How to make your husband jealous and afraid of losing?

Nothing binds you like jealousy. And smart women know this well. In general, the love of a jealous man often even resembles hatred, but this is precisely the case when negative emotions are used for good, and the desire to preserve one’s “prey” and protect it from the attacks of male competitors, although it turns into a fixed idea, is helps to realize the value of a loved one as such. For a marriage where routine kills passion and habit replaces love, this is more than relevant. That’s why many wives ask a logical question: how can they make their husband jealous so that he will be inflamed with passion again, just like in his heyday? The focus today is on 6 proven methods with comments from psychologists and other experts.

New hobby

Of course, we are not suggesting that you take a lover, although in certain circumstances this option should not be discounted. Everything is much simpler - sign up for some courses, for example, English. Or driving. Even better is a dance club or an intellectual book club. In general, this should be a place full of men - and contact with them is inevitable, just like a frightening rumble of thunder after a flash of lightning. Don’t forget to inform your beloved about this, otherwise the whole idea will only result in a waste of precious time.

Additional advice: exchange phone numbers with some handsome guy and be sure to have him call you in the presence of your husband.

Let your beloved see that someone is very interested in your person. Rest assured: after a couple of such calls, jealousy can be drained from your husband in buckets. True, caution on your part will not hurt: you only want to make your husband jealous, and not fall in love with your boyfriend, right?

How to cause jealousy from a distance?

Nothing complicated. Use the progress of recent decades. Most young people now have open pages on social networks. If not, take care of this in advance (yes, inducing jealousy requires preparation). Knowing the character of a man, the trajectory of his thoughts, you can choose from options:

  • Do not log into your account for several days in a row or do it anonymously. Accustomed to seeing you there almost every day, the guy will begin to worry;
  • Spend more time on your profile than usual. Create the appearance of active correspondence with someone, set mysterious statuses, change photos;
  • ask your friends to like your photos or some interesting content.

A good old cell phone will also help:

  • several times without answering the phone for a long time, each time making excuses for unimportant reasons - I was in the bathroom, on silent, I was sleeping;
  • “accidentally” send your boyfriend an SMS like “I’m going out now” or “I’ve already had lunch.” You can agree in advance with a friend so that she confirms that she has made an appointment with you if your loved one wants to check;
  • “the subscriber is unavailable or is outside the network coverage area” is the most alarming, especially if it lasts several hours.

Even talking on the phone can make you jealous. Act a little mysterious or thoughtful, even a little upset. You may “accidentally” drop some phrase: “I came late yesterday,” “my head hurts a little.” When asked “why,” you must first be silent for a little while, as if urgently thinking up an answer, and then say it.

Mysterious admirer

This plan will work flawlessly if you think carefully about the scenario. The task is made easier by having a real fan, for example, at work, who tirelessly showers you with compliments, regularly showers you with emoticons on social networks and clearly hints at strong sympathy on his part. Then all you have to do is play along with him at the right moment. But if such a man is absent, then it doesn’t matter: you can always arouse jealousy in your husband, even with the help of an illusory admirer.

  1. persuade your friend to call you several times late at night - move away to talk away from your husband’s eyes;
  2. from the left male account, put characteristic comments with a bunch of hearts under each of your photos on social networks, and do not skimp on likes;
  3. call a courier with flowers from an anonymous person to your house - make sure that your husband is at home at that moment, and even better, that he opens the door and receives a bouquet;
  4. Somehow, inadvertently leave the phone in his sight, and go to the bathroom yourself - let your friend call at this moment, but hang up when answered.

Of course, jealousy will not appear immediately. And he can react extremely condescendingly to an avalanche of hearts on social networks. But if you consistently implement your plan, then soon indifference will give way to suspicion, and then it’s not far from outright jealousy.

Alina Olegovna Sverchevskaya, practicing psychologist, 5 years of experience, Moscow:

— Making your spouse jealous is actually not a difficult task: the hunter gene in men is very well developed. And if he usually dozes, lulled by the confidence that the prey will not go anywhere, then at the slightest hint of the appearance of another hunter nearby, he immediately awakens. Therefore, the idea with a fan is one of the most effective. The male consciousness awakens, and the husband himself, sensing something is wrong, loses his sense of comfort and begins to perceive the world around him as full of danger. This is the mechanism of jealousy. But you need to activate it only if you know for sure that you are capable of returning a man to a state of mental comfort. Otherwise, his concern will become chronic, which will ultimately affect your existence.

How to make a man jealous if you know his zodiac sign

Taurus - reacts furiously to deception on the part of the chosen one. If he has direct evidence of this, then there will be no forgiveness. The absence of words of recognition may cause distrust in him. A jealous state can be awakened by attention shown to another man.

Geminis do not like competition. It is enough just to hint that your new acquaintance is superior to him in some way, and the Gemini man will begin to actively prove the opposite, surrounding him with attention and care.

Leos are quick-tempered and jealous by nature, so any rash action can provoke jealousy in their lover. Just simple coquetry with his rival is enough, and the lion will already have a plan for revenge, as a consequence of the response to the unworthy behavior of his beloved.

Cancer is a very loyal and loving sign. They are very emotional, so an innocent story about how an old friend invited him somewhere will make him move. They are very emotional and do not hide their feelings.

Sagittarius - will not be jealous for any reason. They themselves are fickle and look at everything with optimism and ease. However, public opinion is very important to them. A subtle hint that the relationship is going downhill and someone is contributing to this will force him to act.

Libras do not like omissions, hints and delays. As soon as a potential competitor appears on their horizon, they experience a shake-up.

Capricorn - cannot tolerate frivolous behavior. Light flirting, buying clothes, avoiding household chores will make him indignant. Any change in the partner’s behavior will start sounding the alarm as a Capricorn.

Virgo will not be able to ignore the obvious signs of attention from his chosen one addressed to another person: bright cosmetics, a short dress.

Pisces is a sensual sign. Such men are insecure and do not tolerate ridicule and comments. Their calm will easily be disturbed by coquetry or praise from a competitor from the lips of their beloved.

Scorpio is so confident in his soul mate that it will not be easy to achieve the desired jealousy. They will suffer not from physical betrayal, but from moral betrayal. Scorpio cannot forgive deception for a long time, and it is very difficult to regain his trust.

Aries is a temperamental and jealous sign. He will become furious if he notices even the slightest flirtation of his beloved with another person. Only he should possess a woman.

Aquarius – won’t make a mountain of them.
It will be enough for the chosen one to spend a lot of time with her childhood friend for Aquarius to be wary.

"My head hurts!"

If you regularly tried to surprise your husband in bed with interesting experiments, seduced you with revealing outfits and demonstrated genuine sexual interest in every possible way, then the man has already formed a certain intimate image of you in his head.

Don’t know how to make your husband jealous in this case? It's simple: change this image.

Become extremely frigid, refuse sex under the pretext of a headache, menstruation, an injured back - or whatever. And at the same time, you don’t need to conquer Hollywood with your facial expressions - a man should see that you, in general, are just coming up with excuses to avoid sex. Usually in such cases, husbands ask close friends for advice, and the latter often make an a priori verdict: “Yes, she has a lover, obviously!” Oh, these drunken men's conversations - they are so stupid if you look at it that way, but sometimes they play into our hands. True, this method is only good if you don’t get too carried away with it. Otherwise, it is quite possible that one fine evening you will be denied intimacy - and the likelihood that your husband’s very real mistress is to blame for this is very high.

Alexey Petrovich Salimyanov, sexologist, professor at Samara State Medical University:

- Playing hard-to-get with your man can do a disservice in the end, as it directly affects the formation of male self-esteem. If you ignore your partner sexually, you risk provoking erectile dysfunction in him based solely on his lack of confidence in his sexual attractiveness. The likelihood of this greatly increases if a man has already experienced similar problems before.


This method is extremely effective, since a man is always acutely worried when a person nearby suddenly moves away for various reasons. Even if it is completely objective. Do you regularly have business trips at your job that you previously refused? Confidently accept offers! It’s best if you’re accompanied by a male colleague, and an evening banquet awaits you at your destination. Skillfully conduct your husband from a distance, warming up his jealousy to the right temperature.

However, you should not get carried away: if you lose control, you will never regain the broken trust.

And then you will remember your idea with bitterness and annoyance. In cases where business trips don’t bother you, a good alternative is working outside of class hours on a fresh project. Take on as much responsibility as possible, work hard until late, so that your man begins to put different facts and circumstances in his head. This option is also good because it allows you to kill two birds with one stone:

  • make your husband jealous;
  • really achieve career growth with all the ensuing joyful consequences.


  1. Looking happy, smiling and simply talking to other people can make a man jealous.
  2. Try to always look good when your boyfriend is around.
  3. Don't let a man know that you are trying to make him jealous. Otherwise, your plan will fail and will lead to unpleasant consequences. If suddenly he begins to unravel your plan and asks you about it, answer that you have no idea what he is talking about. If he is your ex, tell him that he is too focused on himself if he thinks that you flirt with other men only because of him.

Note: How to love again if there is no hope anymore

Take care of yourself

Surely, your husband has already formed a very definite image in his head regarding you: all dressed up in sloppy home clothes, constantly in the kitchen or busy cleaning, all conversations are entirely on everyday topics - and not a bit of improvisation. Could you be jealous of such a woman yourself? We are sure not, so urgently move away the frying pans, broom and other household utensils - and arm yourself with a cosmetic bag, perfumes and everything that beauty bloggers are so actively promoting to the masses.

  • different hairstyle;
  • new make-up;
  • complete wardrobe change;
  • regular jogging at the stadium.

The list goes on and on. The goal of all these manipulations is extremely clear - to draw your husband’s attention to you as a full-fledged sexual object.

As soon as he sees that you can not only cook in the kitchen, but also cause a completely unambiguous reaction from men, he will immediately begin to be wildly jealous and literally follow you on your heels.

Lucky girlfriend

As cynical as it may seem, the discord between one of your girlfriends and her boyfriend can be safely used for your own purposes.

  • go to her place for the night, citing the need to calm and support a loved one;
  • go and have fun together at a nightclub;
  • spend as much time with her as possible.

Surely, even after the first night spent away from home, your husband will finally tear himself away from his “tanks” or football and present you with well-founded complaints. Don’t lay out all your cards at once - let the jealousy simmer inside him a little more. After all, this is exactly what you wanted, isn’t it?

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