How to kiss correctly - accessible and popular techniques

Meaning and attitude towards a kiss

The language of love can tell about a person’s character and the atmosphere in a couple. A kiss is considered the most pleasant way to express feelings, and the memories of it overshadow the impressions of the first intimacy. From a biological point of view, this is the most complete exchange of information with the chosen one. Even a kiss without the penetration of the tongue conveys the taste and smell of a person. Chemical communication channels communicate on a subconscious level the degree of compatibility with a partner.

Female look

Girls use a kiss to analyze a man's strengths and weaknesses. Later, with his help, they become convinced how interested the gentleman is in the relationship. Particularly enterprising ladies are able to determine whether their partner is faithful to them. There is a difference in how lovers and indifferent people kiss - this knowledge is used by women. Girls sincerely believe that the first touch of lips is a direct path to a romantic union.


Kiss on the neck: meaning, erogenous points and technique

Men's opinion

Gentlemen want to do everything passionately and skillfully, because this stage is a prelude to hot sex. Based on a woman’s responsiveness, a man understands how ready she is for further action. If ladies pay attention to their partner’s experience, pleasant breath and delicacy, then guys are less picky. They don’t care that a girl is a bad kisser if everything goes towards intimacy. Men resort to touching their lips before sex, losing interest in them after orgasm.


During adolescence, I want to know how adults do this, since personal experience is usually absent. Teenagers often use friendly pecks - on the hand, cheek, nose or forehead. It means trust, protection, sympathy, but the first kiss is remembered for a lifetime. For an unforgettable bright moment, it is important to choose a loved one, since contact conveys experiences, emotions, and positive energy.

Small children

From the older generation you can often hear prohibitions on hugs and other displays of affection towards a child. Grandmothers are afraid that the baby will quickly get used to holding hands, and subsequently it will be difficult to wean him off. Psychologists have proven that hugs and light kisses create a strong emotional connection between a child and his mother. In a new and unfamiliar world, parental affection gives the baby a feeling of security and safety.

Benefit for health

Scientists have concluded that kissing has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being, regardless of the technique used. The functioning of several systems in the body improves:


How to excite a guy with a kiss: lips, tongue and hands in search of sensitive areas

  1. Bacteria are exchanged. Approximately 20% of microorganisms are individual for each person, and the entry of new ones stimulates the functioning of the immune system.
  2. The level of the stress hormone, cortisol, decreases, resulting in a feeling of security.
  3. When kissing, about 140 facial muscles are involved - a good prevention of wrinkles for women and girls.
  4. If you kiss your loved one for a minute, you can burn almost 30 kcal.
  5. Neurotransmitters are released that transmit impulses to cells. The effect is similar to an intense workout: breathing quickens and heart rate increases.
  6. The brain produces happiness hormones - endorphins, which relieve pain and cause joy. It is enough to kiss your chosen one in the morning for about 20 seconds to create a romantic mood for the whole day.
  7. People who like to touch their partner with their lips are not subject to depression and are confident in themselves.
  8. If you kiss for a long time, the level of acidity in the oral cavity is normalized, which reduces the likelihood of developing caries.
  9. The passionate process promotes the release of adrenaline, which enhances mental and physical activity.

Husbands who kiss their wives before leaving for work are more successful in their careers. American scientists conducted research and found that a pleasant process increases life expectancy by an average of 5 years.

Types and characteristics of kisses

There are more than 50 options for kissing a guy or girl. The merging of lips helps to express the whole gamut of emotions - from tenderness to passion. There are so many modern techniques that a separate science was created - philematology. She considers kissing from the point of view of psychology and physiology.


The Land of the Rising Sun has very strict morals. It is not customary to show emotions in public, and touching is reminiscent of childish behavior:

  1. Both partners stand straight, arms pressed along the body.
  2. Then you need to lean forward towards each other, while keeping your lips closed.
  3. After a light touch, straighten up.

Before kissing, you should definitely look around to make sure there are no strangers.


This does not take long to learn, because the essence is intense friction or light touching of the tips of the noses. The traditional Eskimo greeting kuniku is a special expression of affection between lovers or relatives. The original method has been adopted by modern Western culture, although the tradition gives rise to many rumors. It is believed that Eskimos do not use the classic kiss because of the risk of their lips freezing. In fact, in cold climates, people cover everything except their eyes and nose with clothing - hence the unusual ritual.


The technique has nothing to do with deep penetration of the tongue or its suction. In France, this method is called “unity of souls” - there is no exact technique, but the kiss should not cause hostility or a gag reflex. The partners' mouths are slightly open, implying non-aggressive contact of tongues. The French method is preceded by light touches with the lips, and the speed and tempo gradually increase. Language can be playful, inviting, assertive, or soft and relaxed.


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Russian (Slavic)

The expression of greeting in Rus' was a triple kiss, which survived until Soviet times. A person of low social status could touch his lips to the shoulder of a higher rank, and he was allowed to kiss the lower one on the head. The word “kiss” contains a wish to be a whole person, so the greeting was accompanied by pleasant parting words. Even in folklore, the touch of lips was endowed with the magical property of breaking evil spells. Modern mothers “heal” the baby’s bruised area with a light kiss, comforting the child.


This method is known as “playful flirting” - romantic, gentle, soft. Here's what it looks like:

  1. Slowly touch your lips. It is advisable to apply hygienic lipstick or balm to soften them in advance.
  2. Gently move your lips without passion or sudden movements.

The main secret of the Italian version is a good supply of time. The longer the kiss lasts, the brighter the emotions of the lovers.

Where in the world do they not kiss and why?

Paris is considered the most romantic place in the world. However, the status did not prevent the authorities from passing a law prohibiting kissing on platforms. The decree was issued at the beginning of the 20th century, when, due to long goodbyes of loving couples, the train driver had to delay the departure of the train. The entire schedule was disrupted, the risk of accidents on the railway increased, so the government decided to impose strict sanctions.

The United States has broken a record for the number of strange bans:

  1. In Nevada, men with mustaches are not allowed to kiss at all.
  2. In Connecticut, you can touch your lips to your wife any day except Sunday.
  3. In Colorado, it is illegal to kiss sleeping women.
  4. In Maryland, lip fusion should not last more than a second.
  5. In the states of Alabama and Iowa, the time limit for a goodbye kiss at a train station is up to 5 minutes.

The strictest laws exist in the UAE, where even foreigners are subject to fines or arrest for public displays of affection. In Indonesia, an innocent kiss is considered pornography, so a momentary prank can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars or imprisonment. Mexico also has strict restrictions.

You can’t kiss for a long time in a public place if you don’t want to say goodbye to an impressive amount of money. The fine may be replaced by a month's stay in a local prison. In the UK, there are designated “no-kissing zones” in tube stations. In this way, the government is fighting crowds on platforms during rush hours.

Animals kiss too

Kisses in the usual sense are available only to humans and primates, but other representatives of the fauna are not without romanticism. For chimpanzees, this is the only way of reconciliation; males often resort to it. Bonono monkeys kiss using their tongue, which is why scientists have called them very sexual creatures. For a full-fledged process, movable soft lips are needed, which not all animals have. In most mammals, kissing is replaced by light biting or licking.

Types of kisses on the lips

There are so many kissing techniques that they are studied in a separate science - philematology. She considers the process from the point of view of physiology and psychology. Based on these criteria, different types of kisses are distinguished.


It is this type of lip contact that has gained the most popularity. Its key feature is the penetration of the tongue into the partner’s mouth. This makes the process more sensual, but the most technically challenging. Before trying it out in practice, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with how to kiss correctly:

  1. You need to prepare in advance. The success of a kiss largely depends on the freshness of your breath, the pleasant smell of your body and hair, and your neat appearance. Immediately before touching your lips, you should use chewing gum or a lollipop.
  2. It's better to start with a light kiss. Haste is not your best friend when it comes to kissing properly. Light touches should develop into a passionate French kiss gradually, and it is recommended to increase the pace slowly.
  3. Give in to emotions. Only a sincere gesture will bring real pleasure. How to kiss on the lips correctly will be largely dictated by emotions and feelings.

Perfecting the French technique can require extensive training. However, the simplest kiss with the tongue can be done by lovers without experience. The main thing is mutual attraction and sympathy, and knowledge of how to kiss correctly will come with it.


Surprisingly, in France the famous love gesture is called the “English kiss”. According to some historians, this name for the French method was obtained due to the celebration of Kiss Day. The custom originated in the 19th century in Great Britain and is still celebrated every year on July 6th. Two decades ago, the holiday officially received international status.

There is no difference between kissing on the lips in English or in French.


Italians are famous for their passionate behavior, both in everyday life and in love. However, the Italian kiss is completely different, it is also known as the flirting kiss. The gesture is soft, gentle, romantic. How to kiss in Italian:

  1. Touch lips. This must be done slowly and gently. Before kissing, it is better to wet your lips or use hygienic lipstick. In this case, they will be the softest and will give the partner maximum pleasure.
  2. Movements should not be sudden. You should move your lips carefully. Excessive passion is not acceptable in an Italian kiss.
  3. You shouldn't use your tongue. In this case, the Italian kiss turns into a French one.
  4. It is important to reserve time. The main feature of the Italian method is duration. This is a great way to kiss passionately without tongue, if you have a few hours of free time. Such a lingering kiss can drive even the most persistent and sensible people crazy.

Without tongue

Touching lips without using the tongue is typical for couples who have just started dating or for young lovers. However, even in family relationships, a kiss of this kind can add novelty and romance, because it emanates naivety and tenderness. How to kiss without tongue:

  1. Preparation. Before kissing without tongue, it is important to freshen your breath. Before a date, you should not eat onions, garlic, horseradish and other foods that have a strong unpleasant odor. It is advisable to use perfume, but in moderation.
  2. Condition of the lips. Smooth lip skin is an essential condition. It is better to take care of its condition in advance: make a scrub, lubricate it with oil, and use other moisturizers.
  3. Process. A long look into the eyes can serve as a signal that a partner is not against a kiss. It is necessary to slowly approach the face of your lover or lover, touch your partner’s lips with your lips, and close your eyes. An important point in how to kiss correctly is relaxed lips.

With tongue

After mastering touching with your lips, you can move on to the next stage - kissing with your tongue. This is the very French method, of which two varieties can be distinguished:

  1. "Dry". How to kiss in French correctly was indicated above, but the dry method has its own characteristics. This gesture does not tolerate excessive salivation; the kiss should be moderately wet. This is a more preferable option for young couples, unfamiliar lovers or conservatives.
  2. "Wet". In addition to the traditional French method of tongue penetration, the process is accompanied by copious amounts of saliva. Not every partner will approve of this gesture, but there are true fans of wet kisses.


Passionate kisses can be with or without tongue. How to kiss passionately:

  1. Start. When approaching your partner, you need to touch his lips with yours. You should move slowly, gradually increasing the pace.
  2. Complication. You can suck, bite, or run the tip of your tongue along your lover’s lips.
  3. With tongue. If your partner opens his mouth towards you, you can carefully insert your tongue. You shouldn’t do this suddenly, you need to speed up gradually.
  4. Important. Answering the question of how to kiss correctly, it is worth noting that other gestures also play an important role. You need to hug your beloved, you can clasp his head with your hands, run your palm through his hair. This will allow you to feel emotions more clearly.

Unusual ways

When considering options on how to learn to kiss passionately, lovers are unaware of original techniques. Touching the lips extends to all parts of the body, but even the classic method can add a touch of novelty.

Using breathing (kiss-inhale)

This unique technique will require fresh breath from both partners to avoid any discomfort. With a kiss you can increase the intensity of passions:


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  1. Touch each other's lips.
  2. Slowly inhale the air exhaled by your partner.
  3. For novelty of sensations, you can tilt your heads in different directions and move your lips over the lips of your chosen one.

Exhaling through the throat produces warm air, while exhaling through the mouth produces cool air, so you can experiment with temperature changes.

With strawberries and other goodies

A kiss is suitable for long-term partners - there is less chance that a feeling of disgust will arise. One person puts a small berry into his mouth, and during a kiss he passes it to his chosen one. Before using the method in life, you will need a little practice. You can roll the strawberries in your mouth with your tongue, controlling its progress. Instead of strawberries, a piece of chocolate, a small piece of candy, or any other treat will do.

Kiss underwater

This technique requires caution as there is a high risk of water getting into your lungs. On screen, a kiss looks fascinating, but in reality it poses a serious danger. No need to rush or laugh:

  1. The guy dives under water and holds his breath.
  2. He pulls the girl towards him, who has previously taken a deep breath into her lungs.
  3. The partner begins to carefully transfer oxygen to the chosen one, “sucking” on his lips. This will create a vacuum and reduce the chance of water getting into your mouth.

You can change places, experimenting with dives.

The meaning of kissing different parts of the body

The touch of the lips carries special information about relationships, love, and affection. A kiss can tell a lot about a person’s feelings:

  1. Fast. It is practiced by a couple who have been together for a long time when they meet. The peak of passion is behind us, but in the union there is trust and tenderness.
  2. On the cheek. A friendly greeting, which often develops into searing kisses.
  3. Air. Demonstration of emotions from a distance.
  4. In the eyelid or forehead. Called “angelic”, it indicates the care of the partner.
  5. Into the earlobe. The playful version is considered part of foreplay and is used to excite the partner.
  6. In the hand. Talks about respect for and admiration for your companion. Psychologists say that reliable men who are oriented towards family relationships resort to such a kiss.
  7. In the neck. Sexologists recommend this particular place for maximum arousal. The side and front of the neck are a sensitive erogenous zone.

The meaning of kisses

A kiss can express completely different feelings, emotions and desires. In order to understand your partner, or to tell him something with your caresses, it is better to know about the meaning of kisses in different parts of the body. What does this or that kiss mean?

  • a kiss on the neck reveals a desire to possess a partner;
  • kissing the hand expresses respect;
  • a kiss on the nose means great sympathy;
  • a kiss on the forehead is an expression of care;
  • a kiss on the ears speaks of a desire for intimacy;
  • a kiss on the lips is always a declaration of love.

In order to learn how to kiss correctly and how to learn it, you can watch this video:

Ways to learn to kiss

There is no universal method, since the technique in each pair is individual. You can hone your skills on your loved one - practice will allow you to quickly master all the secrets of a pleasant process. However, not everyone is ready to admit their own inexperience, and some boys and girls are afraid of finding themselves in an awkward position. Psychologists assure that a truly loving person will never reproach his chosen one, but these words reassure few people.

With vegetables and fruits

You don't have to use just tomato - any smooth fruit or vegetable will do. You won't be able to rehearse a French kiss, but this method is optimal for practicing without a tongue. The product should be juicy: peach, large apricot, mango.

  1. Gently touch the vegetable or fruit with your mouth slightly open.
  2. Start applying gentle pressure with your lips, varying the intensity.
  3. Open your mouth wider, taking in most of the product.

Vegetables and fruits must be washed thoroughly; it is not necessary to remove the peel.

Watching movies and videos on the Internet

It is advisable to pay attention to the visual component of learning. There are many videos on this topic, where different authors demonstrate techniques in their videos and give useful tips. For rehearsals, it is better to use a mirror so that you can observe yourself and your face. Several repetitions will help consolidate the result, and a real kiss will no longer cause fear.

Help from a friend

A better “simulator” than human lips has not yet been invented, so you can ask a friend for a favor. Every girl has a guy in her friend zone, but practice can have unexpected effects. Rarely does a fan agree to accompany his chosen one just like that - most are waiting for the right opportunity to get closer. If there are no plans to continue the relationship, it is advisable to abandon the idea of ​​kissing a friend. A friend is considered a safer option, but it is important to keep the “rehearsal” confidential.


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With your own hand

Kissing is considered to be as instinctive a skill as chewing food. However, boys and girls want to show at least a little experience.

  1. In order to learn and not catch an infection, you need to wash your hands well with soap.
  2. Bend your palm slightly.
  3. Use the back of your hand in the same way as a tomato.

Don't get carried away so as not to leave a tell-tale bruise on the skin. You can use your left and right hand alternately.

Mannequin or soft toy

Purchasing a life-size doll is an expensive method that will certainly raise a lot of unnecessary questions. If the idea of ​​how to learn to kiss without a tongue occupies all your thoughts, you can buy a plastic head, which is used to create hairstyles. A stuffed toy will also work, but it should be washed as teddy bears are excellent dust collectors. The method is more often used by girls.

How to learn?

More than one scientist has not yet developed a single algorithm for kissing. To get an idea of ​​how to kiss on the lips, you can:

  1. Honing your skills on your own. Many people received their first knowledge of kissing through tomatoes. Other smooth vegetables or fruits will also work. It won't be possible to rehearse the French method, but it is quite possible to feel more confident when kissing without a tongue.
  2. Cinema and video. Romantic movie characters know better than anyone how to kiss properly. It is quite possible to adopt their experience by turning on a film about love.
  3. Training videos. Suitable material can be found upon request on the Internet. These videos not only tell you how to properly kiss lips on lips or with tongue, but also provide valuable comments.

The most important thing is practice, practice and more practice. Regular kisses with your loved one will allow you to quickly learn all the secrets.

Passionate kiss without using tongue

The participation of lips alone does not deprive the technique of passion and eroticism. This method is suitable for the first kiss, emphasizing the romance of the moment. Not all girls like the assertiveness of the gentleman, who begins to unceremoniously explore the chosen one’s mouth with his tongue. For the first time, young ladies choose this method.

What is its charm?

The technique is considered more hygienic compared to the French kiss. It does not cause rejection, disgust or awkwardness - only the lips are involved. You can reduce or increase the intensity, alternately grab your partner’s lower or upper lip, and move from light touches to passionate periods. Lovers often alternate a regular kiss with the “passionate” technique, exciting each other.

Execution technique

Before approaching, you should open your mouth slightly, demonstrating your readiness for further action. The partner alternately kisses the upper and lower lips of the chosen one, gently closing them with his lips - you can gently suck, but do not pull with force. There is no need to strain, all facial muscles should be relaxed. It is better to close your eyes, focusing on your feelings and the responsiveness of the girl or boy.

Possible mistakes

After several rehearsals, you can still make a couple of annoying mistakes. Sexologists named the main mistakes:

  1. Lack of initiative. Modesty adorns a girl, but if she freezes like a statue during a kiss, the guy will perceive the behavior ambiguously. He may decide that he is not experienced enough - this will hit his self-esteem. Or he will think that the girl is indifferent to him. In the process, you need to respond to the caresses of your chosen one, showing more emotions.
  2. Obsessiveness. The partner needs rest and restoration of breathing, so during short breaks it is better to leave him alone.
  3. Open eyes. Only one question arises: what does a person want to see at this moment? The degree of pleasure can be assessed by the responsiveness of the partner, and the clashing gaze of kissing people looks strange, ridiculous and even funny.

Passion is great, but don't press too hard with your lips or wrap your girl in a steely embrace. Rudeness and force bring discomfort and can leave unpleasant marks on the body.

Kissing techniques

There are many of them and anyone can master them. There are techniques suitable mainly for men or women, techniques for erotic, seductive and passionate kisses, as well as techniques for kissing other parts of the body (shoulders, neck, ears).

A sophisticated lover should have at least five techniques in stock. This article will cover ten different techniques.

First kiss

No matter what anyone says, the first kiss should be special. Light, gentle, romantic, there should be no aggression or too much lust in it. The first kiss never involves the tongue and teeth. Only the lips are involved, and the eyes, as a rule, should be closed.

With slightly parted lips, you need to touch your partner’s lips, try to retract them a little, it is permissible to slowly run the tip of your tongue over your partner’s lips. The movements are smooth, unhurried, almost like an Italian kiss.

If your partner is a girl and she is kissing for the first time, you should listen to her movements. The desire to withdraw should not be ignored.

passionate kiss

This type of kiss is not given to everyone and the point here is not at all in its complexity. The technique is that the partner’s lower or upper lip (and sometimes both at once) seems to be absorbed, sucked in. Such a kiss does not last long, it either weakens or flares up again.

The movements at first are not too strong and sharp, then they can be gradually intensified until the partner makes it clear that now that’s enough. If you perform this kissing technique correctly, you can feel a pleasant tingling and numbness on your lips.

A passionate kiss should not be interrupted too abruptly, because in this case the partners’ lips part with a loud bang, which causes some awkwardness. To avoid embarrassment, the kiss should be broken smoothly, with a slight hissing sound.

“Marathon” technique

This is a long, persistent and soft kiss. It is best to perform this technique in silence, with the lights off. The main difference is the duration of the kiss. The longer it is, the better. They say that this kiss has a calming and even soporific effect.

The “Marathon” technique helps bring partners closer together and trains their endurance.

Electric charge technique

This kind of kiss is done in complete darkness. The girl slowly approaches the guy, and before reaching him just a couple of steps, she leans over and kisses him. The kiss should be long, with the bodies not touching, only the lips acting. This kind of caress will have an amazing effect on a man, so you should definitely try it.

Erotic kiss for guys

Of course, it should be taken into account that not all girls like such caresses. But you definitely need to check and try. Light touches of the lips to the earlobe, soft kisses, sucking, and gentle movements of the tongue create a real symphony.

Usually, an erotic kiss smoothly transitions from a kiss on the neck. Some girls are very turned on by this, others are just tickled, in any case, the reaction will appear immediately. If a girl doesn’t like this type of affection, she will just giggle. Otherwise, her breathing will become faster and she will not move the guy away, but will reach out to him.

During a kiss, you can say some pleasant, affectionate words, whisper about how much you like the girl, how exciting she is, how good she is, and so on. The main thing is not to do it too loudly, do not breathe or whisper directly into your ear, this will only cause irritation.

During a kiss, you should not touch the girl’s jewelry (various earrings), put them in your mouth or play with them. The girl, of course, won't like it. Not only is there a high risk of unfastening the earring and losing it, but it will also remain unpleasantly damp and cold.

Kiss tingling

It's a long kiss with light biting and pinching. It should be done without opening your lips too much and without using your tongue. A man or woman starts with a closed kiss, and then lightly grabs the skin with his upper teeth, lets go just as quickly, goes back to the classic kiss, and so on until the lips begin to burn pleasantly.

Kiss on the hand

This type of kiss is considered forgotten and outdated. However, it has symbolism, elegance, and most importantly, it is especially appreciated by the fair sex. Previously, such a kiss served as an expression of reverence, respect, and admiration.

Not everyone is capable of giving a girl such a kiss. His technique has long been forgotten, but meanwhile, there is no better way to impress a girl. In order to perform a kiss correctly, a man must bend slightly and touch the girl’s hand with his lips. This should be done easily and gently, not too hasty, but not too long. The eyes should be closed at this moment. To enhance the effect, you can say a couple of pleasant words.

“Talking Kiss” Technique

The essence of this kiss is that during the kiss the man tells the girl pleasant words, compliments, something romantic and pleasing to the ear. In order to perform such a kiss correctly, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • fresh breath;
  • the kiss should be light and closed;
  • you can learn a poem or a quote;
  • a couple of hours before the kiss you should not drink, smoke or eat fatty foods.

Kiss "Prelude"

These are the so-called foreplay. The kiss begins as soft, gentle, but gradually intensifies, the tempo increases, the tongue and lips are connected to the lips. But suddenly there comes a sharp weakening, the movements are smooth again, the sharpness disappears from them. Such alternations of passionate and cautious kisses can bring both a man and a woman to the desired state of strong arousal.

In this technique you can also use kisses on the neck and eyes. It is necessary to periodically change the position of the body; dynamism should be not only in the lips, it should be in everything. You should include various hugs, stroking, and leisurely study of your partner.

Seductive kiss

This kiss is a combination of all possible. It involves lips, tongue, teeth, hands, and the whole body. Pinching, biting, and sliding the tongue are acceptable. They need to be alternated correctly, without being too persistent, but increasing the pace as excitement grows.

You should alternate kisses on the neck, ears, lips, and décolleté (without going too low to the chest). The partner is pressed tightly to himself, hands slide along the back, the back of the head, and lower to the lower back. All kisses should be dry and warm.

How to kiss using tongue

The execution technique has a lot of options. Either one or both tongues can work, and to start a kiss you just need to open your mouth slightly. Sexologists advise resorting to simple movements:

  • gently move your tongue;
  • easy to follow the contour of the teeth.

You shouldn't do something that you wouldn't want to feel yourself. Some people prefer to kiss simply on the lips, so it is advisable to warn about non-acceptance of the technique. Repeating acting after watching a movie is a bad idea. When filming, no one thinks about the pleasure of a man or a woman - the emphasis is on a spectacular and passionate picture.

What is important to remember

Kissing with tongue without a partner has a serious difference. The mutual process is accompanied by copious salivation, so as the mouth fills with liquid secretion, it must be swallowed. If you don't do this, you could accidentally choke during the most intimate moment. Partners' heads should be tilted in opposite directions to avoid foreheads or noses colliding. A kiss will not bring pleasure if the girl’s thoughts are occupied with her own appearance or the correctness of her actions. You need to relax and trust your body language.

Detailed Guide

At the preparation stage, it is enough to run the tip of your tongue over your lips, attracting the attention of your partner. This advice will be useful for girls who are very shy. Then the tongue slides over the lips of the chosen one, and when the two tongues touch, several movements can be made clockwise. It is allowed to “explore” the inside of a guy’s or girl’s lips, as well as touching and light sucking. Biting the tongue is prohibited, as it can discourage further kissing.

How to use the tongue correctly

You should not penetrate your partner’s mouth too deeply so as not to cause a gag reflex. The tongue should slide within the lips - licking half the face is rarely pleasant. Before kissing, it is enough to slightly open your partner’s mouth. Run your tongue over your lips and push it slightly inside. If the chosen one responds to the actions, you can continue. You can’t put too much pressure or be persistent with your tongue – even gentle touches bring pleasure.

A few words about the duration of a passionate kiss

It is useful to find out the characteristics of a passionate kiss. The duration is 1-5 minutes, but many couples only need a few seconds to enjoy the process. You need to end the kiss smoothly, carefully pulling out your tongue. After this, a light touch on your beloved’s lips won’t hurt, and then you can repeat the pleasant activity.

How to kiss for the first time?

The first kiss is a special and important moment in the life of a girl or guy. It is this that will remain in memory; it is this that cannot be repeated or changed. How to kiss for the first time if:

  1. You are a guy. The main task is to choose the right moment. If you try too early, you can scare the lady of your heart. However, a long delay can cause a similar effect. As soon as the girl begins to give signs, hold her gaze on her lips for a long time, look into her eyes, you can act.
  2. You are a girl. The female wait-and-see attitude is more beneficial for those who have no practical knowledge of kissing. You need to show the guy your readiness for the process. If he does not dare, then it is not forbidden to take the initiative into his own hands.

How can you diversify a kiss?

Young people want to give their beloved maximum pleasure. Diversity includes not only time frames, types or techniques, but also additional elements.

Bites and biting

Sexologists advise starting carefully, observing your partner’s reaction. You can alternate between light and more intense biting, but don't get too carried away. There is no need to press with your teeth until it bleeds, since discomfort and pain are rarely associated with tender feelings. Biting extends not only to the lips - it is useful to use the neck, earlobe, returning to the lips of the beloved.


Passionate kiss: ways to master the technique with and without a partner

From lips to chin or neck

If the initial stage is passed, you can expand the “processing zone”. Touching your lips to the cheeks, chin or neck of your beloved is no less pleasant. It is undesirable to use a “wet” technique, since saliva will dry on the girl’s skin, creating an unpleasant film. You can go lower to the shoulders or go higher to the eyebrows, eyelids or forehead, but provided there is no makeup.

Using your hands

You need to move on to caresses only after the girl’s consent, but gentle touches to the head, face or waist have an exciting effect. You can hold your beloved’s chin, gently clasp her neck, or embrace your beloved. You should act carefully and delicately; it is better to leave questions for later. The guy himself is able to understand what exactly his companion likes, but some points can be clarified after long kisses.

Hair play

Before active actions, it is enough to play with her curls. You can run your fingers through them, run your hand to the hair roots, gently stroking and massaging. Not only girls, but also guys love it when they play with their hair. Even slight twitching is allowed if none of the partners objects.


A very seductive technique that allows you to briefly distract yourself from the main kiss. From time to time you can suck your partner's upper or lower lip, as well as the tip of the tongue. In the latter case, diligence is not required, since intense movements cause pain, nausea or a gag reflex. Partners can wrap their lips around a small ice cube on both sides - sucking will speed up the meeting of the lovers' lips.

How to kiss a girl's hickey?

The first passionate kiss will be a very exciting process for both the girl and the guy. After all, you want to make an extremely favorable impression on your partner, to please him. And without experience in passionate kissing, it is very difficult to understand what is worth doing and what is still not worth doing. This especially applies to guys, since they are usually the ones who play the main, leading role in the kiss. How to kiss a girl passionately so that she likes it and wants more?

How to learn to passionately kiss a girl?

The most important rule that every guy should learn is that there is no need to rush or push too hard. Some young people believe that if it comes to kissing a hickey, then how to kiss a girl correctly in this case is assertive and passionate. But in fact, an overly open mouth and too much tongue work are not the best, far from the best choice. It’s worth starting gently, because the first “adult” kisses are a gradual rapprochement between partners, getting to know each other.

Don't rush. The kiss should be progressive. First, gentle touches and only if it becomes clear that the partner is not against continuing, you can move on to somewhat more active actions. But still, you shouldn’t push too hard. In fact, passionate tenderness is much more pleasant than pure and undiluted passion, which is more a sign of desire than of feelings.

Also, speaking about how to learn how to kiss a girl with a hickey, it is worth mentioning that it is important to learn to control your salivation. An excessively “wet” kiss can scare off a partner at first, because first you need to get used to the smell and taste of each other. The same applies to the participation of the tongue in the kissing process. At first, the lips should do most of the work, because excessive tongue activity can initially cause disgust in the partner.

Tips for training an inexperienced partner

Before training, it is necessary to eliminate bad breath. Discomfort will push your partner away for a long time, leaving not the most rosy impressions of the first romantic contact. It is helpful to keep a mouth freshener or a couple of pleasant-tasting lozenges with you. Psychologists recommend adhering to the following tactics:

  1. All people are individual. Some people like passion and speed, others prefer slow movements. Girls want romantic moments to remain in their memory, so you need to kiss gently and carefully. If the guy is less experienced, you should not finish off his self-esteem with excessive activity.
  2. When your chosen one is tense, you can hug him or stroke his hand. There are often situations when a girl freezes like an idol, and the process ends with unpleasant numbness in the neck and back.
  3. At the initial stage, kissing is not always pleasant, especially when your partner is drooling a lot. There is nothing romantic about “wet” licks, so you should follow the rules of decency. By this mistake it is easy to identify a person who practiced without a partner. The surface of the hand, vegetable or fruit needs additional moisture, and subsequently it is difficult to get rid of the habit.
  4. Some boys and girls mistakenly perceive the “French technique”, performing convulsive beating of the tongue in the partner’s mouth. A kiss is characterized by grace, slowness and tenderness. This is the art of seduction, not jerking the tongue like a float on a fishing rod.

The speed of action also does not add romance. Men are used to being persistent, but there is no true emotion in lightning-fast movements. Such a kiss demonstrates vulgarity and blind possession of a girl, and not a sensual attitude towards her.


Difficulties arise not only in childhood, when boys are afraid that they will not be able to kiss correctly. The fear of failure in men always comes first. This leads to the fact that a man listens to other people’s advice and opinions, forgetting about sincerity, which is most important. As a man grows up, he may begin to think that everything in his actions when kissing is correct, but this is not so.

Rule one: don't listen to other people's advice

The exception is our article. Don't ask your fathers, much less your mothers, about how to kiss properly. You can ask your friends for help, but that won't help you very much either. There is a good option - ask a girl you know, but even here you risk losing, not winning, because every lady has her own vision of the perfect kiss. Moreover, no one can say that the lady will not deceive you. Here it is worth relying on something else.

Rule two: only your own experience

Most men understand women's secrets only when communicating with them. Everyone makes mistakes in the beginning, so you have to accept it. Then you will become a guru in the matter of kissing, relationships, intimacy. If you feel problems even at the kissing stage, then only practice will help. Get acquainted, kiss, try, learn from mistakes. This is the only way men can become real pros. You shouldn't rely on books or movies, although some films about the psychology of love may well give you some good advice on how to kiss.

Rule three: do not ask the girl you love for permission

Many people get lost at the very beginning, when a girl or woman seems ready for a kiss, but the man is not sure whether to start. Don't ask, just do it. This is the only way to act, because women expect action from men. There are those who want to take the initiative on their own, but there are quite a few of them. Luck will be with you if you take action yourself. If you ask: “Can I kiss you?”, you will most likely receive a strictly negative answer.

Rule four: love

If you just like a girl, then the kiss itself will not be so tender. Women know how to diagnose pretense and lies, so a man in love will always show his best side in this regard. You need to truly fall in love to impress a lady when you kiss. If instead of love you have a slight infatuation, then a passionate kiss is unlikely to happen, unless, of course, the woman or girl is head over heels in love with you.

Rule five: use your hands

Hands were given to you for a reason. Kissing is a complex action that brings a lot of pleasure to a lady if you learn how to work with your hands correctly. Stroke the woman's neck or grab her by the waist. When you kiss for the first time, you will need to be careful, but then you can give free rein to your emotions and feelings by touching parts of the body that are initially forbidden.

Rule six: don't rush

The rhythm of a kiss is very important, so you, as a man, better adapt to the lady. It's better not to rush, of course. You absolutely always need to start slowly, in any situation. Next, if a woman shows you that you can increase the intensity and pressure, you can do it. This cannot be learned, it must be felt, but the golden rule remains unchanged - take your time.

Rule seven: don't be rude

This, again, concerns the pace of the kiss and intensity. “Rough” kisses are typical for couples who have been dating for a long time or even live together, and only in a fit of passion can they allow themselves to do this. If you just met, while on the first or second date, it is better not to do anything like that. Not all ladies like vulgar kisses, rather a minority.

Rule eight: don't focus on language

If it so happens that you already know how to kiss, then excessive confidence can play a cruel joke on you. You can feel like a male if you start the kiss too “wet”. Again, not all girls like this. You will definitely get there if you don't rush. Perhaps the lady doesn’t like French kissing at all. It is better to be restrained but firm than to be loose and devoid of all respect. It's not even the fact of the language itself, but the fact that you are careless. Because of this, most men fail at the kissing stage, not to mention anything more.

Rule nine: watch yourself

A lady will want to kiss a man only if he does not have bad breath and if he looks nice. Appearance, perfume - everything should be pleasant and unobtrusive. Take care of your health and body so that everything is at the highest level. The fight against complexes begins with working on yourself. Get better by exercising and going to the doctor on time. Everything will work out.

Rule Ten: Be Friendly and Build Contact by Touching

The kiss is preceded by a pleasant conversation, closeness to each other. That is why you need to “grope” your partner, having previously established physical contact by touching with your hand, for example. Be relaxed, talk about pleasant topics. Look into the eyes of a girl or woman, do not embarrass her. Touching should become the norm for her. Only after this can you start kissing.

Remember the most important point: everything must be consistent. Sometimes this is barely noticeable, but in most cases everything follows the same pattern. Real machos are in no hurry - this is a truth that is hidden from inexperienced men.

Be yourself. Anxiety is your direct enemy here. In the end, if you are so worried, tell the lady honestly - she may appreciate it. After all, honesty often requires great courage. Good luck to you on the love front and great victories to you.

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25.03.2018 00:52

Recommendations for those who kiss for the first time

Psychologists advise thinking through the situation - and this advice applies to guys, since they are more proactive. Modern girls are also active, but give up the prerogative to men. Lovers feel a partner and the right moment, but it is better to choose a romantic place for this. A beautiful park compares favorably with a spit-stained landing or a dirty elevator.

It is necessary to take care of personal hygiene, since even the most sincere feelings will not survive the terrible breath. It's ridiculous to go on a date with a toothbrush, but you can brush your teeth before going out and take chewing gum with you for insurance. In the autumn-winter period, girls should not neglect the hygienic balm so that chapped lips do not cause discomfort.

Don't take your first kiss too lightly. This is a manifestation of love, and if there are no feelings, then it is better to wait for “your” person. You shouldn’t scour the Internet looking for information just to feel like an adult.

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