Should you kiss on the first date?

The first kiss is perhaps the most exciting event that both boys and girls expect when preparing to meet the object of their affection. At the same time, both are asking the same question: is it possible to kiss on the first date, or should the first kiss be postponed until the next meeting? The desire to kiss or touch a partner is quite natural; it is a manifestation of sensual interest, sympathy, an opportunity to “hint” to a person that he is more than a friend. However, the first kiss can be both a great start to a relationship and ruin it. How and why - let's figure it out.

Kissing on the first date: a man's perspective

For a guy, kissing a girl he likes means confessing his sympathy to her, declaring his rights, and it’s quite normal for him to do this on the first date. However, the first kiss for a man is just as exciting, long-awaited and gives rise to a storm of emotions if we are talking about serious intentions and feelings towards a lady. If the purpose of the date is a non-binding relationship, then the guy will not miss the opportunity to kiss the girl as quickly as possible, so that later he can move on to more active actions.

Be that as it may, the main burden of responsibility and initiative during the first date is the lot of the man. And he, in turn, is tormented by doubts:

  1. I’ll kiss her - what if it’s too early and she’ll decide that I’m just pestering?
  2. If I don’t kiss you, he will consider me indecisive or think that he doesn’t like me.
  3. If I miss the chance to kiss you, hello, friend zone.

Of course, everything is individual, but most situations regarding the first kiss are still typical. Men have the same doubts and worry whether it’s worth taking this step so that everything goes right and the girl evaluates the first date positively.

Kissing on the first date - pros and cons

Kissing on the first date isn't scary, but sometimes it's not quite right. Let's face it. Most men want to kiss a woman on the first date. And women..., as a rule, they are tormented by the question: whether to kiss or not on the first date.

A kiss is an intimate expression of attraction. A kiss strengthens the invisible connection between a man and a woman and symbolizes attraction to each other. A kiss serves as a reason to move the relationship to the next stage, regardless of whether the couple is ready for this or not. Besides, you can't take a kiss back, can you?

What is a man's first kiss?

If a man invites a woman on a date , then he certainly wants to know whether he made a good impression on her. He wants to believe that the girl had a great time with him and immediately fell head over heels in love. If a man has allowed himself to fall in love with a woman, then he wants to see signs confirming that she likes him too. A man may like a woman, he may be attracted to her, but he will hardly allow himself to fall in love with her until he sees confirmation of her sympathy and attraction to him. Guys in their youth lead wild lives and always get what they want; they want to know right away whether there is a chance to start a relationship with a girl in order to understand for themselves whether they are ready for a relationship with obligations.

What is a woman's first kiss?

A woman is not much different from a man when it comes to the first date. A woman wants to see signs that a man likes being with her. Moreover, she needs a clear and unambiguous sign, which a man really likes. But there is a big difference between men and women and their attitude towards kissing on the first date . Men are ready for sex right away, but women prefer not to rush. Nature has made men ready for sex and childbirth every few hours; a woman needs 9 months from the moment of conception to the birth of a child, and only after 9 months will she be ready for a new conception. It is this fact of evolutionary development that subconsciously guides the actions of a woman who needs time to understand? whether the man is worth her effort and time. The harder a man pursues a woman by showing how good he is, the faster the woman will fall in love with him and show appreciation.

Is kissing on the first date “bad” or “good”?

Kissing on the first date can feel good, but remember that there is no turning back. A kiss can cause the thought: “Are things moving too quickly?” You may wonder if you really like the person you're kissing or if it's just a mistake that you'll regret later. Don't forget that many people don't like kissing people they've only known for a few hours. For people from big cities, where life moves at an accelerated pace, there is no time to unwind, kissing on the first date is more the norm than the exception. But in general, even if there is a potential for a romantic relationship to develop, a kiss on the first date can complicate things, because you can start to get ahead of the curve and regard the person as a potential partner even before you get to know them closely. On the other hand, some people see a kiss on the first date as a signal of serious intentions! And the next day they start acting as if you are already a couple, which can put you in a damn awkward position, especially if you still perceive the person as a stranger. The situation is even worse when, after a kiss on the first date, they will expect a continuation or something more from you!

When is kissing on the first date considered normal?

Kissing on the first date is not bad. But it all depends on how much you like this idea. Here are examples of circumstances when a kiss on the first date is quite acceptable:

#1 Strong sexual desire. This is when you are burning with the desire to passionately kiss a person, and he can barely restrain himself so as not to attack you.

#2 Mutual attraction. When a man and a woman began to be attracted to each other long before their first date .

#3 You like your date partner. It was on a date that you felt that you liked this person.

Want to know more? Read the continuation here...

Related posts:

  • Kissing on the first date - pros and cons (Part II)
  • First steps, on first dates
  • What do you think about on a date?!!
  • On the first date
  • Basic tips for women on dates

How do girls feel about kissing on the first date?

Ambiguous. It all depends on upbringing, views, previous experience. Some people believe that only frivolous young ladies kiss on the first date. There is a certain amount of truth in this, but in the 21st century, kissing on the first date is not something shameful.

Some girls, on the contrary, prefer that a kiss must take place - for them it serves as an indicator of a man’s attractiveness.

For many women (and men too), a kiss on the first date is too sharp an invasion of personal space - it takes much more time to get used to a person and get close to him.

There is a category of girls for whom kissing is an obligatory attribute of any romantic meeting, even the first: these are new sensations, vivid emotions, a kind of confirmation of their own attractiveness. They live by emotions, succumbing to fleeting impulses, getting carried away, falling in love, “collecting” impressions. In any case, due to the romantic nature of their nature, the beautiful half of humanity, even being strictly brought up and possessing natural modesty, still secretly dreams of a kiss.

For such an important, without exaggeration, event as the first kiss, it is worth preparing thoroughly. First of all, morally - to set priorities, cope with emotions, determine all the pros and cons.

What does a kiss on the first date mean to you?

There are girls - adventurers who rush headlong into the maelstrom of new relationships, looking for bright emotions and new sensations. For such girls, a kiss on the first date is common and very natural. There are girls who are shy. Such people will never kiss on the first, and, most likely, on the second date. They are looking for real, serious relationships, sincere deep feelings. Each of them is right in its own way. After all, if the adventurer had restrained her impulses, she would have been deeply unhappy. For a modest person, such an effort on oneself would bring nothing but disappointment. But there is another type of girl. I would call him a reasonable girl, or even a calculating girl. She is in no hurry to give in to fleeting impulses; she is not afraid to miss out on a guy by giving him a kiss on the first date. She thinks with her head. In each specific case: whether this kiss is appropriate, what it will bring to her and what it may deprive her of. But sometimes... she still allows herself this little whim...

First kiss: how a girl should behave and prepare for it

Understand themselves

When going on a date with this or that man, you should answer a number of questions. First of all, regarding the purpose of this meeting. If you are planning a date with a potential sex partner, then there is hardly any point in postponing the first kiss until later. If the girl is committed to a serious relationship, then all the risks should be assessed:

  • will a man treat her with the same trepidation and respect if she allows herself to be kissed right away;
  • will a kiss be appropriate (if, for example, the acquaintance took place on the Internet and this will be the first meeting);
  • what new a kiss can bring to a relationship, and what it can deprive it of;
  • will she be disappointed if a man rushes into a kiss or, on the contrary, postpones it until the next meeting.

Know common mistakes and avoid making them

Many girls agree to a kiss on the first date (or even initiate it themselves), afraid of seeming complex, “lagging behind progress,” thereby scaring off guys. An even sadder result awaits girls who strive at all costs to “get” a man, to “conquer” him, forcing events and allowing themselves to be kissed during the first meeting.

Don’t forget that guys are hunters themselves, and too easy “prey” leads to a quick loss of interest.

You should not count on the further development of normal, serious relationships. Those who try to appear too modest also make a mistake, delaying the moment of the first kiss for weeks and months - there is a high probability that the guy will resign himself to his fate, perceiving such behavior as a lack of feelings for himself other than friendly ones.

Evaluate the situation

If the date is with a person with whom the girl is already familiar (friend, classmate, colleague, friend from a common company), then if there is mutual sympathy, there is no point in denying the man (and yourself too) a kiss, at least on the cheek. For this situation, this is normal and natural.

If there is a “blind date”, a meeting with a man whom you met on the Internet, then you should be guided by the situation. It may turn out that you don’t like the guy, and the first date will be your last. You can let him kiss you on the cheek goodbye, and without offending the person, but also without giving him false hopes, maintaining a distance.

A guy's behavior can also say a lot. If at the very first meeting he persistently tries to kiss, tries too passionately to hug, it means that he is not particularly in the mood for a serious relationship.

What to do in this situation:

  • if such “attention” is unpleasant for a girl, then she should immediately say “no”, and then outline the acceptable boundaries of communication;
  • explain to the man why he did wrong;
  • give an opportunity to correct the situation;
  • politely say goodbye to the person and offer to remain friends.


If, from the girl’s point of view, a man behaves correctly (he is gallant, attentive, romantic, moderately persistent), there is mutual sympathy, there is no reason to deny him the opportunity to kiss himself. The first kiss is often the spark that ignites great love.

If shyness overcomes emotions or impressions from the date and from the guy himself are still ambiguous, you can turn your cheek for a kiss. Refusing a kiss at this moment will not mean for a man that he automatically falls into the friend zone - if there is sympathy on the part of the girl, then you need to show it: smile, jokingly offer to repeat the route and try to kiss yourself (for example, at the same time in the same place at a future meeting).

What you should pay attention to:

  • correspondence of image and behavior (if a girl came on a date in a miniskirt and with a deep neckline, then there is no point in playing the role of a prude);
  • non-verbal communication (this is an excellent opportunity to signal to a man whether he is behaving correctly towards a girl or not);
  • mood, emotional response to the partner’s actions (for example, the desire to repeat the kiss).

Is it possible to kiss on the first date?

It may seem that the issue of the first kiss is relevant only for teenagers, but this is far from the case. In fact, today representatives of various age categories are asking the question: on what kind of date can you kiss? This is due to the isolation of many people, the inability to open up and a great desire to make only the most pleasant impression on the person they like. The founder and head of the capital’s dating club “Classics of Relationships,” Olga Romaniv, spoke about the appropriateness of the first kiss:

“Let's start with how a woman looks at it. When going on a first date with the man she likes, every girl, without exception, will torment herself with questions of correct behavior. In the modern world, intimate relationships are rapidly losing their secrecy, because much is considered acceptable already on the first date. But it’s quite difficult to predict the subsequent development of such fast relationships.

Is kissing on the first date a sign of bad taste? First, we need to dispel a few myths. Many girls make the mistake of thinking that such an act indicates frivolity. This is far from true, because a kiss on the first date rather speaks of courage and clarity of intentions. It’s just impossible to predict which type of women a man likes best, because many people prefer modest women.

Many couples who have been married for more than one year can happily remember their first kiss, so this act should not be judged with prejudice. A kiss on the first date implies the continuation of the evening in the same direction. Kissing should not be considered in close tandem with intimate relationships. In fact, a kiss only means a sharing of emotions and an expression of strong sympathy, and not a hint of further action.

If you are a rather brave girl who is not afraid to show her emotions and feelings, you can indulge in a kiss on the first date, because it has long ceased to be a sign of bad taste. But if you want to charm a man and tie him to you, it is better to use the three-date rule, which will always be relevant.

How do men see this? It should immediately be noted that in their views on the first kiss they are not as conservative as women. Many brave representatives of the stronger half of the population are ready to kiss a girl they like already on the first date, but such courage and perseverance is not characteristic of everyone. So, many guys who are seriously interested in a girl try to make the best impression and not spoil the developing relationship by doing the wrong thing. But often such caution leads to relationships becoming more friendly.

As the results of surveys conducted among men show, many do not consider a kiss on the first date a sign of bad taste and frivolity, but are still more inclined to the three-date rule. An important factor is a person’s upbringing and his ideas about the ideal behavior of women. So, one man will like a kiss on the first date and a demonstration of courage and emancipation on the part of a woman, while at the same time, another man on the third date may attribute such actions to female frivolity.

In fact, it is almost impossible to model the development of future relationships and act only according to the plan. It is not so important whether you should refrain from the first kiss until you have reached a certain number of dates, because its appropriateness is much more important. The point is that a kiss should be desired on the part of each partner, as well as timely.”

Why doesn't a guy kiss on the first date?

The reasons can be very diverse. The most typical:

  1. He does not want to rush things, because he is committed to a serious relationship.
  2. He's too shy and doesn't want to seem intrusive.
  3. A sophisticated “hunter” waits for time to stir up his partner’s reciprocal interest.
  4. He does not experience such emotions towards the girl that would prompt him to kiss her, or he does not see interest on her part.
  5. For health reasons (cold, bad tooth, etc.).

First date

Is it possible to kiss on the first date? In general, in many countries of the world this is considered bad form among romantic couples. On the other hand, if the date went well, the young man walked the girl home, then why not reward him with a light first kiss. No French kisses, no Egyptian passions, a light touch of lips - that's enough for a first date. Who should go first? A kiss is a mutual desire. People themselves feel that it is worth taking a step forward. It doesn't depend on any one person in a couple. But, if you want to maintain intrigue in the relationship, then you can wait until the second date for the first kiss.

Kiss on the first date: mission possible (tips for guys)

Is it worth kissing on the first date - a question that worries not only girls, but also guys. And the latter, for the most part, will answer in the affirmative.

The most important rule of success is attentiveness, a sense of proportion and romance of the moment. These components will help melt a woman’s heart and make the first kiss unforgettable:

  1. The atmosphere is one of the most important points. A man should take a responsible approach to choosing a place for a date, surround the girl with care and attention, and choose the right moment for a kiss.
  2. Compliments are the best foreplay before a kiss. There is not a single woman in the world who would not be pleased to hear them addressed to her (and admiration not only for forms, figure, but also for human qualities).
  3. Visual and emotional contact. The girl should feel interest and admiration not only in words, but also in her eyes. A man should also pay attention to her emotional background: if she feels free, shows interest, and does not avoid fleeting touches, then most likely she will not object to a kiss.
  4. Knowing of limits. Persistence is good, but only in such a way that it does not border on arrogance. It is unlikely that a girl will regard this as a sign of serious interest in herself if a man attacks her with passionate kisses from the first minutes of the date. The first kiss should be light, gentle, short - so that you want to repeat it. Even if you like a girl so much that she “blows the roof off” from the excess of feelings, you don’t need to immediately go in with hugs and tongue kisses.
  5. No stupid questions. When asking a girl whether you can kiss her, you should expect a negative answer, even if she herself wants it.
  6. Kisses on the first date are for dessert. It is better to leave them closer to the end of the date (ideally, at parting), especially if this is the first meeting and people are only at the acquaintance stage.
  7. Feedback. The kiss took place! Afterwards, the girl may feel shy, embarrassed, even indignant - this is normal. The main thing is to monitor your partner’s emotional background, mood, and gaze. They will tell you better than any words whether the first kiss was a success and whether she wants to repeat it.


Should you prepare for a kiss on the first date?

In such matters, you should never rely on information; an article can only be an advisor, and whether to listen to them or not is a personal matter for everyone. You always need to start from several points:

  1. How long have you known the girl? Is it worth going in with kisses if you are seeing her for the first time? Perhaps this is not the first time the man has crossed paths with her, or you have known each other for a long time, but feelings flared up only recently.
  2. Does this place and situation allow it? If you really want it and, it would seem, the object of adoration does not mind, but the place does not allow it, it is better to abstain. For example: when walking through a crowded place where there are a lot of strangers (let’s take an art gallery that has just opened), it is better to refrain and show your good manners and knowledge of the topic. Then you will not cause awkwardness to other people and will show the girl your gallantry.
  3. How will the girl react to this? Pay attention to the mood and communication on the first date. Perhaps a kiss on the cheek when meeting or goodbye would be a pretty sweet gesture, but don’t go too far if the girl is quite unapproachable.

If by all measures it seems that the girl is not against a kiss, present it in a memorable way. A first date is always an event that requires special awe and special words. And the first kiss is no exception; you can always turn a good event into a fabulous one. For example, if you are walking in a park where music is playing, or in a restaurant or cafe, then a man can always easily spin his beloved in a dance, the end of which will be a kiss. But how he will proceed is based only on personal feelings and the feelings of his beloved.

Every time a young man goes on a date, he needs to be prepared for any scenario . After all, every couple has their own, unique love story. And for everyone it develops differently, some kiss already on the first date, while others even a month later are embarrassed to declare the seriousness of their feelings and seal them with a kiss.

On what date can you kiss?

According to the rules of etiquette, a woman can allow herself to be kissed no earlier than after the second or third rendezvous. For many, just a couple of meetings are enough to understand whether a partner is right for them or not. Others, even after 5 days spent together, still cannot decide whether to give their acquaintance a hint about a possible continuation of the relationship, but in a closer format. However, not every man can withstand 5 meetings without a single kiss; most likely he will understand that he is not interested in his friend.

Many people agree that choosing the right moment for a more affectionate relationship is based on how well you know the person. Agree, if a guy invites his childhood friend to a meeting, with whom he has been breathing unevenly for a long time, and she reciprocates his feelings, then why not kiss? Will this girl seem frivolous? In this situation, no, since both know in advance that they are not indifferent to each other.

It’s another matter if a man or woman goes to meet a person they met on social networks, through friends, etc. Even if outwardly the partner turns out to be “your type,” you need to get to know him better before the kiss, so as not to be disappointed later .

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