What does ichthyol ointment help with: ichthyol and the use of ointment + diagnoses, diseases, treatment

A stye that appears on the eyelid always spoils the appearance and brings a lot of inconvenience. Who would like to wake up in the morning and find a red abscess in the mirror, which is also itchy and painful? Barley is an inflammatory process in the hair follicle of the eyelash; in medicine, barley is called “hordeolum” in Latin. Physical discomfort due to a stye that has popped up on the eyelid is almost always accompanied by psychological discomfort: the eye swells greatly and partially closes, and a pleasant appearance is out of the question.

You can use different ointments for barley: some help more, some help less. The article lists the most popular and inexpensive ointments, and also briefly describes possible side effects and contraindications for use.

Reasons for the appearance of hordeolum on the eyelid

If the reasons for the development of the pathology are known, then its relapses can be prevented. Barley, as a rule, does not appear once: as soon as the patient gets rid of the first abscess on the eyelid and breathes a sigh of relief, a new one breaks out after about a couple of weeks.

Some patients who suffer from autoimmune diseases or whose immunity is clearly weakened may experience several styes at the same time. In such difficult cases, treatment with ointment for barley may be ineffective. Requires increasing general and local immunity. To do this, you need to change your lifestyle and take a course of the necessary immunomodulatory drugs. You may also need high-quality vitamin and mineral complexes. In conditions of deficiency of minerals and vitamins, the patient’s body cannot fully function, therefore the skin condition suffers, immunity decreases, and the person becomes more susceptible to infectious diseases.

So, let's look at the main reasons for the appearance of stye on the eyelids:

  1. A microorganism called Streptococcus vulgaris is the factor that provokes the appearance of barley in about 70% of cases. You just have to sit in a draft for a little while, and if the immune system is unable to neutralize the pathological activity of streptococcus, then barley will most likely appear. It can pop up on both the upper and lower eyelids. In this case, in the first days the patient may not experience pain, itching or other discomfort - the eyelid simply swells slightly. But when the pus is preparing to come out of the stye along with the rod, the stye can reach enormous sizes (up to 2 cm in diameter) and partially block the view. In this case, surgical intervention is necessary - ointments for barley in the later stages are practically powerless.
  2. In patients in whom demodectic mites were found in the upper layers of the skin, stye occurs quite often. To increase local immunity and get rid of the regular appearance of barley, demodicosis should first be cured. To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist and undergo the necessary tests. Treatment for demodicosis can be very long, up to one year.
  3. Regular hypothermia of the face and exposure to drafts are another factor that contributes to the regular appearance of stye on the eyelids. If there is a tendency to develop barley, then it is preferable to go out into the cold as little as possible, and if such a need arises, be sure to wear a warm hat, scarf and try to prevent hypothermia of the head and face.
  4. A weakened immune system is a key factor among all other reasons for the appearance and development of barley. If a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle - eats unhealthy fatty foods or is malnourished, smokes and regularly abuses alcoholic beverages - then it is not surprising that he regularly develops stye. If the cause of constant relapses is a dysfunction of the immune system, then you should consult with an immunologist about taking immunomodulatory drugs, as well as give up bad habits and establish proper nutrition.
  5. The presence of diagnoses such as diabetes mellitus and furunculosis also contribute to the frequent appearance of styes in the eyes and a decrease in general and local immunity. Dermatologists also claim that the presence of diseases such as gastritis, intestinal ulcers, pancreatitis, pulpitis, stomatitis also increases the patient’s risk of stye.

List of the most effective ointments for treatment

For those patients who suffer from recurrent stye, life turns into a real nightmare. Girls begin to feel complex because their eyes are constantly swollen, making it impossible to put on makeup and look attractive. Constant itching, swelling and discomfort in the area affected by staphylococcus make the patient's life unbearable. Fortunately, pharmacology offers many effective remedies for stye on the eye. Ointments may contain antibacterial components, astringents, and natural plant extracts.

Of course, it would be optimal not to choose an ointment yourself, but to go to an ophthalmologist so that he can write out a prescription for the product that will really help. In some cases, consultation with an immunologist and dermatologist may also be required. Only with an integrated approach to therapy can one achieve truly stable remission and avoid relapses of the disease. Ointments for barley should be applied several times a day. Their use must also be combined with traditional methods of treatment: heating the barley with salt and applying a piece of baked onion to it (this will help pull out the barley root in just one or two days). An integrated approach to treatment is always preferable to using a single drug.

Which ointment for stye helps the fastest? There is no clear answer to this question. Each patient has his own individual characteristics, which affect the duration and severity of the disease. Here is a list of the best ointments for barley, the use of each of which can significantly help the patient get rid of discomfort and itching:

  • "Acyclovir";
  • "Tetracycline ointment";
  • "Levomekol";
  • “Erythromycin;
  • "Hydrocortisone ointment";
  • "Ichthyol ointment";
  • "Torbex";
  • "Floxal".

Treatment of demodicosis: where to start?

Treatment includes several stages. It is worth understanding that the symptoms will not disappear in one day and complex therapy will have to be used. First, you need to fully maintain personal hygiene and limit your personal belongings from strangers:

  • you cannot sleep on the same pillowcase for more than one night;
  • it must be thoroughly steamed before use;
  • you need to get a separate towel for your face and body;
  • ideally, the face towel is replaced with disposable paper napkins;
  • when using creams, sprays, lotions, they must all have a dispenser that will allow the product to be applied without contact with the bulk of the substance;
  • completely abandon mascara and eyeliner; if you risk using mascara, you will need to change the brush each time to apply;
  • when wearing contact lenses, they must be removed during treatment;
  • those lenses that were on your eyes will have to be thrown away, as they will be difficult to disinfect;
  • instead of lenses, glasses are used, which are also wiped each time with an alcohol solution or any other antiseptic;
  • contact with animals, including domestic ones, is completely excluded;
  • Razors and combs should also be disinfected.

Demodectic mange of the eyelids

Attention! Do not touch the affected areas of the eyelids with your hands, as mites can easily be transferred to other parts of the body. This can cause localized growth and widespread damage to the face and body.

"Tetracycline ointment": instructions, use and reviews

“Tetracycline ointment” for barley is one of the most popular remedies. However, is the use of this remedy really justified? Let's figure it out. The main active ingredient of the product is tetracycline. It is an ingredient with broad-spectrum antibiotic properties. “Tetracycline ointment” for barley can be used either directly under the eyeball or applied in a thin layer to the eyelid. It is optimal to use the ointment in both ways, several times a day. Reviews about the effect of the product are positive: patients like the result of the treatment and the low cost of the product (from 40 to 100 rubles, depending on the volume of the tube).

In barley, tetracycline provides a detrimental effect against common and aureus streptococci, which most often cause the development of barley. “Tetracycline ointment” has a local antiseptic, disinfectant and antimicrobial effect.

Contraindications for use are children under five years of age inclusive, pregnancy and lactation, as well as the presence of an allergic reaction to tetracycline or auxiliary components that are part of the ointment.

As a rule, the frequency of use and duration of therapy with Tetracycline Ointment is prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Self-medication with this drug may not lead to long-term remission: it is likely that the stye will reappear on the eyelid. The main key to success is to determine exactly what exactly caused the appearance of barley. Reviews of ointment with tetracycline are usually positive: patients report that they experience relief already on the second or third day of using the product.

List of ointments for demodicosis on the face and eyes

Below is the main list of ointments for demodicosis, with their description and rules of use.


Brief description: Sulfur ointment for demodicosis is used very often. The main substance that fights the disease is sulfur. Vaseline acts as an additional component. This drug belongs to the group of drugs that are actively used to fight microbes and parasites.

Indications for use: Doctors often prescribe sulfur ointment for bacterial lesions of the face. It exhibits its effective properties in getting rid of seborrhea, psoriasis, lichen, sycosis and mycoses and other pathologies. It has also been found to be effective against scabies.

Directions for use: Parts infected with demodicosis are pre-cleaned before treatment. Calendula infusion is an excellent cleanser. A small amount is applied to the infected parts of the face several times a day (up to three times). Its layer depends on how often the drug is used and on the disease itself.


Brief description: The main substances that fight the cause of infection are pyretoids. These components, synthesized artificially, pass through the protective shell of the tick, affecting its limbs, immobilizing the carrier of the disease. In addition, they cause mutations in DNA synthesis, thereby disrupting the tick's reproduction process. Not toxic to humans.

Indications for use: Permethrin ointment is prescribed for various skin diseases, for example, demodicosis, scabies and other pathologies.

Directions for use: Permethrin ointment for demodicosis is applied externally. It is used to treat parts infected with mites, rubbing with light movements (you can also use it on your eyelids). Typically, the application is performed once, but if complications are detected, the procedure is repeated twice, and in case of severe infection - three times a day. It can be washed off only 12 hours after treating the infestations. The therapeutic course lasts two weeks, and if there are signs of partial removal of the simplest microorganisms causing the disease, it is repeated.


Brief description: It is a local antiseptic. It has anti-inflammatory, as well as antiseptic and analgesic properties. Its active components do not penetrate the human circulatory system.

Indications for use: Effectively used for healing affected areas from demodicosis, eczema, burns, and various types of dermatitis. It also has a positive effect on joint pain.

Directions for use: Ichthyol ointment for demodicosis is used as an external remedy. The affected parts of the face are covered with a layer of the drug, but it is imperative that no rubbing movements are performed (this ointment can also be used for the skin of the eyelids). When a small layer has been applied to the infected parts, they are covered with gauze. The duration of the procedure depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Usually, after observing varying degrees of infection, doctors recommend applying it to problem areas 2-3 times a day.


Brief description: This drug is considered an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action, which is aimed at eliminating microorganisms. The main active component, chloramphenicol, penetrates microbial cells and binds to certain substances in bacterial ribosomes. As a result, the transport of amino acids slows down, and this, in turn, involves the process of changing the creation of peptide bonds and the synthesis of protein structures.

Indications for use: Used for pustular skin lesions, ulcers, purulent wounds, for healing affected areas with II and III degree burns. External treatment must be carried out when treating skin infections caused by protozoan microorganisms. In complicated cases, the drug is used together with the necessary antibacterial creams.

Directions for use: Syntomycin ointment treats demodicosis as an external preparation. This medicine is applied to parts of the face (as well as eyelids) affected by the disease, and a gauze application is placed on top along with compression or parchment paper. Paper is just an additional attribute. A person changes gauze after one, three or five days. For areas that do not heal for a long time, such as burns, 5% and 10% ointment is used.


Brief description: Pharmaceutical preparation with fungicidal and bactericidal properties. The main active ingredients are sulfur, turpentine, petroleum jelly, tar, acetylsalicylic acid, zinc oxide. It also exhibits healing properties when treating the skin of a person suffering from various types of dermatitis.

Indications for use: It is used mainly for demodicosis, eczema, various types of dermatitis, as well as other skin lesions.

Directions for use: Ointment for demodicosis Yam is used to treat the affected parts of the face (with caution it can also be used on the eyelids), applying a small layer of the drug 1-2 times a day. It can be kept on the treated areas for no more than thirty minutes, and it is also necessary to monitor the time of treatment of the foci of the disease. The duration of the course of therapy is determined by a dermatologist. As a rule, it is 10-14 days. After completing the course, the patient undergoes microscopic examination, this is done to clarify the degree of elimination of microorganisms in the patient. If the cause of infection has not been completely destroyed, the course of therapy is re-prescribed.


Brief description: Another of the drugs that gives effective results when infecting the external integument of a person. It contains two active ingredients, petroleum jelly and zinc. Zinc oxide has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and has a drying effect on the skin. In addition, it eliminates inflammation and is a catalyst in the restoration of infected areas of the body.

Indications for use: Prescribed for therapeutic treatment for a wide range of diseases: eczema, diaper rash, various types of dermatitis, burns of all degrees, weak wounds and pimples, ulcers and other lesions that appear on the surface of the human body.

Directions for use: Zinc ointment for facial demodicosis is an external preparation. A small amount of medicine is applied to the infected parts. If you want to use it on your eyelids, then you need to do this with extreme caution, since you should not allow the ointment to get into your eyes. If this does happen, immediately rinse your eyes with water. The period of therapeutic sessions is determined by a dermatologist based on an analysis of the degree of pathology and the presence of complications. As a standard, apply several times (no more than five) a day. The number of required sessions is determined by the doctor.

Benzyl benzoate

Brief description: Benzyl benzoate ointment is traditionally used in the treatment of facial demodicosis, as it is highly effective. It has antiparasitic properties and, thereby, destroys the cause of the pathology. Due to the fact that this medicine is quite aggressive to the surface of the human body, you should be careful when using it during the treatment process. Under no circumstances should this drug be used on the skin around the eyes and eyelids!

Indications for use: Mainly used for skin diseases caused by parasites. The drug is used for pediculosis and other skin pathologies. The main therapeutic effect is based on penetration through the protective cover of the parasite, which ultimately leads to its death. This product also prevents the reproductive process of pathogens due to its bacteriostatic properties.

Directions for use: The ointment is used to treat demodicosis of the face. To do this, apply a small amount of the drug to the affected areas, making sure that it does not interact with the eyes. The duration of therapeutic operations is determined by the doctor, having carried out all the necessary studies to determine the main symptoms and the degree of infection.


Brief description: Prescribed for various skin diseases. The interaction of the active component of the drug with the tissues of microorganisms causes nervous paralysis and starts the process of destroying pathogens. As a rule, it is used in veterinary practice, so before use it is advised to check the reaction of human skin by applying a small amount of ointment to the affected areas. If it provokes unpleasant sensations, such as itching or burning, the appearance of swelling, rashes of various kinds, then the use of the drug is strictly prohibited.

Indications for use: External action drug. Used to treat various types of skin dermatitis. There is also a positive effect in the treatment of burns and minor wounds. The components of the drug may interact aggressively with human skin.

Method of use: Aversectin ointment is recommended by most dermatologists for the treatment of demodicosis in humans in short courses - five days each. It is applied at night to the infected areas of the face once a day. This is followed by a break of two days. The next day, application of the product is repeated. Full course – five courses of seven days. After two weeks after completing the course, the patient undergoes laboratory control, where the degree of destruction of the cause of the pathology is determined. If the degree is partial, the doctor prescribes this course again. This drug is not recommended for the treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids.

Vishnevsky ointment

Brief description: Scientific name – Balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky. It is a liniment - a substance that combines the physical properties of ointment and liquid. The active components, xeroform and birch tar, give the drug antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties. They irritate the skin, which causes an increase in blood circulation in the treated areas, and also accelerates the healing process of the affected parts of the body.

Indications for use: Used to treat skin areas with: boils, frostbite, burns, lymphadenitis and other skin lesions. In addition, it has proven itself well for hemorrhoids, nonspecific diseases of the female genital organs, and radiculitis.

Directions for use: Vishnevsky ointment for demodicosis of the face is applied externally. A small layer of the drug is applied to the affected parts of the face (can also be used on the eyelids). After this, a bandage is applied, folded several times. The bandage is pre-impregnated with liniment. This bandage is fixed on the patient's face. Before using the medicine, it is recommended to consult a doctor; he will also determine the duration of both the treatment period itself and the time for fixing the bandage.


Brief description: Bacteriostatic antibiotic. The action of the drug is based on the interaction of active components with microorganisms, which ultimately stops the reproduction process at the level of amino acids (proteins). Used for diseases caused by bacteria and parasites.

Indications for use: It has proven itself well for inflammation around the eyes (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis and other pathologies) and skin infections - eczema, furunculosis, rashes, folliculitis and others.

Directions for use: Tetracycline ointment for demodicosis of the face and eyelids is used from one to several weeks. The accuracy of the duration of the course of therapy depends on the degree of damage and is clarified by a dermatologist. Before applying the drug, traces of cosmetics and sebaceous secretions must be removed from the treated areas. Apply a fairly large layer of medicinal ointment to gauze and apply to the affected area. Leave this compress for 12 hours. The procedure is repeated every day.


Brief description: Apit ointment for demodicosis is a preparation made from an alcoholic extract of propolis, petroleum jelly and lanolin. When using it, the patient feels an anesthetic effect. Active components accelerate the healing process of wounds from skin pathologies.

Indications for use: Prescribed for various types of dermatitis (eczema, scabies, etc.), diseases of an obstetric and gynecological nature (vaginitis, vestibulitis, cervicitis). It is better not to use on the skin of the eyelids.

Directions for use: Ointment for demodicosis Apit is applied externally, both as applications and as medicinal dressings. Tampons are soaked in medicine and applied to parts of the face infected with the disease. Such dressings must be changed several times during the day. The duration of therapeutic sessions depends on the individual characteristics of the patient: the degree of infection, the presence of complications, the condition of the skin.

Ointment for external use "Levomekol"

"Levomekol" is an ointment that has a dehydrating and antimicrobial local effect. It has been popular since the times of the Soviet Union, as it really helps to accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Another significant advantage of the product is its low cost compared to other drugs for external use.

"Levomekol" is an effective ointment for barley on the eyelid, but only if the disease is in the initial stages. While there is no huge abscess yet, you can get the root out. People call this process “barley bursting.” The sooner the purulent root comes out, the better: the pain, itching will go away, and the eyelid will return to its previous appearance. "Levomekol" also has a mild anti-edematous effect, so that with the help of ointment alone you can kill several birds with one stone.

Levomekol is prescribed to be used two to three times a day. Apply a thin layer to the barley. In this case, the ointment should not come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, otherwise quite obvious irritation is possible. Levomekol can be prescribed by both an ophthalmologist and a dermatologist. As a rule, in parallel with the use of Levomekol, attending physiotherapeutic procedures or warming up the barley at home are prescribed.

Reviews from patients report that Levomekol weakly relieves itching and discomfort. But with the use of ointment, barley actually matures much faster.

How to use

According to the instructions, the use of ichthyol ointment is allowed even during pregnancy and lactation, but before treatment you should consult a doctor. Despite the harmlessness of the product, it is important to take certain precautions when using it. Thus, you should avoid getting the drug into your eyes. In addition, internal administration of the ichthyol agent is contraindicated.

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It is undesirable to use ichthyol for treating wounds that are too deep. The substance also washes off very poorly, so you need to use it carefully so as not to stain clothes or furniture. To do this, use a sterile bandage, covering the treated area of ​​the body with it. In order for the drug to remain suitable for a long time, it is better to store it at a temperature no higher than 20 degrees and in a place where the sun's rays do not fall. The optimal place is the refrigerator shelf.

Ointment for burns and frostbite

The instructions for ichthyol paste say that it helps with burns and frostbite of the skin. The dosage depends on the affected area. For example, if the burn/frostbite is localized on a finger or palm, 3-4 g of medication will be sufficient. How to use ointment at home:

  • the product is applied to the affected area of ​​the body in an even, thin layer;
  • massage the medicine into the skin;
  • the treatment area is covered with gauze/bandage folded in several layers;
  • the bandage is fixed with adhesive tape;
  • Daily dressing change is recommended.

Ointment for boils and inflammation

Ichthyol external remedy helps eliminate various inflammations, abscesses, boils and other skin pathologies. According to the instructions, ointment for purulent wounds helps to quickly draw out the infection from under the skin and dry the tissue. If you apply an ichthyol bandage at night, by the morning the boil will open and the wound will be disinfected. Since the drug can dehydrate tissue, you should carefully use the ointment for purulent inflammations located on the face or neck.

How is ichthyol ointment used for inflammation:

  • apply a thin layer of medicine to clean, dry skin;
  • the area on top is covered with a bactericidal plaster (if the ointment is applied to the face, this step is skipped);
  • the drug is left for 4-5 hours to treat ulcers on the face (if other parts of the body are affected, it is better to leave the drug overnight);
  • The procedure is repeated daily in the evening.

Ointment for subcutaneous acne

To get rid of subcutaneous formations, it is worth using an ichthyol remedy daily. With the help of 2-3 procedures, the skin will be restored and acne will resolve. An effective way to use the medication:

  • Before going to bed, you should cleanse your skin using special cosmetics;
  • Apply ichthyol paste to the subcutaneous pimple with a cotton swab;
  • place a piece of cling film on top and cover with a band-aid;
  • after 1-2 hours, wash off the ointment with water;
  • repeat the procedure every day until the pimple disappears.

"Erythromycin" to get rid of the symptoms of hordeolum on the eyelid

“Erythromycin” is an antibiotic ointment for barley and many other dermatological pathologies. The drug contains an antibiotic from the macrolide group. Acts on staphylococci resistant to chloramphenicol, penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline. The ointment should be applied in a thin layer directly to the stye, avoiding contact of the composition with the eyeball.

Available in aluminum tubes of 10 g and 15 g. Before use, you should consult your doctor. Side effects (swelling and itching due to the development of an allergic reaction) are extremely rare. The cost of the medicine is from 90 to 150 rubles. The price varies depending on the pharmacy and region of purchase.

Reviews about the use of "Erythromycin" for barley are different. Patients emphasize that the ointment will not help the purulent root come out faster. For this purpose, in parallel with the ointment, you will have to use warm compresses or traditional medicine methods.

"Acyclovir": nuances of use for barley

One of the most popular drugs in dermatology is Acyclovir. For barley, ointment containing acyclovir is used quite often, but patient reviews of this remedy are often negative. Acyclovir is a component that is active against viruses (it is especially effective against herpes). But the occurrence of barley usually has nothing to do with the viral load, which is why using this ointment is useless.

Acyclovir for stye is usually prescribed by less experienced dermatologists. It makes sense to prescribe an ointment containing acyclovir only if the appearance of barley is accompanied by the manifestation of a herpetic virus (rash on the lips or genitals).

"Vishnevsky Ointment": instructions, use and reviews

“Vishnevsky Ointment” is actively used for various types of injuries, cuts, as well as dermatological pathologies. Barley is no exception. “Vishnevsky Ointment” relieves swelling, itching and severe discomfort. Alas, this remedy has virtually no effect on the rate of ripening and release of the purulent root from the swollen barley. So, if possible, it is better to consider other ointments against barley - for example, with an antibiotic in the composition.

The undoubted advantage of “Vishnevsky Ointment” is its low cost (only about 80 rubles per jar), as well as the absence of side effects when used. Reviews from patients with barley report that people practically did not feel the therapeutic effect. Still, “Vishnevsky Ointment” is much more effective for cuts, boils and suppuration of wounds.

Benefits of ichthyol ointment in the treatment of acne

Modern dermatologists again and again advise their patients to start treating acne with this simple and affordable remedy. Moreover, compared to other medications that are developed for the treatment of acne, ichthyol ointment has clear advantages:

  • Completely safe and does not cause side effects.
  • Does not penetrate the bloodstream and does not spread throughout the body, acting only locally.
  • Has a wide spectrum of action.
  • When applied, it does not irritate the skin, does not tighten or dry out.
  • It washes off quickly with plain water, even without soap.
  • Simple and convenient method of application.
  • Proven effectiveness for pustular skin lesions.
  • Minimum price.

The only drawback is the strong and unpleasant smell of this ointment. Therefore, you should use it only when you are at home or at night.

“Ichthyol ointment” for barley on the eyelid

The main active ingredient of this ointment is ichthammol. The product has keratoplasty, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory local effects. Many patients prefer to independently use “Ichthyol ointment” for barley. However, this is not the best choice, since products with ichthammol do not stimulate the purulent root to emerge. Yes, the ointment really relieves itching and even helps reduce styes in size. But it is important to remember: until the root and pus come out, the stye will continue to cause inconvenience to the owner.

When applying “Ichthyol ointment” to the stye area, the patient often experiences some burning and discomfort. You should not worry about this: such a skin reaction is quite natural. If you combine warming up the stye (to stimulate the purulent root to come out) and using “Ichthyol ointment,” you can achieve a fairly quick (three to four days) recovery from stye. Reviews from patients report that ointments with ichthammol are a cheap and fairly effective remedy for barley, but only when combined with saline heating or physiotherapeutic procedures.


Thanks to simple measures, you can prevent the development of demodicosis of the eyelids. The essence of prevention is as follows:

  1. Use personal hygiene items : towel, cosmetics and bed linen.
  2. Change towels and bed linen regularly. And after each wash, the laundry must be ironed.
  3. Do not use cheap and low-quality cosmetics.
  4. Avoid hypothermia and overheating in the sun.
  5. Stick to a hypoallergenic diet.

"Tobrex": ointments and drops for barley

The antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides, tobramycin, which is part of Tobrex, has a detrimental effect on streptococci, staphylococci and other harmful microorganisms. "Tobrex" is presented in two forms: drops and eye ointment with an antibiotic for barley. The drug is used for various pathologies of the eyelids and eyeball:

  • conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye);
  • stye (inflammation of the eyelash follicle);
  • keratitis (inflammation of the cornea);
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids);
  • dacryocystitis (inflammation of the lacrimal sac);
  • endophthalmitis (purulent inflammation of the inner membranes of the eyeball);
  • meibomitis (inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the eyelids).

There are two forms of release of the drug: ointment and drops. It is optimal to use both forms of release at once. As a rule, Tobrex is prescribed by an ophthalmologist in the required quantity for a specific patient, taking into account his disease.

Reviews of Tobrex report that the product effectively prevents possible deterioration in vision clarity due to barley and conjunctivitis. Patients also report that the use of Tobrex has almost no effect on the rate of barley ripening and the release of the purulent core.

Cost of drugs against demodicosis

A drugPrice
Yellow mercury ointment230 rubles
Levomycetin50 rubles
Zinc ichthyol ointment100 rubles
Tosmilen250 rubles
Artificial tear100 rubles
Dimexide200-1200 rubles

Attention! The indicated cost is an average. In different regions and taking into account the country of origin, the price for each drug may differ. Usually the cost does not exceed 10% of that indicated in the table.

"Floxal": ointment with antibiotic action

“Floxal” are eye drops (there is also a release form - ointment, but drops are more often used), which contain the antibiotic ofloxacin. As a rule, this drug is prescribed by an ophthalmologist, who also prescribes the frequency of use and duration of therapy.

Ofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent actively used in ophthalmology. The drug is active against most pathogens of eye diseases. First of all, these are gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Shigella, enterobacteria), as well as some gram-positive organisms (staphylococci and streptococci). "Floxal" is prescribed for barley, as well as for a number of other pustular diseases of the eyelids and eye area.

Reviews report that the use of drops prevents possible vision deterioration with the regular appearance of stye. In addition, the use of drops and ointment (as a rule, the doctor prescribes both options, but the pharmacy usually only has drops in stock) helps reduce the severity of itching, alleviate discomfort in the eyeball area, and reduce tearfulness.

How to choose ichthyol ointment

The local remedy is used in different concentrations and dosages. The choice depends on the type and severity of the pathology. The ointment is available in suppositories, tubes, glass or plastic jars of excellent volume, while the standard package contains 25 g of the drug. Nuances:

  1. Pharmacies sell 20% and 10% ointments, liniments and ichthyol pastes (5-10%).
  2. An additional substance of the product is petroleum jelly, which in preparations of different concentrations can contain 80-95%.
  3. On an individual order, if no contraindication is found, a medicine can be prepared for you with an increased amount of ichthyol - up to 50%.

Ichthyol ointment, according to reviews, helps with many diseases. You should focus on the symptoms and diagnosis when choosing the concentration of the drug:

  • 10% ointment is used for streptococcal infections, streptoderma, abscesses on the facial skin, and in gynecology;
  • A 20% solution is used to treat hidradenitis, boils on the body, other purulent skin lesions, and mycoses.
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