Books to lift your spirits: a selection of the best

Psychology books teach us effective planning, healthy habits, and even changing our thinking. True, only when you know what to choose and apply from the sea of ​​publications. Below are the best books for those who have forgotten how to think positively, or simply want to find effective tools for curing depression.

Richard O'Conor "The Depression is Canceled"

A bright, memorable book that will cure depression in a few pages. A depressed mood can happen to anyone: financial difficulties, bad weather, poor health or a meeting with a negative person can break you once or twice. But how to get out of this trap? There is no need to run to the pharmacy; your solution is to go to the site where you can buy this book.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

The psychology of positive thinking, as described in books, suggests that people with a positive attitude are more able to cope with obstacles that arise in their path. When a person believes in the best, solving problems is easier. Thoughts are focused on success, and this helps in achieving the intended goal.

A person becomes strong, persistent, and does not retreat under any circumstances. Getting what you want is his main task. Thoughts and the physical state of the body are interconnected. When a person is depressed, heavy thoughts oppress him, and this directly affects his health and leads to disruption of most important processes in the body. An optimistic and cheerful person is less likely to get sick.

Thanks to positive thinking, you can set and achieve high goals. Optimism helps achieve success, while pessimism promotes inaction. A positive-minded person will never experience depression, nor will he be overcome by despondency and melancholy. He will be able to withstand difficult experiences without mental impairment.

An optimistic person willingly takes on all things, as he is completely confident in his success. The ability to think positively helps to establish relationships in the work team and in the family. Such people easily communicate with others, quickly find friends, know how to avoid conflict situations and treat a person’s shortcomings with understanding.

Positive thinking helps you focus your attention on the positive side of events. Pessimistic people see only problems, while optimists look for ways out of difficult situations.

A cheerful person instills calm and confidence. Such people are less likely to suffer from mental illness. They easily cope with excitement and anxiety. Positive people live free lives. Heavy and depressing thoughts block the production of energy in our body, which is necessary to improve the quality of life.

At the same time, a negatively-minded person can always change his thinking if considerable effort is made. You need to work on yourself, and books about positive thinking can help with this. Through perseverance and work, you can change your vision of the world and improve your quality of life.

The best books can teach you to think positively, provide lessons in mental influence to increase self-esteem and the ability to cope with difficulties.

Joe Vitale "The Key"

A magic book that has helped more than a million people. What other arguments are needed? “The Key” is something akin to the film “The Secret,” in which the viewer is encouraged to have positive, correct thinking, which can save them from regression. The book will help you create and attract positivity, kindness, success and many positive factors into your life. It's worth trying for yourself!

Danielle Laporte "Light the Fire"

This book is about how to ignite the fire of true desires in your soul and achieve inner freedom. About how to stay true to yourself and do what you are called to do. About finding yourself and setting goals, about failures and mistakes, about balance in life and the psychology of relationships, about overcoming fear and achieving harmony, about career and success.

N. V. Peel The power of positive thinking

Norman Vincent Peale. The power of positive thinking

Prologue written on the occasion of the publication of the two millionth copy

At the time I was writing this book, it never occurred to me that its two-millionth anniversary copy would ever be published. But to be honest, I am grateful for this event not because of the number of books sold, but because I had the pleasure of offering a simple but powerful philosophy about lifestyle to so many people.

The laws of dynamics that this book teaches were learned the hard way through trial and error during my personal research into the human life path. But I found in them a solution to my own problems, and believe me, I always had enough of them. This book is an attempt to share my spiritual experience, and since it helped me, I think it will be useful for others.

As I formulated this simple philosophy of life, I found my own answers in the teachings of Jesus Christ. I have only attempted to describe these truths in terms and thoughts that modern people can understand. The lifestyle that this book exemplifies is wonderful. It is not easy, and often difficult, but it is full of joy and hope.

I remember well the day when I sat down to write this book. I realized that the work required greater abilities than I possessed, and therefore needed Divine help. My wife and I enlist Divine support in all areas of our activities, as well as in solving problems. So we spent some time in earnest prayer, asking for His guidance, and then we placed the project in God's hands. When the manuscript was ready for publication, Mrs. Peale and I again prayed about it. All we asked was that she could help people live happier lives. When the first book of this two-million circulation came out of the press and we received it, there was also a moment of spiritual uplift. We thanked God for His help and entrusted this book to Him.

The book was written for ordinary people of this world, one of whom I myself am. I was born and raised in a small town in the Midwest, in a family that lived in rather cramped conditions, but devoted to the Christian faith. I know the people from these places well, I love them and believe in them. When one of them entrusts his life to God, he receives amazing strength and joy in return.

The book is written with deep sympathy for the suffering, difficulties and struggles of people in the process of their existence. It teaches the attainment of peace of mind, not through an escape from life into a saving peace, but through a special power that provides the driving energy for a creative personal and social lifestyle. It teaches positive thinking - not as a means to achieve fame, wealth or power, but as a tool for the practical application of faith to overcome obstacles and gain worthy values ​​in life. It teaches a difficult, orderly way of life, which at the same time brings great joy to a person when he achieves victory over himself and over difficult life circumstances.

With all those who have told me of their glorious victories achieved through the practical use of the spiritual methods described in this book, and those who will gain this experience, I share my joy in all that happened to them when they began to live according to dynamic spiritual formulas.

Finally, I want to express my deep gratitude to my publishers for their tireless support, cooperation and friendship. May God help us to use this book for the benefit of people.

Norman Vincent Peale

Introduction What this book can do for you

This book is written to provide guidelines and examples that will show you that you do not have to give in to any setbacks and can achieve peace of mind, health, and constant flow of energy. There is no doubt that your life can be filled with joy and pleasure. I have no doubt about this because I have watched so many people learn and apply a system of simple procedures that brought the benefits mentioned above into their lives. These statements, which may seem crazy, are based on understanding real examples taken from life experiences.

Too many people fail in the daily battles of life. All their lives they make their way to the top, whining and whining, with a feeling of dull dissatisfaction, complaining about so-called misfortunes. In a sense, there may be such a thing in this life as misfortune, but there is also a moral spirit and a method by which we can control and even anticipate these misfortunes. It is a pity that people retreat in the face of life’s problems, worries and difficulties, but this is not justified in any way.

Karen Salmanson “Instantly happy. Change your mood in 10 seconds"

This book teaches you not to be afraid of your desires, to believe in the power of dreams. The author demonstrates in practice the basics of positive thinking and will teach you quickly, within 10 seconds, to sweep away negative thoughts and think only positively. The book contains more than 100 short, inspiring installations, illustrated with vibrant drawings and photographs. And the main question is why you still don’t have this beautiful publication?

The Strugatsky brothers. Monday starts on Saturday

Year of release: 1964.

For several decades now, this book has remained one of the brightest and most positive works in the “fantasy story” genre. Fascinating, fast-paced, psychological fiction with sparkling humor for everyone.

By the will of fate, a young programmer ends up at NIICHAVO in a remote corner of Russia. From this moment on, his life will not be the same!

Igor Mann and Farida Karimova “Life hack for every day”

You shouldn’t assume that this is just another banal slogan from lecturers at auto-trainings. “Life hack for every day” is a book by Igor Mann and Farid Karimov, which was created as a practical guide on the way to your goal. Experienced and successful authors, using personal example, teach elementary things that you did not know about for various reasons. It is the practical lessons from this book that can quickly and effectively lead to real results in a matter of days. Or the authors undertake to return the money.

The best positive books. 10 books that make you want to live

In this review I have collected my favorite positive books, books that inspire. It included both books that I talked about in the newsletter, as well as new ones, both fiction and autobiographies. All of them are available for downloading for free, without SMS (moreover, I couldn’t include many wonderful books precisely because I couldn’t download them). Enjoy!

1. J. Canfield “Chicken Soup for the Soul”

One of the most moving books I have ever read is Chicken Soup for the Soul by J. Canfield.

A collection of amazing short stories from life will not leave anyone indifferent, but will strengthen faith in mercy, the power of forgiveness and love, and inspire good and bright deeds.

I can’t say that I’m particularly emotional, but many of the stories in this book brought tears to my eyes. One of my impressionable friends couldn’t read this book at all because she cried over everyone.

And of course, these stories are positive and very bright.

Here are some reviews from the Internet (taken from

Arthur Out of nothing to do, I read the book “Chicken Soup for the Soul.” The man whom everyone calls a cynic, whom everyone fears, this man cried while reading this book. After Jack Canfield brought tears to my eyes, I started to respect him! It's a pity that I didn't have such a father as a child!

Olga first met this author in the book “Healing the Female Soul.” The author really uses living examples to help you find support in yourself, restore your faith in the victory of good and gain opportunities for a kind-hearted life. A friend, after reading this book, began to feel and understand her husband and children better, the very atmosphere in their relationship changed, became more sincere, open and friendly...

Slava I read “Healing the Soul” and some of the stories brought tears to my eyes. A good book that allows you to look at life from a different perspective.

And here is one of the stories (I took it at random, there are many wonderful stories in the book):

Many years ago, one young man who lived in a fishing village in Holland showed the whole world what the reward for a selfless act is. Since the life of the entire village depended on fishing, a voluntary team of rescuers was required for any unforeseen event. One evening, a fishing boat was caught at sea by a strong storm. The team in trouble sent an SOS signal. The captain of the rescue ship alerted his crew, and the villagers gathered in the town square, from where the bay was visible. While the volunteers launched the boat and rowed against the huge waves, the rest waited anxiously on the shore, lighting the way with lanterns. An hour later, a lifeboat appeared out of the fog, and the villagers ran towards it with joyful shouts. The rescuers, who fell exhausted on the sand, said that the boat could not take all the fishermen on board and one person had to be left, because otherwise the lifeboat would have capsized and everyone would have died. The captain began to call for new volunteers to go after the remaining fisherman. Sixteen-year-old Hans stepped forward. His mother grabbed the young man’s hand: “I beg you, don’t go.” Ten years ago, your father died in a shipwreck, and your older brother Paul has been missing at sea for three weeks. Hans, you are the only one left with me. Hans replied: “Mom, I have to go.” What will happen if everyone says - I can’t, let someone else do it? Mom, I must do my duty. When the signal sounds, we must all do our duty in our turn. He kissed his mother, got into the boat, and she disappeared into the night. Another hour passed, which seemed like an eternity to Hans’ mother. Finally, the lifeboat emerged from the fog, Hans standing at its bow. Cupping his hands like a megaphone, the captain shouted: “Have you found the last one?” Barely able to contain his feelings, Hans shouted back: “Yes, we found him.” Tell your mother that this is my older brother Paul!

The history of the creation of this book is interesting. Jack Canfield demonstrates by his example how to achieve the desired goal. Nobody wanted to publish Chicken Soup for the Soul, just like Harry Potter at first. Here is what the author himself writes about that time:

In the fall of 1991, Mark Victor Hansen and I began publishing our first book, Chicken Soup for the Soul®. We flew to New York with our agent, Jeff Herman, and met with every publisher we could get an appointment with. Everyone said they were not interested. “Short story collections don’t work.” “No one is interested in life stories.” “The headline is absolutely no good.” We were also rejected by 20 other publishers who received our manuscript by mail. And after our book was “rejected” by more than 30 publishers, the agent returned it to us and said: “I’m sorry, but I can’t help you.” What have we done? We said, “Next!” We understood that we had to think more broadly. We racked our brains for more than a month until it dawned on us. We printed forms representing a promise to buy our book when it was published. The forms contained columns for the name, address and number of books that the person was obliged to buy. For several months we asked everyone who attended our lectures and seminars to fill out this form. Ultimately, we ended up with 20,000 such promises to purchase the book. The following spring, Mark and I went to the American Booksellers Association convention in Anaheim, California, and went from booth to booth, engaging in conversation with any publisher who would listen, and demonstrating the commitment of our audience. But even with such “assurances” that our book would have a market, we were turned away again and again. But again and again we said: “Next!” At the end of the second, very long day, we gave a copy of the first 30 stories in the book to Peter Wegso and Gary Seidler, co-presidents of Health Communications, Inc., a start-up publisher specializing in books on breaking bad habits. They agreed to review the manuscript at home. At the end of the week, Gary Seidler took it to the beach and read it. He liked it and decided to give us a chance. And hundreds of “followers” ​​paid! Rejected more than 130 times, our first book sold 8 million copies, launching a series of 80 bestsellers translated into 39 languages. What about those forms promising to buy our book after its publication? When the book finally came out, we stapled each notification form, sent it to the indicated addresses, and began to wait for the checks. And almost everyone who promised to buy the book kept their promise. And one entrepreneur from Canada bought 1,700 copies and gave them to each of his clients.

It should be noted that, having received consent to publish, Canfield did not relax as he could have, but continued to distribute the book himself, for example, he wrote to newspapers with a proposal to publish a short excerpt. He set himself the goal of becoming a millionaire and achieved it.

Now “Chicken Soup for the Soul” and the continuation of the “Chicken Soup” series have been published in tens and hundreds of millions of copies.

If you like the book and want to read the sequel, you can check out the rest of the “Medicine for the Soul” books. Second helping”, “Chicken soup for a woman’s soul”, “Chicken soup for a mother’s soul” here

And of course, if you are wondering how Jack Canfield achieves his goals (and he has very ambitious ones), how he was able to achieve success, become a popular author, coach, millionaire (possibly a billionaire), then

Meg Jay "Important Years"

If you are a fan of quickly moving from words to action and have already recharged yourself with positivity after the above selection, then you should pay attention to Meg Jay’s book “Important Years,” which broke sales records according to the authoritative publication The New-York Times. But, it is worth understanding that the guide to changes in life will be useful to people who are in the time period from 20 to 30 years. Although, we know that age is not in the passport. He's in the shower.

Stephen Fry "Tennis Balls of Heaven"

This funny, energetic, and smart book retells the story of the Count of Monte Cristo in a sophisticated new way.

Its creator is a bright personality in England. A memorable actor (played Oscar Wilde and servant Jeeves in the film based on the works of Wodehouse), essayist for The Daily Telegraph, talented showman and writer Stephen Fry won the love of the public and the respect of critics.

His humor is deep and unique:


There are people who believe that they are prevented from living a full life by the Asians who have flooded England, the presence of the royal family, the intense street traffic under the windows of their houses, the machinations of trade unions <...> - yes, anything, but it’s not their own emptiness, feeble-mindedness inability to really take on any damn thing. Ashley well understood the disappointment that Caligula felt at the thought that the Roman people had more than one neck. “If only the English had one butt for all,” Ashley thought. What a kick he would have given him!

Peter Bregman "The Four Second Rule"

And if we continue about time, it is useful to leaf through the book of the wonderful and successful Peter Bregman, who in the publication “The Four Second Rule” teaches how to quickly and lightningly separate the wheat from the chaff. In the first four seconds, the brain finds the only correct answer to everything, even the most complex questions. Our mistake is that then, by nature, we begin to doubt. Not worth it! Only forward!

Greg White "Challenge Yourself"

What can charge better than a personal, high-quality example? Greg White did a great job by writing a guide called “Challenge Yourself.” The book talks about how to improve not only your thinking (where it all begins), but also to continue changes by improving your body, financial situation, and even social status. Such literature should be a reference for those who are tormented by the slightest doubts about themselves or have become victims of depression. Don't lose heart, the world is waiting for your exploits!

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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