Top 7 reasons for laziness and secrets on how to get rid of it

Lack of purpose

When there is no goal, there is most likely no motivation to do any work well or start something new. It doesn’t matter who you are: a businessman, a builder, a manager, a doctor or anyone else. The lack of a goal will make you more tired, because your brain knows that the work you are doing does not bring pleasure or results, therefore, you will subconsciously do everything except work.

To understand whether this point is right for you, imagine your life in 5 years. Describe yourself, what you do, and then look at yourself in another 5 years. If you couldn’t, think, maybe it’s time to set a goal?

Reasons for laziness

Psychology considers the causes of laziness in several directions: the living conditions in which a person finds himself; individual characteristics of the individual’s nervous system, education and adaptation of a person in society. Among the most common causes of laziness are several described below.

Firstly, physical fatigue, when a person is tired physically, emotionally, intellectually. If the balance between rest and work is disturbed, the individual’s internal strength is depleted and the desire to do anything disappears. The body and nervous system refuses to continue working in this mode and signals the need for rest, manifesting itself through laziness.

The second problem, a symptom of which is the lazy state, is the loss of interest or lack thereof in the work that a person does or should do. The goal is not inspiring, lack of motivation. What we need to do does not correspond to the values ​​and interests that are significant to us at this time, a feeling of futility of what we are doing. The discrepancy between “I want” and “should” is an intrapersonal conflict that exhausts from the inside. A person is obliged to do something that does not seem necessary to him. “Whose purpose is this?” “Who needs this?” If you force yourself to act, resistance will naturally arise, most likely unconscious. If you force yourself to do something for a long time that is not interesting, laziness will definitely overcome.

The next reason for laziness is fear. Fear that it will not be possible to do this, that as a result of wasted energy, money, or some kind of effort, the person will not receive what is needed. Thus, laziness performs a protective function against those actions that a person is afraid to do and which intersect with some discomfort for him. He may not be aware of this fear; he will simply be too lazy to do it. An individual may be afraid of something new for him, something in which he has never had experience, he may be afraid of looking ridiculous, of starting a task and not finishing it, of not acquiring the dividends on which he hoped. There may also be fear through past negative experiences, a personal traumatic situation with sad consequences.

Another reason for laziness is homeostasis. Our body strives to preserve the state that is familiar to it. The body is full, it is not in danger, it is comfortable, it does not need to make any efforts to do something new for itself. This is how a person survives.

Also, causes may be the presence of neurological or mental illnesses, alcohol abuse, drug use, disturbances in the stimulation and production of the hormone dopamine.

When studying hyperactivity in children and attention deficit disorder, the causes of laziness can also be identified as behavioral problems in childhood and emotional trauma. Separately, I would like to highlight the reason for the occurrence of constant, chronic laziness - this is childhood and growing up without worries, without the right to make independent choices, without solving problems, when the mother decided and did everything for the child, did not allow him to be independent.

Analyzing all of the above, based on the causes of laziness, psychology identifies this phenomenon from several angles:

- a signal that the goals are not environmentally friendly - do not correspond to our desires and personal capabilities;

— protection from emotional burnout;

- a sign of the inconsistency of the task, when our tasks require a lot of effort, but the result is not worth it;

- lack of motivation, lack of desire and importance in achieving the goal;

— discrepancy between goals and self-esteem;

- physical, emotional, intellectual inactivity, passivity.

Laziness can also be a sign of depression and apathy.

Improper work and rest schedule

If you know who you are here and now, you clearly see your own life in 10 years, there is a chance that you are not getting enough rest. You devote a lot of time to work, thought processes, etc. Therefore, the appearance of fatigue and weakness is a protective mechanism of the body. This is how he tries to cope with stress.

Think about how much you work during the day, how many hours a day you devote to sleep, whether you think about new projects and tasks in your sleep. Most likely you are tired, so reduce your load by 20 percent and devote time to active recreation and physical education.

What is laziness?

What do people call laziness? Lack of hard work, unwillingness to act, to take the necessary actions. Psychologists focus on the fact that laziness usually manifests itself in a situation where a person experiences an internal contradiction between “I want” and “need”.

  • If “I want” wins, then the person is lazy.
  • If “necessary” wins, then the person fulfills his duty.

Laziness is a consequence of numerous factors, which include lack of motivation, reluctance to do work, lack of goals, desire to relax and have time for this.

A person who is lazy is called a lazy person. Who is he? Lazy - this word is becoming increasingly widespread in people's vocabulary, as almost everyone is faced with idleness among their friends, loved ones and even within themselves. But who is this lazy person? In reality, such people do not exist by nature in the sense in which this is meant. Being lazy is more a quality of a person’s existence than a character trait. So, laziness, or idleness, is precisely the period when a person does nothing for any achievements. Why? A particular person does not have goals to which he would strive. You don’t leave the house if you don’t at least know in which direction you are going to go, do you? Otherwise, you just get bored, and you never repeat such boring attempts again.

The main measure of whether you are striving for something is action. If a person does not act, it means that he does not have a specific goal to which he would strive. It is during this period of “aimlessness” that he becomes lazy.

The goal itself cannot be the incentive to take action. After all, all people want happiness and monetary wealth, but do nothing for it. The incentive for a goal to motivate a person to action must be his understanding of why and why he must achieve this. It’s not enough to think: “I want to become a millionaire!” - everyone wants it, but few people do it. You need to answer the question: “Why do I want to become a millionaire?” - by giving himself a clear and sincere answer, a person either recharges himself with energy to achieve the goal (if he understands that he really needs it for one reason or another), or simply gets rid of an unnecessary dream (if he suddenly realizes that he was striving for this only because that everyone strives for this, but in fact he does not need it).

A lazy person is a person without a goal. In nature, there is such a thing as idleness, when a living creature stops chasing something, stops fighting for something and simply relaxes. When the period of knowing one’s goal comes, when a person understands why he needs something, then not a trace remains of his laziness. He himself takes certain steps without anyone's instructions. So, if among your friends, loved ones, or sometimes you allow yourself to relax, then you should not worry and criticize someone. This period will pass as soon as the person himself finds what to strive for.

And most importantly: your goals must be invented by you personally. If someone imposes their goal on you or says that your aspirations are in vain, you should not pay attention to these words. Of course, there are those who say you will achieve your goals and those who say you will not - both sides are right. However, the former speak due to your activity in the direction of the goal, and the latter – the strength of your inactivity. However, neither should play a decisive role in what you do with your life and goals.

They say that laziness is bad. Perhaps this is another attempt to force people to work more than they themselves would like. If you are told for a long time what is good and what is bad, you will soon believe in any crazy idea. It’s the same with laziness: in fact, there is nothing wrong with it, it’s just beneficial for some people to reproach themselves for any attempt to be lazy.

Humans by nature are lazy creatures. Note that even animals are lazy every day. They sleep a lot, relax, sunbathe in the warm sun. Are they doing bad things too? No. It’s just that no one explained to them that being lazy is bad!

Animals do what every person who has not succumbed to the stereotype that laziness is bad wants to do. In fact, laziness is an opportunity to relax, gain strength, calm down and be at peace. It's good that people can't control their desire to sleep. Otherwise, society here would say that sleeping is bad.

Animals in nature are lazy in order to rest, gain strength, and calm down. Game may pass near the predator. But as long as the predator is lazy, he will not chase anyone. He gains strength and enjoys the comfortable state in which he is. You can call this state a kind of meditation, when all physical and spiritual strength is restored. So, why is being lazy bad?

Man is lazy by nature, like all animals in the world. If you turn to spiritual teachings, you can find out that energy in nature flows along the path of least resistance. River beds are formed according to the principle of least resistance. Water will not flow uphill, it will go down through those openings where it can get in without any effort. It’s the same with a person: laziness is the most cost-effective way to restore strength, mood and energy. A person, like a river, flows along the path of least resistance. And here we are talking about laziness.

A person is lazy not because he is bad at something, but simply because this property is given to him by nature. There is nothing wrong with laziness if a person then gets out of bed and continues to do the planned work. Like any other phenomenon, laziness can harm a person if he abuses it. Just as it is impossible to sleep for a whole day, laziness should not continue for a long time. You can be lazy. But when the time comes, you feel cheerful and strong, you need to get up and perform feats. But in this case, laziness is good, because it allows you to restore strength to perform useful actions.

Good and bad lazy people

Laziness, in the sense of a vicious quality of character, is a person’s reluctance to make a volitional effort for the sake of any cause. It may be based on pride, arrogance, self-doubt, and pedagogical neglect.

But often what is called laziness is a real inability to force yourself to do something, to overcome your inaction. Nowadays, more and more people find themselves in such a state of loss of strength. Its main reasons:

  • endocrine , mental, helminthic and other diseases;
  • oppressive environment, unhealthy environment, toxic people. Psychologists also attribute these factors to the causes of laziness;
  • energy vampirism causes the person who is regularly exposed to it to give up;
  • negative experience blocking initiative;
  • internal conflict that consumes strength.

These are not all the reasons that a psychologist can identify during a personal conversation with a patient and help overcome them during therapy. Age-related characteristics can also weaken a person. For example, teenagers are often unfairly accused of laziness. It must be taken into account that during adolescence, a lot of energy is spent on restructuring the body and psychological adaptation to changing living conditions. Therefore, there is a decline in studies and a desire to lie down.

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