How to deal with cataracts? Only proven methods

Treatment of cataracts with resin

The resin should be fir or pine, but not spruce. The product is collected from a tree trunk. To do this, they pass by hand and determine by touch the cortical areas, which are particularly elastic and resilient. Here you need to make cuts and collect the protruding liquid in a pre-prepared container. This juice is the resin.

The resulting liquid is mixed with vegetable oil. The most effective use is sea buckthorn oil, but refined sunflower oil is also suitable. To prepare the composition, take 3 parts vegetable oil and 1 part resin, stir thoroughly. Used as eye drops. Dosage – 1 drop in each eye once a day. The course of treatment is 30-40 days.

To treat cataracts by using resin, you should remember that it is used only in fresh form. Long-term storage leads to loss of beneficial properties of juice. In addition, the resulting composition causes a burning sensation that must be endured.

The greatest effect of treatment with oleoresin is achieved in the early stages of cataract development.

Treatment of cataracts with bile

Bile is an equally popular folk remedy in the treatment of cataracts. The use of bile for this disease is described in the chronicles of healers.

The well-known healer Porfiry Ivanov gives his recipe using bile. He claims that instilling 1 drop of bile into each eye daily completely eliminates cataracts. One condition is that bile is taken only from live pike. The drug is instilled before bedtime. The course consists of 10 procedures with an interval of one day, a break of 10 days and repetition. If it was not possible to immediately repeat the course, then treatment should be resumed no earlier than after 2 months.

Bile causes discomfort, expressed by pain and burning, but this period must be endured.


It is clear that only a doctor can make a diagnosis, but if you have symptoms that are listed below, it is worth going to an ophthalmologist to confirm the diagnosis:

  • fog began to appear before the eyes, everything blurred or doubled;
  • commas, strokes or highlights jump;
  • a rainbow halo is visible around light bulbs and lanterns;
  • Visibility of distant objects gradually deteriorates (myopia);
  • dimming of color brightness;
  • the eyes become sensitive to bright light.

We recommend reading: Farsightedness in adults and children: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Doctors talk about what cataracts are, their causes, symptoms and treatment in this video:

Collections of medicinal herbs

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for the treatment of cataracts. They are based on collections of medicinal herbs.

Recipe 1

Collection based on horsetail grass is quite common. To prepare it, take 30 grams of dried and crushed grass. Strengthening the therapeutic effect is achieved by including stinging nettle (10 grams), knotweed herb (15-20 grams are enough). Horsetail should be dried and finely chopped, and nettles should be taken fresh and young.

Preparation: mix all ingredients and take 10 grams of the resulting mixture. Pour boiling water (1 cup), reduce heat to low and cook for 3 minutes. Then the mixture must be cooled and strained.

Application: the infusion is consumed before meals, 100 ml at a time. The course is 14-21 days.

Recipe 2

To make another collection you will need several ingredients:

  • 10 grams of seaweed;
  • 10 grams of dried string herb;
  • 10 grams of motherwort;
  • 15 grams of chamomile;
  • 15 grams of corn silk;
  • 20 grams of chokeberry;
  • 6-8 red hawthorn fruits.

Preparation: mix all components and pour boiling water at the rate of 1 tsp. herbal mixture per 250 ml of boiling water. The infusion is left for 5 hours and then filtered.

Application: 3 tbsp. l. The infusion is consumed after meals 3 times a day. The course is 30 days.

Recipe 3

In the following recipe you need to mix 40 grams of crushed oregano herb and 40 grams of common cocklebur.

Preparation: mix the herbs and pour 500 ml of boiling water. It is better to leave the mixture in a thermos for 2 hours, or use a dark glass container. Then the infusion should be filtered.

Application: 60-70 grams of infusion are taken after meals 3 times a day. In addition to this method of treatment, to enhance the effect, take mummy diluted in beetroot juice half an hour before meals - 0.2 g of product per 50 ml of juice. The regimen looks like this: a 10-day course, then a break of 5 days and another course. The pattern can be repeated up to three times.

Recipe 4

Aloe juice (2 parts), Kalanchoe (1 part) and viviparus (1 part). In this case, the juice of aloe leaves should be freshly squeezed.

Preparation: the components are thoroughly mixed and used in the form of drops.

Application: instill 2 drops of the mixture into each eye 3-4 times a day. The effectiveness of the product is especially high at the initial stage of cataract development.

Recipe 5

For another collection, you need 20 grams of Rhodiola rosea roots, 20 grams of tall rose hips, 6-8 rose hips, 20 grams of dried nettle and 15 grams of red hawthorn fruits, 1 tsp. dried St. John's wort, 250 ml of water.

Preparation: herbs and fruits are mixed and poured with boiling water. Leave for 30-40 minutes and strain the mixture.

Application: 50 ml of infusion is drunk before each meal for 21 days.

Recipe 6

A collection made up of the following ingredients is useful for cataracts:

  • birch leaves;
  • lingonberry grass;
  • plantain grass;
  • linen:
  • knotweed grass;
  • series;
  • horsetail;
  • stinging nettle.

These components are taken one piece at a time. St. John's wort herb requires 3 parts, and rose hips and red rowan, 2 parts each.

Preparation: mix all the ingredients, take 60 grams of the resulting mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse the herbs for 15 minutes, then strain 2 times.

Application: drink 1/4 cup of infusion before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

On the subject: Restoring vision - how to improve vision naturally?

How to treat cataracts without surgery using folk remedies

Only by carefully following the recommendations of an ophthalmologist is it possible to treat cataracts using traditional methods without surgery. These can be infusions, decoctions, herbal tinctures. Treatment is long-term, combined, only in the preoperative period. Not used for congenital cataracts.

For many centuries, our ancestors searched for methods to combat the disease. Available folk recipes for eye cataracts and for the prevention of the disease have reached us. They are absolutely harmless to health and consist only of natural ingredients. With their help, you can improve vision, get rid of discomfort, and remove accumulated substances from the conjunctiva of the eye.

What methods are the most effective? How to maintain vision until old age? All traditional methods of treating eye cataracts are indicated only when the disease is detected at an early stage and only in agreement with the attending physician after determining the clinical form.

Treatment of cataracts with herbs

The following combinations of plants are used to treat cloudy lenses:

  • Sea cabbage - 10 g;
  • Hawthorn fruits - 15 g;
  • Corn silk - 15 g;
  • Chamomile flowers - 10 g;
  • Chokeberry - 10-15 g.

All medicinal plants are mixed and crushed. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 5 hours. Drink 3 times a day, a third of a glass.

Another recipe for a folk remedy:

  • Common cocklebur - 35 g;
  • White mistletoe - 35g;
  • Oregano - 35 g.

Mix everything, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours in a thermos. Strain. Drink a third of a glass 3 times daily. Course 10 days. Repeat the course three times to increase the effectiveness of therapy. There is a break of 5 days between courses.

Recipes with potato sprouts

Tincture with potato sprouts. Wash the sprouts, dry and chop. Pour 1 tablespoon of sprouts with 200 ml of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks. Strain. Drink a teaspoon three times a day. After a few months, the film from the eyes - a thick substance - will begin to come off. The resulting composition is one course of treatment. If necessary, repeat.

Honey and other bee products

Honey is a natural product that has been used since ancient times to treat various eye diseases. An effective method. Used in pure form, or as part of various infusions and mixtures. It is recommended to combine honey treatment with a vegetarian diet. The unique composition of honey helps eliminate mucopolysaccharides that accumulate inside the eye.

A medicine based on bee products - honey, propolis, royal jelly - is prepared according to a specific recipe:

  • Dilute a spoonful of honey with three spoons of warm boiled water. Apply the resulting solution to your eyes, 1 drop 3 times daily.
  • A glass of boiling water, a teaspoon of honey, boil for 5 minutes, cool, moisten a cotton pad, apply a warm compress in the evening for 5 minutes.
  • Place a drop of honey behind the eyelid 2 times daily for 2 weeks.
  • Honey with onions. An effective means of combating the disease. To prepare it, take equal amounts of fresh comb honey and onion juice. Apply twice daily.
  • Honey with thyme. Mix 0.5 kg of liquid honey with 100 g of fresh thyme. Leave for 7 days in a dark place. Strain. Take a teaspoon half an hour before meals.
  • Wildflower juice with honey. Mix the juice squeezed out of the plant with the same amount of honey and stir. Instill 3 times daily, 2 drops. A folk remedy makes the lens more transparent.

The healing properties of another beekeeping product, propolis, are widely known. Drops are made from it. Pour half a glass of boiled distilled water at 50°C into a thermos, add 10g of propolis. Leave for 24 hours, shake occasionally. Store for no more than a week in the refrigerator.

The therapeutic effect of eye drops increases if, in addition to water, propolis contains celandine juice. All components are mixed at the rate of 3 parts / 1 part / 1 part. They are buried 4 times daily.

Folk remedies for eye cataracts based on honey and other bee products relieve a person from the unpleasant manifestations of the disease and alleviate his condition. To prepare solutions, light honey is used: May honey, acacia honey. Instillation is carried out in courses from the 1st to the 20th day of instillation, the remaining 10 days are a break.

Honey contains many microelements and vitamins that are beneficial for the lens. This treatment stops the development of the disease. Effective at the initial stage. Treating the disease with beekeeping products is contraindicated for patients with allergies or diabetes. Only under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment of cataracts with honey-apple drops

The disease is treated with honey and apple drops. Course for a month, break for two weeks, repeat the course. The best result will be visible after 3 months of treatment. To prepare the drops, use a sweet and sour apple.

The top is cut off from the apple, the core is cut out, and poured with honey. Closes with a cut-off lid. Let it sit for two days in the refrigerator. Then the apple-honey juice is filtered. Instill 2 drops 2 times daily.

Recipe with chicken egg

Honey infused with protein. Boil the chicken egg for about an hour. Remove the yolk, fill the white with honey, leave for a day. Fill a glass jar with the resulting yellow liquid. Instill 2 drops 3 times daily.

Honey-protein drops. Take an egg that a hen has just laid, leave it on the table for two days, then cook it for half an hour. Peel the egg without damaging the white. Cut in half, remove the yolk. Place the egg halves with the dimples facing up and fill them with honey. Insist for a day. Drain the resulting liquid. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

You can alternate honey-protein and honey-apple drops by month. Apply 2 drops 2 times a day to both eyes.

If there are allergic reactions to bee products, medicinal eye drops are prepared according to the following recipe: boil an egg, peel, cut off the top, remove the yolk. Pour in sugar and cover with top. Place the egg for half an hour in an oven heated to 120 ° C, a Russian stove, or a fireplace. Cool, strain. Instill every hour and a half.

Such drops are effective for the treatment and prevention of cataracts. The product lasts for 2 days, then a fresh solution is prepared. When instilled, strong lacrimation is observed, which allows the lens to be cleaned of mucus and calcium salts. Dark spots gradually disappear, the mesh is removed from the eyes, and vision returns.

Treatment of cataracts with resin

Many patients are tormented by the issue of treating clouding of the lens of the eye with folk remedies without surgery, if traditional remedies do not bring the desired result. Products containing fir or pine resin can effectively fight a serious illness.

Resin is the name given to tree sap, extracted from a small cut in the trunk of a young tree. An incision is made in the elastic area, from which juice oozes. The resin is collected in a prepared container, and 1 drop is instilled into the affected eye for a month.

Resin is not stored for long, then it loses its beneficial properties, so its further storage is impractical. If oleoresin gets into the eyes, a burning sensation may occur. The discomfort goes away quickly.

Important: use only fir or pine resin for treatment. Spruce juice is not suitable.

To increase the therapeutic effect, resin is diluted with sea buckthorn and olive oil. Olive oil can be replaced with sunflower oil. Mix the ingredients at the rate of: 1 part oleoresin, 3 parts oil. Mix thoroughly. Instill one drop every day. Monthly course. Sometimes it is increased to six weeks.

An effective remedy to combat the disease at an early stage.

Treatment of cataracts with bile

An equally popular remedy is bile. It completely cures a disease that is in the initial stages of development. Its use is described in the chronicles of ancient healers.

The well-known healer Porfiry Ivanov recommends the following recipe: instilling one drop of bile into each eye relieves the disease. The main condition is to use bile taken from live pike. Instill before bedtime every other day, 10 procedures. Break for 10 days, repeat treatment. If it was not possible to repeat the course immediately, then resume the course after 2 months.

Bile causes burning, pain, and discomfort. It is important to prepare mentally, endure this period, and wait for recovery.

Collections of medicinal herbs

A common remedy is sage decoction. Used for prophylaxis during preoperative preparation. To prepare the decoction you need 1 teaspoon of sage, 500 ml of water. The herb is poured with boiling water, infused for 3 minutes, and filtered. Take the resulting solution twice a day, half a glass.

A decoction of eyebright is an excellent remedy for cloudy lenses. Contains a huge amount of vitamins that are beneficial for the eyes. A tablespoon of chopped herbs is poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Infuses and strains. From the decoction, compresses, lotions, baths, take orally before meals 4 times a day, 50 ml, until vision improves.

Calendula and sage cope well with the disease. A decoction of sage is taken internally for a month, an infusion of calendula flowers is taken externally.

To prepare the following remedy you need: burdock leaf, chamomile and rose hip flowers. Grind everything, boil in a saucepan with a lid, under which droplets of liquid will collect, which should be collected in a separate clean container. This liquid is drops for instillation.

Take 30g of nettle leaves, rose hips, carrot juice, 10g of black currant leaves. Pour 2 cups boiling water, cook for 15 minutes. Leave for 4 hours. Strain. Take 120 ml 3 times every day. The course is two weeks.

Boil half a teaspoon, 120 ml of milk, cool. Soak cotton pads and place on eyes overnight. Carry out the procedures for a week.

Mix blueberry juice with boiled water 1:2. Apply the resulting liquid to your eyes at night.

Grind dry raspberry leaves into powder. Take a teaspoon with food daily for several months.

Tincture of calendula and calamus can stop progressive cataracts. Mix a handful of ingredients, add 500 ml of alcohol. Place in a dark place for 2 weeks, shake the tincture daily. Strain. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. It is better to dilute the tincture with warm water. Take 4 such courses in a year.

An infusion of calendula and blueberries will help you avoid surgery. 1 tbsp. spoon of calendula, 10g of dried blueberries, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Boil the broth, cool. Drink in equal portions throughout the day.

In the evening, pour a glass of boiling water over a large bay leaf. Leave for 12 hours. Wipe your eyes with the resulting solution every morning and evening.

It is quite possible to treat cataracts using traditional methods if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage. All methods give good results, alleviate the condition, and stop the progression of the disease. However, the most effective results can be achieved by combining methods of traditional and traditional medicine.

Medicinal extracts for cataracts

When diagnosing a disease, take onion drops daily. Squeeze the juice from the onions, dilute with water 1:1. Water must be purified or distilled. It’s good if tears come out when squeezing the juice, they will wash your eyes well. The effect can be enhanced by adding dandelion juice to the onion drops.

You will also need honey drops. They are prepared simply: honey is diluted with distilled water 1:1. It is better to use acacia honey, May honey or special honey with diluted propolis. Honey drops can be stored in the refrigerator for three days. Onions - you need fresh ones every time.

When starting treatment, use onion drops first, then honey drops after 45 minutes. Repeat 3 times every day. Apply in both eyes. The course is a month. If it is necessary to continue treatment, a week's break will be required.

Treatment of cataracts with dill seeds

You can actually cure the disease using the following method. Take 2 bags 5x5 cm made of fabric that retains water well, for example, flannelette. Place 3 teaspoons of dill seeds in each. Place them in a container with boiling water and boil for 2 minutes. Cool until warm. Eye compresses are ready.

Place them on your eyes and cover with a warm cloth. Leave for 15 minutes until completely cool. Repeat daily before bed.

Treatment of cataracts with honey-apple drops

A friend who is fond of traditional medicine advised one woman with cataracts to be treated with honey-apple drops. After three months, the woman’s vision improved significantly.

Take an apple and cut off the top. Pick out the middle with something and pour honey into the void. Then cover the apple with this cut off top. Two days must pass before this folk remedy for eye cataracts is ready. Everything that comes out should be poured somewhere and simply dripped into the eyes twice a day, two drops. You can also use another medicine - honey-protein. Here's how it's prepared. Take an egg that a chicken has just laid and leave it on the table for two days, then boil it for half an hour. Peel the egg, but only so that the white is intact. Then cut in half and remove the yolk. Place the egg white halves with the dimples facing up and cover with honey. So let it stand for one day. Drain the resulting liquid. Keep refrigerated.

You can alternate these two medications for months - drop 1-2 drops into both eyes 2 times a day.

Medicinal extracts for cataracts

Give yourself onion drops every day. To do this, simply squeeze the juice from the onions and dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. It is best to take distilled or at least purified water. If you start to cry while squeezing the juice from the onion, then this is even good, since the tears wash your eyes well.

By the way, you can add dandelion juice to enhance the effect. Wash the dandelion leaves, squeeze a little juice out of them and mix with onion drops.

You will also need honey drops. To do this, simply dilute honey with distilled water in a ratio of 1 to 1. It is best to take acacia honey or, even better, special honey - with diluted propolis. Honey drops, unlike onion drops, can be prepared in advance. You need to store them in the refrigerator, but no more than three days.

When you start treating cataracts, first use onion drops, and after 45 minutes you can start using honey drops. Apply into both eyes 3 times a day. The course of cataract treatment lasts for a month. If necessary, you can continue treatment after a week of break, but it is unlikely that you will need it.

Folk remedies for cataracts: reviews

For centuries, people have been using simple but time-tested folk methods to combat various ailments. Let's consider the advice of people who cope with pathology on their own:

I have been holding back the development of cataracts for more than 3 years. In the morning I do exercises for my eyes and strengthen my muscles. Then I wash my open eyes with cold water several times to improve blood circulation. In the morning I eat a tablespoon of sprouted wheat and eat it with honey. I put honey drops in my eyes in the morning and evening. I continue these preventive measures constantly. Vision does not deteriorate.

She cured the pathology with the help of dill seed compresses. I applied the bags to my eyelids for 10 minutes every day before going to bed for a month. At the next examination, the ophthalmologist reported that the disease had passed.

I decided to treat with pike bile. I mixed it 1:1 with clean water. I buried it daily. Then after a few seconds I washed my eyes with water. So far there has been no improvement in vision.

I got rid of the disease without surgery by doing the following daily: instilling onion drops in the morning and evening for a week; the next seven days with honey drops; then for a week I applied a small amount of honey to the pupil, closed the eyelid, and massaged until completely dissolved. The disease has subsided.

Protein drops

You need to hard boil an egg, cut it in half lengthwise, and remove the yolk. Wash the protein and leave it to dry, fill it with sugar and close it back. Throw in the oven for half an hour. Drain the resulting liquid somewhere. Use by dropping two drops three times a day. Store the medicine in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

You need to add about half a teaspoon of honey to the boiled protein, then leave it for 24 hours and drop it into your eyes for 4 months.

As eye drops, you can also use a mixture of aloe juice with honey and distilled water - one teaspoon each. It is necessary to bury the composition in both eyes, one drop at a time, three times a day.

Treatment of cataracts with honey

Treatment of cataracts with honey is very popular in folk medicine. Honey contains substances that can stop the development of cataracts and improve vision. An eye microsurgery doctor at one center advises using May flower honey for this, but not a dark color, but as light as possible.

In the first half a month, honey drops should be prepared in a ratio of 1:4, that is, 1 part honey and 4 parts distilled water. However, such drops are stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. Apply a drop in each eye up to five times a day. If honey drops burn your eyes too much, make the ratio of honey to water higher. As you continue to treat cataracts with folk remedies, increase the concentration of drops, bringing the ratio to 1:1, or almost 1:1, by the end of the month.

The patient determines the course of treatment for cataracts himself, depending on his personal feelings. If there is improvement and there are no side effects, then treatment can be continued for more than four weeks.

Attention: honey drops are contraindicated for diabetes and allergies to honey.


How to remove cataracts at home?
Source: Official medicine has identified the following reasons leading to the development of the disease:

  • human aging (in most cases);
  • birth defect;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • eye injury;
  • bad ecology;
  • certain medications (for example, steroids);
  • chemical poisoning;
  • as a consequence of certain eye diseases.

Treatment of cataracts with dill seeds

Cataracts can actually be cured using the following folk method. For this you will need 2 bags that will hold water well, for example, made of flannel fabric. The size of each of them should be approximately 5x5 cm. Place 3 teaspoons of dill seeds in both bags. After that, throw them into a metal mug with boiling water and boil for a couple of minutes. Now the eye compresses are ready, all you have to do is wait until they cool down so that there are no burns. When they become warm and tolerable to the skin, apply to your eyes, cover with a warm cloth on top and hold for 15 minutes or until they become completely cold.

It is best to treat this way before bed.

Treatment of cataracts with herbs

Take the same amount of coltsfoot leaves, burdock and drop cap, pour 4 tablespoons of this mixture with half a liter of boiling water, place it in a place where light does not penetrate, and there the composition will sit for 120 minutes. Apply eye lotions three times a day. You can also water your eyes with this solution, one teaspoon at a time.

Even if vision is completely lost, it can be restored. There is one berry in folk medicine that is good for cataracts and restores vision. This is a mulberry berry, or it is also called mulberry. Eat in any quantity for health!

Prevention of cataracts with folk remedies

For prevention and quick cure of existing pathology, it is important to cure infectious diseases in a timely manner, monitor the condition of your body, and do not forget about an active lifestyle and a healthy diet. Reinforce the body with selenium, keratin, zinc, copper. Eat foods that are good for your eyesight: fruits, vegetables, herbs, seafood.

To avoid the development of the disease, it is recommended to give up bad habits - alcohol, smoking. In sunny weather, wear sunglasses. When taking medications, pay attention to the general condition of the body and changes in vision. Following these simple rules allows everyone to live without cataracts.

Cataract treatment and prevention with folk remedies is easily performed using calendula tincture. It perfectly strengthens the immune system and also helps to avoid clouding of the lens. A tablespoon of tincture is dissolved in 250 ml of water, brought to a boil, and infused for 30 minutes. Drink half a glass three times a day.

Important: folk remedies and medications help get rid of acquired cataracts. Only surgery can help get rid of congenital cataracts.

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