.

When prescribing these release forms, it is imperative to take into account the presence of these components.

Cyston for cystitis: instructions for use, dosage, reviews

Cystitis is an inflammatory disease of the bladder. Most often, pathology occurs due to infection of the organ by pathogenic microorganisms, for example, E. coli, staphylococci, streptococci, etc. Cystitis can also be caused by an allergic reaction, chemical poisoning, or mechanical injury, which is less common.

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Cystitis is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, pain when urinating and a frequent urge to go to the toilet. In severe cases, the body temperature rises, and pus or blood may be found in the urine. Cyston for cystitis is prescribed in complex therapy to quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease and speed up healing.

Does Cyston help with cystitis?

Cyston is a drug based on medicinal herbs that has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, helps remove sand and stones from the bladder and kidneys. The product is available in the form of tablets for oral use.

Cyston contains the following plant components:

  • Saxifraga reed;
  • Double-stemmed carp;
  • Madder cordifolia;
  • Full;
  • Strawflower rough;
  • Onosma bractae;
  • Vernonia ashy;
  • Fragrant basil;
  • Teak Wood Seeds;
  • Horsetail;
  • Pavonia;
  • Mimosa pudica seeds.

Also included in the Cyston preparation is mumiyo, which has been known for its beneficial properties since ancient times.

Taken together, all these components have the following effects:

  • relieve spasm and pain, relieve pain when urinating;
  • normalize urination, the number of urges is reduced to normal;
  • reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process;
  • have an antimicrobial effect;
  • promote the release of sand and the urinary system.

Whether Cyston helps with cystitis is difficult to answer unequivocally. The fact is that the drug is effective only in the complex treatment of the disease. Reviews from patients and doctors confirm that Cyston helps improve the urination process and speed up the patient’s overall recovery.

But if you use the drug as monotherapy for inflammatory bladder disease, the effect will most likely not be achieved.

Herbs do not have such a pronounced effect as synthetic antibiotics, so Cyston most likely will not be able to defeat the infection.

Experts recommend avoiding self-medication and taking herbal medicines only in combination with other medications prescribed by your doctor.

Instructions for use

How to drink Cyston for cystitis is usually recommended to the patient by a urologist. According to the instructions for use, adults need to take 2 tablets twice a day. The duration of therapy depends on the disease; for cystitis, the drug is usually taken for 2-3 weeks. The course can be repeated throughout the year if the patient is diagnosed with chronic cystitis.

Since Cyston has a pronounced diuretic effect, it is very important to drink plenty of water during treatment, at least 2 liters per day. You should not combine Cyston with other diuretics or folk remedies.

According to the instructions, Cyston is not recommended for children. The drug can be used as prescribed by a doctor, but the doctor recommends the dosage and duration of use on an individual basis. It all depends on the weight and build of the child, his age.

Cyston or Urolesan - which is better for cystitis

Currently, you can purchase several different herbal remedies for cystitis in pharmacies. They will not be complete analogues; as a rule, the composition of such products differs. But overall the effect is usually similar.

Urolesan is one of the most popular drugs, so patients are interested in what is better for cystitis, Cyston or Urolesan. Urolesan contains the following components:

  • fir oil;
  • mint oil;
  • Castor oil;
  • motherboard;
  • hop cones;
  • oregano;
  • wild carrot seeds.

Thanks to these components, Urolesan has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and choleretic effects, improves sleep and calms. The drug also has a diuretic effect, which is important for cystitis.

The disadvantage of the medicine Cyston is its release form; the product can only be purchased in tablets. Urolesan is also sold in the form of syrup and drops, which is an advantage for many patients.

Urolesan is not recommended during pregnancy, as the drug has not been sufficiently studied. The doctor advises women during the gestation period to give preference to the drug Cyston, as well as Canephron tablets, since these medications are officially approved for pregnant women.


Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation and Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Anton Vasiliev:

“I have been treating diseases of the genitourinary system for many years. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, cystitis in 60% of cases becomes chronic.

The main mistake is delaying! The sooner you start treating cystitis, the better. There is a remedy that is recommended for self-treatment and prevention of cystitis at home, since many patients do not seek help due to lack of time or shame. This is Ureferon. It is the most versatile.

It contains no synthetic components, its effect is mild, but noticeable after the first day of use. It relieves inflammation, strengthens the walls of the bladder, its mucous membrane, and restores general immunity. It is suitable for both women and men. For men there will also be a pleasant bonus - increased potency.



Cyston for cystitis in women is an excellent addition to the main therapy, so doctors often prescribe this drug. The product helps relieve the symptoms of the disease and is also effective in preventing relapses of chronic cystitis. But herbal remedies are not a panacea, so you should not neglect complex treatment in favor of Cyston alone.

Source: https://cistits.ru/preparaty-ot-cistita/tsiston-pri-tsistite.html

How are the drugs similar?

"Cyston" and "Urolesan" belong to the group of herbal medicines. They are included in complex therapy simultaneously with more serious medications.

Self-administration of medications is allowed in the initial stages of cystitis.

Taking medications is indicated for patients with the following pathologies:

  • – cystitis;
  • - stones in the kidneys;
  • – urinary tract infections;
  • – pyelonephritis.

The cost of the drugs is approximately the same. They are considered good analogues of the drug "Canephron".

  • “Cyston” costs 450-700 rubles.
  • "Urolesan" can be bought for 420-675 rubles.

Another similarity between medications is that the results do not come immediately. It will take at least 2 days for the cumulative effect to occur.

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Patients with cystitis respond positively to these medications. However, they note their only drawback is the long course of therapy.

"Cyston" and "Urolesan" have the following effects:

  • – diuretic;
  • – antispasmodic;
  • – antiseptic;
  • – antibacterial;
  • – nephrotic.

The use of these medications promotes the formation of colloidal particles that envelop pathogenic crystals. Due to this, the crystals are not able to connect with each other and form a precipitate.

It is recommended to consult your doctor before using these medications.

How do the drugs “Urolesan” and “Cyston” work?

The effect of the drugs is achieved through the combined action of the active substances.

The drugs have common properties:

  1. Block spasms (the muscle fibers of the genitourinary system relax, and small stones come out naturally).
  2. Relieves inflammation.
  3. Stimulates urination.

The active components of the drug "Urolesan" contribute to the acidification of urine. Thanks to this, pathogenic bacteria die. Thus, an antimicrobial effect is achieved. Essential oils terpenes stimulate renal blood flow, remove chlorides and urea.

Also, the drug "Urolesan" stimulates blood flow in the liver, helps to form and remove bile from the biliary tract.

Taking Cyston does not affect changes in urine pH. It also removes acids from urine, which are the main cause of gout.

The instructions for Cyston say that the medication blocks the formation of such stones:

  1. – oxalate;
  2. – urate;
  3. – phosphate.

Taking the medicine stimulates their demineralization. For example, madder stimulates the solubility of oxalate and phosphate stones. The phytocomposition of the drug has a general litholic effect. That is, it reduces the concentration of calcium and oxalic acids, which stimulate the growth of stones.

When conducting independent studies, it was found that the drug "Cyston" does not change the components of urine. Otherwise, it could reduce the risks of crystal formation in the kidneys (oxalate and cystine stones).

In this case, the effect of “Cyston” on urate stones is observed. After all, acid and calcium salts in urine are the main element of this type of stones.

Who are these drugs prescribed for?

"Cyston" and "Urolesan" are prescribed in the complex therapy of the following diseases:

  • – pyelonephritis;
  • – urolithiasis;
  • – cystitis;
  • – crystalluria (excessively high concentration of salts in the urine).

The herbal medicine "Urolesan" can be included in the complex therapy of the following pathologies:

  • – chronic form of cholecystitis (inflammatory process in the gallbladder);
  • – cholelithiasis;
  • – biliary dyskinesia (the process of bile excretion is disrupted).

Both drugs can be used for preventive purposes. Most often these are complications after infectious diseases.

Description of the product Urolesan

The herbal medicine Urolesan is available in the form of capsules, syrup and drops. The composition in different release forms is identical. The dosage in 1 capsule is equal to 8-10 drops of solution. The herbal remedy is produced by Arterium Corporation, Ukraine.

Urolesan is a natural medicine for removing gallstones and urinary stones. The drug reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, increases blood saturation of the liver and kidneys. The product also has a bactericidal, choleretic, and diuretic effect.

The composition contains the following components:

  1. mint – dilates blood vessels, helps protect them from various damaging factors, fights microbial agents and the inflammatory process;
  2. oregano – eliminates painful sensations, gives a stimulating effect;
  3. hops – has a sleeping pill, sedative, analgesic and antiseptic effect;
  4. fir oil – replenishes the deficiency of important vitamins, contains tannins, relieves inflammation, disinfects;
  5. wild carrot fruits - contains trace elements, organic acids, flavonoids, gives a pronounced diuretic effect, prevents the formation of stones.

The components in the composition complement each other's action, which provides a pronounced therapeutic effect. Unlike Cyston, the drug Urolesan is effective not only for urolithiasis, but also for gallstones.

Research and effectiveness

The use of Urolesan in the complex therapy of infectious diseases of the urinary system contributes to the sanitation of most types of isolated microorganisms. The drug normalizes the acidity of urine and increases the effectiveness of the use of antibacterial agents.

Urolesan is a safe and effective herbal medicine that can be used for patients with urolithiasis. It reduces the severity of pain and promotes the removal of stones. Regular use of the drug accelerates the process of stone passage and increases the success of urolithiasis treatment.

Source: Possibilities of using the drug Urolesan in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system. Gaponenko A.D. 2012.


Urolesan is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the substances in the composition, while the drug does not cause allergies. It cannot be used for gastritis, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. The syrup contains sugar, so tablets are used for diabetes. Urolesan is also contraindicated for stones larger than 3 mm.

Side effects

Possible side effects from taking Urolesan include:

  1. dizziness;
  2. dyspeptic manifestations;
  3. nausea, vomiting.

Side effects develop extremely rarely and are often associated with exceeding the recommended dosage of the drug. No cancellation is required.


Urolesan in the form of a solution is prescribed 8-10 drops per piece of sugar under the tongue 3 times. The course of therapy is up to 30 days. Repeated treatment may be performed. For colic, the dosage can be increased to 20 drops. From 7 to 14 years, the dose is 5-6 drops.

Syrup is prescribed 5 ml 3 times before meals. The duration of the course is determined individually, the average duration of treatment is 7 days.

Capsules are used from 14 years old 1 to 3 times. For acute pathologies, the course lasts 7 days, for chronic disorders – 4 weeks. Until the age of 14, only syrup is used.

Who is it suitable for?

Urolesan is prescribed for the following pathological processes:

  1. cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  2. inflammation of the bile ducts and liver, dyskinesia;
  3. inflammation of the gallbladder;
  4. acute and chronic kidney pathologies.

Urolesan is suitable for patients with diseases of the urinary tract and hepatobiliary system. It can be prescribed to pregnant women and children according to strict indications.

Directions for use and dosage

  • Patients with urolithiasis "Cyston" are prescribed two tablets twice a day. The course of treatment is 3-5 months (until the stones come out).
  • Urolesan capsules are recommended to be taken 3 times a day, 1 capsule. Patients with colic in the liver or kidneys at the initial stage of treatment are prescribed 2 capsules 1 time per day. Over time, the dosage is reduced. The duration of therapy is up to 30 days.

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The drugs can be prescribed to patients with cystitis.

  • In the acute form of this disease, Cyston should be taken 2 tablets 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is up to 1 month or until complete recovery.
  • "Urolesan" is recommended to take 1 capsule 3 times a day for 7 days.
  • When treating with Cyston, the patient needs to drink plenty of fluids (up to 2 liters of water per day).

Description of Cyston

The herbal preparation Cyston is prescribed in the complex treatment of urolithiasis and cystitis. It prevents the appearance of stones and removes small stones. Produced only in tablet form by Himalaya Drug Company, India.

The biologically active components in the composition provide several effects simultaneously. Cyston has diuretic, litholytic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.

The drug helps normalize the crystal-colloid balance in kidney pathologies by controlling the absorption of diamine from the intestine. The medicine slows down the process of stone formation by reducing the content of calcium, oxalic acid, and hydroxyproline in urine. It is these substances that provoke the appearance of stones. At the same time, Cyston increases the concentration of those elements that slow down the calcification process.

The herbal preparation acts on mucin, thereby helping to grind stones and reduce the concentration of mineral components in them.

The litholytic effect of the drug depends on the acidity of the urine. Cystone relaxes the muscles of the bladder, has a diuretic effect, due to which crystals of phosphates, urates, oxalates and small stones are removed from the organ.

The medicine contains the following elements:

  1. double-carp stalked - diuretic effect;
  2. madder cordifolia – dissolves oxalates, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, helps pass stones without surgery;
  3. saxifrage reed - has a diuretic and antimicrobial effect;
  4. rhizomes of satiety membranous – analgesic, diuretic effect;
  5. Onosma bracts - analgesic, antispasmodic, sedative effect;
  6. Vernonia ashen – antispasmodic and antimicrobial effect;
  7. mumiyo – tonic effect;
  8. lime silicate – diuretic effect for urinary retention and other disorders.

The bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect of the product is expressed against Pseudomonasaeruginosa, Klebsiella and other gram-negative bacteria. This effect has a positive effect on therapy for infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

Research and effectiveness

The drug Cyston is recommended for use in urolithiasis as an anti-inflammatory agent, especially in the presence of dysuric disorders. The experience of using the medicine for children shows positive results.

Long-term treatment with Cyston leads to the elimination of the inflammatory process, an increase in bladder volume and an improvement in urinalysis.

Source: Results of the use of the drug Cyston in the treatment of uronephrological diseases in children. Nikolaev S.N. 2006.


The herbal remedy is not used in case of hypersensitivity to the composition. Contraindications for use include childhood, large stones and acute pain. During pregnancy, treatment with Cyston is not recommended due to insufficient knowledge of the drug’s effect on the fetus. This also applies to the period of breastfeeding.

Side effects

Cyston can cause allergic reactions. They manifest themselves in the form of rash, erythema, and urticaria. Painful urination may also occur.

The effect of the product appears gradually. If acute pain in the kidneys occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. During treatment, you must additionally adhere to a dietary diet, excluding foods that contribute to the appearance of salt crystals.


The drug is taken orally after meals. During treatment you need to drink plenty of fluids. For adults, 2 tablets 3 times for six months are recommended. For an infectious disease, 2 tablets are prescribed 2 times. The course of therapy can last up to 3 weeks.

After stopping treatment, there is no drug withdrawal syndrome. No dosage adjustment is required in elderly people or with kidney disease. The duration of treatment is determined individually.

Who is it suitable for?

The main indications for the use of Cyston are:

  1. urolithiasis;
  2. prevention of stone formation after surgery;
  3. crystalluria;
  4. cystitis, pyelonephritis and other infectious pathologies.

Cyston is not recommended for use in the treatment of children and pregnant women, as it contains allergens. For these categories of patients, safe analogues are selected.

Admission restrictions

General contraindications:

  • – individual intolerance to components;
  • – pregnancy;
  • - breast-feeding;
  • – children under 18 years of age (except for Urolesan-M syrup – from 6 years of age).


If there are stones larger than 9 millimeters in size, it is prohibited to take the drug in tablet form. This approach can provoke obstruction. If you experience severe pain in the kidneys, you should stop taking the drug.


Any form of this medicine should not be taken in the following cases:

  • – stomach ulcer;
  • – gastritis;
  • – stones with a diameter of more than 3 millimeters.

It is forbidden to take Urolesan drops to patients who have a tendency to diarrhea and nausea. For liver diseases, the drops are taken very carefully, because they contain ethyl alcohol (60%).

"Urolesan" in capsules is not recommended for patients with lactose allergies, because this substance is contained in the capsules. Also, capsules should not be taken by patients with individual intolerance to pine needles.

Cost and analogues

A drug Price Analogs
Cyston No. 100 – from 400 rubles There are no complete analogues
Urolesan Drops 25 ml – from 300 rubles;

Capsules No. 40 – from 340 rubles;

Syrup 180 ml – from 130 rubles

There are no complete analogues

"Cyston": patient reviews

Lydia, 30 years old

Several years ago I had to get acquainted with this drug. Recently I got caught in heavy rain and got my feet wet. This led to an inflammatory process in the bladder. The doctor again prescribed Cyston. The medicine does not work immediately, you need to wait a little. At the same time, the drug treats diseases of the genitourinary system very well. With his help, complications were avoided.

Elizaveta, 23 years old

The drug is simply wonderful! As a teenager, I regularly encountered cystitis. For me, even minor hypothermia ends in inflammation. "Cyston" is made on the basis of natural ingredients, therefore it is considered as safe as possible. This drug suits me perfectly, I have never had any side effects. And the main thing is that it really helps! I recommend this remedy to everyone for cystitis and inflammation of the genitourinary tract.

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Evgeniy, 52 years old

My diagnosis is chronic pyelonephritis. The consequence of this pathology was cystitis and the formation of kidney stones. Until the age of 40, he was treated only with decoctions of medicinal herbs. After Cyston went on sale, I decided to try this product. The medicine is made on the basis of herbs. The doctor advised alternating decoctions and Cyston. At the same time, I am strengthening my back and abdominal muscles. This drug cannot be called a panacea, but it works great in complex therapy.

Summing up

What is better, Urolesan or Cyston, if we consider the issue from a broad perspective? These are different medicines.

  1. The composition is not identical. Therefore, these drugs are not considered analogues and direct comparison is extremely difficult.
  2. The indications are different. Urolesan is primarily a gastroenterological drug, but it also has an effect on the urinary tract. Cyston has a “highly specialized” purpose.
  3. Side effects and contraindications for Cyston are minimized. Urolesan has a lot of both, which requires consulting a doctor before using the product.
  4. Price. Urolesan is slightly more expensive than Cyston.

Is it possible to take Urolesan and Cyston together? If the doctor considers such a scheme appropriate, it is possible. There is no antagonism in this case.

"Urolesan": patient reviews

Ekaterina, 34 years old

Cystitis overtook me during pregnancy. The gynecologist advised me to buy the drug "Urolesan". Having familiarized myself with the composition of this medicine, I was convinced of its safety. The active components of Urolesan are herbal extracts. Already on the second day of taking the herbal medicine, the unpleasant symptoms began to disappear. Taking during pregnancy is an undeniable advantage of this medication.

Ksenia, 26 years old

I can only write a positive review about the drug "Urolesan". From time to time I get cystitis. This has been going on for 7 years. When treated with antibacterial drugs, the unpleasant symptoms did not disappear immediately. Having tried Urolesan, I was pleasantly surprised. In just 2 days my health returned to normal.

Natalya, 40 years old

At work I started visiting the toilet frequently. A burning sensation appeared, and I immediately realized what the problem was. It was cystitis. A colleague advised me to buy Urolesan in drops (suitable for the initial stages of the disease). Already on the second day, the terrible symptoms began to disappear. I took it for 14 days (according to the instructions). Good natural medicine!

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