12 psychological tricks to influence the subconscious of your interlocutor

The principle of perseverance

If during a conversation you feel that someone is not telling you the whole truth or is even lying, try to keep your eyes on that person.

If you are lucky, then the silence and your fixed eyes will become so oppressive that your interlocutor will have no choice but to tell you everything.

Films about the subconscious

Films about the mind and subconscious are of interest to psychologists, people who are engaged in discovering their abilities. The human brain is a mysterious substance, who knows what might be hidden there? Masterpieces of cinema that lift the veil of subconscious processes:

  1. "Areas of Darkness / Limitless" . Eddie Morra is a failure in life, his marriage is destroyed, he is not in demand as a writer, but everything changes when he meets his ex-brother-in-law Vernon, who offers him miracle pills that reveal 100% of the brain's potential.
  2. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" . The film is about love, which is not afraid of “erasing memories”; the subconscious of the main characters refuses to erase feelings, and somewhere in the subconscious depths Joel and Clementine remember each other and collide again and again.
  3. "Deja Vu / Déjà Vu" . The film is about the mysterious phenomenon of the subconscious, known as déjà vu, expressed in the brain's message “it has already happened.”
  4. "Shutter Island " Federal agents Teddy Daniels and Chuck are sent to a psychiatric clinic on Shutter Island to investigate the disappearance of child killer Rachel Solando. The investigation becomes tangled and complicated by the fact that Daniels' subconscious keeps its own secrets.
  5. "Beginning / Inception" . Dominic Cobb is a valuable expert in hacking people's subconscious minds, stealing valuable information through lucid dreaming.

Based on materials from womanadvice.ru

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Rule of Humor

When you tell a good joke in a group of several people, check who is looking at whom while laughing.

Our instinct is to look at the person we love most when something makes us laugh. Knowing this rule, it will be easier for you to understand the relationships of people in a group.

Books about the subconscious

The power of the subconscious is great, say psychologists and people who have embarked on the path of self-knowledge. Using the techniques described in the books, it is important to rely on your well-being and condition, because discovered destructive programs and mental trauma can cause colossal harm to a person. Some techniques and exercises will be useful for development. Books about the capabilities of the subconscious:

  1. Secrets of the subconscious ” V. Sinelnikov. The author gives healing techniques that program a person to recover and achieve harmonious relationships.
  2. Secrets of the Subconscious ” by L. Nimbroek. Exploring the “black box” of the subconscious through lucid dreams.
  3. The superpowers of the human brain. Journey into the subconscious » M. Raduga. The book provides revolutionary tools for hacking limiting beliefs and attitudes implanted by parents and society.
  4. Open subconscious ” A. Sviyash. The entire “kitchen” of subconscious processes in an understandable presentation, plus many of the author’s tools for the effective use of brain resources.
  5. The subconscious can do anything ” by J. Kehoe. Bestselling book. The author offers a systematic approach that activates unconscious processes to achieve what you want in reality.

Communication with the mirror

If you want to facilitate interpersonal communication in your workplace and work at a desk, you can use this simple tip. Hang a medium-sized mirror behind you.

People who talk to you, seeing their reflection, will become a little more pleasant to you. Why? Few people like to look at their own face, twisted with anger or dissatisfaction!

Exercise one. Be constructive

1. Get used to speaking only positively. Replace your negative words and language. By changing your language, you change your thinking, so you will repress your negative thoughts, and they will not control your actions. Be especially careful in your verbal and mental assessment of your capabilities: forget “I can’t” or “I’m a failure.” Find out the reasons that make you think this way. Identify the factors that push you to engage in negative behavior. Know that these are triggers, so make an effort to control your words and thoughts.

Changing a language doesn't happen overnight. It will take time, effort and energy. Create conditions for positivity - constructive relationships at work, and, of course, in the family, in order to rid yourself of additional “dark” thoughts.

2. Create your own collection of “Optimist Spells.” When you are stressed, have troubles that are ready to demoralize you, repeat your spells.

3. Practice visualization. I have already spoken in sufficient detail about this method of influencing the subconscious. This method involves mentally imagining your goals that you have already achieved. Concentrate, try to imagine in detail the environment in which this goal came true, down to the air temperature, breeze, smells and noises - every detail, as realistically and clearly as possible.

The goals for visualization must be specific and clearly defined. It is necessary to determine the place, time and circumstances of their achievement in the smallest detail.

Influencing the subconscious - the most effective ways and methods of influencing the subconscious

Based on the definitions of consciousness and subconscious, one might think that these are completely opposite concepts and in no way related to each other.
However, this is not at all true, and they cannot exist without each other. With the help of consciousness, people control and comprehend all their actions and actions. The subconscious is processes, on the contrary, that cannot be controlled by humans. Only by working together do they perform all the necessary functions of our psyche. Our Everything that a person thinks about, in other words, everything that we are conscious of, is deposited on a subconscious level. In this way, we kind of give ourselves instructions for further actions. If a person says that he will never get a prestigious job, then our subconscious will do everything to prevent this from actually happening.

How to influence another person's subconscious? Let's consider the main techniques for such influence.


The most ancient and powerful method is hypnotic suggestion. Hypnosis is a temporary state of consciousness (trance), in which there is a sharp focus of attention and increased suggestibility. The hypnotic state can be caused by the influence of a hypnotist, self-hypnosis, or occur spontaneously.

It cannot be induced against the will of the hypnotized person; the hypnotized person is able to resist suggestions, deceive, but will not commit uncharacteristic or unacceptable actions for him. Hypnotic suggestion is an effective method of mental programming, which is also used in the treatment of mental illnesses, fears, and sleep problems.

Officially, hypnosis can only be used in medical institutions, although it is also used by some “healers” and “psychics.” Despite the enormous possibilities of this technique, it is not without its drawbacks: people have different hypnotizability, and some attitudes can be dangerous for the hypnotized person; special training of the hypnotist is required; in the classical version, the method is not hidden.


Repeating multiple times is the simplest and most common way. Repeating any information contributes to its memorization on an unconscious level. The object can remember useful or unnecessary information, as well as outright false statements. Repetition is often used in advertising campaigns.

The constant flashing of videos or audio messages reduces the ability of the mind to resist, which gradually forms an attitude towards actions that are beneficial to advertisers.

Direct contact

The peculiarity of this method is that the technique is used in real time. The manipulator makes an attempt to “relax” the victim’s consciousness with the help of friendly conversation and focused direct gaze into the eyes. People are not characterized by long eye-to-eye contact, so it is difficult for consciousness to answer questions.

This term denotes mental discomfort that occurs when conflicting ideas, perceptions, values, and emotions collide in the mind. When using this technique, information is presented in such a way that the human brain cannot adequately perceive it and understand the meaning of what is being said. Conflicting information, which may be completely useless, is communicated in large volumes or at a high pace to make it impossible to fully comprehend.

"Trojan horse"

The technique is based on the effect of mental programming. It is reported about the “reward” that can be received after performing certain actions (for example, investing money in some enterprise)

Attention is focused on the result that should follow from the investment, and the victim tries to achieve this tempting “reward”. At the same time, an analysis of the reality of achieving the goal is not carried out, and a decision is unconsciously made to participate in a dubious business.

This technique is often used in speeches by politicians or in advertising. The first sentence, containing absolutely reliable information, is followed by others in which the share of reliability decreases. Everything communicated is stored at an unconscious level, and the listener retains trust in the source of information.

In order to find the root cause, you need to leave everything, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and ask the question: “When was the last time you felt like this?” After asking a question, you should wait to see what answer your subconscious will give. When the answer is received, you can ask the second question; “When did this feeling first appear?”

Most often, the subconscious returns a person to the past, this can be either childhood or deep childhood. When the answer is received, you need to change the event that causes negative emotions to a fictitious happy event. And only after an attempt has been made to reprogram, you can open your eyes. It may happen that it didn’t work out the first time, then you should try again after some time.

It is important to monitor your feelings.

This process is called meditation. When a person tries to find an answer to his question. It is very important that your head is not filled with thoughts, you need to relax and let the subconscious mind give you the answer itself.

Another way that will help get rid of negative emotions and change the program in the subconscious. When a negative emotion appears, you must immediately leave everything and say to this emotion “I am with you.” This emotion needs to be felt to the very bones, and then characterized. For example, this emotion could be like heat.

After this, you again need to close your eyes and ask the subconscious question - “How does the heat feel?” and the subconscious will give the answer, the main thing is to listen very carefully. After this, you can ask the next question based on the answer. Let’s say the answer was “The heat feels like a lack of air,” then the next question should be “How does the lack of air feel?”

Our life depends on everything we have experienced, and for life to be wonderful, we need to work with the subconscious, help, with the help of the subconscious, find the root causes and reprogram these causes into positive and pleasant emotions.

Bye everyone. Best regards, Vyacheslav.

“The power of words is one of the greatest gifts. Stop using the power of words against yourself. Joseph Murphy, scientist, theologian"

Every word, every thought is material, how to influence the subconscious with the power of thought and word. Remember your tenth grade social studies lessons: “Matter is an objective reality that exists independently of consciousness and is given to a person in his sensations.” You see, how many years have passed, but I remember this definition by heart, we were taught so thoroughly.

This is what we were taught - “objective reality”, that is, what exactly exists. “Existing independently of consciousness,” this means dreaming is not harmful. “Given to a person in his sensations” - only what can be felt! It turns out that this must be completely forgotten, everything is exactly the opposite! All NLP methods (neurolinguistic programming), all psychotechnologies are based on the fact that the word is material. The healer grandmothers were right, they have been helping people with the power of words for many centuries.

Imagine that your subconscious is a perfect computer connected to the World Wide Web. In the full sense of the world - the universal mind, a cosmic hologram, where all the information of the past, present, and future is captured. So your task is to enter a correctly formulated request into this worldwide computer. Everyone, go drink your favorite tea. The subconscious, having received the task, will do all the work for you.

Monitor your speech for at least a week to even out the situation. Speak only about good things, you cannot slander or criticize. The main thing is not to talk badly about yourself to your loved one. Instead of, “What a fool I am,” say, “I’m a smart woman.” Don’t say “I’m always late,” it’s better to say “Sorry, I’m late.” Do you feel the difference? The Russian language is rich, find for yourself the softest synonyms on how to influence the subconscious with words.

What happens when aggressive words are spoken?

Your field begins to swirl around you. Just slander about something, all sorts of troubles arise suddenly, by themselves. When pronouncing bad words, enter the “aggression” command into your perfect computer, the “nightmare” file opens. By an effort of will, overcome your negativity, quietly tell yourself “I’m fine.” From this moment you begin to manage your consciousness and life, to correctly influence the subconscious.

Almost everyone now has a computer; we no longer learn news from newspapers or even television, but from news feeds, which rarely make us happy. Do not let yourself be drawn into discussions of terrorist attacks, injustices, wars, miscarriages of justice. With your emotions, like ahh, ahh, you will pull your subconscious into the twilight zone. The subconscious, in response, will throw you a couple of similar situations. After all, you discussed it so emotionally. How does he know that you don’t like it, he takes everything literally.

The subconscious mind reacts to the level of your involvement in the situation. Reading some nasty thing from the Internet news feed, your passion flares up stronger than when you think about some person. When a person talks about something scary or pleasant, an adrenaline rush occurs. But fear evokes more emotions than joy, that’s how we are made.

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