Why do my eyes turn red after taking a shower? Why do my eyes turn red after a shower and bath: an illness or an allergic reaction? Eyes turn red after a bath

Vegetovascular dystonia

Redness of the eyes after taking a shower can be considered an alarming symptom only if this happens every time in such a situation. Exposure to high or low water temperatures affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system and causes changes in blood pressure. Therefore, if the redness of the eyes goes away quickly, there is no reason to worry. But when the eyes remain red for a long period, you should consult a doctor for examination for possible vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Is this normal or should you be wary: red eyes after a bath and alcohol?

A visit to a bathhouse with a steam room and a swimming pool is a great way to leisurely but effectively improve your health.
But sometimes, along with a boost of vivacity and a good mood, a visitor gets red eyes as a “fly in the ointment.”

If a person also drank alcoholic drinks in order to “relax better,” he does not know whether the alcohol affected the redness of the eyes, or whether the cause of the redness was due to the particular effects of the procedures.

How to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon and what to do when this fails?



With “red eyes,” not only does the color of the white change.

My eyes burn, they itch, I want to constantly rub them. You may also get a headache.

When looking at sunlight in summer, and at white snow in winter, my eyes hurt and begin to water .

Causes of redness

Factors influencing the appearance of red eyes in bathhouse visitors

Causes of rednessHow do they influence
Hot steamIn the steam room, the eyes are exposed to hot dry (or wet) steam. As you know, the steam room itself makes a person’s skin red, as the blood vessels dilate and the pores open . The eyeball, not having the pore system characteristic of the skin, does not remove excess fluid, causing small blood vessels to burst.
Temperature difference in the steam room and the “rest room”The optimal temperature maintained in a bathhouse is from 60 to 90 degrees , and some bath attendants can withstand even up to 100-120 and still feel quite comfortable. However, when going into the next room to relax, drink, have a snack or chat with friends, it is necessary to take into account that the temperature changes sharply. Even if it is warm enough there - up to 25 degrees , the difference can be 35-65 degrees , which is a big load for small eye capillaries.
Droplets of sweat into your eyes.The cleansing effects of water and steam reach their maximum effect when we sweat. Some bath-goers and athletes lose up to 2 liters of sweat. Even if an ordinary person loses a little less, the release of fluid through the pores in a steam bath occurs abundantly, because sweat is secreted to cool the body and normal thermoregulation. Sweat contains salt crystals, which, when contacted with the eyes, act slightly irritating on the mucous membranes, causing them to redden. .

The described reasons are physiological reactions of the body of a healthy person, however, red eyes after a bath can also indicate the manifestation of symptoms of chronic ailments.

Attention! Redness of the eyes in the bath also indicates an increase in blood pressure , as a result of which blood vessels burst. If you are hypertensive, check with your doctor whether you can go to the bathhouse.

In addition, a symptom such as redness after a bath sometimes indicates problems in the body.

A reaction such as a change in the color of the protein after swimming sometimes occurs with vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart problems, and can also be a manifestation of allergies .

Such “decoration” of the face after bath procedures can sometimes be an exacerbation of an existing disease:
conjunctivitis, glaucoma, corneal ulcers, blepharitis, uveitis.
There is no need to get scared ahead of time; first you need to exclude simpler causes of redness after a bath.

Prevention methods

While in the steam room, in the first few minutes you need to sit or lie down comfortably, closing your eyes. This way, you will gradually get used to the temperature difference and the mucous membranes will not react so sharply and will not turn red.

After leaving the steam room, help your eyes cool down and rest, allowing them to adjust to the new temperature. For this purpose:

  • Rinse your face with running water:
  • apply contrasting compresses , pieces of ice, or chamomile infusion;
  • Never rub your eyes with a towel.

Why do my eyelids turn red after a bath?

Redness after normal hygiene procedures and taking a bath is considered an alarming symptom when this happens every time in a similar situation.

In other cases, redness after visiting the bath is a natural reaction of the body.

Factors influencing the appearance of red eyes after bathing:

Causes of rednessHow do they influence
Vegetovascular dystoniaIf the water drawn into the bath is too hot or, conversely, not warm enough, and a person feels chilly, this affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system and causes changes in blood pressure. Therefore, if the redness of the eyes goes away quickly, there is no reason to worry. But when the organs remain red for a long period, it is worth consulting a doctor to exclude the possibility of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
Allergic reactionOften this is the reason for redness. Even detergents containing natural ingredients can cause allergies. Usually, an allergic reaction, in addition to redness of the eyes, is also accompanied by skin irritation , unusual spots appear on the body, and the skin itches. True, soap and shampoo are not always to blame. Quite often, an allergic reaction occurs to chlorine impurities, which are used to disinfect tap water.
Eye irritationRedness of the visual organs after a bath occurs in almost all cases if soap gets . The composition of the substances included in detergents very often acts quite aggressively on the mucous membrane of the eyes, causing burning and itching.
Capillary weaknessTaking a bath stimulates specific physiological processes in the body, during which excess fluid is removed from it. If your eyes are constantly red after a bath, this may indicate weakness of the capillaries, which are the smallest blood vessels in our body. This phenomenon already signals a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body or existing ailments .

It often happens that redness after a bath is caused by simple overload and fatigue at the end of a busy day. To avoid such redness after taking a bath, you need to give your eyes timely rest, use moisturizing eye drops, walk more often and take vitamins.

Allergic reaction

Often, red eyes after a shower are caused by an allergic reaction. Its occurrence can be triggered by detergents containing natural ingredients. Usually, an allergic reaction, in addition to redness of the eyes, is also accompanied by skin irritation - the appearance of unusual spots on the body. True, you should not unconditionally blame shampoo or soap for the problem. Quite often, an allergic reaction occurs to chlorine, which is used to disinfect tap water. In case of allergies, as a one-time aid to the body, it is worth taking an antihistamine.


If a person’s conjunctiva once turns pink after water procedures, then we can assume that this was due to hygiene products getting into the area of ​​the eyeball. When a symptom recurs regularly, the presence of a disease can be assumed.

Possible reasons:

  1. It is vegetative-vascular dystonia that often leads to redness of the eyes. When exposed to high or low temperatures, blood pressure changes. The pink tint does not disappear for a long time, and this indicates problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. An allergic reaction is often observed after a shower. It is provoked by detergents and even water. Spots may appear on the body that are very itchy, and the eyes may become red and watery. Often allergies appear to chlorine, shampoo or soap. Often, alarming symptoms go away on their own within a few hours, but you can take an antihistamine to improve your well-being.
  3. Irritation of the mucous membrane. Eyes often turn red due to the fact that soap, shampoo, balm and other products get into them. A burning and itching sensation appears, but the organ should not be rubbed with your hands. It is recommended to rinse your face with water to remove the cleanser. Gradually, the color of the visual organ will return to normal, and you won’t even have to use special means for this.
  4. Overvoltage. It often happens that the conjunctiva begins to turn pink when overworked. This is especially true for teachers, schoolchildren, students, office workers, drivers and some other categories of people.
  5. Demodecosis. If the visual organ turns scarlet, this indicates the appearance of mites in the body. They are activated at high temperatures.
  6. Weakness of capillaries. If a person is healthy, then taking a shower will not provoke the appearance of negative symptoms. If there are problems with the capillaries, then the conjunctiva will regularly turn red.

From this we can draw approximate conclusions about why a person’s eyes turn red after a bath. If the symptom appears on an ongoing basis, then it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist. The specialist will tell you what you have to deal with and also recommend medications.

Eye irritation

Redness of the eyes after a shower occurs in almost all cases of soap getting into them. The composition of the substances included in detergents often irritates the mucous membrane of the eyes, causing burning and itching. However, if this happens, do not rub them too hard. It is better to rinse your face with plenty of cool water and remove any remaining soap. Irritated eyes will not calm down very quickly, but will still calm down and the redness will go away spontaneously, without the use of additional remedies. To prevent such a nuisance from happening, when washing your hair, you should close your eyes or buy baby shampoo “without tears.” When taking a shower together, you should avoid playing with splashes of shampoo, gel or soapy water.


To strengthen the blood vessels in the eyes, it is advised to spend more time in the fresh air and not overstrain your eyesight. You can make contrasting eye baths. Cold water is taken into one container and hot water into the other. Rinse your eyes one at a time, changing the liquid in 6 approaches. The diet should include more citrus fruits, which contain rutin and vitamin C. Gymnastics will help strengthen your eyes. You should give your vision a break from the stress of work and school. Detergents that contain chemicals that cause allergies should be removed from the bath. When bathing or washing your eyelids, you should squeeze your eyelids tightly so that water and foam do not get on the mucous membrane. Be sure to wear swimming goggles in the pool to prevent chlorine from damaging your mucous membranes. You also need to take care of your personal hand hygiene to prevent infection from getting into your eyes.

Capillary weakness

Showering causes specific physiological processes in the body with abundant loss of water. When a person is healthy, water procedures do not cause any particular problems. However, constant redness of the eyes after a shower may indicate weakness of the capillaries, which are the smallest blood vessels in our body. This phenomenon indicates a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body or existing somatic disorders. And this becomes a good reason to visit the doctor.

Features of treatment

Treatment for red eyes after a shower is prescribed only after the cause has been established. You may need to consult not only an ophthalmologist, but also other specialists.

If the discomfort was caused by chlorine in the water, then you just need to wash your face with filtered or purified water. You should pay attention to the soap or gel that is used for washing. You need to choose products with a minimum amount of irritating ingredients. You must first consult with a specialist; he will select the most gentle remedy.

The cosmetics used are of great importance. While washing your face, particles of mascara, eyeliner or eye shadow may fall on the eyeball. Before showering, you need to wash off all makeup.

Pharmacy drugs

To give a fresh look and get rid of redness, you can use drops. One of the most effective is the drug SIGIDA crystal. It contains naphazoline, which has a vasoconstrictor effect. It is often used to reduce swelling and hyperemia. It also contains hyaluronic acid. It has a moisturizing effect.

Advantages of vasoconstrictor drops:

  • quick elimination of redness;
  • moisturizing the eye;
  • relieving itching and irritation;
  • protein clarification;
  • getting rid of the feeling of sand in the eyes.

Sigida Crystal drops contain no preservatives or dyes. The risk of side effects is reduced to zero.

For weak eye vessels, it is recommended to take vitamins. They will saturate the body with useful microelements. Broken blood vessels are treated with the following medications:

  • Taufon – restores normal blood circulation;
  • Visine – relieves redness after an allergic reaction, conjunctivitis and eliminates swelling;
  • Emoxipin – strengthens blood vessels.

The choice of drug for conjunctivitis depends on the type of disease and its severity. If the disease is viral in nature, it is recommended to use the following drops:

  1. Oftalmoferon. The drug has an antiviral, immunomodulatory and antihistamine effect. The active component suppresses the activity of the virus and eliminates symptoms.
  2. Aktipol. Drops help get rid of swelling and redness of the eyes. They have virtually no contraindications.
  3. Florenal. The active substance inhibits the proliferation of viral cells in tissues. This medicine is not absorbed into the bloodstream and has only a local effect.

Video from our doctor about the causes and treatment of red eyes

By contacting the Moscow Eye Clinic, each patient can be sure that some of the best Russian specialists will be responsible for the results of treatment. The high reputation of the clinic and thousands of grateful patients will certainly add to your confidence in the right choice. The most modern equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases and an individual approach to the problems of each patient are a guarantee of high treatment results at the Moscow Eye Clinic. We provide diagnostics and treatment for children over 4 years of age and adults.

You can find out the cost of a particular procedure or make an appointment at the Moscow Eye Clinic by calling 8(499)322-36-36 or using the online appointment form.

Mironova Irina Sergeevna

What to do if your eyes are red?

If your eyes are red, then the causes and treatment should under no circumstances be determined without a doctor (except, of course, in obvious cases - fatigue, lack of sleep, prolonged eye strain, injury, etc.).

You should contact an ophthalmologist - the doctor will definitely pay attention to additional symptoms (itching, souring of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, etc.), prescribe a diagnosis and tell you what to do.

If you know for sure that in your case the cause is simply fatigue, then you can use drops like Visina. However, do not prescribe any antiviral or antimicrobial drops yourself - they may be useless or even harmful. You should think about problems when redness occurs frequently and does not go away, when you have slept, rested, have not strained your eyes at the computer, have not been in unsuitable weather conditions, have not caught a speck, and have not injured the eyeball.

“Beautiful and Successful” warns: you should immediately seek medical help if additional symptoms include nausea, severe uncharacteristic headache, fever, as well as in case of eye bruises and/or head impacts.

Redness usually becomes the first “beacon” by which a variety of diseases can be diagnosed in time, so this symptom cannot be neglected.

The problem of red eyes after a bath worries probably every second person who likes to take a steam bath (especially if you do it for a long time and without following the rules). But despite the prevalence of this phenomenon, information on how to effectively eliminate it is still difficult to find.

Visiting the bathhouse is very beneficial for the general condition of the body.

Redness from drinking alcohol

When drinking alcohol, as well as the next day, many find that their eyes become red. They become engorged, and the look in the mirror is frightening.

Drinking alcohol increases blood pressure

, as a result of which
the blood vessels of the eyes dilate.
However, after a while, the effects of alcohol wear off, to which the blood vessels react with a sharp narrowing.
In this case, the capillaries are overfilled with blood, and venous outflow is impaired
. Such processes occur throughout the body after heavy libations, but this is most clearly reflected in proteins.


“Binge drinking” is especially dangerous for people after 40-50

, since their circulatory system is not in such good condition as that of young people: the vessels lose their former elasticity.

They can burst, forming areas of hemorrhage. If the capillary bursts, you will have to walk around with a red eye for several days.

The bad news for those who drink alcohol regularly is that regular toxin poisoning

and increased blood pressure cause not only pathologies and deterioration of vision, but also provoke
vascular disorders
of the body.

As for the eyes, regular libations cause:

  • thrombosis of capillaries
    of the visual organs;
  • angiopathy of
    the capillary membrane (branching, thickening of blood vessels and constant small hemorrhages in the eyes);
  • angiosclerosis
    (hardening of capillary walls);
  • retinopathy
    (bleeds on the retina);
  • neuroretinopathy
    , leading to optic nerve atrophy and vision loss.


Unfortunately, medicine is practically powerless
against retinopathy and neuropathy.
The only way out is to lead a sober lifestyle.

How to fight

There are many options to try if the disorder occurs infrequently and is not chronic.

  1. Cool your eyes by placing your face in a bowl of clean, cool water.
  2. frozen foods
    as a “cooler.” Wrap the same dumplings in a towel and apply to your eyelids
    for a few minutes.
    This will not solve the problem, but will provide temporary relief.
  3. Use a contrast compress.
    To do this, alternately apply gauze moistened with cold and hot water.
  4. Apply lotions with chamomile infusion to your eyes (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water)
    . Instead of chamomile, oak bark and thyme are used.
  5. The problem is corrected with the help of cucumber or potato
    . Grate the product, wrap it in a clean handkerchief and apply it to your eyes for half an hour.
  6. Chopped parsley in the form of a compress
    helps . Wrap it in gauze and apply it to your eyes for half an hour. quickly without consequences reader.

Everyone knows the popular saying that the eyes are a reflection of the soul. In fact, they are a “mirror” not only of the soul, but also of the state of human health.

Many diseases, even before the appearance of clinical symptoms, cause redness of the eyes. To get rid of this problem, you need to figure out why the redness occurred and only then begin treatment.

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