Systems thinking - what is it? Characteristics and main features

What is systems thinking and what is its purpose?

The traditional logical approach to the perception of reality and the study of any phenomenon is based on the fact that the observed system is divided into components. They are studied and then collected into one whole. By performing these actions, a person deliberately simplifies the system, while omitting a large number of combinations of factors that influence each other.

The structure of the entire world can be described as a system. It is integral, there are no separate fragments that are in no way connected with the other components.

The concept of “system” can be equated to a formation that exists and functions due to the multivariate interaction of a large number of its parts. The peculiarity of the system is that it is influenced not by the composition of the parts, but by the ways and methods of their interaction with each other. The nature of this mutual influence is nonlinear, mostly hidden and unobvious, and sometimes even paradoxical. Systems thinking is aimed at finding or developing a model of the universe within which it will be possible to place landmarks in the world with high accuracy.

What is systems thinking

Systematic thinking is a practical approach to studying the properties of the surrounding world. Its peculiarity is that, thanks to developed systems thinking, an individual has accelerated skills of analysis, decision-making, and assimilation of information.

Note! The general definition of a system means the ability to structure elements of the surrounding world in a form convenient for humans.

Simply put, systems thinking comes from practice. If it is developed, as a result a person will understand that the world around is quite systematized and is actually not as diverse as it seems. Thus, people who think systems have an advantage.

An example can be given of an individual who has worked all his life with inanimate mechanisms, machines, and apparatus. The patterns and features of their functioning are quite easy to apply to the operation of other systems, incl. human life systems. There are professions where each project seems to be the opposite of the previous one. There is no time to study the features of different areas of work. However, the ability to think systematically simplifies this problem, although it does not eliminate the need to study the basic principles of work.

For example, people involved in programming often receive orders to write a program, a database for banks, medical institutions, and the mobile industry. This does not mean that the programmer is obliged to understand all this, but systems thinking will help to highlight the similar structure of all these areas, which will make the process of interaction with them easier and clearer.

Properties of systems thinking

It is advisable to begin the development of systems thinking from childhood. Thus, it will become the main way of perceiving reality. People with systems thinking acquire the following abilities:

  • They see integrity, fullness of multiple connections.
  • They understand the need to distort the model of reality, which simplifies perception and makes it possible to switch between models.
  • Able to recognize the effect of feedback. Its essence is the influence that one link of the system has on all the others. Fluctuations are inevitable and available for consideration, but the result is rarely immediate, more often it is delayed in time. Therefore it is difficult to see.
  • Ready for the fact that you will need to constantly change your beliefs.

  • They are able to see different levels of reality. Regardless of the degree of magnification, they are able to switch between coordinate systems, and also pay attention to both the system as a whole and its components.
  • They can independently generate mental models of the world to create their own cause-and-effect relationships.

Concept of systems thinking

Systems thinking is a special view of the situation, which takes into account the real and probable relationships of objects and categories. The skill of objective perception is formed from early childhood. Parenting style plays a huge role in the development of system intelligence.

Unfortunately, many parents do not pay enough attention to the development of systems thinking. School teachers also do a poor job of this task. More often they prefer to present the material in a simplified form, divorced from reality. The logical result of this approach is the indignation of students who simply do not understand why they need this or that knowledge.

Meanwhile, the school curriculum was developed taking into account the needs of the average student. School course information is considered useful for any adult. Denial of this fact is one of the signs of undeveloped systems thinking. People with a narrow outlook are not even aware of their own limitations and biases.

Wise parents and experienced teachers try to present useful information in the context of real needs. Practical exercises, real-life examples, experiments and observations help to realize the value of a systematic approach and develop intellectual abilities in a given direction.

Properties and signs

The ability to think systematically is manifested in a person’s behavior, his responses and other manifestations of life.

Properties of inferences based on systems thinking:

  • objectivity;
  • adequacy;
  • reliability;
  • consistency;
  • definition.

A person endowed with developed systems thinking is defined by the following characteristics:

  1. The ability to realize and accept the integrity of the surrounding world and the inevitability of multiple interactions.
  2. Realistic perception of what is happening, awareness of possible distortions.
  3. Ability to establish feedback. Developed minds easily guess the motives that influence the behavior of people and the reactions of systems.
  4. Flexibility of thinking. This property allows you to quickly accept new information and fit it into the existing picture of the world.
  5. Independence. A person with developed systems thinking does not succumb to manipulation and provocation. Any important information is subjected to careful and impartial analysis, and only then conclusions are drawn and decisions are made.

The importance of systems thinking in assessing personnel competence

Testing, interviews and assessment of the basic qualities of applicants for various positions are carried out with the aim of forming a correct impression of the applicant’s professional abilities, as well as his personality as a whole. A scientific approach to creating a team helps to achieve more coordinated work of the enterprise, full productivity from employees and their satisfaction from work. In addition, it minimizes the occurrence of conflicts and misunderstandings.

Systemic thinking is an important ability of a good employee, therefore, when assessing its level, HR managers study the following qualities of applicants:

  • Ability to effectively analyze large amounts of information.
  • The ability to identify patterns in various situations, as well as to form a holistic picture of what is happening.
  • The ability to assess the risks and opportunities associated with the process of making a particular decision.

Differentiation of levels of systems thinking proficiency

Depending on how developed the systems approach and systems thinking is in the test taker, he may be assigned one of several levels.

1. Zero, it is called the level of incompetence:

  • Such people are not inclined to analyze anything and act intuitively.
  • They are unable to highlight the main thing, assess the risk or consequences, and also ignore the most important circumstances of the situation.
  • They tend to make rash decisions.

2. First (initial):

  • They are able to see various factors that influence the situation, structure information data using meaningful (not contradictory) criteria, and draw logical conclusions.
  • They can form a systematic view of the situation and trace cause-and-effect relationships only in the area in which they are well versed.

3. Second (based on the first level):

  • They are able to differentiate data and separate the main ones from the secondary ones, as well as analyze fairly large volumes of information, including phenomena of a complex and multifactorial nature.
  • They can see cause-and-effect relationships and identify the main patterns during the analysis of almost any situation (including those that go beyond the scope of their professional competence).
  • They see barriers that hinder the achievement of goals and can bypass or overcome them.
  • Their thinking is variable, that is, they are able to develop more than one standard solution to a problem.

4. Third (based on the second level):

  • They can effectively complete the missing links of the system, including in the absence of the necessary data, and draw correct conclusions based on partial or contradictory information.
  • Capable of producing new concepts that allow finding solutions to very complex practical problems.

Ways to develop systems thinking

A child needs to develop systems thinking. In the future, this will help him improve his independent learning. It is noteworthy that classes begin with preschool children.

Preschoolers are children who are driven by curiosity. By directing it in the right direction, you can make it easier for the child to further learn, acquire and assimilate knowledge. This usually happens through the practice of TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solving). Based on the correct use of this method, you can develop creative imagination, inventive ingenuity and other useful skills.

Thinking begins to develop from childhood

It is worth engaging in systematic thinking to improve it. A skill is developed during the learning process, for which there are a number of methods:

  1. Monitoring successful systems. To understand the operating algorithm of a system, it is necessary to study it, what happens through observation. If you give preference to successful systems, you can examine their activities, the relationship of elements, processes, and also consider the consequences. The acquired knowledge is applied in practice to solve more complex problems.
  2. Expanding interests. Considering that the system in many objects, phenomena and processes is similar, expanding your horizons will allow you to get more practice.
  3. Getting rid of stereotypes. Life experience makes a person believe in stereotypes. If you get rid of this habit, an individual will be able to solve simple problems without complicating his life.
  4. Creating situations of uncertainty. This skill can be useful in life. To train it, you need to come up with a non-standard scenario for a certain situation and look for a way out of it.
  5. Solving creative problems. This method is successful among all segments of the population, no matter what way of thinking they are guided by.

Developing systems thinking is not the easiest process, but it is exciting. The main positive result will be the further simplification of everything that is and happens around. At the same time, the boundaries of perception of reality expand, and a useful skill for effectively solving problems in all areas of life appears.

Systems thinking ability can be developed

First of all, you should find out for yourself the essence and scope of this skill. After all, systems thinking is a quality that is useful not only in the workplace, but also in any life circumstances. Even if we are talking about such a trivial matter as a conflict over a family dinner, it is sometimes necessary to look at the situation from the outside, analyze its premises and assess the possible consequences.

Literature, audio files and videos become sources of unique information that help to study systems thinking. Books (electronic, paper or audio) allow you to fully immerse yourself in the world of the author’s experiences. It is important to go through all the steps with him on the path to mastering full-fledged systems thinking.

Worthy authors in this area include Joseph O'Connor (The Art of Systems Thinking). His book became a revelation for many. Talking about elementary and seemingly well-known, completely familiar things, this writer was able to indicate the main barriers that prevent systemic thinking, as well as ways to eliminate them. In addition to the fact that O'Connor's "The Art of Systems Thinking" was written on the basis of serious research, his language is extremely accessible and understandable. Using the recommendations outlined in this book, you can independently form and develop the necessary skills.

Connor teaches systems thinking using numerous examples in which each reader can consider himself, his friends and various life situations.

Among the Russian-speaking writers, Academician V. Tolkachev deals with the development of systems thinking. True, his book “The Luxury of Systems Thinking” is much more complex than Connor’s. It is intended for students or interns of psychological faculties and develops the ideas raised by S. Freud. Continuing Freud's theory, as well as the work of his followers, it was Tolkachev who introduced the division of personalities into eight psychotypes. He calls systems thinking system-vector.

How to develop systems thinking

Mentally healthy people have basic systems thinking skills. System perception is formed on the basis of observations and personal experience. Common people, whose lives were quite monotonous, try on the same more or less successful schemes for all situations. Sometimes this turns out to be advisable, but if we are talking about an emergency situation, people get lost. At a critical moment, underdeveloped systems thinking can seriously fail.

Methods for developing systems thinking:

  1. Unbiased study of behavior patterns and typical scenarios. Each person has personal tastes, principles, views. We look at the world around us through the prism of our beliefs. For this reason, many people lack the ability to make an objective assessment - closed-mindedness gets in the way. To train systems thinking, you need to track moments of typical reactions and analyze their appropriateness in the proposed circumstances.
  2. Observation. You can observe successful people: in addition to the fact that they can adopt effective models of behavior, “students” discover previously unknown practical skills. Analyzing the behavior of people whose success leaves much to be desired can also be useful - it should be used as a negative example. At the same time, it is important not to fall into schadenfreude and not to cherish a sense of one’s own superiority: the purpose of the exercise is to develop objective thinking, and not to increase self-esteem at the expense of others.
  3. Debunking stereotypes. Many dogmas that seem unshakable have long lost their relevance. Truth is tested by time, so any past beliefs require confirmation.
  4. Calculating feedback. Every step we take has consequences. The ability to predict the development of events is one of the criteria for a systematic approach. Consider all possible outcomes of actions involving other people or systems.
  5. Expanding the range of interests. Many adults are fixated on work and life. This lifestyle leaves a negative imprint on intellectual abilities. Expanding your horizons and exploring new interests is a great way to maintain a clear and inquisitive mind into old age. Those who brush aside new experiences under the guise of lack of time are making a mistake. The mind of such people “falls asleep”, systems thinking skills are lost.
  6. An artificial exit from the comfort zone. You can “invent” a problem for yourself and try to solve it as efficiently as possible. The main condition is a non-standard approach to an emergency situation.
  7. Mind games. Puzzles, crosswords, logic problems, riddles, quizzes - all these games train the brain and help develop systematic thinking.

Systems thinking is one of the signs of a mature, developed personality. The ability to perceive the surrounding reality in all its diversity of objects and relationships opens up great opportunities for further self-improvement.

What can you do today?

Even if you don’t have time to read or listen to books, you can apply simple methods to gradually develop systems thinking. The first thing you should do is identify your mental models. This is the name for everything that a person believes in and that in which he is firmly convinced. These models serve as the basis for decision-making and as a kind of “glass” through which a person views the world. Often they allow him to see only what he wants. The main mental models include:

  • The process of crossing out information that does not fit into the existing model.
  • The ability to construct, that is, mentally complete the missing parts. This technique allows a person to avoid misunderstandings that arise.
  • Distortion to minimize or exaggerate system components.
  • Presenting an experience that happened once as typical.

Knowing which mental models influence your own behavior allows you to expand them to take into account the characteristics of the system and a larger number of factors.

Formation of systems thinking

There are people who have an innate ability to systematically perceive reality on an intuitive level, but this ability also needs to be developed, made more conscious and organized. It is even more worth thinking about developing systems thinking for those who do not have such a gift. This is quite real. Systems thinking, just like logical thinking, can be learned, but this process must also be approached systematically.

The human psyche is a very complex system, all elements of which are closely interdependent. Thinking as the highest form of cognition is primarily associated with cognitive processes, and its development depends on how “pumped” they are. A systematic approach to the development of thinking includes the following processes:

  • Formation of the ability to correctly perceive the world around us, taking into account its systemic organization. It is perception that supplies information to our brain, with which thinking then works. Therefore, it is not a superficial look at the world that is so important, but careful, detailed observation. It involves penetration into the deep essence of things, the perception of all the nuances and details.
  • Development of memory, primarily conscious, purposeful memorization of information, which is accompanied by its analysis and systematization. A holistic world requires a systematic approach to remembering it. And it involves the active work of all types of memory: motor and sensory, auditory and visual, gustatory, olfactory, tactile and emotional.
  • Memory and perception are impossible without the ability to concentrate, that is, attention. The development of this mental process also involves mastering the ability to quickly switch attention and increase its volume. This will allow you to comprehend several objects and their connections at the same time, work on several projects, keeping various complex tasks in mind.
  • The formation of systems thinking involves the development of all its types: logical thinking ensures the creation of clear schemes and algorithms for solving problems; figurative allows you to see the problem as a whole; visual and actionable is necessary for the analysis of practical actions and the applied aspect of the problem; associative thinking will allow you to establish connections between various objects and phenomena of reality.

Since our entire reality is systemic in nature, any knowledge of it, not just acceptance, but creative knowledge will contribute to the development of systemic thinking. Creativity and a systematic approach are generally very closely related. Creative thinking specializes in non-standard problem solving, and this is impossible without a systematic approach with its multidimensional perception of reality. Any type of creativity, even simple uncomplicated needlework, is an increase in the level of systematicity of your thinking. After all, creativity involves the work of the imagination to create a new image, combining various ideas, materials, and techniques. And the most important thing. Any creativity is the creation of an ordered system from chaos.

In addition to the obvious benefits for the development of thinking, imagination and creativity are a source of positive emotions. And nothing stimulates development more than receiving pleasure.

The Importance of Monitoring Successful Systems

Based on the fact that systems thinking is the ability to understand the functioning of a system, to develop a skill it makes no sense to try to study individual parts. The main property of systems is the appearance of properties that are characteristic of the system, but absent in its components. The system can be studied through the process of observing it. To develop systems thinking, it is worth observing effective and successful objects. It is necessary to study the principles of their operation, the nature of the connections between parts, the consequences of various actions taken. This technique leads to an understanding of the operation of successful systems and the application of this knowledge in life.

Why systems thinking is needed

Systems thinking is an ideal tool for making optimal decisions. Any skills, knowledge, experience and talents can be useless if their “owner” does not know how to look at the world with eyes wide open.

Talented people with insufficiently “pumped up” intelligence do not notice many ways for self-realization. They are used to taking the straight road and see no alternatives. Hence mistakes, failures, negative experiences, loss of confidence and other companions of a limited outlook.

The ability to learn from failure helps develop systems thinking and optimize efforts. A systematic approach to problem solving helps to see several options for the development of events at once. This way you can choose the optimal course of action and prepare for the likely consequences.

Solving creative problems

In fact, this is the most effective and efficient way to train creativity and develop systematic thinking. It is used at the hiring stage. Candidates for the position are required to solve several creative problems.

Taking into account all the above circumstances, it can be argued that the art of systems thinking is a completely achievable goal. As with any training, it will take time, willpower, perseverance and perseverance. However, the result is worth it, as it leads to a deeper perception of the processes occurring in nature, society and in the human body itself.

Systems Thinking Framework

Structure represents the internal structure of the process of mental activity. It includes a group of phenomena and objects.

General concept of object and subject

To work accurately with data, it is necessary to clearly define the framework within which the phenomenon under consideration will exist. That is, give definitions. Otherwise, errors during design and modeling are initially possible. In general, defining the basic concepts used in a situation is an option for secondary modeling.

Speaking with a specific example. The classic situation concerns the analysis of the text, a critical approach to it. When reading and analyzing, it is necessary to determine what the author means by this or that statement. Investigate how appropriate it is to use such terminology in the context of statements, whether there is an unreasonable substitution of concepts, expansion or narrowing of definitions. If at this stage there is a gross violation of the rules of formal logic, then there is no longer any need to talk about the quality of the text and research in general. It is necessary to check in this way all textual material as a structure reflecting the author’s train of thought. The author may deliberately use demagogic techniques or unintentionally make mistakes.

Systems thinking is primarily a critical approach based on impartial assessment. You need to approach your own research in a similar way to create a consistent and coherent structure that meets the requirements. The need to quickly determine the subject of a conversation, discussion or discussion, the features of the definitions used is also important for a rhetorician, a public speaker. Be it a lawyer or others, to quickly parry the opponent’s demagogic statements or find logical contradictions in his speech. This is an absolutely necessary property for effective activity in many similar areas.

Properties, signs

When studying an object or phenomenon, it is necessary to identify important properties of the subject of research or evaluation. This will allow you to choose the right methods for operating on data.

For example. When modeling in engineering practice, a person must have a good understanding of what materials he is working with. A whole group of applied sciences meets these goals: from strength of materials to others. If a person does not study the properties of the object he is working with, it is almost inevitable that he will make serious mistakes. In the example presented, there will be many of them, and they will make the whole work unsuitable for practical use. Because the calculations will be initially incorrect, based on false data and assumptions. Systems thinking is most clearly reflected in the technical activities of representatives of various professions: programmers, engineers, architects. At first glance, it is less clearly visible among scientists and practitioners in other fields.

The characteristics of an object are determined exhaustively to the extent that the researcher needs to know about them. That is, only essential aspects are identified. It is important for an engineer to know what load a structural element will withstand, but it does not matter in which city it will be made or how many people will take part in the manufacture. To put it exaggeratedly.


Any subject in the context of applied or research activities has its own characteristics in terms of benefits and potential. The art of systems thinking requires taking into account functions and their comprehensive understanding. Since other features, including signs, are dedicated to functions (the features that make an object useful come from them).

Continuing the series of examples. The structural elements of a building have a specific purpose. It is necessary to correctly take into account their functions and plan their use based on them. In analytical practice everything is somewhat simpler. But it’s not so obvious at first glance. For example, when studying a scientific article, its critical analysis, it is necessary to understand what semantic load the text carries, whether the author is mistaken in establishing functional connections between subjects (this can be critically important). Only then can we talk about the correctness of the conclusions and the usefulness of the entire study.

Methods, approaches to operating on data and information

As a rule, these are standard logical operations that are applied within the framework of an abstract approach. For example, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, induction, other methods. Not all of them are equally suitable. It all depends on the specific situation. It makes sense to select exactly the tools that are suitable for a given case.

Specific methods inherent in a particular type of practical activity or theory also play an important role. In the work of an engineer, calculations are of great importance. Also general methods of analysis and synthesis, but speculative approaches that do not provide one hundred percent verified information are absolutely not suitable. Be it analogy, induction and others. Because mistakes cannot be avoided. The list of possibilities when applying systems thinking in theoretical fields: humanitarian, social knowledge and other areas is much wider.

Features that may not have been taken into account before

Systems thinking skills require repeated testing of the results obtained. If possible, the final results should be tested, tested in practice, or other verification methods must be carried out.

Based on the structure of systems thinking, we can talk about a certain algorithm for intellectual activity of this kind.

  • Formulation of the problem

You need to clearly understand what final result a person wants to get. For an architect, this means creating a drawing and plan. For the one who conducts a critical analysis of the article - a consistent constructive review, etc. The task must be specific enough so that the results obtained can be checked for completeness of achieving the goal.

  • Definition of basic concepts

Those that are necessary in this context. Selection of objects and items that are suitable for solving the task. For an architectural engineer, this is a set of specific structural elements; for a programmer, this is a list of proposed elements (variables, functions, objects, classes) and other tools. In this case, you need to know not only what the object is, but also what its functions are, what can be done with it and how it manifests itself in functional terms.

Systems thinking also provides great opportunities for seemingly simple activities. For example, the process of cooking can be an art. The cook must know what ingredients to use and what qualities they have. Also, a key role is played by functional connections. In this context, how compatible the products are, and what taste they give together. This is not a paradigm divorced from life, but the most effective way of working and creative activity.

  • Selection of clear tools for work

It is necessary to select clear approaches for operating on objects. As already mentioned, the approach here is based on the principle of expediency. The tools are selected initially in order to gain an understanding of what and how can be done to achieve the final goal.

Displaying certain results. Conclusions, “draft” version of the final product. These are a kind of outline of the final result. But they are not yet sufficiently processed. It is necessary to bring the result into formal form, then we can talk about achieving it.

Achieving results is not enough. The final stage of systems thinking is checking the results. It is not always possible to do this here and now. In some cases, additional activity is required (for example, when deriving a hypothesis, it is necessary to use observational methods, experiment, and other methods). Sometimes checking here and now is basically impossible. Then it makes sense to once again examine the conclusions obtained, their consistency, and the sufficiency of the grounds. That is, check your own work.

In simple words, systems thinking is a special approach to intellectual activity in research, modeling, planning, taking into account the maximum features of the object with which work is being done and the methods that can be used.

Why is systems thinking needed? Despite the rather significant labor costs, this is the most effective model. It allows you to eliminate errors and reduce the number of subsequent “edits” in the future. The goal of systems thinking is to optimize the processes of rational activity when solving problems and problems.

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