It turns out that the size and shape of the eyes can reveal secrets of personality

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Everyone knows this expression. When meeting someone, everyone tries to analyze the look. For some it is warm and kind, for others it is cold and prickly. But you can learn about a person not only using these methods. A science such as psychomorphology comes to the rescue. And on its basis we receive more detailed information about the qualities of a person and his character.

Who's ready for this test?

It's enough to look into your eyes. Their shape can influence your temperament and reveal new aspects of your personality. Proponents of this science argue that physical qualities can be decisive in the analysis of character. Whether it's a strong chin or a big mouth, the face speaks volumes about our positive and negative sides. A special role is given to the eyes. It’s not for nothing that they say that they are the mirror of the soul, and they can tell a lot about a person. Their form will reveal surprising facts about friends and family and even about yourself.

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If lagophthalmos is caused by acute neuritis of the facial nerve, then with the elimination of the underlying pathology, in most cases it disappears without any traces; in the chronic course of neuritis, lagophthalmos usually remains (to varying degrees of severity) and requires further cosmetic correction. The condition of the cornea associated with lagophthalmos, namely the presence or absence of keratitis, its severity and stage, is of great prognostic importance. This circumstance alone is a serious argument in favor of the earliest possible surgical intervention to eliminate eyelid failure.

What does eye size, shape and distance say about a person?


  1. If a person has big eyes, he is passionate and open. Increased emotional intelligence makes him more accessible to loved ones, who will happily ask him a question or try to get some advice. An attentive and caring, sincere and generous friend.
  2. If the eyes are small, there is more trust in reason than in emotions. This defender of rationality keeps a distance from his emotions, and developed analytical skills will be useful in solving difficult situations.


  1. Almond-shaped eyes indicate isolation and mystery, an excessive tendency to suspicion. Such a person can show emotions only when he feels safe.
  2. Round eyes indicate impulsiveness and ingenuity. Creativity encourages exploration of innovative and avant-garde ideas. However, loved ones may suffer from frequent mood swings. The distance with emotions is becoming greater.


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  1. If the eyes are set wide, then the person shows great interest in history and civilizations. Attachment to tradition can sometimes prevent change. Structure, discipline, rigor, all the values ​​- this is what inspires such a person and what he does not hesitate to share at the slightest opportunity.
  2. If the eyes are close to each other, the person is adventurous and passionate. She is constantly in search of new adventures; nothing allows her to get used to a boring and routine existence. The insatiable curiosity of men forces them to frequently change their surroundings.

“Beautiful eyes” as a symptom of illness

Bright photographs of black African girls with bright blue eyes, Arabs with a dark, almost sallow face and blue eyes, contrasting against the background of the desert or savannah, are invariably published on the covers of the most fashionable scientific magazines, collecting thousands of likes, reposts, and photographers are given awards.

But ScientaeVulgaris has its own opinion on everything... although not as popular. As a rule, such people suffer from severe hereditary diseases, do not receive a penny for their photographs, which are circulated around the world, and from an ethical point of view, their photography is close to “PR” on the disabled.

Mutations and eye diseases - we sit down, look at the monitor and don’t blink.

Waardenburg syndrome. Hereditary disease. Occurs in one in 40,000 people. Before moving on to the eyes, let's clarify that the disease often causes fused eyebrows, deficiencies in the development of the hands and arm muscles, and fusion of bones. Very often - congenital hearing loss or deafness, damage to the auditory nerves. Displacement of the inner corner of the eye (telecanth - the eyes are in place, and the irises are close to the nose, or far away). And only then - pigmentation problems, expressed in different pigmentation of the irises (left from right), the appearance of sectors of a different color, hyper- or diperpigmentation of the skin, parts of the hair, and the fundus of the eye. Yes, yes, all these mysterious men and women are sick, and not incredibly beautiful by nature. To transmit the disease to subsequent generations, it is enough for either parent to have it. For one photograph of a beautiful black child with blue eyes, there are several dozen disabled people with a less successful form of the disease.

Distichiasis. Have you always dreamed of full eyelashes? Like, for example, the beautiful Elizabeth Taylor? Most people with distichiasis won't find your dreams all that attractive. This is a developmental anomaly in which an additional row of eyelashes appears. The series starts from the canals of the Meibomian gland, and in most they are bilateral, that is, they grow from both the outside and the inside of the eyelid. Only isolated cases are beautiful and magnificent. And, as a rule, these are painful manifestations in the form of irritation, strabismus, inflammation, erosion, and corneal ulcers. Distichiasis, oddly enough, is best known to dog owners. The disease is a frequent companion of bulldogs, Pekingese, poodles, Yorkies, and dachshunds. Only eye surgery can save you.

Horner's syndrome. Do you or someone you know have a mysterious look? Does a light playful grin with a subtle melody slyly flow to meet passers-by looking into your face? Perhaps the mystery is hidden in one of the clinical symptoms of a general lesion of the sympathetic nervous system. Horner's syndrome, unfortunately, is underestimated in our medicine - it is difficult to diagnose, and few people know about it or pay attention. It is expressed in ptosis - normal or inverted - when the eyelid is either raised or drooped. Either in miosis - narrowing of one pupil, or enophthalmos - deep seating of the eyeball in the orbit. Yes, of course, it doesn't sound that interesting. But it is this external symptom that can help you identify an aortic aneurysm, multiple sclerosis, thyroid carcinoma, cavernous sinus thrombosis (an infectious blood clot in the brain), and some other diseases that are unpleasant, primarily fatal.

Aniridia. Most often this is a genetic pathology, or caused by a penetrating injury to the eye. And these can also be fashionable lenses, a la “black eyes”. In fact, it is a serious disease characterized by the absence of the iris of the eye. Extremely rare and caused by the PAX6 gene, which also adds susceptibility to the development of nephroblastoma. Accompanied by loss of vision, photophobia, nystagmus (apple shaking), congenital glaucoma.

A scattering of brown inclusions in a beautiful blue eye, like stars in the sky, beckons you, and awakens the languor of love in your navel below? Neurofibromatosis type 1 and Lisch nodules on the iris. It is very difficult to notice with the naked eye. Another difficult to diagnose disease, and once again poorly known. Alas! According to statistics, it occurs in 1 in 3500. In half of the cases it is hereditary, in half it is a spontaneous mutation. Usually, in addition to beautiful eyes, multiple pigmented spots appear, a la “coffee spilled.” Oh, and tumors of the central nervous system.

Kayser-Fleischer rings. You have already learned that the scattering is Lisch's nodules, that the lightening or changes around the pupil are a type of dichromacy and, most likely, Waardenburg's syndrome. Now it’s the turn of the periphery of the cornea. Yellowish-green or greenish-brown rings around the rim of the eye are most likely copper deposits. This is one of the signs of hepatocerebral dystrophy, or copper poisoning, if you use a copper coffee maker, copper pipes or anything else copper too actively. The scientific name of hepatocerebral dystrophy is Wilson-Konovalov disease. Also a genetic disease expressed in a violation of copper metabolism, leading to severe diseases of the nervous system and internal organs. Occurs in 1 in 30,000, usually in nations where consanguineous marriages are common.

Fleischer rings, unlike Kayser-Fleischer rings, are deposits of iron oxide rather than copper. Their color ranges from yellowish to dark brown. Often found in degenerative diseases of the cornea. Thinning of the cornea causes it to take on a conical shape. Over time, patients begin to complain of photophobia, double vision, and blurriness. 1 in 1000 gets sick.

Arcus senilis corneae - also known as the senile arch, also known as the corneal arch or gerontoxon. Deposition similar to rings, but not of metals, but of lipids. Most often it is an old-age disease that develops after 50 years. It is expressed as grayish-white deposits on the periphery of the cornea. But it can be a sign of a disorder of lipid metabolism in the body, and develop in young people. Which, in turn, leads us to cholesterol levels, liver problems, and the next case.

An increase in the bile pigment, bilirubin, in the blood leads to jaundice . Which leads to the coloring of the skin and mucous membranes yellow. Of course, you can still turn yellow, like Homer Simpson, if you simply eat too many carotene-containing foods: carrots, oranges, pumpkin.

Of course, there are several types of jaundice and all of them, one way or another, are associated with problems of internal organs, mainly the liver. But one of its first manifestations is the coloring of the sclera of the eyes yellow.

Bug-eyedness is not a mental defect. The scientific name for the effect is exophthalmos , that is, displacement of the eyeball forward, sometimes forward and to the side. It may indicate not only an extreme degree of surprise, but also tumors of the eye, brain, thrombosis, vascular aneurysm, trichinosis, or a hereditary autoimmune disease such as Graves' disease, also known as Graves' disease.

Sturge-Weber syndrome. A complex disease involving tumors of the blood vessels or lymphatic spaces. Accompanied by lesions of the trigeminal nerve, meninges, neurological and mental disorders in the form of muscle weakness, limited vision, mental retardation, epilepsy. It affects 1 in 50,000 people.

In relation to the eyes, it often leads to the appearance of angiomas (large red warts) on the eyelids and glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure).

Unfortunately, I cannot cover even half of the eye diseases, even in such a short format. ScientaeVulgaris is a one-man blog.

It is the presence of changes that is important. If you have never had yellow eyes or a dark iris, and it suddenly appears, vision problems, visual effects - each of them has an explanation, and many of them are a reason to visit an ophthalmologist. If you remember them throughout your life and do not experience health problems, do not worry.

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Lack of eye contact

And so we came up with the idea of ​​a person looking into the distance, focusing on any other obvious subject. This puts the viewer even more into “observational mode” and makes you feel like you are peering into a person’s thoughts and observing a private moment. Both examples below emphasize a sensitive, thoughtful atmosphere.

Because the subject is looking “through” the camera, there is an element of the unknown in the photograph. It is impossible to say exactly what attracted a person’s attention. The unresolved aspect - something mystical - can create an enticing tension in the photograph that allows the viewer to project their thoughts and assumptions onto the situation and subject.

The exception would be photographs like this one, where you can see the full picture in the reflection of the subject's eyes or glasses.

A girl in a field who does not look at the camera. Photo: Nguyen Nguyen

A black and white portrait of a man who turned away from the camera. Photo: Pixabay

Treatment methods

Treatment of pathology begins with a comprehensive examination and immediate elimination of the cause that provoked the disease. If tuberculous meningitis, diphtheria, tetanus or other acute inflammatory process is detected, the patient is immediately hospitalized in the infectious diseases department. Therapy will be aimed at suppressing the infection, after which, as a rule, the functions of the visual apparatus are restored.

If diplopia occurs due to cervical osteochondrosis, then complex treatment must include special gymnastics for the back

If the cause of diplopia is a skull or spinal injury, the patient is referred to a neurosurgeon, and emergency surgery is performed if necessary. Diplopia with cervical osteochondrosis can be treated both in a hospital and at home. This depends on a number of factors, primarily on the patient’s condition and living conditions. One of the main methods of therapy is therapeutic exercises for the spine and visual organs. Exercises for diplopia are aimed at strengthening and restoring the eye muscles and nerves, and for cervical osteochondrosis - at relaxing pinched tissues and also strengthening the muscles of the cervical back. It is recommended to conduct training under the supervision of an instructor. Treatment of diplopia with folk remedies is ineffective in most cases.

Diplopia, or double vision, is usually temporary and can be successfully treated in most cases. First you need to establish why you are seeing double and eliminate the provoking factor. The prognosis largely depends on what disease caused such visual impairment. A good ophthalmologist will tell you what to do next. It is important to spare no time and money in finding a good specialist who will really understand the patient’s problem and help him solve it in the optimal way.

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