How to confess your love to a guy: unusual and romantic ways

Declaration of love to a man in prose

Confession in prose is universal, it is suitable for special occasions and for ordinary days when you just want to tell your lover about your feelings. With the help of correctly chosen words, you can touch even the most courageous and persistent man. Here are some good texts:

  1. My life changed the moment I met you. From boring and insipid, it suddenly turned into fabulous and bright. Thanks to you, my dear, I found my happiness and understood what it means to love and be loved!
  2. My dear boy! Thank you for bursting into my life like a whirlwind and turning everything upside down. It’s always fun and interesting with you, you fill my world with light and make me the happiest.
  3. I can’t imagine how I used to live without you, my dear. All my thoughts are only about you. I start to miss you the very moment you kiss me goodbye and leave. My only wish is to see you again as soon as possible.
  4. Why do I love you? This is so banal... I love you for your body, which warms you up at night. For the eyes that always look with tenderness and affection. For hot kisses that make your head spin. For the strong arms that hug you so carefully.
  5. For some, happiness is wealth, for others it is world peace, for others it is travel. And for me, happiness is to see your loving eyes, feel hot kisses on my lips, hear a hot whisper in my ear, feel gentle hands and know that you are happy with me.

Such a declaration of sincere love will appeal not only to the guy, but also to the husband with whom you have lived for several years. In married life, sometimes there are not enough pleasant words, so please your man with them, then he will answer you in kind, only in his own words.

Options and features of declaration of love

There are many options with which you can confess your love to a man. But each of them requires careful study and an individual approach. Carefully study all the tips, and then boldly go into battle.

By correspondence on VK and other social networks

Social networks are a huge springboard for communication, dating and information exchange. The capabilities of VK, Facebook or Odnoklassniki can be used for your own love purposes. In addition, this option has many advantages:


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  1. You can prepare for a frank conversation in advance.
  2. To confess your feelings on the Internet, you don’t need to look a guy in the eye. With the help of the World Wide Web, modest girls who are afraid to take initiative in life can speak words of love.
  3. You can tell a man about your love in an anonymous message on VK or an email.
  4. It is possible to think about a retreat plan in advance.
  5. The Internet allows you to confess your sympathy to a guy at a distance.

Using VK, you can tell a man about love in different ways, each of which is interesting in its own way:

How can you confess your love or hint about your feelings?Peculiarities
MessagesA message can be sent to the recipient, both in VK and via email. If a man is online, he will immediately respond to the confession. This method helps to preserve your nervous system and understand the situation once and for all.
ImagesIf a girl finds it difficult to find the right words for a message, you can declare your love using pictures. Select romantic images, emoticons in the form of kisses and hugs, and send them to your guy when you correspond with him.
Audio and video recordingsBy analogy with the pictures, during a conversation with a young man, supplement your messages with love songs and videos.
StatusAfter meeting a guy on the street, write an original status on your page. For example: “Today I walked with the most amazing man in the world.” The young man will definitely understand who we are talking about.
GiftIn VK, users can give each other virtual gifts. Send your man a “heart” or “I love you” sticker.

Confess your love only in case of interesting and fruitful communication. Don't start a conversation with a guy by talking about feelings.

To begin, prepare the “soil” with pictures, songs and emoticons. If a young man reciprocates romantic manifestations, it means that he also feels sympathy. So feel free to tell him the whole truth.

Tips for the Shy

Many girls are embarrassed to tell a man about their feelings. At the root of this is the fear of appearing approachable. Especially if we are talking about a guy you don’t know well.

A shy lady doesn't have to tell her guy how she feels. It is enough to carefully “treat” a man so that he himself falls in love and confesses his love.

To do this, use the following recommendations:

  1. Try to intersect and interact with him more often. The more diverse the situations, the more you will be able to learn about the guy. During the meetings, the man will get used to the woman in his life.
  2. Give your lover compliments. Guys love them.
  3. In the conversation, insert harmless, at first glance, phrases: “You’re great, I adore you!”, “Thank you for helping. You're a cool guy!". Watch the man's reaction. If, after flirting, his gaze acquires questioning notes, it means that the guy is trying to unravel the meaning of these statements and how serious the girl is when she says so.

Gradual flirting, hints and communication on various issues can provoke a man to declare his love. But if you still can’t wait for beautiful words, and you are still embarrassed to talk about your feelings, turn to the help of social networks.

Touching options that can bring you to tears

If a man confesses his love beautifully and romantically, he may even cry. And there is nothing wrong with that. Tears of happiness and tenderness are worth a lot:


Why don't guys look after me and pay no attention to me?

  1. Take your boyfriend to a football match. And just like in Hollywood films, try to negotiate with the organizers and print the confession on the big screen. The energy of the stadium will enhance the sensations, and the young man will be in seventh heaven.
  2. In a nightclub, you can order a guy’s favorite song from the DJ by talking about your feelings into the microphone.
  3. You can play the game “Find the Treasure”. Draw a map and label it. In each box, place one word from the confession. Having collected the entire puzzle, the man learns about the girl’s feelings.
  4. You can confess your love on the roof while watching the sunset.

A carefully planned date and tender words will not leave the guy indifferent.

If the object of sympathy is married

If a girl has a crush on a married man, she needs to think carefully about whether she should confess her feelings.

If he doesn’t want to change anything in his life and doesn’t intend to leave his wife, then falling in love can only push him away. But if he himself experiences feelings, in this case it is necessary to talk about love. Just taking into account a few nuances:

  1. You can't talk about love in public. Otherwise, the wife will find out about this.
  2. Email or social media messages are not an option. Such letters may fall into the wrong hands.
  3. You can confess your love over the phone. The main thing is to be sure that no one is stopping him from speaking.
  4. The most reliable way is face-to-face recognition. Wait until you are alone and say the cherished three words.

Love is wonderful. But if there is the slightest chance to avoid a relationship with a married man, do not miss it. There are many free men around who do not have to share with another woman.


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If it's a friend

If a girl understands that she loves a friend as a man, and not as a good friend, she needs to act decisively. There are two ways out of this situation:

  • the friend reciprocates;
  • the friendship ends because it will become uncomfortable and the friend will become just an acquaintance.

Therefore, before confessing your feelings, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. But if a frank conversation cannot be avoided, use the following tips:

  1. Before confessing, ask your friend about girls. Maybe his heart is already taken.
  2. Ask if he has ever thought about a relationship with you.
  3. Read the compatibility horoscope together and watch your reaction. Will she make him happy or, conversely, upset him?
  4. Try playing in pairs as an experiment. What if something comes of this?
  5. When talking about your feelings to a guy, tell him right away that you are ready to hear no, and you don’t want to spoil the relationship if he refuses.
  6. Express your love spontaneously. When a friend doesn't expect you. They said and left. He needs to be given time to think things over.

Whatever the answer is, treat it with understanding. Because it is better to hear the truth than to live in a lie.

If we are talking about a teenager

In adolescence, it is not necessary to pronounce cherished words. You can confess your love to the boy you like through the following actions:

  1. If he has a sweet tooth, treat him to candy at school.
  2. If the boy is a good student, give him a compliment: “You are smart.”
  3. If a guy is involved in a sports section, then you can say: “You are so fast and dexterous. I’m happy that we are sitting at the same desk.”
  4. You can invite the boy to be friends or invite him to go to the library together. To do this, just one phrase is enough: “Help me bring the books, you are so strong. I would like to have a strong guy as a friend."

If you like a girl, she will definitely see reciprocity from the guy. And if the only signs of attention are aggression or indifference, it is better to change the object of adoration.

Original ideas

Not all girls like standard declarations of love. There are such original natures that are abhorred by simplicity. Even if it concerns feelings. Therefore, if you want to confess your love to a guy in an unusual way, use the following ideas:

  1. Write a poem or song for your loved one. Using a computer and a microphone, record your creativity as an audio file and send it to your lover.
  2. If you have access to his computer, create a “flying” inscription with recognition on the screensaver. He will sit down to work or check his mail and see words of love.
  3. Make a video. It can consist of romantic pictures with voice-over text, or with a personal speech.
  4. You can tell a guy about your feelings in an original way during a joint parachute jump.
  5. If your relationship with a man is close enough, then you can confess your love with the help of body art on your own body.
  6. If you have access to a book that the guy reads periodically, use it as a springboard for confession. Look where the man left off, flip forward a few pages and use a red pencil to highlight the letters from top to bottom. So that when you read it, you get the phrase “I love you.”
  7. Call your friends for help. Let them tell the man throughout the day that one girl loves him, but who she is will find out later. This will create intrigue.
  8. If you know how to cook, bake a pie or cake. And make a beautiful cream inscription with a declaration of love.

7 short confessions for SMS or note

You can confess your love to a man using short messages or SMS. A guy will definitely read a succinct and concise note about feelings to the end. When composing an SMS text, go straight to the main idea. As an example, check out the following short confessions:

  1. My dear, I love you! I want to spend my whole life only with you, inhaling the smell of your hair, looking into your eyes and feeling your hand in my hand.
  2. I didn't think dreams could come true. But now I know that it is true. I always wanted to meet an angel, and my wish came true. I met you!
  3. My dear, I am happy only thanks to you! I adore you with all my heart.
  4. The best and most beloved man in the world is now reading this message. You are my life. Love you!
  5. Attention! I love you. I propose to surrender to romantic captivity without a fight.
  6. I think I have a virus. But it is not dangerous to health. He filled my whole heart with love for you. Come, let's cheer together.
  7. If you could look at yourself through my eyes, you would understand how much I love you!

To make a man smile, puzzle him with an SMS from the very early morning. Reading after waking up that you are loved is wonderful.

Options for your beloved husband

When spouses live together for a long time, declarations of love gradually fade away. Everyday life gains complete control over the feelings, and there is no time left for romance. But this does not mean that husband and wife should not confess their love to each other. Attention, affection and tender words will only strengthen the marriage.

As an example, check out three confessions for your beloved spouse. If you say them before going to bed, you will sleep soundly and more pleasantly:

  1. Darling, you are my inspiration. I don't want anything without you. I'm glad we're together. I hope this is forever.
  2. Thank you for your reliable and strong shoulder. Thank you for your tenderness. You are the most precious man. I love you probably forever.
  3. You are everything to me: the sun, the moon, and the wind. You are the reason for my smile and joy. I'm glad I said “Yes!” at the registry office. I love you!

Also, in marriage, it will not be superfluous to periodically give your spouse pleasant romantic dinners. Surrounded by affection, care and love, a man will want to do pleasant things for his wife.

Universal options in prose

You can express your feelings for a man in prose. A declaration of love, colored with kind and tender words, will be remembered for a lifetime.

Cumbersome messages or letters should not be used for this purpose. The guy will quickly get tired of this, and he is unlikely to read the confession to the end. The main thing is that bright feelings must be expressed sincerely.

As an example, check out these touching prose confessions:

  1. Every day you surround me with affection and care. I'm incredibly grateful for this. I love you very much. I am sure that this feeling in my heart will “burn with a bright flame” throughout my life. Neither distance nor time can destroy it.
  2. I consider myself incredibly lucky. I am the happiest woman because I met you! At first sight, my soul was drawn to yours. I want to be with you no matter what. I love you.
  3. Hours fly by like minutes next to you. I didn’t think that I could meet a person who would be so near and dear to me. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you.
  4. For a great mood, all I need is to hear your voice. Each of our meetings is a holiday for me. But I really want not just to look at you or discuss issues at work, but to kiss you. I've loved you for a long time. I hope it's mutual.

Listen to your inner voice. He will help you find the right words for a man.

Short for SMS or social networks

Short confessions are perfect for social networks or SMS. Touching and sweet words will bring a smile to the face of a person who is far away from you. Here are 10 interesting options:

  1. I love you to the moon and back.
  2. I can't get enough air without you.
  3. Memories of you make my heart beat fast in my chest.
  4. Only next to you I am the happiest!
  5. You are my most powerful drug.
  6. Time seems like an eternity when you are not around, but it flies so quickly when you are with me.
  7. Soon my love for you will no longer fit in my heart.
  8. How lucky I am to have you.
  9. Having met you, I hit the main jackpot in my life.
  10. Your love gave me wings.

Such a message can be sent at the end of the correspondence, when you are already saying goodbye, or sent just to bring joy to your lover. Don't forget to add a cute smiley face at the end.


One option: “*Name*, hello. I would like to have a serious conversation with you. We're friends, aren't we? Yes, that's right, friends. But, you know, lately, for inexplicable reasons, I have become so drawn to you. I don't know what's happening to me. When you're not there, I miss you. When you are with me, I am the happiest. I understand that now you can simply reject me. It's your choice. I just wanted to finally express how much I love you. As soon as I met you, you seemed ordinary to me, just like everyone else. But after getting to know you a little, I realized that you are the most wonderful person I have ever met. I love you".

A beautiful confession for your beloved guy

More options for very beautiful and touching declarations of love to the point of tears for your loved one.

You are the dearest and most beloved person in the world. When you're away for a long time, the world becomes uninteresting. And when you are with me, there is no happier person in this world. You are the air that I breathe and without which I cannot live for a second. I love you more and stronger than anyone in the world!

There are people you don’t want to part with even for a moment. They are like a drug: the more you recognize them, the less chance you have of forgetting about them. You want to comprehend such people, you want to dissolve in them. They captivate the heart and delight the mind. There are few such people, but they still exist. For me, you are such a person! And I love you very much!

I want to make you the happiest man on this earth! I want to enjoy you every minute and I want to give all my tenderness, warmth, care, affection... I love you!

When I read your messages, I want to hear you as soon as possible... so that the words from paper, from monitor and phone screens are warmed by the warmth of your voice. When I hear your voice, I dream of seeing you as soon as possible... because looks speak more sincerely than words. When I look at your photo, I want to touch you... to feel the warmth of your hands. Let's meet soon! Tender declaration of love SMS to your beloved guy

My dear, without you my heart was a cold piece of ice, my soul never saw the light... But you melted my heart, took it for yourself and became it yourself. I need you like air, I wither without you like a flower without water. You are my life, my ray of light. I love you! So strong, so crazy! You are my whole life, and I simply cannot live without you! Touching letter of declaration of love to your beloved

When I feel bad, I know that when I see you, I will feel good. When I feel good, I know that I will see you and I will feel even better! Love makes people optimistic. She gives them wings and makes them fly towards their dreams. I've already reached mine. After all, my dream is you, my most beloved person!

I love you, and I want the whole world to know about it, but at the same time it was our little secret. I want to read you like an open book, but at the same time try to unravel the secret that is hidden inside you...

Like a bird, my soul flies when you are near me. Now I understand the meaning of the words “wings have grown”, because if your loved one is with you, it’s as if you begin to fly. I was lucky enough to experience this feeling and meet my loved one. You have blinded my heart and I don't want to look at others. In my dreams, only you and I want you to know how much I love you!

When you are near, a fire burns inside me, I like its warmth and the way it warms me. I feel comfortable with you when you hug me. Your kisses are sweet and tender, and your lips are soft and inviting. You are my little world, which even the whole universe cannot replace. I love you and that says it all!

Beloved, you know, they say that love is like war: easy to start, difficult to finish and impossible to forget! So I confess - I can’t forget you!

I want to tell you that you are an extraordinary and amazing mystery! We crossed paths on the road of life, we were united by the energy of love, imbuing every moment of our lives with a special feeling! Our hearts beat in unison, our gazes are turned to each other, like endless galaxies! Love envelops us in a soft haze, making the fuss around us invisible... It is happiness to know and feel that we have each other!

There are only two infinite things in this world: the Universe and my love for you! Although I’m not sure about the Universe...

If you live a hundred years, I want to live a day less, so that I don’t have to live a day without you... If you jump from a bridge, I won’t jump after you, I’ll catch you under the bridge...

And let everyone hear what you are talking about, but only I will hear what you are silent about, because I truly love you...

You know, I don’t love you anymore... I love you very much!

I love you every second, minute, hour, day, and night. For weeks, months, years and centuries... We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart. If you don’t think so, then I won’t be able to live anymore, because my heart can’t beat only half...

Let's confess our love correctly

So, if the “ FOR
” side has outweighed the balance, we move on to decisive action.

Let's consider the most popular ways of declaring love:

Using social networks

For example, let's take one of the most popular - VK.
The tips below can be adapted to any situation and adjusted as needed. So, the main enemy of the fair sex in this situation is haste. The object of your adoration is familiar to you, studies with you or is a long-time friend? Still, you shouldn’t lay all your cards on the table and hope for an easy victory.


Such decisive actions can easily scare away a guy.
Make him block all access channels and come across your eyes as little as possible. The social network is different in that you can quickly and painlessly thin out your social circle from obsessive fans or admirers.
You must act as carefully as possible. Prepare a springboard by attracting attention to yourself.

Rate the posts on his page, like the photos and videos. There is a chance to force someone to show reciprocal interest.


Do you feel like the fish is on the hook? It's time to move on to the next stage. To correspondence.

Touching ways

Sometimes saying “I love you” is too corny. For the first confession or for a wedding anniversary, you need to choose a more touching way of expressing your sincere feelings.

Even without words, you can bring your lover to tears of happiness because such a wonderful and loving girl is next to him:

  1. Record a song about feelings in a recording studio, and then play it at home or in a restaurant if you are celebrating your holiday there.
  2. While walking in the sand or snow (depending on the time of year), draw a heart and write your partner's name inside. Tell them about eternal love and invite them to spend a vacation together in some hot country. In addition, you can bury a small but desired gift in the sand or snow and “find the treasure” together.
  3. A cool yet cute way is to play a game. On heart-shaped pieces of paper they write the good qualities of their man, and below is a hint where to find the next note. As a result, the guy comes to the main gift and a note “I love you for all these qualities.” These notes can then be kept for a long time and re-read periodically.

Without any words, you can make a confession that touches your soul. Don't miss the opportunity to pamper your lover and bring him joy.

Control of the communication process

In a conversation by correspondence, it is necessary to create an environment that encourages the emergence of interest in you, the formation of a desire to communicate with you frequently, up to the development of the habit of being only with you, which will allow you to confess your love to a guy by correspondence in response to his confession.

The great goal of every human being is to realize love. Love is not in another, but in ourselves, and we awaken it in ourselves. But in order to awaken her, this other one is needed. The universe only makes sense if we have someone to share our feelings with.

Firstly, it is advisable to easily create conditions for the guy to talk about himself, about his life, about his experiences. Men are selfish and their self-love prevails, they have high self-esteem, they consider everyone but themselves to be guilty of failures and there is no need to argue and condemn this.

Detailed and lengthy stories about yourself with your skillful display of a friendly attitude will conquer a man, and this is the first step towards your return declaration of love to a guy by correspondence.

Secondly, strictly control yourself when communicating with a man. You can’t let him know that you don’t have time, that you don’t approve of certain of his actions, remove negativity from communication. On the contrary, you need to promote the conversation with appropriate questions to which he will be willing to give lengthy and sincere answers.

Thirdly, basically try to use words and phrases that all men like most, these are:

  • Non-trivial, combining humor and tenderness;
  • Affectionate, “my dear, dear, best, only”, such addresses are always received positively and endear you;
  • Long-awaited, sometimes it is necessary to delay the answer to his question, to force him to fantasize about the reasons for the delay;
  • Easily resolved requests, a man likes to be in demand and solve requests, especially if this does not cause him big problems, such as “what’s the weather like outside? Tell me how the football ended yesterday?”;
  • Romantic texts, poems, especially your own, but if you lack talent, look on the Internet, such light texts elevate you, create a romantic image for you;

Fourthly, you need to understand that during long-term correspondence without personal communication, a man will create a virtual image of you that may not coincide with your real image, which will interfere with your confidential communication when you meet.

This must be corrected on the one hand by carefully finding out his ideas about the ideal woman, hair color, hairstyle, clothing style, habits, interests and trying to match them, and on the other hand carefully trying to influence and change them as close as possible to your real image.

And most importantly, you need to make sure for yourself that you love him.....

Most likely, after you start acting, the guy will ask a question in a search engine: how to confess your love to a girl? And he declares his love using the methods described in that article, so be sure to read that article.

Cool and funny declarations of love to a man

Confessions can be not only touching to the point of goosebumps, but also funny, especially if the partners have a sense of humor. Laughter not only prolongs life, but also strengthens relationships. At your discretion, a few interesting phrases that can be presented in a funny way:

  • I will get a star from the sky for you, but you will have to wash it yourself!
  • How touching you are... I could touch you all my life.
  • You are as sweet as honey and delicious as milk chocolate. You'll soon make my butt stick together.
  • I adore you, just like Kinder... And by the way, we always have to expect big surprises from you too.

Recognition can be different: creative, gentle, sincere, funny, interesting, intriguing. It all depends on the situation, personal relationships, strength of feelings, status in relation to each other. In any case, you can confess not only with the banal words “I love you.” Remember this.

But time passes, and the beloved, for some reason, does not utter such desired words of love. This is alarming and worries the girl very much. After all, everyone wants happy and mutual love. What to do in this situation? What should I do? Should a guy confess his love first?

If the young man is familiar to you

An acquaintance is someone whom you do not know as well as, for example, a friend, but to whom you may be equally drawn. Confessing to a friend will be about the same as for a friend. The main thing is sincerity and sensuality in words, write whatever you want. A young man will be pleased to read what you wrote, and not what was copied from another source.

But the confession does not have to be in prose. If you have poetic abilities, now is the time to use them! A poem about your deep feelings will clearly not leave him indifferent. But remember, it must be written by you personally. Again, there are simply a huge number of examples. But you must create your own unique text by at least editing the one presented below.


“Hello, *Name*! I want to tell you something important. What I felt the very first moment I met you. Do you believe in love at first sight? And I believed it. And it's all thanks to you. Your smile is simply magical. Your eyes are something magical and beautiful. You know, the days used to drag on for a very long time, but after I met you, they rush at the speed of light. You changed my life. I began to breathe you. It seems that you are not only a part of me, you have become everything to me. Sometimes it seems to me that if I don’t even see you, then I won’t breathe anymore. You have no idea how much I love you. I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a long time and finally decided to. You are my sun, which so suddenly burst in and warmed my frozen heart. You are the ideal man. You are the best for me!"



Or like this: “I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time, and finally I decided to. You are not just an acquaintance to me, you are something more to me. Sometimes it seems to me that I simply cannot live without you in this world full of evil and betrayal. You are a ray of happiness that so suddenly appeared on my horizon. Now my life has completely changed. I am grateful to fate - I have it. You are my romantic, the man of my dreams. And at some moments I envy even myself, because you are special. You are not like everyone else. The best and dearest. You can talk to you about anything, and sometimes it’s nice to just be silent. How nice it is to have a person with whom silence replaces unnecessary conversations. You are my treasure, which I will not give to anyone. And even if you reject me now, I still won’t turn my back on you. After all, knowing such a wonderful person is simply a gift of fate.”

Should you confess your love to a guy?

When can you confess your love to a guy? And is it worth doing? Let's look for answers to these cherished questions.

First, you need to find out why the guy himself doesn’t talk about love to you. The reasons can be very diverse:

  • The chosen one is a rather timid and shy person from birth. And he simply does not dare to utter such loud words.
  • He is afraid that you will reject him. Guys are also afraid of rejection.
  • The partner treats his partner with great trepidation and fears that he may push her away with such a confession. He believes these words can alarm and burden their relationship.
  • He is sure that you already feel his love, which he expresses through actions, views, gestures. And he believes that this is quite enough for you to understand his attitude towards you.
  • Perhaps the guy himself is not sure that he loves the girl. He just hasn't made up his mind about his own feelings yet.

As we found out, there are quite a few negative reasons for his inaction. And this means that you can risk confessing first.

  • If the main reason is his shyness, then you even need to confess your love first, because otherwise you will have to wait a very long time for his recognition. And if the guy is simply afraid that you will reject him, then help him with your confession. After all, with this action, you will show him how dear he is to you, and you will be able to give him confidence.
  • Does the guy think that actions can replace words? Prove him otherwise. Confess your feelings first so that he understands that words are also very important and necessary.
  • And if the guy is unsure of the girl’s feelings, then you can explain your feelings towards him. Then perhaps it will be easier for him to decide and understand everything.

Yes, sometimes you shouldn’t confess your love to a guy if he is rude and mocking. But in all other cases, if you want to do it with all your heart, then admit it first. Let all your feelings out.

You won't lose anything. And perhaps, on the contrary, you will gain mutual love and confidence in your partner’s feelings. If you encounter disappointment, do not despair, because you did everything you could, and you are honest with yourself.

Once you find out the truth, you will stop wasting time on a person who is not particularly interested in you. But now, with a pure heart, you can begin to look for your true love.

How to confess your love to a guy: 2 main ways

Actually, there are quite a lot of ways to tell a guy “I love you”. But it is important to choose the right one, the one that suits the situation.

1) Confess your love anonymously

Concealing your identity will be appropriate if you do not know for sure whether you can count on his reciprocity or not.

By declaring your love anonymously, you can save your pride in the event that the guy does not care at all about your feelings or you fell in love with a not very worthy person who wants to use your confession to laugh at you.

The easiest way to make an anonymous confession is to write him a letter: email from a fictitious address or paper.

I think it's better to go with the traditional option because email has two major drawbacks:

  1. There is a high probability that it will end up in the Spam folder and the guy will delete it without even reading it.
  2. You will not be able to know whether he received it or not and how he reacted to it.

It's the same with a paper note. You can throw it, for example, in your briefcase and try not to miss the moment when he reads it.

If you see that he is pleased with your confession, you can throw a second note inviting him on a date.

Having taken a convenient observation post, you can see whether he came alone and in smart clothes to really spend time with an attractive girl who decided to confess, or whether he came with his friends to laugh at you.

You can do it differently: in the second note, admit that it was you who wrote the first one, and if the guy does not act too generously and starts laughing at you, you can proudly say: “I don’t understand what you’re talking about. I didn't write any notes to anyone. It’s clearly someone who decided to make fun of you.”

2) Make a declaration of love openly

Brave girls can decide to confess their love directly, without hiding their identity.

If your courage still has a limit, and you still don’t dare talk about your feelings to his face, you can confess with the help of:

  • SMS;
  • an electronic or paper letter with a signature;
  • beautiful postcard;
  • message on social networks;
  • telephone call;
  • some kind of souvenir with the inscription “I love you” and an explanation of who this gift is from;
  • Skype correspondence, etc.

If you are looking for inspiration for writing your love letter, you can find many useful ideas on the sites:


But again, I repeat, you need to be absolutely sure that after your confession you will not become an object of ridicule.

But girls who have been dating their boyfriends for a long time, but cannot wait for recognition from them, should not reinvent the wheel and come up with some cunning schemes.

Just choose the right moment and directly tell him how you feel.

You will almost certainly hear in response: “I love you too.”

TOP 3 ways to confess your love to a guy

Confessing love can be quite difficult. But if you do it correctly and creatively, then both of you will remember such recognition for the rest of your life.

What's the best way to confess your love to a guy? The main thing is to choose the appropriate method, based on the preferences of your partner, his temperament and character. The chosen method should be suitable for the girl herself: it should not cause her a feeling of anxiety or discomfort.

Follow these guidelines:

  1. Admit it in simple words. Brief and clear.
  2. Do things that will please your chosen one. Support him. After all, sometimes actions speak much more than words.
  3. Confess your love with a sweet smile, gentle touches and warm eyes. These gestures can be much more convincing than any words.
  4. Give a romantic card that says it all. Or give a cute souvenir that is associated with reverent and tender feelings.
  5. Decide on a passionate kiss. The main thing is to choose the right moment. With this action you prove that you have romantic feelings for your partner.
  6. Give compliments. Your lover will very soon be able to guess that you have sincere feelings for him if you speak words of admiration and support to him.
  7. Prepare a surprise. A gentle gift or a romantic date can touch you to the depths of your soul and show your reverent attitude towards your chosen one.
  8. Love message. You can confess your feelings to him using a real letter. This is a very romantic and original way.

If you are both supporters of modern instant messengers, then you can admit:

  • VKontakte (VK) is the most widespread social network. If your chosen one spends a lot of time in it, then this will be an excellent way of recognition. Even if you are unfamiliar yet, you can give a couple of likes and write a few relevant comments on the photos. Then add your chosen one as a friend. Explore his page, study his interests. Make contact. This application provides excellent opportunities for creativity. You can create a video for your loved one, record a voice message, send a sticker, postcard or audio recording to your loved one's wall.
  • By correspondence - correspond as often as possible, but just try to make sense in the correspondence. Discuss your favorite movies, ask how his day was, what he thought about yesterday’s match. When you have already established contact, you can start dropping hints, adding romantic emoticons and pictures to your correspondence. Try to communicate at a certain time. Let this become your tradition. And then disappear at a given time for a certain period. Surely, he will be worried and want to know where you have been. When you have established the desired contact, you can approach the desired conversation. In it you must be extremely honest and delicate. Use only your words and thoughts.
  • In SMS - recognition through messages can be a rather interesting way. It can be in poetic form, or funny content. This method is especially suitable for shy people. Only you must be familiar with your chosen one, and already have experience communicating via SMS, so as not to scare him off.

Choose exactly the method that you like most, and it will be the most correct.

Method number 1. It's beautiful to confess your love to a guy

Guys react even more than girls to words of love. Therefore, you need to make sure that your confession is beautiful, and he remembers it with warmth and tenderness!

  1. Place. First, take care of where you will confess. This could be your favorite place to walk, or it could be a cozy cafe or public garden. Perhaps you want this to be an embankment, or a cozy country house, or just your bedroom.
  2. Emotions. Take care of your condition too. Emotions and fear should not possess you. Get ready in advance and replay the future meeting in your mind. You should be in high spirits. Confidence and optimism should envelop you.
  3. Cloth. Appearance also plays a significant role. Buy yourself a stunning dress, do your hair so that your loved one cannot take his eyes off you.
  4. Process. Having thought through everything to the smallest detail, choose the appropriate method of recognition. For romantics, poems, romantic songs, beautiful poems, and candlelight dinner are suitable. For more brutal men, simply words of love and a trip to their favorite place will be enough. Give a message or a symbolic gift to your loved one.

You need to choose the most appropriate moment. So that he would not be busy, he would not be disturbed by friends, work or study.

Method number 2. Original way to confess your love to a guy

Do you want your lover to be amazed and remembered by your confession? Then you can come up with quite original ways of recognition:

  • compose a song or poem for your loved one;
  • shoot and edit a video in advance with the most pleasant moments of your relationship;
  • make a video about your loved one and your attitude towards him;
  • tell a monologue about love on stage;
  • ask your friends to tell the guy all day long that a girl loves him, and he will find out which one in the evening;
  • buy a CD with romantic songs and sign it: “These songs reflect my feelings for you”;
  • Make your loved one a cake with the inscription “I love you.”

Method No. 3. It's unusual to confess your love to a guy

Are you a supporter of everything unusual? Then you can come up with an unusual confession to your partner that he will never be able to forget:

  • Use paint and write your confession on the wall.
  • Jump from the parachute together and during the flight tell him about your feelings.
  • Try to arrange a quest, and when he solves it, he will receive a prize - your recognition.
  • Invite your loved one on a hike or on a trip to another city, and say words of love there.
  • Do a photo shoot together, and then post it on the Internet, and sign it “I love you.”

The bolder and larger-scale your confession, the more it will amaze your lover. Experiment.

How to confess your love to a guy on VK?

Social networks and other messengers are excellent helpers for declaring love, they expand the possibilities of manifestation and help cope with excessive shyness, in addition to the fact that now it is the norm to communicate mostly by correspondence, to establish friendships and romantic relationships in social networks, and not as before with direct communication. If you practically live on the Internet, then getting into direct communication with such an important topic is a serious stress on your nerves.

How to confess your love to a guy by correspondence is a new exciting question that cannot be seen in most films or learned from elders, simply because there is no experience of confessing on the VK network. You should start with the fact that the guy you like should be added to your friends list, if this has not already happened for some reason. Scroll through his page, put a few likes (you don’t need to automatically like every photo and post on the wall, it looks strange, intrusive and can make you unfriend). Write a few comments under interesting posts, if you have something to say, there is no point in writing all sorts of nonsense for the sake of writing - you need to attract his attention not at any cost, but with the prospect of interest and development of correspondence. After these steps, you can start corresponding in private, if he himself has not yet written you a question after your activity on his page, then appear yourself.

Don’t rush things, because instant recognition can be quite overwhelming, just like in real life, you need time to communicate better and get to know each other, to do this, start conversations with neutral questions and topics that are openly stated on his page. You can discuss new films or watch the same film at the same time, discussing the plot in the chat. The more there is to discuss, the better. Choose approximately the same time for communication, this way you create your own tradition, and he gets used to the fact that he communicates with you at this time. Having disappeared alone during this period, you will most likely receive a question about where you were (he remembers, he is worried, he misses your communication).

Once such contact has been established between you, you can move on to the most important conversation. To prevent the information from becoming a shock, prepare the guy for possible developments - include emoticons and stickers with kisses and hearts in your messages, but in minimal doses, let him get used to it, but do not consider it an intrusiveness.

When starting to write a confession text, the rules are simple and complex at the same time - you need to be delicate, honest, use your own words and thoughts. Try to make the message unique by adding to the text features you already recognize or your general jokes - the more “your” the message is, the better.

In addition to text messages, VK provides a wonderful tool just for creativity, to work magic on photographs and send it to him - a joint collage, overlaid text with a confession, compiling a video from a photo to music. For those who are especially brave, you can record a video about your love, using the surrounding space or your own acting skills.

It's better to use options where you need to have a hand. Sending a ready-made sticker or postcard will not be pleasant or considered as a manifestation of serious feelings; rather, they can be sent later, when the relationship between you has been clarified and you are now together.

After sending a message of recognition, go into waiting. When you see the “read” status, don’t start writing billions of questions about it, give the person time. You don’t know in what situation he read your message (maybe he’s currently taking his cat for surgery or is taking an exam) and you don’t know how he reacted (it takes time to jump for joy, just like it takes time to formulate a polite refusal of reciprocity). Be patient and wait for a response from him, and if he disappears and does not respond, then be glad that you decided to confess and speed up the process of finding out that this is not your person.

How to confess your love if you are shy

Many girls are embarrassed to express their feelings first. After all, they were taught from childhood that men should do everything first. But time passes, everything changes. And in modern times, a lot has changed.

You shouldn’t rely on luck, sit for years, hope and wait. Take action, decide and enjoy.

If embarrassment greatly overpowers your desire to confess first, then you should prepare a little so as not to leave any chance for anxiety.

Start taking initiative from afar. Invite him to interesting places, arrange a romantic one. Give him compliments. Sometimes insert the phrase “I adore you” into the conversation , then carefully monitor the guy’s reaction. If he hesitates and glances at you with a puzzled look, it means he is trying to understand what meaning you put into these words.

If a girl is very afraid to tell a guy about her feelings, then you can try to confess in writing. This way you can check your confession, edit it and send it when you are ready. You can even use an anonymous method of recognition, via the Internet or mobile communications.

Well, in order not to be afraid and to be confident in a positive outcome, you need to prepare:

  • find out what attracts him most in girls;
  • find common interests;
  • change your image a little for the better;
  • read books about male psychology and relationships.

When you know a lot about your lover, it will become much easier for you to confess your feelings to him, because almost all the trump cards will be up your sleeve.

How to beautifully confess your love to a guy?

Not only girls love beautiful declarations of love, men, according to some scientists, even react more to words of love than girls. So that your loved one remembers your confession, and these memories warm his soul and excite his imagination even after many years, you, of course, want to do everything beautifully.

Impromptu is wonderful, but a well-thought-out plan of action, with room for maneuver in a changing situation, is still more reliable. You should start by choosing a place, it is better that it is meaningful for two (the park where you met, the exhibition where you met) or romantic (a cozy cafe, a square). For recognition, you can choose a certain type of time together, limited only by your imagination (going to a barbecue, going to the cinema, rafting on the river, a friends wedding). A great option, if the beginning of a relationship has been made, but intimate recognition has not yet happened, talk about your feelings at home, in a cozy relaxed atmosphere, under a common blanket after dinner. No one has abolished the bed as a place for declaring love - this will add a special touch to the caresses, stir up the blood of both, but then repeat this in a calm and more casual atmosphere, so that there is no feeling that the words came out in the heat of the moment.

In addition to the right place, it is worth choosing the right moment, not to rush into confessions before a business meeting or when he only has fifteen minutes left to talk. Choose a time that is convenient for both, does not require you to rush to another event, but has plenty of time to think about what is happening (you shouldn’t get hung up on a certain time of day - early morning is also quite suitable if it’s a weekend). Focus on the guy's mood and the actual state of events, because... the reaction to recognition, if he is now angry because of troubles at work, can be quite unpredictable, which both you and he will regret later.

The best way to have such a conversation is in person, looking the guy in the eyes; the option of a written confession is good if you can’t control your excitement. You can come up with a gift for a guy for a holiday or an invented occasion, with a note with a text of recognition, but give the gift in person and repeat the words after reading. You can organize a romantic dinner (by agreeing with a restaurant, at home, on the open roof of a high-rise building), decorate everything with candles and hearts, you don’t need to prepare a lot of rich and complex dishes (arrange a demonstration of your culinary talents later), a dessert and a bottle of delicious wine will be enough. Confessions can be left in a man’s personal belongings - put goodies with notes about your feelings in your pocket or bag, leave a message on the dashboard of the car if you can get the keys.

Having chosen one of the proposed methods or come up with your own, be guided by the character and preferences of your boyfriend. For a sensitive romantic, beautiful views, long words, interesting metaphors and you in the image of an airy fairy are quite suitable, while a tough and pragmatic man will not understand this, but will appreciate the simplicity and directness of your words and actions, without rose petals, but with hot coffee . If a man is older and has experience of an unpleasant divorce, then confessions from a woman can make him wary and make him move away, so it is better not to speak directly about strong feelings, soften everything to hints and expressions of sympathy, not love. Respect his caution and be patient while he thaws out and can open up to a new relationship.

When you speak, pay attention not only to the words and their meaning (usually we rehearse what will be said several times and endlessly scroll through it in our heads), but watch your gestures and facial expressions, which can play a cruel joke on you due to excitement. Speech, its pace and volume should correspond to your normal state, trying to please, do not put on a wide smile, it can cause a feeling of frivolity. Avoid harsh gestures, and focus all your attention and gaze on the guy you are talking to.

Before you start talking about feelings, take care of your emotional state. If necessary, work things out with someone, if your appearance gives you confidence, then do it. Do everything to make your mood great, our state is transmitted to the people around us, and this way you can charm your loved one. Do not try to control the entire course of your conversation, because what you imagine may differ from reality; it is important for you to remain sensitive to changes in order to be able to adjust your own behavior when the situation changes. And respect a person’s choice, having received a refusal of reciprocity, accept it with dignity even before it happens - your inner readiness to accept any of his answers will cause respect, because you open up not in order to tie a person to yourself with such manipulation, but so that Don’t be tormented by questions and guesses.

Possible problems and solutions after recognition

  1. There are situations when a girl confesses her love to a guy, but he remains silent. What to do? The best solution is to be patient. Under no circumstances should you panic. Don’t write him a bunch of more messages after that - give the guy time to comprehend the information. It’s difficult for him now, perhaps he’s dumbfounded. He must understand and decide for himself what to do next. Expect a response from him now.
  2. If the guy rejected the girl’s confession, or does not answer , then do not be sad. On the contrary, be glad that you decided to confess and found out the result. Thus, you accelerated the process and found out that this is not your soul mate.

Don't force yourself on your partner any further. Respect his choice. Try to understand him. Perhaps now he is simply not ready for a serious relationship. Time will pass, and he may change his attitude towards you. Therefore, you should not write insults to him. Accept his answer with dignity. Give thanks for the truth. You can remain friends - it's at your discretion.

Remember all the good things you had. And know that now you have valuable experience in building relationships, and your next relationship will definitely be happy.

Only you can decide whether to confess your love to a guy first or not. Only you can choose the most appropriate method of recognition. Everything is individual. The most important thing is sincerity.

Consider the pros and cons. Gather your strength. Tune in to the required wave. Choose the right time. Look the guy in the eyes, smiling gently. And know that you are already a winner, because you decided to take such a brave and wonderful action.

Love is an intoxicating, inspiring feeling that pushes people to exploits, stupidity, breaks and unites many hearts.

Every person at least once in his life is exposed to the magic of love, mutual or not, and happiness if this feeling makes a person better.

It is not beauty that causes love, but love that makes us see beauty.

Lev Tolstoy

Anonymous declaration of love

Confessing your love anonymously is another good way to talk about your feelings. In addition, by asking a question about a mysterious stranger who sent a confession, you can find out what a person thinks about it, whether he is free. After all, it is quite possible that if he does not have a girlfriend, then he is simply not ready for a relationship. This is especially true for young people, if the boy is only 9-10 years old.

Usually girls mature earlier, and the desire to start a relationship at such a young age is absolutely normal. However, in boys, attraction and desire to get to know the opposite sex arises by the age of 12 or even 13 years.

How to confess your love anonymously? You can use the old proven method. Take the note and write a confession on it. Whether you subscribe or not is up to you. You should proceed from the relationship with the guy you like. This method is also good because you can simply write a confession in a humorous form, which, if unsuccessful, can be very easily translated into a joke. In addition, if you don’t sign and see the person’s reaction, you can understand what he thinks about this anonymous person.

Infatuation and love

Love and infatuation are seemingly the same concepts and feelings; they may start the same but end differently.

Love can live for years, while falling in love either quickly passes or flows into true love.

How to distinguish between these two beautiful states?


  • It always arises spontaneously, it is so bright and captivating that a person’s perception of reality seems to change.
  • The attachment to the object of desire can be so strong that the rest of life fades into the background.
  • Falling in love is often accompanied by a strong physiological attraction, passion, desire to possess a person at any cost; Every day without the object of love becomes a burden.
  • Falling in love can push a person to make drastic changes and can sow strong doubts about himself and his appearance; can push you to take rash actions just to attract the attention of a potential soul mate.

True love can be called the highest manifestation of feelings, but not everyone can achieve it.

With true love, a person is perceived as a whole, with his entire inner world, his merits and demerits; I don’t want to change him, he is loved completely.

Love can develop over the years, only becoming stronger and stronger. Separation from a loved one is very difficult, but with such love, distance can only intensify feelings. Love makes you strong, able to overcome any adversity: “Together forever, in joy and in sorrow.”

Loving people help each other to develop themselves and become better; they easily make concessions and find compromises. Love is mutual respect and complete understanding. There is no self-interest in it, it is perfect.

Attention! Love and infatuation are united by sympathy, passion, intimacy, inspiration. But love has a more spiritual basis than a physical one.

What is the difference between love and infatuation is explained in the video:

What to do if you are very shy?

It is quite difficult to open up to a loved one, to admit your feelings for the first time, so it is better to scroll through the necessary words and various options for the development of events in your head in advance. You can open your feelings with beautiful speech and poetry.

There are several universal tips that will help you overcome fear and open your feelings completely:

  • practice,
  • the right choice of time and place,
  • replaying all possible events in your head.

The guy confesses

First, you need to decide what the recognition will be - a short phrase “I love you”, or a small sweet explanation of the reasons for love.

If the fear is very strong, in order to confess, you need to think through the words and the situation as clearly as possible in advance. Once the action plan is clearly formulated, it will not hurt to practice a little. This will give a little confidence at such a long-awaited moment.

It would be a good idea to choose a place in advance where no one will disturb you and where the environment will be conducive to:

  • This could be some special place that will remind you of the emergence of strong feelings.
  • Also, you need to choose a good time that allows you to focus entirely on a romantic conversation.

Pre-thought-out scenarios will allow you to prepare for any scenario. The girl can reciprocate, and of course, with this option, everything will go on by itself. But the feelings are not always mutual.

The girl can ignore the confession, try to change the topic - in this case, you should not insist on an answer, perhaps she needs time to think. The best behavior will be the one before the confession.

The most unpleasant scenario is also possible - the girl may answer negatively, i.e. "I do not love you":

  1. The most important thing is to remain calm in such a situation and react appropriately.
  2. The right response to rejection can make a positive impression.

Attention! When the most important words are spoken, you need to look the girl in the eyes, you can smile slightly. The girl should feel the sincerity of the words.

If the fear is so strong, you can confess your love with a letter:

  • You can compose a beautiful poem, or simply write a beautiful confession.
  • You need to hand over the letter at the appropriate moment, for example at the end of a date, or after the girl has been escorted home.
  • You can send an electronic version of the letter, but it will look somehow frivolous.

After confession, you should pay attention to the reaction of the lady of your heart. You shouldn’t put pressure on her or demand an immediate answer; it’s better to give her time to think it over thoroughly. When a girl gives an answer, you need to listen carefully, remaining calm. Of course, the ideal option would be mutual recognition.

The video describes the best ways to confess your love to a girl:

The girl confesses

You need to confess your love in moments of peace of mind , when nothing worries a person and he is open to everything new:

  • If a young man became a friend not so long ago, and heart-to-heart conversations have not yet arisen, you should not rush things, it may take him by surprise.
  • If he is more intimate and shows the girl how much he values ​​her, then the risk may be justified. Guys, as a rule, are more secretive than girls, so a lot can be judged by their actions.

For the first confession, it is better to choose a neutral, calm environment; Being too romantic can be scary.

Before taking such a serious step as a declaration of love, it is necessary to analyze the current relationship; how harmonious they are, how the guy feels in the presence of a girl.

Important! It is better to open your feelings at a time when the relationship is easy and relaxed, but at the same time meaningful for both.

If it is very difficult for a girl to say “I love you” directly, you can say “I am in love with you,” or whisper a confession in her ear after a kiss and hug.

A good alternative to words would be to express feelings by showing concern:

  • you can prepare a romantic breakfast,
  • take your hand at an unexpected moment,
  • prepare a pleasant surprise,
  • make a compliment,
  • hug, kiss a guy.

During a declaration of love, the guy should make it clear that this is just a desire to show his feelings, and an immediate response is not required from him. Of course, every person is pleased to realize that he means a lot to someone, but not everyone is ready to give themselves in return.

Attention! After the confession is made, there may be an awkward silence, which is quite natural. At such a moment, you don’t have to say anything, you can just be silent for a while; the guy needs to think about what he heard, and the girl needs to think about her behavior if the feelings are not mutual.

If, nevertheless, the guy did not confess his love in return, you need to be mentally prepared: do not throw tantrums, do not be offended, do not get irritated, in general, behave with restraint and adequately.

Calm and reasonable behavior will look dignified. Perhaps in the future the young man will still have reciprocal feelings.

How to properly confess your sympathy to a guy is explained in the video:

List of basic ways of recognition for shy people


Every second inhabitant of the planet is registered in social networks. networks and has an Internet connection. Nowadays it is not a problem to communicate with foreigners and relatives living abroad. Write a couple of lines unobtrusively about your feelings. If they are mutual, the answer will not be long in coming.


Of course, paper letters are already a thing of the last century, but how nice it is to receive a letter written with your own soul and soul. SMS can be read, but not felt or held in your hand.

Sprinkle your favorite perfume into the envelope. The aroma can turn your head no worse than words. The guy will also have a positive association of you with the letter and perfume.


Find out his phone number using a questionnaire or under an elaborate pretext from mutual friends. Write the first SMS without the signature of who they are from. You correspond with each other, let them tell their fortunes, and at a well-chosen moment, open up.

After such combinations, there will be no tension between you and you can easily continue your playful communication.


If the recognition methods above do not suit you, this is an unimportant SMS or letter. Pay attention to the audio recordings. Find an excuse in which he will need to help you remotely. For example, you can’t download or find the program you need for your computer. Pass the flash drive where the guy will transfer the program and download in advance a selection of songs with a declaration of feelings. After something like this, it’s hard not to guess your hints towards him. Guys who are witty are more likely to upload a cute picture or similar tune.

A note

We all corresponded with classmates in notes, and maybe someone continues the tradition now. Write a note from your heart and be completely honest. Copied prose from the Internet is a good option, but these are not your words and thoughts. Place it in a book, pocket, or just place it on his desk.

The method is primitive and old, but it has not lost its romance, mystery and intrigue.

Advice for a 14 year old teenager

First love, the most vivid and exciting feeling, usually comes at the age of 14-16. Many teenagers are embarrassed by their feelings; they don’t know how to behave. Usually, behind this lies the fear of a new feeling, or the fear of being rejected.

To overcome fear and doubt, you need to imagine what will happen in case of refusal - you can imagine situations that are even absurd.

By clearly outlining the various scenarios, you can understand whether this is something to be afraid of, perhaps this is not a critical situation and you shouldn’t worry so much. Yes, it may be offensive and unpleasant, but life does not end there.

Sometimes teenagers hide their feelings because they do not want to impose themselves or bother a person:

  • In this case, it is worth understanding that the reaction of others does not depend on him, it is a purely personal choice of a person - to accept or reject.
  • But on the other hand, without trying, you won’t know.

You can try to confess your feelings through social networks, anonymously, or pass a note through a friend. The object of love will not feel discomfort, but rather will be pleased by someone's sympathy.


You can also make a declaration of love in regular correspondence via WhatsApp, Viber, VKontakte. SMS is a short letter, but it is also easy to put all the power of feelings into it for the main words in your couple. The message can be in the form of a question, a poem or a compliment with the note “I love you.”

Here are some examples of sincere SMS from a girl to a guy:

  • I wonder if you love me as much as I love you? I'm burning with feelings)
  • I can’t hide it anymore: I love you!
  • I've been looking for you all day today to tell you that I love you!
  • What do i do? What to do? I realized that life without you was empty and stupid. Love for you struck my heart and filled the world with bright colors. Love you!
  • You are an angel, you are the best! It's impossible not to fall in love with you. This happened to me too. Love you very very much!
  • I really want this time of flight and madness to not end. There is only you in my heart, my beloved!
  • Happy to have you next to me. I adore you, I love you more than life itself.
  • I fall asleep - I think about you, I wake up - I think about you, I write lectures at the university - I think about you. This is definitely true love. I'm happy that I have you. I love!
  • I'll say it without jokes, I love you. And the feeling will never go away, that's for sure.
  • You are the sun, you are the light, you are the sky, you are the stars! Others fade in comparison with you, that’s why I love you with all my soul.

Confirmation by actions

No matter how beautiful words are, they must always be confirmed by actions. Many people, unfortunately, forget about this simple truth. Even after mutual recognition, one must show one’s feelings by treating the person and caring for him.

It’s good if the feelings turned out to be mutual; After confession, you can continue the romantic evening, hug or kiss your partner, or give some nice gift. The main thing is not to speed things up and not make far-reaching plans right away - you need to thoroughly enjoy the new moment in the relationship.

Love is just an incredible feeling. It's worth experiencing.

And you shouldn’t be afraid of refusals, it’s better to try and not regret than to doubt and suffer all your life - what if the feeling could be mutual.

Sources used:

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