Penis enlargement with soda: instructions for use and real reviews

What kind of exotic methods of enlarging the male genital organ are not legendary among the people! One of them is penis enlargement with soda. Many men want to know how soda affects penis enlargement - the product costs a penny and is found in every kitchen.

Proponents of penis enlargement with baking soda write about several options for its use: drinking a water-soda solution; baths for the penis with tea soda; scrubbing; penis masks made from soda, honey and milk.

We suggest you figure out how it works.

Popular methods

There are several ways to use baking soda for penis enlargement.
Each of them has its own contraindications. Therefore, after studying the essence of the method, pay attention to its features

Taking soda orally

Baking soda is usually taken orally as an addition to other methods. Its healing properties have been widely known since ancient times. The benefit is that it can have a beneficial effect on all internal systems and organs. Some useful properties:

  • launches metabolic processes;
  • brings weight back to normal;
  • increases the activity and viability of sperm;

Sometimes the length of the penis does not fully expand due to various types of diseases. Soda removes waste and toxins from the body, which can cause such ailments.

It is recommended to take half a teaspoon of baking soda after meals in the morning and evening. Gradually you need to increase the dose, the maximum amount will be 1 tablespoon.

If there is another use case. A teaspoon of soda powder is diluted in a glass of cold water. Should be consumed in the morning before meals.

To enhance the effect, you can purchase special creams, capsules or sprays at the pharmacy. They increase blood flow in the penis and strengthen the erection.

Alkaline baths

One of the most effective folk recipes is steaming the penis in a bath. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a liter of heated water. Then release the penis into the bowl with the mixture and wait 20 minutes. Rinse your penis with plain water to remove soda particles.

Compresses with soda to increase the size of the penis

How to enlarge the penis? Before carrying out this procedure, you need to prepare a special solution. Three tablespoons of baking soda are added to a glass of water at room temperature. Essential oils are also dripped here, three drops of cardamom and cypress oil. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. The incense that the solution emits helps you relax. This method is used before bedtime, because after it, rest in bed is recommended.

Gauze or a cloth is soaked in the resulting mixture and wrapped around the penis. It should completely cover the penis. The procedure is repeated for a month, if possible daily. Only after 30 days can you see the result.

Penis massage using soda

Massage is a great way to enlarge the penis

It is important to do it correctly, following all the rules. For greater effect and softening of soda, you need to add natural honey to it.

You need to mix a tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of baking soda. Then apply the mixture to the penis in a circular motion and slowly massage it.

Additional Information! This method can be used not only by adult men, but also by teenage boys. Because it has no contraindications.

You need to repeat the procedure three times a day. There are people who are particularly sensitive to honey. In this case, you can use olive oil instead. It will nourish the tissues of the organ, making the penis more elastic and elastic.

Star with soda

Often, to increase penis size at home, use peppermint star balm for colds in combination with soda. However, a very small amount of this ingredient will be needed.

To prepare the mixture, you need to mix a teaspoon of baking soda, a tablespoon of clean cool water and a star on the tip of a knife. After preparing the recipe, the composition is applied to the genitals and left for 10 minutes.

Vacuum massage

This is done by using a cylindrical vacuum pump. Soda should be applied to the penis, then the pump should be put on the genitals. The air inside is pumped, after a few minutes the pump needs to be lowered. This method will improve blood circulation in the genital organ.

The disadvantage is that this method can only be used once or twice a week. Therefore, you can combine it, for example, with a massage.

Precautionary measures

To enlarge the reproductive organ using alkaline powder or solution, you need to be careful and perform the actions regularly. Of course, it is better not to use soda at all to enlarge the penis, but not everyone wants to believe the truth; many hope for a miracle. Men who decide to resort to one of these methods should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not overdo it, do not rub the soda solution into the penis several times a day, otherwise you can damage the delicate skin on the penis; Before starting the procedure, do an allergy test: apply a little product to any area of ​​the skin and see if any redness or rash appears on the treated area;
  • the use of soda is recommended only if there is no damage to the genital organ (cracks, wounds, abrasions); otherwise, you may get an infection and will have to seek help from a doctor;
  • Do not rub the soda composition into the skin of the phallus too vigorously; do not apply the product to the head of the penis and mucous membranes; use only a high-quality product, do not use powder with an unpleasant suspicious odor and unnatural color, otherwise
  • you may face serious consequences (inflammation, allergies);
  • the method is not recommended for use by men with congenital pathologies of the reproductive organ;
  • Before enlarging the penis with sodium bicarbonate, study the theory.

Other enlargement methods

Alternative medicine offers various methods and recipes for penis enlargement. Often, herbal medicine is used to enlarge the penis.

Decoctions and infusions from various medicinal plants are used for this purpose. Popular:

  1. Ginko Biloba. To enlarge the penis, the leaves of the plant are used, since it is in this part that the largest amount of enzymes and useful microelements are accumulated, suitable for the preparation of active supplements and extracts. The action of the plant is aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the genital organ; after use, a man feels increased sensitivity and increases stamina.
  2. Ginseng. The plant is used to combat impotence and sexual dysfunction. Using ginseng increases blood flow to the genitals, enlarging the penis.


  • infusion of crushed and whole ginseng roots. 20g of plant is poured with 200 ml of alcohol (70%). Use 20 drops twice before meals;
  • honey infusion. 0.5 tablespoon of honey is mixed with 300 g of crushed ginseng root and left for 20 days. Take 1 teaspoon three times a day, before meals.

Various massages of the penis and balls are considered effective. Thai massage is very popular, with a targeted effect on biologically active zones responsible for the functioning of the penis. Other procedures and exercises are also used to restore blood flow to the genitals, stimulate the skin and all internal tissues of the penis, resulting in an increase in the size of the penis.

In order to enlarge the penis, new generation drugs are also offered:

  • spray M16;
  • TITAN gel;
  • Dominator spray.

Also medications for oral administration:

  • Peruvian Maca;
  • Biomanix.

Such drugs enlarge the penis by 2–4 cm, increase potency and libido.

Any procedures with soda should be done after first checking the body’s reaction to the substance, also after consultation with specialists.

Methods that are best avoided

There are several methods of penis enlargement at home, which are best avoided. Otherwise, there is a high risk of complications.

Attention! Many methods are based on men’s conjectures and have no evidence of their effectiveness. Only a doctor can choose effective tactics for penis enlargement.


The main negative effect of the drugs is hormonal imbalance

Most tablets that help in lengthening the male reproductive organ contain hormones and biologically active substances. Such drugs usually have a large number of contraindications and side effects.

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The use of hormonal drugs can help increase penis size only during adolescence. During puberty, the body is still actively growing and developing. After growth is complete, such tablets will not be able to help.

The main negative effect of the drugs is hormonal imbalance. This in turn leads to many side effects. These include:

  1. Failure of erectile function.
  2. Disturbance of the gonads.
  3. Decreased performance.
  4. Deterioration of psycho-emotional state.
  5. The emergence of somatic pathologies.

Also, hormonal drugs can adversely affect the activity of the liver and kidneys, as they create an increased load on these organs.

Hanging loads

Another method that should not be used to increase penis size is hanging weights from the penis. The technique was used in ancient times by African tribes. Even in childhood, boys had weights hung on the body of the penis.

Over time, the weight of the load increases. This method allows you to extend the penis by several centimeters. But as a result of such procedures, the penis becomes thinner and erectile function is impaired. Therefore, hanging should not be practiced.

Alternative remedies

Andrologists recommend using proven and safe drugs and not experimenting on yourself:

  • Peruvian maca taken orally has a positive effect on male potency. It contains natural ingredients, the effectiveness of which has been tested by our ancestors. Enlargement of the organ is possible within 3-5 mm.
  • Spray "Dominator" guarantees an instant increase in the penis by several centimeters. Active compounds trigger the production of male hormones and penis growth. After a few days of use, you will experience increased libido and prolonged sex. From customer reviews it is known that after several courses the penis “grew” by 3-7 cm.
  • Spray M16 will help to delicately solve the problem of penis enlargement, with a prolonged effect throughout the entire intimate relationship. Contains only natural ingredients. With regular use, it eliminates congestion and increases blood circulation, increasing testosterone levels. Apply daily to the entire genital organ. Users note that after the full course, the organ increased in size and durability in bed increased.
  • Gel Titan comprehensively solves several problems at once: it increases libido, the durability and duration of an erection, and increases the size of the penis. The components of the gel help increase size and sensitivity. The full course means a stable erection, “confident” size, and good libido.

How to properly use baking soda to enlarge your penis?

Penis enlargement with soda at home can be done in different ways. Each of them is worth considering in more detail.

Oral administration

Penis enlargement with soda can also be done by taking the product orally. To do this, prepare a solution from half a teaspoon of the product and a glass of milk. The resulting product is taken every day for a month.

Baking soda improves blood circulation, which helps in enlarging the penis. The product also has a positive effect on sperm quality and sperm viability.

Soda solution helps not only to increase male dignity, but also to cleanse the body, prevent the formation of malignant tumors, normalize metabolism, and lose excess body weight.


The intestine is the most important digestive organ. If there are problems in its activity, the blood supply to the genital organs is disrupted. Therefore, it is believed that by cleansing the intestines, you can achieve better results in penis enlargement.

For cleansing, microenemas are made with a soda solution. It is prepared as follows: a large spoon of sodium bicarbonate is poured with a liter of warm water, previously boiled. They give enemas once a day. The course of therapy is 30 days.

Lye baths

Another way to enlarge your penis using baking soda is to take alkaline baths. To do this, dissolve 500 g of soda product in 3 liters of water, then add it to the bath. The water temperature should be comfortable for the body. It is recommended to take a bath for no more than half an hour, and after finishing use a contrast shower.

Soda baths help make the manhood thicker and longer. In addition, this method allows you to prevent the occurrence of inflammation of the prostate gland and genital organs, and rid the body of harmful substances.

After a bath, you need to take a contrast shower to restore normal blood circulation.

You can also prepare concentrated baths that you just need to sit in

In this case, the content of soda for male organ enlargement will be higher, so it is important that there is no damage to the skin of the penis. Otherwise, an unpleasant burning sensation will occur


A good option for penis enlargement with soda is applying compresses. To do this, mix 10 large spoons of the product with a liter of hot water. Then they take a strip of some natural fabric, dip it in the solution and wrap it around the penis.

Leave the compress for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure 3 times a day. Thanks to it, blood flow quickly increases, which leads to lengthening and thickening of the male genital organ.


Penis enlargement using baking soda can also be done through massage. The procedure helps to increase blood circulation and normalize metabolic processes. All this has a beneficial effect on improving the size of manhood.

The massage is performed as follows:

  1. The skin of the penis is first warmed up. To do this, you can use a towel soaked in hot water.
  2. Wet your hands a little and pour a small amount of soda on them.
  3. The reproductive organ is massaged with light rubbing movements, moving from the base to the frenulum.
  4. After the procedure, the soda product is washed off with warm water.

It is recommended to massage in the evening before going to bed. After the procedure, you should lie down for a while and let your body relax. The frequency of massage is 2 times a week.


To enlarge the penis, a special scrub is prepared with soda. For this purpose, make a mixture of water and food product in a 1:1 ratio. The result should be a paste. To enhance the effect, add a small spoon of liquid honey and a few drops of any essential oil that can stimulate blood circulation to this mass.

The water in this recipe can be completely replaced with vegetable oils. But just don’t use a sunflower product. Thanks to them, in addition to enlarging the sexual organ, it will be possible to improve the condition of the skin, accelerate tissue healing, and prevent the development of inflammation.

To enlarge the penis, you need to apply a scrub to its surface in a thin, even layer and rub in a circular motion. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than 3 times a week.

Soda lotions

Massage is not the only way to use the product. Lotions help a lot. The solution for penis enlargement with soda has a very simple recipe. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of the substance in 150 ml of warm water.

Moisten clean gauze or towel with the mixture. Products must be perfectly clean. The cloth is placed on the phallus and wrapped around it. Keep the lotion for 5-10 minutes. The event must be repeated every day for a month.

The result becomes noticeable after completing the course. It can be repeated after some break (2-4 weeks). To improve the effectiveness of lotions, you can add a little essential oil to the solution.

The aroma of cypress, cardamom, and other plant extracts promotes relaxation and helps you forget about pressing problems. Esters add consistency to the composition, relax the body and improve blood circulation. The main thing is not to forget about a short rest after the procedure.

Does size really matter?

Negative effects on the body

Baking soda is a natural product, so its use is practically harmless. But you shouldn’t get carried away with using bicarbonate. Otherwise, soda can cause harm to the body.

When used frequently in large dosages, the product can cause damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. This, in turn, can provoke the appearance of ulcers on the internal surface of the organs.

When baking soda and water combine, carbon dioxide is formed. As a result, taking a soda solution can lead to excessive gas formation and bloating.

Instructions for use

The most common way to use baking soda to enlarge your penis is by massaging it. To achieve the desired result, it must be performed in the correct way so as not to cause harm, because the skin of the penis is very delicate. So, the procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation. The purpose of the preparation is to make the skin of the penis elastic, while at the same time increasing blood circulation. You need to take a towel, which must be very soft, moisten it in warm water and wrap it around the penis, leaving it for a few minutes. The procedure must be repeated 3-4 times.
  2. Massage. The exercises themselves can be anything, their main goal is to stretch the penis. Between exercises, it is necessary to restore blood circulation by performing light massaging movements. When the organ is stretched, a large influx of blood will flow to it, and then with smooth massaging it will be evenly distributed throughout the veins. It is recommended to use baking soda during massaging. It is enough to take a small amount of powder in your palm and “rub” it into the skin. The procedure will be similar to using a scrub.
  3. Recovery. After performing the exercises, you need to relax and lie down. If you immediately jump up and start doing business, it will be stressful for the body. Then the blood flow, which was just able to improve, will work hard again.

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Experts say that during a massage of the genital organ, a man should be in a good mood and completely relaxed

Problems with sexual health in men are often psychological in nature, so it is important to set yourself up correctly. Sexologists advise “finishing” the desired centimeters in your head and imagining the result

In other words, a man must love himself and be determined to admire his achievement.

Lotions with soda

Lotions or compresses with soda are another way to enlarge the penis at home. To prepare a soda solution, you need to take 1-2 tbsp. baking soda and dissolve them in half a glass of warm water. Then soak gauze in the resulting solution and apply it to the penis. The size of the gauze should be sufficient to wrap it around the entire length of the organ.

It is recommended to apply lotions every day for a month. A one-time procedure will not bring the desired result. You can add a few drops of essential oils to the soda solution. For example, it could be cardamom oil, cypress oil and other “masculine” scents. Their smell helps you relax and not focus on the problem. After completing the procedure, it is recommended to lie down in a relaxed state.

Soda inside

Taking baking soda orally can be used to complement one of the above penis enlargement methods. Soda has several factors that have a positive effect on the internal systems of the body. Sometimes it turns out that in fact the length of the penis is not fully revealed due to diseases that the man is not even aware of. They can also cause other erection problems. Drinking soda will help you get rid of “garbage” in the form of toxins, which can be the cause of some diseases.

It is necessary to take soda orally following the advice of doctors. Professor Neumyvakin advises starting with small doses - ¼ tsp. a day in the morning and evening. This should be done in between meals. Gradually the amount of soda increases to 1 tbsp. spoons at a time.

For prevention purposes, it is recommended to use a soda solution of 1 teaspoon of soda in half a glass of water. This must be done first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. Of course, drinking soda will not directly affect the size of the penis, but it will definitely have a positive effect on a man’s health and his emotional state.

Feedback from our readers

You can leave your reviews about penis enlargement with soda, they will be useful to other users of the site!


My husband is just delusional with the idea that he needs to enlarge his penis. Personally, everything suits me, but no matter how many times I tried to convince him that his worries were in vain, he did not listen. My husband tried taking different medications, most of them were nutritional supplements. This fact has always scared me, because I have heard a lot about their harm. After the last time, when taking a drug of unknown origin ended in resuscitation as a result of sludge poisoning, I decided to research information on my husband’s problem myself. I found several folk remedies on the Internet; the most attractive was the use of baking soda. I shared what I found with my husband, and he became interested. I started making compresses from a soda solution every other day, and on the day when I didn’t do this, I took baths with the addition of soda. The first effect that I was waiting for came immediately - my husband became calmer. He could relax, especially when taking a bath, and this had a positive effect. Sex life began to improve, my husband became relaxed, and it is clear that he is pleased with the result. Although he doesn’t talk about centimeters yet, he’s afraid to jinx it, probably the result is clear.


My main health problem is so sensitive that I can’t tell anyone about it. My penis is very small and it has become really paranoid for me. After my last breakup with my girlfriend, which I believe was the result of problems in bed, I decided to take action. A close friend who knows about my experiences advised me to try a penis massage. As an excipient, I used baking soda, which, as it turns out, can be a substance beneficial for men's health. Before the massage, I made lotions from a soda solution, which helped to relax, and then did the exercises that the doctor advised me. Between them I massaged the shaft using baking soda, making light movements. It's hard to believe, but the result really didn't take long to arrive. Just a month later, the penis increased in size by several centimeters. I advise everyone to try this simple but effective method.


My first girlfriend left me with the words “you never satisfied me.” Previously, I naively believed that the size of the penis is not important, because there are different ways to please your partner. Now I know for sure that size is very important. After reading the information about my problem, I was indeed convinced that my size was too small. I went to see a doctor, but he said that there were no pathologies or diseases, it was just the special structure of the organ. I was desperate and began to look for ways to enlarge my penis. I decided to start small - folk recipes. I opted for using baking soda. I used it internally, according to the scheme proposed by Dr. Neumyvakin, and massaged the penis using soda. What can I say, firstly, my general condition has improved, so soda turned out to be a very useful substance for my body. Secondly, penis massage really turned out to be effective. I began to notice that during an erection it became larger and larger each time. I don’t plan to stop, because using baking soda on the face is effective, and I don’t see any point in looking for other ways to increase it.


I have already come to terms with the fact that a small penis is my death sentence. Since childhood, when boys in the locker room measured their merits, I faced ridicule. My parents were ashamed to tell me, but their complexes grew and grew. Now I’m an adult man, but I couldn’t arrange my personal life for a long time - it’s all due to complexes. Every time I met a girl, I was afraid that they would make fun of me again. A friend once told me about a soda massage, which he said made his penis bigger. Without much hope, I decided to give it a try. Now I really regret that I didn’t know about this simple method earlier. Soda lotions and massaging the shaft using soda is a simple but truly effective method of penis enlargement.


My friend and I decided to try to increase our manhood with the help of soda compresses. First of all, we were driven by curiosity, because we heard from a friend about the effectiveness of such a simple remedy. I did the procedure easily and simply: I dissolved a spoonful of soda in warm water, moistened gauze and wrapped it around my penis. I repeated the procedure several times. After that I felt relaxed and went to bed. What can they say, to my own surprise, there really was a result. The object of my pride became harder in a state of arousal, and also increased by several centimeters. And I managed to achieve this in a month. Even the wife, who knew nothing about it, noticed the changes. I advise everyone to try this simple method of penis enlargement.

Men are designed in such a way that they need to be successful everywhere, including in bed. Problems in intimate relationships give rise to complexes, psychological trauma and reduce self-esteem. And the obsession with how to enlarge your penis with baking soda does not leave some heads, because men attribute many failures in sexual relationships to the size of their organ and begin to look for ways to solve the “problem.”

The size of the male organ is proportional to the body and pathologies are rare. However, the issue of size remains relevant.

This cannot be solved radically, surgically, then gentle methods such as gels-ointments, exercises, dietary supplements, tablets and improvised means remain.

Such remedies can and do help by increasing the flow of blood to the penis, increasing arousal and prolonging the erection. But how long does the effect last? Most likely, this is a one-time result for confidence on an upcoming date.

One of the simplest and most affordable remedies is baking soda. On men's forums, some claim that baking soda helps and the results are noticeable within a month.


There are several ways to enlarge your penis using baking soda. However, before proceeding with any procedure, it is recommended to consult with a qualified specialist.

Massage with soda

This procedure is the most popular, but to achieve a positive effect it must be performed correctly and systematically. Before proceeding directly to the massage, you need to prepare the penis. To do this, you need to take a soft towel, moisten it in lukewarm water, and then wrap it around the penis. After a few minutes, the procedure is repeated, and so on 3-4 times.

You can choose any exercise, but it is worth considering that their goal should be to enlarge the penis. During the break between exercises, you should definitely normalize blood circulation in the organ; to do this, you need to massage it with light movements. Sodium bicarbonate is recommended for use in this relaxing massage process. To do this, take a little baking soda into your palm and then make light rubbing movements. After the massage is completed, it takes 15–20 minutes. lie down, relaxing as much as possible.

Soda compresses

This method is also widely used by men to enlarge the penis. To make a solution of sodium bicarbonate suitable for a compress, you need to pour 100 mg of lukewarm water into a container and add 1 or 2 large spoons of the substance into it. Everything mixes well. Afterwards, you need to take a piece of gauze so that you can completely wrap it around your entire penis. It is moistened in the resulting mixture and wrapped around the genital organ. Remove the compress after a few minutes.

Such compresses should be done every day for 30 days. If the procedures are performed irregularly, then they will not be of much use. If desired, you can pour a few drops of aromatic oil into the mixture, using masculine scents (cypress, cardamom, etc.). This will allow the man to relieve tension.

Taking soda orally

It is recommended to take sodium bicarbonate orally simultaneously with exercises aimed at lengthening the penis. It can thin the blood. Thanks to this, the blood supply to the penis will increase, which will have a positive effect on the results of the exercises.

It is recommended to drink a soda solution every day in the morning on an empty stomach. To prepare it, you need to take 1 small spoon of sodium bicarbonate and 200 ml of lukewarm water. However, it is recommended to start taking soda with a third of a small spoon. Then the amount of the substance must be gradually increased.

Soda-oil massage

To perform this procedure, you will need to coat the genital organ with any vegetable oil. Then sodium bicarbonate must be applied to the entire length of the organ. After this, you need to massage the entire length of the penis, while performing light rubbing movements. You should not press hard, as this can injure the delicate skin. The massage should be performed for 3–5 minutes.

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Soda bath

In order to make such a bath, you need to prepare a mixture consisting of water and sodium bicarbonate (take 1 large spoon of the substance per 1 liter of water). The water temperature should be between 38–41 degrees. The duration of the bath is about 15 minutes.

Soda-honey massage To perform the procedure, you need to prepare a mixture consisting of honey and soda. These two components must be taken in equal parts and mixed thoroughly with each other. The resulting mass is applied to the entire length of the organ, after which it needs to be massaged, while performing light rubbing movements. The duration of the procedure is from 3 to 4 minutes.


An effective method of application is massage using the dietary supplement in question.

The effect is aimed at expanding the openings of the tissues of the penis, where blood and micronutrients flow. This affects the thickening and partial lengthening of the penis.

Before starting the massage, you should familiarize yourself with the following precautions:

  • A sensitivity test is required. Apply baking soda to a small area of ​​skin, previously mixed with water until a paste forms. Leave the composition for half an hour and wash off with running water. If no itching or irritation is found on the penis, you can use the supplement as directed.
  • Massage must be performed regularly, preferably daily, to achieve results.
  • Massage movements are careful and soft so as not to cause damage to the sensitive skin of the penis.

The massage is done in several stages, presented as follows:

  1. Preparation - a soft towel is moistened in warm water and wrapped around the penis. Sit in this state for 20 minutes, re-wetting the towel as it cools.
  2. The procedure is to prepare the mixture for massage by mixing the main component with water until the consistency of sour cream is formed. Rub the mixture into the penis with gentle massage movements, stretching it and squeezing it as much as possible. Pain should not be allowed.
  3. Completion – after the massage (30 minutes), you need to lie down and relax. It is important to lie in a relaxed state for 30 minutes. After rinsing the penis under running water, the use of hygiene products is allowed.

The presented manipulations help improve blood flow to the penis and increase it slightly. Regular use promotes lasting results.

The principle of action of soda on the penis

Sodium bicarbonate has many beneficial properties. One of them is the ability of this substance to thin the blood. Experts believe that when performing exercises to lengthen the reproductive organ, thinning the blood is simply necessary.

Simple baking soda can thin the blood, which will allow it to penetrate the genital organ more freely and in greater volume. Thanks to this effect, sodium bicarbonate affects the lengthening of the penis. In addition, this substance can prevent the formation of blood clots, which often form during special exercises. But the blood thinning effect can only be achieved by taking soda orally.

If it is applied to the surface of the skin or made into baths, then as a result of this procedure local irritation will occur, which will cause a local increase in blood flow. The penis swells and increases by 0.2–0.4 centimeters. However, this effect lasts only about two hours, and then the size of the genital organ returns to normal.

Benefits of Home Augmentation

If you strictly follow all the rules for carrying out procedures, then home methods will not cause any harm to the body.

Enlargement of the male penis at home is carried out by men quite often, since only a few decide to consult a doctor. Such methods have their positive sides. These include:

  1. Economical. Home remedies do not require large amounts of money, unlike medical methods. This makes penis enlargement accessible to every man.
  2. Simplicity. No special skills are required to lengthen your penis. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the rules for performing a particular procedure by watching training videos and strictly follow them.
  3. No need to create conditions for increase. Many techniques can be performed at any time and anywhere. No special preparation required.
  4. Safety. If you strictly follow all the rules for carrying out procedures, then home methods will not cause any harm to the body.

Attention! Penis enlargement methods have one drawback. Their effect is observed after a long time

It takes patience to achieve the desired result.

Despite the fact that the methods refer to home penis enlargement, you should first consult with a specialist.

Penis enlargement with baking soda: how to take

Doctors flatly refuse to use this method for men, since soda must be diluted in water and consumed orally. This substance can only be taken by an absolutely healthy person, since the introduction of alkali into the body can have a detrimental effect on overall health. When not to take soda:

  • If there is increased or decreased stomach acidity. It is worth noting that there are very few people who have a normal level of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract, since this directly depends on proper nutrition.
  • If you have gastritis or an ulcer.
  • Diabetes.
  • Presence of oncology.

Having at least one of the above factors, taking soda is strictly prohibited. How to use soda correctly? Reviews from men describe various methods of using soda, but we will describe the most popular:

  • Recipe No. 1. Add half a teaspoon of soda to a boiled (cooled) 250 ml glass of water. Drink daily after meals for a month.
  • Recipe No. 2. Some men believe that 0.5 teaspoon is not enough to enlarge the penis, so they use 1 teaspoon of soda per 250 ml of water.
  • Recipe No. 3. This method is more adaptive. In this case, you need to gradually increase the dose of soda, starting from 0.5 hours. l.
  • Recipe No. 4. Some men use baking soda locally, i.e. Apply the powder directly to the genitals. It should be noted that such scrubbing can give positive results. Through massage, the blood begins to circulate faster, and the soda quickly penetrates the skin, thinning the blood and enlarging the organ. To do this, you need to wet the penis, take a little soda and slowly and gently rub the organ with soda for 3-5 minutes. It is important to carry out this procedure before the start of intimacy.

Possible side effects

The most common side effects from using soda: a feeling of corrosion of the delicate skin of the organ, pain and discomfort in the groin area.
Restoring the damaged epidermis will take a long time. This must be kept in mind when deciding to use the product on a regular basis. Baking soda kills beneficial bacteria, neutralizes opportunistic microflora, causing a crushing blow to the immune system.
As a result, unpleasant diseases such as candidiasis, balanoposthitis or balanitis may develop. Serious side effects may occur in people with:

  • Individual intolerance to soda;
  • Increased stomach acidity (there is a risk of peptic ulcer);
  • Sensitive skin (there is a risk of irritation, allergies and inflammation).

Also, negative consequences can occur in men with malignant tumors (soda creates a favorable environment for the further development of cancer cells) and people with a history of diabetes.

As a rule , if you take precautions and do not abuse procedures, no side effects occur. Therefore, before using soda, you should check the expiration date, do not exceed the dosage, massage with scrubs only with clean hands, and do not use the product if there are the contraindications described above.

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