Glasses taught us to focus on objects of interest to a person

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Impaired vision is the evil fate of modern man. But now there is no need to feel inconvenienced. ADLENS adjustable glasses have appeared on the market. A built-in special mechanism allows you to change the position of the lenses, thereby increasing or decreasing the diopter. This solves the problem of choosing glasses and eliminates frequent visits to the ophthalmologist.

Both young children and teenagers, as well as older people, face vision problems. The hardest time is for those people whose one eye suffers from myopia and the other from farsightedness. It also happens that the eyes see differently. People are forced to purchase several glasses at once to correct their vision.

Operating principle

As a result of studies conducted in the UK, it was found that the use of ADLENS adjustable glasses can correct vision problems in 90% of cases. Diopters create the necessary balance, thereby significantly reducing the load on the visual apparatus and nervous system. And over time, you can completely forget about wearing glasses.

The optical power of the lenses is adjusted by the user independently, which helps improve vision. A pair of lenses installed in one light opening moves relative to each other. To adjust the diopters, rotate the wheel located on the temple.

What are these glasses and how do they work?

Adlens adjustable prescription glasses have the ability to adjust the optical power of the lens. They are also called adaptive. This technology makes it possible to correct the vision of almost every person. Often people with vision problems experience a number of problems. For example, eyes see differently. Therefore, you have to pay a lot of money for custom manufacturing. Also, many people experience discomfort caused by lenses that are too strong or weak. Distant objects are clearly visible, but they are not suitable for reading, and the opposite situation occurs with farsightedness. Well, vision deterioration, which requires replacement of glasses lenses.

Glasses with the ability to adjust focus can solve all these problems. But their use entails a number of other problems associated with the shortcomings of the technology, and advertising is unlikely to talk about them.

They work due to two curved lenses that are located next to each other. When they move relative to each other, the focus changes. Possible changes from -6 to +3 diopters. This technology is suitable for people not only with myopia, but also with farsightedness.

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Using glasses with adjustable diopters ADLENS is very convenient and simple. To configure the product you will need:

  1. Put on glasses
  2. Close one eye and adjust the diopter using the wheel
  3. Close the other eye and adjust visibility to the required sharpness

Scheme for using Adlens
That's all, the glasses are ready for use!

The product requires daily care; glasses need to be cleaned with a special cloth soaked in soapy water or lens cleaning solution. After cleaning, wipe the glasses with a soft flannel cloth and store them in their case.

Test result

Of course, the experts tested unique Adlens glasses with adjustable diopters. User reviews prove their practicality. Thus, 50% of subjects noticed an immediate difference when working with a computer. They were the ones who preferred Adlens Interface to other optics with clear lenses. 60% indicated improvement when using smartphones and tablets. Having quickly mastered the techniques for adjusting the focus of the product, they were able to work with any type of screen.

It is interesting that all users are aware of the increase in image polarity, reduction of glare, and the ability to use the device for a long time without feeling discomfort.

It should be noted that Adlens Interface glasses are available in modern frames made of black or transparent material.


The main “advantages” of using ADLENS are:

  • high quality of materials from which the device is made;
  • long service life;
  • the ability to correct any visual impairment;
  • no discomfort when worn for a long time;
  • can be used by people of any age, the glasses are suitable for the whole family (the design accepts any size);
  • there is a stylish frame in which even the most fastidious fashionista will feel irresistible;
  • the model is very compact, making it convenient to store glasses in a purse, in a car glove compartment or on a bedside table;
  • the product was checked by representatives of the Ministry of Health, received awards and quality certificates.

Instructions for use

Adlens glasses are very easy and convenient to use. With a slight movement of the adjustment wheel, by raising or lowering the lenses, the diopters are selected individually for each eye. When the glass is shifted, the optical power of each lens changes and the required diopter is selected. Thanks to this function, using the same glasses you can: work with documents in the office, at the computer, drive a car, watch TV, walk down the street.

Let's take a step-by-step look at the diopter adjustment algorithm on Adlens glasses:

  1. Place the accessory on the bridge of your nose;
  2. To adjust the right lens, cover your left eye with your palm;
  3. Rotate the right wheel until you select the desired focus;
  4. To adjust the left lens, follow a similar algorithm.
  5. When changing the direction of activity or leisure, change the focus settings depending on the situation.

Thanks to this function, Adlens with variable diopters are universal and can replace three or four pairs of similar traditional products.

According to ophthalmologists, this device is suitable for use by many people suffering from decreased visual acuity. But, it should be remembered that serious diseases of other organs and systems can lead to deterioration of vision, so before using this accessory you should consult a doctor.

Real reviews or fake : many sites suffer from such a problem as fake reviews about Adlens glasses, but we have solved this problem on our resource. To do this, we check all added reviews by sending verification emails to users to ensure that their comment is genuine.

What distinguishes Adlens from conventional optical products that correct vision, read in the next section of the review.

Analogs Adjustable glasses Adlens

Visium for vision As an analogue, we suggest you consider a medicine more familiar to customers for restoring vision - Visium. According to the manufacturer, these capsules are capable of restoring vision to its original levels, i.e. completely restore the lost sharpness to your eyes. Users have already left several reviews about the product, so you can also find out whether this product is worth buying or whether it is better to stick with Adlens adjustable glasses.

Indications and contraindications

Ophthalmologists recommend wearing ADLENS adjustable glasses for farsightedness and myopia, hereditary or acquired.

The use of glasses is prohibited:

Adjustable glasses for perfect vision! 50% discount

Now you can adjust the diopters for your eyes yourself.

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  • in case of serious eye damage;
  • people suffering from mental pathologies;
  • for eye diseases requiring surgical intervention.

Before purchasing the device, you should consult your doctor. And when purchasing, you should give preference to official ADLENS sellers, because the risk of purchasing a fake is quite high.


You've probably already decided to buy Adlens glasses with adjustable diopters. You also liked the doctors' reviews. What disadvantages do these glasses have?

  • This product is very fragile: it is made entirely of plastic.
  • The adjustment here is very tight, so you won’t be able to adjust the diopters while wearing it. If you hold the glasses with one hand and turn the adjustment wheel with the other, you get the impression that the structure is about to break and the lens will fall off the body.
  • The sharpness is excellent, but there is some inconvenience. By the way, on the wrapper it is written that the product is designed for short-term use. Apparently, otherwise vision may deteriorate.
  • When you look at nearby objects, such as a tablet or smartphone, a concavity effect appears.
  • The edges of the lenses, placed near the nose, in positions +3 add additional discomfort: they slightly “flicker” in the eyes.
  • The packaging also contains information that these glasses are not recommended for use when solving tasks involving increased attention. In fact, you can't drive a car in them.
  • Lenses should not be immersed in liquid. This means that the glasses cannot be washed with water.
  • Foreign users say that if fine sand (dust) gets between the moving lenses, it will remain there forever.

Reviews from experts

Gorbatov Ilya Vladimirovich, ophthalmologist, Astrakhan

ADLENS is a unique product. A revolution, a breakthrough in the world of optics - the idea of ​​​​changing diopters from -6 to +3 is unique! An ideal option for those suffering from myopia and farsightedness.

Alekseeva Galina Dmitrievna, doctor, Omsk

I advise patients whose vision is not perfect to purchase ADLENS glasses, those whose vision is different in each eye. Believe me, their lives are undergoing terrible discomfort. But with the help of adjustable glasses, their quality of life is higher!

Sokolova Nailya Grigorievna, ophthalmologist, Kaliningrad

A common problem with my “age” patients is a gradual change in vision from “minus” to “plus”. They see poorly in the distance, but gradually farsightedness joins myopia. They have to use several pairs of glasses: for reading, for the street. It is very uncomfortable. With ADLENS glasses the problem is easily solved.

Customer Reviews

Avdeeva Sofia Mikhailovna, 37 years old, Krasnoyarsk

Over the past year, visual acuity in the left eye has decreased significantly. As soon as I saw the advertisement for the glasses, I immediately ordered them. I can adjust them myself, which is very convenient, and now I can see perfectly.

Vikentyev Alexey Sergeevich, 32 years old, Novosibirsk

My professional activity involves spending a long time in front of a monitor screen. By the evening, the eyes are very sore, red, and watery. People around me think that I don’t get enough sleep. I bought glasses and I never cease to be happy: I don’t take them off at all while I’m sitting at the computer. They help me a lot!

Guseva Olga Nikolaevna, 51 years old, Syzran

My eyes are different, but I had surgery to correct them and now there are no problems. But my mother suffers from the same problem. I bought her ADLENS glasses with adjustable diopters - she is very happy, she turned the wheels as she needed and off she went! Thanks to the developers!

You can order ADLENS adjustable glasses on the official website, or by placing an order on the official website, after which you will be contacted to clarify your order.

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Owner reviews

Are Adlens adjustable glasses really that good? Customer reviews confirm their uniqueness. Some owners of this product claim that diabetes has caused them to develop “flickering” vision. They had to change lenses every 6-8 months. They say that it is very expensive, since you need to pay for doctor’s services, buy frames and lenses. Many reviews say that people accidentally stumbled upon information about Adlens corrective glasses and bought them in England through the famous online auction. The owners write that they have not had any problems with their eyes for a year now and can now even read without optics.

You can come across reviews that say that people with different problems (for example, in a family one person suffers from farsightedness and another from myopia) can equally safely use the same glasses! They just change the settings.

Symptoms of incorrect selection of glasses for vision

As a result of the wrong choice of glasses for vision correction, the following symptoms usually appear:

  1. Reduced visibility.
  2. Stinging in the eyes, feeling of sand, irritation.
  3. General fatigue.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Headache.

An incorrectly selected frame can be simply uncomfortable, and the temples can be either too weak or, conversely, oppressive. But the worst thing is the wrong lenses, which not only will not correct your vision problems, but may even worsen them. Therefore, do not write prescriptions for yourself, do not borrow glasses from friends and do not buy them at market stalls.

An incorrectly selected frame is uncomfortable, and lenses are unsafe.

Glasses for myopia

For myopia, wearing spectacle lenses with negative diopters is recommended. In the initial stages of pathology, properly selected glasses will help restore vision; over time, the eye muscles weaken and the pathology progresses. If the deviation from the norm is 3-6 diopters, you will no longer be able to do without glasses.

For high degrees of myopia, spectacle lenses may be prescribed 1 diopter less. This further helps reduce eye fatigue.

When choosing glasses with diopters to correct myopia, the distance between the centers of the pupils and the direct deviation of visual function from the norm are taken into account. If the center-to-center distances are chosen incorrectly, a person wearing glasses will quickly get tired and become dizzy.

Makeup for glasses

© biffspandex/Getty Images

17. Frames tend to cast shadows under the eyes, so you should use
a yellow concealer to neutralize the shadow

© Scopio

18. Remember: the frame frames your eyes, and the eyebrows frame the frame.

. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the shape of the eyebrows.

© Goran Bogicevic

19. Bright lipstick

, usually looks good with glasses, even if you don't wear anything else in your makeup.

© Nicola Giordano / Pexels

Neutral or bright eyeshadow is best.

. Dark shadows can make you look tired.

© IggyPhotography/Getty Images

21. It is preferable to choose voluminous mascara

, and not lengthening, as the eyelashes will touch the frame.

© Pressmaster

22. To make your eyes appear larger, line your eyes so that the tip of the eyeliner points toward the top corner of the frame.


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