How can you attract your husband's attention if he has become cold?

Hello, dear women! If men are reading us now, then, dear ones, choose another article, since here we will share women’s secrets. Today we will discuss how to attract your husband's attention.

Suppose your spouse lost interest in you after childbirth, or maybe you divorced him and now regret it, or over the many years of living together he has forgotten how to show his feelings.

How to attract his attention if he has cooled down? Now I will tell you about this; in the article you will find only effective tips that will melt even the thickest ice in the heart of your loved one.

First we understand ourselves, look for the reason

To get your spouse's attention back to you, you must first understand what went wrong. Often both are to blame for this, but we need to understand our mistakes and accept them.

Perhaps you gained a lot of weight in a couple of years after the wedding or after giving birth, or you began to take less care of yourself (relaxed), or you revealed too many women’s secrets to your spouse (men don’t really like buying sanitary pads and seeing you cut your nails). Find this reason and accept it, understand that changes in relationships need to start with yourself.

What dishes can you surprise your husband with?

You have studied your husband for so many years, you know what he loves. Why not pamper him with a delicious dish. After all, all men love with their eyes, but they won’t refuse to eat either. We remember the saying “The way to the heart of a beloved man passes through the stomach,” and we go to the kitchen for a culinary masterpiece.

Remember a recipe that you wanted to cook a long time ago, but never got around to it. It's time to turn your dream into food. And don't forget to decorate your food. But food should please not only with its taste, but also with its appearance.

The reason has been found - act!

If you find the reason, then first of all, deal with it:

  • Play sports;
  • Change your wardrobe;
  • Start doing makeup at home (light, natural);
  • Take care of your hair (style it, tidy it up even at home);
  • Watch your behavior (don’t swear, clean up after yourself, carry out all hygiene procedures behind the closed bathroom door).

The cause has been eliminated, but what now? If you want to speed up the effect, act like a psychologist. What does psychology advise us?

How to intrigue a man correctly

  • Horizon

    Expand your horizons. You are unlikely to intrigue a man by telling him the plot of the Twilight movie. But, of course, he will be interested if you ask for his opinion on string theory, quantum mechanics or the prospects for the colonization of Mars.

  • Spontaneity

    Women are valued precisely for their certain illogicality, eccentricity, and inconsistency. Sometimes what is needed is whims and even a small scandal. But don’t get carried away, because if men love bitches, it’s only in words. You won't like it either,

  • Professionalism and your interests

    Men like (and are intrigued by) women who are successful in their field. It doesn't matter whether you work in counterintelligence or as a kindergarten teacher, what matters is that you are truly passionate about your work. And this means that they are not only able to maintain an interesting conversation, but you will understand if your man is also a workaholic.

  • No sex on first dates

    If you are looking forward to a serious relationship, sex on the first 10-15 dates is not the time or place. This means that you need to keep a man “on a diet” for at least 2 months after meeting him.

  • And remember the main rule: do not impose. It’s one thing to pluck up the courage and ask a man out on a date once, but it’s another thing if the relationship is maintained solely on your initiative. Think about it, do you need this? Perhaps the man of your dreams is sad somewhere while you are trying in vain to captivate an uninterested person.

    Don't ask about things you don't need

    Don't ask questions like this:

    • How are you?
    • Who did you see today?
    • Who did you talk to?
    • I annoy you?
    • When will you take a vacation? It's time to renovate;
    • What did you do at work, what did you do?
    • Does your secretary often bring you coffee?

    You don't need answers to these questions; they're not the most important thing in life. Believe me, every working day is the same and he sees a lot of people.

    The spouse, coming home from work, just wants to relax, withdraw into himself, and be alone with himself for a couple of hours. Give him this time, do not attack him with questions about what he wants to take a break from.

    Trust is the key to success

    Before you know it, your husband will appear on the doorstep, and you will ask where have you been? Why were you late at work? Is there a new employee in the office? Or what have you been doing in the garage for so long? Remember, men respect trusting relationships, but for idle curiosity they may begin to hate you. To hide information from you that they might be happy to talk to you about, but now no longer considers necessary. Try to swear less, you are a non-quarrelsome woman at the market, you are a beautiful, intelligent lady. It is better to remain silent when noticing a man’s mistake than to nag him. We are all not ideal. On the contrary, he works, gets tired, try to praise, and not nag or whine. After all, you trust your spouse, he came home late from work, so there was a reason. Praise him for working hard. I was in the garage for a long time, the guy is making sure that the family can go somewhere. Try not to nag or scream, but, on the contrary, praise him and he won’t want to run away from you.

    Have a heart-to-heart talk with him

    Boys are raised to keep everything to themselves: all their problems, experiences, so they withdraw and isolate themselves. Some to a greater extent (as an example - Leo by zodiac sign), others to a lesser extent (Crayfish). And it seems to us at this moment that the husband has lost interest.

    In fact, he is simply loaded with his own problems. Talk to him about this carefully, make it clear that you can be trusted completely and tell him absolutely everything.

    Don’t raise your voice, don’t quarrel, don’t make a scandal if your partner doesn’t want to say everything at once. Talk to him patiently; if he starts talking, that’s good; if he doesn’t, that’s okay.

    Men love confident women

    Stop whining and complaining, become more confident in yourself. Remember that you are a woman who can be liked by other men. Fall in love with yourself and those around you will love you.

    Flirty with other men, don’t go too far, of course, but light flirting has never interfered with marital relationships. A man is a hunter by nature. And he won’t let you go just like that if he sees that other men like you. Men love for their wives to have a spark of passion in their eyes, and not smoldering embers. So, make sure that this sparkle appears in your eyes. A taste for life appeared.

    Trust him

    Unreasonable jealousy is the worst thing you can do to a relationship. Men have this principle: if I am accused of something, then I must do it so that they are not accused in vain and it is not so offensive.

    Do not provoke your chosen one to take sides, do not be jealous of him for every pillar, trust him completely. And then your lover will pay attention only to you and he will not have thoughts of cheating. And if you are sure that he did go over to the side, and this is true, then think carefully about whether you need him after this.


    Why is your husband's attention important?

    First the romance goes away, and only then the love goes away. This is the law of life that works always and everywhere, so the first priority for any lady is to return her husband’s interest in her person in order to preserve the family and love.

    A man must notice his lady. Let him not give flowers, gifts and everything that the rules prescribe. The most important thing is his attention to you. We need you to be friends always and no matter what. And, of course, sexual interest plays a big role.

    How to get your husband's attention back

    Tip one: think about how to transform your appearance. Men by nature are committed to searching for new emotions and everything unusual. You were unusual for him when you met him, but then he began to get used to you. This is a normal natural process. All people are different, so some people react very strongly to the fact that nothing changes in their life. Help him get a share of admiration - do his hair, buy new beautiful clothes. In a word, change.

    Tip two: do and say things that are interesting to both you and your husband. Put yourself in his shoes. You come home from work full of fatigue or other negative emotions. Sit down at the table, have dinner and get ready to do what you love. Then your husband comes up to you and begins to explain the structure of the internal combustion engine, so he complains that his car has broken down again, that he had a fight with his neighbor, and so on. Would you be interested? Partly yes, because this is your husband, but why do you need information that does not concern you? Try to keep conversations on general topics.

    Tip three: never, under any circumstances, talk about your relationship with him. Any such conversations make men lose their temper. Do not blame him for your troubles, do not constantly argue where and in what he was wrong. It is difficult to return your husband's attention if you are both busy criticizing.

    Tip four: don't allow yourself to be in a bad mood. Be cheerful, graceful and give joy to your husband so that he always thinks about you only from a pleasant point of view.

    Tip five: give him freedom. If he doesn't want to do something or go somewhere, then he has a good reason for this. Listen to him and do as he wants. The only important point is to talk about what is best for you and why, and then say that his wishes are important to you. This will be enough to not lose his respect and maintain love.

    By following these tips, you won't have to return your love because you will keep it for many years. Feelings may become dull, so build your destiny correctly - surprise your husband, be more tolerant and kinder to him, then everything will work out. You will attract his attention and keep his love.

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    26.03.2016 00:00

    Arrange surprises, amaze

    Over the months or even years of living with you, your spouse has formed a certain opinion about you: you are boring, boring, only think about the child, strict or unromantic. Why the negative opinion? But because we remember bad deeds better than good ones.

    Surprise your chosen one, give him a romantic surprise with a pleasant continuation in bed, give him what he has long wanted for himself (and not what he needs, as you think) - a new fishing rod or a radio-controlled car.

    Invite him to an extreme attraction, offer to go on a hike together, show a desire to try fishing. Show that you are not boring or boring.

    What does a woman who is interested in her man look like?

    Don’t think that you will always be a beauty for your husband, throw this fable out of your head. Men always love with their eyes. And it is important for them to have a well-groomed, beautiful woman nearby, and not a beast in a skirt.

    Don't wear baggy or holey items at home. Wear neat clothes. Wear shorts and a T-shirt. So that your husband can see and admire your forms.

    With age, kilograms have increased, it doesn’t matter, dress in such a way that you can appreciate the merits of your figure. It's better to be plump and beautiful than to look like a sack of potatoes.

    Don't forget about manicure, pedicure, beautiful hairstyle. Make a mask in the bathroom, go to a cosmetologist, but don’t sit in front of your husband with sour cream on your face and curlers on your head.

    Do you know why he is attracted to other women? They are cute and he doesn’t see what they do at home to get themselves in order.

    For him, this is a riddle; men really like to solve riddles, and not know the answer to them right away. Or what else is important. Try to completely change your image, choose a different hairstyle, makeup, wardrobe. Let the husband think that there is another woman next to him, a stranger who needs to be conquered.

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