Personal experience - how to get rid of the blues and apathy in 5 steps

Life has become boring, my thoughts endlessly revolve around the same things. You see only the bad, it just sticks out at you from all sides. Everything around me irritates me: work, home, family, news. Only deaf headphones with loud music can save you. The music, by the way, is far from Vivaldi, but some kind of King and the Clown, Leningrad, rap (may music lovers forgive me), and something even harsher.

I was in such a state when I found out about the upcoming layoff at work. I lived like hell for six months. Then she said, enough is enough, and began to look for ways to get rid of the blues and apathy. I recovered by trying different techniques and methods. I will only write about those things that helped me find myself.

But you don’t believe it yet, because you want to send everything somewhere... life is rolling down a steep hill. You understand that you are falling into the abyss and yet you are grasping at straws. But what if?

What is better – depression, blues or apathy?

Let's agree right away that the article was written for those who do NOT have prolonged depression. With signs of real long-term depression, you should contact a specialist: a psychotherapist is someone who treats without medications, a psychiatrist is someone who treats with medications. And fears that antidepressants or tranquilizers are addictive are a myth.

How to distinguish a condition in which you need to see a doctor. Before almost any depression, unpleasant or even tragic circumstances arise. And failure sets in—a protracted state.

When you don’t eat for a week, when you don’t sleep for a week, or vice versa, you sleep for a week when you’re fed up, but 3 months have already passed, and the condition is getting worse. And indifference - no emotions... Don’t delay - go to a specialist, the Internet will not help.

But we will fight seasonal depression and apathy and melancholy. From my own experience, I will tell you how to cope with depression and apathy and the blues on your own. For me it’s all one and conquerable.

The salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves, as Munchausen said. The realization that depression has set in and there is a bottom from which you need to push off. And, first, crawl up, then climb, and then take off.

Follow the path in 5 steps:

How to deal with it?

Autumn blues often have a purely biochemical basis: in conditions of reduced daylight hours, a deficiency of vitamin D develops in the body, which is directly involved in the production of a number of neurotransmitters, including serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine - substances that create a feeling of happiness, pleasure, ensure vigor and activity . In such a situation, the best solution is to compensate for the vitamin D deficiency by taking it in the form of dietary supplements. For example, Ultra-D1000ME chewable tablets. This dosage form is the most optimal and popular, because it allows you to take the drug at any time of the day, without interrupting your usual activities. Timely elimination of hypovitaminosis helps to effectively normalize biochemical processes in the body and overcome seasonal depression.

Blues is a very unpleasant phenomenon. We often feel that problems are insurmountable and extremely difficult. To resolve existing contradictions, you need to want to change. First of all, we must try to look deep into ourselves. As soon as you feel that you are in a state of prolonged anxiety, try not to plunge into it. Switching your attention will help reduce growing anxiety. If you are focused on one object, then just do something useful. Physical exercise is best. Meditative practice and yoga also help a lot, but not all people strive for spiritual development.

What you definitely shouldn’t do is aggravate your situation by constantly thinking about your imaginary inferiority. Thus, you will not help yourself in any way, but on the contrary, you will make it worse. The best way is to analyze your own state and temporarily distract yourself. It is very good if during this period a person has a new activity that will delight and give a charge of positive energy.

Find who is worse off than you and help them

Do you know what very often helps in life? Knowing that someone's situation is even worse. Man is a strange creature after all. Find a person who is worse off and help him if you can financially, if you can’t, then just be a volunteer. Love animals, go to the shelter, help with deeds, with your own hands.

There is always a place for the application of good power. And in animal shelters, these are low-budget organizations, they always need help. Find charity groups on social networks, subscribe and take action. You can go to an orphanage, a shelter, and organize a holiday for the children. While you are working on this complex project, there will be no trace of depression left.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself! Look around how many people are even worse off than you! Don't make a tragedy out of your apathy. All life is ups and downs, even nature has its downturns - in the fall, when a deep depression befalls us, and in the spring, when everything blooms. Don't wait for spring, do it yourself.

Where did the autumn blues come from?

Recently, on social networks you can increasingly come across the term “autumn depression”. What is the reason? The air temperature drops significantly, daylight hours become shorter - we simply lack warmth and light. With the onset of cold weather, many feel a loss of energy, sudden mood swings, a reluctance to leave the house, in a word, the question “How to get rid of the blues?” becomes more than relevant. So what to do? How to get rid of the autumn blues? Read on for the 7 best ways!

What is the blues and how to deal with it?

You might think that this is a disease of aristocrats and slackers. In fact, this is far from true; no one is immune from this unpleasant illness, especially in modern city life.

Blues are seasonal, occurring in the off-season, that is, in the spring and autumn. The causes of the autumn blues are considered to be a reduction in daylight hours, cloudy and rainy weather, and the imminent onset of winter. The causes of the spring blues can be vitamin deficiency, slush, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and hormonal imbalance. In any case, the change of seasons is easy for few people in terms of psychological and somatic well-being. Therefore, seasonal blues can be considered the norm.

But the blues appear not only at the turn of the seasons, they lie in wait for us at other times as well. And it can manifest itself as chronic fatigue, vegetative-vascular dystonia, mild depression, fatigue, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, despondency, apathy, melancholy, lack of desire to do anything.

Let's look at the main ways to combat blues and bad mood.

Surprisingly, such psychological problems are often helped by changing the nutritional system, in simple terms – diet. There are many products that have repeatedly proven their influence on a person’s mood. Sometimes you just need to introduce certain foods into your diet to get the desired results.

Here is a sample list of such products:

bananas, pears, various citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, lemons, tangerines, etc.), kiwi, mangoes, grapes, red peppers, carrots, potatoes, oatmeal, hard cheese, walnuts and, of course, chocolate. As well as various fruit and nut mixtures, the so-called “student’s breakfast” and muesli bars, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or the nearest supermarket.

Make sure your diet includes foods that contain B vitamins, which are very beneficial for the central nervous system. If there are not enough of them in the diet, then you can take a course of vitamins or get a course of injections, which will be more effective. Herbal infusions also have natural antidepressant properties.

Plants with the necessary properties are as follows:

  • Mint, oregano, St. John's wort, lemon balm, motherwort;
  • Roots of valerian, peony, ginger;
  • Rosehip and hawthorn berries;
  • Raspberry and nettle leaves.

Another quite powerful natural antidepressant is honey.

More ways to fight the blues

An important way to combat blues is, of course, changing your lifestyle.

Set realistic life goals and strive to achieve them.

Do not under any circumstances allow yourself to get enough sleep; you can’t get enough sleep, but you can easily accumulate sleep deprivation. And your body will never say “thank you” for this.

Spend time in the fresh air as often as possible, walk, and engage in more physical activity.

Try to spend less time at the computer and TV and pay more attention to yourself and your health.

Try to eat tasty food. Healthy and tasty food or not so healthy but very tasty food always saves you from the blues.

Find a hobby you like. Attend cultural events of your choice.

Take a bath with essential oils and sea salt.

Meditation and relaxation always remain irreplaceable means of harmonizing the spirit.

There are a lot of remedies to combat the blues. But like any illness, blues are much easier to prevent than to deal with it later. Love yourself, please yourself and be happy. Then no blues will take you.


How to get rid of the blues: 7 ways

Method 1. Add brightness to your life

No matter how much we would like summer to last all year round, in our latitudes this is impossible. The sunny season with comfortable temperatures is replaced by autumn, bringing real tests of strength in the form of precipitation, frost, fog, and cloudy gray skies. Many of us deny until the very end the fact of the need to adjust to the “autumn-winter regime” and thereby only harm ourselves. It is important to realize that the cold season implies the need not only to change your wardrobe, but also to reconsider your daily routine and diet.

Advice : Don’t put off checking your clothes; tidy up your summer dresses, sundresses, shorts and hide them in the back of your closet until next season. They are being replaced by cozy sweaters, woolen skirts and trousers, cardigans, coats and of course scarves, snoods, baktus, hats, berets! How to get rid of blues and depression? Get some bright accessories. In order to look stylish and feel comfortable, just a few new things are enough to spice up your look.

Method 2. Pay attention to sports, hobbies and other activities

Psychologists have noticed that when a person finds himself in unfavorable conditions, he subconsciously strives to turn on the “economy mode”. It’s as if we want to preserve our vital energy and give up all sorts of hobbies, sports, and reduce the time we spend with friends. We think: “Now this transition period will pass, the heating will be turned on/snow will fall/New Year will come/spring will come and I will start doing my favorite hobbies again.” This is mistake! The fact is that pleasant activities not only require temporary resources, but also fill us with energy. Moreover, by refusing to work out in the gym, swimming or visiting a yoga studio, we subconsciously fill our lives with other activities that are not entirely useful, to put it mildly. We begin to spend more time on the Internet, “pamper” ourselves with unhealthy food, binge-watch entire seasons of TV series without getting out of bed... It’s also important to pamper ourselves with this during the cold season, but in moderation.

Advice : How to get rid of the blues in this case? One of the important points: do not give up physical and emotional activity! Just instead of morning jogs in a rainy park, sign up for the gym, and if you are not ready to give up jogging in nature, then buy yourself the “right” running sneakers for the season and a bright tracksuit. If your friends agree to spend the evening playing board games, do not refuse to communicate with them, citing bad weather. Buy a comfortable raincoat, rubber boots, a light umbrella and you will understand that you have every reason to trust the expression “Nature has no bad weather”!

Method 3. Be sure to take walks in the fresh air

This point to some extent echoes the previous one. Psychologists unanimously say: as soon as you feel that a wave of apathy and spleen is beginning to “cover” you, you need to get ready and go for a walk outside, regardless of the weather. It will be great if your walking route goes along the streets past shops. Yes, yes, we remember our childhood, carefully examine the beautifully decorated shop windows and passers-by! You will feel that your own sad thoughts are gradually fading into the background, your consciousness is filled with fantasies, dreams and plans for the future.

Advice : How to get rid of the autumn blues? Make it a habit to walk home from work. Get off one stop earlier and cover the distance at your own pace. This habit will not only strengthen your immune system, but will also allow you to switch from the “work” state of mind to the “home” state of mind. You won't take out the stress and frustrations of your workday on your home. If you go to work by car, then make it a rule to take short walks after dinner; the ideal option is an evening exercise with your four-legged pet.

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