Description of character accentuations according to Andrey Lichko

Brief background

A. Lichko developed his taxonomy of character accentuations, based on the works of Karl Leongrad, G.E. Sukhareva and P.B. Gannushkin.

However, it is a little different .

The classification is intended primarily for the study of adolescence ; it covers not only accentuations, but also psychopathological character deviations.

Lichko proposed replacing the term “personality accentuations” with “character accentuations,” explaining this by the fact that personality is a broader concept and cannot be assessed only from the point of view of accentuations.

Attention in research was directed to adolescence, because during this period various psychopathies begin to manifest themselves most clearly.

Types of character accentuation according to Lichko:


An accentuated character arises and develops under the influence of many reasons. The most basic is heredity. The reasons for its occurrence also include insufficient communication in adolescence with both peers and parents.

The appearance of sharpened character traits is influenced by the child’s social environment (family and friends), incorrect parenting style (overprotection and hypoprotection). This leads to a lack of communication. Lack of satisfaction of personal needs, inferiority complex, chronic diseases of the nervous system and physical ailments can also lead to accentuation. According to statistics, these manifestations are observed in people who work in the “person-to-person” field:

  • teachers;
  • medical and social workers;
  • military;
  • actors.

Accentuations of character from the point of view of A. E. Lichko

According to Lichko's theory, accentuation is a temporary change in character. may appear and disappear as the child develops These changes and personality traits sometimes develop into psychopathy and persist into adulthood.

The direction of development of sharpened personality traits is determined by the social environment and the type of accentuation. It can be obvious and hidden .

According to psychiatrist A. Lichko, accentuations are borderline states between normality and pathology .

Therefore, he built his classification on the basis of types of psychopathy.

How does schizophrenia manifest in adolescents? Read about it here.

Character accentuations, examples:

Accentuation of personality character in dynamics

Psychological science has not yet thoroughly studied the problems associated with the development or dynamics of character accentuations. Andrey Lichko made the most significant contribution to the study of this problem and noted the following phenomena in the development of accentuations:

  • they are formed and sharpened to one degree or another during puberty, then they are smoothed out or compensated, obvious accentuations can change and become hidden;
  • against the background of hidden accentuations, the traits of a particular type of character are revealed under traumatic circumstances;
  • with one or another accentuation, certain disorders or disturbances may appear in the form of neuroses, acute effective reactions or deviant behavior;
  • one or another type of them can be transformed under the influence of the environment or mechanisms that were laid down by the human constitution;
  • acquired psychopathy is formed.


The following types of accentuations were identified:

  1. Hyperthymic type .
    Active, restless, poorly controlled by teachers. Labile, easily adapts to changing situations. Teenagers are prone to conflicts with adults, including teachers. They are not afraid of change. The mood is predominantly positive. Hyperthyms tend to overestimate their capabilities, so they are able to take risks without hesitation. Excitement, noisy, active companies and entertainment are acceptable to them. There are many hobbies, they are superficial.
  2. Cycloid .
    Characterized by frequent mood swings, from good to bad. They prefer loneliness and being at home than active entertainment in the company. Troubles are hard to bear. Reacts painfully to criticism and comments. There is a tendency to depression, apathy, and is easily irritated. Changes in mood can be tied to the time of year. In the process of growing up, pronounced features of accentuation can be smoothed out, but sometimes they get stuck at a depressed-melancholic stage. During the period of recovery, when the mood is good, one observes cheerfulness, optimism, high activity, sociability, and initiative. In the opposite state, a bad mood, they show increased sensitivity and react sharply to criticism.
  3. Sensitive. People of this type are highly sensitive. Teenagers give the impression of being withdrawn, they do not strive to play together, and are fearful. They treat their parents well and behave obediently. It may be difficult to adapt to a team. An inferiority complex may develop.
    People of this type have a developed sense of responsibility and place high moral demands on themselves and others.

    Perseverance allows you to successfully engage in painstaking work and complex activities. Friends are chosen carefully. They prefer to communicate with those who are older.

  4. Schizoid type. There is isolation, a desire to spend time alone, and isolation from the world. They are indifferent to other people and communication with them, which can manifest itself in a demonstrative avoidance of contacts. They lack such a quality as sympathy, they do not show interest in the people around them, there is no empathy and understanding of the feelings of others. Schizoids do not strive to show people their feelings, so their peers do not understand them, considering them strange.
  5. Hysterical .
    They are characterized by a high degree of egocentrism. They need attention from other people and will do anything to get it. Demonstrative and artistic. They worry if attention is paid not to them, but to someone else. They should be admired – one of the important needs of the individual. Hysteroids become the initiator of activities and events, but they themselves are not able to clearly organize them. It is also problematic for them to earn authority among their peers, despite the fact that they strive for leadership. They need praise addressed to them, but they take criticism painfully. Feelings are shallow. Prone to deception, fantasies, pretense. They often display a demonstrative type of suicide in an attempt to attract attention and earn the sympathy of others.
  6. Conformal type. Teenagers with such accentuation easily obey the will of other people. They have no opinion of their own and follow the group. The main principle is to be and act like everyone else. At the same time, they are distinguished by conservatism. If they need to protect their interests, they will do anything, finding justification for them. Prone to betrayal. Finds a way to survive in a team by adapting to it and adapting to the leader.
  7. Psychasthenic type. Characterized by indecisiveness and unwillingness to take responsibility.
    They are prone to introspection and are critical of their personality and actions. They have high mental abilities, ahead of their peers. Behavior may be impulsive and thoughtless in actions. They are careful and reasonable, quite calm, but at the same time indecisive and incapable of active actions that require risk and taking responsibility. To relieve tension, they tend to use alcohol or drugs. Psychasthenics manifest themselves despotic in personal relationships, which can ultimately lead to their destruction. They are also prone to pettiness.
  8. Unstable . They show little interest in studying, which causes a lot of worry for parents and teachers. They have a penchant for entertainment. There are no goals in life, they live one day at a time, and are not interested in anything. The main features are frivolity, laziness, idleness. They are not interested in work either. They do not like to be controlled and strive for complete freedom. They are open to communication, communicative, love conversations. They have a tendency to different types of addictions. They often end up in dangerous companies.
  9. Emotionally labile type. Sudden, unpredictable changes in mood. Any little thing, even the wrong glance or spoken word, can be the reason for changes in the emotional state.
    The type is sensitive and needs support, especially during periods of bad mood.

    Treats peers well. Has sensitivity, understands the attitude and mood of others. They become strongly attached to people.

  10. Epileptoid type. One of the expressed character traits is cruelty, they tend to offend younger and weaker animals.
    He prefers to make friends and communicate with adults; the need to establish communication with peers causes discomfort. At an early age they show traits of capriciousness, tearfulness, and require attention. They have pride and a desire for power. If they become a boss, their subordinates are kept in fear. Of all accentuations, it is considered the most dangerous personality type, as it has a high degree of cruelty. If they need to make a career and achieve a high position, they know how to please top management, adapt to their requirements, while not forgetting about their interests.
  11. Asthenoneurotic type. Show discipline and responsibility.
    However, they have a high degree of fatigue, this is especially noticeable during monotonous activities or the need to participate in competitive work. Drowsiness and fatigue can occur for no apparent reason. The manifestations of accentuation include irritability, increased suspiciousness, and hypochondria. There is a possibility of emotional breakdowns, especially if events do not happen the way asthenics want. Irritability gives way to remorse.

In addition to pronounced types, mixed characters can also be observed.

Character accentuation table:

Main features

Anxious people are also called suspicious people. They panic at the slightest provocation and worry at moments when other people would not even blink an eye.

They do not know how to defend their boundaries and point of view. Therefore, companies usually remain silent, for fear of saying something wrong. Accordingly, this style of behavior affects self-esteem, and not in the best way.

They are submissive and timid, but sometimes, trying to hide their vulnerability, they play the role of fearless and self-confident individuals. Naturally, this discrepancy between character and behavior immediately catches the eye.

Representatives of this character accentuation usually have a lot of reasons for anxiety. Starting from worries about your future, about health and success, and ending with worries about your loved ones.

Children in such a family are usually subject to overprotection and excessive control. An anxious parent is unable to cope with his emotions, and therefore limits the child’s freedom. It’s easier when he’s in front of you and does only what he’s allowed to do. Then the illusion arises that the child is safe.

Responsible and diligent, they perform well as workers. The only thing is that they can endure inconvenience and unfair treatment, being afraid to say what they are not happy with. They are able to perform monotonous work without being distracted by other tasks, even if it is not at all interesting.

Friendly and welcoming. True friends who will always come to the rescue, support and listen if necessary.

They take a long time to make a decision, because, afraid of making a mistake, they carefully weigh the pros and cons. Time passes, as does the urgency of the decision, so basically it turns out that they do not make choices in their lives, but seem to go with the flow. Then, at least you can shift responsibility for failures to others without indulging in self-recrimination.

Due to the fact that the nervous system is often under stress, it can sometimes malfunction, unable to withstand such stress. For example, in the form of the appearance of phobic disorders, depression, neuroses, and so on.

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