Causes of eye pain when tilting head down

Is there a headache with coronavirus?

COVID causes headache (cephalalgia) in more than 98% of patients. It becomes the first sign that a person has become infected. The pain is most intense during the acute period, when the virus actively penetrates protein structures and destroys them.

The nature of the pain may vary. In some patients, cephalalgia resembles a migraine attack. Conventional analgesics do not help get rid of the painful sensations, and the patient himself experiences weakness, nausea, and dizziness. A headache attack may persist for several days (often 4-5).

If the coronavirus is mild, there may be no other symptoms of infection other than headache. Therefore, it is important to distinguish pain from a virus from that which accompanies high blood pressure or occurs after an injury.

With cyclical pain, a person experiences attacks that repeat with certain time intervals. Localization of acute pain is in the temporal and frontal region. The patient has difficulty withstanding light and notices blurry images. I suffer from attacks of vomiting and nausea. The pauses between attacks are shortened, and unpleasant symptoms become more intense.

A constant feeling as if your head is splitting and buzzing is often accompanied by nasal congestion and burning eyes. The human condition is similar to the onset of the disease when infected with the flu.


Migraine is also considered one of the causes of headaches. The source of the disease has not been established, but presumably it is a violation of cerebral vascular tone. This indirectly confirms the fact that a throbbing headache often accompanies vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is impossible to completely get rid of migraine attacks, but it is possible to significantly influence their frequency.

The symptom of this disease is a unilateral headache, which spreads to the forehead, crown, bridge of the nose and orbit, and less often radiates to the back of the head and upper jaw. The pain occurs sporadically at any time of the day, but more often in the evening or at night. It can be of various types: aching, stabbing, burning, squeezing. Before attacks, an aura may appear: irritability, pressing pain in the eyes, photophobia. During a seizure, bright lights and loud noises significantly increase the symptoms of the disease.

Cluster headache is a type of migraine with similar symptoms. Seizures develop without cause and consist of several mini-seizures (clusters), which alternate with periods of relief. The attack occurs in the evening or at night and goes away as suddenly as it appears. As a rule, the first seizure occurs in adolescence, less often in adulthood.

Why does coronavirus cause a headache?

The virus multiplies in the host's body and spreads throughout the body. This causes the pain in the head to become more severe. The reason for this phenomenon is a large number of toxins that enter the central nervous system through the bloodstream and affect neurons.

There are other causes of headaches due to coronavirus infection:

  • toxins formed against the background of the destructive effect of the virus cause spasm of cerebral vessels;
  • impaired gas exchange in the lungs causes oxygen deficiency, which affects the brain;
  • Anxiety and emotional stress associated with the disease provoke an increase in blood pressure in many people.

Immediately after infection, headaches are caused by toxins and the action of the infectious agent. As the pathological process progresses, the structure of blood vessels is disrupted. They become swollen, their lumen narrows. As a result, insufficient blood flows to the brain. And lung damage provokes a lack of oxygen in the blood. Consequently, the brain suffers from hypoxia and the head begins to hurt.

Why do your eyes hurt when moving to the sides - causes and treatment

You have not previously suffered from eye diseases, there were no injuries or visible reasons for this, but suddenly it becomes painful to move your eyes. A new disease reduces the quality of life: completing daily tasks turns into a feat. After reading the article to the end, you will learn the probable causes of pain and what treatment ophthalmologists offer for the disease.

Ophthalmological causes of eye pain

Pain in the eyes when the eyeball moves is a symptom of the development of eyeball pathology. If the following symptoms are also present, you should consult an ophthalmologist:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Chills, fever.
  • Decreased visual acuity.
  • Difficulty in rotating eye movements.

During the examination, the doctor will identify the cause of the discomfort, make a diagnosis, and prescribe treatment. The suspected causes of the disease are the following diseases, which we will consider in order.


An infectious disease of the visual apparatus, caused by Staphylococcus aureus. This is an inflammation that affects the edges of the eyelid.

Symptoms of blepharitis:

  • Eye fatigue.
  • Increased sensitivity of the organ of vision to light.
  • Redness of the eyelids.
  • Pain when turning the eyes.
  • Edema.
  • Itching.
  • Purulent discharge sticking together the eyelids.

Secondary causes of the disease:

  • Decreased immunity.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Anemia.
  • Allergy.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Using expired cosmetics.
  • Astigmatism.
  • Myopia.
  • Farsightedness.


Soreness of the visual apparatus, expressed by inflammation of the eye muscles. The eye muscles cause discomfort when raising the eyes up, to the sides, or when rotating. As the disease progresses, eye movement becomes impossible. An additional symptom is swelling of the eyelids. The trigger mechanisms for the formation of the disease are:

  1. Infection.
  2. Stress that causes severe nervous exhaustion.
  3. Eye strain (working at a computer, reading).
  4. Hypothermia.
  5. Injury.


A chronic disease that develops due to increased eye pressure, vision sharply decreases. Without treatment, glaucoma inevitably leads to blindness. The first symptom: it hurts to move your eyes around. The disease is also characterized by a dilated pupil. If I look in front of me and see a black spot - the beginning of a retinal detachment, surgery will be performed.

Additional symptoms:

  • Visual impairment.
  • Stinging in the eyes.
  • Tearing.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Migraine.
  • Swelling.
  • Vomiting, nausea.

Main causes of the disease:

  • Advanced age.
  • Myopia.
  • Heredity.
  • Smoking.
  • Diabetes.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the visual organ.
  • Disturbance in the balance of outflow-inflow of aqueous humor in the eye cavity.

Spasm of accommodation

False myopia caused by spasm of the eye muscle. Leads to the development of myopia and provokes strabismus. Pathology is determined by the following symptoms:

  • Eye fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • It hurts to turn your eyes.
  • Tearing.
  • Redness of the organ of vision.
  • Discomfort.
  • Cutting, burning.

The disease occurs in students and school-age children, as the cause is reading, sitting at the computer, visual strain, vitamin deficiency, and osteochondrosis.

Destruction of the vitreous body

The vitreous body is destroyed. Patient complaints: it is painful to move the organ of vision, floating spots in the eyes are exfoliated collagen particles. Without treatment, there is a risk of vitreous detachment. The disease is caused by:

  • Myopia.
  • Poor ocular circulation.
  • Metabolic diseases.
  • Viruses.
  • Mechanical damage to the eyeball.

Other reasons

The eyeballs hurt when moving due to acute respiratory and viral diseases: colds, flu. Meningitis is also accompanied by difficulty moving the visual organ. Common causes of pain in the eyes are allergies, Quincke's edema, and inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Particular attention should be paid to the following diseases under consideration.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye socket. Characteristic symptoms of the disease:

  • Swelling of the eyelids and folds.
  • Itching, burning.
  • Tearing.
  • Feeling as if there are foreign bodies in the eye.
  • Discharge, eye sticking.
  • Decreased visual acuity.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Eye muscles hurt.

Inflammation can be caused by vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders, myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, or infection. Complications of sinusitis are one of the causes of conjunctivitis.

Intracranial hypertension

CSF hypertension is increased pressure inside the head. Pain in the head when moving the eyes is the main symptom, secondary symptoms are expressed by:

  • Nausea;
  • Increased nervous excitability;
  • Constant fatigue;
  • Irregularities in blood pressure;
  • Meteosensitivity;
  • Decreased libido.

The disease is a consequence of chronic lung diseases, caused by congestive heart failure, heredity, prematurity, and pericardial effusion.

With hypertension, the brain is compressed; lack of timely treatment leads to displacement, decreased intellectual abilities, and death. Signal sign: when you look up, your head hurts.

If you suspect increased intracranial pressure, you should urgently consult a specialist!

Prevention of eye diseases

To avoid having to think about why your eyes may hurt when you move them, it is worth taking preventive measures. You can protect the visual organ by giving up alcohol, smoking, and normalizing your diet. Exclude from the menu things that increase blood pressure: coffee, chocolate. It is worth taking eye vitamins once a year, for example, based on blueberries. In the morning you need to do exercises:

  • Circular rotations with the eyes: 20 times to the right, 20 to the left.
  • Raise your eyes up.
  • Look down.
  • Movements to the side.
  • Direct your gaze into the distance, towards your nose.

It is necessary to properly equip the workspace: the light falls from the left, the computer monitor is 30 centimeters from the eyes. Daylight, you can buy a fluorescent lamp.

Read and write only in good lighting.

Prevention of visual diseases consists of following a working regime: every 20 minutes you need to give your eyes a rest and do visual gymnastics. Maintain a sleep schedule.

Drug treatment

What to do if your eyes hurt? Of course, you need to contact a specialist. The doctor will examine the fundus; additional diagnostics may be required. Treatment should be prescribed after diagnosis has been established.

For increased intraocular pressure, antiglaucoma medications are prescribed: eye drops Glaumol, Carbachol, Luxfen, topical solution Latisse, aerosol Proxofelin.

If the eyelid is swollen, this is a symptom of an inflammatory, infectious disease, most often conjunctivitis. Inflammation is easily treatable. Ophthalmologists prescribe various drops: Albucid, Floxal, Levomycetin.

The latter remedy enters the bloodstream and fights a whole list of infectious diseases. For infectious diseases, treatment must come from within. Ophthalmologists prescribe antibiotics, antiviral, and immune drugs.

Spasm of accommodation is relieved with Irifrin, Midriacil, Lutein. The drugs relax the eye muscles, preventing the development of myopia, and the pressing pain disappears.

Eye treatment should be accompanied by regular visits to a specialist. Follow your doctor's instructions. Other drugs will delay treatment and worsen the situation.

Supportive treatments

Treatment mechanisms consist not only of medications, but also physiotherapeutic procedures. Laser treatment, electrophoresis, electrical neurostimulation, and computer training are prescribed. The course of treatment can be supplemented with folk remedies.

Conjunctivitis is treated with a propolis solution, the eyes are washed with tea, and chamomile lotions are applied. For glaucoma, drink woodlice tincture, aloe juice, and duckweed. When painful sensations of various kinds appear, nettle compresses are applied.

It would be useful to drink special mixtures for the eyes, which contain blueberries and St. John's wort. All herbs and components for tinctures can be purchased at the pharmacy or on the market.

So, you have learned why it hurts to move your eyes, what diseases are indicated by unpleasant sensations, what medications and procedures are prescribed to treat the eyes. Remember, if your eyeball hurts, you need to urgently consult a specialist! Delay can cost the ability to see, and sometimes even lead to death.


How and where does a headache with coronavirus occur? Symptoms

Most people who have recovered from the virus note that the headache is moderate. The intensity of spasms differs as the pathological process develops:

  • in the first 2-3 days the strongest;
  • from day 4 they weaken;
  • After 5-7 days there is practically no concern.

When you have a severe headache due to coronavirus, the cephalalgia is constant, mostly aching. It may feel like a feeling of fullness or pressure on the inside of the skull.

Often spasms do not have a clear localization. Unpleasant sensations affect the frontal area, the back of the head, and often spread throughout the entire head.

Experts have tracked two types of cephalgia in patients with coronavirus. Severe paroxysmal pain does not stop for several hours, then subsides for 30-40 minutes and intensifies again, accompanied by panic. Diffuse pain is accompanied by heaviness, nasal congestion, and burning in the eyes.

Headache in the eyes occurs against the background of increased body temperature. The rapid spread of toxins causes muscle pain, and the facial muscles are very sensitive.

Another reason for the unpleasant feeling in the eyes is sinus congestion. In them, against the background of an infectious process, swelling develops and pressure increases. Because of this, a person feels pain in the eyes and forehead.

Pain in the eye when moving the eyeball to the side or up: causes of the symptom

Pain in the eye when moving the eyeball can have a different character, radiate to the head, and be accompanied by decreased clarity of vision. Such symptoms often indicate serious ophthalmological diseases, so to determine the cause it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Painful symptoms during eye movement can be caused by both external and internal factors associated with pathologies of the visual system.

Eye pathologies as a cause of pain

Painful sensations when moving the eyeballs most often occur with eye pathologies. Among the most common diseases that cause pain are:

  • Conjunctivitis. In addition to discomfort when moving the eyeballs, the patient experiences redness of the mucous membrane, tearing, sensation of a foreign object in the eye, and sensitivity to bright light. Conjunctivitis can be infectious, viral, fungal, allergic or traumatic in origin, and requires mandatory drug treatment.
  • Uveitis is an inflammatory phenomenon in the vascular system of the eye. Sometimes the pathology is asymptomatic. May be accompanied by light intolerance, increased lacrimation, pain when moving the eyeballs to the sides, as well as blurred vision. Lack of treatment often results in blindness.
  • Iritis is an ophthalmological disease accompanied by inflammation of the iris. Symptoms include blurred vision, swelling, change in the color of the pupil, a slower reaction to light, and redness of the mucous membrane. It is painful for a person to raise his eyes upward, and the painful symptoms radiate to the eyebrow area. Iritis may be of infectious or allergic origin.
  • Dry eye syndrome. Develops as a result of insufficient tear production. The cause of pathology can be both external and internal factors. Typical manifestations of the syndrome are: a feeling of dryness and burning in the eyeballs, hypersensitivity to light, a feeling of a foreign body in the orbit, squeezing and tightness. The pain intensifies when turning the eyes to the right and left, and is itchy and scratchy.
  • Increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma). A serious illness that can result in blindness. In the early stages of development, the disease may not manifest itself in any way, while deterioration in vision clarity occurs when irreversible damage to the optic nerve fibers occurs. Characteristic signs are: narrowing of the visual fields, tearing, redness of the mucous membranes, pain and pain in the orbit, nausea, vomiting, general weakness.
  • Inflammation of the optic nerve (neuritis). Pathology accompanied by a significant deterioration in visual abilities. In this case, the patient’s eyes and head hurt, blind spots appear in the field of vision, color perception and the ability to see in the dark deteriorate. Most often, the disease is of infectious origin and may be associated with sinusitis and caries.

Which doctor should I contact?

To determine the cause of pain in the eyes, you need to contact an ophthalmologist and accurately describe the symptoms that arise and the duration of their occurrence.

If necessary, the ophthalmologist will refer the patient to highly specialized doctors - a neurologist, traumatologist, therapist, ENT specialist.

Diagnostic methods for eye pain

First of all, the specialist will conduct a visual examination of the organs of vision and assess the condition of the cornea, eye socket and eyelids. The following diagnostic methods may also be prescribed:

  • study of peripheral vision to establish the boundaries of the visual field;
  • examination of the fundus of the eye using an ophthalmoscope. This method will allow us to study the retina, optic nerve disc, and blood vessels;
  • biomicroscopy. Examination of ocular tissues with a slit lamp. Helps identify glaucoma, keratitis, iridocyclitis and other inflammatory phenomena in blood vessels;
  • tonometry is used to measure pressure in the organs of vision;
  • Ultrasound is used to assess the structure of the eye, the condition of the lens and retina;
  • pathologies of the cornea can be detected using confocal microscopy;
  • A fluorescein test will allow you to assess the condition of the lacrimal ducts, as well as detect dacryocystitis.


If any movement of the eyeballs is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, and it is painful to move your eyes in a circle, you should provide the organs of vision with complete rest and also protect them from sunlight.

Treatment methods depend on the causes of pain in the eyeballs:

  • infectious pathologies of bacterial etiology require oral antibiotics (Amoxicillin, etc.), as well as instillation of antimicrobial drops (Levomycetin, Tobrex, Floxal);
  • If the pain is of viral origin, antiviral ointments (Acyclovir) are used. You will also need to use local antiseptics (Ocomistin), anti-inflammatory and hormonal drops;
  • if the disease is allergic, antihistamines are used internally (Tavegil) and topically (Allergodil drops). In some cases, glucocorticoids (Dexamethasone) are used;
  • intense pain symptoms can be relieved with painkillers (Analgin, Ibuprofen), antispasmodics (No-shpa, Spazmalgon), which will remove muscle spasms and improve the functioning of the eyes;
  • if it hurts to rotate apples due to injuries and damage, the doctor may prescribe pain-relieving drops (Inocaine, Diclofenac), regenerating ointments (Solcoseryl), anti-inflammatory drugs (Sofradex, Vial);
  • Systane, Visin, Oxial drops will help relieve fatigue from the eyes and moisturize the mucous membrane;
  • You can enrich the tissues of the visual organs with vitamins and improve nutrition with the help of vitamin preparations (Complivit ophthalmo);
  • for intense irritation, Korneregel is prescribed;
  • Irifrin drops will help protect against dryness and reduce pressure in the eyes;
  • Emoxipin and Systane Ultra are used to relieve dry eye syndrome;
  • Visoptik will help protect the visual apparatus from irritation when wearing contact lenses;
  • more serious diseases, such as cataracts and glaucoma, require implantation of an artificial lens;
  • If contact lenses are incorrectly selected, they need to be replaced;
  • to relieve overstrain after prolonged work, eye gymnastics and palming are used;
  • If the pain in the eyeballs is not associated with severe pathologies, folk remedies can help. You can reduce inflammation and swelling with tea compresses, chamomile or calendula lotions.

The patient is immediately recommended to undergo an examination of the body for the presence of other, more serious diseases.


Measures to prevent pain during eye movement are:

  • regular visits to an ophthalmologist, timely treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases. You should not resort to unconventional treatment without consulting a specialist;
  • compliance with the daily routine. If you spend a long time at the computer, you need to take short breaks and do eye exercises;
  • if pain symptoms are a consequence of lack of sleep, night sleep should be normalized, devoting at least 8 hours to it;
  • adhere to safety rules when working potentially hazardous to the visual system: use safety glasses, avoid dusty rooms, do not touch your eyes with dirty hands. If injured, seek help immediately;
  • To protect your eyes from drying out, periodically use moisturizing drops recommended by your ophthalmologist.

A timely diagnosis and timely measures taken will help cure the underlying disease and quickly cope with unpleasant sensations.


Severe headache due to COVID

Doctors consider a severe headache that appears supposedly “for no reason” to be one of the important symptoms by which one can suspect infection with the virus. Cephalgia with coronavirus is distinguished by its duration (more than a day) and the lack of relief after taking analgesics.

Attention! It is possible to suspect the infectious nature of a headache only by excluding other causes - high blood pressure, recent head injury, vegetative-vascular disorders.

Coronavirus headache without fever

In the first days after infection (and sometimes the entire period of coronavirus disease), there may be no catarrhal symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • pain and sore throat;
  • cough;
  • shortness of breath.

A prolonged headache at normal body temperature may be the only sign that a person is unwell.

With asymptomatic coronavirus, a long-lasting headache is a sign of inflammation and narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, which leads to hypoxia.

General recommendations for diagnosis and therapy

After the first episode of headache, it is better to get examined immediately. First of all, you need to consult a neurologist, cardiologist, or ENT specialist.

Only after a detailed survey and examination will a specialist be able to make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe a set of diagnostic procedures to clarify the diagnosis.

In most cases, complex diagnostics are prescribed, including instrumental and laboratory research techniques.

Therapy is selected based on the final diagnosis. A comprehensive course of treatment is selected for each patient individually, taking into account all his characteristics.

What to do for a headache

Doctors, when asked what to do if you have a headache due to coronavirus, recommend refraining from taking analgesics. Instead, they recommend ensuring a flow of fresh air into the room where the infected person is located, and drinking enough fluids in the first days of illness.

Those who do not have heart or kidney problems should drink at least 2 liters of liquid at room temperature or slightly warmed. It could be:

  • still mineral water;
  • weak green tea with lemon;
  • fruit juice from berries (lingonberries, cranberries, black and red currants, raspberries);
  • infusion of rose hips, tea from raspberry twigs.

If you have a severe headache and a temperature above 38.5 degrees, you should take an antipyretic (Paracetamol or Ibuprofen).

Dear reader, we have collected all the most important and up-to-date information about COVID-19 on 1 page - the main thing about coronavirus. Also, current statistics are available for: Russia, Moscow, Moscow region and cities, St. Petersburg and all regions of the Russian Federation and countries of the world.

Headache after coronavirus - what to do

Many people who have recovered complain that their headaches continue to hurt after coronavirus. This phenomenon may be caused by asthenic syndrome or complications of the disease. Some experts believe that cephalalgia can also be triggered by emotional instability due to a previous illness.

With asthenic syndrome, in addition to headaches for 3-5 weeks, weakness, dizziness, and lack of energy are troubling. To quickly cope with asthenia, doctors recommend taking vitamin-mineral complexes and adaptogenic agents (tincture of Eleutherococcus, ginseng, Manchurian aralia).

If the headache is caused by complications of coronavirus, then treatment with drugs aimed at improving the functioning of brain structures will be required. Only a neurologist or family doctor can prescribe them. Nootropil, Glycine help to overcome the unpleasant consequences of coronavirus; antiepileptic drugs may be needed.

During coronavirus, and especially when it is severe, a person is under constant stress. Concerns about health persist even after tests have shown that the body has overcome the infection.

Psychologists or loved ones will help you cope with negative experiences. Even when communicating with someone who has been ill via video conference, they can reduce the intensity of their experiences by talking about recovery and refocusing their attention on the future.

Doctors' advice for coronavirus headaches

To restore strength, a special regime is required. It is necessary to walk in the fresh air, relax, and avoid overwork and stress.

It is very important to gradually transition to a normal life and increase physical activity. During the recovery period after coronavirus, physiotherapeutic procedures help get rid of heaviness and pain in the head:

  • darsonval;
  • massage of the head and collar area;
  • exercises focusing on the cervical spine.

If the pain does not go away within 2-3 weeks, you should consult a specialist. To find out the cause of the pain, the doctor may prescribe an electroencephalography or head tomogram.

Doctors recommend seeking help immediately if, some time after recovery, the headaches return with renewed vigor.

Urgent medical intervention is required if cephalgia intensifies when changing body position, accompanied by attacks of nausea and vomiting. You should immediately contact your family doctor or call an ambulance if the headache is accompanied by sudden weakness in the limbs and speech becomes slurred. These symptoms may indicate that a cerebral vessel is blocked by a blood clot and a stroke is developing.

Main reasons

If your forehead hurts, you need to understand what factors cause this condition. Among them are:

  • migraine;
  • injuries;
  • general toxic syndrome;
  • ailments of the ENT organs;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • malignant tumors.

Each of the above pathologies requires appropriate treatment from a doctor.

Reviews from coronavirus survivors with headaches

I have coronavirus and have tested positive. My head has been hurting for 10 days now. In the first two days, the pain was unbearable, no pills helped. The only thing that saved me was sleep.

Then the pain became a little weaker, but I noticed that instead of a feeling of strong bursting from the inside, it turned into a focus that became active either in the area of ​​the right eye or in the temple.
In addition to the headache, I lost my sense of smell, my throat was very sore, but now it’s easier. Now, to get rid of headaches, I take spasmalgon, it makes me feel better. Elena, 48 years old

I was sick with coronavirus 3 months ago. From the first day I had a fever (at first not very high, 37.5-37.7, then for several days it reached 40) and a headache. I took antipyretic pills only if the thermometer showed 39. I dealt with headaches with cold compresses on the forehead and back of the head, and washed my face with cold water.

After recovery, the heaviness in my head did not go away immediately, I noticed that I felt absolutely normal only after 3 weeks. And also - during the first trips out into the street I felt severe weakness and dizziness, but the doctor said that this was normal and would gradually go away.
And so it happened. Victor, 32 years old

My illness began with a severe headache.
A colleague at work measured my blood pressure - it turned out that it was 144 over 95. For me, this is just off the charts, my normal is 110 over 60. Then I didn’t yet know that I had corona. But when, after 2 days, my sense of smell disappeared, I went to take a test, it turned out to be positive. During the coronavirus, I had a headache almost constantly for 6 days, although I controlled my blood pressure. I think that viburnum tea, which I drank in liters, helped me; it lowered my blood pressure and gave me strength. Natalya, 40 years old

I got corona a month ago, but I still feel heaviness in my head.
In the first 5 days of illness, the headache was as severe as during a hypertensive crisis. The skull was literally torn apart, sometimes it felt like they were hitting the back of the head with a hammer, then I felt sick. If I didn’t have a tonometer at hand, I wouldn’t even know that it wasn’t blood pressure. The temperature rises to 38.7 for three days. When it began to subside on its own, the headache also calmed down a little. Olga, 60 years old

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