What to do if your eyes hurt from the computer


When a person says that his eyes are closing, most often he means that he wants to sleep. Drowsiness due to lack of sleep and waking up early is a common problem in modern society. This condition can be aggravated by monotonous work that does not contribute to toning. If the condition is such that you could at least put matches in your eyes, some recommendations will help.

How to get rid of drowsiness?

  • Get yourself at least 8 hours of sleep. If you sleep less time, fatigue is inevitable;
  • Sleep should be calm, undisturbed. You should not sleep with the sound of the TV on or use computer games and other entertainment as a “sleeping aid”;
  • Try to accustom yourself to a routine - go to bed and wake up at the same time, so that the body is awake at the same time;
  • If you are in the habit of going to bed late, break yourself of this habit. Of course, if you usually fall asleep at midnight, but you need to do it at 22.00, you won’t be able to retrain yourself right away. Do it gradually - every day go to bed 10-15 minutes earlier than yesterday until you get used to going to bed at the right time;
  • Food gives the body energy, so it is difficult for it to adjust to timely sleep if you eat at night. It is necessary to take food in accordance with a schedule, which involves refusing to eat at least several hours before bedtime;
  • Perform morning exercises after waking up - it tones the body and charges it with energy;
  • If your eyes close so relentlessly during the day that sleep is impossible to cope with, allow yourself to sleep for 15-20 minutes. This will drive away drowsiness, you will feel more alert;
  • You can ward off drowsiness by smelling any citrus fruit, such as lemon or orange;
  • Get some fresh air. If you can’t go out for a walk, at least open the window to let fresh air into the room;
  • Laughter not only prolongs life, but also gives a boost of energy. To keep your eyes open, read jokes and funny stories.

Associated symptoms

In addition to the main symptom, that is, “fog in the eyes,” there are manifestations of a different nature. Additional or accompanying symptoms may include:

  • Destructive phenomena on the retina are always accompanied by sharp flashes, sparks, and flashes.
  • An attack of glaucoma is eloquently indicated by pain in the head, iridescence and fireworks in the eyes.
  • Redness of the cornea, severe lacrimation, purulent discharge and pain in the eyes.

At the first stage of development, all symptoms are not very well diagnosed and do not cause alarm, but tend to develop very quickly.


Try to get at least a short nap if your eyes close during the workday

This phenomenon refers to a neurological syndrome, which is characterized by a reflex contraction of the muscles that hold the eye muscles.

Because of this phenomenon, the eyelids involuntarily close. Blepharospasm is often a reaction to pain in the eyes. The syndrome affects women more often than men. In severe cases, the problem does not go away on its own, and you have to take medications to open the eye.

If the circular muscles of the face are in good shape, blepharospasm does not pose any threat to human health, but when the phenomenon transforms into a chronic form, the patient may experience psychological discomfort, which prevents him from communicating normally with people and conducting professional activities.

Blepharospasm can be recognized by the following signs:

  • Twitching of eyelids;
  • Presence of spasm of the tongue muscles;
  • Impaired lacrimation;
  • The occurrence of spasm of the masticatory muscles;
  • Spasm of the laryngeal muscles.

The causes of blepharospasm are as follows:

  • The use of medications that have neuroleptic effects;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Impaired mobility of the eye muscles;
  • Foreign body getting into the eye;
  • Dry eyes;
  • Some eye diseases, including blepharitis;
  • Trichiasis;
  • Working at a computer for long periods of time can cause eye pain;
  • Overwork;
  • Constant stress;
  • Chronic lack of sleep;
  • Lack of vitamins in the body.

There are two types of blepharospasm, which causes the eyes to close:

  • Primary, acting as an independent neurological reaction;
  • Secondary, being a component of another disease.

To eliminate the problem, not only traditional medications that eliminate spasms are used. You can also use folk remedies in the form of herbal compresses - cinquefoil, medicinal calendula, valerian, motherwort, oregano, yarrow.


This problem is well known to cosmetology, but medicine also often encounters it. Ptosis is a drooping of the upper eyelid that causes the eye to close spontaneously. The severity of ptosis can vary from an almost imperceptible drooping of the eyelid to a degree in which the eye is almost completely closed. This problem can occur with age, but it also occurs in children.

The phenomenon can be either congenital or acquired. In the first case, ptosis is a consequence of underdevelopment of the muscles involved in raising the eyelid, impaired innervation, and genetic changes. Often congenital ptosis occurs together with other eye diseases - strabismus, anisometropia, amblyopia, etc.

Acquired ptosis can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Age-related changes in which the eye muscles weaken and stretch;
  • Weakening of muscles due to previous operations. One way to prevent this problem is to behave correctly after eye surgery;
  • The presence of a neurogenic factor. Cervical sympathetic nerve palsy, multiple sclerosis, diseases of the nervous system, consequences of a stroke - all this can cause the development of ptosis;
  • Mechanical factor. When the eyelid ruptures, its deformations are present, or neoplasms appear on it, eyelid drooping can develop;
  • Severe hypotony of the eyeball.

Matches won't help if your eyes are closing, but there are a number of ways to stop drowsiness

There is such a thing as false or apparent ptosis. It refers to excess folds of the skin of the eyelid, due to which it droops. The phenomenon may be due to the structural features of a person’s face or a genetic factor.

Often, surgical intervention is necessary to treat ptosis.

To correct the problem in children and eliminate deformation, their eyelid is fixed with a plaster - this is a measure to prevent strabismus and amblyopia. But in most cases the operation is still performed.

Ptosis is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a factor that can provoke ophthalmological diseases.

Pterygium - brief description

It often happens that the eye shell becomes covered with a film. This is one of the prerequisites for a diagnosis such as pterygium. The film itself is made up of conjunctival tissue, but only in a modified form. Its initial dimensions are insignificant and no particular discomfort is felt. But its gradual progression can close the corneal area.

There are no specific factors for the formation of the film, in contrast to the reasons contributing to the development of the presented disease. To prevent the resulting film from increasing in size, you need to:

  • avoid ultraviolet rays;
  • avoid factors that irritate the eye membrane;
  • avoid drafts and gusts of wind;
  • Spend less time watching TV and PC monitor.

There is no specific group of people affected by the disease in question. It can develop in both men and women. Age category does not play a role here either. Pterygium has 2 stages of development:

  1. The first stage is the initial stage. Here the symptoms are practically not expressed, and the patient does not notice any pain or discomfort.
  2. The second stage is progressive. She is characterized by the following symptoms:
  • the organs of vision become swollen;
  • the surrounding tissues may itch, a slight burning sensation and some irritation also occur (especially often manifested in the form of redness);
  • Visual acuity decreases, the patient begins to see worse.

Pterygium can be of 2 forms:

  1. the neoplasm does not increase in size for a very long time;
  2. active growth of the tumor.

Myasthenia gravis

This is an autoimmune disease that causes muscle weakness and rapid fatigue. The root cause of the problem is impaired neuromuscular transmission. Most often, disorders occur directly in the eye muscles.

The cause of the disease is gene mutations, due to which the immune system fights the cells of its own body, considering them foreign.

If we are talking about myasthenia of the eye muscles, due to which the eyes close, symptoms, in addition to this sign, may include the following circumstances:

  • Strabismus may develop;
  • Difficulty in focusing your gaze;
  • Double vision.

To treat myasthenia gravis, medications are used to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. These are medications that suppress the immune response; in some cases, immunosuppressants may be prescribed.

If your eyes close, what should you do? It depends on why they are closing. You will be able to distinguish fatigue, drowsiness from spasm, so if this is not the reason, you should consult a doctor.

Nonspecific first signs of cataract development

These include symptoms that are also characteristic of other vision diseases - glaucoma, myopia, eye infections.

  1. 1) The appearance of “floaters in the eyes”
  2. 2) Painting objects yellowish
  3. 3) Violation of visual contrast (elderly people especially often pay attention to this sign of cataracts)
  4. 4) The desire to clean glasses more often. It seems to the patient that they are constantly cloudy or contaminated with something.
  5. 5) It always seems like the room is dark
  6. 6) Photophobia. A person begins to squint more often, avoids brightly lit places, and headaches begin from strong light. The symptom is characteristic of cataracts with damage to the lens in the central part.
  7. 7) Impairments in the perception of correct color shades and brightness of objects

The presence of symptoms depends on the stage of the disease and what part of the lens is damaged. Sometimes a patient may not suspect that he has cataracts for many years, and the presence of this disease is determined only during a routine examination by an ophthalmologist. As a rule, one eye is affected first, then the deterioration of vision affects the second. Without appropriate treatment, complete blindness can occur, and to prevent this, immediately visit an ophthalmologist at the first symptoms - only he can make a differential diagnosis, determine the stage of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

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