How to understand a man: instructions for women

Mutual understanding between the strong and weak halves of humanity can be difficult to achieve. A woman strives to read her chosen one like an open book, but understanding a man is much more difficult than it seems. His behavior is considered strange and his actions completely unacceptable. As a result of misunderstanding, harmony is disturbed, and a desire arises to break ties with a loved one. Many ladies wonder how to understand male psychology in relationships and find the treasured key to mutual understanding.

Keys to Understanding

Women are often called mysterious creatures. However, sometimes representatives of the stronger sex present surprises that cannot be explained. Such behavior is due to the communication style and way of thinking formed in childhood and adolescence. To learn to understand men, to understand their psychology and thoughts about the female sex, you need to know details about the inner world of a gentleman.

Woman is the main control lever

A man is the breadwinner, the head, he feeds the family and makes all the important decisions. Usually this is how they want to see their spouse. Every guy has a competitive spirit, which allows him to achieve success in his career, conduct effective business negotiations and run a competitive business. However, in relationships with women, representatives of the stronger sex often give in and succumb to fears of failure.

Men are built in a special way, since they often need good motivation for new achievements. If a young lady is able to motivate her husband every day, create a special atmosphere in the house, and shows her confidence in his abilities and strengths, then the gentleman will strive to justify her words.

Gratitude for the initiative

Before starting a relationship, many men usually think the same way, make plans and think about how to interest their chosen one. A guy, even if he liked a girl, can delay for a long time with signs of attention. This is explained by the same fear of losing. If you like a neighbor, a work colleague, or just a passerby, take action. Take the initiative first, and your new crush will be sincerely grateful.

A man's actions are provoked by a woman

Sometimes a young lady is at a loss, not understanding how to understand a husband who has begun to work late, or a guy who prefers to spend the evening in the company of friends than with his beloved. It is worth looking for the reason in your own behavior, no matter how offensive it may be. Perhaps your chosen one does not receive enough attention and support, so he is looking for positive emotions on the side. Break off relations with your partner if he is with you only when it is beneficial for him, without plans for the future.

Men and women are the key secret of our civilization

Men are really such different creatures, they are not women, I’ll tell you straight. And men and women are especially good because they complement each other. When they unite and a family is formed, if it is a loving family, then truly wonderful, happy new people are born and raised.

This is an amazing union, the only one that gives new people. And this gives us the opportunity to be born again after death. The latter is called reincarnation - there is actually no secret about it: they write about it anywhere, even on the fence.

Having and raising children is not about caring about the bright future in which our abstract descendants will live. Every person needs this specifically, because sooner or later he will want to be born after death. To do this, you need to land somewhere, you need to take some kind of body.

And if you didn’t take care of this, then, in the end, if everyone neglects it, then it will be a bummer for everyone. We'll just go extinct like the dinosaurs once upon a time. Therefore, if you think ahead a little, then children are, in fact, not just flowers of life. And this is our own future.

And men are certainly required in this process. Be that as it may, it won’t hurt to have children without them. Only the trick is that men are needed not only to get pregnant.

Men are needed for the family to be complete, for the children to be happy, for the woman to be happy. And a woman’s happiness, of course, directly depends on a man. And vice versa, this is also true: a man is happy with a woman.

Where do Russian men go, why are there so few of them?

But this is the case here, especially in the 90s, our men were simply mowed down, as if it were a real war. Well, that’s probably what it was: a war, only this time it was an economic one. There was no work, and the men were simply dying like flies.

But a man’s calling is this: he is a breadwinner, he is a protector. And if he doesn’t realize himself, then he simply burns out. He often kills himself when he is not needed. If no one needs a person, for example, if he is trying to get a job, and they answer him: you are not needed, your specialty is not needed, your skills are not needed, your age is not needed...

We don’t know how to retrain you, and in general we have people like you to hell - go to hell. I went there, here - everywhere from the gate there was a turn. And the children sit at home hungry, they need to be prepared for school, dressed in something. And as a result of such sports, men simply die as a class, like moths. This is just another war.

Russia has still retained some moral guidelines, we still have the passion from our ancestors, there is a feeling of love, a sense of justice. We carry the banner of goodness: we can stand up for ourselves and for others. And we are being methodically crushed for this.

We only have a ton of minerals here. And someone really doesn’t want us to live. So that Russian people can live on Russian soil. All sorts of wars are organized, they drag us into it, they put economic pressure on us.

And as a result, our population over the last 100 years, for example, has not changed a damn thing numerically. And in other countries, look at the growth there: the population has increased 4.5-10 times during the same time! This is simply a war to destroy our people.

Features of a male character

In order to understand a man and his psychology, it is necessary to understand his character, analyze how the traits inherent in the majority of representatives of the stronger sex influence behavior:

  • belief in one's own originality, uniqueness and unsurpassability;
  • the desire for polygamy inherent in nature;
  • the desire to undividedly possess a partner;
  • the habit of listening to female representatives;
  • vulnerable mental organization, despite external force;
  • an irresistible spirit of competition;
  • increased self-esteem;
  • the desire to constantly hear laudatory speeches addressed to oneself;
  • does not tolerate comparison with other men.

Do not rush to get angry and blame your loved one if he acts illogically. Try to understand the reasons that prompted him to take certain actions.

Psychology of a man in a relationship: what is most important to him

A man is capable of a lot, he is simply an inexhaustible source of wealth. If you use it correctly. At the same time, it is very important to support a man in his desire to make his family wealthy. Support him, inspire him, tell him how great he is. He did something: confirm it, kiss, smack: “How smart you are!”

If he suddenly takes a mental dive, ask: “What happened to you?” - “Well, damn it, I’m afraid that they’ll fire me...” - “Yes, you’re plowing for seven people in this rotten job, and they’ll tear you off with your arms and legs everywhere!” From such support his chest is like a wheel and everything goes as it should again.

And besides, a man needs to at least sometimes ask how he is doing, listen. It's important to be his friend. He just needs to talk out. And our tradition is that men really talk things out to each other, but at the same time they often also drink.

Now this trend towards alcohol among young people has changed a little. Slowly, with booze, we will stop being friends altogether. It’s generally difficult for men to tell anything, so they loosen their tongues with the help of alcohol.

Any person, including a man, when he speaks out, he doesn’t even ask for advice so much. How much he just needs to express, as a friend, what has accumulated in his soul. He thus pours out his soul and this procedure makes his soul lighter.

He, too, has a problem in his soul, and it also bothers him all the time. At work, situations arise, you can’t be successful, you can’t achieve your goals, defeats happen, failures, unpleasant situations. And he needs to tell someone about this in a purely human way.

If this someone is his wife, then not just a sexual relationship or some kind of family idyll arises, which, like a glossy cover, is good only on the outside. This actually creates a very strong family and friendship between husband and wife.

What most often upsets men when communicating with women?

Because love consists of two components: sex and sexual relationships associated with the birth and raising of children. And the second component of love, such serious love, is friendship. They also say that friendship is just love without sex.

Just imagine, you have wonderful sex and a strong friendship - both together! This is love, this is a truly happy family. And how friendship arises, it arises through communication. Those. indeed, when a person can share something important and is listened to.

And at the same time, he will not be told what a fool he is and how he acted wrongly in that situation, what he did not do there. He knows it himself, he just needs to talk it out. He will speak out and he will see for himself: where he went wrong. Just purely to pour out my soul.

And if this happens, it’s a damn bomb! If you can really say that your husband is crying into his vest, that’s not the point. He opens his soul to you. And sometimes cats scratch your soul, and sometimes there is great joy - it happens in different ways.

When he’s in a good mood, he’ll joke and all that. And sometimes you can hear in response to this: what, have you been drinking? But he’s just in a good mood, maybe he’s cut down the bonus, bought his wife a ring - he thinks he’ll give it to her on March 8th.

And he rejoices and walks around like a gogol. She was like, “Have you been drinking?” And what are the thoughts, as they say, of a man at the same time? Will he want to give her this ring? He will throw him the hell out if there is such an attitude.

For example, she wanted a fur coat. And at a certain moment this can be done. He comes home and there, already at full speed, such a sawing machine is waiting for him. He is again wrong about everything, again he is a fool and so on. Will he buy this fur coat? Of course it won’t, even if there is a possibility.

Talk and try to understand

Learning to understand a man can be quite difficult, since representatives of the stronger sex are characterized by low sociability and a desire to express their feelings not with banal phrases, but with actions. To avoid misunderstandings, you need to immediately clearly determine how to understand the man’s words. Almost all guys say only what they think, directly and to the point. It is not common for them, like young ladies, to discuss the smallest details, put a different meaning into a phrase, or talk about the problem that has arisen for hours. Gentlemen prefer to silently deal with troubles, without wasting time and energy on explanations.

It is important to understand how a man’s attitude towards you will affect future relationships. If everything suits him, it means that the guy does not consider it necessary to discuss it, and questions about love irritate him. It is necessary to accept that the silence of a loved one does not mean indifference or dislike, the person is simply calm and balanced, it is easier for him to prove his feelings not verbally, but with a worthy deed.

How to understand men - what Nature has instilled in them

And men, as in any war, they die first. They protect, they are, as it were, on the front line. When a man comes home and he doesn’t have a damn job: he’s not trained to trade or run a business. For example, he knows how to build bridges. But how to sell it - who will buy this elephant from you? Well, okay, there are still houses there, if you know how to build, no matter what, it’s always necessary.

It’s hard for men to adapt: ​​they are so less flexible, frankly speaking, narrow-minded in this regard. As they told him, so he goes there. But at the same time, this is what makes them really good, because they don’t have any leftist thoughts.

They are structured very simply: they love to be a good guy, they love to carry their wife in their arms and financially, including, and take care of their family. And they are very happy to comply with all this. If this doesn’t work out, then it’s very difficult for them in the first place. And in such a situation, a man needs support.

Remember how to marry a general? Now, to do this, you need to marry a lieutenant who graduated from a military educational institution. It is hardly possible for an ordinary soldier to become a general now, although if he goes to study, then why not. And in order for him to then make a career, he needs to be inspired.

Of course, there are those unique people who, no matter what, achieve heights - they are truly talented people everywhere. Well, for an ordinary mortal to really realize himself, he needs support. And it’s not for nothing that they say that a woman makes her man.

It is the support of a woman that inspires a man to achieve feats and to take and actually accomplish what he would never have needed to do alone. When there is a family, when there are children, when a woman is loved - this is where motivation arises and a person begins to achieve.

Solid female support for tough men

How to support a man in general? It happens that a woman constantly supports him: “Oh, you asshole, you don’t earn a damn thing! You came under the gas again!” And you ask this guy: “Listen, why do you drink?” - “Yes, you know, I come home every time, and it’s the same thing: sawing and sawing and sawing and sawing... I would be glad to earn more, but this sawmill just blows my mind.” And to come to his senses he drinks again...

Alcohol pushes all this negativity away from him for a while. All these mental notes are filled to capacity with negative emotions. When a wife nags, everything is recorded in the most detailed way in the memory.

And when the situation repeats itself, then all these past records greatly enhance the chainsaw effect. And this whole snowball is hammering him. In general, this is practically physically felt in the form of pressure.

In order to push it all away at least for a little while, the man drinks, and it makes it easier. But, unfortunately, it tends to come back, especially when the environment resembles something like that. This all hits him again and he starts drinking again.

And it turns out to be a vicious circle: he drinks, his wife nags him for this, and his husband, because she drank him, he drinks again. Whoever breaks this gimmick first is a great guy. Neither the man nor the woman usually have enough gunpowder for this - there are just continuous complaints against each other.

The trick is to inspire your man. Ask how his day was. So he’ll tell you: he did something there. Support him: “What a great fellow you are, what a great job you did!”

And he’s so chic - he’ll go to work with a cucumber in the morning. He will do something else good, and you will tell him: “Cool, well done! Come on, come on! You’re just an eagle!” And then he started to perform great feats.

What if this guy really turned sour?

And there is a situation when you really are in trouble both with money and with work. And you have seven people there on the benches, then oh damn... Once our friends celebrated the birthday of their little child, our kids were invited there and we accompanied them there - they were still very small.

And people live: the renovation was wonderful, this child’s room is just space, their car is just sweet, they go on vacation themselves... And then we returned home, and I was so sick of the contrast. Therefore, relative to us, they are like heaven and earth in terms of material wealth. And I tell my wife that people live like human beings. But I still haven’t really achieved anything.

She told me: “How did you not achieve this? You have three children. They were already born, growing to their full potential, walking on their own. Can you imagine what wealth this is! Of course, it is more difficult to raise them than one, especially since the grandparents are hundreds and thousands of kilometers away. And even though your business is not big, it’s your own, and it’s improving, the turnover is growing.”

And my wife pulled me out of that demoralization. Of course, there are periods of despondency - the situations are different and the state is not always combative. But when your significant other supports you, it really gives you strength.

That is, it’s one thing when you’re all so wilted and mentally drained. Well, how much can you earn in such a state if everything falls out of your hands? And if your wife inspired you, if she believes in you...

With such and such support, you feel like a wheel, you know that all this will be overcome. And the brain works productively when you are in good condition. Head works and quickly finds all sorts of ways out of difficult situations. And when you are no good, you dive in - that’s it, little ones.


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