Canephron: analogues, instructions for use, price, reviews

Various pathologies of the genitourinary system occur in a huge number of people.

They arise for a variety of reasons, from hypothermia to unfavorable environmental conditions.

There is a large arsenal of medications for the conservative treatment of urological diseases.

Moreover, effectiveness is shown not only by medicines consisting of chemical compounds, but also by medicines that include plant components.

Representatives of such drugs are “Nefrosten” and “Canephron”.


If treatment with the described medication for some reason turns out to be impossible, the doctor may prescribe an analogue for the active ingredient or therapeutic effect.

Cyston or Canephron: which is better?

Cyston and Canephron differ significantly from each other. Firstly, there are nuances regarding the age at which drugs are allowed to be taken. Treatment with Canephron is allowed even for infants (in liquid form), while taking Cyston in any dosage form is contraindicated for children under 4 years of age.

Indications for use of Canephron are:

  • inflammatory manifestations in the ureter, kidneys, urethral canal and bladder;
  • urolithiasis.

The medicine helps to quickly relieve pain attacks, eliminate irritation and spasms of the bladder, and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Taking Cyston is indicated:

  • for stones in the kidneys and ureter;
  • for therapeutic purposes for long-term diseases of the urinary system.

The medicine dissolves phosphate stones (the most dangerous for health) and crystalline stones quite well and removes them from the body without pain. In addition, under the influence of Cyston, the bacterial flora dies and spasms in smooth muscles are quickly relieved. Thanks to long-term use of the drug, surgery can be avoided.

Important! Since Cyston contains large quantities of plant components, it can often cause the development of allergies. And Canephron provokes an allergic reaction very rarely. So people who suffer from allergies should choose this drug.

A specialist must decide which medicine is best in each specific case, taking into account the course of the disease and the characteristics of the human body.

Cost of Cyston

Nephrosten as an analogue

Nephrosten is a Russian analogue. The medication helps eliminate inflammation in the urinary organs, relieve pain, spasms and remove excess fluid from the body.

Due to the delicate composition of Nephrosten, it is prescribed for therapeutic purposes to patients with any kidney problems. The product is approved for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

But it should be taken into account that under its influence the development of nettle fever or angioedema is possible. Although such a reaction is exceptional if there is intolerance to the herbs in its composition.

The cost of Nefrosten No. 60 is from 280 rubles.

Phytolysin and Canephron: comparative characteristics

The only identical component in the preparations is lovage. Although the components of the drugs are different, both drugs have a complex beneficial effect on the urinary organs, which contributes to:

  • cleansing the renal glomeruli and tubules from toxic substances and pathogenic accumulations;
  • accelerating the removal of stones;
  • suppression of the activity of gram-positive pathogenic microorganisms;
  • enhancing the medicinal properties of other medications, including antibiotics;
  • eliminating spasms in the bladder, reducing pain;
  • preventing the progression of urolithiasis.

It is not possible to fully monitor the pharmacokinetics of these medications due to their combined composition. But the contraindications are clearly defined.

Both drugs are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the herbs in their composition. Regarding possible negative reactions, both medications can provoke skin rashes, vomiting and digestive dysfunction. A package of Phytolysin costs from 400 rubles.

Urolesan or Canephron: what to choose

Both drugs have almost identical pharmacological effects. Urolesan is a complete analogue, but its cost is much lower. In addition, the medicine practically does not provoke negative pathological reactions. Which medicine to choose in each specific case must be decided by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristic characteristics of the patient’s body and the course of the disease.

The cost of Urolesan packaging is 284-360 rubles.

Nephrosan or Canephron: which is better?

What both products have in common is the use of natural plant ingredients in production. The drugs have similar therapeutic effects. They are prescribed for preventive and therapeutic purposes for similar pathologies of the urinary organs. Also, medications have similar contraindications and can cause the same side effects.

The specialist decides which drug is best, based on the characteristics of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

On average, a package of Nefrosan costs 300-500 rubles.

Uronefril as a substitute

Both medications are drugs with similar components. They contain natural ingredients:

  • rosemary (leaves);
  • centaury;
  • lovage (rhizome).

Both drugs are indicated for use against the following diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • interstitial nephritis;
  • glomerunonephritis.

They are also prescribed to prevent the formation of urolithiasis.

Canephron is more often prescribed because the medicine is very popular. Although Uronefril is practically no different from it. If patients under 6 years of age are to be treated, Canephron solution is preferred.

Uronefril No. 60 costs at least 190 rubles.

Uroprofit or Canephron: what to choose

If a quick effect on the inflammatory area is necessary, Canephron is preferred. If the patient has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the choice is Uroprofit. Both drugs are excellent in preventing the development of exacerbations in chronic infectious urological pathologies. The doctor must decide which medicine to choose in each specific case.

The cost of Uroprofit No. 30 is at least 380 rubles.

Nitroxoline and Canephron: comparative characteristics

The drugs have different components. Nitroxoline is a synthesized pharmacological agent, and Canephron is a herbal medicine.

Nitroxoline has an antibacterial effect, and Canephron has a complex effect on the urinary organs, has an antispasmodic, diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Taking Nitroxoline is indicated even in the treatment of people suffering from alcoholism. While using Canephron in this case is prohibited.

The price for a box of Nitroxoline No. 50 is at least 60 rubles.

Furadonin or Canephron: which is better?

The doctor can decide which medication is best for cystitis. For this purpose, an appropriate examination is carried out to determine the pathogenic organism that provoked the development of the inflammatory process. This makes it possible to find out whether a herbal remedy will help cope with the pathogen, or whether you will have to undergo a course of therapy with a synthetic antimicrobial drug.

Furadonin is a more powerful agent. However, if there are contraindications for treatment with synthetic drugs, preference should be given to Canephron. To prevent the development of relapse of genitourinary and kidney pathologies, experts advise taking Canephron, and for diseases of an infectious nature and some types of bacteria, taking Furadonin is recommended.

The cost of Furadonin with a dosage of 50 mg No. 10 is from 60 rubles; No. 20 – from 80 rubles.

5-nock as an analogue

These medications cope well with the unpleasant symptoms characteristic of cystitis, although they act in completely different ways.

5-nock is an antibiotic, its effect can be noticed just a couple of hours after use, by significantly weakening the symptoms. After a couple of days of treatment with this remedy, the pathogen is completely destroyed.

However, you should not stop taking the medicine after the symptoms of the disease disappear to avoid pathogen resistance to the medicine.

Important! Simultaneously with pathogenic microorganisms, under the influence of the active substance 5-nok (nitroxoline), beneficial microflora is also partially destroyed. Everyone has had to deal with complications of antibiotic therapy. To restore the microflora, you will have to take probiotics for a long time.

Canephron has similar properties and is also effective in fighting bacteria, although the drug is not as strong. The purpose of the herbal components of the medicine is to wash away pathogenic microorganisms.

Improvement is observed after longer treatment.

With advanced cystitis, taking Canephron alone may be ineffective; at the same time, you will have to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy.

The cost of 5-knock No. 50 is at least 170 rubles.

Furamag or Canephron: what to choose

Furamag is a gentle antibacterial agent. It is effective in the treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system and belongs to the nitrofurans. The medicine is prescribed for therapeutic purposes if the genitourinary organs are affected by pathogenic bacteria, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. The drug helps to quickly cope with the disease and prevent the subsequent progression of infection.

What is better, “Nefrosten” or “Canephron” and how do they differ?

Various pathologies of the genitourinary system occur in a huge number of people.

They arise for a variety of reasons, from hypothermia to unfavorable environmental conditions.

There is a large arsenal of medications for the conservative treatment of urological diseases.

Moreover, effectiveness is shown not only by medicines consisting of chemical compounds, but also by medicines that include plant components.

Representatives of such drugs are “Nefrosten” and “Canephron”.

"Nefrosten": characteristics of the drug

"Nefrosten" is a domestic drug intended for therapeutic courses for the treatment of urological diseases. It is also used as a means of preventing diseases of the urinary system.

Analogues of Canephron: cheap Russian and foreign substitutes for the drug

Canephron has been on the pharmaceutical market since 1934, and over the subsequent decades it has maintained its reputation as one of the most effective medications for the complex treatment of kidney and bladder diseases. Many people are interested in whether Canephron has cheap analogues that are still as effective as the original. Will try to figure this out.

Canephron and its analogues represent a group of drugs with complex effects. They are useful when it is necessary to increase urinary flow, relieve pain, fight bacteria and cure inflammation.

These medications are prescribed for acute and chronic diseases of the excretory system, including cystitis, pyelonephritis, interstitial nephritis and glomerulonephritis.

Sometimes they are used when it is important to prevent the formation of urinary stones.

The effectiveness of Canephron

Canephron is a tablet or drop based on herbal ingredients:

  1. Rosehip is a source of vitamins A and C, known for their strong antioxidant effect and ability to cleanse the body of toxins.
  2. Centaury grass is a source of flavonoids and phenolic acids.
  3. Lovage is rich in phthalides and phenolcarboxylic acids, and rosemary leaves are rich in essential oils.

Thanks to the interaction of these components, an antibacterial and diuretic effect is achieved. The product relieves spasms well and eliminates inflammation that occurs due to the disease.

Canephron has almost no contraindications or side effects. It is not an antibiotic and is approved for use even by children and pregnant women. The restrictions apply only to the tablet form of the drug, which is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age. Also, persons prone to allergic reactions should treat Canephron with caution.

Prices for the drug and its main analogues, average in Russia

Canephron has cheap analogues of both Russian and foreign production. The table contains the most popular drugs with similar effects, indicating average prices.

Drug name Release form Average cost

Canephron N (Germany)Dragee (60 pcs.)422–439 rub.
Drops (100 ml)432–461 rub.
Cyston (India)Tablets (100 pcs.)424–459 rub.
Phytolysin (Russia)Paste (100 g)446–495 rub.
Furagin (Russia)Tablets (30 pcs.)238–352 rub.
Capsules (30 pcs.)409–459 rub.
Furadonin (Russia)Tablets (20 pcs.)91–179 rub.
Nolicin (Slovenia)Tablets (20 pcs.)RUR 359–377
Urolesan (Ukraine)Drops (25 ml)RUR 342–348

Analogues for pregnant women

Many expectant mothers are interested in whether the drug has cheap analogues for pregnant women. Below we look at the most popular options.

Canephron N

Very often the question arises of how Canephron differs from Canephron N. The answer is simple - nothing, this is the herbal medicine Canephron described above, which is presented on the pharmaceutical market in the form of tablets and drops. Some people mistakenly assume that Canephron is a medicine in the form of tablets, and the second option is in drops. But that's not true.

Composition of Canephron N

Both names are used to refer to the same drug (as, for example, acetylsalicylic acid is called Aspirin). Let's say more, Canephron is a colloquial version of the name with the letter “N”. That is, both options are a drug with an identical chemical composition and pharmacological action, which is prescribed to patients with different ailments of the urinary system.


The tablets belong to the same pharmacological group as Canephron. They are also taken to create a diuretic effect, treat inflammation, fight bacteria and relieve pain in the organs of the excretory system.

The list of active components of Cyston includes saxifrage stems, rough strawflower seeds, polyfolia onosma, ashen veronia and didymocarpus flowers. In addition to plant components, the preparation contains silicon lime, mineral resin and some additional components.

Components of the drug

Cyston is indicated for infectious lesions of the urinary tract and urolithiasis, cystitis, urinary disorders, renal colic or pyelitis.

The drug is well tolerated and has no side effects (except for cases of individual non-acceptance of the components), including when combined with other medications.

Approved for use by expectant and nursing mothers, but may be dangerous for people with stones in the urinary tract.


This is a herbal remedy with a diuretic that relieves inflammation and relieves pain. The list of active ingredients consists of wheatgrass root, onion peel, grass and parsley seeds, goldenrod, hernia, horsetail, lovage, and birch leaves. The drug is prescribed for inflammation and bacterial diseases of the urinary system, as well as for dissolving stones.

Phytolysin is the safest analogue for breastfeeding and pregnancy. It rarely produces negative effects.

In particular, allergic manifestations, nausea, headache, and changes in taste sensations may occur. It should be used with extreme caution in complex therapy, as well as during exacerbations of renal and cardiac pathologies, acute disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is presented on the market in the form of a paste for oral use.

In addition, Fitolysin Prenatal is available on the market in the form of capsules, the composition of which is significantly different from the medicine in paste form. Phytolysin capsules consist of ascorbic acid and cranberry fruit extract, which is a natural antibacterial agent that has proven itself in urology.

Other available products with similar effects

Nowadays, there are quite a few analogues of the drug Canephron on the pharmaceutical market. Some of them are more expensive, others are cheaper. However, price is not always an indicator of effectiveness.

What is the difference

The means under consideration differ in the following parameters:

  1. Country - produced in Russia, domestic pharmaceutical. "Canephron" is produced in Germany.
  2. Different release format. The Russian remedy is only in tablets, the German one is in pills and drops.
  3. The domestic herbal remedy is a dietary supplement. Germanic is an independent medicine.
  4. Nephrosten tablets contain additional components, resulting in a slight antioxidant effect.
  5. The Canephron solution contains alcohol. This imposes restrictions on the use of this form in some categories of patients.

Finally, the price difference is very significant. For Canephron in tablets you will have to pay 450-600 rubles , in drops - 400-500 rubles . “Nefrosten” in the form of dragees will cost 234-245 rubles .

But here it is worth considering that the imported drug has been present on the pharmaceutical market for more than 40 years. During this time, it has proven to be an effective and safe medicine used in many countries. The Russian dietary supplement is only 7 years old .


Home ⇨ Medicines ⇨ Medicines starting with the letter K

What kind of medicine is this and what is it for:

Herbal medicine with diuretic and antispasmodic properties. Also acts against inflammation and microbes. The preparation contains herbs - rosemary leaves, centaury, lovage, essential oils. Canephron is used for urological diseases - to treat the bladder and kidneys.

  • Active ingredient : crushed medicinal plant raw materials:
  • Group : for children (81 drugs, 1157 reviews) for the bladder (23 drugs, 264 reviews) for the kidneys (25 drugs, 212 reviews) dietary supplements - vitamins, vitamin-like substances and coenzymes (818 drugs, 6610 reviews)
  • check the registration of the drug in the Russian Federation

Analogues and substitutes


Dummy medicines - how Russians are being scammed or what you shouldn’t spend money on!

Brief instructions for use, contraindications, composition

Indications (what does it help with? what is it needed for?) - Chronic Cystitis. - Pyelonephritis. - Glomerulonephritis.

— Interstitial nephritis in chronic form.

— As a prevention of sand and kidney stones.

— After operations to remove stones.

Nephrosan forte or canephron which is better

The effective use of drugs for patients with kidney diseases depends on the purpose of the therapy. Therefore, doctors prescribe certain pharmacological agents to eliminate the infection, and others for maintenance therapy. Patients themselves are free to choose only the dosage form or cheaper analogues of drugs prescribed to them by nephrologists (urologists) or local therapists.

Ingredients and action

"Canephron" is a combination drug based on alcohol extracts from medicinal herbs or their dry crushed parts. Intended for the treatment of patients with pathologies of the urinary system.

The drug consists of:

  • lovage herbs;
  • rosemary leaves;
  • centaury;
  • rosehip.

"Canephron" has the following therapeutic characteristics:

  • relieves inflammation in the kidney tissue - this effect is based on the action of essential oils of medicinal herbs;
  • relaxes smooth muscles due to flavonoids contained in the medicine;
  • has a static effect on the growth of bacterial microflora, since the components included in the medicine have an antimicrobial effect;
  • has a diuretic effect, dilating the blood vessels of the kidneys;
  • normalizes water-salt balance, slowing down the absorption of salts and water into the body and preventing excessive excretion of potassium salts;
  • minimizes the formation of protein bodies in the urine during glomerulonephritis;
  • strengthens the blood vessels supplying the renal system.

Forms of medicine

It is produced in drops and in the form of dragees. The drops are packaged in 50 or 100 ml, have a pleasant taste and aroma, and contain about 18% ethyl alcohol. Dragees are packaged in boxes of 60 units, one blister contains 20 pieces. drug.


"Canephron" is actively used to treat diseases such as:

  • urethritis;
  • nephritis;
  • deposition of kidney stones;
  • pyelo- and glomerulonephritis;
  • cystitis.

The drug has many positive aspects. It is used for the treatment of kidney diseases both in the acute period and in the chronic course. "Canephron" combines well with drugs for antimicrobial therapy (antibiotics or sulfonamides). It is often recommended as a preventive measure for kidney stone formation, it removes small urates well, and can be prescribed to people whose professional activities require increased concentration of attention, since it does not have a sedative effect.

The good diuretic effect of the drug determines its use for swelling of the face and limbs. Canephron can be used to treat kidney pathologies in pregnant and lactating women. Its mild herbal composition does not have a harmful effect on the development of the fetus and the composition of breast milk. For this category of patients, the medicine is used in the form of pills, since the drops contain alcohol.

Side effects of the medicine include:

  • the impossibility of using drops of the drug for people suffering from alcoholism;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Composition and action

The drug is domestically produced and is intended for course therapy and maintaining the health of the human urinary system.

The composition of the medicine includes:

  • lovage;
  • centaury;
  • rosemary;
  • “phytoarbutin” (leaves of wintergreen, lingonberry, bearberry).

The drug helps reduce and completely eliminate inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Relieves pain and discomfort by relaxing smooth muscles and normalizing blood supply to the organs of the urinary system. The product helps reduce the proliferation of harmful flora in the kidney tissue and has a pronounced diuretic effect, helping to remove excess water from the body.

Release form

Produced in the form of tablets of 25 mg.

Final Analysis

In order to decide which medicine to use, you first need a doctor's prescription. If a doctor prescribes a drug or its analogue, patients can decide for themselves whether to purchase the drug.

In the case of Canephron and its domestic substitute, the choice may become decisive due to the form of the drug, i.e. ease of use, price and differences in composition, so you need to be well versed in the properties of the herbs included in the medicine.


Canephron H

The German pharmaceutical company is a recognized leader in the production of herbal medicines.

One of her most successful creations is the combined herbal medicine Canephron, which literally contains a whole “botanical garden” of healing plant ingredients.

Thus, centaury herb has a diuretic and antimicrobial effect, lovage root has an antispasmodic effect, and rosemary leaves have an anti-inflammatory effect.

In the “dry” residue, canephron has a pronounced antimicrobial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect on the urinary tract, stimulates blood circulation and reduces the permeability of the walls of the renal capillaries, has a diuretic effect, increases the efficiency of the kidneys, and enhances the effect of complex antimicrobial therapy.

One of the main pharmacological “trump cards” of the drug is water diuresis. An increase in urination occurs due to the dilation of blood vessels in the kidneys caused by lovage essential oils and the intensification of blood circulation in this area. The bitterness of centaury also helps the vessels expand.

The diuretic effect of canephron is due to phenolcarboxylic acids, which are contained in abundance in the plant components of the drug. They, along with lovage phthalides, have an antispasmodic effect. Rosmarinic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect. All components of canephron have an antimicrobial effect, because

they contain substances with appropriate pharmacological activity (secoiridoids, phenolcarboxylic acids and others).

Canephron is rarely used in “solo” mode: given its ability to increase the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment, it is most often used as part of complex treatment. The drug is well tolerated and has proven itself only from the best side in terms of safety.

However, you should clearly understand that no matter how wonderful properties medicinal herbs have, a clear effect from their use can only be noticed with long-term use.

If the course of the disease is aggravated by an actively developing inflammatory process and persistent elevated body temperature, then one cannot rely only on plant canephron.

The drug is available in the form of an oral solution and tablets. The solution can be washed down with water, or diluted with a small amount of liquid. Adults, as a rule, are prescribed 50 drops three times a day, schoolchildren - half as much with the same frequency of administration, and preschool children - 15 drops 3 times a day.

Before use, the bottle with the solution must be shaken several times. For pills, the recommended dosages are as follows: 2 pcs. 3 times a day for adults and 1 pc. 3 times a day for school-age children.

The weakening of symptoms does not indicate the need to stop taking Canephron: it should be continued for another 2-4 weeks, accompanying herbal medicine with the consumption of large amounts of fluid.

Online magazine about choosing the best goods and services

02.09.2019 15:43:52

Expert: Lev Sagalovich

Canephron and Furagin are drugs for the treatment of cystitis with different compositions and mechanisms of action. We looked at their main pros and cons to understand which product is better.

A drugAdvantagesFlaws
Canephron+ Natural herbal preparation in two forms of release - tablets and solution + Can be used in pediatrics and pregnancy if prescribed by a doctor + A small number of possible side symptoms + Can and should be combined with antibiotics for bacterial cystitis + Dispensed without a doctor's prescription— High risk of allergic reactions due to herbal composition
Furagin+ Synthetic antimicrobial drug + Can be used in monotherapy + Relatively low risk of side effects + Suitable for long-term therapy of pyelonephritis + Is the drug of choice in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women + Resistance of pathogens to it develops slowly— Long-term treatment can cause intestinal disorders and neuritis — There may be allergies

The herbal preparation Canephron is available in two different forms - tablets and solution, which are taken orally. Manufactured by Bionorica in Germany.

The herbal medicine consists of a solution of an alcoholic extract of plant materials, which includes lovage, rosemary, and centaury. Additionally contains water. The tablets use dry raw materials from these medicinal plants.

The drug is used to treat cystitis due to its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, and diuretic effects.

Research and effectiveness

Canephron was developed by Bionorica, which specializes in dietary supplements and herbal medicines. According to the manufacturer, the product has a complex effect - it removes inflammation, improves the excretory function of the kidneys, and fights bacteria.

There are no high-quality clinical trials of the drug, which makes it impossible to assess its safety and effectiveness. For example, in Switzerland this drug is registered as a traditional medicine.

Canephron is successfully used in the treatment of urogenital and gestational diseases. Individual randomized studies show its effectiveness and safety. There are no reports of adverse effects of the drug. There is evidence of an allergy risk.


  1. Review of the effectiveness and safety of the drug Canephron N in the treatment and prevention of urogenital and gestational diseases. Naber K.G. RMJ. 2012.
  2. Naber KG. Efficacy and safety of the phytotherapeutic drug Canephron N in prevention and treatment of urogenital and gestational disease: review of clinical experience in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Res Rep Urol. 2013.


Strict restrictions on taking Canephron will be:

  1. hypersensitivity to the composition;
  2. alcoholism;
  3. stomach ulcer;
  4. up to a year for solution and up to 6 years for tablets;
  5. lactose deficiency;
  6. fructose intolerance.

When treating with a solution, you should additionally consult a doctor if you have liver and brain diseases. In childhood, the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor in case of urgent need, because Contains ethanol.

During pregnancy, there are no strict restrictions on taking the drug. Your doctor may prescribe Canephron tablets when the benefit outweighs the risk. Then the woman should be supervised.

Side effects

Rare adverse reactions include digestive disorders. These are nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, diarrhea. Allergic reactions may occur. When an allergy to the components appears, you should immediately stop taking the herbal medicine.


The solution is taken orally, diluted in liquid and washed down. For adults it is recommended to take 50 drops 3 times a day, after 7 years – 25 drops, for preschoolers – 15 drops. After the acute symptoms of the disease subside, treatment should continue for another 14-30 days.

To improve the taste of the drug, the solution can be mixed with other liquids, which is important for children. It is recommended to drink plenty of water during treatment. Before each use of the solution, it must be shaken.

The tablets are drunk whole, washed down with water. Adults are prescribed 2 pieces 3 times a day, schoolchildren - 1 piece. The course of therapy lasts approximately 2-4 weeks after the elimination of acute symptoms. You should also drink plenty of water during the entire treatment period.

There has been no information about an overdose of the drug at this time. When using high doses of the drug with the occurrence of side symptoms, symptomatic treatment is indicated. You need to rinse your stomach, take enterosorbent, and consult a doctor.

Who is it suitable for?

The herbal preparation is used in complex therapy of diseases such as:

  1. chronic cystitis and pyelonephritis;
  2. non-infectious glomerulonephritis;
  3. non-infectious interstitial nephritis.

Canephron can also be used to prevent the recurrence of urolithiasis after the procedure for removing stones.

Description of the product Furagin

Furagin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. It contains furazidin. Available in tablets. Produced in Russia.

"Nefrosan" and "Nefrosan Forte": main differences, scope of application

Particular attention should be paid to the urinary system, especially the kidneys. Thanks to the coordinated work of this system, metabolic products, toxins, microbes, waste, and viruses are removed from the human body.

When the organs of the genitourinary system are affected, the patient is concerned about the following symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, pain in the lumbar region, swelling, high blood pressure, change in the color of urine. With such signs, you need to visit a specialist, because kidney damage is life-threatening.

Such drugs as “Nefrosan”, “Nefrosan Forte” will help take care of kidney health. They are classified as biologically active food additives. These drugs have a similar effect, but there are significant differences in their composition, which we will discuss below.

Release form, description of the drug

"Nefrosan" is produced in the form of capsules, which are white in color. The branded packaging contains 2 blisters with capsules (30 pieces in total).

Nephrosan Forte capsules are distinguished by their color: their lower part is white and the top is yellow. They are smaller in size. The package contains 3 blisters with capsules (30 pieces).

Composition, beneficial properties

"Nephrosan" includes the following beneficial substances of plant origin:

  • Centaury extract. This medicinal plant contains the alkaloid gentianine, organic acids, eritaurine, iridoid glycosides, essential oil, flavone glycoside centaurine, macroelements, erythrocentaurine, gentiopicrin, microelements.
  • Lovage root. Endowed with a calming, diuretic, anticonvulsant effect. Lovage contains berganten, essential oil, resins, and furakumarin.
  • Rosemary extract. It has a diuretic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. Rosemary contains tannins, essential oil (camphene, esters, a-pinene, bornyl acetate, borneol), alkaloids (rosmaricin), triterpene acids (rosmarinic, oleanolic).

In addition to natural components, the dietary supplement contains:

  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Flavonoids.

"Nefrosan Forte" differs in its composition from the dietary supplement "Nefrosan". The following extracts are present from plant components:

  • Centaury herbs. It is saturated with cinnamic and phenolic acids, bitter glycosides, vitamin C, gentianin alkaloid, flavonoids, tannins. Thanks to this component, the absorption of water and sodium salts slows down. Excess fluid is removed from the body faster, and potassium is not washed out, which helps maintain water-salt balance.
  • Cranberries. Large cranberries contain tannin, fructose, vitamin C, calcium, iodine, potassium, magnesium, fiber, sodium, iron, acids (citric, benzoic). Its extract has an antioxidant effect and prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Lingonberry leaves. Lingonberries have long been considered an excellent preventative against diseases of the respiratory tract and genitourinary system caused by hypothermia. It contains tannins and phenol glycosides.
  • Rosemary leaves. They contain essential oil, tannins, phenolic acid, flavonoids, acids (glycolic, rosmarinic). These components have antioxidant, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effects.

In addition to them, “Nefrosan” contains arbutin. This biologically active substance is a phenolic type glycoside. It is metabolized by intestinal microflora into hydroquinone, which has a diuretic, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic effect.

The capsules also contain:

  • food colors (quinoline yellow, titanium dioxide, sunset yellow);
  • lactose filler;
  • calcium stearate;
  • gelatin.

Indications for use

"Nefrosan" is used in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the bladder and kidneys. It is used as a biological food additive. The drug in question improves the function of the urinary system and has a mild diuretic effect.

Instructions for use

The dietary supplement should be taken three times a day, 1 capsule. The therapeutic course is one month. If necessary, it can be repeated.


“Canephron” has a similar herbal composition, which is produced in the form of tablets, drops for oral administration, and “Nephrosten” in tablets. The cost of "Canephron" is 449 rubles (tablets), 416 rubles. (drops), and the cost of “Nefrosten” is 326 rubles per tablet. The advantage of the dietary supplement "Nefrosan" is its cost. You get the same nutrients at a lower price.

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