What is a crane? Specifications. Kinds.

Types of manipulators according to Shostrom


I propose to discuss in a group tomorrow who cares what.

When you understand what type of manipulation is “yours,” then you have more opportunities to correct your behavior.

Let's become actualizers)) We'll start tomorrow.

Types of manipulators according to Shostrom:

1. Manipulator-dictator. This is a tyrant, handing out decrees right and left, hurling shouts and threats. He seeks to control and push around others with the help of the brute force of harsh and cruel words and, of course, actions. Such manipulators often strive for power, and, having received it, use all despotism.

2. Manipulator-calculator (calculator). Such a gentleman consistently seeks benefits when communicating with people, his intentions are selfish. He constantly calculates something, wins, wants to remain “in an advantageous position” in every situation. He does not know simple, sincere friendly communication, care and participation in the destinies of loved ones.

3. Rag manipulator. He conquers everyone with his immaturity, carelessness, lack of will, and weakness. He wants to be pitied, to be next to him only, he himself creeps and wants them to creep around him. As an example, we can cite a pampered woman who constantly complains of a headache and reproaches her household for callousness and inattention to her person.

4. Stuck. This manipulator strives to be led, controlled, led. He is also weak and weak-willed. But unlike a “rag” (an egoist, a petty blackmailer), the sticky one is actually weak, lazy, and annoying.

5. Manipulative judge. He is always dissatisfied with everything, condemns and condemns the whole world, attributes imaginable and unimaginable sins to every person, sees everyone as an enemy, a liar, and walks around with a “judgmental face.”

6. Manipulative defender. I am ready to shield and justify every action of a loved one. Thus, the “kind” grandmother of her beloved granddaughter “does not give offense” to her parents, does not punish her, praises her for any action or word, thereby spoiling the child and preventing him from growing as a well-mannered person.

7. Nice guy. This manipulator strikes you on the spot with his kindness, but his kindness is insincere, sweet to the point of cloying, and intrusive. Such a person, smiling sweetly, is ready to commit any meanness. People who come into contact with him and have gotten into trouble because of him are surprised that false kindness won them over so much.

8. Manipulative bully. This gentleman is used to “establishing order” in his environment with the help of fists, aggression, force, and rowdyism. He destroys everything and everyone if someone doesn't agree with him.

According to E. Shostrom, any manipulator is characterized by such personal qualities as lies, falsehood, mistrust, and detachment from people.

The opposite of a manipulator is an actualizer. Who is this? What qualities does this person have?

The actualizer strives for self-realization, to embody himself in society, to actively influence reality and to harmony with it. He is the owner of his destiny and creates his own happiness, and the actualizer does not try to create this happiness at the expense of others and “on the bones” of those around him, he uses the “reserves of his soul” in order to become successful and happy.

Tomorrow we will do research in the group.

Come, it's interesting!


Illustration: Dmitry Shelikhov

Manipulators. Purpose. Types. Main characteristics.

Manipulators are special devices that are used to conveniently control the cursor.

The first mouse appeared in 1963 at Stanford University.

*Mice are divided into:

-mechanical (the ball moves, and this rotation is monitored by mechanical sensors).

- optomechanical (when you move the mouse, the ball rotates inside and the rotation is monitored by optical sensors).

-optical (its movement is monitored by optical sensors).

By connection method:


- wireless

*mice with many buttons – up to 40

*trackball (upside down mouse)

*touch pad – a touch pad that can be moved with a finger or a special stick.

*penmouse – pen on the screen.

*Mouse point – push-button system (like on a mobile phone). Pressing a button in one direction or another corresponds to a similar movement of the cursor on the screen.

*Joystick is usually a rod-handle, the deviation of which from the vertical position leads to the movement of the cursor in the corresponding direction on the monitor screen

. Often used in computer games. Some models have a pressure sensor mounted in the joystick. In this case, the harder the user presses the handle, the faster the cursor moves across the display screen.

*Digitizer (graphics tablet) is a device for converting finished images (drawings, maps) into digital form. It is a flat panel - tablet

, located on the table, and a special tool -
a pen
, with which the position on the tablet is indicated. When you move the pen across the tablet, its coordinates are recorded at nearby points, which are then converted in the computer into the required units of measurement.

The main characteristic of a mouse is resolution, measured in dots per inch (dpi). A mouse that provides a resolution of 300-400 dpi is considered normal.

The main category in the characteristics of manipulators and keyboards really turns out to be ergonomics. Ergonomic modern mice provide the most comfortable work. They differ from the usual “easy mouse” not only in design, but also in additional functions that speed up and facilitate work on networks, with graphics, and with large packages of documents. In addition, when buying a mouse, you need to “try” it on, it should please your hand. If the mouse is the right size, you won’t have to hold your hand up, which means your wrist won’t hurt and your productivity will increase. Manufacturers today offer simply a huge number of different mouse models. A “simple” regular mouse with three buttons (for example, Easy mouse, Pilot mouse) is the most common among users, the cheapest among all. Scroll mouse: The scroll mouse is a more complex type that is becoming increasingly popular. Scrolling - the scroll wheel or the switch key - allows you to quickly view documents and work on the network (Net mouse). There are models with two wheels that provide vertical and horizontal scrolling. Optical mouse is another option, this is an optical mouse with a mouse pad on which special markings are applied. It moves quickly and smoothly, and at the same time has a very high accuracy of “hitting” the right place on the screen, which has gained the love of designers. If you are tired of the “tail” trailing behind the mouse, you can purchase a wireless pointing device. The only drawback of “tailless” mice is that since nothing holds them up, they often fall off the table. It is also necessary to mention the additional buttons on modern mice. Such buttons are usually located on the side, perform the function of a window button in Windows (Alt+Tab) or are user-programmable.

The next type of manipulators is trackballs. Outwardly resembling an inverted mouse, they differ from it in high accuracy and ergonomics. Controlling the ball directly does not require movement on the mat. Of course, a more convenient manipulator than a regular mouse. Some manipulators combine the functions of a trackball and a mouse and have many buttons, levers, etc. These are more expensive models, highly valued by professionals.

Scanners. Purpose. Types. Main characteristics.

Almost every computer user is constantly faced with the problem of converting documents from paper to electronic form. However, manually entering information takes a huge amount of time and is prone to errors. In addition, you can only enter texts manually, not images. The way out is a scanner that allows you to enter both images and text documents into the computer. I bring to your attention a short review of scanners, which is designed to help you choose a device for your home or office.

Scanners read “analog” texts or images from paper, film or other solid media and convert them into digital format. They serve everywhere: in large companies where huge archives of documents are processed, in publishing houses and design organizations, as well as in small firms and home offices. The scope of application of scanners is as wide as there are many varieties of them. The price of a scanner can range from several tens of dollars to tens of thousands, optical resolution can range from 100 to 11,000 dpi, dot per inch, and scanning speed can range from 1-2 to 80 s/min. Not every model is suitable for performing certain specific tasks. As a rule, the suitability of a scanner is determined by a combination of its technical parameters: design type, format, resolution, color depth, optical density range, etc.

Types of scanners

Today, scanners are produced in four designs - manual, sheet-drawing, flatbed and drum , and each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

Hand-held scanners - conventional or self-propelled - process document strips about 10 cm wide and are of interest primarily to owners of mobile PCs. They are slow, have low optical resolutions (usually 100 dpi) and often scan images skewed. But they are inexpensive and compact.

In a sheet-fed scanner , like in a fax machine, when reading, document pages are passed through a special slot using guide rollers (the latter often cause the image to skew during input). Therefore, this type of scanner is not suitable for entering data directly from magazines or books. In general, the possibilities for using sheet-fed scanners are limited, so their share in the mass market is steadily declining.

Flatbed scanners are more common on the market than other types of scanners and have a number of advantages in terms of scope of application, that is, they are more versatile. They resemble the top part of a copy machine: the original - either a paper document or a flat object - is placed on a special glass, under which a carriage with optics and an analog-to-digital converter moves (however, there are “tablets” in which the glass with the original moves, and the optics and The ADCs remain stationary, which results in higher scanning quality.) Typically, a flatbed scanner reads the original by illuminating it from below, from the position of the converter. To scan a clear image from film or transparencies, you need to backlight the originals. For this purpose, a slide attachment is used, which is a lamp that moves synchronously with the scanning carriage and has a certain color temperature.

Drum scanners , which are significantly superior in photosensitivity to consumer tablet devices, are used exclusively in printing, where high-quality reproduction of professional photographs is required. The resolution of such scanners is usually 8000-11000 dpi or more. Drum scanners place originals on the inside or outside (depending on the model) of a transparent cylinder called the drum. The larger the drum, the larger the surface area on which the original is mounted, and, accordingly, the larger the maximum scanning area. After mounting the original, the drum is set in motion. One line of pixels is read per revolution, so the scanning process is very similar to the operation of a screw-cutting lathe. A narrow beam of light passing through the slide (or reflected from an opaque original), which is created by a powerful laser, hits a PMT (photomultiplier tube) with the help of a system of mirrors, where it is digitized.

The most important technical characteristics: find out what the crane “can” do

The crane-manipulator is a multifunctional device. This means that it is used to perform many different types of work - from loading and unloading to drilling wells.

However, no matter what kind of work you purchase a crane for, you should pay attention to the main characteristics on which the ability to use the equipment in performing any tasks depends:

  • Chassis carrying capacity: how much cargo can be transported at one time.
  • Dimensions of the body or cargo platform: what size cargo (indivisible) can be placed in the car.
  • Maximum and minimum boom reach: from what distance the crane will “reach” the load.
  • Maximum boom lifting capacity: how much load the crane can lift with a minimum boom reach.
  • Load moment: the dependence of the possible mass of the lifted load on the boom reach. The longer the reach, the less mass the arrow can lift.
  • Maximum column rotation angle (1800, 3600): within what limits the crane can move the load around the work site.
  • Hook lifting and lowering height: the maximum and minimum value of the possibility of vertical movement of the load.
  • Type of boom equipment: “L”-shaped (telescopic boom with retractable sections) or “Z”-shaped (articulated boom, folding like the Latin letter “z”).
  • Telescopic boom section extension system: they can be extended in random or sequential order.


The opposite of Judge. He overemphasizes his support and tolerance for mistakes. He spoils others by sympathizing with them beyond all measure and not allowing his clients to get on their feet and grow on their own. Instead of minding his own business, he is ready to take care of the needs of others. Options for the Protector: mother hen, comforter, patron, student, helper, selfless.

How do cranes work?

The wheelbase for a CMU can be very different, from a conventional automobile chassis to a tracked one. At the same time, it is the former that are most in demand on sites and for rental. There are at least three reasons for this. Such CMUs:

  • multifunctional;
  • comfortable;
  • maneuverable.

The expression: “I load and drive myself” ideally describes the principle of operation and the versatility of using the installation on a vehicle. The vehicle on which the CMU is installed will replace two pieces of equipment at once: a crane and a delivery vehicle. Let us note once again that this is a serious saving of time and money when organizing work in the field of construction, repair, reconstruction, cargo transportation, etc.

In addition, CMU on a vehicle chassis is the only possible option for areas with limited area and complex geometry. That is, where entry to an ordinary truck crane is prohibited.

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