Romantic date: 100 original ideas

You've already seen a bunch of articles on this topic. How to behave with a girl, what to talk to her about, etc.

The trick is that many of these articles are written by men. And not all of them really understand women and their secret desires.

Today we decided to collect revelations from real girls. What is their idea of ​​the Ideal Date? What is expected from a man? How can you surprise them?

Take a break from all your affairs and worries and immerse yourself in reading.

First meeting

If you have always been tormented by the question of how to invite a girl for a walk for the first time, then the answer is banal. You need to call/write and call. In a conversation, you must show that you are aiming for something. So that the girl understands that this is a walk, etc.

Anton Inozemtsev on how to call a girl:

So, the meeting has been scheduled, the girl has arrived and she needs to be greeted as warmly as possible, since later in the communication process you will touch her, caress her, and move on to personal topics. Having met with warmth, you prepare her in advance for what will happen during your meeting.


“Hello,” he took your hand and she twirled around you.

Another option:

“Hello, you are unusual today. The energy comes straight from you... Let me hug you and recharge.”

The greeting must be original and memorable)

I’ll explain it logically, the girl needs to understand what’s going on here.
When we specifically give the reason for our actions, she will calm down and there will be fewer objections. She understands that you are not just a concerned person who wants a hug, but a person who understands people's energy. We’ll skip the detailed story about how to invite a girl on a date, since he called and invited.

What not to do on a first date

Here's what should not be allowed under any circumstances:

Don't interrupt your interlocutor

On your first date with a girl, show your best side and show a genuine, moderate interest in your chosen one. Ask her interesting questions, listen carefully to her answers, and show sincere interest in her stories. But never interrupt - this will show that you are a polite and pleasant conversationalist and are interested in her personality.

Don't show obvious interest in a girl

On the first date, you should be a gallant gentleman, but without intrusiveness or harshness. Zealous courtship and flirting will alert the lady. Guess her wishes, but you should not immediately fulfill all her whims and whims. This will show that you are interested in her and will reduce your value in her eyes.

Don't make fun of a girl

Humor is a powerful seductive tool, as jokes evoke a storm of different emotions. A bad joke can, on the contrary, push a girl away. Therefore, if you are not sure that a joke will make her laugh, it is better to remain silent.

Elena Ustinova will tell you about the most common mistakes men make when dating girls:

If a girl herself jokes about her appearance, there is no need to support her and start joking about this topic yourself. Girls scold themselves just to hear a man's compliment. It is better to speak positively about appearance or remain silent.

15 minute walk

Make it seem like you already know each other

Now, you’ve met her, don’t run to a cafe or restaurant. Ideally, you need to walk 15-20 minutes to a cafe/restaurant and chat about social topics. And if you don’t know any global topics and generally what to talk about with a girl on a walk, then ask banal things about how she got there, how work went, whether she was very tired, whether there are any plans after your meeting - these are banal questions that can help start a dialogue.

Then, when you reach the cafe/restaurant and go there, the girl will think that this is not your first meeting, but your second/third, since you changed your geolocation and communicated on social media. topics, now in another location (cafe/restaurant) you can talk about personal topics. Many Western experts in pickup and psychology write about this in their books.


So, you are planning a date with a girl. How do you plan to spend it? Movie and dinner? Come on, don't be corny! You can come up with something much more interesting, impressive and exciting than an ordinary trip to the cinema and an equally ordinary dinner.

While you're thinking, here are 10 examples of how to go on a date.

1. Surprise yourself and your girlfriend with new music

Look through the posters of upcoming concerts and choose a performance by a group or artist whose work neither you nor your girlfriend are familiar with.

You might find a new favorite artist. You may never want to listen to something like this again. But in any case, it will be an interesting and original pastime.

2. Take a really long walk around your city.

Start your journey from one end of the city and walk to the other, stopping at a cafe along the way to have a snack and rest. Such an unusual walk will surprise you with how many beautiful things you didn’t know about your city.

It is best to take a taxi back, because your legs will most likely be very tired. And yes, warn the girl in advance so that she wears comfortable shoes. It is unlikely that she will be happy at the prospect of walking for kilometers in high-heeled shoes.

3. Split your date planning.

Let's assume that one of you is responsible for choosing a date place, and another is responsible for filling the evening. By dividing the organization in this way, you can be sure that your girlfriend will definitely like at least part of the date. Plus, it will allow you to get to know each other's interests better.

4. Host a dinner... in several places

Eat a salad in one restaurant, soup in another, a second course in a third, and dessert in a nearby cafe. This will give you much more impressions than a long and luxurious dinner in one place.

5. Try something you haven't done before

Why not come along to a beginner's dance class? Or a seminar on motivation? Combine business with pleasure!

6. Play computer games

For some reason, it is believed that girls do not particularly like to play computer games, but this is fundamentally wrong. Some people love games much more than guys. Ask your girlfriend if she is one of those whose eyes light up when she sees a new game released.

7. Buy ice cream

And not just two in briquettes, but a big, big one! From several balls of different tastes. So that, like in childhood, you get real pleasure from it.

8. Have a silent date

Sometimes silence and the opportunity to spend some time side by side in silence can bring you much closer together than a day filled with fun and new experiences. Walk holding hands. Read books with your shoulders touching each other. Stay close.

9. If you or your girlfriend were born and spent their childhood in this city, go to where memories come alive

What school did you go to? Where and with whom did you like to go for walks? What vivid impressions do you have from that time? A story about your childhood will bring you very close and will allow you to get to know each other much better.

10. Pretend to be tourists

You can buy a sightseeing tour, or you can walk through the most historical places of the city without a guide. Allow yourself to get to know its history if you haven't done so before. You can even completely get used to the image of foreign tourists: film everything on camera, speak a foreign language (if you both know it), laugh, smile at passers-by. This will be much more fun than a movie, right?

A date is an opportunity to get to know each other, to understand how suitable you are for each other. Don't miss the chance to make an impression, it's really that simple. More imagination! More experiments! More impressions and emotions!

Similar articles:

  1. Met on the Internet? Go on a date!
  2. First date with a girl
  3. Where to take a girl on a first date?
  4. How not to turn your first date into your last


As many people say, the place should be quiet in order to properly communicate with the girl, without prying eyes, etc. Everything is the same here. We need a cozy place where you will feel comfortable. As I did and do, I have a favorite place on Arbat - LUNCH-BUFFET. I feel comfortable there because I know what and where it is, and I know the employees.

How often do you have a FIRST date?

You too, find a good place and, if possible, have dates there. You shouldn’t think that the team will see you with different girls and you’re an asshole - no, no one thinks that, except maybe a little envy. Ideally, the establishment should have sofas and more or less dim lighting. Again, the most important thing is your comfort!

Video about how to meet Anton Inozemtsev (+ date with the same girl):

Useful tips for organizing a creative date

Before we offer ready-made scenarios for how to organize a date, let’s outline some useful tips and recommendations:

  • If you have already arranged an original date, then do not be late unless it is included in the evening plan. Punctuality is paramount; if a person is late, this indicates that he does not respect himself and his chosen one. By the way, if a girl is late on the first date, this in some cases is also considered disrespect.
  • You need to think about your date route in advance. Don't stand still and ask your partner about the plan. You also need to look at the weather. Even the most wonderful surprise is unlikely to be appreciated by your partner if you are freezing from the cold or sweating from the heat, losing consciousness.
  • Remember that the date is for the two of you, so double-check that what you are doing will please the girl. If she, for example, loves animals, then it would be the height of recklessness to invite her to some exotic restaurant where they offer to butcher the carcasses of animals themselves.
  • If everything turned out great, you organized an original date with a girl, then forget about talking about exes or the opposite sex, even if you are very nervous and worried.
  • If you have planned an unusual date, give up any other plans for that day, since the situation looks very strange and ugly when a man declares that he has little time, and he came on a date for an hour. This suggests that he has other plans for today, or other dates. The whole atmosphere will be irrevocably ruined.
  • It’s better to think through different options for developing the plot of the date in advance in order to be prepared for various surprises by studying our ideas for the first date.

Order or what to take

First of all, you need to take the initiative into your own hands, and only then everything else.

Many people get lost when they come to a cafe with a girl, and then the annoying waiter, who looks down at them with a pretentious face, says: “What do you want?” Relax, under no circumstances should you feel discomfort or awkwardness.


Waiter - “Hello. What do you want?" You - “Hi, your establishment is great. Leave the menu and come to take your order in 5 minutes.” Waiter - “Okay.” He's leaving.

Then you tell the girl - “What kind of juice will you like?” (it’s summer now) Girl - “Well, orange juice.” You - “Great, I’ll take a non-alcoholic mojito.”

This way, we know in advance that there will be a girl, and when the waiter arrives, you place an order. IT IS YOU, this is how we show that you are in charge here.

And it’s easier this way, as practice shows, when a guy and a girl come to a cafe, the girl takes what she wants, but the guy is not ready to pay and he becomes embarrassed. With this technique we kill two birds with one stone.


To have a successful first date, you need not only to take care of your appearance, but also to choose a proposed meeting place, think about entertainment and remember a couple of topics for conversation. And, of course, do not make mistakes typical for such a situation - do not make the first date with you the last.

How to prevent a bad date

The first mistake people make when planning a date is to judge whether they will like it or not based only on their own preferences. Be sure to consider the tastes of your other half. Try to find out more about them through conversations or correspondence: sooner or later, everyone tells casually what interests him and how he would like to spend his time. Be more attentive, and you won’t get into trouble by bringing a person with a fear of heights to the attractions, or to the Impressionist exhibition - a tourism fan who is not interested in painting, who would be more happy to take you on a picnic.

The second mistake is, on the contrary, to adapt to your partner in everything. If your beloved or chosen one is good at skating, and the last time you wore one was in the 9th grade, you will feel awkward and constrained at the skating rink. Such dates are good already in the process of a relationship, when you know each other.

But now, the meeting place can no longer be changed, you are dressed and dressed up, your heart is beating in your chest, and you have an exciting conversation in store on a topic that is interesting to both of you. Where are you going?

10 ways to have an unforgettable first date

1. Walk. Just not a banal one, to the main attraction of the city, and not boring, along ordinary streets. You can think in advance about a route related to what is interesting to the girl you invited, or to the young man if you are a girl and are thinking about a date. Also take care of the “lunch break” on a date - a long walk without the opportunity to have a snack can tire both you and the person going on a date with you. And prepare a backup plan in case of force majeure - a walk in the rain is not always romantic.

2. Sports date. The advantage of such a date is that you will spend time actively working “in a team,” and this is not only memorable, but also brings you closer together. But it is important to know your partner well and not make a mistake with your choice. The options themselves are not limited - a couple's dance subscription, horseback riding, tickets to a match, rollerblading or cycling, if you are sure that this is interesting not only for you, but also for your partner.

Important: not all sports may be suitable for health reasons.

3. Extreme date. Suitable for those who like to tickle their nerves and do not hide it. Bungee jumping, a photo shoot in a terrarium, climbing mountains, a hot air balloon flight, kayaking - all this will definitely be remembered for a long time.

Important: first try to unobtrusively find out about the fears of the person you are inviting (phobias can be different), so that instead of an unforgettable date, you do not scare the unlucky extreme person.

4. Restaurant. This option seems quite banal in itself, but you can arrange it in an unusual way, taking into account the characteristics of your partner. For example, if a girl mentioned that no one has ever taken her to restaurants, you will pleasantly surprise her.

5. Cafe. A first date in a cafe is also a fairly predictable option, but everything becomes much more interesting if your city has a large assortment of different cafes. You can find extravagant options - for example, lunch in the dark or coffee in the company of cats.

Important: fear of the dark or allergy to cats will negate all the advantages of your idea. When choosing an unusual cafe, take into account the individual characteristics of your partner.

6. Movie date. Knowing what films your partner likes, you can have a very successful and not at all banal date at the cinema. Study your partner’s preferences so as not to lead a lover of the classics to art chaos about the complexities of bohemian life, or a lover of comedies to a thriller with bloody scenes.

7. Date on the roof. Suitable for romantic natures, lovers of the unusual, and fans of extreme sports.

Important: Find a suitable roof.

8. Date in the park. You have a lot of room for maneuver. In summer it could be a picnic, in winter it could be a beautiful photo shoot (just don’t freeze your partner in the cold). Thrill-seekers can go to the amusement park, and romantics can look into the closed flower pavilions.

9. Competition date. Suitable for gambling types.

Important: track by the reaction of your other half what you need right now - decisively beat her at billiards or pretend that you were beaten, but on the second date you will certainly win back!

10. Date at your home. Why not? But it’s also better to make it unforgettable. Make sure that you don’t have to be painfully silent opposite each other, washing down the silence with not very good wine.

Ideally, you can combine several options - take a walk and go to the roof, go to a salsa class and continue the evening at a coffee shop.

Finally, remember one more rule for a good date. It shouldn't last too long! Otherwise, they will get tired of you, or you will get bored, and this is noticeable and creates an impression that is not at all what you want. If the person next to you starts looking around, it’s time to change the “entertainment program.” It’s better to part ways on a pleasant note of intrigue and fullness of emotions - unless, of course, the first date turns into something more on mutual initiative.

We wish you a pleasant time and find your love. Get tips for great dates

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02.03.2017 16:22

Topics for conversation

So you placed an order, they brought it to you and you are already communicating. There are certain topics that will help and ensure a successful and interesting conversation with a girl. Here below I will write the themes and how they work:

  • Do you do any sports?
  • What are your plans after graduation?
  • Do you like work? If not, why not?
  • How often do you like to take a break from Moscow?
  • How do you usually spend your free time, honestly?)

Ordering or what to take First of all, you need to take the initiative into your own hands, and only then everything else.

Many people get lost when they come to a cafe with a girl, and then the annoying waiter, who looks down at them with a pretentious face, says: “What do you want?” Relax, under no circumstances should you feel discomfort or awkwardness.


Waiter - “Hello. What do you want?" You - “Hi, your establishment is great. Leave the menu and come to take your order in 5 minutes.” Waiter - “Okay.” He's leaving.

Then you tell the girl - “What kind of juice will you like?” (it’s summer now) Girl - “Well, orange juice.” You - “Great, I’ll take a non-alcoholic mojito.”

This way, we know in advance that there will be a girl, and when the waiter arrives, you place an order. IT IS YOU, this is how we show that you are in charge here.

And it’s easier this way, as practice shows, when a guy and a girl come to a cafe, the girl takes what she wants, but the guy is not ready to pay and he becomes embarrassed. With this technique we kill two birds with one stone.

How to spend a first date with a girl? Behavior tips

For the operation to be successful, you must not only have the necessary skills and knowledge, but also carefully prepare for the process. The steps before and during a date are important. To have an interesting first date with a girl, we’ll give you some behavior tips that will help:

  1. Study the girl.

To know how to behave, what to talk about, and even where to go for a walk with a girl, you should study her. This can be done at any time. Since you are not inviting a stranger, you already have some information about her. It can be supplemented with information taken from social networks. Look through the photos, study the data on the main page, the manner of communication, etc.

Normal communication on the phone will not be a hindrance, even if it lasts 10-15 minutes. From here you can get a lot of information: the manner of communication, the degree of talkativeness, topics that interest the girl, etc. Don’t forget about the questions that people often use to find out something about others. Ask questions, tell something about yourself, watch the girl’s reaction, what she reacts to with interest, and what causes her boredom. All this will allow you to understand where to go on the first date and what to talk about so that the time is well spent.

  1. Set a goal for the meeting.

So that the first date does not go in vain, you need to set a goal for the meeting. For what purpose did you invite a girl on a date and want to see her? The place of the date, topics for conversation, your behavior, etc. depend on this. As they say, if you don’t have a goal, then you don’t know where to go and what to do. To avoid this situation, clearly define for yourself why you are going on a first date with a girl.

Naturally, you will want to achieve your goal. In order for everything to contribute to this and for you to purposefully move towards this, you need to behave accordingly. The desires to sleep on the first date or to build a serious relationship are completely different. In the first case, you will seek privacy and even invite the girl to your home. In the second case, you will devote time to your communication and spiritual reconnection.

The guy's behavior differs depending on the goal he has set for himself. The girl will either agree to realize your goal or refuse, which will save you from headaches.

  1. Imagine a date.

To make the date successful, rehearse it. Of course, even imagining a date, it may happen that everything will go differently. But that’s not the main thing! Firstly, having imagined your first date with an interesting girl, you already begin to understand a little what to do and how to behave. This already relieves some of the tension.

Secondly, by imagining a date where you achieve your desired goal, you are already setting yourself in the right mood. Why think about the bad when you can focus on the good? Think about how great the date will be, imagine it. And then it will be visible.

  1. Prepare yourself.

The ideal option would be if you just think through a plan for your date. Where are you going to go? What places would you suggest a girl to spend time together? What gift will you give her? How much time will you spend on a date? How will you get around the city? How do you send a girl home? What financial expenses do you expect? Etc. You should do at least minimal preparation so that situations do not arise when you are standing in the middle of the street and do not know where to go next and what to do.

It's okay if all plans are disrupted. It is impossible to predict what a girl will want. Sometimes it is enough to have enough money in your pocket for the girl to control the course of the date herself. This will allow you to get to know her better and get to know her interests, as well as her tendency to waste.

  1. Tell stories.

Guys often wonder what to talk about with girls on the first date. The answer is quite simple: tell them various funny and interesting stories. It could be anything. Here you can talk about everyday or work topics, as well as discuss various funny adventures and stories from life. The most important thing is to monitor the girl’s reaction and note what she is interested in listening to and discussing, and what causes boredom (in this case, quickly move on to another topic).

  1. Know how to tell about yourself.

The girl doesn’t know you well, just like you don’t know her. You should play on this so that she becomes interested in you and wants to see you again. Here you need to skillfully talk about yourself. Self-presentation is the best way to make people interested in you.

Present yourself as a successful, interesting and attractive person. Where necessary, you know how to be flexible, smart and successful. You are popular among girls. Other men turn to you for help and advice. Just don't talk about it directly. Tell such stories or say such phrases so that the girl thinks of you as a successful and attractive guy.

  1. Get closer to the girl.

So that she doesn’t think that you are not attracted to her, so you don’t need to date her anymore, you should approach the girl. Try to hug her, hold her close, kiss her. The girl herself will let you know how far you can go in physical intimacy. If she doesn't mind, then you can have sex. Don't avoid topics about sex or lovemaking if the girl supports them. At the same time, try to bring her closer to you.

  1. End the meeting unexpectedly.

It is important not only to have a good first date, but also to end it skillfully. If you see that the girl is starting to get bored, then it’s time for you to go home. The girl can be escorted to a place from where she can easily get home or even be taken home. There are recommendations to leave the girl halfway home in a positive mood. What to do depends solely on the girl.

The most important thing is that the lady should remain satisfied and know how to get home from the place where you part with her.

  1. Make me think about you.

You can force yourself to think like this: not agree on the next meeting. Kiss the girl, send her home and tell her it would be nice to see her again. And when this happens and whether it happens at all, don’t say a word about it. Let her doubt it. Let him worry whether you liked her or not.

However, here you should not delay the call and the next meeting. If we are talking about light flirting, then the girl can be burdened with expectations. However, if the girl is serious, just like you want a serious relationship, then you need to make a second date in the coming days.

All girls are different in this regard. Know one thing: if a girl likes you, then she will be ready to wait for a call and the next meeting even more than a week, although she will not show it.

  1. Experiment.

The first date may not go perfectly. Moreover, often for many people, even experienced ones, first meetings do not go entirely according to plan. Here it is impossible to guess how a meeting with this or that girl will go. However, this is not a reason to be upset. If the second date did not happen, the girl refused further acquaintance, then it is better to analyze your mistakes and correct them so as not to repeat them.

Topics for conversation

So you placed an order, they brought it to you and you are already communicating. There are certain topics that will help and ensure a successful and interesting conversation with a girl. Here below I will write the themes and how they work:

  • Do you do any sports?
  • What are your plans after graduation?
  • Do you like work? If not, why not?
  • How often do you like to take a break from Moscow?
  • How do you usually spend your free time, honestly?)

[caption id=»attachment_248″> Talk, you can’t be silent)
There can be any social topics here. THE MAIN THING WHEN CONVERSING WHEN YOU ASK A QUESTION IS SINCERE! Ask and be interested sincerely, if you are not interested in who her great-grandmother was, then you should not ask about it, much less talk about it. And when you asked a question about sports, and she answered: “I go to the gym,” then you need to immediately say: “Cool, how long ago?” This is what I call clarifying questions - in this way, we show that we are really interested in the topic, and did not just ask so as to maintain the dialogue, so to speak.

A wise man in psychology, Dale Carnegie, said:

There are few people who know how to listen correctly, learn to listen correctly and you will find the key to any person.

Just remember how often you say something and are interrupted, saying: “Stop! I’ll interrupt you - I have a more interesting topic.” Or, when you talk enthusiastically, they simply ignore you/get distracted by their phone. So in our business and at this stage you need to concentrate and listen to the girl as carefully as possible and ask clarifying questions!

When to change seats

If you see that a girl’s emotions have begun to decline, and she has begun to look around and get distracted by something else, then first of all change the subject. Since the reason for the decline in emotions may simply be the fact that she is tired of talking about the same topic.

If after changing the topic you see that she is still “bored”, then it’s time to change the place . Well, since you chose this place in advance, it won’t be difficult to do this.

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