Human activity: concept, features, classification

Legal area

The condition for preserving society is respect for the rights of citizens and responsibility for their violation. Legal relations are established between people, as well as in relations between a person and the state. They are designed to regulate relations between citizens, protect their rights and freedoms, and ensure social justice. Regulatory mechanisms are divided into prohibitive and permissive. Elements of law penetrate into many other areas of human activity. According to spheres of life, human rights are divided into civil, social, political, economic and cultural. Respect for rights ensures the legal status of the individual and forms in citizens a responsible attitude towards various types of their activities.

Interrelation of spheres of life

Natural sciences - classification and list of disciplines, subject and object of study
On the one hand, one might think that all these areas are in themselves and are in no way connected with each other. But no. It is the development of these 7 areas of human life that can lead to harmony and integrity. Here I will not talk about the meaning of the number 7, but everyone remembers that it is the 7 colors of the rainbow, combined with each other, that give pure white light, which is the harmony and unity of everything in the Universe.

If you look at an ordinary person, one or maximum 2 areas predominate in his life. Why? Because there are most of the “evil” problems hidden there that are being fought. Some people don’t have money to live on and try to devote themselves entirely to work, some people lack love and see nothing but the desire to build a warm relationship with their beloved partner, while others go headlong into creativity and close themselves off from other areas. . Therefore, a person identifies some things as the main thing for himself, and some things are secondary. And this is the biggest mistake you can make. This way you will only hinder your personality development.

Important personality traits

Every person in his workplace should be able to treat others professionally. He must have normal mental and physical development that meets the requirements of the specialty or profession.

One of the main important qualities is correct and cultural communication. Each employee should be able to share their knowledge and skills. However, it is also necessary to have a business style. If necessary, an employee must be able to explain the mistakes of another person in a civilized manner, without shouting and reproaches.

With proper communication, the success of work and its implementation increases. Each enterprise has an agreement. Before starting a job, a person must familiarize himself with it. The contract contains a clause that describes the important professional qualities of the individual. The company encourages employees to adhere to them.

The quality of professional activity depends on salary, interest, motive, character, attitude and working conditions. If employees are given a great motivation to work, then they will not only improve themselves, but will also help the company develop.

Character is an important quality of a person. You cannot show your unfriendliness and bad mood in the workplace. You must always remember that at work you need to perform exclusively your duties. Always leave your bad mood outside the office doors. Not only the quality of the work performed, but also the atmosphere as a whole depends on you.

The area of ​​professional activity is not only enterprises, but also scientific research, social or economic manifestations.

Main spheres of society's life

Scientific and methodological activities

Any type of human activity (work, play, communication, etc.) can take place in any area.

There are traditionally four such areas:


  • Social
    – peoples, classes, gender and age groups, etc.
  • Economic
    – production relations, productive forces.
  • Political
    – the state, parties, socio-political organizations.
  • Spiritual
    - religion, morality, education, art, science.

In this case, each person is affected simultaneously by all four spheres. Each of us belongs to a certain nation, social class, has a certain age and gender, enters into economic relations, has a certain level of education and a certain worldview.

However, not all types of human activity in each of the spheres are equivalent. Thus, in the spiritual sphere, science occupies a dominant position, its “reflections” are education and art; morality depends on the level of collective awareness of society, and religion is a consequence of an extremely low level of this same awareness. The nature of social activity can change over time: in one era the average person can work for the prosperity of his nation, in another his work can be aimed at meeting the needs of all humanity as a whole, because there is no division into peoples and nations.

Communication and communication

Communication is a form of interaction between people aimed at exchanging information and establishing relationships. Verbal communication occurs through speech, non-verbal communication occurs through facial expressions, gestures, and posture.

Communication functions

Communication functions include:

  • socializing—forms personal qualities;
  • broadcast—receiving information;
  • emotional—allows you to understand your partner on an emotional level;
  • identification - allows you to classify the interlocutor as a member of any group of people, identify yourself with it or oppose it;
  • integrative – uniting people.

Types of communication

Types of communication are divided into

  • direct – subjects are real, are in direct contact, communicate using speech and non-verbal signals;
  • indirect – subjects are separated by time (correspondence) or distance (telephone conversation).


Communication (Latin “communicatio” – “message, transmission”). The concept has a different meaning than the concept of “communication”. This implies the transfer of information only in one direction, the absence of feedback (TV, press, radio), the exchange of emotions, criticism.

If communication is a dialogue, then communication is a monologue. There is no social interaction here. Communication uses language, speech, and communication can operate with tables, diagrams, and numbers.

The presented activities do not serve as priorities for all sciences. Depending on the criteria, different specialists examine human activity from different angles. For example, a historian will be interested in the progressive and reactionary activities of rulers, a psychologist – communicative, moral and immoral, a teacher – educational and labor.

Choose an answer

Result of activity

Educational activities

The result is the final situation where the initially recognized need is satisfied.

You wanted to make a renovation: you saved up money, bought materials, completed your plans and now enjoy the new wallpaper and furnishings.

But it may also happen that the need remains unsatisfied or partially satisfied.

In this case, it is necessary to reconsider the entire chain of activities from the very beginning:

  1. perhaps the need was not fully realized or was a pseudo-need (it seemed to you that it was your personal, but in fact it was the influence of someone close to you);
  2. it is possible that the motive was not formed entirely correctly (they wanted to prove something to someone, but such aspirations do not bring real happiness);
  3. the goal can also be unclear (they definitely wanted a husband with a mustache, but he without a mustache);
  4. means that are incommensurate with the goal also interfere with achieving the desired result (read in the Means section);
  5. or the result was influenced by incorrect actions (you had to paint along, but you did it across, which spoiled the final result).

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In conclusion, we repeat once again that activity does not exist without a person and a person without activity.

Our distant ancestors became intelligent precisely at the moment when they picked up a stick and began to do something with it. The stick found its use, man found meaning in it, and a long process of evolution began, which continues to this day.

Author of the article: Liliya Sergeevna Kovalenko (psychologist)

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# What is the scope of activity

The scope of activity is the type of work or service in which a company or person participates. When choosing a future profession, the field of work is initially determined, and then a specific vacancy in the field.

It is worth starting with the division of labor into two categories - commercial and non-commercial. Activities can bring not only material income, but also provide spiritual satisfaction. If there comes a period when your hobby, for example: carving figures from wood, is in demand and is sold, the activity becomes commercial.

The global market economy consists of related areas of employment, which include: government agencies, business, education, medicine and creativity. But if you go deeper, you can break down a person’s work into narrower categories:

  • IT, computers, internet
  • Administration, middle management
  • Accounting, audit
  • Hotel and restaurant business, tourism
  • Design, creativity
  • Beauty, fitness, sports
  • Culture, music, show business
  • Logistics, warehouse, foreign trade
  • Marketing, advertising, PR
  • Medicine, pharmaceuticals
  • Real estate
  • Education, science
  • Security, safety
  • Sales, purchasing
  • Blue-collar jobs, production
  • Retail
  • Secretariat, office work, administrative office
  • Agriculture, agribusiness
  • Media, publishing, printing
  • Insurance
  • Construction, architecture
  • Service sector
  • Telecommunications and communications
  • Top management, senior management
  • Transport, auto business
  • Personnel Management,
  • Finance, banks
  • Jurisprudence

The scope of activity of a company or production is a fixed range of services provided and work performed as provided for by the tax code.

When registering a business, one or more KVED (Classifier of Economic Activities) codes are assigned to inform government authorities what kind of work the organization will do.

There are a huge number of companies with different specifics and each of them has its own economic classification.

Sections of the first level of KVED

Types of areas of activity

Now that we have understood the essence of commercial and non-commercial activities, let’s turn our attention to specific types of spheres. Since there are many of them, we will consider groups of the same type and similar in terms of organization of business areas

Regardless of the type of activity, it has five basic characteristics:

  • Demand in a specific area among stakeholders
  • Competition
  • Logistics
  • Payback
  • The presence of specific and beneficial features for the business

Our resource recommends taking into account the noted aspects of areas of activity when making their final choice. We are talking about starting a business and choosing a future profession.

As noted not so long ago, we will consider areas of activity in groups due to their vastness and versatility. To understand the essence of each area of ​​work and business, the list below presents both their names and main characteristics.

The list itself is as follows:

Manufacturing facility

  • Production (production of some products with subsequent sale for the benefit of interested parties) - long payback periods, relative simplicity of organization and high level of demand.
  • Services (assistance to people or organizations in specific areas of their lives and functioning) - quick payback, ease of implementation in practice and average demand.
  • Working with intellectual products (transfer on certain conditions and production of all products of intellectual activity) - ambiguous payback periods, complexity of the organization and a stable level of demand.
  • Foreign economic activity (assistance in business development for certain individuals) – ambiguous payback periods, simplicity of organization and average demand.
  • Mediation (organization of legal relations between third parties) – short payback period, ease of organization in practice and low/medium demand.

It is impossible to single out a specific group of areas of activity, since all of them form the basis of the economy of modern countries and are constantly in demand. It is possible to distinguish separate types and subtypes of business areas, since taking into account the factors that are important today, this is rational and correct

Naturally, due to the vastness of all possible types of directions, we will not pay attention to some of them in today’s article.

Main types of activities

The first area of ​​activity is political, it involves working in government agencies. Politicians are naturally prone to manipulation; they reveal their potential through managing people. They strive for power, realizing themselves through it.

The next area is business, which, in turn, is divided into several separate areas: commercial business, financial business, manufacturing business, intermediary and insurance business. Manufacturing is characterized by the direct production of goods. The provision of services and the implementation of various works are usually carried out by commercial organizations. The financial sector includes the activities of banks, stock exchanges and financial companies engaged in transactions with securities, foreign exchange transactions and investing. People involved in business are people of specific deeds or actions, for which the result must be expressed in material form and be specific and tangible. They strive to capture an increasing share of the market and open constantly different businesses.

The third area includes training, that is, educational and teaching activities. A teacher is a person who is able to educate and support the personality of another person, that is, he himself must be a very healthy and strong person, love to teach, instruct, identify and support the best sides of a student, based on his individuality.

Another area of ​​activity is art and creativity. Artists, painters, directors, writers, composers and others express themselves here. This also includes the sphere of science, which includes the work of research institutes and higher educational institutions. People of art, as a rule, live by emotions, which they express through art. In other words, this is the conscious transmission of one’s subtle states to people through various forms of creativity. A person of art constantly tries new forms of self-expression in different types of art. And science in our time is tied to experiments in matter. Such people study and derive patterns by analogy through intuition, that is, this is work with direct knowledge about the processes of creation of the world.

And finally, the last area is medicine, which involves the activities of various medical organizations. People who practice medicine are lively people with a lot of energy. This also includes warriors, because health-improving gymnastics came from martial arts.


Each person in the field of his work receives a certain result. This is called the purpose of professional activity. Not every specialist knows how to organize work correctly. Without this it is impossible to become a professional.

Even from school, the student sets a goal for himself. First, he enters a higher educational institution in the department that he likes. After studying, he goes to work and sets himself the goal of achieving great results in his professional activities.

To do this, you need to continue studying, work hard and constantly be interested in everything related to a specific specialty. To achieve the planned results, ask yourself questions: “Why am I doing my work?”, “What does it give me?”, “How should it turn out in the end?”

Professionalism is achieved only by a person who likes his work. If you don’t care where you start working, just to get experience and salary, then you won’t be able to achieve great success in your field of activity.

To achieve the necessary results, you need to properly plan your activities:

  • Set yourself a task and continue to work on solving it.
  • Determine the methods and establish what means you need for your goal.
  • Plan the final result.
  • Find out who from the team will help you solve a specific task or problem in the workplace.

In order to carry out your plans and achieve your goal, you need to use all your strengths and methods, only then do you have the opportunity to become a real professional.

What subsystems are distinguished in social science?

Economic sphere

This area consists of the relationships that arise during material production: the creation, exchange, distribution and consumption of goods and services. The economic subsystem of society involves the satisfaction of human material needs and serves as the basis for other social spheres.

The role of the economic sphere:

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  1. Creation of a material basis for the life of society.
  2. Influence on the stratification of society (example: the emergence of private property caused the formation of class inequality).
  3. Indirect influence on politics (example: private property and class inequality led to the emergence of the state).
  4. Influence on the spiritual life of society: indirectly on political, legal and moral views; directly to infrastructure (educational and cultural institutions).

The main elements of the economic life of society: economic systems, production, exchange, distribution, forms of ownership, markets, money, budget, banks, taxes, unemployment, entrepreneurial activity.

Political sphere

Includes relations that arise in the process of gaining state power, its preservation, strengthening and use in order to satisfy the interests of certain segments of society.

Features of the political sphere of life:

  1. This is the result of the conscious activity of people striving for power with the goal of managing society.
  2. Political organizations created by classes and social groups for political purposes act as a material force of influence on the state, government, economic and political social structures.

Components of the political life of society: politics, power, state, separation of powers, forms of state power, political parties, elections, civil society.

Social sphere

It implies the relationships that arise between historical communities and social groups when determining their position in society. The social sphere includes:

  • class and national interests, interests of social groups;
  • relationships between the individual and society;
  • working and living conditions, upbringing and education, health and leisure.

The basis of the relations in the sphere under consideration are the equality and inequality of people relative to their social status. Their different social status is determined by the type of their work and their attitude towards ownership of the means of production.

Components of the social sphere: structure of society; classes, estates, castes, strata, nations and other social groups; social mobility and social elevators; national relations; family.

Spiritual realm

The sphere of spiritual life arises from relationships based on ideas, moral values, religion, art, and education. Spirituality is a system of values ​​of society, reflecting the level of development of consciousness in society, its intellectual and moral potential.

Elements of the spiritual life of society: education, science, culture, art, worldview, faith, religion, morality, ethics, aesthetics, etc.

Forms of activity: work, play, study

Through play, study and work, the socialization of the individual occurs. Each form of activity is most typical for a certain age. In childhood, personality develops through play; in school and adolescence, a person gains knowledge and skills that prepare him for adult life. In the process of work, the individual becomes more conscious and independent.

Labor as a form of activity

Labor is a form of activity aimed at generating objects of material and spiritual culture, getting what you want, transforming life (habitat).

Labor has only its own inherent features:

  • feasibility (necessity, importance);
  • focus on achieving the task;
  • a set of knowledge and skills that make it possible to achieve a goal;
  • utility (usefulness of the resulting product);
  • personal growth;
  • getting what you want;
  • change in personality, society, environment.

Types of labor include the following:

  1. Physical labor, which involves the musculoskeletal system, expends muscle energy. Such work can be completely manual, mechanized (using mechanisms), automated (the work is performed by machines, a person controls them).
  2. Brainwork. The load falls primarily on the brain. Mental work is associated with increased attention, sharp thinking, and good memory. It is necessary to assimilate, process and reproduce a large amount of information.
  3. Mixed work. Requires a combination of mental and physical effort. Such professions include those that a person receives in secondary specialized educational institutions. These are working professions - mechanic, service technician, cook, nurse, seamstress, salesman, driver, trainer.

Game as a form of activity

Game is a form of unproductive activity aimed at the process rather than the result. Its goal is not to create a socially significant result. The object of the game is a person, and its result is aimed at shaping his personality, assimilation of traditions, customs and norms of society.

For children it is a way to explore the world. The child is free to express himself through play, he shows emotions, and learns social experience.

For adults, play can be a form of leisure and entertainment. But he can simulate industrial, psychological situations and, in a safe environment, develop the necessary norms of behavior.

Features that distinguish play from other forms of activity:

  • conditional situation (fictional circumstances and distribution of roles in them);
  • the presence of rules (the game follows certain rules that allow the participants in the game to interact with each other);
  • the presence of substitute objects (a stick is a gun, a doll is a child, a ball is the sun), the meaning of which is agreed upon between the participants in the game;
  • goal setting (satisfying interest, need for rest, developing a skill);
  • personality development (mental qualities, practical skills).

Training as a form of activity

Study (training) is a form of activity aimed at understanding the world, acquiring knowledge and skills required for independent life. When learning, the thinking and consciousness of the individual develop. The purpose of study is to change the subject of activity, not the environment. This is the difference between learning and communication, work, where personality change is only a consequence, not a goal.

Main features of training:

  • the formation and development of man, the development of a worldview;
  • studying the achievements of previous generations;
  • mastering knowledge and skills at a professional level;
  • comprehension of cultural values.

Types of training include:

  1. Organized learning is cognitive, aesthetic, labor activity, implemented in educational institutions of basic secondary, secondary special and higher levels.
  2. Unorganized learning is a secondary product of other activities (work, play).
  3. Self-education is an active activity of an individual aimed at increasing the store of knowledge. Determined by self-selection. The motive for self-education is personal interest in science, culture, and social life.

How to choose an OKVED code for an individual entrepreneur yourself?

When choosing an OKVED code, you should pay attention to the existence of three classifiers:

  • OKVED OK 029–2001 (NACE Rev. 1);
  • OKVED OK 029–2007 (NACE Rev. 1.1);
  • OKVED OK 029—2014 (NACE Rev. 2).

OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2015-2016. it was necessary to take it from OKVED OK 029–2001. In July 2021, OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) came into force, therefore, from mid-2021 and, accordingly, to the present day, OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2021 are selected from this directory.

For convenience, we recommend using the already selected OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs. Among these codes, the most common types of business activities are:

  • programming, development and testing;
  • consulting, commercial activities;
  • design (Internet, advertising);
  • system administration and PC maintenance;
  • translations;
  • copywriting;
  • advertising;
  • marketing;
  • vending;
  • design (architecture, interiors, land management);
  • Internet trading;
  • website promotion and SEO;
  • astrologers, psychics;
  • renting out your own property;
  • real estate activities;
  • architecture;
  • journalism.

Most of the registration application is occupied by the column dedicated to the choice of type of economic activity. This point is very important for the future development of your business. To fill out the column, you need to take the OKVED classifier and, choosing the code that suits your area of ​​activity, enter it.

The first code will be the main one. It will indicate the main type of activity. The remaining OKVED codes will be additional.

The main OKVED code should be determined by the amount of income. The amount of income from the main type of activity is at least 70% of the total income of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Unlike an LLC, an individual entrepreneur is not required to annually confirm the main OKVED code.

The FSS sets their tariffs independently according to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (Clause 10 of the Rules, approved by Government Decree No. 713 of December 1, 2005). If an entrepreneur changed his main type of activity last year and made corresponding changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) according to the change in OKVED, the Social Insurance Fund will independently establish a new insurance tariff when it receives data from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs from the Federal Tax Service.

If an individual entrepreneur carries out commercial activities in accordance with OKVED, distributed in equal parts in the total volume of products produced and services provided, he FSS will establish the highest class of professional risk from the types of economic activities he carries out.

It is worth paying attention to the existence of a myth that you can only engage in those types of activities that are indicated in the documents during registration. This is partly true

Russian legislation does not prohibit carrying out business activities in the absence of an OKVED code. But there are certain points that are worth considering.

Problems may arise in the following cases:

  1. If a decision is made to engage in a licensed type of activity, but the code is not entered;
  2. If a decision is made to switch to the UTII tax regime for this type of activity;
  3. If a decision is made to engage in foreign economic activity, it is in this direction.

Due to the lack of OKVED codes, difficulties may arise with business lending. At the same time, we do not recommend choosing a huge number of OKVED codes, including because some of them may turn out to be licensed types of business activities.

When selecting OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2021, it is most convenient to move from the general to the specific:

  1. Select the field of activity in the OKVED sections (for example, “Agriculture”);
  2. Select a group (for example, “Crop production”);
  3. Select a subgroup (for example, “Cereals”);
  4. Select the type - this will be the code you are looking for.

In special cases, the selection of an OKVED code is not limited to one of the classes or groups of the OKVED directory. For example, when working as a designer in the field of Internet advertising, it is possible to select from different groups:

  • 62.09 Activities related to the use of computer technology and information technology, other
  • 73.11 Activities of advertising agencies
  • 73.12 Representation in the media
  • 90.03 Activities in the field of artistic creativity
  • 90.01 Performing arts activities
  • 62.01 Computer software development

If you still haven’t found an exact match in the classifier, then select the option that suits you best. There may be several of them, even in different sections and groups. In this case, you can indicate all suitable options (codes) or stop at some.

What is a bank

Banks are an integral element of any economy, be it global, national or regional. The banking sector connects individuals, businesses, the state and other financial participants.

A bank is a financial and credit institution that carries out transactions with funds, securities, metals and contractual obligations, the subject of which are funds or other financial instruments, for example, an assignment agreement.

There are, in the broadest sense, 2 types of banks:

  • The Central Bank is a government agency, which is separated from other government bodies, is in charge of financial and monetary policy issues, supervises financial institutions, issues money and government securities, and lends to commercial banks. The banking sector is under the supervision of the Central Bank.
  • A commercial bank is a private or public institution created for the purpose of making a profit through banking operations.

What is an activity


Activities can be either constructive or destructive. Often both components are present, since often in order to create something, you need to destroy something first, and vice versa (for example, create a weapon to destroy the enemy army). The activity of a person or organization can be called any activity that is given a certain meaning - that is, the activity is somehow connected with the external world or the internal state of a person or organization.

Of particular importance for humans and animals is orientation-research activity, which became more and more diverse with the evolutionary complexity of organisms. This activity allows animals to survive, leave offspring and generally follow certain instincts, practically interacting with the outside world. Human activity is of a different nature, since the instincts in his psyche are abolished and in his life he is guided by the intellect.

What is human activity

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Like many representatives of the animal world, man is a doer. He is able to change and improve his own environment and living conditions as a result of work and his inherent transformative attitude towards the environment.

In nature there is no such object (living or non-living) as an “activity”: it cannot be drawn or photographed. However, activity and person do not exist separately.

Visible conscious changes in living conditions are one of its results; it is productive. The other is internal changes, self-improvement. Man, working, discovered, learned and invented new ways of developing his own mental, physiological, and mental processes. That is, being an active subject, he has the object of his transformations not only the whole world, but also himself, his society.

Professions without higher education

To get a job that involves communicating with people, it is not necessary to have a higher specialized education. There are specialties that are mastered independently or by taking courses or training sessions. Among them are the following:

Sales consultant and sales manager. Due to their activities, sales consultants must have charm, sociability, and the ability to find an individual approach to each customer

For many, their earnings directly depend on sales, so communication is extremely important for consultants. Sales managers not only look for new customers, but also interest them in purchasing a product or service

At the same time, representatives of this profession are regularly exposed to stress and leave their comfort zone.

Beauty industry worker. This category is represented by stylists, spa workers, hairdressers, and manicurists. Success lies not only in skills and experience, but also in the ability to establish good contact with clients. Employees who give useful advice and create a pleasant atmosphere during work are always in high demand.

Service worker Much attention in this area is paid to appearance, the ability to find an approach to everyone, and the ability to present the necessary information in an accessible manner. The group of professions includes hostesses, waiters, administrators, bartenders, baristas, etc.

Advertiser. All professions in this field are inextricably linked with interaction with people, both directly and remotely. Communication skills, attracting attention, establishing connections with customers are the main features without which it is impossible to imagine advertisers. Specialties include designers of advertising products, copywriters for writing slogans, managers for working with clients - customers, for example, TV spots, banners, etc.

All of the above are professions whose object of attention is a person. They are related to leadership, organizing events, service, training, and helping people. The main content of the work is interaction with people, the ability and ability to understand them, maintain contacts, and understand the peculiarities of behavior.

Types of professions by subject of work

A profession is a type of human labor activity that requires possession of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. This knowledge and skills are acquired by receiving special education.

There are 5 objects of labor: man, technology, artistic image, sign, nature. In this case, a person acts as a subject of labor.

A person is a person . Education, training, service, communication with people. Professions of medicine and teaching, service sector workers.

Man is technology . Working with equipment and materials. For example: car mechanic, engineer, programmer.

Man is an artistic image. Representatives of these professions create, reproduce artistic images, and study them. Musician, painter, artist, writer, museum curator.

Man is nature. Interaction with nature. This is a biologist, landscape designer, geologist.

Man is a sign. Use of sign systems (letters, numbers, notes, symbols). For example: translators, linguists, composers, financiers, programmers.

Now it is difficult to find a profession that would correspond to this typology in its pure form. Modern professions operate with several subjects of labor. For example, a composer simultaneously interacts with notes and with an artistic image. The programmer relies on both technology and signs.

Types of human activities

All types are divided according to the method of implementation into material (practical) and spiritual.

  1. The practical form includes the transformation of the material, material world (nature and society). For example, the production of goods or construction. Practical activities are divided into: Material and production - the object is nature, and the result is material goods.
  2. Socially transformative - the object is society, and the result is a change in social relations.
  • Spiritual is aimed at changing (shaping) human consciousness (that which cannot be touched). This includes such areas of activity as: cinema, art, theater, music, dance, religion (what is this?), etc.
    Its subspecies include:
    1. Cognitive activity, the result of which is knowledge.
    2. Value-oriented, as a result of which a person’s worldview is formed.

  • Prognostic is planning or anticipating possible changes in reality.
  • These types are interconnected (practical and spiritual).

    For example, the results of spiritual activity (music, scientific achievements) are captured using a practical form (printing notes, publishing books). Well, the practical form, in turn, is impossible without the spiritual (idea).

    Another classification of activities is based on the ways of forming a person as an individual. Psychologists have identified several types of activities.

    1. Play is the leading activity for children, there is no goal as such (the process itself is important), it is a way of understanding the world. In the game, through imitation of reality, knowledge of the environment is carried out. It is conditional in nature (imaginary situations are played out), but certain rules and norms are followed. This is the only type of activity that is characteristic not only of people, but also of animals.
    2. Academic – acquiring skills and discovering abilities that will help you live a happier, more comfortable and successful life. Studying may not always be purposeful. Often a person acquires knowledge spontaneously (from TV, movies, books, the Internet). The student does not create new knowledge, but only masters existing knowledge.
    3. Labor is the interaction of a person with the outside world, aimed at creating a socially useful product (material and spiritual) that helps improve the standard of living of society.
      The components of labor are the knowledge and skills of a person, as well as his skill. Work is carried out out of necessity, but at the same time transforms the world around us. It is aimed at obtaining a socially useful result, in contrast to a game in which the main thing is the process.
    4. Communication activities are aimed at the exchange of information, emotions, feelings, assessments and specific actions.
      The peculiarity is that it requires a partner (an equal subject of communication) and the use of speech (language). Communication helps a person become an individual, develop communication skills, express himself, gain new knowledge (this type is present in all others).
    5. Creative – any type of activity that leads to a unique result (the creation of something qualitatively new).
      It is distinguished by uniqueness, originality and uniqueness of ideas. Important components for creativity are intuition (anticipation of the result), imagination and fantasy. Creativity is included in almost all types of human activity, as well as communication.

    The leading activities are play, communication and work

    The game is characterized by performing real actions through imaginary means.

    Communication is the process of transmitting information as a result of interaction. People are forced to contact each other in order to satisfy the need for joint activities.

    It consists not only in the exchange of information, but also in the transfer of emotions, experiences to each other, the manifestation of one or another attitude towards people and things, the expression of an assessment of the behavior of others, their actions.

    Work is aimed at obtaining results that have practical benefits.

    What are the sectors of the economy?

    There are 25 industries in total. They are divided depending on the final product into:

    • industries producing goods
    • service industries

    The first group includes enterprises that, as a result of their activities, produce some kind of product: for example, a car, clothing, toys, bread. These are five industries:

    1. Industry
    2. Agriculture
    3. Forestry
    4. Construction
    5. Other activities in the sphere of material production

    The second includes those enterprises that provide services. For example, transport services, communication services (telephone and Internet), educational services (in schools and institutes), etc. These are all other industries from the list:

    1. Agriculture service
    2. Transport
    3. Connection
    4. Trade and catering
    5. Logistics and sales
    6. Blanks
    7. Information and computing services
    8. Real estate transactions
    9. General commercial activities to ensure the functioning of the market
    10. Geology and subsoil exploration, geodetic and hydrometeorological services
    11. Housing
    12. Utilities
    13. Non-production types of consumer services for the population
    14. Health, physical education and social security
    15. Public education
    16. Culture and art
    17. Science and scientific service
    18. Finance, credit, insurance, pensions
    19. Control
    20. Public associations

    Classification of activities

    Depending on what result the individual’s actions are aimed at, there are:

    • Practical activities are actions aimed at creating material values ​​and things. It is aimed at qualitative and quantitative transformation of the environment. An example of practical human activity is the creation of equipment, clothing, and the construction of technical structures.
    • Spiritual - influencing the consciousness of other people, creating ideas, images, artistic and scientific values. Examples of spiritual activities are performing religious rituals, writing and reading books, and studying art.

    Based on the number of subjects and objects of activity, individual and collective activities are distinguished. Based on their influence on social progress, it is customary to distinguish between progressive (develops society) and reactionary activity. The following types of activities are also distinguished: legal and illegal, reproductive (creating from a model) and creative (creating something new), extraversion (physical actions) and introversion (thinking, fantasy, feelings).

    The purposeful activity of a person is fundamentally different from the behavioral activity of animals, since it is his way of existence. Animal behavior is regulated by instincts and is a means of adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

    Human behavior is a conscious activity that is aimed at transforming the world around us. An example of this is setting a goal, developing an internal action plan, and anticipating the outcome of this activity.

    The very existence of a person is a constant creation and development, changing oneself and the outside world to create better living conditions and satisfy one’s needs . Human activity is characterized by awareness, the presence of an internal plan of action, which is subsequently implemented when performing assigned tasks. Another important difference between human behavior and animal behavior is that the activity of an individual is not always connected with basic motives and very often can come into conflict with them. The stress in the word quarter you will find the answer in the link.

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