How a man in love looks, we learn to distinguish between looks: intimate, flirting, furtive, languid

Is it true that the look of a person in love changes?

A man in love becomes straight in his gaze and lingers on the woman longer than usual.
When we fall in love, a powerful hormonal surge occurs in the body. We try with all our might and means to interest the object of our adoration, to capture his attention, thoughts, body, we want to spend every minute next to him. Seeking reciprocity, people in love change their appearance, go on a diet, go to the gym, and take up new hobbies.

At the same time, they observe their passion, note her reaction to her actions. A guy in love directs his gaze towards the girl, watches how she communicates with colleagues/friends, moves, laughs, dances, how her appearance, clothes or manners have changed.

A man in love becomes straight in his gaze, lingers on the woman longer than usual, his eyes seem to shine, “sparkles” flicker in them.

What does it look like

To understand the nature of a person's feelings and emotions through non-verbal signs, there are many methods. One of the most revealing ways to determine what emotions a person is experiencing is to observe their eyes.

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A person in love practically does not take his eyes off the object of love, catches any facial change of his partner and expects a response. A man in love is not distracted from the conversation, no matter what the topic is (including if his companion is talking about something that doesn’t bother him at all). When explaining the look of a man in love, psychologists name the following properties:

  • open;
  • straight;
  • interested;
  • close.

If a person desires a short-term sexual relationship without having tender feelings, then his gaze will move over the body of his companion. This is the main difference - the gaze of a guy in love is unwavering and concentrated in the area of ​​the girl’s face, while that of a guy who does not experience such deep feelings is focused on her body.

Contact duration

The sphere of love relationships is an endless subject of study by many specialists. Harvard University psychologist Zeke Rubin has a number of developments in the study of this phenomenon. The scientist argues that eye contact is an important component of interpersonal interaction. By looking into the face of your interlocutor, you can determine his emotions and thoughts. One of the famous works of the psychologist is the one in which he was able to establish that by the amount of time spent on an object of contemplation, one can calculate the degree of love, hatred, contempt, etc.

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During a standard conversation, a person makes eye contact with the other person about 60% of the time. But when a guy is overcome by romantic feelings, this figure rises to 75-85%. If a young man constantly looks into the eyes of his beloved girl, then this is a clear sign of love on his part.

Pupil size

This moment can tell whether a man likes a woman or not. Pupil dilation indicates a hormonal surge that occurs from pleasure. Dopamine is released, stimulating nerve endings in the eyes. At the same time, the muscles of the pupil expand, which is very noticeable. The loving gaze of such a man immediately becomes visually deeper. According to data obtained in one study, more than 87% of subjects' pupils dilated when they were given the opportunity to see a loved one.

Surprisingly, scientific research confirms the fact that dilated pupils are one of the components that makes you attract sympathy from the opposite sex. Many people don’t even think about it, but experts were able to confirm this experimentally.

After such evidence, the “dilated pupil effect” was adopted by many marketers.


If you observe those people who communicate in a large company, you can recognize a couple in love among them.
The first thing that gives them away is the concentration of their gaze. When a man listens to his companion with enthusiasm, it is difficult for him to switch his attention to another object at the first need. An example of this is the following situation: a couple is sitting at a table in a cafe, the gaze of a man in love with all his heart is directed at the woman, he listens to her carefully, enjoying being next to her. The waiter comes up to the table and asks a question. It will take a man a lot of time to switch his attention and gaze to a stranger, as he is focused on his companion.

How to distinguish

When people are together, they look at each other and their brains analyze. Sometimes this happens on a subconscious level. The brain needs some time to identify the interlocutor. After this, special signals determine what a person's gaze will be.

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The functional meaning of eye contact may vary. Even if a person is not strong in the scientific knowledge of oculesics (the science of visual behavior of people), it is not difficult for him to distinguish between some types of views. However, when it comes to subtypes of visual contact, it is more difficult to understand what the gaze is saying.

Even if a young man’s eyes give him away, you need to understand what message is hidden in them when he looks at his beloved.


When the interlocutors stand side by side, and the guy’s gaze is directed at the area between the eyes, the girl’s neck and chest, it means that we are talking about an intimate type of visual contact. It happens like this: the eyes drop from the face to the chest, and then rise back.

It is worth noting that girls developed peripheral vision better. This makes it possible to look at the guy without him noticing. Men have tunnel vision, so they have to move their eyes up and down. It is this deficiency that allows girls to notice the movement of a man’s gaze over their body.


It is not difficult to recognize this type of visual contact: the man looks more at the interlocutor, his face is in a relaxed state, and his facial expressions indicate genuine interest in her person. At the same time, he tries to capture her emotions, and sometimes repeats them. A man may raise and lower his eyebrows at times, thereby showing his interest in communication.

This eye contact is complemented by casual communication or jokes on the part of the guy. Such facial signals indicate sincere interest in the interlocutor.


It’s not hard to guess what the look of a sincerely in love man says. Of course, about tenderness towards your beloved. This is where loyalty and warmth come into play.

A loving gaze is much softer than an intimate or flirtatious one. It is very easy to determine.

Signs of a man's gaze in love

If a girl is of interest to a guy, he will begin to behave differently without even realizing it.
If a girl is of interest to a guy, he will begin to behave differently without even realizing it. Bold and decisive before, now he behaves modestly, hesitates when she looks at her and often lowers his eyes to the floor.

A man in love can behave in two ways: he either becomes silent or turns into a talker who cannot be stopped.

A guy more often looks for random meetings with a girl: he calls for any reason and for no reason, writes notes, “suddenly” finds himself in the same cafe or store, more often asks for small favors, and looks for reasons to talk.

He will lend you an umbrella in rainy weather, offer to come over for tea or take you home. A young man in love will show sincere care, try to help in any situation and even perform heroic deeds if such an opportunity arises.

Eyes are like a mirror of the soul

The look of someone who is sincerely in love with a woman allows you to look beyond the boundaries of familiar reality. Usually people accurately guess each other's mood and psychological state. If a guy is interested in communication, he will look for signs of reciprocity in the girl’s eyes. All thoughts will begin to focus only on the object of their adoration. A guy in love has a flaming, strong, soulful gaze. Sometimes a young man becomes embarrassed and wants to look away. However, it is precisely this open nonverbal manifestation that makes it possible to make sure that the individual is really interested in continuing the acquaintance.


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Learning to distinguish different views of men

How to accurately determine whether a man likes a woman? It is necessary to understand the shades of the male gaze. You can tell a lot about a man's feelings just by eye contact.


The look of a man seeking sexual satisfaction is full of passion and desire:

  • Smoothness is the main characteristic. The gaze seems to glide over the female body. While studying the figure, the man showers him with compliments, trying to win favor with him. His gaze is hazy, his pupils are dilated, and a barely noticeable smile wanders across his face.
  • Focusing on specific parts of the body. A man's gaze stops at a woman's breasts, legs, lips, buttocks, and waist. The look into the lady's eyes is short, fleeting and necessary only in order to get a complete picture of what he saw. Everything here speaks about one thing - sexual attraction.


If a man likes a girl outwardly, his gaze will be flirting.

It is characterized by:

  • Concentration on the face: the guy only occasionally runs his eyes over the female figure, paying main attention to her face. It is important for him to feel the lady’s emotional response in response to his words, jokes, actions, after which he will draw certain conclusions for himself and make a decision.
  • Sparkling look. There are lights in the eyes. A woman only needs to answer her partner correctly, and their relationship can develop into great love.


A man rewards with a loving gaze the woman for whom he has sincere feelings:

  • An attentive, persistent look indicates the beginning of love. The man really liked the girl, he doesn’t take his eyes off her, catches every word, is attentive. Eye contact is direct, confident, not fluent.
  • Dilated pupils are another proof that the strong half of humanity is in love. The pleasure of communicating and contemplating a beautiful girl will inevitably affect the size of the pupils: these are the consequences of a hormonal surge.

Languid eyes

A languid look in men manifests itself when the object of adoration is nearby. He looks at you devotedly, swallowing every phrase, and a dreamy smile wanders across his face, as if the guy is under the influence of drugs.

You can find yourself surrounded by languid male eyes after your first kiss or first lovemaking. As they get used to each other, the gaze will disappear, but may return in moments of lust.

The Importance of Gaze

The human body and emotional and psychological state are a single mechanism. When feelings and sensations arise in the body, various chemical reactions occur. Speaking about the feeling of falling in love, we can emphasize that it is this topic that arouses interest among scientists for study. All over the world, experts conduct many studies, surveys and experiments. They all boil down to establishing how emotions associated with love are reflected in people’s behavior.

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The ability of the eyes to express emotions has been the subject of much study. Many experiments have been devoted to studying the primary gaze of boys and girls when they first meet.

Scientists have been able to establish that when making acquaintances, women tend to make eye contact, while men initially examine the body of their interlocutor. This fact is due to the fact that girls try to determine the character of a man with the help of their eyes in order to understand what line of communication they should build in the future. In men, the body is of paramount importance for sexual desire, so establishing eye contact with the interlocutor is initially less important for them. Other studies showed slightly different data. In couples where both partners are in love, close eye contact is established more often.

Consequently, the eyes are the main organ through which a person transmits a certain signal of love.

How to respond to a man's loving gaze

If you like a man and want to start a long-term relationship with him, respond to his gaze with long eye contact.

Be sure to smile at your interlocutor: he will understand that he is pleasant to you and does not push you away. The smile should be light, sincere, but not on duty.

Play with your eyes: look first into the eyes, then look away to the side and return to the face of your chosen one. Offer to drink coffee in a nearby cafe, listen carefully to the man, ask more questions regarding his life and work.

The art of staring in simple tips

Above we looked at unconditional situations, that is, situations that occur in random circumstances, without any strict context. But in everyday life, we don’t come across the gaze of a random person very often. Looking into the eyes is much more common among familiar people who are related to each other.

  • The boss's view. If a boss looks intently at a subordinate, this, of course, is not rudeness, not an influx of feelings or a manifestation of aggression. With their glance, managers make it clear that they are dissatisfied. Often a long glance from a boss, accompanied by a pause, makes a subordinate worry, blush and make excuses. However, in order to have a successful career, it is better to overcome the fear of the boss’s gaze.
  • The view of the listener. It also does not mean anything bad or extraordinary and only indicates attentiveness and interest in the conversation, an attempt to better understand the essence of what was said, concentration.
  • The speaker's gaze. Aimed at persuasion and giving weight to words. Teaching stage speech at GITIS or at any other acting school for adults involves working with the gaze as a tool of general expressiveness, its development and training. A look can disarm, evoke feelings of pity, compassion and tenderness - remember the famous cat from Shrek.

A person who has a good understanding of psychology, the meaning of views and knows how to apply them in practice can achieve great success in communication. You can learn more about the gaze method in psychological training for personal growth, in courses for successful negotiations, or in acting courses. Here are some tips on how to look at your interlocutor to achieve the desired effect.

  1. Don't overexpose. The duration of the gaze matters: the longer the gaze, the stronger the emotion it expresses. If you do not want to stun your interlocutor, do not look into his eyes for too long, 2-4 seconds will be enough, after which it is better to look away.
  2. Look with your eyes wide open. This is the look of an honest person who does not lie and does not hide anything. Its opposite is a squinted gaze and a wandering “running” gaze.
  3. Use facial expressions. There is nothing easier than creating visibility with the help of facial expressions: wrinkled forehead and an already concentrated employee, slightly closed his eyes - a languid lover, knitted his eyebrows - an eternally dissatisfied boss, etc. The perception of the interlocutor’s gaze can also be “corrected” facially, especially with the help smiles and eyebrow positions.

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Psychologist's advice

Psychology will help you figure out whether a guy likes a girl or recognize hidden love if a man is silent:

  1. A man in love will conquer a woman, show her signs of attention: he will give her flowers, bring coffee, throw a warm jacket over his shoulders in the evening.
  2. He will catch your eye or, conversely, hide.
  3. Strives to close the distance, to touch the girl or her things.
  4. He will take you under his protection and guardianship. He will open the door, throw a fur coat over his shoulders, try to solve minor problems, and will not brush it off or come up with an excuse. This can be easily checked by asking a young man for help in a simple situation.
  5. He is often awkward and smiles or becomes embarrassed when a lady of his heart appears.
  6. Sometimes he behaves childishly stupid and frivolous.
  7. Tries to joke, demonstrates a cheerful character.
  8. He will find a way to find out the phone number of his chosen one, he will find it on social networks.

If a man shows himself this way, it means that the woman is sincerely interested in him.

Important! Knowing psychology and being able to think logically in order to understand feelings is great, but sometimes it is useful to listen to your heart.

It is not easy for lovers to hide their feelings. Even if they decide to remain silent, gestures and facial expressions will tell everything for them, which cannot be controlled 100%, like words and behavior. In addition, the look of a man in love and an indifferent one is difficult to confuse.

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