How to use anti-hemorrhoid ointments for bags under the eyes

Many women use anti-wrinkle products that are not intended for such purposes, but allow them to achieve noticeable anti-aging results. Drugs for hemorrhoids are popular, improving the condition of mature and prematurely aging skin. Many users leave positive reviews of these products and consider them to be fast-acting anti-aging products.

How do hemorrhoid ointments affect wrinkles?

Most medications intended for the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids also exhibit cosmetic properties and prolong the youth of the skin. Such drugs have the following effects:

  • eliminate blood stagnation;
  • accelerate regeneration processes in cells;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • improve the supply of oxygen to the epidermis;
  • strengthen blood vessels, increase their elasticity;
  • smooth out areas with signs of aging;
  • remove blueness and puffiness under the eyes.

The main secret of the anti-aging and refreshing effect of ointments for hemorrhoids and other similar medications lies in their components. Most of these products are created with the addition of ingredients that effectively tone the skin and improve its appearance - heparin, collagen, glycerin, various plant extracts, natural animal or vegetable oils.

Many medications for hemorrhoids are reasonably priced and cost much less than high-quality anti-aging creams for women. At the same time, they help to obtain almost the same result.

What creams help get rid of wrinkles

There are many hemorrhoidal remedies, but this does not mean that they all cope well with wrinkles. Not every ointment can be used on the face, since many of them contain hormones and anesthetic components.

If you believe those who have quite successfully solved the problem of combating age-related skin aging with the help of hemorrhoid creams, then the best of the drugs can be called the following:


An ointment that is called an “emergency solution” for eliminating obvious signs of a sleepless night - it effectively eliminates bruises and swelling, and leaves no chance for wrinkles to exist. Shark oil, vitamin E, thyme oil, glycerin stimulate subcutaneous reserves and have a restorative and anti-inflammatory effect.


The main active ingredient of the ointment, heparin, relieves tension in tissues and blood vessels, accelerates blood stagnation in the problem area. Under its action, the skin smoothes out and acquires a healthy color.

"Gepatrombin G"

One of the most effective remedies for hemorrhoids (used in the form of cream and suppositories), it is also actively used against wrinkles. The gel stimulates metabolic processes in tissues, eliminates inflammation, and has a healing and thrombus-absorbing effect.


Suppositories and cream contain microbial cells that are inactivated with phenol.
Heal tissues and blood vessels, increase their tone and resistance to pathogenic microflora.


The gel has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, causing them to constrict and improving blood flow, thereby ensuring uninterrupted skin nutrition and oxygen access. The walls of blood vessels under the influence of the drug become elastic and durable.


Promotes the preservation of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the water balance in cells, thereby ensuring the activation of metabolic processes and the removal of stagnation.

What drugs are used for rejuvenation?

Some of the medications for hemorrhoids that are in demand in the fight against wrinkles include the following:

Drug nameCurrent price
ReliefFrom 325 rub.
Proctonis240-270 rub.
Heparin ointmentFrom 58 rub.
TroxevasinFrom 230 rub.
Posterisan380 rub.
Gepatrombin G158-180 rub.

At home, all forms of such medications can be used - ointments, gels, suppositories. It is most convenient to use gel-like compositions for rejuvenation. Such products have a soft texture, spread easily and are quickly absorbed without leaving an oily sheen on the skin.

It is important to note that anti-wrinkle hemorrhoid creams cannot be used continuously. Experts urge that such products be considered only as emergency cosmetic care to quickly restore skin tone.

Hemorrhoid cream for bags under the eyes

Antihemorrhoids are also available in cream form. Creams have a lighter base consisting of emulsion and water. Therefore, they are absorbed faster, unlike ointments. Penetrates into the upper layers of the skin. In addition to ointments and creams, antihemorrhoids are available in gel form. The gel has an even lighter structure than the cream and is absorbed very quickly.

But remember that these products also have a therapeutic effect, so using them often as a method of getting rid of bags under the eyes is not recommended. It is important to do an allergy test before use and find out what contraindications there are. Try using it in the evening for the first time to see how your skin reacts. Even if an allergy test shows no allergy, keep in mind that the skin under the eyes is much thinner and can react.

How safe are hemorrhoid remedies for the face?

Anti-hemorrhoid products have many beneficial properties, but the opinions of cosmetologists regarding their use are divided into pros and cons. Some claim that such drugs are absolutely safe for the face. Others recommend limiting their use and applying other products that have a milder effect to the skin (this applies to medications for hemorrhoids, which add hormonal and analgesic compounds).

To safely use anti-hemorrhoidal anti-wrinkle agents, continuous application should be avoided. For long-term courses, only special creams or serums designed directly to smooth out wrinkles are suitable.

What is included in the ointment and how does it help against wrinkles?

The rejuvenating effect of Relief facial ointment is based on the properties of the ingredients included in its composition. The components mutually enhance and prolong each other's clinical effectiveness. To smooth out wrinkles, it is important to have the following organic compounds in the preparation:

  • shark liver oil. Contains essential fat-soluble vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They stimulate the production of natural collagen and elastin;
  • tocopheryl acetate. A powerful antioxidant that prevents the destructive effects of free radicals. They are responsible for premature aging of cells and tissues.

Corn and thyme oil provide the epidermis with nutrients and biologically active substances. They help improve tissue trophism and increase their functional activity. The result is an acceleration of metabolism and a gradual smoothing of wrinkles.

Recommendations for use against wrinkles

For preventive purposes, the drug should not be applied more than once a month. Otherwise, the dermis will “get used” to its therapeutic effect and its condition will no longer improve. It is most effective to apply Relief at the first signs of changes in skin texture. This allows:

  • slow down destructive tissue changes;
  • reduce the degree of their deformation.

This rejuvenation helps even out the skin color and restore it to a healthy color. According to reviews from women who have tested Relief ointment for wrinkles under the eyes, it should not be applied in large quantities.

Active ingredients intensively remove the top layer of the epidermis, which causes its thinning.

Expert opinion on the use of Relief in cosmetology

Representatives of official medicine are quite skeptical about this method of eliminating skin defects. But cosmetologists know firsthand about the ability of antihemorrhoidal drugs to improve the condition of the dermis. They contain natural and synthetic ingredients necessary to combat skin aging. According to reviews from cosmetologists, Relief effectively eliminates circles and bags under the eyes. But they note that caution should be exercised when using it:

  • do not exceed the duration of the therapeutic course;
  • do not mix with other pharmacological drugs due to the possibility of chemical burns;
  • If itching or burning occurs, immediately rinse the product under running water.

Cosmetologists warn that circles or bags are not always the individual characteristics of the body. These may be clinical manifestations of cardiovascular pathologies or diseases of the urinary organs.

Terms of use

When using medications for hemorrhoids for anti-aging purposes, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations of cosmetologists. Such drugs have an active effect, and if used incorrectly, they can provoke unwanted reactions.

Before using the selected product, thoroughly clean the skin. Any medications for hemorrhoids should be used for rejuvenation no more than three times a week (once or twice a day). The anti-aging procedure should be carried out shortly before bedtime.

How to apply ointments and gels

Such products are applied like any cosmetic cream. Distribute ointments or gels with light patting movements, paying greatest attention to areas with expression lines and age wrinkles.

It is not advisable to rub drugs into the skin or stretch the dermis - careless actions can negatively affect its appearance. If the product has been stored at room temperature, it is recommended to cool it slightly before applying it to the face.

Application of candles

Before using suppositories for hemorrhoids , they will need to be melted. To do this, suppositories are placed in a water bath, and only then applied to the face.

One course of rejuvenation with antihemorrhoidal drugs is recommended to be carried out no longer than two weeks. It can be repeated after a month.


The action of all antihemorrhoidal creams, ointments and gels is aimed at relieving inflammation, as well as narrowing blood vessels. Specialized pharmaceutical products exert their therapeutic effect on any area of ​​the skin, regardless of whether the drug is used for its intended purpose or not.

The use of hemorrhoid creams for cosmetic purposes should be done with care and caution. Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the cream. The components of some products may contain the hormone prednisolone, also known as cortisone.

This component, when interacting with thin and sensitive skin of the lower eyelids, can provoke the appearance of spider veins and stars.

Dealing with such a problem will be much more difficult than dealing with swelling and bruises under the eyes.

Another component that requires special attention and caution is lidocaine. It can cause an allergic reaction in the form of itching, redness, rash, and also contributes to drying out of the epidermis.

Before using pharmaceutical products against hemorrhoids, we must not forget that their use for other purposes may lead to undesirable consequences. In order to minimize the risk of using hemorrhoid creams for cosmetic purposes, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • familiarize yourself with the composition of the drug and the components included in it;
  • thoroughly study contraindications and side effects;
  • Before direct use, perform an allergy skin test. To do this, apply a small amount of cream to clean skin on the wrist or elbow for 24-48 hours. During this time, the cream is not washed off the skin. If there are no signs of allergic reactions, you can use the drug on the face.

Even after following all the above recommendations, pharmaceutical creams should be used with caution, since they contain a high concentration of active ingredients. Active components can lead to skin diseases and inflammatory processes.

A general safety measure is to prohibit creams and gels from coming into contact with mucous membranes.

Possible side effects

Side effects of hemorrhoid medications used as anti-aging compounds may occur in the form of:

  • burning;
  • itching;
  • numbness of the treated area;
  • bleeding;
  • allergic reactions.

Instructions for the use of antihemorrhoidal products warn that such conditions can develop if the components included in the drugs are poorly tolerated or if they are used incorrectly.

Precautions and contraindications

Before carrying out a rejuvenating course, you should make sure that the chosen medication is well tolerated. To do this, be sure to test for the presence of hypersensitivity - apply a small amount of the product to the wrist and wait for half an hour. If there is no redness, irritation, itching or other unpleasant reactions on the skin, the product is suitable for the face.

It is necessary to carefully study the list of available contraindications. Each drug has its own list of restrictions for use. General contraindications for applying hemorrhoid remedies are:

  • cuts, abrasions on the skin;
  • acne, inflammation;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • lupus;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • hypersensitivity to components.

The use of ointments, gels or suppositories for hemorrhoids is prohibited during pregnancy (especially in the early stages of pregnancy), and their use should also be abandoned if mechanical cleansing of the face has recently taken place.

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