HealthyEyes glasses magnetic acupuncture eye massager

With the help of vision, a person perceives 85% of all information. And, of course, no one will argue with the popular wisdom that says: “It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.” Every second person today suffers from various visual impairments. Every day we expose our eyes to severe stress: working at a computer, artificial lighting, watching TV. Not only adults, but also children complain of decreased vision.

With significant strain on the eyes, not only does vision deteriorate, but stress, depression, migraines, cancer can also develop, memory decreases, and blood pressure increases. Ophthalmologists suggest solving this problem with surgical intervention, but this is not always acceptable and sometimes not entirely successful.

To normalize the function of the organ of vision, the innovative HealthyEyes massager was created by joint efforts of American and Chinese scientists. Reviews from doctors and patients about this device are extremely positive. Let's talk about it in more detail in the article.

History of the HealthyEyes device

In the mid-80s of the last century, based on ancient Chinese acupuncture therapy, American scientists developed the first prototype of an eye massager, thanks to which it became possible to improve vision by 1-2 diopters without resorting to surgery. However, the first massager had a number of flaws, so it did not reach the masses and was forgotten for a while.

At the beginning of 2000, at an international medical symposium, American scientists again raised the topic of long-standing development and received support from their Chinese colleagues. Thus, through joint efforts, modern eye massage glasses HealthyEyes were created. And for several years now, with their help, people have been regaining lost vision.

Description of the device

The design of the HealthyEyes massager was created using a computer program, thanks to which the device is as close in shape as possible to the periorbital area and corresponds to the location of acupuncture points.

The HealthyEyes massager has 22 massage fingers, which are made using high-quality silicone that does not cause allergic reactions. This material gives the fingers softness and elasticity, which makes the use of the device most effective.

At the top of each finger there is a powerful magnet consisting of an alloy of rare earth metals.

Inside the HealthyEyes massager there is a micromotor that provides acupuncture effects with such intensity and frequency that they correspond to one of the selected programs (there are nine in total).

How does the massager work?

Imagine the skillful hands of a qualified massage therapist working on the problem area. This is exactly how the HealthyEyes massager works on the eye area. Reviews from doctors and patients who have used it confirm its effectiveness:

  • The eye muscles relax.
  • Blood circulation improves.
  • The spasm is eliminated.
  • The feeling of fatigue is relieved.
  • A constant magnetic field affects blood flow and metabolism.

What are the contraindications?

Despite the absolute harmlessness and production in compliance with all environmental standards, the Healthyeyes massager still has some contraindications for use. If you have certain ailments in the human body, you should not use a massager.

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Such ailments include:

- low blood pressure in the patient; - various inflammatory processes around the eyes or directly in the eyes; - diseases that are accompanied by an increase in the patient’s temperature; - neurological diseases. If you have such diseases, you can use the massager only after consulting your doctor.

Who is recommended to use the HealthyEyes massager?

Doctors recommend using this device for the following categories of people:

  • Students of educational institutions who quite often suffer from false myopia, which develops against the background of overwork.
  • Employees whose activities involve significant visual load: computer operator, accountant, designer, secretary, driver, teacher.
  • Persons with presbyopia (age-related pathologies of the refractive power of the eye, for which it is necessary to wear “plus” glasses).

Those who have used the HealthyEyes eye massager leave extremely positive reviews:

  • vision improves;
  • headaches disappear;
  • the skin around the eyes is smoothed;
  • stress decreases;
  • improves mood and concentration.

Indications and contraindications

These glasses can be used both for treatment and for prevention of decreased visual acuity. They effectively cope with eye fatigue after a day at the computer.

Indications for use:

  • eye fatigue;
  • overstrain of the eye muscles, spasms;
  • pressure in the orbital area;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance.

Glasses help improve visual activity without surgery.

It is not necessary to wait for eye fatigue, decreased visual acuity, or muscle strain. For prevention, you can wear massagers every 3 hours. In this case, you can avoid treatment with drops and other means in the future.

It is advisable to use glasses only on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist.

Massagers should not be used for head injuries, eye allergies or allergic rashes on the face. Wounds, burns and other damage to the skin are also contraindications.

It is prohibited to use glasses for inflammatory eye diseases, after surgery, and for children under 14 years of age.

Recommendations for using the HealthyEyes massager

In order to achieve the best results, it is recommended to carry out the procedures daily: 3 times for 3-5 minutes (maximum time - 20 minutes).

Before using HealthyEyes massage glasses, contact lenses must be removed.

Before use, you must insert batteries into the massager, then put it on, turn it on, select the appropriate mode and set the timer.

If you spend no more than 10-15 minutes a day using the HealthyEyes massager, you will very soon notice how much brighter and clearer the world around you becomes. After 2-3 weeks of regular use, the need for glasses will significantly decrease, and after 4 weeks you will no longer need them at all and will see well even in the twilight.


Review of healthyeyes eye massager reviews from ophthalmologists contraindications Healthyeyes eye massager (reviews from ophthalmologists, contraindications) Today one of our readers, Sergey Solovyov, sent us a review about healthyeyes massage glasses, in which he tells us what problems he had with his eyesight and why he decided to buy these glasses, how he used them and what results he got. Sergey expressed his own opinion on the use of this device, and other reviews about glasses were added to the article, including the opinion of ophthalmologists. We publish the review in the form in which we received it. Previously, restoration of visual function was carried out only by surgery, and there were no other options. Now new improved technologies are appearing that give hope for recovery without surgery. I want to talk about one of these devices, which I tested on myself, in this review. My name is Sergey Soloviev, I work as a programmer in Omsk. I am now 49 years old, and recently my vision has deteriorated noticeably. I went to the doctor, and he prescribed me glasses minus 2. I bought them and started wearing them, but the discomfort did not go away, my temples hurt, my eyes got tired quickly, and this greatly interfered with my work. I started looking for information on the Internet, and somehow ended up on some site where I learned that American scientists had invented unique glasses that help relax the eye muscles and restore shaky vision. Magnetic acupuncture eye massager healthyeyes - what is it? Healthyeyes massage glasses are an original product of American scientists to improve vision. This device combines magnetic stimulation and mechanical acupuncture, acting on biologically active points in the eye area.

The magnetic acupuncture effect of the massager performs a number of important functions simultaneously: Significant restoration and improvement of visual function; Improves blood circulation to reduce and stabilize pressure inside the eyes; Allows you to relieve pain in the head caused by overwork and stress; Relieves psychological stress and negative emotions; Helps relax facial muscle tissue; Relieves spasms, pain and burning sensation in the eyes. Of course, I wanted to buy them and try them in action, but first I decided to find out if it was a scam. Healthyeyes scam or true? I read that these eye massage glasses can “restore and maintain a clear view of the world around you completely painlessly,” which is a very important fact for me. But I needed proof, and I started looking for reviews from other people, and several of them influenced my purchasing decision: Real customer reviews of healthyeyes massage glasses. Reviews from ophthalmologists about the Healthyeyes massager. Also, the opinion of ophthalmologists regarding these glasses was very important to me. I searched and read that experts admit that the magnetic effects of Healthyeyes glasses not only relieve stress and rest the eyes, but also restore and improve vision. Negative reviews on the Internet about Healthyeyes.

I also found negative reviews about the glasses. People wrote that the glasses felt unpleasant, that the glasses were ineffective, etc. One woman wrote that she had simple problems with the network adapter, and the glasses did not turn on. I came across few such reviews, and against the backdrop of positive ones, the number of which was several times higher than negative ones, they did not stop me from purchasing. Later I found out that Healthyeyes glasses had been counterfeited, and I associated the negative reviews with this. People could very well buy fake glasses, and these can not only not give results, but also cause harm. I always try to buy quality things and not look for cheaper ones, especially if it concerns my health. Therefore, when I finally decided to buy them, I did not choose by price, but tried to find the official website of the manufacturers.

And, in fact, I found it, and it was on this site that I bought them. User manual. HealthyEyes massage glasses are very comfortable and absolutely not difficult to use, which is confirmed by my personal experience. Before using the device, you should first remove any lenses, if any. The instructions suggest the following mode of use: After unpacking the device, you should keep the original packaging for storing the product in the future or returning it to the base in case of a defective product in order to return the money or make an exchange. Select and insert the appropriate batteries into the device (not included) and make sure it is working by pressing the “On/Off” button.

Based on the head parameters, it is necessary to adjust the device strap to avoid discomfort. Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to be in a comfortable position, lying on the sofa in a relaxed state. Fix the eye massager on your head and turn it on using the button in the middle, selecting a 5-minute session. After the working time has expired, the glasses can be wiped with a dry soft cloth made of a special material. Between intervals of operation of the massager, the battery should be removed from the control unit. I started using the glasses for 15 minutes a day and noticed that after two weeks the tension in my eyes completely disappeared. The headaches went away, the vision became better, and even the wrinkles under the eyes also smoothed out (my wife noticed this fact, after which she also wanted to undergo a massage course with these glasses). I concluded that this is an excellent massager, and it really has a beneficial effect on the health of eyes that are tired from working at the computer for a long time. I can say this with confidence because I tested it on myself. I can't say anything about more serious illnesses, but I personally feel that my vision has become clearer. Healthyeyes eye massager price and where to buy. The original massage glasses are produced under the careful supervision of the American corporation HealthyEyes. As I already said, in order to purchase the original product, I made an order on the website of official representatives, where the price of the product was 1,590 rubles.

I honestly recommend these massage glasses, especially to those who work with computers. "HealthySight" glasses for vision restoration


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