How to behave correctly if a girl is offended and does not want to talk

Why can a girl be offended?

The reasons for grievances can be both objective and subjective. The first group includes lack of attention. A girl gets offended if a man doesn’t call or text for several hours in a row, decides to spend the evening with friends and not with her, or forgets about some significant event, for example, the anniversary of his first kiss.

The reason for the resentment may also be the lack of serious intentions, while the girl’s dissatisfaction is growing every day, because she is so waiting for an offer that still does not exist.

Objective reasons include being infatuated with another girl or giving her a compliment, lying, or regular criticism.

A girl can be offended just like that. Most often, in this way, an emotionally immature girl tries to shift responsibility for her own actions onto the man. You can understand that she is offended by the manifestation, which depends on temperament, for example, a choleric girl will throw a tantrum, a melancholic girl will start crying, and a phlegmatic girl will be offended in silence.

Ways to influence a woman

To correct the situation as quickly as possible, guys should know what exactly they need to tell a girl if she doesn’t want to communicate, and how to behave with her. In this case, psychologists recommend using proven methods that will help you get your lover back.

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Through friends

Silence and women are incompatible things. You can use this. If your chosen one refuses to communicate, you should talk to her friend. At the time of conversation, you need to talk about your feelings for your beloved and experiences. Here you need to be careful so that your friend does not guess the plan. In the end, she will explain why the girl no longer wants to communicate with you.

It is also recommended to focus on the seriousness of your intentions. With this gesture, the guy will make it clear that he can change for the sake of his beloved. To fully gain your friend’s trust, you can give her a compliment or thank her for the meeting. As a result, she will have a positive impression of the guy, and she will convey the essence of the conversation to her chosen one.


You need to stop seeking the favor of your beloved for a while and think about self-development. For example, you can play sports, find a new hobby, or get a well-paid job. Noticing these changes, the woman herself will take the initiative and begin communication. Deep down, she will regret what happened and be afraid of losing the young man.

But this method may not work. Women have different views, so their reactions cannot be predicted. Don’t be discouraged and upset if you couldn’t get it back.

Insidious way

This option is considered the most dangerous for relationships. To attract the attention of your beloved, you need to woo another woman. This could be a friend or acquaintance of the chosen one. It is best to choose a spectacular contender, of whom anyone will be jealous. Seeing a guy with someone else, a woman will want to get rid of her competitor.

As a result, they will become enemies, and the man will get his way. At the same time, the beloved will look at the young man differently. In her eyes, he will look more attractive, since other young ladies are interested in him.

Demonstration of changes

Having achieved its location, you need to show the changes. But you shouldn't talk about it directly. A woman must independently notice changes in her manner of speech, train of thought and appearance. During the conversation, you need to mention the work done. If she shows signs of attention, then there is a chance for a reunion. The main thing is to come to a compromise and forget old grievances.

Romantic actions and gifts

Many men try to improve relationships with romantic actions and gifts. For example, it could be a bouquet of your favorite flowers, a serenade under the window, or poetry. The list can go on forever.

Such actions always help to achieve a girl. At the same time, the young man will understand the real intentions of his beloved. To do this, you need to use gifts as bait. If the chosen one arrogantly accepts the gift, doing a favor, you need to say goodbye to her immediately. Such relationships have no future, since she is only interested in money and attention. She ignores and gets offended just so she can get gifts for it.

Breaking up is a difficult stage for both partners, but a love crisis will help the young man assess the situation. This is a great chance to reconsider your relationship with your chosen one and understand what feelings you have for her. If a woman ignores, it is necessary to understand the reasons for her behavior. This will help in the future to avoid mistakes and possible breakdown of new relationships.

Now every man knows how to understand that the girl he loves really doesn’t want to communicate, and also what provokes a woman’s ignorance. To improve your relationship with your beloved, you need to listen to the advice of psychologists.

Resentment as a way of manipulation

For a girl, resentment can be a tool for manipulation and achieving certain goals, for example, so that a man gives a certain thing or lets her go for a walk with a friend. You can understand this by the presence of accusations of callousness, inattention, and lack of feelings.

Also, if a girl is offended by you and ignores you, despite attempts to come to a consensus, it is quite possible that she is simply trying to improve her mood or self-esteem.

It is better to leave her alone for a while, and only then make attempts at reconciliation.

What to do

Before making any attempts, you need to talk to the girl and find out the reason for the offense. At first she may not admit the real reason, but after she cools down a little, she will tell you exactly what you need to apologize for.

If the girl is offended and does not want to talk to you, try to find out the necessary information via SMS.

Show concern

If you have offended a girl, then it is important to maintain a trusting relationship with her and show your concern.

Even if you don’t understand your partner’s feelings and emotions, try to talk through all the questions that could arise in this situation, and you should be the one who initiates the conversation. You can clarify that although it is difficult for you to talk about difficult topics, you are ready to do so in order to maintain a harmonious relationship.

Come to her

If a girl doesn’t want to communicate, then a hug and a kiss will help change her attitude towards you. Remember your feelings, come to her, show her how important she is to you and how much you value her. If a girl simply decided to be sad, and that’s why she was offended, then her blues will be lifted as if by hand.

If the cause of the offense is objective, then you will have a chance to bring your loved one to a frank conversation.

Find the right words

If a woman is offended and you are really to blame for this, then it is important to choose the right words. You need to start with the fact that you are fully aware of your guilt, and you need to be as honest as possible. Don't make empty promises. If you have already decided to apologize, then you need to admit your mistakes and explain your behavior.

If you are trying to make peace with a girl who is trying to manipulate you with the help of resentment, then you should not start shouting and try to prove something to her.

Say that you understand her feelings and are ready to talk about it. Let her speak out and react calmly to her offense. In this case, a compromise similar to market relations will help solve the situation - you name your “price” and give the girl the opportunity to say what she is ready to do in response. For example, you let her go for a walk with a friend, but in return she will go with you to your mother, whom she doesn’t really like.

Wait a couple of days

If you have seriously offended your girlfriend, then you should give her a few days to cool down, calm down and approach the showdown with a cool head. At the same time, the guy should watch his beloved all this time, monitor her condition.

You can take active action only if your loved one is in a calm mood, is not busy with anything and is not in a hurry, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation.

Give a gift

If a girl is silent, does not make contact and pointedly ignores you, it makes sense to back up her words of apology with a gift. It must be commensurate with the moral damage caused.

Try to remember what your girlfriend dreamed about for so long.

Maybe about theater tickets or that same eyeshadow palette? Buy her what she has been dreaming of for so long, and she will understand that you love her and are kind to her, and are ready to show care and attention. If nothing comes to mind, you can use a standard bouquet of flowers and a soft toy.

How to behave if a girl ignores you

You need to calm down and put the relationship on pause. This time will be enough to comprehend the situation. The guy must decide whether he is ready to return his beloved and make amends. If yes, then it is necessary to analyze communication with your chosen one. To do this, you need to remember how she reacted and draw conclusions.

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Responsibility and determination are the main weapons of any young man. The opposite sex appreciates and loves these qualities. A woman will never take the initiative, since she is used to seeing it from a man. In such a situation, you need to take the initiative and talk to your loved one. If she doesn’t make contact, you shouldn’t humiliate yourself in front of her. When a woman truly loves her man, she will never leave him.

Psychologists recommend analyzing your mistakes in communication, identifying shortcomings and developing strengths. This will help the man avoid problems with his chosen one in the future. As soon as the young man has worked on himself, he can begin to take action.

What should a guy do if a girl often gets offended?

If resentment is as common for a girl as daily facial skin care, then a man can either tolerate it and indulge his beloved, or break this habitual circle of resentment. If you choose the second option, then you can do this in a non-standard way, for example, not asking for forgiveness, but writing a letter describing all the feelings experienced at the time of disagreement, and sending it by regular mail.

Do not use standard phrases that your loved one expects from you: do not say that you are to blame, focus on your own feelings.

For example, you can say that you don’t find a place for yourself when a girl gets offended, or that you suffer and everything is falling out of your hands. Clarify how you can fix this, because you understand that you are not ready to lose her.

Excessive touchiness is a character trait, and if a girl is not ready to change for the sake of her man, then no attempts to change her partner or find some kind of approach to her will be successful. You need to either accept it and enjoy the relationship, or find another partner. In this case, only you can decide what is more important to you.

Grudges on social networks

If a girl is offended while communicating on social networks, and you are far from her at the moment, then the principle of reconciliation here is the same as in a personal meeting. It is important to show your concern, so SMS or replies to her posts should not contain any common or template phrases. This also applies to poetry, unless, of course, the man wrote them himself.

Under no circumstances try to involve your friends or relatives in resolving the conflict - you must ask her for forgiveness yourself, having first found out the cause of the offense.

She will definitely stop being offended if you admit your guilt, say about your feelings and that you realized your mistake, so it will never happen again.

Let's understand the reasons

A woman begins to ignore for several reasons. Young people are trying to understand the question, but the answers are right in front of their eyes. To do this, you need to assess the situation and analyze your relationships. This will help to identify the real reason for being ignored and find a way to determine how to communicate with your girlfriend who doesn’t want to communicate.


Resentment is the most popular reason why a loved one began to remain silent. Not understanding why the girl doesn’t want to talk, men begin to analyze the woman’s behavior. This is the main mistake. To understand the situation, you need to remember the last days of communication. Maybe she was telling something important or asking for help, but in return she did not receive attention from her chosen one.

READ How to make peace with a girl: advice from psychologists

Feelings gone

Women often lose interest in their partners but are afraid to say so, so they stop talking to end the relationship. A man should know about the reasons for the breakup, since it is not common for women to end a relationship just like that. They hint or say in advance what they are not happy with.

If your chosen one has left, there is no need to establish contact with her. Instead, it is recommended to analyze the situation and understand the reason for the separation. If it's a man, he should work on himself.

The girl has problems

If she doesn't want to communicate, you need to remember the last conversations. Perhaps the chosen one shared problems at work, school, with friends or family. At such moments, women do not need communication and want to be alone. They need time to understand themselves.

In order not to spoil the relationship, it is recommended to write to her or talk in person about her problems. This will show a different side of a man. She will definitely appreciate such care and attention from her partner. As a result, he will understand why the girl no longer wants to communicate.

READ How to properly be offended by a man in order to achieve what you want


Any hormonal changes in the body affect mood and the desire to communicate. For some, this period passes painlessly, without affecting their behavior in any way. But for most women, the menstrual cycle is acute, so there is no point in spending hours thinking: “My girlfriend does not pay attention to me and does not want to communicate with me to find out the reason for ignoring me. What did I do wrong again?”

It’s better not to aggravate the problem and leave your loved one alone. After 3-4 days she will return to normal, and the relationship will improve.


This quality is inherent in the opposite sex from childhood. Selfish women like to limit communication in order to see the man's reaction. This desire arises from a feeling of excessive self-esteem.

Arrogant women carefully choose the suitor for their hearts, so they treat men with disrespect. If pride and selfishness are not characteristic of a woman, perhaps a friend taught her such behavior.


Young ladies in love can be jealous of their boyfriend for anyone. When they are overcome by this feeling, they do not want to communicate with their partner. To understand the problem, it is worth analyzing your actions. Perhaps the man was chatting with a colleague or liking a friend’s photo on a social network.

Such actions always cause jealousy. If you can’t communicate with a girl, it is recommended to write to her about your feelings in a short message. After her partner confesses, she will stop doubting him and begin to trust.

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