Vibropros prostate massager with vibration element reviews

Positive effects and algorithm of actions

Before talking about devices for men, it is necessary to understand why a man needs a massage and how to perform it correctly at home. With various diseases of the gland, most often with prostatitis, congestion occurs in the ducts of the prostate gland. They need to be drained in time, that is, it is necessary to remove inflammation products from the ducts so that generalized inflammation does not begin with the involvement of surrounding tissues. Massage improves blood circulation in the gland.

In this regard, massage has positive effects:

  • Improves potency by increasing blood circulation.
  • Eliminates the symptoms of prostatitis (antibacterial substances enter all tissues of the organ during massage), improves the functional activity of the organ.
  • There is an increase in the number of sperm, which can help with in vitro fertilization and a better search for the causes of infertility and other disorders.

How to use a prostate massager or how to massage the prostate? Performing a prostate massage using a vibrating massager requires preliminary preparation. It is advisable to give an enema a day before the massage, but this is not always necessary. Next, use your index finger to examine the rectum to determine the location of the organ. After this, the tip of the device is treated with a special solution (for sterilization) and a condom is put on it.

When massaging, you can use a water-based lubricant to make it easier to insert the tip into the rectum. Next, the device is inserted into the rectum. The instructions indicate exactly how to turn it on and in what mode. The massage is best performed in a lying position with your legs pressed to your chest.

Typically, a vibrating prostate massager should be inserted into the intestine no further than 3-5 cm, after which the procedure lasts for 2 minutes (the first one) with an increase to 5 minutes (by 1 minute for each subsequent procedure).

When using a massager, the symptoms of prostatitis are eliminated

Features of application

Prostate massage using a special device is a fairly simple procedure, but to achieve a positive result you will still need to follow certain rules.

Before using a massager, it would be advisable to consult a doctor who can rule out the presence of acute inflammatory processes, because this is a contraindication to the use of stimulating devices. The doctor will also suggest the number of procedures required for a specific clinical case and select the best model.

You can learn how to massage the prostate gland by watching special lessons on using massagers. After carefully studying the video tutorial, a man will be able to give himself a massage.

How to use a prostate massager? You need to be properly prepared for the procedure. First you need to cleanse the intestines by doing an enema. Then treat the device with an antiseptic solution. To facilitate the process of inserting the device into the rectum, experts advise treating the anus with the tip using a lubricant. But here it is worth noting that only water-based lubricants are suitable for such purposes, since Vaseline and other fatty preparations can damage the device.

The procedure is recommended to be carried out with a full bladder. For this purpose, drink 1-2 liters of water approximately an hour before the massage. On the contrary, it is advisable to abstain from eating.

How to do prostate massage correctly? The main thing is to take the right position. Each patient chooses a comfortable position individually. You can take a knee-elbow position, lie on your side, pulling your knees towards your abdomen (for some it is more convenient to lie on your back). After this, the tip of the device should be carefully inserted into the rectal area (the optimal depth recommended by doctors is about 5-7 cm), and then turn on the massager. The duration of the first procedure is 5 minutes. Each subsequent session, doctors believe, should be increased by 1-1.5 minutes.

Instructions for use of non-invasive massagers indicate that in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, you must sit down on the device. Having placed the massager on a chair, you should sit on it so that the wide part of the device is located under the scrotum area. After this, simply perform rhythmic, progressive movements of the pelvis. The session should last about 10 minutes. To achieve a truly effective result, this massage will need to be done twice a day.

Main brands

Which prostate massager is best? How to choose a medical device for prostatitis yourself? You can find out about this by analyzing reviews, from a doctor and from personal experience. There are a wide variety of types of massagers.

First of all, they are divided into invasive and non-invasive. Based on the name, the first ones must be injected into the rectum. The second ones are used outside.

According to another classification, all devices are divided into vibrating prostate massager, urological prostate massager, electric prostate massager without a vibrator.

Vibrating massagers. This device can be used at home without third parties. Such devices have a timer that automatically turns off the device during a session. According to reviews, the following devices are considered the most effective:

The Mavit brand device is the best prostate massager, according to reviews. Two devices: the Nexus revo 2 prostate massager and the Nexus revo stealth are the latest models in this product line. However, their price is too high. Therefore, Mavit models are in quite high demand today and are common among men as devices for treating the prostate.

A urological prostate massager is used only in a clinic and only by a doctor. A special thin tube is inserted into the urethra, at the end of which an electrode is installed. Another electrode is attached to the patient's tailbone. During the massage, the doctor selects a certain current strength based on the patient’s sensations. During this procedure, a man may feel slight discomfort. The electric prostate massager is not equipped with a vibration element.

Another option for the same electrical stimulation is the installation of electrodes in the anus and on the pubis. In this case, the strength of impact is also selected according to individual indicators.

Which prostate massager is better: reviews from doctors and patients

In order to choose a device that will bring maximum benefit, it is important to consult with a urologist and read patient reviews.

Vibrating massager Prostata Help-1

The Prostata Help-1 vibration massager is made of silicone and has a unique shape, thanks to which the vibration application point is located directly on the prostate:

  • Stepan Andreevich, urologist . This device really works, patients get relief after just a few self-massage sessions. It is important to buy the device only from official suppliers, so as not to run into a fake;
  • Ignat . Due to the fact that visiting a urologist frequently is quite expensive, I purchased this device. It does not cause any discomfort; the pain in the perineum and lower back stopped bothering me after a week.

VibroPros with vibration element

The VibroPros device is suitable for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis:

  • Ivan . I have been using this vibrating massager for 2 years. I noticed that the device is extremely effective, the symptoms of prostatitis no longer bother me. I purchased it on the advice of my urologist, who has been practicing for more than 30 years;
  • Konstantin Mikhailovich . I have been working as a urologist for 20 years, I recommend this device because of its good effectiveness and affordable price.

Mavit device

Konstantin Borisovich, urologist. This device combines the positive effects of a magnetic field, vibration and heat.

The patient can use the device at home after prior consultation.

Symptoms of prostatitis or prostate adenoma cease to bother you after 5 sessions. Compared to other massagers, Mavit is much more convenient to use.

Nexus Revo 2 stimulator

The Nexus Revo 2 stimulator differs from other vibrating massagers in its functionality and high price. The device has 5 different modes, thanks to which the manufacturer managed to achieve maximum efficiency.

Prostate massager Nexus Revo 2

Vladimir: “The device works well, but it is very expensive, and it is quite difficult to understand the instructions. Of the 5 modes, I only use one. Symptoms of chronic prostatitis are no longer bothersome (10 treatment sessions).”

Useful Alternatives

In addition to standard devices, you can make a prostate massager with your own hands at home. For this, a regular tennis ball is suitable, which must be placed on a chair. You need to sit on it so that it is located between the anus and the scrotum. After this, for 5-7 minutes you need to perform lateral movements with your pelvis, as if riding on it.

This method is an analogue of a non-invasive device. According to reviews, this is a fairly common device. A homemade massager is also made from other materials, but this method has the best reputation.

There are also other videos on the Internet that show various tutorials on how to make a prostate massager with your own hands, and provide detailed instructions for use.

You can make a prostate massager yourself

A good massager for the treatment of prostatitis is quite expensive. The price of the device varies from 700 rubles to 20,000 in city pharmacies. It all depends on the brand of the device, its complexity and the functions contained therein. Reviews say that it is better to purchase something average in price; a male device such as Mavit is safer and of higher quality for treating the gland. If prices are too low, you end up with a lot of defective goods. Typically reviews sound like this: “I use the device more than once, I’m quite pleased with the result.”

Thus, the species are quite diverse. Before choosing any of them, you need to analyze consumer reviews and consult a doctor. An area such as urology does not stand still; reviews from doctors about massagers allow you to choose the best device for self-massage and at the same time help in the development of new devices. The specialist will advise which device is needed and in what mode the massage should be performed.

How to make a device with your own hands?

Many men wonder how to make a prostate massager with their own hands. According to experts, a homemade massager can be used exclusively for preventive procedures. Homemade prostate massagers, as a rule, cannot reproduce the optimal shape and curves of the original, designed for effective and safe insertion into the rectal area. Therefore, refrain from such experiments with your health and purchase a truly high-quality device.

Making a prostate massager with your own hands is not at all difficult if it is intended for non-invasive use. You can borrow an ordinary tennis ball, place it on the seat and sit on top, making forward movements. It is enough to massage a couple of times a day for a month. As one young man wrote in his review: “I used to use professional non-invasive massagers, now I use a regular tennis ball instead, and the results remain extremely positive.”

A prostate massager is an effective and easy-to-use device that has a positive effect on the condition of the prostate gland and improves erectile function. A high-quality massager for the treatment of prostatitis, used at home, will eliminate the painful symptoms characteristic of this disease in a short time, as well as prevent the further development of the pathological process.

What is VibroPros

Today, it is impossible to do without prostate massage in the treatment of prostate inflammation. Doctors think so, and this is confirmed by practice.

Massage - manual or with the help of a massager, helps in the treatment and prevention of any form of disease, both acute and chronic, which is almost asymptomatic.

The main indications for use are:

  • all forms of inflammation of the prostate gland, accompanied by painful symptoms in the pelvic area, groin area, lower back;
  • deterioration of erectile functions, characteristic of any pathology of the genitourinary organs;
  • unsatisfactory results from treatment with medications, including antibiotics;
  • the need to obtain a secret for diagnosis;
  • prevention of sexual disorders and pathologies of the genitourinary system at any age;

The device is suitable for those who suffer from prostatitis, sexual disorders, and want to increase libido and maximum arousal.

Alternative to manual massage

Stagnation in the prostate gland causes inflammation. Advanced processes bring discomfort, pain, sexual impotence, and difficulty urinating. Any man over 35 years old can face this. Due to delicacy, problems are often hushed up, which leads to prostatitis.

Prostatitis is a disease in acute and chronic form that can ruin life for many years.

Various methods are used to treat the disease:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Reflexology.
  4. Manual massage.
  5. Hardware massage.
  6. Surgical intervention.

The last point is used for advanced forms of prostate diseases. To prevent such negative consequences, you need to consult a doctor in time and follow all his instructions.

Manual and hardware massage are the most effective ways to combat prostate diseases. Due to mechanical action, stagnant fluid and pus are removed from the problem area and removed through the channels.

Alexey, 42 years old: “At 39 years old, I started having problems with “men’s health.” Going to the urologist was scary and inconvenient. I delayed it to the last minute - I went to the office with severe pain and chronic lack of sleep. They prescribed first a manual and then a hardware massage. Naturally, it’s convenient when you don’t have to travel for the procedure. Plus, at home I can do it at a convenient time, after work. Painful sensations are also kept to a minimum, although a massage in the doctor’s office also helped me, my health improved. But for me it’s more convenient to carry out all the manipulations without prying eyes, especially since the effect is the same.”

The services of a urologist with his finger palpation are already losing their former popularity and relevance. After all, you can carry out a similar procedure at home, without unnecessary people and embarrassment. For this purpose, there are special devices called prostate massagers.

Model classification

When choosing a model for yourself, you should base it on your doctor's recommendation.

Types of massagers according to the method of influence:

  • Thermal;
  • Vibrating;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Magnetic;
  • Electrostimulating.

Some models combine several types of exposure. Among the new products that can be purchased in specialized stores, vibrating massagers have received the best reviews. The devices are small in size - about 10 centimeters; they are inserted 3-8 centimeters into them. This depth is enough to stimulate the desired area.

How to use vibrating massagers: basic principles

A wide range of models suggests a slight difference in operation, but there are rules that are universal for all devices:

  1. Carefully study the recommendations of your doctor and compare them with the text of the instructions for the device.
  2. Before use, make a microenema.
  3. The bladder should not be emptied.
  4. Massage can be done independently at home.
  5. To facilitate insertion, the vibrating massager must be lubricated.
  6. The sensations should be comfortable and not cause pain. You can warm the device to body temperature (wash with warm water if it is waterproof).
  7. The massager should be inserted shallowly - 3-5 centimeters.
  8. Session duration is 5-10 minutes.

Timofey, 37 years old: “I’ve been monitoring my prostate health for 2 years. I bought myself a vibrating massager and regularly exercise at home. I use this product for pleasure and for the benefit of male strength. My wife and I take turns doing massages. The main rule is more lubricant; we use regular pharmacy lubricant. I had a massage at the clinic - for me it was painful and unpleasant. There are no problems with erection, the quality of sperm has improved, and it began to shoot. Every man can try it, and no one has canceled prevention.”

Gregory: “Years of struggle with prostatitis were in vain. Tablets and capsules brought almost no effect from course to course. The pain when going to the toilet decreased, but returned between doses. The vibrating massager is convenient for me because I am afraid of medical procedures, and I had a bad experience. There were no difficulties with use, I read and followed the instructions. During the procedure, a thick liquid came out, and the pain began to decrease. After 3-5 weeks it became completely better, but I continue to perform self-massage as a preventive measure. In the first sessions there was tension, then you get used to it, and there are no more unpleasant sensations.”

Numerous reviews from men emphasize the convenience and practicality of vibration massage devices. Regularity is important, as both doctors and patients talk about. A couple of sessions are not enough for advanced prostatitis to go away. There is no magic, massage is also a method of treatment, effective only with constant practice.

Review of popular models: reviews from men and doctors

The range of massagers is wide; we provide descriptions and reviews of popular models that have already earned the approval of doctors and patients. You choose which one is better, more convenient and practical.

Nexus Revo

The device exists in several models of different price categories. They are united:

  • rotating head for effective massage of the problem area;
  • 6 speed modes;
  • convenient anatomical shape;
  • USB rechargeable battery;
  • safe material – medical silicone and plastic;
  • moisture resistance (suitable for washing without immersion in water).

Manufacturers recommend using the device for treatment, prevention and pleasure. Reviews about the Nexus Revo prostate massager are positive even among pretentious buyers, but there are some nuances in use. Judge for yourself:

Vladimir: “The device is good, serviceable, but expensive. I was treated for 10 sessions - the symptoms of the chronic disease disappeared. It’s hard to understand the instructions, I use one mode.”

Igor: “I consider the massager to be advanced among the range of other models. The working surface is safe - medical silicone copes well even with frequent loads. During the course, I did not miss taking medications, everything together gave a good result. The pain went away, urination was no longer difficult. A big advantage for me is that I don’t have to go to the clinic for physiotherapy, it frees up time.”

Pavel Nikolaevich, urologist: “Nexus Revo works because a mechanical action is carried out, similar to finger manipulation in a doctor’s office. The materials are safe, and I can use a vibrating massager along with traditional drug treatment.”


A distinctive feature of the Vibropros massager with a vibration element is its miniature diameter. The penetrating part reaches only 2 cm, which minimizes all unpleasant sensations during insertion. The device is made of plastic, the shape is convenient for insertion and the procedure. Average use time is 3-5 minutes. Suitable for collecting secretions before examination.

Reviews from doctors and patients about the massager:

Nikolay Gromov, urologist: “Treatment with the device in combination with therapy gives positive dynamics. I prescribe it to men of all ages. Effective and convenient for home use.”

Sergey: “Symptoms of prostate inflammation bothered me for several years, and I put off visiting the doctor. When the pain became systematic and severe, I went to the clinic to see a urologist. The doctor turned out to be adequate and understanding, prescribed treatment + recommended using Vibropros. I expected a number of unpleasant sensations from the procedure, I was a little afraid, but then I even got involved in the process. It didn’t help me the first time, but you shouldn’t expect a miracle so quickly. A month of treatment bore fruit, and my health improved. I’m sure that on the pills alone my recovery would have progressed more slowly.”

Prostata help MP-1

The device improves blood flow, reduces pain when urinating, and removes stagnant prostate secretions. Made of medical grade silicone, easy to operate. Manufacturer Uvipe, Germany. Indications for use are:

  • premature ejaculation;
  • weak erection;
  • pain in the perineum and when urinating;
  • decreased sex drive.

Reviews of the Prostata help are numerous due to the demand for a budget device:

Dmitry: “I’ve been using the device for six months, it has proven its effectiveness. I won’t consider other models for now; I like what I’ve already bought. Did the massager help me? The pain has decreased, my mood has improved and sex has become interesting (due to poor health I have already forgotten what it feels like).”

Ivan Sergeevich: “I had all the symptoms of prostatitis, I had to go to the district clinic. An ultrasound and examination confirmed the diagnosis, and I began a long journey of treatment. Pills without physiotherapy helped little. An additional massage was prescribed. I don’t tolerate pain well, so I chose a home massager to improve my health when no one is watching. Using the device was not painful, even slightly pleasant. It’s convenient that there are no complicated control panels – just one button. The purchase didn’t hurt my pocket too much.”

Nikita: “Easy to use, helps quickly. I started using it, and after a week I began to pay more attention to my wife than before.”

Victor Smagin, urologist : “The Prostata Help massager is in demand among patients. I think it’s a matter of efficiency and good pricing policy chosen by the manufacturer.”

Reviews from doctors and men only confirm that massage treatment should be carried out in conjunction with medications. A correctly chosen course of drugs, together with a mechanical effect on the prostate gland, will give rapid positive dynamics. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of - treat the vibrating massager as a universal remedy for your unpleasant symptoms. Consider treatment in this light, and the result will not be long in coming.


Prostate diseases seem to men like something distant, scary and unreal. Even the onset of pain when urinating, problems with sex, ailments, and discomfort do not become a reason for many men to see a doctor. Shyness and secrecy are inappropriate; the disease progresses without treatment. The symptoms will worsen, bringing with them a general feeling of poor health, low mood and complexes. If a doctor has identified health problems and made a diagnosis, then there is no need to shirk treatment. Carefully study the topic “prostate massager reviews” and follow the recommendations. Real people, patients and doctors have long formed their opinions about products of different brands and price categories.

Main advantages of the drug

These include:

  • high efficiency, which depends on the structure of the device - the presence of vibration elements and a relief part;
  • the anatomical structure is similar to the human one, which allows you to reach the gland as deeply as possible;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • recommendations from the best urologists in the country as independent home treatment and prevention;
  • no contraindications, can be used at any age;
  • the cost is justified by the duration of use and high quality workmanship;
  • made of medical plastic, does not cause allergic reactions.

How to properly do self-massage of the prostate gland?

The technique for self-massage depends on the type of device you use, although there are a number of general principles.

If an invasive device is used, the following steps should be followed:

  • consult a urologist, select a device and familiarize yourself with the rules of its operation;
  • massage can be done at home without outside help;
  • a cleansing enema is given first, the bladder should be moderately full;
  • the device is heated to 39 degrees and generously lubricated with lubricant;
  • the massager is inserted into the rectum to a depth of approximately 5 centimeters;
  • if you are using a battery-powered device, you should turn on the active part using the switch button;
  • The duration of self-massage is about 10 minutes.

It is important to remember that invasive procedures should not cause discomfort or pain.

Non-invasive devices are not inserted into the rectum. “Straw bull” is popular, which is effective both for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis.

Composition and equipment of the VibroPros prostate massager for men

Each device includes:

  • instructions for use in Russian;
  • gel lubricant;
  • the massager itself;
  • vibration element;
  • lithium battery;
  • condom.

The dimensions of the massager are universal. They will not cause any harm to health, and the procedure will be absolutely painless.

How to use the device

Application is simple, but there are a few rules:

  • The intestines must be clean before use. This can be done naturally or with an enema;
  • The supplied condom should be placed on the tip, having previously treated it with gel;
  • take the most comfortable position - on your back, pulling your legs high to your chest;
  • turn on the device, insert it into the anus 2 cm;
  • procedure time is from 3 to 5 minutes.

After completion, wipe the device with damp sanitary wipes. The duration depends on the individual condition. You can consult your doctor.

Customer reviews of the VibroPros prostate massager for men's health

I treated chronic prostatitis for a long time and persistently. But as soon as I started using the massager, some thick liquid immediately came out and improvement processes began. Today I feel much better.

Thanks to the manufacturers. Such an inexpensive device, but so effective. And it is very convenient and easy to use. I pressed the button and that's it. It works really quickly, just as the reviews said.

After only 3 weeks, the disease completely subsided, my erection was restored, and I sleep peacefully at night. I forgot what frequent urination and unbearable pain in the groin were like.

I read the reviews, ordered it on the Internet and use it as a prostatitis prevention. You are already at such an age that you need to take care of your health in order to always be in good shape.

Prostate massager: what is it?

As usual, doctors prescribe prostate massage after all examinations have been completed and all tests have been taken. But supervision by medical staff is desirable.

Men who have had to deal with such an unpleasant disease as prostatitis are usually in no hurry to see a doctor and start treatment. And “thanks to” this everything only gets worse.

This behavior can easily be explained by embarrassment in front of the doctor and even some fear of the upcoming examination and rather unpleasant procedures. In most cases, these fears turn out to be completely unfounded. In modern conditions, the market for medical services and goods is able to offer more than a wide range of prostate massagers. Messages in discussions on numerous forums can be found very different. But basically all impressions are positive.

The main advantage of devices of this nature is that they are easy to use independently and at home. There are several varieties of them. They all differ not only in quality and cost, but also in their principle of operation. As usual, they are all discussed in forum posts.

What are the benefits of stimulation with a massager?

The main cause of inflammation of the prostate gland is excessive accumulation of secretions in its ducts . This happens due to infrequent or too weak contraction of the prostatic muscles (atony), slow metabolism and inactive blood flow. Under such conditions, ejaculations, even regular ones, do not always sufficiently stimulate the prostate. External mechanical influence promotes more complete emptying of the ducts and improves metabolic processes in the prostate gland.

Types of massagers

The most popular prostate stimulators and massagers are invasive (acting through the rectum) with a vibration effect, made from medical silicone. Available in various shapes, colors and sizes. You can buy them in sex shops.

Silicone massagers have a number of features:

  1. They need to be stored separately from other things (the surface is easily damaged).
  2. Avoid heating by the sun (the structure and color will change, cracks will appear).
  3. Lubricant should be water-based only.

Devices for external influence have an equally pronounced effect on prostate tissue : massagers and physiotherapeutic electromagnetic wave devices with rectal probes. The most basic representative of the first group of massagers is an ordinary tennis ball. To massage the prostate, it is enough to lower yourself on it so that it is in the area between the scrotum and anus (prostate projection), and move back and forth. A kind of prostate massage is performed while riding a bicycle with a solid (no hole) seat.

There is a special device for non-invasive prostate massage - “Straw Bull”. Externally, it is an ordinary ribbed cone. It needs to be placed under the perineum so that the expansion is in front, and move the pelvis from side to side. Such a massager is unreasonably expensive - from 7,000 rubles.

As for physiotherapeutic urological devices, most of them have a double effect : vibration massage with simultaneous exposure to magnetic, electromagnetic or ultrasonic waves. The prostate is not only massaged mechanically. High-quality devices provide acceleration of metabolic processes at the cellular level, tissue regeneration, and removal of swelling. It is better to purchase such products on manufacturers’ websites or in online stores that are official dealers. Pharmacies do not sell such products.

From joy in sex to joy in life!

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