For what type of vision is a cesarean section performed, and when is surgery not necessary?

Poor vision and cesarean section are in no way connected, because only certain pathologies are indications for surgical delivery - glaucoma, high intraocular pressure, retinopathy due to diabetes and kidney disease, fragility of the blood vessels of the eyeball.

Pushing during natural childbirth can provoke retinal detachment, hemorrhages, lens dislocation, and rupture of the eye muscles in such pathologies. In particularly severe cases, a woman may remain completely blind after childbirth.

Caesarean section is not performed for persistent myopia or inflammatory eye diseases. The operation does not lead to deterioration of vision, but helps to preserve it even with existing problems. During pregnancy, laser vision correction and coagulation can be performed, after which the patient is released for natural childbirth.

Vision and caesarean section: why surgery is chosen if you have poor vision

If a pregnant woman has vision problems, a planned cesarean section will be scheduled, because carrying a child leads to:

  • The appearance of myopia even in an initially healthy patient. This deterioration in vision is caused by elongation of the eyeball.
  • Dry eye syndrome. It manifests itself as burning, itching, redness, and a feeling of fullness inside the organs of vision.
  • An increase in intraocular pressure, which is accompanied by the appearance of flickering “spots” before the eyes.
  • Reduced clarity of color perception. It is provoked by a deterioration in the blood supply to the retina of the eyeballs.

Most often, such problems are transitory in nature; after childbirth, the functioning of the visual organs is normalized and stabilized.

But if a woman was diagnosed with critical myopia or glaucoma before pregnancy, then the pathological changes will persist after childbirth, and complete blindness is possible.

This is due to excessive stress during natural childbirth: arterial and intraocular/intracranial pressure increases, and this, in turn, leads to retinal detachment, rupture of blood vessels and hemorrhage, rupture of the eye muscles, degenerative changes in the retina, and dislocation of the lens.

We recommend reading about how a suture on the uterus behaves after a cesarean section. From the article you will learn about the types of suturing of the uterus, signs of suture dehiscence after cesarean section and during pregnancy. And here is more information about whether you can have a caesarean section at your own request.

The influence of natural childbirth on the organs of vision

All pregnant women worry about how the baby will be born - naturally or through surgery (caesarean section). The use of the second method is advisable in the presence of certain pathologies. For example, if there is excessive strain, a pregnant woman’s eyes may simply not be able to stand it, which is why she may even go blind .

Pregnant woman at doctor's appointment

On a note! During the period between conception and childbirth, it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist at least every trimester. In addition, before giving birth, it is imperative to visit a doctor - this way the specialist can make sure that the woman can give birth on her own.

After all, no one can say exactly how such efforts will affect the visual organs. All existing factors must be taken into account, in particular:

  • general well-being of the woman;
  • retinal condition;
  • age;
  • visual acuity;
  • complications present during pregnancy.

Woman 9 months pregnant

There is no need to talk once again about the colossal stresses a pregnant woman has to face - both when carrying a baby and during childbirth. But what does all this have to do with vision? At the first contractions, the following manifestations occur:

  • muscles actively contract;
  • blood circulation accelerates;
  • the heart rate increases.

The main differences between contractions before childbirth and the onset of labor

Note! If a woman giving birth has poor vision, the manifestations may be different. For example, if there are problems with the retina, it can easily detach. Simply put, the woman in labor will go blind.

You should also expect that the pressure will increase during the second and third phases of labor. Moreover, both arterial (BP) and intraocular. Moreover, when trying to give birth to a baby, a woman may even have a stroke. The third stage is the most critical - it is during it that the tension is maximum.

Stages of the disclosure period

The first birth is always the most difficult, because the woman simply does not know how to push correctly. She strains all her muscles for this, including the eye muscles; as a result, blood vessels in the eyes burst or, if overexertion is too strong, retinal detachment occurs. The risk of this kind of trouble especially increases if a woman:

  • thinned retina;
  • spasmodic and fragile blood vessels;
  • high pressure inside the eyes.

Ocular pressure measurement

If the cause of vision problems is certain disorders present in the female body during pregnancy, then doctors may allow you to give birth on your own. Pinched nerves, congestion and muscle spasms should disappear immediately after childbirth, which means the visual system will normalize.

Causes of myopia during pregnancy

On a note! If a pregnant woman uses contact lenses, it is recommended to remove them temporarily (until the baby is born). If the birth is natural and the doctor has given his consent to this, he should be notified of this point.

Video - About pregnancy and vision

Myopia in pregnant women

If a doctor assures that the completion of childbirth may not be entirely successful due to ophthalmological problems, this usually means myopia (this is when a person sees distant objects poorly, but distinguishes close ones well).

Eyesight check

There are three degrees of myopia:

  • weak (less than three diopters);
  • average (less than six diopters);
  • strong (over six diopters).

Degrees of development of myopia

Natural childbirth can be allowed even with poor vision (if it is about to begin), but only with weak or moderate myopia. But with the highest degree of myopia, surgical intervention will be required. With myopia, the retina stretches and thins, and due to excessive efforts it can detach/tear.

If an ophthalmologist has diagnosed myopia, then his instructions cannot be ignored. And if he forbade giving birth on your own, then it is better to agree with him. Otherwise, the consequences can be very dire.

Appearance of a retinal tear

Note! Sometimes a pregnant woman may undergo laser vision correction to prevent the disease from getting worse. But, of course, only in the absence of contraindications.

Caesarean section - in what cases is it required?

As sad as it may be, not all women can give birth on their own. Although, for example, a disease such as glaucoma is not a contraindication to natural childbirth. The disease, at least, has nothing to do with childbirth. With what vision is a woman prohibited from giving birth on her own? Below is a list of pathologies that will require a cesarean section.

How is a caesarean section performed?

So, surgical intervention is necessary if a pregnant woman:

  • rapidly progressing myopia;
  • eyes are weakened after surgery performed due to retinal detachment;
  • high degree of myopia of the only sighted visual organ;
  • retinal pathologies, fundus bleeding;
  • swelling of the optic nerve;
  • retinal disinsertion.

Important! For a doctor to make the right decision, a woman must unquestioningly follow all his recommendations. The ophthalmologist will tell you before the birth which procedure is preferable. After all, a caesarean section is not always necessary for ophthalmological diseases.

Types of neuritis

If there are problems with your eyes, the main thing is not to panic, since laser correction, which modern medicine offers, can be carried out at any time (but no later than 34 weeks). But if the contraindications are serious, it is better to agree to surgery to avoid possible complications.

A few words about natural childbirth

If the doctor has allowed natural childbirth, the most important thing in the process is to push correctly. What exactly are we talking about? About the fact that you should only push in the perineal area . Don't squint, don't strain your face - it won't help you anyway.

It is necessary that all efforts are directed exclusively to the perineum. After all, the baby comes into the world thanks to the muscles of the abdomen and pelvic floor, and if you, again, strain your face, it will not bring any benefit. You'll just waste your energy, and you might even damage your eyes.

The fact is that intraocular pressure will increase due to such overvoltage, as mentioned earlier, and the blood vessels will burst.

If you have mild myopia or no problems with your eyes at all, it’s okay, but with severe myopia, these attempts will lead to sad consequences, which you already know about.

Natural childbirth

Childbirth position “Last effort”

More information about glasses and contact lenses

To the question of whether it is possible to give birth with glasses, the answer is yes. After all, many people experience discomfort without glasses. As for contact lenses, the opinions of ophthalmologists differ.

After all, on the one hand, there is nothing terrible about lenses during childbirth - people play sports in them, and sleep, after all. But the fact is that lenses are different and the sensations when wearing them are also different for women.

Some people take them off every evening, others wear them for a month and do not experience any discomfort. In short, the decision must be made taking into account the specific situation.

Myopia in a pregnant woman

Why is it recommended to remove lenses during childbirth? It's simple: if a woman pushes in the wrong way, then the correction means will probably further aggravate the condition of the visual organs . Moreover, if you need surgery under anesthesia, you still need to remove the lenses. And there may simply not be enough time for this.

On a note! If you want to give birth wearing contact lenses, it is better to take a container for them and a special solution with you to the maternity hospital. And don't forget to notify doctors of your intentions.

Contact lenses

As a conclusion. some nice moments

There are cases where women's vision improved after childbirth, rather than worsening. The reason is that the occurrence of eye problems was provoked by certain disorders in the body - congestion, pinched nerves, muscle spasms. After giving birth, all these problems disappeared, and the new mother, as a result, looked at the world around her in a new light.

Newborn baby

For what vision is cesarean section performed: indications

Caesarean section for poor vision is done only for strict medical reasons:

  • retinal dystrophy, threat of retinal detachment;
  • glaucoma;
  • swelling of the optic nerve.

Myopia, even at high levels (-7 diopters), is not a direct indication for a planned cesarean section - the doctor must monitor the condition of the visual organs throughout pregnancy. If during examinations a deterioration in visual acuity is noted, then surgical delivery is the only way to prevent complete blindness.

Conditional indications for CS are:

  • retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus or kidney disease;
  • high intraocular pressure.

It is understood that if a woman’s vision remains unchanged during pregnancy and the ophthalmologist does not diagnose degenerative changes, then the woman in labor can go into natural labor. In practice, doctors play it safe and perform surgical intervention, which protects the patient from complete loss of vision.

Watch this video about indications for CS for visual impairment:

When can you take a risk and give birth yourself?

There are a number of conditions that are pathological, but allow you to give birth independently without serious consequences:

  • uncomplicated diabetes mellitus;
  • mild/moderate myopia (stable myopia);
  • keratitis, blepharitis, chronic conjunctivitis;
  • elevated blood pressure against the background of normal intraocular parameters.

In addition, some diseases of the organs of vision can be treated even during pregnancy. For example, pregnant women undergo laser vision correction and retinal coagulation - this corrects myopia and reduces the risk of retinal detachment. Laser manipulations are performed up to 30 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the woman has time to recover, which makes natural childbirth possible.

How does pregnancy affect vision?

Even if a woman had no vision problems before pregnancy, during pregnancy a decrease in visual acuity (myopia), hemorrhages in the retina, and vascular pathologies of the visual organs may appear. This happens against the background of hormonal changes in the body; often pathological changes are complications of toxicosis in the first trimester.

To prevent the development of serious problems, pregnant women should be examined by an ophthalmologist 2-3 times every 9 months. It is important to compare the indicators in the first trimester and at 32-34 weeks; if there are negative dynamics, a caesarean section may be prescribed.

What is the danger?

Many women cannot understand why they are not allowed to give birth naturally. “How is vision generally related to this process?” they wonder.

In fact, even hormonal changes during pregnancy can have a negative impact on your eye health. Here are some medical facts that support this:

  • severe toxicosis - can cause vision deterioration by 1-2 diopters;
  • frequent and profuse vomiting - often leads to hemorrhages in the retina;
  • swelling - sometimes lead to pathologies of the vascular system of the eye.

However, the most destructive phenomena are observed immediately with the onset of contractions. They are accompanied by active muscle contraction, accelerated heartbeat, and increased blood circulation. And this is just the beginning! In the second phase of contractions, the mother’s blood pressure increases – not only arterial pressure, but also eye pressure. But the peak of tension in the whole body occurs during pushing...

What makes the situation worse is that most women have no idea how to push properly. If you do this with your whole body, and not just your stomach, the capillaries in your eyes begin to burst.

In general, the risks are quite high. They pose no danger to a healthy person. But if there are contraindications, doctors recommend not giving birth yourself, but directing you to a caesarean section. In this case, the possibility of losing vision is practically reduced to zero.

How is caesarean performed with poor vision?

Caesarean section for poor vision takes place in a standard manner; anesthesiologists recommend using epidural anesthesia rather than general anesthesia. The fact is that the latter has a direct effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system: blood flow increases, blood pressure rises, and this can provoke an increase in intraocular pressure.

If there are ophthalmological indications for a cesarean section, then surgical delivery is carried out as planned - it is necessary to exclude the period of pushing in the woman in labor. The woman is given a date for the operation, taking into account the estimated date of birth determined by ultrasound and the observing gynecologist.

Prenatal checkups

Prenatal examinations include:

  • blood pressure control;
  • three-time examination of the fundus and retina for 9 months.

Data on intraocular pressure, the condition of the lens, eye muscles and vessel walls are required.

How vision changes after cesarean section

After a caesarean section, a woman’s vision, as a rule, does not change. Possible:

  • double vision;
  • distortion of color perception of the surrounding world;
  • flashing “flies” before the eyes;
  • mild pain in the eyeballs.

“Floaters” before the eyes
These problems bother a woman in the first 3-5 days after surgical delivery. They are a consequence of hormonal changes in the body and rarely transform into full-fledged pathologies.

Myopia and childbirth

Myopia is a refractive error in which the image is focused in front of the retina. Such people are unable to see objects in the distance.

In case of myopia, the retina becomes thinner from a constantly stretched state, and can peel off or rupture. As a result, the patient will lose her vision.

Causes of myopia:

  • unfavorable environmental factors;
  • professional activity;
  • heredity;
  • compensatory stretching of the eyeball;
  • unbalanced accommodation;
  • poor nutrition;
  • eye fatigue;
  • incorrect lighting.

Classification of myopia:

  • acquired;
  • congenital;
  • progressive;
  • non-progressive.
  1. 1st degree – weak. The diopter does not exceed 3 units. It does not have a negative effect on the maternal body or fetus.
  2. 2nd degree – average. Diopter is from 3.5 to 6 units. If the second degree is diagnosed, natural childbirth is allowed.
  3. Grade 3 – severe, more than 6 diopters. It is characterized by an extremely increased risk of developing blindness. A retinal rupture is possible when pushing during labor.

What to do if your vision has decreased after a caesarean section

If vision has decreased after a caesarean section, the woman should contact an ophthalmologist for recommendations. Doctors do not recommend directly linking surgical intervention and problems with the functioning of the visual organs if myopia was diagnosed before pregnancy.

Most often, if the loss of vision is primary, sharpness can be restored with special exercises. Light laser correction is often required. If the CS was performed against the background of diabetes mellitus or severe kidney pathologies, then the woman will be forced to wear corrective glasses or contact lenses.

Diagnosis of vision in pregnant women

In order to prevent pathology in a timely manner, mandatory vision diagnostics is carried out in pregnant women. If there are no complaints and the woman feels well, then the examination is carried out twice during pregnancy.

At 10–14 weeks, visual acuity is diagnosed and the fundus is examined with a dilated pupil. This allows you to identify early signs of gestosis, which can be dangerous for the mother and baby in the future. The same studies are repeated at 34–36 weeks to make sure that the birth will be safe for the woman and she will retain her vision.

If a woman has complaints, she needs to undergo repeated examinations. The deadline for conducting them is as soon as possible after complaints arise. The diagnostic program includes testing visual acuity, examining the fundus of the eye, and, if indicated, diagnosing color vision and other examinations.

Women at risk - those suffering from myopia, increased arterial, intracranial and intraocular pressure, glaucoma, impaired vascular tone, kidney disease and diabetes - should consult an ophthalmologist at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Preventing vision problems while pregnant

To avoid vision problems while carrying a child, you should take the following preventive measures:

  • visit an ophthalmologist in the first 3 months and at 30-32 weeks to examine the retina and fundus of the eye;
  • improve blood circulation in the vessels of the eyeballs by taking a course of vitamin therapy (medicines are prescribed by doctors);
  • observe a regime of visual stress - when working at a computer or with papers, take a break for 5 minutes every hour;
  • Perform simple eye exercises every day - close your eyes tightly and “open” your eyes at a fast pace 10-15 times, rotate your eyeballs clockwise/counterclockwise, look from nearby objects to distant ones 10 times in a row.

A pregnant woman should avoid reading while lying down or in moving vehicles and monitor blood pressure readings.

We recommend reading about who undergoes tubal ligation during a caesarean section. From the article you will learn about the pros and cons of tubal ligation during a CS, indications and contraindications for surgery, and recommendations after surgery. And here is more information about what is better - caesarean section or natural childbirth.

Vision problems are not always a direct indication for a cesarean section. Doctors should repeatedly examine the pregnant woman, monitor the functioning of the visual organs over time, and only if it worsens, refer her for surgical delivery.

Some pathological conditions can be corrected by laser therapy even during pregnancy, after which the pregnant woman will safely give birth to the baby naturally. In any case, the choice is made by the doctor - the safety of the mother’s health and the normal development/birth of the child are a priority.

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