Why do my eyes swell in the morning (upper eyelids)

A drooping eyelid is a flaw that can occur in both young and older women. One of the reasons for the appearance of the impending century is age, from which you cannot escape. But there are also young girls who have an impending century, and there are two options: either congenital, or acquired as a result of an incorrect lifestyle (a fair amount of alcohol, nicotine, cheerful parties until dawn). Owners of drooping eyelids most often look older than their years due to the fact that the face appears exhausted and tired.

Causes of drooping eyelids

As noted above, the causes of the impending eyelid can be both acquired and congenital. Congenital causes, as the name suggests, are associated with the anatomical features of the facial structure. In this case, the only way to get rid of drooping eyelids is plastic surgery called blepharoplasty.

Acquired causes of drooping eyelids.

As for acquired drooping eyelids, the reasons for their appearance may be:

  • Age-related changes. Unfortunately, over the years, the skin in the eye area loses its former elasticity and begins to sag. Creams with collagen, as well as all sorts of vitamins, support, but this is not a panacea.
  • Fast weight loss. It all depends on age. The older a woman is, the more “traces” there are on her face from sudden weight loss.
  • Allergic reaction to food, cosmetics.
  • Overwork and lack of sleep.
  • Bad habits. Consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products accelerates the aging process of the skin, skin color becomes faded, and swelling appears.
  • Poor nutrition is one of the causes of facial swelling. This is especially evident when eating large amounts of salt, which leads to stagnation of fluid in the body, carbonated drinks, fried and smoked foods.

Swelling of the eyelids in children

In children, the appearance of swelling may be associated with a genetic predisposition. In addition to this factor, problems arise due to:

  • kidney and cardiovascular diseases;
  • decreased level of hemoglobin in the blood, metabolic disorders;
  • allergic reaction.

Swelling of the eyelids in children

A visit to the doctor is a mandatory condition of treatment. We must remember about diet and normal sleep patterns. The child should be in the fresh air more often and engage in outdoor games. Protect children from falls and do not allow dirty hands to rub their eyes.

We must remember that human health is formed in childhood. During this period, the immune system is formed, the body learns to respond correctly to various pathogenic microorganisms and external irritants.

Human health is formed in childhood

How to get rid of an impending eyelid

In the case where a drooping eyelid is a genetic gift, there is only one way to get rid of it - to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. The procedure is called blepharoplasty, the essence of which is that a small area of ​​skin is removed. Recently, this procedure has become very popular. However, before taking this step, you should check your health, since this procedure has contraindications, in particular problems with the thyroid gland, skin diseases, infectious diseases, etc.

What is drooping eyelid?

There is also laser blepharoplasty, but its purpose is to draw out a little fluid, but with this procedure you cannot get rid of fat or excess tissue.

Symptom Definition

Swelling of the upper eyelids can be either an independent problem or a symptom of a more serious disease. In itself, it represents a swollen upper eyelid and an increase in volume. There are both permanent and temporary swelling. If we are talking about the first type, then there is a pathology, which most often is a consequence of the development of some disease.

In addition, there are:

  • Skin thickening;
  • Voltage;
  • Signs of allergies in the eyes (itching and swelling);
  • Thinning of the skin;
  • Visibility of blood vessels;
  • Skin shine;
  • Pain;
  • Change in skin color.

How to remove drooping eyelids using cosmetology

You can get quick and effective results by contacting a cosmetologist.

One of the most common procedures is collagen lifting. The essence of the procedure is that a special collagen serum is applied to the skin of the upper eyelids, which nourishes the skin and makes it more elastic. The first results will appear in a month, with regular, at least once a week, visits to a cosmetologist.

Lymphatic drainage is another procedure that perfectly tones the skin of the eyelids and relieves swelling. This procedure is carried out both manually and using a special device.

Salons, like cosmetologists, in pursuit of clients, invent all kinds of masks, creams, and procedures to help fight drooping eyelids and puffiness around the eyes.

Methods for diagnosing edema of the upper eyelids

In most cases, visual examination and palpation are sufficient for diagnosis. At the same time, body temperature is measured and the dynamics of changes in the patient’s well-being are determined. If it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on information after the examination, additional in-depth examinations are prescribed.

Diagnostics. Swelling of the eyelids

The following signs serve as indicators for the examination.

  1. The swelling is painful and bilateral, there is no redness . These signs are characteristic of allergic reactions. Treatment of edema without taking into account the causes is ineffective; the patient must undergo tests to determine the allergen. This is a lengthy and expensive procedure, and it may take several weeks to identify a complete list of allergens.
  2. The swelling is one-sided, the skin is pale, and a slight thickening is felt upon palpation . The preliminary cause is a herniated orbital fat. The cells penetrate close to the surface of the skin, the swelling is not painful. To exclude the possibility of complications, the final treatment plan is adopted only after an ultrasound examination. In difficult cases, surgical treatment methods are used. But in most cases, medication and diet are sufficient.
  3. Unilateral swelling with redness of a large area of ​​the upper eyelid . The tumor is uniform over the entire area, the temperature is increased only on the eyelid. The most common cause of swelling is conjunctivitis or orbital cellulitis. A visit to a qualified ophthalmologist is required; self-medication is prohibited.

Symptoms of pathology depending on the cause

In all cases, treatment of edema begins with eliminating the causes that caused it. For allergic reactions, the doctor prescribes desensitizing medications. Which ones exactly depends on the final clarification of the nature of the allergens. Inflammations are treated with eye ointments or drops, the composition is selected depending on the diagnosis. You should never warm up your eyelids; there is a high risk of infection entering the circulatory system, which becomes the cause of a complex disease.

How to deal with drooping eyelids at home

All kinds of spas and cosmetologists are all good, but not all women have the opportunity to visit them. You can get rid of drooping eyelids and swelling without plastic surgery or trips to beauty salons. Traditional recipes will always come to the rescue.

The most effective recipe is to add ice cubes with parsley.

The recipe for this miracle potion is simple - mix 1 glass of water with 0.5 cup of chopped parsley. Heat the mixture over low heat, but do not let it boil, stir occasionally. Once the mixture has cooled, pour into ice cube trays and place in the freezer.

And then use it twice a day - in the morning and evening, wipe your eyes with magic ice cubes with parsley. This will help restore the skin to its former freshness and elasticity.

Ice cubes with parsley

It is good to apply bandages soaked in strong tea leaves on the eyes (the tea leaves must be fresh). Potato juice and chamomile decoction are also ideal for compresses.

The Internet is teeming with all kinds of recipes for face masks, and the main principle here is not to be lazy.

And if laziness or busyness do not allow you to pamper yourself with natural masks, then you can always purchase ready-made face masks, including masks with collagen, in stores and pharmacies. Eye patches are very popular now. Every second lady uses them to care for the skin around the eyes.

How to eliminate morning puffiness under the eyes

Washing with cool water. The legendary actress Sophia Loren said in an interview that she washes her face with ice water every day. Cold water constricts blood vessels and reduces swelling. Today there are even patches with a cooling effect on sale.

  • Movement is not only life, but also beauty. Fitness and regular physical activity help remove excess fluid from the human body, thereby reducing swelling.
  • Proper nutrition. Here the first evil is high salt consumption, which leads to stagnation of fluid in the body, and as a result, swelling.
  • Cosmetics, in particular special creams for the area around the eyes, help get rid of bags under the eyes.

How to remove swollen eyelids?

When should you sound the alarm about swollen eyelids?

Bags under the eyes in the morning cause a bad mood for the whole day. Especially if an important event is to take place the day before. We look very tired, and no foundation can hide this defect.

Before you start dealing with swelling of the eyelids, you need to try to find out the root cause. Maybe the day before you were very stressed or overexcited? Or are you suffering from lack of sleep?

Nerves, worries - all this, sooner or later, leaves an imprint on our appearance. The skin suffers from a lack of oxygen, blood circulation is impaired, so it becomes thin, flabby, blood vessels become visible and bruises appear.

The skin of the eyelids is very thin and sensitive. It needs to be constantly moisturized and nourished with special gels or creams. The sooner you start caring for this area, the higher the likelihood that the first wrinkles will not come soon.

It is believed that a swollen eyelid after sleep is one of the most harmless types of this disease. Especially if this phenomenon is rare.

Reasons why eyelids swell

  1. The night before you cried a lot and were very stressed;
  2. Drank a lot of alcohol at the party;
  3. Drink a lot of water, tea or coffee at night;
  4. Poor nutrition, which causes exhaustion of the body;
  5. Bad habits;
  6. Genetic predisposition;
  7. You ate a lot of spicy or salty food;
  8. Allergy to cosmetics or night cream;
  9. Permanent makeup;
  10. Insect bite;
  11. Eye disease;
  12. Cold.

Scientists have found that women over 30 suffer from this disease most often. Excess fluid in the upper eyelid can also accumulate due to lack of fluid. You need to carefully analyze your diet and figure out the mistakes you are making.

If swelling of the upper eyelid is a rarity for you, and there are no changes in the eyeball and no unpleasant sensations (itching, pain, stinging), then in this case there is no need to sound the alarm.

What symptoms require immediate medical attention:

  • Bruise or injury - accompanied by lacrimation, redness, and hematomas may appear. The eyes itch, there is a pain, it hurts to look at the light. The eyeball is red and blood vessels are visible.

In this case, urgent medical attention is required. Because a bruise can greatly affect your health! Take care of yourself. After all, even one accidental injury to the eye can lead to a lot of unpleasant consequences!

  • Allergy - accompanied by sneezing, runny nose, rash and itching. An allergy can be to anything: pollen, dust, insects, cosmetics, food products. You should take an antihistamine and consult a doctor.
  • Eye disease (styree, conjunctivitis, pathology of the lacrimal duct, meibomitis) - painful sensations, itching, discharge of pus. You should urgently contact an ophthalmologist who will prescribe you special drops and ointments.

Rules for caring for eyelid skin prone to swelling

  • The first rule is to maintain water balance every day - drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water.
  • In the age of computer technology, people sit for hours at work computers and home laptops. Periodically you should take breaks for eye exercises.
  • Everything salty, fried, spicy, smoked is very tasty, but it has an adverse effect on the skin, and therefore their consumption should be minimized.
  • Before going to bed, be sure to wash off your makeup.
  • Nicotine is one of the main causes of puffiness under the eyes. If quitting smoking is not an option, then you should at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day.
  • Healthy, restful sleep is the key to not only a good mood, health, but also beauty. We are talking about night sleep and its duration should be at least 8 hours.

Beauty is work and natural gifts alone are not enough. You need to constantly work on yourself if you want to enjoy your own reflection in the mirror and catch the admiring glances of people around you.

The first step towards rejuvenating the skin of the face, and the eyelids in particular, is a good night's sleep, proper nutrition, water balance, regular exercise, and giving up bad habits. Compliance with these rules affects not only a person’s appearance, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Video: removing drooping eyelids


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