Types of human image: features, description and characteristics

Image. Branding. Author: Lyubov Elizarova

TO READ04 min. 33 sec.


PUBLISHED 04-11-2019

  1. What is image?
  2. Goals and functions of image
  3. Image formation
  4. Types of image
  5. Formation of personal image

Image: concept and types

Today there are many definitions of image. If we generalize different points of view, we can characterize an image as a specially created image of an object, used for certain purposes. Depending on the object, the image is divided into types.

Types of image:

  • person's image;
  • image of the organization;
  • image of the territory;
  • image of the subject.

In fact, an external image can be created for any object, you just need to understand for what purpose this is being done. At its core, an image represents a short amount of well-chosen, most beneficial information that needs to be conveyed to a person.


Clothing is, first of all, your preferences in silhouette (do you like a strict or loose fit), style (business, sports, etc.), color scheme, do you follow fashion or are guided by your taste, etc. And all of this actually immediately characterizes us.

Agree, a person who loves loose clothes is different from a person who prefers a business style. “The suit changes the man,” the French like to say.

Frequently asked question: how to dress for an interview? Correct answer: Depending on the position you are applying for and the cost, your clothing and accessories should be equal to the salary level you would like to receive. Your image should say: “I am successful and, as a professional, I know my worth.”

The need to create an image

The types of image and the functions that it performs should help a person interact with the world around him most effectively. The functions of image include:

  • the opportunity to demonstrate the best qualities, individuality, and moral values ​​of a person;
  • the influence of image on a person’s psychological comfort (increases self-confidence and one’s capabilities, has a positive effect on a person’s communication abilities);
  • opportunity to demonstrate business qualities and professional competence;
  • the ability to smooth out existing shortcomings by refocusing attention on the advantages;
  • the opportunity to attract attention to your person and make the right impression;
  • the ability to interact with different categories of people, ensuring greater efficiency in the business sphere.

When creating an image, it is important to use reliable information about a person and his real qualities, because the deception will quickly be revealed and the person will ruin his reputation. An image that is far from a person’s real personality is very difficult to maintain and broadcast to others.

Personal image

Each person has an individuality that is unique to him. It consists of a set of certain qualities, temperament and character of a person, his worldview and moral principles. Types of human image:

  • Personal.
  • Business.

Using various individual qualities of a person, various types of personal image are created. For example, in order to fit into a new team, a person creates a reputation for himself as a “simple guy” or “the soul of the company,” etc., depending on the qualities that he possesses. Personal image consists of certain characteristics that help build the desired image of a person. They take into account the various channels of information perception that a person uses.

Characteristics of personal image:

  • Habitar (person’s appearance): clothing style, hairstyle, makeup, manicure, perfume, neatness and grooming. A well-groomed, well-dressed person is subconsciously perceived as worthy of trust and attention.
  • Mimic: facial expressions, eye expression, smile, mobility and artistry of the face. The ability to express emotions through facial expressions makes a favorable impression on the interlocutor.
  • Verbal: sound of voice (timbre, intonation), semantic content of speech, expressiveness of speech, literacy and accessibility of presentation. A person who masters the art of communication is able to influence and make the necessary contacts.
  • Kinetic: human movements, gestures he uses, gait, posture. The human body transmits its internal state through movements and postures.
  • Material: property, things surrounding a person. A person’s house, the car he drives, the things he uses can tell a lot about a person.
  • Mental: beliefs, worldview, morals, principles, stereotypes. A person’s worldview and beliefs make him interesting to others or, conversely, unpleasant.
  • Background: what friends, colleagues, and the media say about a person. A person's reputation can play into a person's hands or against him. Therefore, the image largely works for the reputation. And when the necessary reputation is created, it works for the image.
  • Internet: activity on social networks, what a person writes, what photos he posts on the Internet. The Internet has become an integral part of human life, so it is an excellent source of information about a person.

To improve your image, avoid conflicts

The epigraph to this chapter can be the popular advice on this topic: “if you see a drunk, move away, if you see a fight, go around.”

Straightforwardness as a means of achieving goals in our time is valued only in a peaceful context.

Those who resort to “military” actions risk being branded as quarrelsome or undiplomatic people. Then, even after achieving the goal of a particular project, they move away from success.

Recall that our perception of our own actions may differ sharply from the perception of the same by others because, in part, our views may “offend” the ideas of others.

In some cases, people achieve success by being principled and, from their point of view, “knights,” but more often they find that, despite their best efforts to lay railroad tracks into a new future, achievements are attributed to other employees or the team as a whole. And when management, often not privy to all the details, irritates the “community”, they are paid less for the most important achievements for the organization.

Features of the image

When creating a personal image, you need to take into account some other characteristics of a person. In addition to personal qualities and abilities, there are also important factors that influence the success of a reputation: age, gender, ethnicity, social, regional.

It is necessary to understand that the image of a man and a woman will differ according to their gender. A businessman and a businesswoman have the same tasks, but their image will be different. Age characteristics, ethnicity, region of residence - all this will influence a person’s image. It is especially necessary to highlight the social factor - this is belonging to different social strata of the population. This is also an important factor taken into account when creating an image.

How to create a person’s image and attractiveness?




Category - Fashion, Style, Society, personal life

Image ( Photo Yandex)
How to create a person’s image and attractiveness ?

A formal suit and tie or a T-shirt and shorts are image elements that should be taken into account when creating a complete image.

It is important to follow certain image rules and avoid fatal mistakes.

According to one psychological theory, every person wears several masks in his life, each of which is intended for a specific situation.

For example, at work, this is the mask of a serious business person, in a club, you need the mask of a reveler, spending your life, but at home, with your family, it is better, of course, not to wear a mask and be yourself.

In a slightly different interpretation, this whole theory is called image; translated from English, this term sounds like a picture, that is, the same mask - a drawing of appearance.

In the modern world, especially in business and especially in show business, you can’t live without an image.

And if you don’t create an image yourself, it will in any case be formed by the public, the press, acquaintances, etc.

And given that the image can be positive and negative, it is best to take on creating it yourself, without waiting for a public reaction.

How to create attractiveness?

Agree, all of us, without exception, have received a compliment at least once in our lives. After all, it’s really nice?!

We experience great pleasure when other people find us attractive.

But what does the concept of “attractiveness” include?

After all, you can’t always be sure that the interlocutor who praised your appearance is objective.

No one is immune from flattery.

If you ask people what exactly they mean by attractiveness, you can hear a lot of interesting options, as well as their combinations: health status, ideal figure, fashionable clothes, impeccable hairstyle, general tone, excellent mood, success, charisma, neat appearance, and so on. Further.

And, surprisingly, everyone here is right - you need to be able to present all your advantages as a whole.

In order to understand whether you are attractive, you need to adequately evaluate yourself.

Start by analyzing your physique. Determine your body type.

Match your wardrobe to your body.

Of course, if you are slim, you won’t have to put in a lot of effort; you just need to choose a harmonious color scheme and keep up with fashion.

However, with the individual characteristics of the figure, it’s worth putting some effort into it.

Don't neglect your wardrobe - it is one of the main keys to building a successful human image.

It is with the help of clothes that you can successfully express your “I” and convey a charge of positivity and cheerfulness to everyone around you.

A correctly selected ensemble can visually remove or add several kilograms, highlight feminine charms favorably and hide minor flaws.

With the help of clothes it is easy to create the impression of an attractive person - from style, image and to shades of special chic.

Moreover, this does not depend at all on your age.

So take a look at your wardrobe and make some adjustments.

As for your health and general tone, nutrition and physical activity are the true helpers of your attractiveness.

Agree, not all of us adhere to a healthy lifestyle, and sooner or later this will cause damage to our body.

A correct nutritional system is the foundation of our excellent well-being.

Do not poison your body with fast food, fatty, smoked and fried foods.

Eat small and correctly, in small portions 4-5 times a day, do not skip breakfast - this is what launches our body.

Don't eat at night, otherwise sleep will be ineffective and your daytime activity will be reduced.

Make a choice in favor of natural products - vegetables and herbs, fish and dietary meat, fruits and nuts.

Drink enough clean water. As for other drinks, limit yourself to two cups of coffee a day, the rest is tea, ideally herbal.

Carefully calculate the calorie content of the food you eat - check the norm.

Too many calories will soon be deposited on your stomach and hips, ruining your figure and making your wardrobe unusable.

A proper diet and intense physical activity will help make your appearance attractive.

Tone, muscles, slimness and a beautiful silhouette are your faithful assistants in creating a good image.

If you can’t afford classes at a sports club, it doesn’t matter.

Take up an active hobby: cycling, swimming, roller skating, tennis, badminton, or just running in the morning.

If you need to work on certain areas, then download programs from well-known video trainers, buy a mat, dumbbells and practice at home - in front of the TV or laptop.

In just a couple of weeks you will be able to see that you have become more attractive.

Rules of Attraction

  • Maintain good hygiene. Your skin should smell pleasant.
  • Shower or bathe daily and keep your hair, nails and teeth clean.
  • Clean clothes are important. Wear only clean clothes.
  • Appearance is not just what we are wearing. Pay due attention to the condition of your skin, manicure and hairstyle. Use moisturizing creams and peels to nourish and protect your skin.
  • In summer, use sunscreen and glasses. Women should definitely use cosmetics, of course, in moderation.
  • Manicure is important for both women and men. Beauty salons know a lot about this matter.
  • Hairstyle: As for the hairstyle, it should not only be fashionable, but also suit your style.
  • Hair should always be clean, shiny and well-groomed - it is they that make a well-groomed face even more attractive.
  • Smile : Attractive people can be identified by their smile.

Don't walk around worried and frowning - it won't help either.

you or your surroundings.

While a light and kind smile can create

wonderful things.

You will be able to win someone over from the first moment.

While you passionately follow all the above recommendations, don't forget to be yourself.

Don't imitate any cinematic or live examples.

You should always have your own unique style .

It may not be as perfect as James Bond's or Marilyn Monroe's, but it will be yours - real.

Creating the right image

Our image is the main criterion by which we are judged upon first impression.

People are visual learners, so it's worth your time to prepare a professional and neat outfit for work.

Sometimes the success of our project or the acceptance of specific contract terms depends on a small detail.

In a new location, when dealing with an important client, or in any other situation where we are being evaluated, we must pay attention to the smallest details.

It’s a pity to lose in the eyes of others due to neglect of little things. Because that's what it feels like to be in front of a head full of ideas and knowledge.

We simply cannot underestimate the fact that we naturally remember pictures more easily, so we must become such a picture that pleases the eye, inspires trust and respect - no matter how politically incorrect it may sound.

Here are some ideas to help you fight for a professional image that won't cost you too much.

You don't have to spend a fortune to look good, all you need is reasonable spending and a little creativity.

Classic wardrobe

It’s worth investing in proven sets and the most important wardrobe items.

Our wardrobe must-haves include a jacket, shirt, pencil skirt and matching trousers in a neutral color.

Each additional pair from the listed set increases the possibilities of combining and changing the sets, but you don't have to have a lot of clothes to look different and just as good every day.

Just changing your shirt, shoes, or even your hairstyle can have a completely different effect.

A small dark dress can also be useful for more important outings or meetings.

From head to toe

A professional image is associated with self-confidence and high-heeled shoes contribute to this.

They have a place in every wardrobe and can do a lot with their charm.

You don't have to wear them with exorbitantly high heels, it's important to feel good when walking in them and take a confident step. It is important that they are worn only by ladies who have mastered this to perfection, because a “cow” in high heels looks comical and is easy for her to embarrass herself.

Clothing accessories (Yandex)
Less is more

This is an important tip, especially when it comes to jewelry.

Successful women don't need to create the proverbial armor around themselves, so unnecessary additions are not needed.

Delicate pendants, small earrings or dainty bracelets can add personality to your look.

Hanging yourself with large ornaments can create the impression of kitsch, which runs counter to professionalism.

Style for the office
Clothes for self-confidence

To look professional, you need to feel that way. Try to choose clothes that are associated with something good, that you achieve success in, or that make you feel better about yourself.

Every woman has a different shape and size, but you should choose appropriate outfits based on your figure.

Obey the rules

Regardless of the rules that exist in the company, it is worth paying attention to a few rules, the observance of which will earn us respect in the eyes of others.

Shoulders, stomach, chest and back should not be exposed.

Sheer blouses, short skirts and clothes that are too tight are also frowned upon.

It's inappropriate to have bare legs, but tights with too much pattern are also inappropriate.

In the office, you should avoid sportswear and shoes.

Animal prints, bright colors and shiny accessories can also be poorly received.

Shoes should not be sandals, flip-flops, and heels should have holes for toes or heels.

It is also not recommended to wear the same set of clothes every day, but it is completely natural that they need to be changed.

Attractiveness under control

It is impossible to argue with the thesis that attractive people have an easier time making friends and being liked.

However, there is a fine line between subtly highlighting strengths and exaggerating sex appeal.

You can't treat your appearance as your most important asset.

What we present is not just appearance, it should inspire more trust than interest.

Image and clothing (Yandex)
Checking your home wardrobe

Before you go on your first professional shopping trip, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the contents of your wardrobe.

We don't appreciate how many treasures and valuable things there are in it and we shouldn't spend money unnecessarily.

Sometimes decent things need a little tweaking and already match our new image.

With a little creativity, you can maintain and enhance your own appearance.

Literally everything influences the creation of an image.

Every little thing is part of the image, words, actions, thing, all this requires careful elaboration.

What influences your image?

  1. First of all, appearance (as you know, people are greeted by their clothes...), this category includes clothes, hairstyle, condition of nails, shoes, accessories, etc.

2. Facial expressions say a lot about a person, whether he is smiling or angry, serious or funny, etc.

Mood primarily affects the communication of the interlocutor,

angry facial expressions can repel, but on the contrary, a smile always


3 . Kinetics, body dynamics : even gait, gestures and posture influence the formation of the image.

A slouched, shuffling person will not make you want to communicate with him.

But a slender, fit person who does not flail his arms is a completely excellent option for a positive attitude.

4. The verbal component of the image forms vocabulary , manner of speaking, intonation and other “settings”.

This is a very important element of the image, because without clear, competent speech it is impossible to create a positive image.

5. Mentality and background are two elements that create a person’s image aura, but if the mentality is formed by the individual himself, then the media and friends are responsible for the background.

6. The material component is especially important for businessmen and artists; this segment includes the presence of a good car, real estate, expensive watches and other things that indicate a person’s status.

Taking into account all these links in one chain, you can try to create the desired image, but you should always take into account the personal characteristics and individuality of the person.

Just don’t make a rocker out of a modest person—the appearance of a seasoned businessman.

Society will instantly see through such falsehood and distance itself from the created “picture”.

Such situations have arisen more than once when even professional producers created incorrect images for their wards.

Therefore, no one has yet canceled the sense of proportion and tact, even when creating artificial images.

Create your own image and attractiveness and those around you

They will definitely appreciate your work on yourself.

This will always help you in life, love and career.

Image of a business person: appearance, behavior

Business image has its own characteristics, since it is associated exclusively with a person’s business activities. Therefore, a person’s appearance and behavior will be aimed at achieving success in professional activities. A business image will be created with the aim of demonstrating the business skills and qualities of an individual, her competence and prospects.

There are several types of business image:

  • mirror (reflects the view from the side);
  • current (reflects a person’s idea of ​​himself);
  • desired (reflects what a person strives for);
  • corporate (reflects the image of the organization as a whole);
  • charismatic (reflects the image of a leader, manager).

In the business sphere, a person is given the opportunity to demonstrate all his capabilities and talents. However, this is a competitive field, so a person striving to succeed must constantly develop and improve his abilities. A business image does not tolerate falsehood and ignorance; it requires knowledge and adherence to business etiquette and ethics of business communication.

Have you already found your true style in clothing?

“Own clothes” are those that match us in style, inner feeling and energy. In clothes that suit us internally, we feel comfortable and look especially attractive. It emphasizes our natural characteristics, helps to maintain individuality and does not interfere with being ourselves.

Most people intuitively feel their style, “their” clothes. However, we also tend to be deceived, to integrate ourselves into “other people’s” images if we are unsure of our own.

How to determine your true style and turn clothes into an assistant?

Let's figure it out:

  • What is image ? This is other people's emotional reaction to your appearance. These are the emotions that you and your clothes evoke, the feelings that you awaken in other people.
  • What is style ? This is how you dress your inner world. It is your feelings and emotions that you consciously, and more often unconsciously, show to other people through clothing.

It happens that your expectations and the reactions of others do not coincide. In such cases, your image is ineffective and works against you!

How to make your image work for you?

Step #1. Decide what you want to be

Decide what you most want to achieve in life today. You need to dress with a perspective on the future, and not with an eye to the past!

Write everything down on paper. Then collect a picture of an ideal image that suits the achievement of your main goal. You should like such pictures, you should want to become just like that.

Step #2. Get rid of unnecessary things

Finally, clean out your closet! There may be very few things left, but they will be the best. Remember, what you haven’t worn for a long time is unlikely to be useful to you again.

I talk about how to properly disassemble a wardrobe in my video lessons, which you can get right now.

Step #3. Define your colors

Find out which colors suit you best. Your color scheme can best be determined by a specialist. But you can also try to figure it out on your own.

My video course “The Magic of Color” and the color wheel will help you figure out the best colors and color combinations in clothes. Choose a cool or warm palette and stick to those color trends. Learn to use the color wheel as a shopping cheat sheet.

Step #4. Choose your style

Understand stylistic trends. Look at what you need most to achieve your goals today and start sticking to one style.

For example:

  • if your main goal is career and success, think about business style;
  • if it is important for you to find and keep your love, pay attention to feminine, romantic images;
  • if you are active and spend a lot of time on the move, all types of sports style will suit you;
  • If you consider yourself a bright individualist, an extravagant, avant-garde, extraordinary style or its elements will suit you.

Remember the main thing, style is clothing for your character. And it will be better if you focus on one interesting trait of your character, and not on all of them at the same time.

Step #5. Determine your body type

Be sure to pay attention to your figure. Study body types and determine yours to select the best clothing sets. If you have any doubts whether or not a certain style of clothing suits you, arm yourself with a camera and everything will become clear (especially if you take a full-length photograph of all your outfits from the back).

The most important thing is to find the best style-defining wardrobe item. This element can form the basis of your entire wardrobe. For example, it could be trousers, then it is better to dress in a sporty style. But it can also be a skirt, then a feminine style is already recommended.

Step #6. Add accessories

Be sure to think about accessories. This is an indispensable element of your image, since it is the accessories that are most often remembered.

If you want to be an amazing woman, add some raisins! Jewelry should be noticeable, scarves should be bright, shoes should be beautiful, and the bag should be expensive and interesting. Maximum imagination, bold combinations and solutions.

You can allow yourself to be a maximalist when it comes to accessories, because they take up little space in your look, but they are the ones who make your image and look special! No accessories - no image!

Step #7. Apply appropriate makeup and hairstyle

Don't forget that your hair and makeup should also match your chosen style.

And further…

Leave the ellipsis after your appearance with a pleasant aroma of perfume. And remember about the final point of the image - red lipstick! It should be in your bag like a secret weapon. This is your style exclamation point!

Believe me, when you think through your image and direct it towards achieving your goal, you will become more confident in yourself. You will believe in yourself - and people will believe in you! Otherwise, your image has no meaning. The more pointlessly you dress, the less likely you are to succeed. Do you agree? Write in the comments.

Everything is in your hands... and in the closet! Be successful!

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Find out the SECRETS of professionals right now - get the video course “ How to properly audit your wardrobe”

— With love to you, your image expert Elena Shtogrina

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One of the components of a successful image is self-presentation. This is the ability to show your abilities, present yourself, attract attention and interest people. Not every person has these qualities, but they can be developed in oneself. Of course, not all areas of human activity require self-presentation, but it will fit well into various types of image. Basically, it is necessary for people in creative professions, especially in show business, as well as in politics.

Image for the corporation

Any corporation needs a successful image. Its popularity and demand in the market will depend on it. Corporate image reflects the perception of an organization by various public groups. They purposefully form a holistic image of the corporation based on information about its activities.

Various types of corporate image, carefully selected, can provide organizations with success in the business sphere, demand among clients, fame and influence among other companies, as well as competitiveness.

The corporation's image includes:

  • corporate philosophy;
  • history of the corporation;
  • appearance;
  • famous employees and staff;
  • environment;
  • relations with society;
  • general background.

Formation of one’s own image as a condition for achieving success in activities

Image can completely determine the meaning of a person’s reputation, and reputation, in turn, already determines what heights a person will achieve: success or failure in all matters. People around you will always pay attention to a person’s clothing, competent communication and demeanor. This means that when creating your image, you must always pay attention to all the details.

Ask yourself a few questions in front of the mirror: “Do I look good enough now?”, “Am I presenting myself favorably?”, “Will they trust me?”, “Can I be relied upon?” If, looking straight into the eyes of your reflection, you give positive answers to all questions with complete confidence, then be sure that you have chosen the right path to achieving a successful image.

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Image of the organization

Various types of image of an organization are united by a combination of internal, external and business qualities of the company. They are made up of eight components:

  1. Image of a product (service): people’s ideas about the unique characteristics inherent in a product.
  2. Image of product consumers: demonstrates the status and character of consumers.
  3. Internal image of the organization: reflects the culture of the organization.
  4. The image of the founder and main leaders of the organization: is characterized by ideas about the personal qualities, abilities and intentions of the founder or leader, formed on the basis of perceptible parameters: behavior, actions, appearance and activities of the leader.
  5. Personnel image: reflects the image of the personnel with their characteristic features.
  6. Visual image of the organization: reflects information about the office building, its interior, the appearance of the staff, and corporate symbols.
  7. Social image of the organization: characterizes the organization’s participation in the social and cultural life of society, the organization of environmental and social programs.
  8. Business image of the organization: characterizes the organization as a subject of a certain activity, having a business reputation, business activity and the degree of development of innovative technologies.

Activity as a component of image

The image of an activity includes the analysis of a specific type of activity in order to create the most effective image. Such components as the focus of the activity, the knowledge and skills necessary for its implementation, the perceptions and requirements of society for a specific type of activity are taken into account. By type of activity, the following types of image can be distinguished:

  • image of the organization (PR technologies, reputation);
  • personal image (divided into the image of specialists, politicians and show business);
  • territorial image (housing, recreation areas, areas of economic activity);
  • social image (promotion of various ideas, ideologies).

Image of the territory

Image also exists for various territories; it includes a combination of rational thoughts and emotional impressions that arise on the basis of knowledge, rumors and experience relating to all the characteristic features of a territory that are available for perception and evaluation.

Types of territory image:

  • formal (consists of an assessment of natural and produced resources, the size of GNP per inhabitant and the amount of human resources inherent in the territory);
  • everyday (formed by local leaders, rumors and the media, and therefore is considered unreliable and unsystematic).

In today's fast-paced world, information is of paramount importance. Anyone who knows how to use information technology to their advantage will always be successful and in demand in society. Image is directly related to information technology, and therefore is in great demand, especially in business and politics.

Methods for forming a manager’s own image

  • Business etiquette is a form of communication. It includes some rules to build a basis for behavior. Each manager, in order to form his image, must be externally presentable and have internal qualities. For example, following the rules of communication and greeting. The point is that by replacing the word “you” with “you” you already create a positive impression of yourself as a well-mannered and educated person
  • The manager's image is also created through a collected appearance. If we talk about the color of clothing, then in the daytime it should correspond to light shades, and in the evening - dark. A man's prestige is judged by the presence of a tie. Knowing how to choose the right tie is an art. This is because this detail must coexist harmoniously with both the shirt and trousers. A plain tie matches a patterned shirt, while a bright tie is usually worn with a light suit
  • If we talk about a woman’s clothing, then her blouse decides a lot. It should be a light shade, without frills and accessories. The ideal option is a snow-white shirt, buttoned with all buttons except the top one. A strict pencil skirt can convey that you are a serious person, unlike a skirt with ruffles and frills.
  • A classic design watch looks good on a woman’s hand, as if asserting that you are a business woman and always do everything on time. And the most important detail is the shoes! Here you need to be very careful and be able to choose classic, non-vulgar pumps with comfortable low heels and a closed toe

Every manager should be able to present himself:

  • make eye contact when communicating
  • give a light, kind smile
  • do not gesture with your hands when trying to explain something
  • speak correctly, avoiding filler words and slang
  • be a competent person in any professional matter
  • be able to carry on a conversation and give good advice in your field
  • be a well-rounded person

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