The grass is half fallen: instructions for use, composition, reviews

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The herb contains flavonoids, pectin substances, triterpenoids, alkaloids, phenolic acids, potassium, calcium, chromium.

The prepared infusion has a moderate anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, salt-removing and diuretic effect, while the electrolyte balance is not disturbed - many potassium salts are not excreted (can be compared with the effect of potassium-sparing diuretics ).

Decoctions and infusions of the herb help dissolve small kidney stones, reduce the level of urea in the blood, eliminate spasms, reduce blood clotting, and normalize sugar levels.

The medicinal properties of the herb make it possible to use it for urolithiasis , salt metabolism disorders, pyelonephritis , urethritis , prostatitis , cystitis , gallbladder diseases , to normalize metabolism. The decoction is used to treat pancreatitis , stomach ulcers , intestinal polyps , hemorrhoids (in the form of enemas with decoction), and menstrual disorders. Externally - for the treatment of ulcers, acne, boils.


Not represented.

Ways to obtain herb

The easiest way is to go to the pharmacy and buy. There are packs of 30 and 50 grams. This is how I ensure my supplies. The shelf life is quite long - three years.

However, there is another way - growing grass at home. This is done through seedlings. The method requires a garden. Growing requires quite serious care.

I believe that growing your own herb for consumption would not be worth it for the following reasons:

  • Half-fallow grown in the domestic climate loses its medicinal properties. We must remember that the grass is of tropical origin, and appropriate conditions are required for its cultivation.
  • If frequent use is necessary for prevention and treatment, a large amount of herb is required. We’re not going to plant the whole garden with half a tree – we also need to plant potatoes somewhere!

This is my personal opinion, with which you may disagree. Many gardeners plant half a tree, use it safely and do not complain.

The grass has fallen to the ground. When to collect and how to store

Any medicinal herb will be useful in treating diseases if it is collected at a time when it contains the most beneficial active substances.

In Erva woolly, all parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes: leaves, stems, roots and seeds. You can harvest grass from the beginning of flowering until fruiting, i.e. formation of seed pods.

After digging the roots out of the ground, you need to cut off the entire above-ground part of the plant, wash it thoroughly and cut it into small pieces no more than 20 centimeters long.

Dry the pallu floor in the open air, protecting it from direct sunlight. Can be dried in an attic or other ventilated area.

To collect seeds, the entire above-ground part of the plant is cut off, dried and then threshed.

When drying herbs in an electric fruit and vegetable dryer, dry the floor at a temperature no higher than 40-50 degrees.

The herb should be stored in cotton bags or cardboard boxes in a cool room. When properly stored, flooring does not lose its beneficial properties for three years.

Where the floor grows

Pol pala is the botanical name for woolly erva; it grows naturally on the island of Ceylon. Woolly erva is also grown as a medicinal herb in our country.

Many amateur gardeners plant this plant in their garden, and some grow it on the windowsill of an apartment.

In its homeland, half fell is a biennial plant, reaching a height of about 1 m 40 cm with small leaves, no more than two centimeters long and one and a half centimeters wide, and inconspicuous cream or whitish green flowers.

Woolly erva blooms from July until the cold weather

Useful properties of pol-pala

Due to its set of useful elements, Erva woolly is called a miracle grass by many. It has the following medicinal properties:

  • Kidney diseases. A decoction or infusion is used for pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, as it has a bacteriostatic effect, and also, due to its diuretic effect, helps restore the filtration function of the kidneys and helps with edema caused by fluid retention. Used as part of litholytic therapy, it is able to dissolve low-density kidney stones consisting of uric acid salts, the so-called urate ones. With oxalates, it promotes their excretion in the urine. Treatment should begin after diagnosing the composition and size of the stones and consulting a surgeon. If the prognosis is favorable, it is quite possible to get rid of stones without a scalpel;
  • Bladder diseases. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves unpleasant pain symptoms in cystitis, and in case of urolithiasis, it promotes the removal of metabolic products and fights hyperuricemia. For such treatment, it is also necessary to prescribe a doctor who will confirm that the stones can be dissolved;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases. For chronic pancreatitis, prophylactic use of a decoction or infusion, which has a mild antispasmodic effect, is useful. In case of cholelithiasis, it helps in case of formation of small cholesterol stones, which are recommended to be removed. Activates processes in the gallbladder, preventing stagnation of its contents. In case of gastritis, it has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria (Helicobacter pylori). It is a hepatoprotective agent, protects the liver, in particular hepatocytes, its soft tissue cells, from the action of toxins;
  • Joint diseases. For gout – promotes the elimination of uric acid salts (urates), helping the kidneys cope with its excess. For arthritis (polyarthritis), both infectious and autoimmune, it acts on joints as a decongestant and relieves pain;
  • Gynecological diseases. Helps inhibit the processes of spontaneous mitosis (division of atypical cells) in fibroids, cysts, polyps and other neoplasms, and is used in gynecology as an antitumor agent. Thanks to its hormone-normalizing effect, it helps restore the menstrual cycle for women;
  • Diabetes. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine system. In type 2 diabetes, it helps eliminate insulin resistance and stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas in case of incomplete insufficiency. Reduces the risk of complications;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary tract in men. Stimulates the production of male sex hormones - testosterone and androgen, protects against possible erectile dysfunction, increases ejaculate production, and is useful for prostatitis.

In addition, decoctions and infusions of the herb pol pala accelerate metabolic processes in general, therefore they are effective in combination with a diet for weight loss, help improve skin condition and are effective against acne, and are widely used in cosmetology to strengthen hair and nails.

Indications for use of Pol-Pala

  • urolithiasis (initial stage);
  • condition after lithotripsy ;
  • inflammatory kidney diseases;
  • infections of the bladder , urethra , prostate gland ;
  • disorders of salt metabolism ( gout , polyarthritis and spondylosis ).

The herb Pol-Pala, whose indications are mainly as a diuretic, is used for edema, diabetic nephropathy with edematous syndrome and high blood pressure.

Features when using

Erva tends to accumulate in the body in the first 10 days. After this, it reveals medicinal properties. This does not mean that you can take the drug without restrictions.

The floor pallu is used to remove stones. It is worth knowing one important detail. With the help of decoctions and infusions, only stones are removed.

They are also called urate stones. Their formation occurs due to uric acid.

There are also oxalates and phosphates. Oxalic and phosphoric acids are used in their formation. It will not be possible to remove them from the fallen floor with grass. In order to determine the type of stones, you should undergo an ultrasound of the kidneys and undergo additional tests.

Consumption rate

Erva herb has powerful effects, so it is recommended to avoid overdose. The optimal frequency of use is no more than 3 doses per day. In rare cases, 4 times are allowed. The correct dosage depends on the concentration of the decoction or tincture.

A weak decoction (1 tablespoon per 300-500 ml of water) can be drunk in a glass. A decoction of medium concentration (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water) is recommended to drink 150 ml. Concentrated alcohol tinctures are allowed to be drunk in 10-20 ml doses.


reports of overdose with Pol-pal .


Use with caution concomitantly with diuretics that increase potassium excretion.


Contraindications to the use of the drug Pol-pal are: hypersensitivity to the drug. osteoporosis diseases accompanied by increased release of Ca 2+ (including rickets, hypoparathyroidism, renal osteodystrophy). The presence of stones exceeding the diameter of the ureter. Children. The drug is contraindicated for children.

The harm is half done

It should be noted that, despite all the medicinal properties, taking half-palm can have negative consequences:

  • a decoction of the plant can thin tooth enamel;
  • there are frequent cases of allergic rashes and swelling to various components of the plant;
  • In case of an overdose, nausea, vomiting, and dehydration are possible.

When treating with chemicals, especially diuretics, it is recommended to drink half a dozen decoctions of raw materials under the close supervision of a specialist, since an enhancing or inhibitory effect is possible.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation only after a thorough assessment of the expected benefits and possible risks.

In childhood

The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

Contraindications for Pol-Palu

Erva woolly is not used for:

  • increased sensitivity;
  • large stones (if the size exceeds the diameter of the ureter);
  • diseases accompanied by hypercalcemia ;
  • osteoporosis;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • under 12 years of age.

Contraindications for the use of Pol-Pala herb also include the category of patients with calcium metabolism disorders ( hypoparathyroidism , renal osteodystrophy against the background of chronic renal failure, rickets ).

Side effects

The infusion of Erva woolly most often does not cause negative manifestations. With increased sensitization of the body, allergic reactions to the skin, swelling, and itching are possible. In some cases, nausea appears.

It is important to drink the infusion through a straw: a long course of therapy provokes thinning of tooth enamel. After discontinuation of the herbal remedy, the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

You should not combine herbal raw materials and synthetic diuretics that increase potassium excretion.

Herb Pol-Pala, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Pol-Pala herb is used to prepare an infusion taken orally. For maximum therapeutic effect, the infusion is taken 15-25 minutes before meals.

Two tablespoons of plant material are placed in a bowl, 200 ml of hot water is added, heated in a water bath for 20 minutes, and infused for 45 minutes. The infusion is filtered and brought to 200 ml with boiled water. The infusion should be shaken before use. To prepare the infusion in a thermos, also take 2 tbsp. herbs and 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Adults take 50-100 ml 2-3 per day, children (12 - 14 years old) 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times, over 14 years old, 2 tbsp. l. During treatment, salty and spicy foods are excluded.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Typically, the course of treatment ranges from 10 days to a month, depending on the dynamics of the disease. If necessary, the use of Pol-Pol (woolly erva) can be repeated after a few months.

Instructions for use of Pol-Pala (woolly erva) contain a warning that the infusion can be stored for 2 days at a temperature of 8 - 15 C.

Collection and preparation of grass

Soleros grass: description, properties and application

To have a supply of herbs (it can be stored in dried form for about 3 years), you need to wait until autumn. It is during this period that the pala stops growing. And at the end of August flowers appear on it. Woolly erva is removed from the garden along with the roots. There is no need to pull the plant, it is better to dig it up. Then you need to wash the crop from lumps of earth. The stems are cut into pieces that will be convenient to store.

Dry grass

Dry the raw materials in a dry, well-ventilated area. Some farmers try to carry out this operation in an oven or stove. This is not recommended, since excess heat causes beneficial components to evaporate from the stem and leaves. The herb should be stored in a dry place where the rays of the sun do not penetrate.

A gardener who decides to grow erva must have a greenhouse. If you simply plant seedlings in the garden, due to insufficient temperature and air humidity, the weed will not acquire the necessary medicinal elements. Therefore, you need to follow all the advice of experts on growing subtropical plants in the climatic conditions of Russia.

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Reviews about Pol-Palais

Erva woolly (Pol-Pala), reviews of the use of which are mostly positive, are most often used in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system and urolithiasis .

This herb has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and diuretic effects. In case of urolithiasis, a diet must be followed. For urate stones , limit meat, meat broths, and legumes. For calcium - lactic acid products, cheese, sorrel, black currants, coffee, black tea. With phosphate - dairy products, eggs.

For pyelonephritis , between courses of antibacterial agents, during the period of subsidence of the process, the herb Pol-Pala was prescribed, the use of which improved urodynamics and supported the anti-inflammatory effect of antibiotics.

In patients with gout, the use of erva woolly herb in the inter-attack period was reflected in a decrease in joint pain and a decrease in uric acid levels, which was proven by biochemical studies. Some patients believe that using the Pol-Pola herb helped them get rid of fibroids .

  • “... Pol-Pala is a good remedy for colds and coughs”;
  • “... I started drinking it many years ago (urate kidney stones). I did an ultrasound and it was clear. I combine the course of this herb with phytolysin”;
  • “... My menstrual cycle has normalized, my headaches have gone away (I suffer from migraines) after the third course of treatment”;
  • “...I felt the effect of this herb myself. I took it for gastritis and cholecystitis - the pain went away, the condition of the skin improved, rashes disappeared, a healthy complexion appeared”;
  • “... Half a day cured my chronic gastritis.”

Erva woolly for men's health

Pol-pal helps with such common diseases as prostatitis and prostate adenoma. It not only stops the inflammatory process and improves the condition, but also helps to activate blood circulation and resolve tumors. To maintain potency, preparations based on this herb have also been used for a long time. Erva woolly allows men to maintain sexual activity and reproductive function for a long time.

Its use is safe, but for diseases in which calcium is removed from the body, osteoporosis, and individual intolerance, use is contraindicated.

Price, where to buy

The herb Pol-Pala, the price of which varies slightly, is currently offered in many pharmacies in Moscow and other cities. Pol-Pola is packaged in packs from 30 g to 100 g. The cost of a 30 g package is 42 - 94 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Half of the grass fell 40g PrAT "Liktravy", m.
    Zhitomir, Ukraine 19 UAH. order
  • Herbal tea No. 35 “Keys of Health” 50g half-fallen from kidney stones Keys of Health, Kharkov

    20 UAH order


An infusion of Erva woolly is recommended by many doctors. When used correctly and taking into account indications and contraindications, the medicinal plant exhibits active properties and allows one to reduce the frequency of taking synthetic drugs.

Positive points:

  • half-palm acts “gently”, during the removal of excess fluid there is no sudden loss of potassium;
  • supporting properties to maintain optimal blood pressure levels;
  • possibility of external and internal use;
  • noticeable therapeutic effect;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • maintaining water and electrolyte balance;
  • active wound healing effect;
  • suitable for use in many diseases;
  • normalizes metabolic processes, allowed for diabetics;
  • reduction of swelling occurs without dehydration of the body;
  • ease of preparation;
  • low cost of packaging with plant raw materials.

To increase the effectiveness of the herbal remedy, doctors recommend following a diet depending on the type of disease. For different types of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract, the consumption of certain foods is limited. The diet for oxalates differs significantly from the menu for urates.

Cost and storage rules

To preserve the properties, you should not keep the box of raw materials in a damp room. It is important to ensure that the pack is closed to avoid exposure to sunlight. No special conditions are required: half the grass is stored at room temperature. The shelf life of plant raw materials is 36 months.

Erva woolly grass is sold in all regions. Herbal tea is offered by pharmaceutical companies that process plant raw materials. The enterprises are located in Russia and Ukraine: Health Keys, Lectravas, Krasnogorskleksredstva, Phytobiotechnologies.

The price of the herb has fallen several times lower than that of synthetic diuretics. Packages weighing 35 and 50 g can be purchased for 40–75 rubles.

Beneficial features

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, the plant has benefits for the human body.

Beneficial features:

  • Improving the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Suppression of radiation and heavy metals that negatively affect the body.
  • Normalization of the functioning of the female genital organs.
  • Restoration of hormonal levels.
  • Strengthening the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Restoration and regeneration of the skin.
  • Memory restoration.
  • Stimulation of neural connections in the brain.
  • Strengthening the body's protective functions.
  • Restoring the health of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Elimination of blood clots and cleansing of blood vessels.
  • Restoration of the pancreas.
  • Improved metabolism.

As you can see, the herb affects absolutely all internal organ systems, so with its regular use you can strengthen the body and restore health . The herb actively fights stone formations in the body, cleanses and removes salt deposits.

It is good to treat urolithiasis with decoctions of medicinal plants. The medicine is capable of removing even the largest kidney stones. At the same time, it does not provoke the movement of stones, but simply dissolves them.

Recommendations for use

Erva tea is used for preventive purposes when it is necessary to strengthen the immune system during outbreaks of colds. The course of prophylaxis is 10-15 days.

A decoction of pol pala helps in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. For diseases of the ureters, polyarthritis, urethra, arterial hypertension. Duration of treatment is 10-30 days.

An infusion of the herb removes stones and sand from the kidneys and bladder. In complex treatment, to enhance the effect, it is used for diseases such as liver cirrhosis, cystitis, prostatitis, pancreatitis. The duration of treatment depends on the disease.

Kidney problems

Urolithiasis of the kidneys is treated with infusion. Additionally, adhere to a salt-free diet. Avoid eating spicy foods and alcoholic drinks. Three courses of treatment for 30 days with pauses of 6 months. The recipe is described in the “instructions for use” section.


During an inflammatory process or bladder disease, you can use tea or infusion of pol pala. Duration of treatment is 12-15 days. If there is temporary relief, you should not interrupt the course of treatment, but complete it.

Additionally, wash the genitals with gentle means - baby, tar, bath soap. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics. Do not get too cold, avoid tight-fitting clothing, and cancel your trip to the pool.

Stones in the ureter

Stones in the ureter are removed without surgery. To do this, prepare a decoction of pol pala according to the recipe in the “instructions for use” section. The course of treatment is 30 days. Take a break for 2 months and take a repeat course. After two cycles of treatment, get tested. Throughout the treatment you must be under the supervision of doctors. Additionally, a diet is prescribed.


Erva is known for its strong diuretic effect, but the effectiveness is not ensured by the aggressiveness of the process - there will be no rapid dehydration of the body. Synthetic drugs cannot boast of such softness.

Erva woolly for kidney stones

Before using the medicinal capabilities of the floor, you need to know exactly the composition of kidney stones. The herb only works on urate stones. Other herbal diuretics should not be taken if you are already taking Erva. Also, during the treatment period, you should not eat spicy or salty foods, and you should not take even small doses of alcohol. A lasting result can be achieved not by one course of treatment, but by three. But the break between courses should be six months.

It is recommended to drink herbal preparations on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before meals - this way the medicine will be better absorbed.

How to use:

  • In the form of a decoction. Pour 3 teaspoons of dry raw materials into 300 ml of boiling water. The composition needs to be boiled for about 7-9 minutes. After this, the mixture is removed from the heat and kept for 3 hours. The strained composition should be taken three times a day. You cannot drink more than 100 ml at a time. The optimal single dose may be 50-70 ml.
  • In the form of an infusion. It's easier to make it in a thermos. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry herbs into its bowl and pour 200 ml of boiling water. The exposure time is the same - 3 hours. The dosage is as follows: divide the entire composition into 2 parts, take 2 times a day.

By the way, the remains of infusions and decoctions can also be used. They are used to make medicinal lotions that help get rid of boils and acne. The above dosage is strictly for adults. Decoctions can be prepared only for 1 day, that is, drink them properly fresh. Each subsequent technique requires new preparation.

Paul fell for weight loss

The herb is half chopped, crushed for preparing a decoction.

A decoction of the herb is also considered a good way to lose weight. Of course, if, in addition to drinking this drug, you make other efforts to lose excess weight. The drink normalizes the functioning of several systems at once (urinary, digestive, nervous), which also helps with weight loss. Due to this treatment, the quality of sleep improves, excess salt and water are removed from the body.

You shouldn't expect quick results: but rapid weight loss is fraught with even more extra pounds. To lose weight, you can drink pharmaceutical tea; the instructions for using Erva woolly describe exactly how to drink the tea. It is better not to put sugar in such a drink. Be sure to check the list of contraindications.

Evra decoction

And now a little more about how to prepare the decoction yourself. Take 1 teaspoon of herb and pour it into an enamel teapot or ladle. Fill this raw material with 240 ml of filtered water. Place the container with the filled erva over medium heat, boil the mixture for about 5 minutes. The finished broth must be allowed to brew for about 3-4 hours. After this, it should be strained thoroughly. Before use, the decoction is slightly warmed up. But you cannot store such a product in the refrigerator for more than two days.

Erva herb decoction is an excellent remedy against kidney stones

Adults can take 50-100 ml per day, dividing the entire decoction into 3 doses. Adolescents from 12 years of age (after agreeing on such treatment with a pediatrician) take 15 ml of decoction, also 3 times a day. The minimum therapeutic course is 10 days, the maximum is a month. If the medicine is poorly tolerated, nausea, gastrointestinal problems, headache occur, treatment is stopped.


The infusion is prepared in almost the same way as the decoction, but still some nuances distinguish these 2 dosage forms. After rinsing an enamel container with boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of dry erva into it. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the raw material. Place the container in a water bath and boil for 10-15 minutes. Be sure to stir the product during preparation.

Leave the composition in a water bath and let it cool in this state. The finished infusion is filtered and the herb is squeezed out. Do not forget to increase the volume of the product to the original - add the required amount of clean boiled water. The dosage and method of application are the same as for the decoction.


Finely chopped or minced in a food processor, fresh erva woolly herb is combined with a small amount of water and placed in a water bath until warmed. This is an effective remedy for getting rid of boils - it accelerates their maturation, reduces inflammation and pain.


Both dry and fresh herbs are suitable for making tea. 2 teaspoons of vegetable raw materials are poured with 1 glass of boiled water, covered with a lid and kept for no longer than 15 minutes. After this, the tea can be strained. How to take woolly erva in the form of tea: warm, optionally with the addition of a small amount of honey. A small cup a day will be enough.

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