Learning to kiss, exploring ways and techniques of kissing

The meaning of a kiss

Kisses have been known since the 5th millennium BC from ancient frescoes and legends. It is believed that the practice began in India, then the tradition went to Greece and spread throughout the world. Today's couples cannot imagine a relationship without a kiss, and this is very true. After all, it means that everyone is ready to give themselves completely, whole, without reserve, for love and harmony with their partner. Esotericists consider a kiss to be a way of exchanging energies and recommend not maintaining a relationship with a person with whom a kiss does not bring sincere pleasure. The energies do not converge.

In Christianity, kissing is still given great importance in rituals. If you look closely, all cases require a sense of unity, with God, and other parishioners.

From the point of view of natural sciences, a kiss is really like a litmus test for a relationship. A pair destined for each other by nature (male and female) is determined by the compatibility of smells, so-called pheromones. The easiest way to feel how comfortable you are with a given partner is when you kiss. Every boy or girl intuitively expects the first light touch, after which disappointment or dissolution in each other will follow. This is why there is no need to worry. The outcome is determined from above; you can influence not so much the kiss as the situation before and after it.

Preparing for a kiss

How to kiss correctly for the first time? It is already clear that the most important thing is the smell. In order for a guy to hear the natural aroma of a girl and understand how suitable she is for him, it is worth thinking about the choice of perfume. Heavy, strong or poorly matched scents will reduce attraction. The possibility of bad breath or sweat should be completely excluded, but choose a neutral deodorant. Sugar-free lollipops are suitable instead of chewing gum. At a crucial moment, you can simply swallow them. Lipstick is either delicious (strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, etc.), or it’s better not to use it at all.

Next most important is hair. It is better to choose open-faced hairstyles so that the hair does not get into the guy's mouth. If he wants to stroke his head or grab his hair with his hand, he doesn’t need to, so that he doesn’t come across anything sharp, piercing, sharply sobering from the intoxication of love. Soft elastic bands, rounded hairpins, even strands behind the ears will be more erotic.

Sometimes two people are so absorbed in each other that they don’t look around at all, don’t notice passers-by, and they don’t care where they kiss. But for the first kiss, a secluded corner, a romantic area, where no one will disturb the emerging feelings, is more suitable. When going on a date, you can immediately express your wishes about the meeting place.

A separate topic is health. There should be no runny nose, herpes, stomatitis or other problems with infections. This is not aesthetically pleasing, and indicates an unwillingness to take care of your partner. The desire to kiss will disappear completely.

First kiss in my life

How to kiss for the first time? Experiences will not brighten up the upcoming moment at all. Thoughts about how to dress, whether your hair is disheveled and whether your lips are properly rounded will negate the pleasure. The whole point is naturalness. A gentle, almost weightless touch of lips, the smell of a pleasant person, which you can breathe in deeply and enjoy it to the fullest. Yes, enjoying the way someone smells for the first time and feeling a kinship with them about it. Strange? Relationships are full of weird things. The main thing is that it brings pleasure, the rest is not important.

Then the lips can merge for longer. Open up to each other, press closer. Then it’s time to hug and enjoy not only the smell, but also the warmth, the feeling of having caring hands nearby. Hug him by the shoulders, feel the hard muscles of his chest with your hand, or feel how pleasantly the hair on the back of his head tickles.

The first kiss in a couple is recognition, acquaintance. It should not be rushed so as not to miss anything. Slowly, relaxed, step by step, fully get to know a person who can become very dear, and perhaps the best man in life. It is enough not to interfere with the lips to live their life, perform their main function and completely relax while receiving affection.

Separately about tomatoes and training. It is better to develop acquaintance with an innocent vegetable in a salad. Without reciprocal feelings, a kiss is impossible, and training will not help here. But strange movements of the lips and diligence will definitely ruin the moment.

How to kiss a hickey correctly

You need to kiss a hickey correctly. And for this technique there are some recommendations:

  • Start any kiss with a gentle touch on your partner's lips. The hickey kiss is no exception.
  • Take your time, because your little love game will become much more interesting and many times more enjoyable.
  • A hickey kiss is one of the variants of kissing with the tongue. Kissing technique: you must first touch the inside of your partner’s lips with your tongue, then lightly lick them. Touch his tongue with your tongue and begin to make movements that seem most suitable to you (“play” with the tongue, examine the mouth, but not intrusively). The main thing is not to rush and at the same time stop. Explore your partner's entire mouth with your tongue.

What can be unpleasant with such a kiss:

  1. - your tongue is very mobile and persistent;
  2. - your tongue makes erratic and rapid movements that do not give pleasure;
  3. — you bite or suck your partner’s tongue hard;
  4. - your hands are idle.

How to kiss in French

French Kiss

- a kiss that is known all over the world. This kiss can often be seen in movies and every couple in love tries to enjoy it. The term “French kiss” came into Russian as an element of French culture, which has always been closely connected with the theme of love. In France, this kiss is more often called the “kiss of souls.”

French Kiss

– this is a fairy tale and magic. This is an unforgettable and exciting kiss. French kissing is very popular, especially among teenagers and young adults.

French Kiss

- This is an opportunity to express all your feelings for your partner. To get maximum pleasure from such a kiss, you need to know everything about the technique of this kiss.

So, how to learn to kiss in French or how to properly perform a French kiss:

French kissing is the contact of tongues. Sometimes both languages ​​can work, sometimes only one

Everything is individual and depends on the wishes of the partners. Before kissing, lightly moisten your lips to give them an attractive shine and the necessary glide. It is important to position the heads correctly to ensure maximum depth of the kiss and also to avoid bumping noses. First, look into your partner's eyes, bring your lips closer to his and close your eyes. After all, this way you can focus on the kiss and enhance its effect. Start the French kiss with a regular kiss (by touching your partner's lips)

Do everything gradually and slowly, gradually opening your mouth. Gently insert the tip of your tongue into your partner's mouth. Do everything gently and not forcefully. Remember, the tongue is a very sensitive organ and therefore the lightest touches will be pleasant and exciting for you and your partner. During a French kiss, you need to slowly explore each other's mouths with your tongues. Watch your breathing. To avoid turning pale and out of breath, try using mouth breathing and air exchange techniques. This common breathing will bring you closer. The French kiss technique should include experimentation and imagination. After all, there are no two identical snowflakes, just as there are no two identical kisses. Alternate deep kisses with kisses on the lips, make them short and long. Feel your desires.

The initiator of the kiss is a guy

How to get a guy to kiss you? How to understand that a guy wants to kiss? Even determined guys are often shy before a kiss if they like the girl. It’s a paradox, but it’s exactly these types of people who can’t stand it when a lady leads in relationships, including kissing. The main thing is balance. It’s not difficult to achieve it by pretending to be a mirror:

A timid kiss is a timid answer. A slightly noticeable touch, slightly parted lips, but under no circumstances pull away. An impulse (barely noticeable, not a jerk) of the body forward will show that the experience is pleasant and you want to continue. There may not be a continuation. Well, maybe next time, or there won't be a next time. There's nothing you can do, everything happens.

A confident kiss requires a clear response. You can give free rein to your feelings, but without overdoing it. A man must lead. The first kiss is rarely passionate, but it does happen. How to kiss with tongue correctly? Here it is important to distinguish between passion and rudeness. In the second case, it is better to end not only the process, but also the relationship itself. At the same time, avoid tears, insults, and sometimes assault. A storm of emotions and sensations is acceptable if the girl shares it. Then the kiss will be wet, perhaps even French, with tongue.

A passionate kiss for a guy will signal the rapid development of a sexual relationship. If a girl is not ready for this, it is better to dose out her passion and discuss this situation with her partner.

First kiss rules

The first kiss and how it will depend primarily on the man. Many representatives of the stronger sex often wonder whether it is worth taking active action at this moment. The following signs will help determine the right time:

Watch your eyes. If the girl’s gaze is distracted and does not look at you at all, then there is no question of a kiss. A look that is directed directly at you means that the lady is ready for the first kiss. An important fact remains where the first and long-awaited kiss will take place. The atmosphere also affects a woman's instincts. Therefore, it is better to choose a beautiful place in advance, not public, where you will be hidden from prying eyes. To save yourself and your partner from anxiety before the first kiss, make sure that the tangent barrier is broken. What do we have to do? Flirt with touch - hold your hand, hug, touch your hair or face (if the situation allows it). Based on the above, you can determine what a girl needs to do in order to provoke that long-awaited first kiss. A look, a smile, touches and light flirting are all signals that you are waiting for this moment.

The initiator of the kiss is a girl

Depending on her upbringing and temperament, a girl can show her feelings and desires for a guy in the form of a first kiss. However, decisive and passionate kisses for the first time are suitable only for those who want to get a weak-willed, indecisive creature as a mate and try themselves in the role of “mommy”.

Ideally, it is better to take preventive measures - take her by the hand, casually pat her on the shoulder, look into her eyes with admiration, her lips slightly parted. Usually, after such gestures, guys become bolder and gladly give the girl what she wants. If the hint remains ununderstood, only a couple of options are possible for a likely serious relationship. Modest girls are allowed to thank him for the extraordinary evening (day, surprise) when parting and chastely, slowly, touch his cheek with their lips. Without smacking, so that the person does not take everything as a joke. For those who are more daring, a short kiss on the lips is allowed on the same occasion. Later you need to look up and smile sweetly and lightly. It is impossible to miss such a hint. And then men take the initiative and act accordingly.


The young man managed to make an excellent impression, and this must be demonstrated:

  • smile sweetly, looking into the eyes;
  • cuddle, hug;
  • whisper what exactly you liked, only honestly, because this can become a daily procedure;
  • do not rush to leave, and if necessary, express sincere regrets about this.

They will completely ruin the good impression of what happened:

  • loud exclamations, sudden movements, violating the intimacy of the situation;
  • a frightened look, laughter, the guy will take them personally;
  • comments, listing what you didn’t like;
  • assertiveness, whether in a kiss or in attempts to hint at any kind of continuation of the relationship;
  • questions about whether it was better with whom, how many times he kissed and other inappropriate curiosity;
  • any chatter, it is better to remain silent at all;
  • gratitude, it is inappropriate, since it implies mutual pleasure, and not a service to someone.

Did not like

It is much more difficult to act if the kiss left you indifferent, did not like it, or even caused disgust. Restraint of feelings, words and movements is considered good manners. Even a simple request “don’t” can cause a stormy showdown in the evening in a dark alley. Ideally, if you can pull away, pretend that nothing happened, say goodbye and leave.

If your partner is torturing you with passion, you need to come up with explanations for your abrupt departure. Ideally, at the beginning of the date, warn that “they are waiting for you”, “you need to finish work”, “you will have a conversation with your mother on Skype”, and so on. Then the reason for leaving is already ready, there can be no complaints. And on a bright day you can talk calmly and thoroughly.

If you didn’t like a small specific moment, but overall everything is just great, you should save your comments for later. By thinking about how to correctly, non-offensively express a wish in the morning, you can avoid awkward moments. Sometimes the need to speak disappears if you realize that you can change an uncomfortable position yourself.

“If you endure it, you fall in love” is not for you? Then after an unsuccessful kiss, the relationship is meaningless. Magic either exists or it doesn’t, and inexperience plays no role here.

Kiss on the first date

The first kiss is the most exciting event in the life of every couple. By learning to do this correctly, you can bring a lot of pleasure to each other.

For young and chaste girls, a dilemma arises: when can you let a guy kiss you for the first time? It should be immediately noted that any normal guy appreciates a girl who respects herself and does not attack her neck on the first date.

According to statistics, 70% of young people on their first date not only kissed, but even had sexual intercourse. It is worth noting that such relationships were not long-lasting . Therefore, if a girl is really dear, and a guy has serious plans for her, then he will respect her principles and wait as long as necessary.

Each person decides for himself what kind of relationship he wants to build, as well as what he expects from these relationships.

But there is an unspoken rule according to which a decent girl, on the first date, does not attack a guy and does not allow him anything unnecessary.

A frivolous man, of course, will be cooled by this fact, but an interested and serious man will, on the contrary, be more interested in such a lady.

But there are situations when a girl likes a guy, but he has not yet shown her any signs of attention. In this case, the young lady must act subtly and wisely, resorting to her feminine charm and cunning.

You can “win” a guy so that he is the first to take the initiative by starting to study the interests of your loved one. For example, if he is a football player, go to a match with him and sincerely root for his team. You just need to do this naturally, rejoicing with him at the victory of your favorite team.

If the guy is a romantic - walks under the moonlight, conversations about poetry and music should become her main pastime.

But everything should be sincere and natural. A girl should not go overboard to please her lover. If the guy is a skydiver, then it is not at all necessary to jump with him, but it would be appropriate to come with him and support him.

It should be remembered that a man feels a woman’s sincerity and will definitely respond to her “efforts.”

By sharing the sphere of interests of her beloved, a girl will very quickly be able to achieve reciprocal feelings, as well as the first kisses that follow.

The first kiss with a guy should be sensual and tender. It’s as if a girl should give a young man a piece of her youth and freshness. You shouldn’t quickly force things, but showing excessive shyness is also wrong.

How to kiss a guy first

In the manifestation of intimate caresses, the initiative should be given to the man. After all, one should not forget that he is a hunter and conqueror. A girl shouldn't be too pushy. However, what if the guy is shy and indecisive?

If a girl feels that the “moment of truth” has arrived, but the guy still doesn’t dare to kiss her after a week of dating, then in this case you can be the first to make a move.

The correct way to kiss a guy is this:

  1. Look with an inviting gaze. Eyes are the mirror of the soul, they are truly better than any words. The partner should openly and directly look into the guy’s eyes, making it clear that she is ready to kiss.
  2. Gently hug your partner and pull him towards you.
  3. Close your eyes and press your lips to his.
  4. Kiss your partner on the lips, and then open your mouth slightly. By this, the girl makes it clear that she is ready for more bold actions.

A loving guy will answer the girl with a passionate French kiss, hugging her tightly. When kissing for the first time, you should not rush things and demonstrate all your skills at once. Constant practice will help you achieve very good results in this matter.

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