What is speedophobia? How to get rid of fear

In the modern world, where HIV infection is quite common, the fear of contracting it is a normal reaction of any person. But for some, the fear of AIDS is so strong that it completely consumes the person. Psychologists call this panic fear speedophobia.

Let's look at this mental disorder in more detail, study the reasons for its occurrence and ways to get rid of it.

What is speedophobia?

Speedophobia is a mental disorder in which a person is terrified of contracting AIDS. This disorder is a type of hypochondria, a condition that causes a person to suspect and look for symptoms of a disease that actually does not exist.

An individual suffering from such a phobia constantly worries about his health, listens carefully to the body, trying to detect signs of disease. He often goes to the hospital, demands endless examinations from doctors, and takes tests for HIV infection.

Speedophobia poisons a person’s entire life, because his thoughts constantly revolve around a possible disease. He is worried, worried, nervous because of his far-fetched fears. But, even understanding the absurdity of this, a person cannot get rid of obsessive fear.

Causes of phobia

Every person is afraid of getting sick with an incurable disease. AIDS is one such disease and is therefore feared by many. However, speedophobes are not just afraid of contracting HIV infection, but experience panic. The true causes of this phenomenon have not yet been studied by medicine. However, psychologists identify several factors that give rise to speedophobia:

  • Abundance of negative information. Information about the dangers of AIDS and the number of people who suffer from it is actively disseminated through the media. The topic of HIV is often discussed on the Internet, without skimping on terrible details. An impressionable person may take all this to heart and begin to be seriously afraid.
  • Child psychological trauma. In childhood, a speedophobe could experience severe psychological shock associated with the disease. For example, one of the relatives or acquaintances died of AIDS and this affected the child so much that even as an adult, he could not get rid of the fear of the terrible disease.
  • Heredity . If a person's parents or other close relatives are HIV carriers, they may be haunted by the fear of contracting the disease themselves.

Causes of fear of AIDS

Speedophobia is a type of hypochondriacal syndrome - constant worry about one’s health and the identification of all kinds of non-existent pathologies. The syndrome is typical for suspicious and anxious people, susceptible to the slightest irritants, excitable and impulsive, especially if one of their relatives and friends is sick. In modern medicine, hypochondria refers to reversible mental disorders, accompanied by changes in the functioning of somatic mechanisms. That is, there are no organic disorders, the cause of the disorder is feelings and emotions.

For a hypochondriac to develop speedophobia, it is enough to hear about the incurability of HIV and, for example, the first symptoms of the disease. In addition, there are many similar reasons for fear of AIDS:

  • stereotype about the doom of HIV patients to suffering and quick death;
  • a widespread prejudice that there is no cure for HIV;
  • a large number of myths and fictions regarding AIDS;
  • illiteracy and poor awareness of the population about the methods of transmission and prevention of HIV;
  • exaggerated and distorted statistical data (HIV incidence, AIDS mortality);
  • unreliable information from the media and the Internet about new methods of infection, a general epidemic, the creation of new strains of HIV in the laboratory and other fabrications of journalists that people with speedophobia perceive as truth;
  • nonspecific signs of immunodeficiency - any cold or allergic rash is perceived as a manifestation of AIDS;
  • incorrect work of doctors and lack of educational work;
  • social aspect - discrimination against HIV patients and negative labeling - only drug addicts, homeless people and people who are promiscuous are affected;
  • negative experience - someone close to you had HIV or died of AIDS.

Development of speedophobia against the background of hypochondria

As mentioned above, the fear of contracting AIDS is more common in people suffering from hypochondria. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Hypochondriacs are very concerned about their health. It seems to such a person that a terrible disease could strike him at any moment. AIDS is one of the most discussed incurable diseases in society. Therefore, it seems to the hypochondriac that sooner or later it will affect him too. Although in fact, information about HIV is greatly embellished. The infection is transmitted sexually and through blood. It is impossible to simply become infected with AIDS, even if you communicate with a carrier of the infection.
  2. AIDS has no clear symptoms, so any increase in temperature, enlarged lymph nodes, or malaise causes panic in a hypochondriac. He can attribute a common cold to an incipient disease. And if he has unprotected sexual intercourse, this may be a reason to urgently run to the hospital and get tested.
  3. If a person leads a promiscuous lifestyle, often changes sexual partners, uses drugs, etc., he is worried about possible infection. Gradually, this anxiety can develop into pathological fear.

Discrimination from kindergarten

No longer a death sentence: A quarter of Russians with HIV are practically not infectious

By 2021, the proportion of such patients should reach 90%, the Ministry of Health expects.

In Russia, the total number of HIV-infected people is approaching a million - according to statistics from the Ministry of Health (slightly more than 800 thousand) and has long exceeded a million - according to experts. The word “epidemic” is increasingly used in relation to the situation with HIV in our country. People still know little about the disease, but they do remember that it is contagious, incurable and fatal. It is also considered shameful - a disease of drug addicts and homosexuals, a disease of lifestyle. Despite the fact that now the heterosexual method of infection with the virus has come to the fore.

People with HIV often hide their diagnosis for fear of isolation, contempt and judgement. Few open up and take the blow, trying to influence public opinion.

Parents of HIV-positive children are especially wary of publicity, and with good reason. According to a study conducted in November by the Children Plus charity foundation, 55% of parents have encountered misunderstanding, discrimination and violation of their child’s rights in various situations. And for the most part in medical organizations. 45% have not encountered this, but almost half of them explain this by keeping the diagnosis secret.


In the laboratory of the Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases

Photo: TASS/Egor Aleev

The court allowed HIV-infected Russians to adopt children

A quarter of those surveyed claim that they even received insults because of their status as a child. It is maintaining the secrecy of the diagnosis, and not the health status of the “plus” children, that most worries parents. Indeed, modern medicines allow them to live long and active lives. But society has not advanced as far as medicine in terms of knowledge about HIV. And this is a problem, because there are now more than 12 thousand HIV-positive children and adolescents in Russia. These statistics were provided by the head of the Moscow Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Evgeniy Smirnov.

“The first cases of the birth of children with HIV infection in Russia were recorded in 1997–1998,” he explained to Izvestia. “Then the virus spread among drug addicts and a wave of infection began. But at first, only a few sick children were born. The increase in the number of such cases began in 2003, when the virus began to be sexually transmitted en masse and many women were infected. Now there are fewer cases of infant infection from the mother, because a strategy has emerged for managing the pregnancy of infected people. Mostly children of women are infected and are not observed anywhere until childbirth.

The largest group of HIV-infected minors are schoolchildren. They have to not only accept their diagnosis, but also learn to live with it in society. According to some surveys, 6% of the population knows nothing at all about HIV infection. Such data was presented recently at a round table in the Public Chamber by the director of the center for promoting family education “Sokolenok” Viktor Kreidich.

Psychologist at the Children Plus Foundation Polina Galtsova told Izvestia that, according to her observations, specialists in the social sphere, especially in education, often do not know how people with HIV live now. They still think that such children die at an early age and infect others.

Photo: vk.com/fonddetiplus

Kuznetsova spoke out in support of the right of HIV-infected people to adoption

“Even doctors behave inappropriately.” One woman wrote to me: “I am a doctor, but if I found out that a child with HIV infection is in the same group as my child, I would demand to transfer him or take my own.” Parents constantly talk about how they come to children’s hospitals, talk about the diagnosis and put the child in a separate box, not allowing him to communicate with anyone,” said Polina Galtsova.

Doctors insist that “positive” children are safe for others.

— The route of HIV infection is blood-to-blood. That is, during injection and sexual contact, which is also associated with blood due to microcracks. Other biological fluids contain little virus, it is not enough for infection,” explained Evgeny Smirnov. “Our children go to regular kindergartens, and there is no need to be afraid if a child scratches or bites someone. Blood comes out of any wound under pressure; it pushes out germs and other infections. We do not know of a single case of domestic infection from a child in Russia.

Izvestia talked to families with HIV-positive children and found out what difficulties they face.

How does the fear of contracting HIV manifest itself?

The phobia is manifested by the following set of symptoms:

  • Swollen lymph nodes, cough and elevated body temperature greatly worry a person, since these are symptoms similar to HIV. The more pronounced they are, the more worried he becomes. Although such signs are accompanied by many diseases, even a harmless cold.
  • As a rule, speedophobes are well informed about the methods of transmission of HIV and know very well that the infection is transmitted only through sexual contact or through blood. However, despite this, it seems to them that they can become infected even through objects, a handshake or a hug in outer clothing. The fear of illness is so strong that it defies logic. Therefore, speedophobes try to avoid any contact with people who are HIV carriers.
  • A person suffering from a phobia constantly takes tests for HIV and undergoes examinations. When doctors tell him that the test results are negative and there is nothing to worry about, the person still does not believe it and demands a repeat test. It seems to him that the doctors made a mistake in the diagnosis or did not examine him thoroughly enough. Even if six months after unprotected sexual intercourse the test shows a negative result, the speedophobia still does not calm down, but continues to worry.
  • Speedophobe thinks that negative test results are a consequence of the fact that he has a poorly understood or hidden form of the disease, and doctors cannot detect it using traditional methods. Any illness only increases his suspicions.
  • A person suffering from a phobia is ready to spend any money on endless medical examinations. Some individuals even take out loans and go to European clinics for examination, because they believe that domestic doctors cannot make the correct diagnosis.
  • Some speedophobes, on the contrary, are afraid to undergo examinations and tests, so as not to hear a terrible diagnosis. The person is almost sure that he has become infected with HIV, but he does not go to the hospital, but suffers and worries, stressing himself out and increasing his fear.
  • Speedophobes constantly study medical journals, articles and notes on the topic of AIDS, comparing the symptoms they observe in themselves with those described in the literature. It is impossible to convince them that they are healthy, because in conversation they cite strong scientific evidence in favor of the presence of the disease.
  • For fear of becoming infected, a person avoids any contact with other people.
  • Since AIDS affects the immune system, the speedophobe tries with all his might to increase his immunity - he takes mountains of vitamins, dietary supplements, and immunostimulants, which, in his opinion, can help reduce the risk of getting sick.
  • A person suffering from a phobia develops prolonged depression. In especially severe cases, he may not be able to stand it and attempt suicide.
  • The speedophobe knows all the helplines for HIV-infected people, he is always aware of where and when events dedicated to this problem are held.

Speedophobia - Fear of contracting AIDS

April 13, 2021

In the modern world, the fear of contracting AIDS has led many healthy people to become seriously concerned that they are developing the disease, even despite testing negative for HIV. Such excessive anxiety is commonly called speedophobia.

Fear of contracting HIV is a natural reaction of a healthy person.

Speedophobia is a neurotic disorder that manifests itself in the form of fear of contracting HIV or AIDS. This phobia seriously affects a person's quality of life. He is nervous, anxious, but cannot get rid of this obsessive state on his own.

In most cases, anxious and impressionable people with a fragile psyche, psychological trauma, aged 20 to 30 years are at risk of developing this phobia.

The true causes of speedophobia have not yet been studied by modern medicine. But psychologists note a number of signs that manifest themselves in the behavioral and emotional spheres. These include : 1. Genetic predisposition . If a person’s parents or any of their relatives were or are carriers of HIV, then they may be haunted by the fear of contracting the disease themselves.

  1. A large amount of negative information in the media about the deadly danger of AIDS and the number of people affected by it. The topic of HIV is often discussed on the Internet, sparing no gruesome details. An impressionable person may take all this to heart and begin to be seriously afraid.
  2. Childhood psychotrauma. For example, one of the relatives or acquaintances died of AIDS, and this affected the child so much that even in adulthood the person could not overcome the fear of this disease.

4. Incorrect work of doctors. The person has been misdiagnosed before and is therefore worried that HIV will strike him. The common cold is considered deadly by them, and the manifestation of a chronic disease is regarded as a clear sign of immunodeficiency.

  1. Condition and symptoms of pseudoAIDS. Today, probably, almost each of us, if desired, can detect any “symptoms” of HIV. Chronic fatigue, rashes on the body, painful and enlarged lymph nodes can be mistaken for one of the symptoms of HIV.

6. Feeling guilty for your actions , which could lead to the acquisition of HIV . For example, speedophobia can develop in married men who have had sexual contact on the side.

7. Psychological disorder characteristic of homosexual men. After the next sexual contact, they experience an irresistible desire to get tested, because... they are convinced that an infection has occurred.

How does the fear of contracting HIV manifest itself?

Symptoms of speedophobia include several factors:

  • Swollen lymph nodes, cough and elevated body temperature greatly worry a person, since these are symptoms similar to HIV. Although such signs are accompanied by many diseases, even the common cold.
  • As a rule, speedophobes are well aware of the routes of transmission of HIV and are well aware that this infection is mainly transmitted sexually or through blood. But their fear of the disease is so strong that these people try to avoid any contact with HIV carriers.
  • Speedophobes are constantly examined and tested for HIV. When doctors say that the test results are negative, the person still does not believe it and demands a repeat test.

Speedophobes are so sure of their HIV infection that all the negative tests in the world will not be able to convince them.

  • A person suffering from a phobia is ready to spend any money, even take out loans for endless medical examinations in European clinics, because he believes that domestic doctors cannot make the correct diagnosis.
  • Speedophobes study all kinds of literature on the topic of AIDS, compare their “symptoms” with those described in medical sources. They know all the helplines for HIV-infected people.
  • To justify their actions, people with speedophobia invent unique cases: their test results are falsified; doctors don’t tell them the diagnosis so as not to upset them; their HIV is a new variety that they have not yet learned to identify, etc.
  • Since AIDS destroys a person’s immune system, the speedophobe begins to take a bunch of dietary supplements , vitamins, and immunostimulants, which, he is sure, can help reduce the risk of the disease.

In addition to psycho-emotional and behavioral reactions, attacks of fear are accompanied by characteristic somatic manifestations of a panic attack - rapid heartbeat, a feeling of lack of air, lightheadedness, tremors. This symptomatology is considered by a person with speedophobia as another confirmation of the presence of a dangerous disease.

How to get rid of speedophobia?

This disease may seem ridiculous and far-fetched to many, but its danger should not be underestimated . It’s good if the phobia goes away on its own, and after another negative HIV test result, the person calms down and returns to normal life. But if you or your loved ones cannot get rid of the obsessive fear of HIV/AIDS, you should seek help from a psychotherapist. The best effect in treating irrational fears, which include speedophobia, is most often achieved with a combination of medication and psychological assistance.

During drug therapy, antidepressants, tranquilizers, and psychostimulants are prescribed. Treatment must be comprehensive; it is important to convince the person of the need to take medications and make them believe in their healing properties.

But in 100% of cases, taking medications is not enough to treat speedophobia - such patients first of all need a competent psychotherapist. A psychoanalytic method used by a qualified specialist will help solve fears of HIV infection.

If you or your loved ones need diagnosis, consultation or psychotherapy for speedophobia, seek help from a competent psychotherapist , psychologist - consultant - Andrey Filippov . Consultation is possible both in the office and online. The specialist works at convenient times (Mon–Fri 10:00–20:00). The cost of qualified assistance is reasonable. Payment is possible in cash and by credit card. Contact us as soon as you need competent psychological help!

How dangerous is speedophobia?

This disease may seem ridiculous and far-fetched to many, but its danger should not be underestimated.

  1. Ruin . Speedophobes spend a lot of money on various medical examinations, expensive and unnecessary medications that doctors may prescribe. Such active spending of money can threaten ruin and debt.
  2. Neuroses and depression. Constant worries due to the fear of contracting AIDS weaken the human psyche, provoking the development of neurotic and depressive disorders, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, and a sharp decrease in performance.
  3. Deterioration of relationships with others. The speedophobe constantly pesters his family and friends with his fears and anxieties, complaining that he suspects he has a disease, but doctors cannot detect it. Eventually, relationships with other people become strained; acquaintances may consider the person crazy and begin to avoid him.

Symptoms of speedophobia

A person with speedophobia is usually so sure that he has HIV that negative test results from one medical institution are not quoted. And the patient donates blood for HIV in each hospital in turn. When hospitals at their place of residence run out, such people go to other cities and try to finally find a medical institution where the test will still be positive. In addition to tests, speedophobia forces imaginary patients to undergo numerous expensive procedures, look for a competent doctor and undergo endless examinations to make a known diagnosis.

To justify their actions, patients with speedophobia invent unique cases: their test results are falsified; doctors don’t tell them the diagnosis so as not to upset them; their HIV is a new variety that they have not yet learned to detect. People become obsessed with the thought of the disease, stop communicating with relatives (suddenly they were the ones who infected them), eventually stop going to doctors (after all, they are all unprofessional since they cannot detect HIV), look for symptoms and get information from the Internet, trying to prove to themselves the certainty of infection.

Speedophobia is a mental disorder; naturally, in addition to the fear of HIV, a person develops symptoms of mental disorders:

  • depression, anxiety, irritability, inability to relax, aggressiveness;
  • feeling of tension and stiffness;
  • inability to concentrate, decreased ability to work, fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance, loss of appetite;
  • memory impairment.

Against the background of such symptoms, a deterioration in physical health is possible and a person with an imaginary pathology actually becomes sick - headaches, digestive disorders, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

Methods for treating fear of HIV infection

Any phobia must be treated. The sooner treatment is started, the easier it will be to get rid of fear. Psychiatrists and psychotherapists treat speedophobia and other similar disorders. The following methods help in getting rid of the fear of AIDS:

  • Antidepressants and tranquilizers. These drugs cannot cure speedophobia, but they help reduce anxiety and fear, normalize mood and get rid of depression. However, you cannot select medications on your own. This should be done by a doctor. He will select the medicine, course duration and frequency of administration, and dosage of tablets.
  • Psychotherapy . The main method of treating phobias is psychotherapy. Well-proven methods: cognitive method, psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy. In combination with medications, psychotherapeutic treatment will give the desired effect.
  • Support from loved ones. For a successful recovery, it is very important that the patient is supported by loved ones, listens to him and reassures him. It is extremely difficult to cope with the disease on your own, so relatives and friends must be patient and help the patient.
  • Occupational therapy . Work, especially physical work, helps to distract from obsessive thoughts, normalizes sleep, and increases appetite.
  • Laughter therapy . Psychologists say that laughter helps in the fight against phobias, neuroses and depression, therefore they recommend that patients watch comedies more often, read jokes, look at funny pictures and photos.

An integrated approach to the treatment of speedophobia can bring good results.

Not alone: ​​how a psychologist can help an HIV+ person

The reaction of a person who has just learned of a positive HIV status can be different: fear, despair, anger. Often thoughts arise in the head: “This is the end”, “This could not happen to me”, “How can I continue to live?”, which echo the fear of telling your loved ones about your problem and being rejected by society. But living a full life with HIV: laughing, working, loving - it’s possible, but it’s more difficult to get there. It’s even more difficult to go alone without the necessary support. In such a situation, when it can be difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to talk with loved ones, the help of a psychologist is needed.

With specialists from the Positive Wave Foundation, we will understand why working with a psychologist is absolutely normal, and how today the Foundation provides qualified psychological assistance to people with HIV status.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, the total number of people living with HIV in Russia is more than one million people. Each of them faces psychological problems: accepting a diagnosis and starting therapy, family and sexual relationships, stigma and discrimination - and this is not the whole list. It is important to understand that any problem affects a person’s emotional state, which requires no less serious attention than the physical state. Learning to live with HIV is a difficult task that requires a lot of strength, as well as support from loved ones and specialists.

A psychologist is one of those people who will not let a person be left alone with his problem and will help resolve it. Contacting a psychologist is not an extreme measure that should be resorted to only in exceptional cases, but a normal occurrence in the life of any person, regardless of his HIV status.

What distinguishes a psychologist who works with HIV-positive people from others?

Having knowledge about HIV infection and the ability to better hear and understand the needs and problems of people with HIV and those who are concerned about this topic. Such a psychologist can easily explain how to register with the AIDS Center and why you need to take therapy. But still, its main task is to work through a person’s feelings and emotions, to help find strength and resources to overcome the crisis.

Psychological support for people with HIV should be provided in every AIDS Center, but in reality things are different. With rare exceptions, the Center employs one psychologist, whose resources are not sufficient to accept all patients. Another problem is the lack of opportunity for a person with HIV to communicate with a psychologist. Especially if he is forced to travel to the regional center for therapy, spending several hours on the road, there is no time or energy left to talk with a psychologist.

People with HIV can receive professional help from a psychologist at the Positive Wave Foundation. Every day, our specialists conduct individual online consultations for people who are faced with psychological problems due to HIV. You can seek help from a specialist in different ways:

  • in a special online chat on the Foundation's website . Support is available on weekdays from 10:00 to 22:00 Moscow time. A person needs to write a message in a chat and receive a response from a psychologist.
  • fill out an application to schedule an online meeting with a psychologist. The form must include contact information so that specialists can contact you and determine the time and format of the consultation: chat, audio or video call. Residents of St. Petersburg have the opportunity to have a face-to-face consultation with a psychologist.

Any request for help from the Foundation remains anonymous.

Having learned about your HIV status or suspecting possible infection, it is important that a person takes proper care of his condition as soon as possible. Danil Volkov , coordinator of the psychological service of the Positive Wave Foundation, tells how to help yourself in such situations.

What to do if you are overcome by fear that you might have become infected with HIV?

If you have had a dangerous contact, that is, there is a high risk of infection, and the fear of taking an HIV test is holding you back, then you should definitely consult a psychologist. A specialist will help you identify the nature of fear, reduce anxiety, increase awareness and responsibility for your health. For a person who has had a risk of infection, it is very important to take an HIV test on time. If the result is positive, start therapy earlier, thereby strengthening and protecting your immunity.

What to do if you are told you have HIV?

Any emotions and feelings that you are experiencing now are normal, this is exactly your first reaction to the situation. If you need to cry - cry, scream - scream, be silent - be silent. It is very important now to react to the diagnosis the way you need and want. Of course, it is better for your condition to be under the “supervision” of a psychologist. If you have not yet found such an opportunity, you can sign up for a consultation with our Foundation.

You should not delay contacting the AIDS Center in your region of residence. It is important to start therapy as early as possible so that the virus does not harm the body.

Remember that you are not alone in the fight against the disease. You can also find support by communicating with people who have experienced or are experiencing a similar situation. But such people can only share their experience - how you cope depends only on you. It would be better to seek help from a psychologist; he will help you build your personal path, taking into account your individual characteristics.

Don't be afraid to seek professional help. A common misconception: if a person comes to a psychologist, it means he is sick, it means he has a mental disorder. A psychologist does not make a diagnosis or prescribe treatment. He works with healthy people and, above all, helps a person improve their relationship with themselves. It's okay to talk to a psychologist. This is an opportunity to speak out, relieve emotional stress, find causes and solutions to problems.

People living with HIV experience a wide range of emotions. They are often under stress and forced to overcome life’s difficulties on their own: from disclosing their HIV status to loved ones to rejection in society. A Positive Wave psychologist is a specialist who is open to communication and can help a person in any situation. He is always ready to listen and support, help you understand yourself and see ways to solve problems.

The main thing is for a person to know that if he cannot cope with stress and does not understand how to live further, he can seek the help of a psychologist, and moreover, he must. It is important to remember that the nature of the support determines how a person copes with his emotional state, which directly affects a person’s health and his future. In the case of HIV infection, self-care is the most important component of a person’s life.

If you feel that you cannot cope with life’s difficulties or you just want an honest human conversation, sign up for a consultation with a Positive Wave psychologist by filling out an application. The Foundation's specialists will certainly contact you and help you find answers to your questions.


How to protect yourself from speedophobia?

And finally, it is worth mentioning the methods of preventing HIV infection that any person should know. This will help impressionable people reduce their fear of contracting HIV and prevent the development of a phobia.

  1. Avoid promiscuity.
  2. When having sex with a new partner whom you do not know very well, be sure to use condoms.
  3. Don't do drugs.
  4. Strengthen your immune system.
  5. Avoid unnecessary stress, as it weakens the body's protective functions.
  6. Read less about AIDS, do not look for information on the Internet. Most information about the disease is not true.
  7. Adequately assess the risks of HIV infection.

For a normal, fulfilling life, it is necessary to pay attention not only to physical, but also to mental health. A person with a healthy, strong psyche is less susceptible to phobic disorders.

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