Why does eating potatoes help with bags?

Do potatoes help with dark circles under the eyes?

Potatoes have been used since ancient times as a medicine for skin diseases and joint pathologies. If there are swelling, bruises and bags under the eyes, it is necessary to be examined and identify the cause of cosmetic defects. Typically, bags, bruises or swelling occur when there is a problem with:

  • kidney;
  • liver;
  • lymphatic, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

If bruises, swelling and bags appear under your eyes, you should analyze your daily routine. These manifestations are often accompanied by overwork and lack of sleep. By adjusting work and rest schedules, swelling, bruising or bags under the lower eyelids may regress on their own. Potatoes, used in healthy masks, will quickly eliminate facial defects due to their healing components.

Masks with raw vegetables

The simplest method to relieve puffiness around the eyes is to peel the tuber, cut it into 4 pieces 2 millimeters thick, and apply them to the eyelids for a quarter of an hour. Repeat the procedure morning and evening for one week.

Another simple option is compresses from grated vegetables, which are squeezed out, the pulp is wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyes for a quarter of an hour.

Cucumber with potatoes

Restores skin color and relieves puffiness:

  • combine a spoonful of grated potatoes with a spoonful of grated cucumber in the same way;
  • Place in the cold for a quarter of an hour.

Oatmeal with milk and potato juice

The mask removes irritation and swelling:

  • grind a spoonful of oat flakes;
  • mix with the juice of a medium potato;
  • mix with two tablespoons of skim milk.

Olive oil, parsley and potatoes

The product straightens wrinkles and lightens bags under the eyes:

  • a teaspoon of ground parsley;
  • a spoonful of finely chopped potatoes;
  • spoon of olive oil.

Useful properties of potatoes for bags under the eyes

Potato-based masks have a beneficial effect on the skin, eliminating bruises, bags and swelling. Potatoes are a hypoallergenic and practically safe product containing substances necessary for health. The microelements contained in potatoes help improve metabolic processes in epithelial cells. Gradually, the skin acquires lost elasticity and a healthy appearance.

Potatoes used for puffiness under the eyes contain the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins (C, K, B), which promote active collagen production;
  • starch, which rejuvenates the skin and normalizes its color while simultaneously eliminating age spots;
  • lutein, which enriches cellular elements with oxygen and provides the necessary protection from the harmful effects of sunlight;
  • choline, which eliminates inflammation and gives the skin a soft and radiant appearance;
  • selenium, which has a positive effect on the immune system and strengthens the cellular elements of the epidermis.

Important! Tubers contain a significant amount of moisture. This feature helps to moisturize the skin when using therapeutic masks.

Secrets of successful application

  • The maximum effect can be achieved by pre-steaming the skin;
  • Potatoes for the mask around the eyes should be young, but ripe. Make sure there are no green spots on it;
  • For sensitive and thin skin, it is better to use boiled potatoes, while raw potatoes will help against acne and excess fat. Whatever its form, it can be cut in half, cut into rings or crushed with a grater, and then applied to the eye area or another area of ​​the dermis;
  • To get rid of wrinkles, it is better to use puree from a boiled product, and this should be done while the dish is still warm.

Unless the recipe suggests a different approach, keep the mask on your face for no longer than a third of an hour when using the raw product, and no longer than 40 minutes. when using boiled.

The product should be washed off with warm water, and after the procedure, cream should be applied to the skin.

Different recipes for potato masks require different durations for their use, but if these terms are not indicated, the vegetable should be used 1-2 times/week for 1 month.

Recipes for potato masks for the skin around the eyes

A potato eye mask against swelling may contain various components. If they are not available, you can grate the potatoes to obtain juice. The pulp is wrapped in folded gauze, moistened in juice and applied to the skin to eliminate bags, bruises or swelling under the eyes for 17 minutes.

Masks for swelling, bruising and bags under the lower eyelids are most effective when adding other beneficial components. Such compositions are applied once a day.

Attention! If the desired result is not achieved, more effective methods should be used.

With vegetable oil

To prepare the mask, you need to use raw potatoes for bags and swelling under the eyes, which are grated. The resulting 2 tablespoons of gruel are mixed with 2 teaspoons of any vegetable oil. The mixture is applied under the lower eyelids and washed off with weak tea leaves after half an hour.

With wheat flour

Grate two small potatoes using a fine grater and add 1 tablespoon of flour. The resulting paste should be applied under the eyes and washed off after 20 minutes with a weak brew. After using a potato mask for bruises and swelling under the eyes, use a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

With oatmeal and heavy cream

Two teaspoons of raw potatoes are mixed with oatmeal and heavy cream for puffiness under the eyes. Duration of exposure to the mask is 10 minutes.

With cucumber

Vegetables are taken approximately the same size. Cucumber and potatoes are grated on a fine grater and mixed until a mass is ready for application. It should be wrapped in a piece of gauze and placed under the eyes. The duration of the anti-edema mask is up to 15 minutes.

With honey

Grated potatoes for bruises under the eyes from a blow should be mixed with natural honey (1 teaspoon). The mixture is applied under the eyes and washed off after 15 minutes.

With parsley

A bunch of fresh herbs is poured with boiling water (100 ml). After half an hour, the infusion is filtered. Raw potatoes for dark circles under the eyes are grated using a fine grater and mixed with olive oil (2 tablespoons). Parsley infusion is added to the resulting mixture. After thorough mixing, the paste is applied under the lower eyelids and washed off after 15 minutes.


It is recommended to use products containing not only potatoes, but also other plant substances and various products. These could be plants, dairy products, honey. If the patient suffers from an allergic reaction to one of these products, or it developed during the use of the product, the procedure must be canceled immediately.

Most potato-based recipes are safe and do not cause negative skin reactions. Before applying each product, you should thoroughly cleanse the skin of your eyelids and entire face to prevent clogging of pores and contamination of the skin.

Shredded potatoes

Potatoes should be thoroughly washed and peeled. After this, it is ground on a fine grater, and in its raw form is applied in a small layer to the skin of the eyelids. This remedy helps eliminate puffiness due to the outflow of fluid from under the skin of the eyelids.

Some patients feel dry after applying this mask. After washing the potatoes, apply a moisturizer with a light texture so as not to unnecessarily clog the cleaned pores.

With honey

It is recommended to peel and grate the potatoes using the same procedure. Take 2 teaspoons of the resulting consistency, add 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly. You should get a thick paste, but if it becomes liquid, it is recommended to add more potatoes or simple starch.

Honey together with potatoes will promote good hydration of the skin and eliminate fluid under the eyelids. Apply the product for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with running water.

With sour cream

Potatoes should be washed, peeled, and grated on a fine grater. Potatoes tend to produce juice in small quantities. It should be squeezed out in a concentration of 1 teaspoon, added to 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream. If the stores do not have a sufficiently fatty product, you can buy it at the market, then it will be homemade.

Starch liquid is mixed with sour cream and then applied to the skin of the eyelids. Use this product until it dries completely, after which it is carefully washed off with cotton pads soaked in chamomile decoction. This action will not only eliminate puffiness, but also help strengthen the skin of the eyelids.

Potato-cucumber mask

Take 1 small potato and 1 cucumber. Each product must be washed and cleaned. The potatoes are grated on a fine grater, and the cucumber is mashed with a fork or ground in a mortar. Each product is mixed in a concentration of 1 tablespoon. The resulting slurry is often too liquid. Then it must be applied to halves of cotton pads, applied to the upper and lower eyelids at the same time. The lotions should be applied for 30 minutes, then gently wiped with a napkin.

Potatoes with herbal infusions

You should first make a decoction of herbal remedies. To do this, take small pinches of chamomile, string, coltsfoot, and calendula. You should get 1 tablespoon. It is poured with 100 ml of boiling water. Leave until completely cooled. The broth should be strong.

Grate the potato and squeeze out the juice. The vegetable decoction and potato juice are mixed together. You should get a dark liquid with a slight cloudiness. Halves of cotton pads are dipped into it and applied to closed eyes. The lotions are done for 15 minutes. To ensure that the product lasts longer, it is not recommended to wash it off. Can be wiped with a dry cloth.

Potatoes with oils

Place the peeled, grated potatoes in a bowl. Add a quarter teaspoon of sesame and olive oil. It is also recommended to buy vitamin E-based oil at the pharmacy. The resulting mixture is infused for 1 hour, after which it is rubbed into the skin of the eyelids. After 40 minutes, it can be washed off with chamomile decoction.


Using potatoes for bags, bruises or puffiness under the eyes may be contraindicated. In general, external use of potatoes is well tolerated by most people. The only exceptions are cases of individual intolerance to starch in the presence of allergic reactions to this component.

It is contraindicated to apply raw potatoes for bruises under the eyes to wounds, ulcers and other skin lesions. Masks should not be used for herpetic infections, rosacea and rosacea.

How to use

Potatoes for bruises under the eyes can be used raw or boiled. Let me emphasize once again - only fresh puree will be effective.

Warmed up no longer has such value, although it helps to get rid of swelling in the form of cold compresses. But it no longer has a significant effect on the general condition of the skin.

Important Rules

It is better to apply the potato mask to the entire face, including the area around the eyes. In this case, there will be no contrast between adjacent areas of the skin.

To prevent potato particles from getting under your eyelids, it is better to place the mask not on the skin, but on clean gauze folded in 2-3 layers. Such applications can only be done in the problem area, if there is no time or desire to pamper the entire face.

I give the application rules in step-by-step sequence:

  1. Thoroughly clean your face of makeup.
  2. Wash with warm water and a small amount of gel.
  3. For oily skin, you can also use a scrub or peeling.
  4. To enhance the effect, it is better to lightly steam your face.
  5. Prepare the mask immediately before use.
  6. Apply in an even layer. The puree should be warm.
  7. Relax your facial muscles as much as possible.
  8. Remove the remaining mask with a napkin.
  9. Wash with warm water (you can add gel).
  10. You can wipe your face with an ice cube.
  11. If desired, apply moisturizer.

It is better to make potato masks 2-3 times a week for 1-1.5 months. During this time, it is usually possible to get very good results and get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes almost completely.

Best Recipes

Potatoes for puffiness under the eyes are most effective as part of the following folk recipes:

  1. With cream. Add two tablespoons of homemade cream to the mashed potatoes from one large potato. The mask is especially useful for dry, aging skin, which it perfectly moisturizes and softens. Has pronounced whitening properties.
  2. With cucumber. This mask of finely grated fresh vegetables is a real vitamin bomb. Suitable for any skin type. It perfectly refreshes, tones, smoothes out fine wrinkles, removes dark circles and blemishes.
  3. With honey. This unique product contains more than 200 chemical elements and their compounds. The mask has an excellent brightening and rejuvenating effect, tightens the eyelids, and improves subcutaneous blood circulation. Grate a small tuber on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice, and mix the pulp with a teaspoon of honey. The juice can also be used to wipe your face.
  4. With grape juice. Dilute mashed potatoes not with water, but with freshly squeezed grape juice or high-quality dry wine. The mask contains a large amount of antioxidants, due to which it perfectly smoothes and tightens the skin, removes bags and crow's feet.
  5. With yolk and aloe. Grind aloe pulp with egg yolk. Add the mixture to mashed potatoes. The mask perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and tightens the skin, removes bruises and swelling, and brightens dark circles.

In principle, a potato mask for bruises and dark spots around the eyes can be prepared from any healthy and non-irritating product. But to get a significant effect, you need to use the selected recipe for at least a month.


Another option for using potatoes for bags and puffiness under the eyes is compresses. The simplest solution is to apply raw potato circles to your closed eyelids and lie quietly for 15-20 minutes. This method is great when you need to quickly remove signs of fatigue or a sleepless night.

A more troublesome method is to grate a small tuber on a fine grater, place it on small gauze pads and apply it to the eyes. Rubbing the area around the eyes with cubes of frozen potato juice also gives good results. This is very useful to do in the morning.

Rules for preparing a potato mask

To achieve the desired effect, it is important to prepare the potato mask correctly. Raw potatoes can sometimes harm the skin of the face and, especially, the delicate skin around the eyes. This happens due to the poisonous solanine, which appears in potatoes when stored improperly or for too long, or exposed to sunlight.

In order for the mask to be useful, keep in mind a few rules:

  1. Choose new potatoes that are already ripe. If you have doubts, it is better to peel the potatoes, removing a thick layer of skin, and leave them in salt water for an hour;
  2. raw potatoes are more effective, especially on the skin around the eyes. However, it is much more aggressive and can cause irritation. If you know that your skin is prone to various reactions, it is best to boil the potatoes;
  3. the mask can consist of halves of a potato tuber, which you place on your closed eyes, circles or pureed gruel;
  4. do not leave potatoes even for a short time without water - they will dry out and lose their properties;
  5. boil the potatoes in their skins and beat the puree well, then the lifting effect will be more noticeable;
  6. add essential oils, herbal infusions and other components to the potatoes;
  7. raw potatoes should be on the skin for no more than 20 minutes, boiled - 40;
  8. make potato masks no more than 2 times a week;
  9. It is better to turn potatoes into mashed potatoes for a mask by hand; in a blender they will be too liquid;
  10. 2 months is the optimal time for this. to use the same product over and over again. After this, take a break for the next 2 months and come up with new natural care options.

What are the benefits of potatoes?

Applying a potato to a bruise in one form or another is a popular way to get rid of a bruise. But why? The fact is that potatoes contain a large amount of starch, which has a whitening effect. Moreover, potatoes can rejuvenate. Due to the increased (70-75%) water content in the vegetable, it perfectly moisturizes the skin. In addition, potatoes contain B vitamins, which stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. Potatoes also rejuvenate due to vitamin C, which protects the skin from free radicals, and vitamin K prevents the appearance of wrinkles, freckles and other unwanted pigmentation.

Diseases as causes of bruises

  • renal failure (bruises can appear due to pyelonephritis, nephroptosis and glomerulonephritis, the severity of the circles directly depends on the phase of the disease);
  • heart disease (circles may appear in people who have had a heart attack or have blood clots in the endocardium);
  • rosacea changes (dilation of blood vessels, as a result of which bruises appear not only under the eyes, but also on the wings of the nose);
  • eye diseases (a significant portion of eye diseases lead to excessive blood flow into the eyes, causing blood vessels to burst).
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