Why do my eyes stick together in the morning and what to do?

If your eyes begin to stick together in the morning, this may be the first symptom of the development of serious ophthalmological pathologies. Sticky eyelids often occur as a result of an allergic or inflammatory reaction. If the unpleasant manifestations are associated with a disease, then a lump of mucus or pus collects in the corner of the patient’s eye, and the visual organs constantly hurt, turn red and swell. Do not delay visiting the doctor if pathological signs occur in the morning.

Why does the problem occur?

If your eyes are very stuck together in the morning, then perhaps they have festered or another pathological process is developing. This may be the initial manifestation of some ophthalmological disease. In this case, the patient may collect a whitish liquid throughout the day, which forms a crust after sleep and in the morning it is problematic for an adult to open his eyes due to glued eyelids. You should not expect that the problem will go away on its own, since the pathology only progresses. In the future, a lot of fluid comes out, which can cause complications. There are the following causes of pus collecting in the corners of the visual organs:

  • use of poor quality cosmetics;
  • inflammatory reaction in the conjunctiva associated with infection or bacterial activity;
  • inflamed lower or upper eyelids;
  • allergies to chlorinated water, baths with aromatic oils and other substances;
  • impaired patency of the lacrimal canal, which is why the eyes of a child in the first days of life stick together and fester.

Purulent discharge is a sign of infection.
Pus appears in the eyes, as a result of which they stick together after sleep, maybe after a hangover. Often, eyelids stick together due to visiting a bathhouse. In this case, the patient’s metabolism increases and the immune system is activated, as a result of which all toxins, bacteria and excess fluid leave the body. This includes cleansing the mucous membrane, which can cause the corner of the eye to stick together in the morning.

Causes of pus in the eyes

causes of pus
Purulent discharge can be the result of several diseases at once. Ignorance of the true cause of suppuration and self-medication can lead to irreversible complications, the main one of which is loss of vision.

Eyes can fester when:

Briefly about the development of suppuration

The symptoms of these pathologies are very similar, which cannot be said about the treatment. Here, a festering eye can act both as the main manifestation of the disease and as a complication.

Inflammatory processes of the outer eye membrane

By its nature, conjunctivitis can be allergic, viral or bacterial. In the first two cases, the protective secretion remains transparent, as normal. But due to the unbearable itching, notes obaglaza, a person constantly rubs his eyes and brings infection to the mucous membrane. Bacterial conjunctivitis develops, which always accompanies pus. Herpes and fungal keratitis behave similarly.

About dacryocystitis

This is not a pathology of secretion, but of disposal of secretions. Due to inflammation of the lacrimal sac, the canal connecting the sac and the nasal cavity becomes blocked. At the same time, tears and secretions gradually accumulate and, serving as a breeding ground for bacteria, begin to fester.

Diseases of the eyelids

Pus can flow with blepharitis, an inflammatory process of the edges of the eyelids. It destroys the hair follicles of the eyelashes and meibomian glands, which are involved in the formation of protective secretions. In this case, the eyes fester, turn red, swell, and the discharge acquires a yellow-green tint. Blepharitis can be infectious or allergic in nature, manifested by simple inflammation or the formation of ulcers. Possible combination with dry eye syndrome.

Many have encountered barley, or chalazion, which also affects the eyelash hair follicle and meibomian gland. It can appear after bath and spa treatments. It is usually discovered in the morning: a very swollen red eyelid, slightly painful, yellowish pus flowing.

Other causes of pus in the eyes

A serious complication of long-term infectious diseases, mechanical damage and dry eye syndrome, endocrine and autoimmune pathologies, according to obaglaza.ru, is a corneal ulcer. In addition to redness, swelling of the eyes, and excessive lacrimation, photophobia, eyelid spasms, and corneal syndrome are observed. The eyes fester if inflammation of nearby structures joins the ulcer. With the progressive growth of the ulcer, the discharge acquires a yellowish tint, which is easily confused with pus. A person who neglects this disease ends up completely blind.

Associated symptoms

If a patient’s eye constantly sticks at night and it hurts to open his eyelids in the morning, this may indicate the onset of a serious pathology. When the visual organs stick together, purulent fluid is released. Such a violation is always associated with an infectious process in the body. If the eye sticks together in the morning after a bath or drinking alcohol, then this manifestation is not permanent and is not accompanied by any other symptoms. Most often, purulent fluid accumulates sharply, as a result of which the eyelids stick together, due to purulent conjunctivitis. In this case, the patient experiences inflamed eyes and other pathological symptoms:

  • burning sensation;
  • severe pain in the visual organs;
  • red sclera of the eyes;
  • accumulation of pus in the corner;
  • itching;
  • fear of bright light;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness and malaise.

Eyes stick together after sleep

If your eyes begin to stick together in the morning, this may be the first symptom of the development of serious ophthalmological pathologies. Sticky eyelids often occur as a result of an allergic or inflammatory reaction. If the unpleasant manifestations are associated with a disease, then a lump of mucus or pus collects in the corner of the patient’s eye, and the visual organs constantly hurt, turn red and swell. Do not delay visiting the doctor if pathological signs occur in the morning.

What to do and how to treat?

Alcohol intoxication can provoke pathology.
To eliminate eye sticking in the morning, you need to contact an ophthalmologist and find out the main source of the disorder. If the visual organ does not hurt when you wake up, and the patient is not bothered by any other pathological signs, then, most likely, the disorder is temporary and is associated with overwork or alcohol intake. In this case, no special treatment is required, it is enough just to normalize the working day, get plenty of rest and get enough sleep. If your eyes often get stuck together, then limit the time spent at the computer or in front of the TV, since this type of activity leads to severe strain on the visual organs. After proper rest, the problem of eyelids sticking together in the morning will disappear on its own. To make it easier to wake up without feeling heavy in the eyes, it is recommended to do light exercises after waking up, which includes the following exercises:

  • Alternately, open your eyes and mouth as wide as possible. Repeat the task 4 times.
  • They close their eyes tightly, after which 6 p. blink.
  • Raise your eyebrows high several times and relax.

To prevent your eyes from sticking together in the morning, you should normalize your daily diet by including useful vitamins and microelements.

The patient should carefully monitor the visual organs and keep them clean. When a stuck eye hurts and other unpleasant symptoms begin to appear, you need to consult an ophthalmologist. The specialist will conduct a comprehensive examination and, after making a diagnosis, select the optimal treatment. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the lower the risk of complications.


The eyes are washed with an aqueous solution of Furacilin.
If, with sticky eyelids, the patient experiences severe pain, redness and other pathological signs, an inflammatory process develops, which must be eliminated with medication. The patient is prescribed regular rinsing of the visual organs, as well as special agents that have an antibacterial effect. The table shows medications that help eliminate the problem that causes the eyelids to stick together.

Medication groupA drug
Medicines that relieve pain"Lidocaine"
Anti-inflammatory medications"Diclofenac"
Eye drops with the effect of “artificial tears”"Vidisik"

Can the disorder be treated with folk remedies?

We use natural tea without dyes or flavors.
If your eyes often stick together, you can use alternative medicine recipes, which you can prepare at home, but after consulting your doctor first. To eliminate the problem, herbal decoctions and tinctures are recommended, which are used for compresses and lotions. It is possible to cope with eyelid sticking with the following folk recipes:

  • Apple. A decoction is prepared from the branches, which is used to wash damaged visual organs. Strongly brewed black tea is used for the same purpose.
  • Propolis. The dried plant is ground to a powder and an aqueous solution is prepared. After filtering, drop it into drooping eyes three times a day.
  • Honey. The bee product is diluted with boiling water, keeping the proportions 1:2. After preparation, drop into the conjunctival sac.
  • Dill. The greens are crushed using a blender or meat grinder, and the juice is squeezed out. In the latter, sterile gauze or a cotton pad is moistened and applied to the sore eyes for a quarter of an hour.
  • Rose hip. Chopped fruits in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water, put on low heat for a few minutes, then let it brew for half an hour. Use a decoction for lotions. Datura, plantain leaves, and chamomile can be used in the same way.


Prevention of eye purulence and lacrimation includes several simple recommendations. If you follow them, you can avoid the appearance of these unpleasant symptoms, which can be harbingers of serious illness.

  • Try not to touch your eyes with dirty hands to avoid getting and spreading infection.
  • Wash your hands as often as possible with soap or disinfect them using special products.
  • Use only your own towel to dry your face.
  • Sleep only on your own pillow.
  • If suppuration occurs due to the use of contact lenses, then stop wearing them (at least for a while) and consult a doctor.
  • Don't wear other people's glasses.
  • If you have infectious eye diseases, do not use cosmetics (mascara, eyeliner, etc.).

Hydrocortisone eye ointment

Red eyes: causes and treatment are described in this article.

Treatment of cataracts with Bestoxol drops https://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/glaznye-kapli-bestoksol-kak-iv-kakix-sluchayax-primenyat.html


Treatment depends on what disease caused the production of purulent fluid:

  • washing the eyes with antiseptic solutions, for example, chamomile, Furacilin, which not only disinfect, but also relieve irritation from the surface of the mucous membrane;
  • antibacterial drops or ointment, which are applied to the corner of the eye (on the area of ​​the conjunctival sac), they must be used for no longer than 7 days, since after this time resistance of the pathogenic microflora is formed;
  • antivirals, which may be prescribed as tablets or eye drops;
  • vasoconstrictor for the mucous membrane of the eyes, which must be used for no more than 4 days, since after this time an addiction to the active substance develops;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, used in the form of an ointment or systemically, such treatment is suitable for eliminating inflammation in the eyelid area;
  • antihistamines, which are taken in the form of tablets or eye drops (if the patient knows about the onset of seasonal allergies, the drugs are used 2-3 days before the onset of symptoms).

Additionally, it is recommended to apply the following measures:

Non-surgical eye treatment in 1 month.

  • eliminate the use of medications or cosmetics that caused the production of purulent contents from the eyes;
  • eat food containing large amounts of vitamins and microelements;
  • take multivitamins in courses, especially during exacerbations of various chronic diseases;
  • do eye exercises if the reason for secretion production in large quantities is overwork from prolonged work on the computer or watching TV.

Prescribed medications and folk remedies should be followed as prescribed by the doctor. If any drug does not help or causes side effects, consult a specialist. He will replace it with an analogue that will have an effect in the absence of a negative reaction on the body.

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