Not enough emotions? We awaken jealousy! How to make a guy jealous - at a distance, an ex, by correspondence, who you like

How to make a guy jealous ↑

In fact, in our progressive age, in order to cause jealousy, it is not necessary to show signs of attention to anyone in front of your loved one.

For this purpose, you can take advantage of technological advances and influence even a not very jealous person, for example, at a distance by telephone or via the Internet. There are really many ways.

On distance

Pen pal – real or fake:

  1. Real - meet a young man on a social network and start a non-binding correspondence with him, with light flirting. Show interest in him, praise the photos he posts, send postcards. Rest assured, the man will respond in kind.
  2. Falsification - create another account, register it under a male name, make the page live (add friends, post quotes or pictures, answer questions, load games) and write messages to yourself.

Advice! This is an effective method, but it only works if the guy you are interested in is viewing your page on the Internet. Not sure about this? Let it be known, supposedly by chance, in front of your boyfriend or his friend, where and what nature of your correspondence is being conducted.

If you are apart (vacation, business trip), there are also ways to revive your feelings a little, tell a close friend over the phone:

  • that she changed her image: any man will wonder why such changes were made immediately after his departure, and whether another one appeared;
  • about a recent trip to a bar, club or restaurant, where you had a great time (dancing, singing karaoke, etc.) and made a lasting impression on the men there;
  • about a certain stranger who regularly calls the phone, explaining his calls as a mistake;
  • you can arrange with a friend so that she calls exactly at the moment when you are talking to the guy; While communicating with a young man, say “I have a call on the second line,” switch, talk to your friend, then return to the interrupted conversation without revealing to your boyfriend the name of the caller and the subject of the conversation.

Important! If you want to arouse jealousy, the main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise you can get completely different feelings, such as anger and aggression, or hear very impartial statements addressed to you.

  1. First of all, you need to pay attention to your appearance , maybe it’s time to change (hairstyle, clothing style), think about what exactly your ex-partner didn’t like. It would be useful to correct your figure; visiting the gym, fitness center, yoga, callanetics or Pilates will help.
  2. All men are owners by nature . And even after breaking up, the man believes that the woman left behind will continue to think exclusively about him. Therefore, it would be more correct to change your behavior, and in order not to really rage in your soul, you need to show indifference at every meeting. Pretend that you don’t care at all, go about your life, have fun. Indifference always catches men, and they immediately have thoughts - the place next to you is already taken.
  3. If you often surf the Internet and have a page on one of the social networks, know that you cannot post sad statuses or show your despondency in any other way. Here the principles are the same as in the previous paragraph - indifference and complete calm. It is better to post, for example, on VKontakte interesting photos with your participation (a hike with friends, a club party, a trip to the sea), it is advisable that a man be present in the photos, and it does not matter that he is just an acquaintance or a passerby.
  4. If for some reason your ex-boyfriend decides to communicate via SMS, you need to show complete indifference and be as restrained as possible. At the same time, you cannot answer right away, so as not to give the impression that you are not letting go of the phone in your hands, constantly waiting for a call from your former favorite. It is better to write a concise answer, the same as you would give to a stranger.
  5. If you were invited to a holiday and there was a meeting with your ex-boyfriend, try to flirt a little with some interesting man. In this case, you don’t need to do anything provocative; it’s enough to dance a little, talk affectionately, with a smile.
  6. A very effective way is to start an affair with a friend of your ex-boyfriend. Jealousy cannot be avoided here.

Important! Decided to openly flirt with another man in the presence of a former close friend? Under no circumstances should you impose yourself on the person chosen for the role of “beloved”; everything should be as natural and unobtrusive as possible, so as to create the impression that right now, before everyone’s eyes, a new relationship is being born.

By correspondence

In order to make a guy jealous of you, send him a message on his phone, the content of which should intrigue and make the boyfriend nervous, for example:

  • any text in which you refer to it in a different way than usual. After legitimate questions arise, answer “Oh, sorry, I was wrong” or silently smile mysteriously;
  • message “I really liked everything yesterday!” or “what a great time you and I had yesterday!” despite the fact that there was no meeting the day before, it can cause a storm of emotions in a friend.

How to deal with causeless jealousy? Read on.

Which one do you like?

If you like a guy, but you haven’t met him yet, naturally, you need to get acquainted. At the same time, you need to show him signs of attention, praise him, enthusiastically carry on the conversation and, ultimately, interest him.

But further events can develop in different ways:

  • find out where the object of your desire will spend the evening , go there in sexy clothes, with amazing makeup, greet your friends, including the guy you like, but behave slightly cool towards him (it’s good if you can flirt in front of his eyes with another young man person);
  • if it is not possible to meet the object of interest somewhere , then you need to make an effort so that his friends begin to discuss you in a positive way (beauty, chic clothes, long legs), even better if they tell him about some handsome man meeting him after school or work.

Should you be made jealous?

When asked how to make a man jealous, psychology provides many different ideas. But don't forget that trying to cause jealousy is manipulation. In some cases, it may simply not work or lead to the opposite effect. Before you take decisive action, consider whether you really want to cause jealousy.

Should you make your husband or boyfriend jealous?

In any relationship there comes a crisis

When a woman notices that her lover has stopped complimenting her, doesn’t find time for leisure time together, and simply doesn’t pay attention to her, she looks for ways to bring passion back into the relationship. Causing jealousy is one of the popular ways

However, you may encounter the following problems:

A man simply won’t notice your attempts. Most likely, the lack of response will be extremely unpleasant for you. If a man is not jealous when there is a reason for it, the most obvious conclusion is that he is not interested in you. However, there may be other reasons - for example, the man is not jealous in principle, or he saw through your idea. In any case, a lack of response from a man often leads to negative emotions. In addition, in trying to make such a man jealous, you may get carried away and go too far. In this case, such manipulation can even lead to a break in the relationship.

  • There is a type of man who just likes to feel jealous. They are interested in winning an unapproachable woman. If they notice that you are just playing, but in fact have feelings for them, such a relationship will lose meaning for them.
  • Your attempts to make him jealous may just make the man angry. This is especially likely if you flirt with others or start talking a lot with your husband or boyfriend about your exes. Subtle attempts to arouse jealousy, such as hanging out with male friends or wearing sexy outfits, may simply not be noticed by a man if he is confident in himself and you have been in a long-term relationship. More serious ways, like flirting and mentioning other men in conversations, can often cause anger.

Should you make your exes jealous?

A woman tries to make her ex jealous in two cases - either she wants to get him back, or she wants to make him regret losing her. The latter option does not bring any practical benefit, although it helps many women get through a difficult breakup and feel desired. If you decide to make your ex jealous, consider the following nuances:

If husbands and boyfriends rarely remain calm when a woman tries to arouse jealousy, then in the case of exes this option is very likely. Of course, everything is very individual - a man’s reaction will depend on how strong the relationship you had and how you broke up. However, if your ex really doesn't want a relationship with you anymore and is already caught up in his own love life, be prepared that your attempts to make him jealous won't do any good. It can be very difficult to realize this - especially if you wanted to get your ex back in this way.

If your ex notices that you are deliberately trying to make him jealous, he will only once again feel self-affirmation. Although, in some cases, a man may take this as a signal that you really want him back - then you will have a chance to resume communication. Even if you manage to get your ex back through jealousy, consider whether you really want to continue this relationship. Surely you separated for a reason - there was a certain problem, and it may arise again. In addition, jealousy awakens a competitive spirit in a man.

If he wanted to come back after seeing you surrounded by male attention, this does not mean that he needs you. Perhaps he just wants to assert himself among other men. If you're just trying to piss off your ex, chances are you're wasting your time.

Small hints can certainly help you feel popular and get over the breakup easier. However, spending your time and energy trying to prove something to your ex instead of enjoying life is clearly not worth it.

Astrological analysis. We provoke jealousy ↑

We all feel differently and, accordingly, react to situations differently. Astrologers give very interesting information according to the zodiac sign about who is jealous and how.

An earth sign, reliability and confidence in relationships are extremely important for such people. They prefer to avoid situations that can cause jealousy; they even dislike the feeling itself.

Despite the fact that Capricorns strive to calculate everything in advance, it is not always possible to avoid unpleasant surprises. If Capricorn is visited by jealousy, then his partner should expect total control in everything.

In essence, Aquarius men are not jealous, but only until there is a real or imagined possibility of losing their beloved because of another man.

In this case, unpleasant statements addressed to the partner may follow, in rare cases, if “caught in the act,” even assault.

A rather restrained sign in terms of jealousy. Its male representatives are loyal and forgiving people, able to forgive, accept, and understand. The main thing for a partner is not to overact in her desire to evoke strong feelings in her partner.

Aries men have a powerful temperament, and as a result are prone to attacks of severe jealousy.

The consequences can be quite unpleasant: screaming, swearing, heightened passions. One thing is good - Aries cannot stay at the peak of emotions for a long time, quickly cools down and gets distracted.

A sign of materialists and owners. Everything he has, including his partner, is his personal property. And Taurus does not intend to share even a small amount with anyone.

He can endure for a long time, pondering the situation, not wanting to change anything in his established life until a certain moment. But if patience has run out, wait for the storm.

Geminis are not jealous by nature. In order to provoke jealousy in them, openly expressed indifference, correspondence with a stranger on the Internet or mysterious SMS messages are ideal.

Do you know how to become a good wife and housewife? Here you go.

How is male jealousy different from female jealousy? Read here.

Cancers are touchy, suspicious and vulnerable, so try without special need not to provoke in the representative of this sign even thoughts about your infidelity or the presence of a rival. If you want to tickle your nerves, you risk losing your loved one forever.

The sign is fire and that says a lot. Negative emotions flare up sharply and do not let go of Leo for a long time; they can transform into an extreme degree of aggression, after which separation is inevitable.

By nature, representatives of the Virgo sign are not jealous. But if doubt about the partner’s fidelity still creeps in, he may begin to control everything and everyone.

In addition, we should not forget that Virgos are extremely squeamish, and instead of heightened feelings, it is quite possible to get coldness or even physical disgust.

If your ex-boyfriend was born under the sign of Libra, then there is a great chance to torment him by causing jealousy. This sign is very jealous, and for him this feeling is extremely painful and painful.

With a Scorpio, there is no need to strain and artificially evoke strong feelings in him. By nature, Scorpio is an owner, so he is initially jealous of his girlfriend towards everyone, even if in fact there is no reason.

In Sagittarius, jealousy is weakly expressed, but if his pride and pride are hurt by possible infidelity, there is a high risk of losing the Sagittarius man forever.

Instead of clarifying the relationship and active reconciliation, a girl may receive complete indifference on the part of her partner due to the disappointment that has visited him.

Ways to make your husband jealous

Ready for decisive action? Choose the appropriate option that will take your other half out of the mental comfort zone:

Spend the weekend at your mom's. Your husband secretly dreams that you will forget the way to your parents’ house. They teach bad things: exactly how much a real earner is supposed to earn and from what place should the hands of the owner of the house grow. Your husband will be worried that you will spend the entire weekend dreaming about the ideal prince that he will never become. Get a cat. No self-respecting spouse will remain indifferent to the appearance of a tailed rival in the house. Barsik has access to all the joys of a man: lying on the couch all day, eating delicacies, raising his voice on any occasion. He is always welcome and any damage to property is forgiven. The spouse will be deeply hurt by the privileged position of a pet that literally does not catch mice, is useless and is expensive for the family budget. “Handsome”, “my precious”, “prankster” - come up with gentle nicknames for the cat so that the head of the family will die of envy. Take up fitness with a personal trainer. Choose a handsome young man with an athletic build as your mentor. Invite your spouse to meet you from training. Let him make sure that his wife whiles away the evenings in worthy company

Don’t forget to draw your life partner’s attention to those features of the coach’s figure that arouse your special interest in sports. Surely the spouse will be curious to know what biceps and abs look like, which do not leave any lady in the area indifferent. Take yourself an unplanned vacation

Spend quality time for your soul and body in splendid solitude somewhere on distant shores. A great way to make your husband jealous and afraid of losing you. Your spontaneous departure will make your significant other quite worried. He believed that madam couldn’t take a step without him, but you straightened your passport and bought plane tickets. Are you sure you'll be back? That is the question. Can you resist the southern charm of a sultry native on an expensive snow-white yacht? Who can guarantee that she didn’t take off her chastity belt immediately when checking into a hotel room with a wide bed? To enhance the educational effect, do not get in touch often on your own initiative. Your homebody should be sure that you are having a great time without experiencing bouts of nostalgia for your tired home. Sign up for training on finding women's happiness. Such courses instill in married ladies the obsessive idea that the emphasis in their married life is completely wrong. Gradually, under the influence of expensive gurus, you will begin to pay more attention to self-care for your loved one instead of wasting away in the kitchen over bottomless pots. The callous spouse will quickly feel your cooling: an empty refrigerator and unironed shirts will make him wake up from his marital sleep. No head of the family can accept the loss of his crown. Attend a homecoming evening. How to make your husband not be jealous like a child? Tell him about your idea, show him a photo of a high school student, to whom you were hesitant until graduation. Launch large-scale preparations for the event. Buy a stunning dress, visit a fashionable beauty salon, devote several evenings to searching for long-lost classmates on social networks. It’s a rare spouse who will calmly react to the missus’ online communication sessions with suspicious ghosts of the past. Who knows, maybe one of them, by some miracle, will be able to revive your romantic school crush? Spend more time with your children. The husband is used to the fact that after the traditional bedtime story you are at his complete disposal. I'm tired of waiting in the bedroom! It's okay, he'll be patient. Kids have long been asking to extend their evening reading sessions of their favorite picture book. They fully deserve it. But the husband behaved badly: let him languish in a cold bed and ponder why he fell out of favor.

Is it worth it? Advice from psychologists ↑

Jealousy is a complex feeling, tinged with negativity and irritation, that brings a person pain and disappointment, capable of poisoning not only today, but the rest of his life, ruining relationships with loved ones and losing them forever.

Think about it, do you want to force your loved one to experience this whole range of feelings and experience many unpleasant moments? If yes, experiment, but don’t expect that your current relationship will change for the better overnight and the guy will be inflamed with unearthly love, everything can turn out exactly the opposite.

Video: How to make a guy jealous

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How to make a guy jealous: a sure-fire strategy

Today we will try to figure out how to make a guy jealous. You will learn to do this at a distance, by correspondence, and in real life. Here you can also find interesting statuses for social networks and tips on behavior with your current and current boyfriend. All you have to do is use them and enjoy the work done! In addition, we will introduce readers to the main mistakes women make and tell us how to understand whether our plan worked.

Methods that work

It is not difficult to awaken feelings of jealousy in a man. To do this, you need to look great and show that you are not his property, he may lose you. If you start flirting with another guy and ignoring your boyfriend, this behavior makes your boyfriend feel possessive.

When surrounding men begin to notice how attractive a girl is, this also makes her lover jealous, even if she does not reciprocate their feelings. There can be many ways to awaken jealousy, so a girl should not let the relationship take its course and take the initiative.


Guys, as a rule, love with their eyes. They are attracted to well-groomed and elegant girls. Develop your eroticism. To do this, you can sign up for special courses so that someone from the outside can control your manners, because attractive and vulgar women have many differences.

Change your appearance. Throw away worn, faded items, even if you love them. They will not make you attractive and desirable in the eyes of the man you love. For everyday wear, choose not a robe, but beautiful and comfortable dresses and stylish home clothes. Don't forget about hairstyle, perfume, makeup. Get manicures and pedicures regularly.

READ How to stop being jealous of your husband: advice from a psychologist

You can also change your image to become more impressive and vibrant. Visit a beauty salon, cosmetologist, sign up for massage sessions. Buy yourself new clothes, shoes, don’t spare money on jewelry. This is the best way to make your beloved boy jealous. Don't forget that you are changing for yourself, and not for the sake of a man, otherwise nothing will work out for you.


Girls must be able to flirt with the opposite sex. This helps them become more confident, win over men and attract their attention. If your lover sees you flirting subtly with another guy, it will make him nervous. What if he loses love?

There is nothing wrong if from time to time you smile at a man’s friends, but pointedly deprive him of attention. It is important here not to go too far, otherwise the lover will feel humiliated and decide to break up.


It infuriates men when their beloved begins to ignore them and not notice them. Be natural. By demonstratively avoiding communication with a man, you will make it clear that you are doing this on purpose:

  1. Don't show your boyfriend that you couldn't wait for a text or phone call from him. If you have a date, don't constantly ask him if the date will happen.
  2. When your loved one calls, don’t rush to pick up the phone right away. Sometimes don't answer his calls at all, and later explain that you were busy. But this should only be done if your loved one asks why he couldn’t get through to you.
  3. There is no need to constantly ask a man to talk about his thoughts and feelings. Let him not think that you are too interested in him, especially when he himself does not seek communication and does not ask about your feelings, mood, etc.
  4. Do not under any circumstances curry favor with your beloved man, do not beg him for a marriage proposal. If he loves you, then he will decide to take this step. A girl can only push a guy to this decision with unobtrusive hints.
  5. Don't try to control a man. Avoid interrogations: “Where have you been? Do you understand that I was very worried?” It will be unpleasant for him to report. This behavior will not make you more attractive in the eyes of your lover.

READ How to stop being jealous of a girl: advice from psychologists

Switch your thoughts from the man to something else. Think about hobbies, friends, or pursue a career. Let your lover see you as a bright and interesting personality. After this, he will begin to appreciate you more and you will no longer have to resort to trying to make a man feel jealous.

meetings with friends

A loved one can be jealous of a girl not only of other guys, but also of her friends. That's why you need to spend time in their company more often to make your man jealous. If your lover sees that you are communicating with your friends without noticing him, this will attract his attention. He will certainly want to “switch” your thoughts in his direction.

If you communicate with a group of guys, the effect will be more noticeable. By flirting with them, you can ignite real passion in a young man. But don’t allow yourself too much, so as not to provoke a fight or scandal.

Social media

Social networks are the best assistant for those who want to provoke feelings of jealousy in a guy from a distance. It is very easy to do this in virtual space. It is enough to post bright and interesting selfies on Instagram or VK with your guy friends, and from time to time write posts and statuses with a hint that you are in love again.

Let your boyfriend's wild imagination run wild! He will constantly be with you mentally, thinking about what kind of relationship you have with the people in the photo or where you went in such a revealing dress. Such experiences are good for relationships. This is a good way to make a guy jealous.

Delays after work

If you live together, start coming home from work an hour or two later than usual so that the man does not understand where you are and with whom. During this time, do interesting and enjoyable things - take a walk, go to a cafe, socialize. Such behavior can cause severe jealousy even in someone who previously did not consider himself capable of this feeling.

READ How to make your girlfriend jealous: the most effective ways

If your loved one asks where you have been, come up with good reasons for the delays: your boss asked you to work on a report, you met relatives and decided to sit with them, you needed to go to a sale on the other side of town, etc.

Don't touch your phone

Change the password if your spouse or boyfriend knows it, and don't let him use your phone. Prohibit him from sending SMS, calling and do not show what they are writing to you. You can demonstratively communicate with someone by correspondence in front of a young man. When you get a call, go into another room to talk.

Always keep your phone close to you, even take it into the bathroom. All this may not work right away, but gradually your lover will begin to wonder what you are hiding from him.

Buy yourself bouquets

If you periodically come home with flowers, this will interest your lover. To make a guy jealous, you should have bouquets not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. The man will begin to suspect that you have a fan, and he has a competitor. Try to buy flowers in a place where you will not meet your lover or his friends.

Pique the interest of his friends

If you don’t know how to make your beloved guy jealous and afraid of losing you, then change your image, appearance, behavior, get carried away with new things. Let his friends start talking about you and admiring you. This will not leave your loved one indifferent. When allowing yourself to flirt, try to look like a flirt and at the same time an inaccessible woman.

Basic methods for causing jealousy depending on the situation

Below we will offer several of the most effective methods and examples of statuses for social networks.

Actively correspond with other guys. Then send someone a link to a funny repost and let your boyfriend look into your account. So he will decide that you spend a lot of time with male friends and will begin to be jealous. If you send funny messages or pictures regularly, he will get angry.

Change statuses. Examples for VKontakte:

  • “What a great time I had today with him, I finally felt good.”
  • “I’m so happy, I have everything in life, so many friends, and men too.”
  • “A woman who loves no one cannot make anyone jealous.”

Go to a party or outing with friends. In the evening, update your status on social networks about how great and fun you had, for example: “Thank you guys, we had a great time! I'm looking forward to repeating it."

Possible mistakes that can ruin everything

To make a man jealous and not lose his trust, try to use the proposed methods carefully. If you show with all your might that the guy is not needed, he will leave. Act based on his individual characteristics and decently.

If the goal is to cause jealousy and preserve the relationship, do not cheat on your boyfriend. You shouldn't go on dates with others. Only light flirting (smiles, compliments) is allowed.

In order not to spoil the young man’s health, give him a break from jealousy. Today shine in a male circle, let him be nervous, and tomorrow turn into an obedient girl. Suspicion and jealousy drain the nervous system, and constant fights are a sign of a painful relationship.

In what cases does jealousy help?

Jealousy in relationships is not always good or justified. Sometimes this feeling can destroy the good things that exist in a couple. But in moderation, such “pepper” is acceptable.

It is worth considering several cases where an attempt to induce jealousy leads to success. This usually happens in situations in which the feeling is used to achieve good goals, and you have no desire to harm your loved one and undermine his mental health.

READ How to understand that a guy is jealous: learning to recognize a jealous person

If the relationship has become too boring and predictable, you can let the man know that he will lose you without changing his behavior. Let him understand that love must be fought for. True, you cannot cross the boundaries of acceptable behavior, otherwise you will lose the person.

How to understand whether the plan worked or not

Obvious signs of jealousy are that a guy demands to stop communicating with other men. He begins to initiate quarrels, get nervous, and raise his voice. Another behavior option is to close yourself off, ignore your other half, and mirror their gestures. Those who are insecure will harbor resentment and may not immediately admit their feelings. So that you notice this in time, we have prepared a list of the main signs of jealousy. It says here how a man behaves and what he says.

Watch this video if you don't want to ruin your relationship. The moment with the telephone and flowers is especially interesting. In some ways it looks like a kindergarten, but it works quite well:

Be prudent, do not lower yourself in the eyes of your loved one and do not put pressure on him!

Proven ways to make a man jealous over text

Every girl wants to be confident in her chosen one. When there is evidence of his love, we feel calmer, more harmonious and literally glow from within. If a relationship with a loved one feels cold, our self-esteem suffers greatly. This affects appearance, mood, performance and causes a state of melancholy. Even being far from each other, in different cities or on different continents, you can arouse a man’s interest. To do this, you need to make the guy jealous by correspondence.

Making up a script

If you decide to provoke a guy’s jealousy through correspondence, you need to come up with a scenario in advance for which you will proceed. To evoke this feeling in him, it is necessary to arouse interest - to attract attention, intrigue and captivate.

There is no need to be an open book for a young man, who is always in sight and will provide the necessary information at any time. Women's self-sufficiency and passion are of interest: you should have your own hobbies, goals, dreams, a wide circle of friends and ambitions. All this can be considered a sign of a developed personality. Basically, such natures have charm and attract people to themselves like a magnet.

A busy and slightly secretive lifestyle can boost your self-esteem. When you feel like a self-sufficient and bright personality, you will stop wasting energy on unnecessary doubts about your boyfriend. Then he will definitely notice it and will not be able to resist your charm.

Don’t sit over the phone waiting for him to call, don’t take the initiative every time, don’t prolong the conversation with your loved one and don’t try too hard to impress. You, like him, should have your own personal space, consisting of something secret and known only to you. If you persistently try to destroy personal boundaries, turning yourself inside out, exposing all your experiences and demanding the same from your partner, you can achieve the opposite result. Men are secretive people, and this behavior of girls repels them, frightens them, and forces them to withdraw even more into themselves.

To achieve success, the desire to cause jealousy should not be the end goal. Focus on becoming a woman in whom a man's interest does not fade over time, but intensifies. Otherwise, your manipulations will look unnatural; the young man will quickly notice this and be disappointed. This error is difficult to correct, so you need to do everything to avoid it.

Focus on the desire to become better, stock up on a good mood and do not give up, falling into despondency, because all your work will go down the drain and you will have to start all over again.

Keep it intriguing

Remember the image of a woman who carries a mystery and always delights people. Feelings of inaccessibility, intrigue and understatement can excite the imagination and ignite the flame of passion inside any man. Thus, the mysterious smile of the Mona Lisa prompted Leonardo da Vinci to immortalize it on his canvas. The masterpiece has been attracting attention for more than 500 years and makes anyone who looks at it try to unravel the girl’s mystery.

You should not take the advice that you need to keep the intrigue literally and try on the role of a foreign intelligence agent. It is enough to maintain a slight understatement, leaving space for guesses and fantasies. In this case, the guy will be much more interested in writing, calling or asking a question first.

Maintaining intrigue will give a man the opportunity to feel like a conqueror again. On a subconscious level, he will begin to wonder what was the reason for secrecy and changes in your behavior. This will cause jealousy even without an obvious reason.

When planning to spend the weekend with your family or watching movies at home, write to him evasively:

  • I'm going to a meeting;
  • I was invited to visit;
  • I plan to spend time in pleasant company;
  • I will mind my own business;
  • I plan to have a lot of fun.

In this way, you will not deceive him, but will only omit details about who exactly you plan to meet and what to do.

Try not to immediately answer your guy's calls and messages. Give your lover time to get bored and think about what his girlfriend is doing.

When a young man does not get through on the phone several times or receives a response message several hours later, he will want to find out the reason for this. The feeling that you are busy will only fuel his feelings. This will force a man to take into account the importance of your free time and take into account your plans. After silence, start the conversation with the phrase:

  • I'm sorry I didn't answer for a long time - I didn't hear the call;
  • Sorry, I couldn't talk.

In order not to overdo it with unavailability, you can reject his call and ask him to write SMS when you are not comfortable talking. This works especially well on a Friday evening or on a weekend, because doubts will begin to creep into the young man’s head: “Is my missus really doing yoga at this moment, and not having fun in the company?”


A well-groomed appearance greatly attracts the attention of men. Periodically change your avatar on the Internet and send the guy your photos under the pretext that you want to show him something or ask for advice. This can also be used to induce jealousy. Add text to your photo:

  • Please help me choose an outfit. Can I go to a restaurant in this skirt?
  • What do you think about this look? Suitable for going to the theater?

Change your image: get a haircut, styling, start using cosmetics and lose a couple of extra pounds. Then the friend with whom you communicate at a distance will wonder what the reason for such changes is.

Social media

If a man is on social networks, lead an active life there too. Because it pays attention to the number of comments under your photos and who leaves them. Even a harmless compliment from a friend left under your photo can make your beloved guy jealous from a distance.

Chat with other men

Guys sense the appearance of a competitor even from a distance, without hints in correspondence. The presence of a new acquaintance in your life will attract the attention of someone who previously showed no interest in you.

This is an extreme but effective method. Just don't overdo it - let your friend only guess that you are communicating with someone else.

Do not overdo it

Remember that everything is good in moderation: a feeling of slight jealousy can revive and increase passion in a relationship, while cruel neglect of a loved one, outright lies and rudeness will aggravate the situation and destroy the partner’s trust.

Even when communicating at a distance, a person can become disappointed if he experiences only negative emotions all the time. It is important not to forget to give sincere compliments, show sympathy and praise the guy. When a man understands that he has a multifaceted personality, he will show his feelings and correspondence will develop into a strong relationship.

Sources: -revnovat-po-perepiske.html

Methods that are unlikely to make a man jealous

1. Don't try to make a man jealous by flirting with his good friends.
You can often see advice like this: “try flirting with his friends, let him, like, think about his behavior.” It is unlikely that this number will work for you. If these are really good friends, then nothing will happen to you. Firstly, “real boys” don’t “dump” each other and don’t seduce other people’s women, and, secondly, if your husband has known them for a long time and, as they say, was on the potty with them, then he will never believe that there was or may be something between you. Very often, men trust their best friends much more than their women. Even in such cases, “male solidarity” kicks in and your husband’s friend simply won’t support your flirting. Or he will support you in a humorous manner so as not to offend you. Naturally, this will not suit you, and your husband will only grin to himself.

2. Women also often resort to emphasizing the positive qualities of other men in order to make their husband jealous. Not everything is so clear here. On the one hand, the move is good; jealousy can be caused in this way. But on the other hand, to the phrase: “What a good guy Mashka is, a real man,” you can get the answer: “Well, with a girl like Mashka, anyone will try to be a real man.”

Or to the phrase: “Brad Pitt is so handsome, just a dream for women,” you can hear: “Well, his woman is Angelina Jolly, whom most men dream of.” And it is not clear in such a situation who will be more jealous - the man, or the woman herself.

3. You won't be able to make a man jealous if you try to do it too often or too monotonously. People get used to everything. If you purposefully, constantly try to kindle the flame of jealousy in your chosen one, then he will develop a kind of immunity to this. Especially if you make a mistake in something, and he understands that your actions are just a game.

4. It is believed that if a woman begins to take care of herself, visits gyms and fitness clubs, updates her wardrobe, and changes her appearance, then this makes her chosen one jealous, they say, she has someone, that’s why she’s trying so hard. But, in fact, this will not cause jealousy in most men. In fact, why be jealous of the gym or the beauty salon?

However, at the same time, the man will notice these changes and begin to treat her differently. And that's a fact. But the reason for this is not the jealousy that we allegedly caused. The reason is the appearance of a woman who is pleasant to look at and at the sight of which it is simply impossible to remain indifferent. Therefore, dear, sweet, beloved women, take care of yourself, your wardrobe, your appearance and figure. And then you won’t have to wonder: “How to remain attractive to your husband” and you won’t have to make him jealous. In this case, he himself will notice changes in you, will pay much more attention and strive to communicate with you.

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