Social phobe, introvert: definition, character traits, advice from psychologists

  • October 8, 2018
  • Psychology of Personality
  • Denis Dmitriev

Often, others do not see the fundamental difference between a social phobe and an introvert, because outwardly their behavior and habits seem similar. In fact, the difference between them is quite vast. The basis of the differences lies in the reasons for this behavior: introverts prefer the inner world to the surrounding reality and communication with people. Social phobes are forced to remain alone, since being in society and social interactions negatively affect their mental state.

Who are introverts

Modern psychology simplistically divides all people into extroverts and introverts. If the former like constant communication, and for them living alone is unthinkable, then the latter find it easiest to live on their own, paying maximum attention to their own inner experiences. It happens that it is somewhat difficult to determine a person’s personality type from the first minutes. Often, introverts only prefer the quality of communication to the number of acquaintances, that is, their circle of friends is extremely small. However, in his own company, an introvert can calmly look no worse than the most ordinary extrovert.

What distinguishes an introvert from sociopaths is their understanding and normal attitude towards social norms, rules of etiquette and behavior in society. For example, communicating with colleagues at work is almost always considered normal social behavior, and therefore an introvert has no problem following these norms. However, this type of personality will always feel more comfortable when he is alone and exploring the nooks and crannies of his inner world, rather than spending all his energy maintaining communication with other people.

What is a sociopath in simple terms?

A sociopath is a person who rejects the morals, values ​​and ethics of society and is indifferent to the feelings of other people. In old psychiatry textbooks, this personality dissociative disorder sounds like psychopathy, and people suffering from this deformation are none other than psychopaths. Today, a sociopath is a broader concept, but it is still a person with a tendency toward impulsive acts and deviant behavior.


Active sociopath

A highly active sociopath can be a dangerous person: immoral, unprincipled, among them there are many criminals and true psychopaths. They are characterized by deviant behavior: they commit criminal acts (rob, kill, rape, cause damage). If sociopathic traits are not so clearly expressed, this may manifest itself in petty hooliganism, fraud, or inappropriate behavior as a driver on the road.

Passive sociopath

A latent sociopath (also known as passive) is often a solitary person who behaves decently in public and does not show his true attitude towards people, is reserved, and is guided by the authority and doctrines he has chosen for himself (this is a kind of “substitute” for conscience). In a fit of anger, for example, criticism addressed to a sociopath, or doubting his ideals, shows characteristic signs of a sociopathic personality.

Who are social phobes

Social phobia is a persistent and recurring irrational fear of certain social situations. For the first time, symptoms of social phobia may appear in adolescence against the background of instability of the emotional component of the personality. A stable character trait of a social phobe is considered to be fear of performing any social actions. As a result, a person acquires biased low self-esteem and almost constant emotional discomfort when in society.

Psychiatry considers social phobia an independent disease, on a par with other mental disorders. At the same time, introversion in a general sense is only a characteristic of a personality and its relationship to the world around it. This fact can be called the key difference between a social phobe and an introvert. The interaction of social phobia with other mental disorders has been proven - this disease can serve as both a cause and a consequence of the development of other psycho-emotional problems.

Characteristics of social phobes

The disease adjusts the individual’s perception exclusively in a negative direction. In this case, perception itself becomes selective. For example, a social phobe will not notice the positive disposition and kind attitude of another person towards himself, but will always pay attention to every passing negative reaction of others to himself and his behavior. Negative perceptions on the part of people, be they imaginary or real, are recorded by a social phobe with amazing scrupulousness and meticulousness.

Despite the fact that such a person avoids human society in every possible way, this does not make the social phobia’s need for love and kindness any less. However, the distrust of people and the whole world acquired over the years of the disease, as a rule, becomes an insurmountable wall on the way to satisfying the need for acceptance of one’s personality by society.

The behavior of a social phobe and an introvert also differs when communicating with familiar people. A social phobe fundamentally does not support or initiate topics of conversation that are not interesting to him. An introvert is capable of these things, although most likely he will not experience any pleasure from them. People tend to talk about distant, insignificant topics in order to relax and detach themselves from problems in their own lives.

Misanthrope: who is it?

Who is this misanthrope and how to spot him among your friends? Below we list some signs by which you can recognize that this is exactly the type in front of you.

  1. Tries to stay away from other people and demonstratively shows reluctance to communicate.
  2. Looks at people critically and contemptuously, showing his own superiority.
  3. Makes friendships and relationships only with an extremely limited circle of people.
  4. He will never help someone who is not part of his close social circle.
  5. Does not make acquaintances and will not maintain a conversation in the company of strangers (museum, theater, exhibition hall, party). He prefers to sit or walk alone - it is closer to him.
  6. During a conversation, he will not try to fill the pauses that arise; he can calmly sit in silence or stop the conversation altogether.
  7. Doesn't like to talk on the phone, prefers to write messages in instant messengers or email.
  8. Makes purchases online more often than in a regular store. This is explained by a reluctance to contact people.
  9. They are wary of everyone, even people they have known for a long time, and talk about their shortcomings with interest; the failures and mistakes of other people amuse the misanthrope.
  10. Sets himself apart from the crowd, does not consider himself part of society.

There are cases when misanthropy does not haunt a person throughout his life. For example, during the transition period, teenagers often begin to hate the whole world and society, look for flaws in people and trust only trusted friends. Over time this goes away.

A change in the misanthrope’s thinking in adulthood also takes place. A person’s life experience begins to gradually change his views; over time, he turns from a misanthrope into a humane person, that is, he becomes a philanthropist.

A person’s life experience begins to gradually change his views; over time, he turns from a misanthrope into a humane person, that is, he becomes
a philanthropist .

Connection with sociopaths

Sociopaths are a real threat to society, because their behavior is immoral and aggressive, dictated by the desire to violate all social foundations and norms of society. Psychiatry classifies sociopathy as a dangerous personality disorder. Social phobes and introverts differ from sociopaths and misanthropes in that they do not want to break the norms of behavior and morality, or cross the ethical boundaries of society.

List of Important Differences

Science says that people are born introverts, but become social phobics. Introversion is an innate personality trait, while social phobia is an acquired disorder. It should be noted that a social phobe can even be an extrovert in character. This combination brings, perhaps, even greater discomfort into the difficult life of a social phobia. Introversion as a character trait fits more “successfully” into the everyday world of a person who is afraid of the people around him.

If for an introvert, solitude is simply necessary for moral relaxation, then for a social phobe, solitude does not always seem like manna from heaven, because many of them are not against human company, but cannot afford to re-feel the awkwardness, regret and subsequent natural disappointment of being in society. Protecting a social phobia from society only reduces the level of his anxiety, but often does not bring any joy.

Misanthrope and social phobe

Social phobia (from Latin socius - general, and other Greek φόβος (phobos) - fear) is a disorder, pathology, expressed in a person’s fear of crowds of people. Fear of doing or saying something in front of a group of people. Fear of speaking in public is one of the signs of social phobia.

A social phobe is a person who suffers from social anxiety.

The main feeling that a social phobe experiences is fear. Unlike misanthropes, whose strongest feeling is hatred/contempt.

Read more about what Empathy is.

Advice from psychologists for social phobias

Helen Hendriksen, a psychologist and Ph.D., believes that many social phobics underestimate themselves as individuals with much greater potential than they themselves see. Due to their fear of people and communication, social phobics practice so-called safe behavior, which must be overcome to escape the vicious circle of social phobia.

Psychologists recommend taking the following actions in this case:

  1. Remove elements of safe behavior from communication, that is, look the interlocutor in the eyes, speak loudly and clearly.
  2. Look for opportunities to leave your own comfort zone.
  3. A social phobe should forget that people supposedly constantly evaluate his appearance and behavior.
  4. Look at others, listen to their conversations and express your own opinion.

Causes of misanthropy

Psychologists believe that this phenomenon begins to form in childhood and develops intensively during puberty, when a teenager’s critical thinking and desire to defend his own “I” are heightened. Since the cause of misanthropy is a heightened sense of justice, as a rule, those who grew up in a dysfunctional family become misanthropes. Resentment towards relatives can cause a negative attitude towards the entire human race.

Abuse suppresses personality and promotes hatred.

When a child does not feel safe in the family, a persistent negative attitude towards the whole world develops. It is very important that the baby trusts his parents. Educational moments influencing the formation of a negative attitude towards society:

  • frequent punishments, violence;
  • emotional coldness of parents;
  • tense relationship between mother and father;
  • a call to moral responsibility;
  • antisocial family lifestyle;
  • Opposite points of view of mother and father on issues of education.

The causes of misanthropy can be internal complexes and self-doubt. Sometimes misanthropy is a defensive reaction to aggression and devaluation. This behavior is typical of a person with low self-esteem.

Sometimes a person with a heightened sense of justice consciously chooses misanthropy. Such a choice can be made by overly sensitive people or subjects who are tired of communication.

Sometimes a person who is faced with betrayal begins to have a hostile attitude towards the people who caused him mental pain. If the action is repeated, then he transfers his dislike to other persons. It is no coincidence that phrases like “all women are the same” or “men cannot be trusted” slip into everyday life.

Sometimes a girl or boy has problems establishing contact with the opposite sex. Negative life experiences, coupled with emotional sensitivity, lead to hatred. For this reason, large-scale conclusions are being made regarding all of humanity.

There are impressionable people with a subtle soul structure. Romantics often look at the world around them through rose-colored glasses, which ultimately leads them to disappointment. After which such natures fence themselves off from an imperfect society and seclude themselves. They stop letting strangers into their lives.

A gifted personality is often the cause of misanthropy. A talented person sometimes begins to feel like a genius, and perceive those around him as dullards and mediocrities. He begins to feel contempt for others and not to honor them with his attention, or to treat imperfect individuals with great condescension.

Often the defense mechanism of projection is triggered. In this case, the individual does not accept himself, but transforms his feelings into rejection of other subjects. It is unbearable for him to be in the company of people, since they do not share his views on the world around him.

Advice from psychologists for introverts

If some recommendations can really influence the lives of social phobics, introverts often should not worry too much about their character traits, but should accept themselves as a full-fledged person. However, psychologists still give some advice:

  1. Find friends and like-minded people in hobbies and interests.
  2. Remember that many people like introverts because they make excellent listeners.
  3. Clearly plan the time spent communicating with friends. Quick fatigue from society will not allow you to carry on conversations for a long time.
  4. About half an hour of working time a day should be devoted to communicating with colleagues on any topic, the rest of the time - according to your taste.

If a person is surrounded by a friend or acquaintance with similar character traits, then, of course, you should familiarize yourself with information about how an introvert differs from a social phobe. This will help determine the characteristics of a person’s character and suggest the reasons that caused this condition. The main thing is to remember that any person deserves a warm and kind attitude towards himself.

The character of a misanthrope

To better understand such people, you should understand their qualities:

  1. A misanthrope is an individualist whose self-love often goes beyond what is permitted.
  2. The misanthrope is in protest against society. It is almost impossible to impose on him someone else’s opinion that does not correspond to his ideas. The misanthrope will boldly show his dissatisfaction, even if he has to go against the crowd.
  3. Misanthropy implies a distrustful attitude towards most of the norms by which society lives. Such people can boldly, even with a hint of sarcasm, ridicule the principles by which millions live.
  4. In most cases, misanthropes are pessimists. They often don't even try to hide their boredom when interacting with people.
  5. Many misanthropes love themselves, which cannot be considered a negative trait.
  6. Representatives of misanthropes do not exhibit extreme aggression, that is, they will not get into a fight if they simply dislike a person.

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