Logical-intuitive extrovert and introvert. Description of personality types, their character and characteristics

What are the differences from an extrovert?

More than a century ago, Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, described the differences between people with different personality types. Since then, many personality type tests have used the introversion-extraversion scale proposed by Jung.

Good to know! Personality type in its pure form is extremely rare. As a rule, a person combines characteristic signs of both, which manifest themselves depending on the circumstances and situation.

To put it briefly and as simply as possible, extroverts and introverts are two opposites. The former need constant attention and communication; they are cheerful, smiling, talkative, cannot always understand themselves and do not engage in self-analysis. Such people are self-absorbed, can be alone for hours and even days, analyze every situation in detail, and are prone to introspection.

Key differences between

Prefer to listenThey love to talk
Most often melancholic and phlegmaticIn most cases, sanguine and choleric people
They don't like speaking in publicLove attention and public speaking
Prefer to be aloneProlonged loneliness leads to depression
They like to work independently, aloneChoose professions where you need to work in a team and with people
It's difficult to be in a crowd of peopleThey love noisy parties and crowded events.
Friends are chosen for a long time, carefullyThey quickly get along with people and just as quickly become disillusioned with them.
They communicate mainly on social networks or by phonePrefer live communication
Not fixated on their personality, not capable of betrayalThey can be selfish

Interesting fact! To lead a fulfilling life, extroverts need constant feeding of emotions and nourishment of the nervous system. In introverts, in response to any energy-consuming activity, the brain reacts with a process of inhibition.

When a person knows the characteristics of his own nervous system, it is important not to reproach himself for them, but to focus on the key characteristics, which we will talk about later.

general characteristics

An introvert is always immersed in his personal inner world, he is focused on personal thoughts and experiences. It is very difficult for such a person to communicate with people and establish social contacts. And because of such characteristics, these people are often considered lazy or misanthropes. This is categorically wrong. Let's figure it out: laziness is the reluctance to do any work, misanthropy is antisocial behavior, introversion is a feature of human thinking.

Important! Sometimes people deliberately call themselves introverts in order not to do some work, to avoid responsibility.

A true introvert is not lazy, his efforts are concentrated on introspection, studying himself and his inner world, so such people become philosophers, writers, scientists, that is, they choose professions in which communication with people is not so important. This person perceives what is happening around him as if he were looking through a window. His perception of the world can be described as follows: he is at home only when he is alone with himself, next to other people he is always at a party. This means that when surrounded by people, he is always tense, focused, closely monitoring himself and his actions, and this quickly tires.

Interesting fact! Extroverts prefer to experience, while introverts prefer to know and understand what they are experiencing.

Character traits

If there is a person next to you who prefers to remain silent in company and surrounded by new people, is quiet, takes a long time to get used to new acquaintances, but when surrounded by loved ones is open and cheerful, you should know that this is a typical introvert. This personality type can be determined by the following criteria.

  • When communicating with him, you always feel some tension, and this person will never communicate spontaneously, he will always have a specific goal.
  • They manage calmly and even comfortably without communication and contact with the outside world.
  • Under any circumstances, they maintain the boundaries of their personality; at the first sign of the interlocutor’s temper, they return him to his original state.
  • Every action, every action is carefully thought through, and there is also a reverse reaction to the situation - they think about it for a long time, return to it mentally.
  • They have a developed imagination, are prone to analysis, are observant, and always control their emotions.
  • Introverts are very goal-oriented individuals.

Logical-intuitive introvert: description and characteristics

Logical-intuitive introvert (other names: “Robespierre”, “Analyst”) is a subtype of introverted personality who has a developed ability to analyze and always thinks logically.

Main characteristics of a logical-intuitive introvert (LII):

  • ignores those rules or instructions that do not suit him;
  • clearly and sharply separates “the seeds from the chaff” (the important from the unimportant);
  • loves to create and come up with new concepts;
  • gives principled and objective assessments to everything;
  • first thoroughly understands a problem, and then offers a completely new solution;
  • behaves stubbornly and secretively in relationships;
  • understands very poorly the feelings of the people around him;
  • does not like to visit and invite guests to his place, because he does not know how and how to entertain them;
  • when communicating with strangers or unfamiliar people, keeps a huge distance;
  • the more a logical-intuitive introvert likes a person, the less attention he pays to him;
  • he retains the system of relationships to which he is accustomed until the last moment;
  • modest in everyday matters, not attached to conveniences;
  • does not like to perform household duties, since everyday issues tire him very much;
  • does not know how to command people and subjugate them;
  • although he has a stubborn character, his penetrating abilities are very poorly developed;
  • when a critical situation occurs, LII behaves indecisively;
  • hates coercion;
  • is patient with points of view that differ from his own;
  • does not judge anyone;
  • makes many important decisions intuitively, so often people around them cannot understand why a logical-intuitive introvert behaves so strangely;
  • if he has any hobby, he tries to improve his knowledge;
  • will maintain a conversation only if a topic that is interesting and significant to him is being discussed;
  • chooses clothes that are comfortable, but stylish and elegant. Men dress discreetly, but sometimes they may prefer a shocking outfit. Women want to stand out with their clothes, so in their wardrobe you can find things that emphasize their originality and uniqueness.

LII is confident that each individual has some special abilities, so he always gives the person the opportunity to demonstrate them and express an opinion on this matter. He prefers not to talk about his affairs and personal life.

The desire for independence and the desire to be free is what a logical-intuitive introvert needs. He does not need conveniences, he will eat the simplest food, as long as no one touches him or forces him to do what he does not want to do. Most people do not understand exactly what internal motives drive PII, so they try to intersect with it as little as possible and enter into dialogue.

The main characteristics of an introvert

It is noteworthy that many introverts do not accept themselves, which causes many difficulties in their lives. Psychologists give practical recommendations to such people - how to accept themselves and organize life with maximum comfort.

  1. Remember that reluctance to communicate is quite natural. After long-term communication, an introvert needs several days to recover - do not deny yourself this, this way you will restore your internal resources.
  2. If you want to work efficiently and in comfort, choose a quiet, calm environment; remember that open-type offices are absolutely not suitable for introverts.
  3. An introvert is a loner and will not be able to work in a team, but this quality should not be included in the list of negative ones; there are many tasks that can be completed independently.
  4. Introverts are excellent conversationalists; when the conversation is one-on-one, they know how to listen, empathize, and give useful advice.
  5. Introverts don't have many friends, but they make lasting friendships that last a lifetime. An extrovert needs at least 10 friends, since he gets energy from them, while an introvert draws energy from other sources.

Important! An introvert seems closed and inaccessible to the people around him, so it is important for him not to lose touch with the world around him.

Behavior in life

An introvert prefers a secluded lifestyle and feels great alone. However, many introverts are ashamed of their personality type and lifestyle and in their hearts want to become someone else. Introverts find it difficult to explain their position to another person; they often find it difficult to understand and accept themselves, to come to terms with the idea that everyone has different views on life.

Important! Psychologists note that it is very difficult to understand an introvert and only another introvert can do this fully.

The listed character traits are characteristic only of stable introverts, such as phlegmatic people. Phlegmatic is a fairly strong and at the same time sedentary type of temperament. It is noteworthy that outwardly such people are practically no different from extroverts - sociable, with a good sense of humor, and easy to get into contact with.

It is possible to determine that communication is taking place with an introvert only by the distance that introverts maintain in any situation, as well as by their reaction to stress - in any stressful situation a person turns into a silent person, “digests” the problem for a long time, in this case it is better to leave the person alone .

Peculiarities of raising an introvert in childhood

The character traits of an adult introvert depend on his upbringing in childhood and his self-esteem. If the child’s parents are extroverts, most likely they will begin to “remake” the child in their own way. Character traits such as isolation, shyness, and a tendency to introspection are for some reason perceived as shortcomings of the child. Children try their best to meet the demands of their parents, try to “correct”, not realizing that they are depleting their own nervous system. At the same time, the child develops low self-esteem and a negative assessment of himself.

Important! When an introverted child is raised by extroverted parents, the child may have an incorrect assessment of his “I” for the rest of his life due to difficulties in communication.

In order for a child to grow up as a harmonious personality, it is important that:

  • he was accepted and loved by his parents with all his character traits;
  • he was raised not by the method of breaking his personality, but by the method of developing those character traits that are lacking; the child must be taught to communicate, make contact, and protect his own boundaries;
  • the child had a place to restore and accumulate energy, where he could reflect.

Communication style

During long-term communication, it has the peculiarity of unmotivated and sharply changing the attitude towards the interlocutor from a friendly manner of communication to a hostile one. He does not know how to determine how people treat him, which leads to mistakes when meeting a new person. When communicating, he can be unceremonious, tactless and likes to look at his interlocutor, not paying attention to his reaction. He always denies his guilt and, even when forced to apologize, remains unconvinced, continuing to behave as before.

Makes long-term, grandiose, often unrealistic plans. He quickly forgets about them, immediately putting forward a new, no less amazing plan, which has nothing in common with the previous one. Does not value previous achievements. He loves everything unusual, studies and talks about it with interest. In the field of special interest are UFOs, the biofield, the teachings of yoga, extrasensory perception and all phenomena that have no logical explanation.

His “theories” are always vague and intuitive in nature, which are incomprehensible to the people around him. They are forced to either accept them on faith or not believe them. Likes to give radical advice on solving a problem.

Types of introverts

For introverts, 8 socionic types have been identified, each of which is characterized by certain strengths and weaknesses, a manner of behavior and communication with other people, and ways of making decisions. Undoubtedly, character largely depends on the methods of upbringing, the surrounding society, and education, but reactions to certain situations will be similar and of the same type.

Logical-sensory (“Maxim Gorky”)

Clearly chooses and formulates his position, consistent and uncompromising in his aspirations. Realist, never despairs, not prone to fantasies, logical and level-headed. He is prone to research, knows how to listen, does not like to read, but loves to think; he always strives to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Can find a way out in the most difficult situation.

In communication he is sensitive, never intrusive, secretive, but he needs listeners. He is tactful towards people, but being a leader, he treats them as a tool. Doesn't like people touching his personal things. He hides his feelings and experiences, he is resilient. He does not hide his hobbies for the opposite sex, but he often makes mistakes in people, which is why he is suspicious.

A complementary psychological type is the ethical-intuitive extrovert, “Hamlet.”

Logical-intuitive (“Robespierre”)

A person with well-developed logic and an analytical mind. At the same time silent and withdrawn. In a conflict situation, he fights to the last for justice, even to the detriment of his own benefit and safety. He places high demands on himself. Such a person must be taken care of, otherwise he will drive himself to exhaustion.

He leads an ascetic lifestyle and denies himself many things. Able to obey his partner in matters of everyday life, wardrobe, and nutrition. Can't stand being bossed around. He takes care of his health, but in his youth he leads a cheerful lifestyle. Does not tolerate criticism and comments, but is able to hide irritation behind a smile.

A complementary psychological type is the ethical-sensory extrovert, “Hugo.”

Ethical-sensory “Dreiser”

Tactful, polite, has aesthetic taste, is well versed in psychological subtleties - who loves, who hates, who strives for what and who influences whom. Often gives assessments to others and is quite harsh. It is good to remember good and mean deeds addressed to you.

In relationships, he prefers to act not with words, but with tone and gaze, which is why many perceive him as “cold.” For him, “his” person is the one who fully accepted his ethical standards. In company, he accepts and demonstrates the emotions of others. Always polite, does not show anger. He is able to remain faithful to his other half, and, if necessary, can sacrifice himself. He chooses work that can be done quickly and does not tolerate deadlines.

The complementary psychological type is the logical-intuitive extrovert, “Jack London.”

Ethical-intuitive “Dostoevsky”

This person has a boundless inner world and has a valuable quality - he knows how to adapt to the emotions of another person, calm him down, and relieve emotional stress. He is a calm, friendly person who feels how others treat him. Never imposes his emotions. He prefers to fulfill requests, so he is often exploited.

Completes assigned tasks and does not start new work until the previous one is completed. Criticism and disapproval are painful to bear. He accepts compliments when they are said in a soft tone and in private. Does not tolerate sloppiness and untidiness. The partner must be reasonable, logical, quite demanding of himself, be able to protect, no talk about love is needed.

A complementary psychological type is the logical-sensory extrovert, “Strilitz”.

Sensory-logical (“Gaben”)

Closed, remains cold in any situation and therefore seems mysterious. It moves smoothly as if it saves movement. It works so that the result looks more significant than the effort expended. Always responsible and modest, does not show his emotions in any way. A person’s life credo is general slowness.

This type of introvert always works for a specific goal, is an excellent inventor, knows how to ideally organize space for work and rest, because he values ​​​​comfort. Already in childhood he shows aesthetic taste and dresses neatly. In relationships, he is jealous, distrustful, afraid that his emotions and feelings will be ridiculed. He is not afraid of danger, he boldly goes towards it. The more lonely such a person is, the more inaccessible he is. "Gabena" can only be arranged by a sincere expression of feelings.

The complementary psychological type is the intuitive-ethical extrovert. "Huxley."

Sensory-ethical (“Dumas”)

A friendly, optimistic, smiling person, hides his own feelings, does not intrude. He never asks for help, he tries to cope on his own. A connoisseur of beauty, he perfectly remembers and reproduces emotions, knows how to receive and give pleasure. Considers the feelings and emotions of other people and is sensitive to any changes in mood. Tries to avoid scandals and finds it difficult to break off unwanted relationships.

He never reminds of himself until he is needed, he does not stand out from the general mass of people, and does not welcome competition. Shows initiative only of his own free will and on his own territory. Can be a good manipulator. The work of Dumas requires a co-author who will be entrusted with the role of initiator.

A complementary psychological type is the intuitive-logical extrovert, “Don Quixote.”

Intuitive-ethical (“Yesenin”)

This is a person of reflection rather than action; he does not care about the opinions of others. Emotional, demonstrates his feelings and easily understands the feelings of others. However, he tends to show emotions only when he wants to. By the way, he treats emotions quite restrainedly; for example, he can justify rage and say that he does not accept restraint.

Amorous, in his other half he highlights intelligence, determination, and fortitude. We are tolerant of people and forgive weaknesses. He has a wonderful sense of humor, and in difficult periods of life he knows how to smile sincerely. Always elegant, smart, but it doesn’t matter to him what other people look like. The apartment is in chaos and finding free space is difficult. The company looks closely at people to understand what kind of mood reigns.

A complementary psychological type is the sensory-logical extrovert, “Zhukov.”

Intuitive-logical (“Balzac”)

A distinctive feature is a powerful intellectual imagination, able to see the future well. Never shows emotions, believes that others need to be protected, and emotions are a distraction. Categorically against strong passions. Prefers to understand any situation thoroughly. He will never be a hypocrite; he believes that cynicism is better.

By nature, he is a kind person and shows gentleness whenever possible. He is drawn to strong people who will free him from the need to invent and set goals. Able to easily extinguish despair and also cool excessive emotions. It seems inaccessible to others and therefore desirable.

The complementary psychological type is the sensory-ethical extrovert, “Caesar.”

Unstable introverts are people with extraordinary charm

Such people have a keen sense of detail and a high level of emotionality. They are observant, notice details, and are able to literally get into the mind of another person. Often, unstable introverts are not able to follow generally accepted rules, so they are considered crazy, but very nice. It is unstable introverts who become actors, musicians, and creative individuals capable of shocking behavior.

Characteristic signs of an unstable introvert: sensitivity to psychological stimuli, a tendency to drama and negative forecasting, suspiciousness, low self-esteem, shyness. Such people do not tolerate prolonged loneliness well and can make bad jokes.

Features of behavior

As can be learned from works devoted to the characteristics of introverts with logical and intuitive qualities, such people try to distance themselves from business issues. Solving them on their own is to some extent akin to torture for them. LII really does not like to disperse efforts on several things at the same time. He is characterized by special caution and a tendency to hesitate before making a decision.

Another characteristic feature is the love of arriving strictly on time. LII is able to clearly calculate the forces, accurately estimate the time frame, thanks to which it can easily accomplish what was planned. People of this personality type are characterized by the ability and desire to organize the work process for maximum time savings and rational use of all resources at their disposal.

Introvert in relationships

Introverts are wonderful people, despite the fact that there are a huge number of stereotypes about them being secretive and reserved. Talk about how introverts don’t want to socialize is nothing more than a myth. And relationships with such a person will be filled with various bonuses. Let's figure out why dating an introvert is great.


In a nutshell, an introvert loves unnoticed. Let's talk more about romance and love with an introvert.

If an introvert has attracted your attention, be prepared for the fact that he will take a very long time to decide on a relationship. Yes, for such people, getting closer to another person is an important and responsible step. Before doing it, they think for a long time, weigh the pros and cons. But if the decision is positive, you will have to put up with some of the characteristics of introverts.

For the sake of a loved one, he will leave his comfort zone, agree to go with you to a movie or a cafe, but such events will certainly spoil the introvert’s mood, he will begin to show dissatisfaction with the quality of food, the people around him, and the weather. These are not whims, people with such a character just feel this way.

Advice! Don't try to cheer up an introvert if you think he's sad. This is obviously a failed event. You have two options - just hug your loved one or leave him alone for a while.

How to communicate with an introvert

Never try to find out from an introvert whether he liked something or whether he was satisfied. You won't get a straight answer anyway. Remember that if the person next to you does not avoid what you ask about, then everything is fine.

You shouldn’t give up noisy, cheerful companies for the sake of an introvert. Believe me, he can be interesting and comfortable among people, but on condition that it is a small circle of good friends. In this case, communication charges him with positive energy, and it does not matter whether the introvert is silent or takes part in the conversation.

Prepare for frequent and long periods of silence from the introvert. And this does not mean at all that the person is not interested in you or that he feels bad about you. He simply honored you with the right to share his silence with you. You can always turn to an introvert instead if you need a dedicated listener. Feel free to share with him your thoughts, experiences, doubts, and something personal.

Important! Introverts know how to speak - this is beyond doubt, but they rarely do it and only when they are confident in the person. Never question the words spoken by an introvert, by doing so you will show distrust in the person and he will close himself off again.

In an introvert you will receive a loved one with an excellent sense of humor, but they only demonstrate it when surrounded by close people. If an introvert starts joking in front of you, it means that you are on the list of people dear to him. Maintain a similar style of communication, but remember that an introvert’s humor is refined; they do not tolerate vulgarity, rudeness, and especially ridicule. Believe me, they can sting very sensitively with sarcasm.

Important! If you confess your feelings to an introvert, you will probably not hear the answer immediately and not even after a couple of months. To agree to a long-term relationship, he needs to think carefully and delve into himself. If an introvert nevertheless agreed to a relationship with you, it means that you have become a part of his life for him.

When an introvert declares his love, know that this is the pure truth and forever. He will never make a scandal, pack his things and slam doors in a fit of passion. But always think carefully before you say anything to him, because introverts leave forever. They may have temporary partners, they appear under pressure - from relatives, from circumstances. In this case, they run away at the first opportunity.

Often, relationships with introverts are ruined by their partners and they don’t even know it. You will not hear reproaches or words of insult, but at a certain moment a wall will appear between you, which will no longer be possible to overcome. It is impossible to get an introvert back if he decides to end the relationship - this is forever.

How to get along with this psychotype

If it so happens that your significant other is an introvert, it won’t hurt you to learn some rules for relationships with such a person. Introverted people are calm, avoid large companies, prefer to spend time at home, plan everything, are polite, and are mostly good parents. There is no ideal, universal formula for communicating with an introvert, but still some recommendations are worth following.

  1. Agree with their rhythm of life.
  2. Try not to miss any little things - this is how introverts live.
  3. Do not put pressure on him, do not make fun of him in the presence of other people.
  4. Be sure to leave room for him to be alone.
  5. Appreciate the attention and care of an introvert, since it is more difficult for them to show feelings than anyone else.

Introverted man

How does an introvert in love with men behave:

  • voluntarily leaves the comfort zone;
  • is often silent, but this only means that he shares valuable silence with his loved one;
  • shows his sense of humor - only people close and dear to him are awarded this;
  • if an introvert has agreed to a relationship, calm down and don’t worry, he won’t change his decision.

Important! The worst thing is that the partner may not even be aware of the destruction of feelings, since the introvert never demonstrates that there is no more love.

Introvert girl

What can be said about an introverted girl - she is a unique person, largely due to the fact that in the evenings they sit at home and do not ask the guy to spend more time with her. Here are a few more features:

  • all conversations are meaningful, with deep meaning;
  • she has friends and they are all interesting personalities;
  • she prefers to spend the evening at home with a glass of wine than to shout over loud music in a nightclub;
  • she does not cheat, even the thought of it is unacceptable for her;
  • she loves pets;
  • she never wastes time, works on herself, with her plans;
  • you will never have difficulties with time for yourself, an introvert girl understands the value of personal space;
  • The introverted girl is a master of excuses and the best commentator.

Tatyana Nikolaevna Prokofieva.

(From the book “Algebra and Geometry of Human Relationships”)

If you want to be liked, be genuinely interested in people.

D. Carnegie

Meetings and farewells, what is it like? Can't even remember faces

A. Makarevich

Mental attitudes

C. G. Jung introduced two attitudes of the human psyche: extraversion

(the motivating force belongs, first of all, to the object, attention is primarily directed outward, to objects of the external world) and
(a person, first of all, draws motivation from within, attention is primarily directed inward, to the subject). In other words, mental attitudes show how we interact with the world around us and where we direct our energy.

Here is how Aušra Augustinavičiute analyzes Jung’s attitudes [8]: “Jung divided people into extroverted and introverted. In a psychologically favorable climate, individuals hardly differ in their external activity. With an increase in psychological discomfort, some people “introvert,” which is called “withdrawing into themselves.” This is a departure from those who do not recognize. Others, under the same conditions, “extrovert” and become noticeably and unbalancedly active in the search for those who recognize them. This tendency observed by Jung gave rise to the terms extraversion and introversion.”

“In the psychological literature, instead of the cumbersome extroverted - introverted, the terms extrovert - introvert . Unfortunately, for example, individuals with an extroverted attitude for Jung and extroverts for other authors are often different concepts” [3]. Aushra notes that according to the Eysenck test, most intuitive-logical extroverts fall into the category of introverts only because it is relatively difficult for them to establish contacts with people. While a sociable sensory-ethical introvert most often falls into the group of extroverts. Karl Leonhard in his book “Accented Personalities” [18] defines Don Quixote as an introverted dreamer, and Sancho Panza as a practical extrovert. According to socionic typology, “the first is completely turned to the outside world, an extroverted intuitive type, the second is a very practical sensory introverted” [8].

A. Augustinavichiute suggested calling these types of MI extrathymic and introthymic. Recently, in socionics, along with these terms, there have been the usual terms extrovert - introvert, but with the caveat that they are used in the socionic and Jungian sense, and not in the common Eysenckian sense.


Extroverted attitude of consciousness

involves seeing an object from the “outside” side. The properties of objects are taken into account, and motives and relationships fade into the background. Attention is paid to the possibility or feasibility of joint actions, the strength, and energy of the object.

Object - object interactions are actions

For an extrovert, it is more important to receive feedback from the object than to put yourself in his place. Therefore, an extrovert is characterized by external dialogue directly with a person, oral speech. It is important to know his opinion for subsequent conclusions and to assess the possibility of joint action. Different points of view have the right to exist independently of each other: someone else’s point of view is perceived as an independent object, it does not have to be accepted or rejected, the subject is not obliged to interact with it.

The world is perceived as a sum of objects. Expanding interest is easier than deepening it; noticing new objects is more natural than peering into the relationships between them. An extrovert not only notices objects, but also respects their right to be as they are.

For extroverts, the object is primary, relationships are secondary , so an extrovert would rather change relationships than change the object. Extroverts are not inclined to educate or remake. You can not influence a person, but change your attitude towards him or your relationship with him. If an extrovert is not satisfied with the object, then he does not maintain a relationship with him. The object is accepted as it is, it “can only do what it can”, there is no point in influencing it. It is easier to determine the level of interaction with him.

“For the extrovert, objects and subjects enjoy a certain right of inviolability: another object has the right to be as he wants. If he bothers me, I change my relationship with him, but not the object itself. This is because for an extrovert, objects and subjects are the fulcrum of consciousness. Changing these objects without permission means losing your foothold. At the same time, the world collapses, which threatens the collapse of consciousness. This is the same as sawing the branch on which you are sitting. Because of this, extroverts react painfully to various “re-education”, changes in the subject against his will. An extrovert is already confident that everyone strives for self-improvement” [3].

Introverted attitude of consciousness

assumes a subjective approach to the world. Each object in the perception of an introvert acts as a subject. Putting yourself in his place is the transformation of an object into a subject.

Subject - subject interactions are relationships

Therefore, introverts are characterized by internal dialogue, and with it written speech and journaling. Bringing a point of attention inside an object of interest. Perceiving the world from your own, or at least from his, point of view. This is a way for an introvert to understand the world. Different points of perception cannot be combined in one picture of the world. These pictures seem to blink. Deepening interest for an introvert is easier than expanding it, since it is easier to peer from one position than from different ones at the same time. The world is perceived not as a collection of objects, but as a collection of relationships, similar to a network, where objects are only nodes.

For introverts , relationships are primary, and the object is secondary .

Introverts are more likely to change an object, influence it, and educate it. Introverted tasks - altering clothes, digging the earth, transforming nature. Relations are objective; they can only be clarified, but not change radically. If the relationship does not suit the introvert, then he pushes the object out of sight. “The object of orientation in the outside world for an introvert is the relationships and feelings of other people” [3]. Therefore, he is confident that everyone is striving to improve relationships.

“It is very important to understand that an introvert’s concentration is not absorption in himself, but in the relationships of the outside world. That is, observation of the relationships between subjects and objects, which he – in contrast to the extrovert – does not want and cannot violate” [3].

Aušra Augustinavičiute wrote that

“For an extrovert, relationships between people in relation to the people themselves are secondary: relationships should be the kind that people need.

For an introvert, on the contrary, it is not relationships that should be adapted to people, but people to relationships: if contradictions appear, people, their behavior, and not relationships should change” [3].

In other words, it is easier for an extrovert to adapt to an object, and for an introvert to adapt to a relationship. “The introvert’s erroneous idea is that no people are irreplaceable, that a person is like a cog and can be changed as soon as he disrupts the harmony of relationships.” The excess of extroverts is that “any relationship that does not suit the personality, individuality, can be replaced.” In fact, “a person as an individual needs both confidence that he enjoys respect and the right to be himself, and confidence in the constancy of benevolent relations with the environment, constancy in life” [3].

Extroverts and introverts. Difference in Behavior

Extroverts create new relationships, introverts create new objects. Therefore, as Aušra Augustinavičiute writes, “a qualitatively new construction appears only in the head of an introvert. But only extroverts, like all the classics of Marxism, can be the creators of qualitatively new social relations” [3]. Her idea is developed by the director of the Novosibirsk Institute of Socionics N.R. Yakushina, “ introverts are inventors of fundamentally new things, extroverts synthesize new things from already familiar elements, their creativity is work at the intersection of sciences.” “Jung (an introvert) invented a new typology, Aušra Augustinavičiute (an extrovert) introduced coding into it and identified connections between types. This led to the creation of the theory of intertype relations”[37]. To be fair, we note that an extrovert can create a “new order” (Hitler), and an introvert can “reinvent the wheel”, without being interested in what was invented before him. Extroverts in their works more often refer to the authors of ideas, introverts do not accept a new opinion until they assimilate it, then it firmly merges with their own, so they can forget who its author is.

You can read about the difference in the behavior of extroverts and introverts at work in A. Augustinavichiute [38], where, in particular, o is a compliment, and for extroverts it is an insult. … Introverts have a better understanding of duty, and extroverts have a better understanding of responsibility.”

Extroverts speak in front of large crowds more often and meet new people more easily; It is more convenient for an introvert to talk face to face or in a close circle of familiar people. In communication, an extrovert is more open, talking about himself more often, since he underestimates the attitude that he causes. “Breadth of soul” is often about extroverts.

An introvert does not seek to open his soul to everyone; he will first make sure that sufficiently favorable relationships have already been established for this. “Glassnost is an extroverted thing, and in such an introverted country as Russia, information is often available only to a narrow circle of people,” writes N. R. Yakushina [37]. She also gives an interesting test: if you ask a person to draw himself in the universe, then the introvert begins to draw from himself, and the extrovert - from others.

V.V. Gulenko [39] describes the characteristic features of extroverts and introverts. He notes that extroverts are characterized by: an active spending style and openness.

An extrovert understands himself through the opinions of others, and experiences difficulties in self-improvement, because he does not pay much attention to his own inner world. He is not afraid to oppose himself to others, he is more visible in society.

An introvert saves more and conserves his resources. He is somewhat separated from the world, can do without feedback, but is more protected, because... in no hurry to open up. Introverts may be more likely to withdraw into themselves, but self-improvement is also easier. They are characterized by detailed material, their discoveries are very difficult for non-specialists.

An important difference in the characters of extroverts and introverts was noted by A.V. Bukalov. He argues that an extrovert is characterized by a “tendency to contract, disappear under the influence of an object,” while an introvert is characterized by a “tendency to expand, to assimilate, to subordinate the object” [40].

The main differences between extroverted and introverted types are shown in the table compiled on the basis of data from the above authors, as well as F. Ya. Schechter [41] and D. Keirsey [21] (Table 3).

Table 3 Differences between extroverts and introverts

Options Extroverts Introverts
Motivating force Belongs to objects of the external world Comes from within
Preferential orientation To the world beside myself To your inner world
Values Objective reality, objects Subjective relationship with the object
Priorities Case Relationship
Behavior Determined by the external situation, objective laws Determined by one’s own attitudes and subjective feelings
Speech Easier oral, thinking out loud, discussion It’s easier to write, think to yourself, remain silent
Contact They strive to search for an object and interact with it.

Pay attention to both yourself and others

They expect to be included in contact and maintain relationships.

Waiting to be noticed

Dynamics It’s easier to break away, move, get divorced Protect family, company, place of work
A look at work How to take responsibility for a matter How to fulfill a duty
At work they prefer Organize others, take responsibility, assign, put in place Complete the task on your own. Privacy, chamber style
With pleasure Starting a business They finish the job
Motivation for activity Uniqueness, prestige Interest in work, well-being
Advertise Specific people or yourself The team, the company of which he is a part
Energy source They are recharged with energy through communication. Energy efficiency They prefer solitude to restore energy. Energy saving

External differences between extroverts and introverts
Extroverts are distinguished by wide gestures. Even with good upbringing, an extrovert has difficulty restraining gestures. Gestures of extroverts are wide, from the shoulder. Introverts usually do not gesture, and if they do, it is from the elbow. The same with facial expressions: the faces of extroverts are more mobile, emotions are clearly expressed. Introverts are more reserved, which makes them seem more modest, but this is not internal modesty, but simply a way of expressing activity. Let's illustrate these differences with the help of portraits by famous artists.

Fig.1. D. Levitsky. Portrait of Nelidova Fig.2. D. Velazquez. Lady with a fan

[It is important to understand here that “appearances can be deceiving.” 20-30% of the population does not fit into these external boundaries]

Mutual complementarity of extroverted and introverted types

Extraversion and introversion are complementary parameters. Partners with different attitudes can help each other, expand their understanding of the world and themselves, and solve problems that are difficult for the other. “An extrovert gives an introvert a sense of confidence in himself as an object with certain qualities. Introvert to extrovert – real knowledge of what feelings others have for him, and if necessary, then how to change these feelings” [3]. This is how people of complementary types can help each other (based on data from R.K. Sedykh [7]).

An extrovert learns
from an introvert
: to notice and appreciate his inner world, to establish order and harmony in it, which gives new successes in the external world, in the development of objective qualities.

An introvert learns from an extrovert:

notice and appreciate one’s own and others’ objective qualities, learns their true value, which makes it possible to accept oneself and others as they are.

Activities for extroverts and introverts

Extroverts and introverts achieve maximum success in activities that correspond to their own attitudes. Work that requires someone else's attitude leads to fatigue and does not bring satisfaction. We provide indicative data on preferred types of activities based on the recommendations of V.V. Gulenko [25].

Extroverts are better at completing tasks: Introverts are better
able to cope with tasks:
large-scale, involving a wide field of activity; local, limited in scope or divided into stages;
requiring increased activity and intense energy consumption; allowing gradualism and leisure in their decisions;
priority, requiring prompt solutions. requiring deepening and deep study.

Prokofiev V.G.:

For an extrovert: the whole world is his home.

For an introvert: his home is the whole world.


Pros and cons of introverts

If you're an extrovert, you might find it difficult to understand how introverts can spend so much time alone. To many, this fact seems strange and even abnormal. But believe me, for an introvert, time spent alone is the best time.

Is it bad to be an introvert?

If you are an extrovert, adopting the introvert lifestyle may not be easy for you. However, the introvert himself values ​​his lifestyle. An introvert makes the most of the time spent alone with himself, collects his thoughts, accumulates energy, and makes decisions.

Very often introverts hear the following questions addressed to them: how can you miss such a party? Why do you look sad? The person will almost certainly not answer you. An introvert knows how to have fun and enjoy himself, but he does this only with people he knows well.

Positive traits

Thanks to their perseverance and ability to focus, introverts are excellent performers. They can be entrusted with complex, responsible work, they are not afraid of monotonous, monotonous work, and they always finish what they start. At the same time, introverts are quite creative and can offer a non-standard solution, but for this they need the most comfortable conditions.

Almost throughout their lives, introverts study, studying comes easily to them (and again perseverance comes to the rescue). That is why they engage in self-education, improve their professional skills, and are able to make informed decisions.

Introverts are wonderful friends - ways to listen carefully, sympathize, will never put a person in an awkward position. Always keep their word, responsible.

Introverts are also punctual, know how to control their emotions, and have analytical skills.

Weak sides

The biggest problem of introverts is difficulties with communication, they are shy, and it is difficult for them to meet people first. Such people prefer to minimize communication with the outside world. They find it difficult to adapt to work that needs to be done collectively, do not attend corporate events, avoid training, and may show self-doubt. Quite often, introverts have low self-esteem and career advancement is not easy for them.

Work for an introvert

At work, introverts are perfectionists, quite demanding of themselves and others, and they make strict leaders. They are comfortable working in a small team or independently. Deep introverts prefer to work remotely, but unstable introverts excel in creative professions.

The very thought of being in the office all day long terrifies introverts; they are absolutely not suitable for a job that involves a large number of direct contacts with people.

Here is a list of professions in which introverts are comfortable and where they can express themselves fully:

  • freelancer;
  • social media manager;
  • programmer, any work related to software, computer games;
  • writer;
  • accountant;
  • medical or social worker;
  • scientist;
  • forester.

Worst professions for an introvert

If a profession does not give an introvert the opportunity for personal growth, he will not stay here long. It also doesn’t make sense for him to get a job where he needs to communicate a lot and serve clients. Also, the profession of a journalist, event organizer, military man, or politician is not suitable for an introvert.

If you are an introvert

First of all, take a personality type test and make sure that you are truly an introvert. Then think carefully about whether you need to change, because each person is unique and therefore beautiful. But if you are determined to radically change yourself and your life, follow these tips.

  1. Gradually leave your comfort zone, find a zone of “productive discomfort” for yourself.
  2. Push yourself regularly to get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.
  3. Do things spontaneously.
  4. If you are going to attend a crowded event, think through your phrases and behavior in advance.
  5. Work on developing social skills, do yoga.
  6. Visit places where you can meet interesting people and get to know them.
  7. Take acting classes or join a music group.
  8. If you have an extroverted friend, ask him to help you learn new social skills.

Famous people are introverts

Despite the fact that introverts are quite reserved and shy, among them there are many famous personalities who have achieved a lot in their profession and become famous throughout the world. Perseverance, perseverance and the ability to finish what they started helped them achieve success.

Albert Einstein

As a child, he preferred to study on his own, which sometimes caused problems for little Einstein. The young man did not go to college because he failed the exams, but as an adult he perfectly combined solitary work and the need to communicate with people.

Charles Darwin

Being closed and a loner by nature, Darwin was one of the first to understand that all living beings evolve and have common ancestors. The scientist called his theory natural selection. He also conducted research on the theory of human origins.

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