My eyes hurt from welding, what should I do?

Common Associated Symptoms

  1. Itching and irritating sensations in the eyes, not only in the inner part of the eyeball, but throughout the entire surface.
  2. Constant flow of tears from the eyes for no apparent reason.
  3. Dry eyes, you often have to use special drops to maintain the natural balance of the mucous membrane.
  4. A subjective feeling of increased pressure in the eye or in a certain area of ​​it.
  5. Vision disorders. The most famous of them are picture blur, as well as ghosting.
  6. Nystagmus. This is the twitching of the eyeballs at a certain pace.
  7. Swelling of the mucous membrane and nearby soft tissues.

Associated symptoms of eye pain

Why do we see stars if we rub our eyes?


> Interesting things > Why do we see stars if we rub our eyes?

Sometimes, having rubbed our eyes heavily, we watch for some time as stars or flies begin to dance in front of them.

Where do these stars come from? Why and for what reason do they appear after you rub or close your eyes hard?

Eye structure

The human eye is a small, almost transparent circle, the back wall of which is called the retina. It contains special receptors that are particularly sensitive to light. These receptors are called rods and cones. They are responsible for the receptivity of light and the transmission of colors. There is also a lens inside the eye that helps direct light to the retina.

The essence of vision

When light passes through the lens of the eye, like through a special lens, it stops on the retina. Rods and cones are made up of mitochondria, organic cells. When the energy of the light particles causes the mitochondria to produce their own energy, information is transmitted through the nerve endings in the retina to the brain. The brain translates all this into a picture, which we perceive with consciousness.

What are eye floaters?

Stars, flies, sparks - all these phenomena have one common name. When visible images appear not due to external factors, but are an internal influence, the brain begins to incorrectly read information. We, in turn, see phosphenes - these same figures. In addition to direct effects on the eye, phosphenes are formed during strong arousal and increased brain activity.

Appearance mechanism

What happens when you rub your eyes? We stimulate the receptors that are responsible for the appearance of such stars. They transmit false information to the brain, and this allows us to see stars, no matter whether our eyes are open or closed.

Not just friction

The effect of phosphenes is manifested not only during direct exposure directly to the eyes. They can occur as a result of a strong blow to the head, as this also leads to stimulation of the visual centers of the brain. Sometimes, when you change your body position too quickly, for example, suddenly stand on your feet, there is either darkening in the eyes or the appearance of flying dots. This occurs due to a sharp rush of blood to the head, which, again, causes the visual centers to become excited.

Not a rare ability

Not all people can see phosphenes. Those who are blind from birth will never be able to see this phenomenon. But those who were once sighted and for some reason have lost the ability to see may continue to see them occasionally. This is because when sudden vision loss occurs, not all visual functions are lost.

Children's view of the world

It is easiest for children to induce the effect of phosphenes. Most likely because children perceive them as something real, since they cannot yet separate internal phenomena from external manifestations of the world around them. Over the years, the ability to easily cause phosphenes disappears.

Not just like that

The appearance of phosphenes is not always harmless and goes away without complications for the body. If they appear suddenly without any external influence, it may be a symptom of serious diseases. For example, in case of acute poisoning, a person may not only see stars, but also the splitting of objects. With internal bleeding, floaters may appear, mostly white.

What else are dangerous?

In addition to being a symptom of a serious illness, phosphenes can simply cause discomfort in everyday life. For example, for a driver who is forced to be on the road for a long time, the appearance of phosphenes will be very inappropriate, as it can distract his attention from the road. This could result in a serious accident.

When to go to the doctor

If the appearance of phosphenes was not accompanied by any effects on the visual centers of the brain and appear quite often, you should consult a doctor.
Such frequent, causeless phenomena may be symptoms of diseases of both the visual system and the brain itself. If you notice this and start special treatment as early as possible, you can avoid terrible and unpleasant consequences. It is very important to take care of your health and listen to the signals of your body. Very often the body itself tells a person that something wrong is happening. Share this:
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This is the most common and easily explained reason that affects the appearance of pain inside the eyes. If the tension of the eye muscles is carried out for too long, their unadaptability to such loads is immediately noticed. To prevent these unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to limit the time of activities such as continuous work with documents or small objects, reading, watching television without being distracted by additional events, working at the computer without taking breaks with proper exercise.

When the eye muscles are severely overworked, pain begins, the degree of intensity of which depends on the initial endurance of the muscles and nerves of the ocular system, as well as on the nature and duration of the activity that became a predisposing factor to the onset of pain.

To prevent eye strain, you need to take breaks and exercise your eyes.

Causes not associated with diseases

Foreign bodyThe destruction of some tissues or their severe bruising can be caused by any foreign object, for example, lenses, small things, if these elements accidentally enter the eye.
Internal discomfort in the eyes often manifests itself in people who, due to their own work activities, are engaged in electric welding, are exposed to excessive lighting for a long time, or are exposed to noticeable flickering. Usually, a foreign body that remains on the mucous membrane can be removed by the victim independently. Then providing medical assistance is not necessary. Sometimes situations arise in which foreign bodies are too small, so you have to seek the help of a doctor with professional tools. The patient himself, if it is impossible to identify and remove foreign bodies, can only harm the eye, causing pinching and increased pain through ineffective actions.
BurnIf electric welding or similar work is carried out, there is a high probability that a person may suffer from a severe retinal burn if the protective equipment is used incorrectly or if it is used in an incomplete set. This condition is manifested by severe pain together with significant swelling of the entire ocular apparatus. Another characteristic detail is that all negative symptoms do not appear immediately, but after several hours after completion of work or during long-term implementation.
MicrotraumaIf microtraumas of the ocular surface occur (corneal trauma when putting on a contact lens, damaged lens, accumulation of protein deposits on the lens), which are accompanied only by the feeling that something has got into the eye, do not neglect treatment, since the lack of treatment for microtraumas can lead to irritation and redness, which in turn can contribute to the development of complications (keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, corneal ulcers), since damaged tissues are a gateway to infection.
For the restoration of eye tissue, medications containing dexpanthenol, a substance with a regenerating effect, have proven themselves to be effective. In particular, the eye gel “Korneregel” has a healing effect due to the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol 5%*, and the carbomer included in its composition, due to its viscous texture, prolongs the contact of dexpanthenol with the ocular surface.
InjuryIf a traumatic injury to the eye has a high degree of severity, which is expressed by severe pain from all parts of the eyeball, especially from its back side, there is a risk of severe deterioration of vision up to its complete loss, therefore it is necessary to treat injuries in a timely manner and not to overload vision for a long time after recovery.
When the eye has undergone a minor cut or puncture, a blood clot appears inside the tissue, sometimes quite massive. If something other than a sharp object gets into the eye, abrasions and wounds appear. One of the most dangerous traumatic injuries to the eye is contact with the mucous membrane of small metal shavings. If these objects are not removed or the procedure is carried out long after the foreign element has entered, partial retinal detachment may occur, which is fraught with lifelong vision problems, as well as severe inflammatory processes.

Sometimes even intraocular hemorrhage, which is provoked by a strong or unsuccessful blow, can lead to severe and irreversible consequences for a person’s vision. Often the patient initially does not notice these consequences, but subsequently pain inside the eye can remind of a dangerous pathology.

Video - possible causes of eye pain

*5% is the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol among ophthalmic forms in the Russian Federation. According to the State Register of Medicines, State Medical Devices and Organizations (individual entrepreneurs) engaged in the production and manufacture of medical devices, as well as data from open sources of manufacturers (official websites, publications), April 2017

There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

Read our article about Levomycetin eye drops.

How to prevent irritation and itching in the eyes?

The main reason why people rub their eyes with their hands is irritation of the visual organs. Therefore, to stop rubbing your eyes, it is enough to get rid of the factors that cause irritation. It is not difficult:

· Give your eyes a rest periodically. This is especially true for people who spend a long time at the computer. Every hour of active work at the monitor, it is recommended to take a break for 5-10 minutes, during which you should perform special exercises for the eyes. Among them there are such as rotating the eyes, observing close and distant objects alternately, and many others.

· Avoid situations where something might get into your eyes. Do not walk through the swarming clouds of insects, but avoid them. If the wind is blowing in your face, try to look away, especially on the beach. When passing by construction sites, lawn mowers and roads without asphalt, don’t look in their direction either, as anything can fly in at the most unexpected moment. You can also wear dark glasses.

· If you have dry eyes, use wet drops regularly. An ophthalmologist will help you choose the right drops for your eyes. Eye drops do not take much time and effort, so you will not lose anything, but only gain. If you wear contact lenses but your eyes do not tolerate them well, consider using special drops designed to improve compatibility.

Don't forget to properly organize your workspace if your work is closely related to the computer. Remember that the optimal gap between the eyes and the monitor is at least 50 centimeters. Often this distance should be another 10-20 centimeters more than the minimum. The distance from the TV must also be chosen correctly. It depends on the diagonal. For example, for a diagonal of 25 inches - 2 meters.

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