Clinical psychologist: where specialists work and train

What is clinical psychology

Clinical psychology in CP focuses on identifying and treating a variety of mental, emotional, social and behavioral health problems.
Where can such a specialist work? Many clinical psychologists work in private practice, hospitals or clinics, providing direct services to clients. Others work in higher education or research, training future professionals in the field, or studying the causes or effective treatments for mental health problems.

Clinical is the largest and most widespread branch of psychology. And while mental health is the common core, there are a number of subsets within the discipline.

Some of these subgroups include:

· mental disorders in children and adults;

· learning disability;

· substance abuse;

· emotional disorders ;

· severe mental illness (i.e. post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), schizophrenia ;

· obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD;

· deviations associated with geriatrics - mental disorders and sexual perversions (i.e. molestation, rape, sexual abuse, etc.).

It is important to remember that although such psychologists are considered “physician-researchers,” they are not considered “doctors” or health care professionals as such. In other words, they cannot prescribe medications or perform medical procedures or surgeries. They are, however, capable of performing psychological assessments, diagnosing patients, developing treatment plans, and using techniques to treat patients just like medical professionals.

What does a psychologist treat?

The answer is nothing. A psychologist is not a doctor.

He does not make diagnoses and works with healthy people. Helps to improve relationships or determine self-realization.

If you have a request to understand yourself, go to him. Midlife crisis and relationship problems too.

Since there are quite a lot of situations, this profession also has variations, for example, clinical psychologist.

Clinical psychologist - who is it and what does he do?

This specialist also works with healthy people, but the direction of his activity is already “more medical” in nature.

That is, if an ordinary psychologist is a professional with a social and pedagogical orientation, then a clinical psychologist deals with neurotic patients (whose disorders are more pronounced).

During their training, they study special subjects: addiction medicine, neurology and others. Most often, this specialty is acquired at medical universities.

What is the difference between a psychologist and a clinical psychologist?

The first, as a rule, deals with individual situations in the short term, while the second deals with chronic problems that require much more time to resolve.

Let's explain with examples.

A psychologist can help with anxiety relief, increases a person’s social adaptation, helps in decision making, and a clinical psychologist can work with psychological trauma from somatic illnesses, grief from loss, and psychological trauma after violence or an attack on a person.

But in both cases, the work takes place with healthy people.

Also, the second group of specialists can work with those who have lost speech or memory as a result of accidents, injuries or illnesses. These are also mentally healthy people, they are in a clear consciousness, but in addition they need adaptation.

A short summary: all specialists in this category work not with diseases, but with conditions that make life difficult for people. Such conditions include guilt, resentment, shame, panic attacks, anxiety, etc. That is, they change a person’s attitude towards life and towards themselves.

But if during consultations there is a suspicion that the client is beginning to develop a mental disorder, then it will be their duty to refer him to another specialist.

Who is a clinical psychologist

Clinical psychology, a collective term for all applications of scientific psychology for the prevention, research and treatment of mental disorders , life problems and various disorders.

Clinical psychologists work with children, adults and older people. The problems they face in practice can be very different.

  1. Behavioral or emotional difficulties in childhood.
  2. Disadaptation in the school environment.
  3. Problems of teenagers.
  4. Psychological addictions.
  5. Disadaptation in work and marriage.
  6. Nervous feelings.
  7. Life crises .
  8. Serious mental disorders.
  9. Aging problems.

The preventive work of a clinical psychologist includes information and counseling on raising children. Such events are often conducted by psychologists in medical centers and family consultations.

Preventive work includes:

· clinical psychological work at school;

· examination of difficulties in adaptation or learning at school and preschool.

This work is performed by psychologists in the educational psychological service.

Experience as a psychologist

When filling out this section, you should not rely on template samples of other applicants’ profiles. Try to tailor information about your existing work experience as closely as possible to the requirements of your potential superiors.

As an example, a psychologist’s resume for a job should indicate the following responsibilities:

  • If you want to get a job as a psychologist-educator , indicate your skills in creating and conducting trainings on combating childhood phobias and adaptation of schoolchildren. Emphasize knowledge of domestic violence testing, psychoanalysis, etc.
  • The vacancy of a corporate psychologist requires skills in conducting structured interviews with applicants, tests to determine the moral climate in the team, and skills in adapting new employees.

Please also ensure that you correctly fill in the names of the institutions where you have experience. All specified time frames must clearly correspond to the data in the work book.

Example of work experience in a psychologist's resume:

  • Period:
    January 2011 – January 2021 (8 years)
  • Organization:

    St. Petersburg Design Bureau

  • Job title:


  • Responsibilities:

    — Individual and family counseling; — Diagnostics using experimental psychological tests; — Conducting adaptation training for adults and adolescents; — Psychodiagnostics of patients.

    Lack of work experience

    With the right approach, even a novice specialist can get a good job.

    A sample resume for a good psychologist without work experience should contain the following key information:

  • Real salary level for a beginner specialist.
  • Responsibilities and skills acquired during practical training. It will be great if you can agree with your manager to write a letter of recommendation for you. It will increase your chances of getting the desired position several times.

  • Description of personal qualities relevant to the vacancy. For a practicing psychologist, the following are very important: self-control, balance, sensitivity, ability to win over, etc.

Do not overload the form with unnecessary information, even if you were unable to fill out the standard volume. Empty, unfounded words only spoil the first impression.

Job responsibilities of a specialist

The job responsibilities of these professionals are to study and eliminate social and behavioral problems that cause people suffering in their lives. More specifically, these problems cover a wide range of issues, from emotional problems such as depression , to behavioral disorders such as ADHD or autism, to serious mental health problems such as schizophrenia or dissociative identity disorder.

Some clinical psychologists work in laboratory settings conducting research on the aforementioned mental health issues. In this capacity, the focus is on developing a better understanding of human behavior through research aimed at improving the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders. In a laboratory setting, a clinical psychologist will be responsible for a variety of responsibilities, from designing experiments and recruiting participants to collecting and analyzing data.

About yourself in a psychologist's resume

In this section, you must compose a short and at the same time succinct text that emphasizes competence.

A resume for a prestigious position as a psychologist should not contain information about interests and hobbies. Tell us about this, if necessary, in person at the interview. Everything is on topic. You must tailor the information to the requirements of the desired position so that every line indicates that there cannot be a better candidate.

An example of “About yourself” in a psychologist’s resume:

  • I work with people, help them understand difficult life situations, and take a fresh look at the path of life. I have experience in treating depressive conditions, various phobias, addictions, somatic diseases. I help you find a way to find yourself, ensure personal growth, by changing your awareness and working through mistakes.

The work of a clinical psychologist

Clinical psychologists by profession, who work in clinics, meet with clients, usually one-on-one, to provide psychological services. These services may include the administration of assessment tools to properly identify the problem, as well as assessment procedures to determine the client's level of functionality. This group of responsibilities may include interviewing the client or administering formal tests to determine the presence of a diagnosable condition.

The clinical psychologist profession also involves participation in diagnostic activities, which include the use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to formally define the problem at hand. Once the condition is diagnosed, treatment procedures can begin that are aimed at promoting positive changes in the patient's functioning.

The clinical psychologist's responsibility is the treatment phase. They usually focus on engaging people in conversations about their problems. These conversations can take different forms, depending on the problem the patient is dealing with and the theoretical orientation of the psychologist. Psychotherapy services may be used, which include meetings on a weekly basis over an extended period of time.

Clinical psychologists from a cognitive behavioral perspective can engage patients in exercises aimed at changing thought patterns. Other treatment responsibilities include administering hypnosis, supervising group or family therapy, or intervention techniques to overcome a specific phobia .

Training to become a clinical psychologist: what do you need to know?

Reading time: 6 minute(s) Clinical psychology refers to a broad branch of applied psychology closely related to psychiatry. It reveals the connection between mental states and reactions in patients with the presence of specific diseases. The activities of such a doctor require certain qualifications and a lot of knowledge both in the field of medicine and in the field of psychology. In this article we will talk about where to study to become a clinical psychologist and what you need to know about this profession.

Who is a clinical psychologist: what do you need to know about the profession?

The profession of a clinical psychologist is considered one of the most prestigious and promising specialties in the 21st century. Clinical psychology is a scientific and applied branch of psychology that examines the characteristics of processes and conditions in people with certain disabilities and diseases. The content of this branch is dictated by the requirements of the clinic - psychiatric, neurological or somatic. Its main goal is more universal and is associated with working with a person’s personality to preserve his health. This is what makes it possible for a clinical psychologist to always be in demand in any professional field related to the study of a person.

Tasks and Responsibilities

The responsibilities of a clinical psychologist vary depending on where they work. In the clinic, he diagnoses the patient’s psychological problems, determines the characteristics of his personality, the specifics of his ideas and experiences. In such situations, the psychologist provides accompaniment to the patient and performs actions aimed at promoting the healing and healing process.

The most important areas of professional activity of this specialist are:

  • psychological work with a client who has problems of adaptation and self-realization;
  • psychological diagnostics;
  • conducting consultations during the preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation process;
  • restoring the patient’s health, preventing mental disorders and diseases;
  • conducting psychological examinations.

Work and salary

Features of the career of a clinical psychologist depend on the chosen field of professional activity. You can work in a clinic, rehabilitation center, school, or enterprise. Career growth in this case will depend on experience, advanced training, and acquisition of new competencies.

Clinical psychology as a science provides enormous opportunities for career growth, allowing you to quickly acquire a scientific degree and make a career as a scientist or teacher.

The starting salary for the first few years of work is usually up to 20,000 rubles, but as you gain experience it increases. Specialists with work experience can receive from 40 to 100,000 rubles.

Pros and cons of the profession

Working in clinical psychiatry has its advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of a career in this field include the following:

  • high profit payment;
  • prestige of the specialty;
  • the ability to independently determine your work schedule and level of employment;
  • from a practical point of view, work related to helping people overcome problems can be extremely useful for the psychologist himself.

The disadvantages of this profession include:

  • emotional complexity of work;
  • increased responsibility;
  • the presence of a large amount of paperwork in government agencies;
  • there is a risk of burnout due to the nature of the work.

How to become a clinical psychologist?

In order to become a clinical psychologist, you need to obtain a psychological education, which is considered one of the most sought-after in the world. This direction is closer to medical than to social and psychological sciences.

What skills are needed?

The profession of a clinical psychologist requires high responsibility. Working with a person, especially a patient, involves the need to control one’s emotions and think systematically. Such a specialist must be able to empathize and interact constructively with other people.

A high level of empathy and communication skills are important.

What education is needed and where can I go?

To successfully work in the field of clinical psychology, you need a higher education, which involves training in a pedagogical or medical profile. You can master the specialty of a clinical psychologist at any university where there is such a direction (department or faculty of psychology).

9th grade students who decide to connect their lives with this profession are recommended to enroll in colleges or technical schools in the field of Psychology. After successful completion of secondary school, the graduate will be able to enter a university or institute, continuing to gain knowledge at a higher level.

A highly qualified specialist is obliged to regularly improve his qualifications. For this purpose, there are courses at universities or private educational institutions, seminars, lectures and trainings are conducted.

What do you need to submit for admission?

The most important exam for applicants is the specialized exam in biology. In addition to this, you will have to take the Russian language and (your choice) mathematics or a foreign language. The required number of Unified State Exam points is determined depending on the chosen educational institution.

How long to study after grades 9 and 11?

To obtain the specialty “Psychology” at a secondary school, 9th grade graduates will have to study for 2 years 10 months or 3 years 10 months, depending on the specific educational institution. After completing the 11th grade full-time, students of higher educational institutions need to acquire knowledge for 5 or 6 years, and for part-time students – a year longer.

Is distance learning possible?

It is quite possible to become a clinical psychologist by studying distance learning or part-time. At the moment, many universities offer similar training options.

Mastering the program remotely is suitable for specialists who have already received a higher or secondary specialized education; for those who want to master a profession from scratch, correspondence or evening courses at higher educational institutions are suitable.

Where to study?

In large cities there are many options for educational institutions that offer programs for mastering this specialty.

Universities and academies

In Moscow, you can get an education as a psychologist at several universities.

  1. First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov. Conducts recruitment of applicants for the Clinical Psychology program. There are budget places, the contract costs 213,000 rubles.
  2. Russian State Humanitarian University. The state university prepares students on a full-time basis, on a budgetary basis.
  3. Russian National Research Medical Institute named after Pirogov. Trains specialists in the field of “Clinical Psychology” in the undergraduate program. There are budget places available, the contract price is 260,000 rubles.
  4. Lomonosov Moscow State University. It trains specialists on a budgetary basis, the duration of training is 5 years, the cost of the contract is 325,000 rubles.
  5. Moscow International Academy. The non-state university graduates bachelors in the field of Pathopsychological Diagnostics and Psychotherapy. There are no budget places, the contract costs 162,000 rubles.

There are a number of higher educational institutions for mastering the profession of a clinical psychologist in St. Petersburg.

  1. St. Petersburg State University. In the field of training “Clinical Psychology”, this university recruits students on a budgetary basis. Duration of training – 4 years.
  2. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University. There is an opportunity to study on a budget for four years, the cost of the contract is 150,000 rubles.
  3. Leningrad State University named after Pushkin. It recruits applicants for undergraduate programs, there are budget places and a contract form of education (131,000 rubles).
  4. First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Pavlov. It trains specialists in undergraduate and graduate programs, there is a budget and a contract (121,000 rubles).
  5. Institute of Social Pedagogy and Psychology. A non-state higher education institution provides a training profile in “Clinical and psychological assistance to children and families.” Budget places are not provided, the contract price is 101,000 rubles.

Colleges and technical schools

In Moscow there are several colleges that graduate psychologists on the basis of secondary specialized education.

  1. College of Entrepreneurship No. 1. Conducts training in the field of Psychology. There are budget places, training is carried out full-time, full-time, evening or correspondence. On the basis of basic general education, studies last 3 years 10 months.
  2. MIIT College. The cost of paid education per semester is from 40,000 rubles, there are budget places. Preparation is carried out on the basis of 9th and 11th grades.
  3. College of Universalists. This is a non-state educational institution, so there is no budget. The cost of paid training is from 74,000 rubles.
  4. Humanitarian College of Economics and Law. Conducts training of specialists on the basis of 9th grade, the cost of paid training per semester is 20,000 rubles.
  5. Pedagogical College No. 1. Preparation lasts 3 years 10 months on the basis of 9th grade. The form of education is full-time, there are budget places.

In St. Petersburg, secondary specialized education can be obtained in several institutions.

  1. College of St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics. This is a non-state educational institution that trains specialists in the 9th grade. There are no budget places; paid education costs from 80,000 rubles per year.
  2. St. Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce. Conducts training of specialists in the field of psychology and psychiatry on the basis of 9th grade. There are budget places.
  3. Petrovsky College. This secondary school graduates psychologists under a training program that lasts 3 years 10 months. The cost of training is from 90,000 rubles.
  4. Pedagogical College No. 8. Trains specialists on full-time, part-time and part-time courses. Studies are carried out at the expense of budget funds.
  5. Medical College No. 2. State secondary school, there are budget places. In areas of training related to psychology, training lasts from 3 years.

Courses and trainings

In Moscow, retraining courses in clinical psychology for psychologists can be taken at several educational institutions.

  1. National Research Institute of Continuing Professional Education. Offers courses in the specialization “Clinical Psychiatry” lasting from 144 hours. Price – from 5,000 rubles.
  2. Business Academy "MBA City". The course “Fundamentals of Clinical Psychology” is taught remotely. Based on successful completion, a diploma with a state-issued license is issued. The cost of the course is from 33,000 rubles, duration is from 900 hours.
  3. Courses based at Moscow State Pedagogical University. Involves an additional professional training program with the qualification “Clinical Psychologist”. The cost of training is 75,000 rubles, duration is 9 months.
  4. Capital Institute of Vocational Education. Distance learning in pedagogy and psychology is expected according to programs that comply with state licenses. Course price starts from 60,000 rubles, duration – 6 months.
  5. Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University. Gives you the opportunity to listen to classes with a program volume of 1,300 hours (3 semesters). Tuition is paid - 224,000 for the entire course.

St. Petersburg educational institutions also offer training designed for people who want to improve their professional level.

  1. National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology. Offers professional retraining on a part-time basis. Duration 2 years, final certification is provided.
  2. St. Petersburg Institute of Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology. Provides the opportunity to attend professional retraining programs with a volume of 1224 academic hours. The cost of the course is 120,000 rubles.
  3. St. Petersburg State University. At the Faculty of Psychology there is a course of retraining or advanced training. The program is paid, the cost of training is from 200,000 rubles for 1.5 years.
  4. Center for Continuing Education of the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology. A professional retraining course allows you to obtain a new specialty. The form of education is full-time, the cost is 69,000 rubles for 1 year.
  5. Educational. Offers the course “Modern Clinical Psychology”, designed for specialist psychologists. The cost of the course is 16,000 rubles, duration – 2 weeks.

Thus, a clinical psychologist is a specialist who studies the relationship between mental reactions and patients with certain diseases. This profession requires extensive knowledge in the field of medicine and psychology.

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Who is a clinical neuropsychologist and where can he work?

Neuropsychologists work in large medical hospitals, in psychiatry, and in specialized institutions for neurological disorders. Both neuropsychology and PC services have access to validated tests and other assessment tools.

Clinical psychological treatment includes a wide range of work: from classical psychoanalysis to other forms of therapy:

· Conversations;

· Couple therapy;

· Family therapy;

· Behavioral therapy;

· Group therapy:

· Play therapy.

Treatment also includes habilitation of people with disabilities and rehabilitation after illnesses and injuries that lead to disability.

Some clinical psychologists are psychotherapists in private practice, but the vast majority work in public health settings, where they are part of a team of doctors, nurses, sociognomists and other professional groups.

Description of work

Here's what you'll do as a clinical psychologist.

If integrity, ethics, and helping others are important to you, consider a career in clinical psychology. You can begin training to work as a psychologist with any type of job or education. The most important thing is your passion and desire for success.

Career changers currently working in fields such as education, social work and specialized care (such as with children or the elderly) will find that their skills and organizational abilities match those required for work in psychology.

The study of psychology is useful in showing us how and why we behave the way we do. Using this information to help people improve their lives can be rewarding. Whether you're new to psychology or not, you'll find an intriguing array of potential career paths.

Subjects studied by students

The disciplines necessary for students to fully master their specialty can be roughly divided into several blocks. Among them, an important place is occupied by the practical block, which will teach you how to apply your knowledge in conditions close to real activities in medical, educational, recreational and other institutions.

Students will gain knowledge in the following subjects:

  • general education subjects required by a student regardless of the field of study (sociology, ethics, culture, history, etc.);
  • various areas of psychology (general, social, organizational, developmental, pedagogical, conflictology and others);
  • psychodiagnostics, psychotherapy;
  • correctional, developmental psychology;
  • psychology of extreme and emergency situations;
  • basics of psychological counseling;
  • block of workshops.

What else does a clinical psychologist do?

Clinical psychologists meet with people to identify problems (emotional, mental and behavioral) in their lives. Through observation, interviews and tests, the psychologist will diagnose any existing or potential disorders. They then work with the patient to create a treatment program based on the client's needs. Psychologists regularly monitor the client's progress to ensure that their needs are being met by the progress of the activity and to adjust it if necessary.

Clinical psychologists at work:

  1. Identifies psychological, emotional, or behavioral problems.
  2. Diagnose psychological, emotional or behavioral disorders.
  3. Develop and implement a treatment plan and treatment processes.
  4. Help clients identify goals and plan actions to achieve personal, social, educational and professional development and adaptation.
  5. Monitor client progress through regular meetings.
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